/* * functions to read and write config files * * Copyright (C) 2007 Gerd Hoffmann #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "list.h" #include "parseconfig.h" struct cfg_entry { struct list_head next; char *name; unsigned int flags; char *value; }; struct cfg_section { struct list_head next; char *name; unsigned int flags; struct list_head entries; }; struct cfg_domain { struct list_head next; char *name; struct list_head sections; }; LIST_HEAD(domains); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* internal stuff */ static struct cfg_domain *d_last; static struct cfg_section *s_last; static struct cfg_entry *e_last; static struct cfg_domain* cfg_find_domain(char *dname) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_domain *domain; if (d_last && 0 == strcmp(d_last->name,dname)) return d_last; d_last = NULL; s_last = NULL; e_last = NULL; list_for_each(item,&domains) { domain = list_entry(item, struct cfg_domain, next); if (0 == strcasecmp(domain->name,dname)) { d_last = domain; return domain; } } return NULL; } static struct cfg_domain* cfg_get_domain(char *dname) { struct cfg_domain *domain; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL == domain) { domain = malloc(sizeof(*domain)); memset(domain,0,sizeof(*domain)); domain->name = strdup(dname); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&domain->sections); list_add_tail(&domain->next,&domains); } d_last = domain; return domain; } static struct cfg_section* cfg_find_section(struct cfg_domain *domain, char *sname) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_section *section; if (s_last && 0 == strcmp(s_last->name,sname)) return s_last; s_last = NULL; e_last = NULL; list_for_each(item,&domain->sections) { section = list_entry(item, struct cfg_section, next); if (0 == strcasecmp(section->name,sname)) { s_last = section; return section; } } return NULL; } static struct cfg_section* cfg_get_section(struct cfg_domain *domain, char *sname) { struct cfg_section *section; section = cfg_find_section(domain,sname); if (NULL == section) { section = malloc(sizeof(*section)); memset(section,0,sizeof(*section)); section->name = strdup(sname); INIT_LIST_HEAD(§ion->entries); list_add_tail(§ion->next,&domain->sections); } s_last = section; return section; } static struct cfg_entry* cfg_find_entry(struct cfg_section *section, char *ename) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_entry *entry; if (e_last && 0 == strcmp(e_last->name,ename)) return e_last; e_last = NULL; list_for_each(item,§ion->entries) { entry = list_entry(item, struct cfg_entry, next); if (0 == strcasecmp(entry->name,ename)) { e_last = entry; return entry; } } return NULL; } static struct cfg_entry* cfg_get_entry(struct cfg_section *section, char *ename) { struct cfg_entry *entry; entry = cfg_find_entry(section,ename); if (NULL == entry) { entry = malloc(sizeof(*entry)); memset(entry,0,sizeof(*entry)); entry->name = strdup(ename); list_add_tail(&entry->next,§ion->entries); } e_last = entry; return entry; } static void cfg_set_entry(struct cfg_section *section, char *name, const char *value) { struct cfg_entry *entry; entry = cfg_get_entry(section,name); if (entry->value) free(entry->value); entry->value = strdup(value); } static struct cfg_section* cfg_get_sec(char *dname, char *sname) { struct cfg_domain *domain; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL == domain) return NULL; return cfg_find_section(domain,sname); } static struct cfg_entry* cfg_get_ent(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename) { struct cfg_section *section; section = cfg_get_sec(dname,sname); if (NULL == section) return NULL; return cfg_find_entry(section,ename); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* import / add / del config data */ int cfg_parse_file(char *dname, char *filename) { struct cfg_domain *domain = NULL; struct cfg_section *section = NULL; char line[256],tag[64],value[192]; FILE *fp; int nr; if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename,"r"))) return -1; nr = 0; domain = cfg_get_domain(dname); while (NULL != fgets(line,255,fp)) { nr++; if (1 == sscanf(line,"# include \"%[^\"]\"",value)) { /* includes */ char *h,*inc; inc = malloc(strlen(filename)+strlen(value)); strcpy(inc,filename); h = strrchr(inc,'/'); if (h) h++; else h = inc; strcpy(h,value); cfg_parse_file(dname,inc); free(inc); continue; } if (line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '%') continue; if (1 == sscanf(line,"[%99[^]]]",value)) { /* [section] */ section = cfg_get_section(domain,value); } else if (2 == sscanf(line," %63[^= ] = %191[^\n]",tag,value)) { /* foo = bar */ if (NULL == section) { fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: error: no section\n",filename,nr); } else { char *c = value + strlen(value)-1; while (c > value && (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t')) *(c--) = 0; cfg_set_entry(section,tag,value); } } else { /* Huh ? */ fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: syntax error\n",filename,nr); } } fclose(fp); return 0; } void cfg_set_str(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, const char *value) { struct cfg_domain *domain = NULL; struct cfg_section *section = NULL; if (NULL == value) { cfg_del_entry(dname, sname, ename); } else { domain = cfg_get_domain(dname); section = cfg_get_section(domain,sname); cfg_set_entry(section,ename,value); } } void cfg_set_int(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, int value) { char str[32]; snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%d",value); cfg_set_str(dname,sname,ename,str); } void cfg_set_bool(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, int value) { cfg_set_str(dname,sname,ename, value ? "true" : "false"); } void cfg_del_section(char *dname, char *sname) { struct cfg_section *section; struct cfg_entry *entry; section= cfg_get_sec(dname,sname); if (!section) return; list_del(§ion->next); while (!list_empty(§ion->entries)) { entry = list_entry(section->entries.next, struct cfg_entry, next); list_del(&entry->next); free(entry->name); free(entry->value); free(entry); } s_last = NULL; e_last = NULL; free(section->name); free(section); } void cfg_del_entry(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename) { struct cfg_entry *entry; entry = cfg_get_ent(dname,sname,ename); if (!entry) return; e_last = NULL; list_del(&entry->next); free(entry->name); free(entry->value); free(entry); } void cfg_parse_cmdline(int *argc, char **argv, struct cfg_cmdline *opt) { int i,j,o,shift,len; char sopt,*lopt; for (i = 1; i < *argc;) { if (argv[i][0] != '-') { i++; continue; } if (argv[i][1] == 0) { i++; continue; } sopt = 0; lopt = NULL; if (argv[i][1] != '-' && argv[i][2] == 0) { /* short option: -f */ sopt = argv[i][1]; } if (argv[i][1] != '-') { /* long option: -foo */ lopt = argv[i]+1; } else { /* also accept gnu-style: --foo */ lopt = argv[i]+2; } for (shift = 0, o = 0; 0 == shift && opt[o].cmdline != NULL; o++) { len = strlen(opt[o].cmdline); if (opt[o].yesno && sopt && sopt == opt[o].letter) { /* yesno: -f */ cfg_set_bool(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, 1); shift = 1; } else if (opt[o].needsarg && sopt && sopt == opt[o].letter && i+1 < *argc) { /* arg: -f bar */ cfg_set_str(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, argv[i+1]); shift = 2; } else if (opt[o].value && sopt && sopt == opt[o].letter) { /* -f sets fixed value */ cfg_set_str(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, opt[o].value); shift = 1; } else if (opt[o].yesno && lopt && 0 == strcmp(lopt,opt[o].cmdline)) { /* yesno: -foo */ cfg_set_bool(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, 1); shift = 1; } else if (opt[o].yesno && lopt && 0 == strncmp(lopt,"no",2) && 0 == strcmp(lopt+2,opt[o].cmdline)) { /* yesno: -nofoo */ cfg_set_bool(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, 0); shift = 1; } else if (opt[o].needsarg && lopt && 0 == strcmp(lopt,opt[o].cmdline) && i+1 < *argc) { /* arg: -foo bar */ cfg_set_str(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, argv[i+1]); shift = 2; } else if (opt[o].needsarg && lopt && 0 == strncmp(lopt,opt[o].cmdline,len) && 0 == strncmp(lopt+len,"=",1)) { /* arg: -foo=bar */ cfg_set_str(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, argv[i]+2+len); shift = 1; } else if (opt[o].value && lopt && 0 == strcmp(lopt,opt[o].cmdline)) { /* -foo sets some fixed value */ cfg_set_str(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry, opt[o].value); shift = 1; } } if (shift) { /* remove processed args */ for (j = i; j < *argc+1-shift; j++) argv[j] = argv[j+shift]; (*argc) -= shift; } else i++; } } void cfg_help_cmdline(FILE *fp, struct cfg_cmdline *opt, int w1, int w2, int w3) { char *val; int o,len; for (o = 0; opt[o].cmdline != NULL; o++) { fprintf(fp,"%*s",w1,""); if (opt[o].letter) { fprintf(fp,"-%c ",opt[o].letter); } else { fprintf(fp," "); } if (opt[o].yesno) { len = fprintf(fp,"-(no)%s ",opt[o].cmdline); } else if (opt[o].needsarg) { len = fprintf(fp,"-%s ",opt[o].cmdline); } else { len = fprintf(fp,"-%s ",opt[o].cmdline); } if (len < w2) fprintf(fp,"%*s",w2-len,""); len = fprintf(fp,"%s ",opt[o].desc); if (w3) { if (len < w3) fprintf(fp,"%*s",w3-len,""); val = cfg_get_str(opt[o].option.domain, opt[o].option.section, opt[o].option.entry); if (val) fprintf(fp,"[%s]",val); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* export config data */ static int cfg_mkdir(char *filename) { char *h; int rc; h = strrchr(filename,'/'); if (!h || h == filename) return -1; *h = '\0'; rc = mkdir(filename,0777); if (-1 == rc && ENOENT == errno) { cfg_mkdir(filename); rc = mkdir(filename,0777); } if (-1 == rc) fprintf(stderr,"mkdir(%s): %s\n",filename,strerror(errno)); *h = '/'; return rc; } int cfg_write_file(char *dname, char *filename) { struct list_head *item1,*item2; struct cfg_domain *domain; struct cfg_section *section; struct cfg_entry *entry; char *bfile, *tfile; int len; FILE *fp; len = strlen(filename)+10; bfile = malloc(len); tfile = malloc(len); sprintf(bfile,"%s~",filename); sprintf(tfile,"%s.$$$",filename); fp = fopen(tfile,"w"); if (NULL == fp && ENOENT == errno) { cfg_mkdir(tfile); fp = fopen(tfile,"w"); } if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr,"open(%s): %s\n",tfile,strerror(errno)); return -1; } domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL != domain) { list_for_each(item1,&domain->sections) { section = list_entry(item1, struct cfg_section, next); fprintf(fp,"[%s]\n",section->name); list_for_each(item2,§ion->entries) { entry = list_entry(item2, struct cfg_entry, next); fprintf(fp,"%s = %s\n",entry->name,entry->value); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } } fclose(fp); if (-1 == unlink(bfile) && ENOENT != errno) { fprintf(stderr,"unlink(%s): %s\n",bfile,strerror(errno)); goto err; } if (-1 == rename(filename,bfile) && ENOENT != errno) { fprintf(stderr,"rename(%s,%s): %s\n",filename,bfile,strerror(errno)); goto err; } if (-1 == rename(tfile,filename)) { fprintf(stderr,"rename(%s,%s): %s\n",tfile,filename,strerror(errno)); goto err; } free(bfile); free(tfile); return 0; err: free(bfile); free(tfile); return -1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* list / search config data */ char* cfg_sections_first(char *dname) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_domain *domain; struct cfg_section *section; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL == domain) return NULL; item = &domain->sections; if (item->next == &domain->sections) return NULL; section = list_entry(item->next, struct cfg_section, next); s_last = section; e_last = NULL; return section->name; } char* cfg_sections_next(char *dname, char *current) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_domain *domain; struct cfg_section *section; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL == domain) return NULL; section = cfg_find_section(domain,current); if (NULL == section) return NULL; item = §ion->next; if (item->next == &domain->sections) return NULL; section = list_entry(item->next, struct cfg_section, next); s_last = section; e_last = NULL; return section->name; } char* cfg_sections_prev(char *dname, char *current) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_domain *domain; struct cfg_section *section; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL == domain) return NULL; section = cfg_find_section(domain,current); if (NULL == section) return NULL; item = §ion->next; if (item->prev == &domain->sections) return NULL; section = list_entry(item->prev, struct cfg_section, next); s_last = section; e_last = NULL; return section->name; } unsigned int cfg_sections_count(char *dname) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_domain *domain; int count = 0; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL != domain) list_for_each(item,&domain->sections) count++; return count; } char* cfg_sections_index(char *dname, int i) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_domain *domain; struct cfg_section *section; int count = 0; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL == domain) return NULL; list_for_each(item,&domain->sections) { if (i == count) { section = list_entry(item, struct cfg_section, next); s_last = section; e_last = NULL; return section->name; } count++; } return NULL; } char* cfg_entries_first(char *dname, char *sname) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_section *section; struct cfg_entry *entry; section = cfg_get_sec(dname,sname); if (NULL == section) return NULL; item = §ion->entries; if (item->next == §ion->entries) return NULL; entry = list_entry(item->next, struct cfg_entry, next); e_last = entry; return entry->name; } char* cfg_entries_next(char *dname, char *sname, char *current) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_section *section; struct cfg_entry *entry; section = cfg_get_sec(dname,sname); if (NULL == section) return NULL; entry = cfg_find_entry(section,current); if (NULL == entry) return NULL; item = &entry->next; if (item->next == §ion->entries) return NULL; entry = list_entry(item->next, struct cfg_entry, next); e_last = entry; return entry->name; } char* cfg_entries_prev(char *dname, char *sname, char *current) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_section *section; struct cfg_entry *entry; section = cfg_get_sec(dname,sname); if (NULL == section) return NULL; entry = cfg_find_entry(section,current); if (NULL == entry) return NULL; item = &entry->next; if (item->prev == §ion->entries) return NULL; entry = list_entry(item->prev, struct cfg_entry, next); e_last = entry; return entry->name; } unsigned int cfg_entries_count(char *dname, char *sname) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_section *section; int count = 0; section = cfg_get_sec(dname,sname); if (NULL != section) list_for_each(item,§ion->entries) count++; return count; } char* cfg_entries_index(char *dname, char *sname, int i) { struct list_head *item; struct cfg_section *section; struct cfg_entry *entry; int count = 0; section = cfg_get_sec(dname,sname); if (NULL == section) return NULL; list_for_each(item,§ion->entries) { if (i == count) { entry = list_entry(item, struct cfg_entry, next); e_last = entry; return entry->name; } count++; } return NULL; } char* cfg_search(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, char *value) { struct list_head *item1,*item2; struct cfg_domain *domain; struct cfg_section *section; struct cfg_entry *entry; domain = cfg_find_domain(dname); if (NULL == domain) return NULL; list_for_each(item1,&domain->sections) { section = list_entry(item1, struct cfg_section, next); if (sname && 0 != strcasecmp(section->name,sname)) continue; if (!ename) return section->name; list_for_each(item2,§ion->entries) { entry = list_entry(item2, struct cfg_entry, next); if (0 != strcasecmp(entry->name,ename)) continue; if (0 == strcasecmp(entry->value,value)) return section->name; } } return NULL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* get config data */ char* cfg_get_str(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename) { struct cfg_entry *entry; entry = cfg_get_ent(dname, sname, ename); if (NULL == entry) return NULL; return entry->value; } unsigned int cfg_get_int(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, unsigned int def) { char *val; val = cfg_get_str(dname,sname,ename); if (NULL == val) return def; return atoi(val); } signed int cfg_get_signed_int(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, signed int def) { char *val; val = cfg_get_str(dname,sname,ename); if (NULL == val) return def; return atoi(val); } float cfg_get_float(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, float def) { char *val; val = cfg_get_str(dname,sname,ename); if (NULL == val) return def; return atof(val); } int cfg_get_bool(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, int def) { static char *yes[] = { "true", "yes", "on", "1" }; char *val; int i; int retval = 0; val = cfg_get_str(dname,sname,ename); if (NULL == val) return def; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(yes)/sizeof(yes[0]); i++) if (0 == strcasecmp(val,yes[i])) retval = 1; return retval; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* get/set flags */ unsigned int cfg_get_sflags(char *dname, char *sname) { struct cfg_section *section; section = cfg_get_sec(dname, sname); if (NULL == section) return 0; return section->flags; } unsigned int cfg_get_eflags(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename) { struct cfg_entry *entry; entry = cfg_get_ent(dname, sname, ename); if (NULL == entry) return 0; return entry->flags; } unsigned int cfg_set_sflags(char *dname, char *sname, unsigned int mask, unsigned int bits) { struct cfg_section *section; section = cfg_get_sec(dname, sname); if (NULL == section) return 0; section->flags &= ~mask; section->flags |= bits; return section->flags; } unsigned int cfg_set_eflags(char *dname, char *sname, char *ename, unsigned int mask, unsigned int bits) { struct cfg_entry *entry; entry = cfg_get_ent(dname, sname, ename); if (NULL == entry) return 0; entry->flags &= ~mask; entry->flags |= bits; return entry->flags; }