# # simple autoconf system for GNU make # # (c) 2002-2006 Gerd Hoffmann # # credits for creating this one go to the autotools people because # they managed it to annoy lots of developers and users (including # me) with version incompatibilities. # # This file is public domain. No warranty. If it breaks you keep # both pieces. # ######################################################################## # verbose yes/no verbose ?= no # some stuff used by the tests ifneq ($(verbose),no) # verbose (for debug) ac_init = echo "checking $(1) ... " >&2; rc=no ac_b_cmd = echo "run: $(1)" >&2; $(1) >/dev/null && rc=yes ac_s_cmd = echo "run: $(1)" >&2; rc=`$(1)` ac_fini = echo "... result is $${rc}" >&2; echo >&2; echo "$${rc}" else # normal ac_init = echo -n "checking $(1) ... " >&2; rc=no ac_b_cmd = $(1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && rc=yes ac_s_cmd = rc=`$(1) 2>/dev/null` ac_fini = echo "$${rc}" >&2; echo "$${rc}" endif # some helpers to build cflags and related variables ac_def_cflags_1 = $(if $(filter yes,$($(1))),-D$(1)) ac_lib_cflags = $(foreach lib,$(1),$(call ac_def_cflags_1,HAVE_LIB$(lib))) ac_inc_cflags = $(foreach inc,$(1),$(call ac_def_cflags_1,HAVE_$(inc))) ac_lib_mkvar_1 = $(if $(filter yes,$(HAVE_LIB$(1))),$($(1)_$(2))) ac_lib_mkvar = $(foreach lib,$(1),$(call ac_lib_mkvar_1,$(lib),$(2))) ######################################################################## # the tests ... # get uname ac_uname = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for system);\ $(call ac_s_cmd,uname -s | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z');\ $(call ac_fini)) ac_uname_arch = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for arch);\ $(call ac_s_cmd,uname -m | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z');\ $(call ac_fini)) # check for some header file # args: header file ac_header = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for $(1));\ $(call ac_b_cmd,echo '\#include <$(1)>' |\ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -);\ $(call ac_fini)) # check for some function # args: function [, additional libs ] ac_func = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for $(1));\ echo 'void $(1)(void); int main(void) {$(1)();return 0;}' \ > __actest.c;\ $(call ac_b_cmd,$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o \ __actest __actest.c $(2));\ rm -f __actest __actest.c;\ $(call ac_fini)) # check for some library # args: function, library [, additional libs ] ac_lib = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for $(1) in $(2));\ echo 'void $(1)(void); int main(void) {$(1)();return 0;}' \ > __actest.c;\ $(call ac_b_cmd,$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o \ __actest __actest.c -l$(2) $(3));\ rm -f __actest __actest.c;\ $(call ac_fini)) # check if some compiler flag works # args: compiler flag ac_cflag = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for $(CC) cflags);\ echo 'int main() {return 0;}' > __actest.c;\ $(call ac_b_cmd,$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(1) $(LDFLAGS) -o \ __actest __actest.c);\ rm -f __actest __actest.c;\ if test "$${rc}" = "yes"; then rc="$(1)"; else rc="$(2)"; fi;\ $(call ac_fini)) # check for some binary # args: binary name ac_binary = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for $(1));\ $(call ac_s_cmd,which $(1));\ bin="$$rc";rc="no";\ $(call ac_b_cmd,test -x "$$$$bin");\ $(call ac_fini)) # check if lib64 is used #ac_lib64 = $(shell \ # $(call ac_init,for libdir name);\ # $(call ac_s_cmd,$(CC) -print-search-dirs | grep -q lib64 &&\ # echo "lib64" || echo "lib");\ # $(call ac_fini)) ac_lib64 = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for libdir name);\ $(call ac_s_cmd,/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep -q lib64 &&\ echo "lib64" || echo "lib");\ $(call ac_fini)) # check for x11 ressource dir prefix ac_resdir = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for X11 app-defaults prefix);\ $(call ac_s_cmd, for dir in \ /etc/X11/app-defaults \ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults \ /usr/share/X11/app-defaults \ /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults \ ; do test -d "$$dir" || continue;\ dirname "$$dir"; break; done);\ $(call ac_fini)) # check if package is installed, via pkg-config # args: pkg name ac_pkg_config = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for $(1) (using pkg-config));\ $(call ac_b_cmd, pkg-config $(1));\ $(call ac_fini)) # grep some file # args: regex, file ac_grep = $(shell \ $(call ac_init,for $(1) in $(2));\ $(call ac_b_cmd, grep -q $(1) $(2));\ $(call ac_fini)) ######################################################################## # build Make.config define newline endef make-config-q = $(subst $(newline),\n,$(make-config)) ifeq ($(filter config,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),config) .PHONY: Make.config LIB := $(call ac_lib64) else LIB ?= $(call ac_lib64) LIB := $(LIB) endif .PHONY: config config: Make.config @true Make.config: $(srcdir)/GNUmakefile @/bin/echo -e "$(make-config-q)" > $@ @echo @echo "Make.config written, edit if needed" @echo