path: root/contrib/initrd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/initrd')
14 files changed, 1178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/ChangeLog b/contrib/initrd/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94f8f6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+mkinitrd-net ChangeLog
+Last Modified: Fri Jul 26 23:08:28 2002
+Revision 1.1 2005/05/17 16:45:02 mcb30
+Initial revision
+Revision 1.1 2002/11/06 06:31:06 ken_yap
+Contributed by Michael Brown.
+Revision 1.10 2002/07/26 23:09:13 mcb30
+Support for new binary etherboot.nic-dev-id structure
+Added --kernel option patch from Stew Benedict at MandrakeSoft
+Only try to use sudo if we are not already root
+Revision 1.9 2002/06/05 13:31:50 mcb30
+Modifications to allow DHCP, TFTP and NFS servers to be separate machines.
+Revision 1.8 2002/05/30 11:41:18 mcb30
+/tftpboot symlinked to /var/lib/tftpboot
+Has ability to be quiet if "quiet" specified on kernel cmdline
+Revision 1.7 2002/05/26 11:15:04 mcb30
+PCI-ID auto-mapping via dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include
+Revision 1.6 2002/05/24 02:05:11 mcb30
+Bugfixes, migrated /tftpboot to /var/lib/tftpboot
+Revision 1.5 2002/05/23 21:29:58 mcb30
+Now includes dhcpd.conf.etherboot.include
+Automatically scans for all network modules in the pcimap file
+Revision 1.4 2002/05/08 09:04:31 mcb30
+Bugfixes: tmpdir selection, linuxrc typos, ifconfig peculiarities
+Revision 1.3 2002/05/04 21:44:13 mcb30
+During %make, LIBDIR must be set for mknbi
+Added %post scriptlet since %trigger seems not to be being triggered...
+Revision 1.2 2002/05/04 21:20:32 mcb30
+Added extra sources instead of requiring "make" to download them
+Revision 1.1 2002/05/04 13:19:40 mcb30
+First attempt at an RPM package
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/Makefile b/contrib/initrd/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f18b73f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+$(UCLIBC)_SOURCE = http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/$(UCLIBC).tar.bz2
+$(UDHCP)_SOURCE = http://udhcp.busybox.net/source/$(UDHCP).tar.gz
+$(BUSYBOX)_SOURCE = http://www.busybox.net/downloads/$(BUSYBOX).tar.bz2
+$(LINUX_WLAN)_SOURCE = ftp://ftp.linux-wlan.org/pub/linux-wlan-ng/$(LINUX_WLAN).tar.gz
+$(MKNBI)_SOURCE = http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/etherboot/$(MKNBI).tar.gz
+export PATH := $(UCLIBC_INSTALL)/bin:$(PATH)
+all : utils initrd-skel mknbi mknbi-linux
+ # Run "make tftpboot/initrd-kernel_module.img" to generate a suitable initrd
+ # Run "make tftpboot/boot-kernel_module.nbi" to generate a suitable NBI
+ # Run "make all-nbi" to generate a complete set of NBIs
+%.tar.bz2 :
+ [ -d $* ] || wget $($*_SOURCE)
+ [ -f $*.t*gz ] && ( gunzip $*.t*gz ; bzip2 -9 $*.tar ) || true
+UTILS = udhcpc busybox wlanctl
+utils : $(UTILS)
+clean : partlyclean
+ rm -rf uClibc
+ rm -rf $(UCLIBC)
+ rm -rf tftpboot/*
+partlyclean :
+ rm -rf $(UDHCP)
+ rm -rf $(BUSYBOX)
+ rm -rf $(LINUX_WLAN)
+ rm -rf $(MKNBI)
+ rm -rf initrd-skel
+ rm -f *.img *.ird *.nbi insert-modules
+ rm -f $(UTILS) mknbi-linux
+ rm -f *.uClibc *.busybox *.udhcpc *.wlanctl
+.PHONY : all utils clean partlyclean
+uClibc : $(UCLIBC)
+ rm -rf $@
+ $(MAKE) -C $(UCLIBC) install
+$(UCLIBC) : $(UCLIBC).tar.bz2
+ [ -d $@ ] || tar xvjf $<
+ [ -f $(UCLIBC)/Config ] || perl -pe 's/^(INCLUDE_RPC).*/$$1 = true/ ;' \
+ -e 's{^(DEVEL_PREFIX).*}{$$1 = $(UCLIBC_INSTALL)} ;' \
+ -e 's{^(SHARED_LIB_LOADER_PATH).*}{$$1 = /lib} ;' \
+ $(UCLIBC)/extra/Configs/Config.i386 > $(UCLIBC)/Config
+ # Stripping out spurious CVS directories (screws up local cvs update)
+ rm -rf `find $(UCLIBC) -name CVS`
+ $(MAKE) -C $(UCLIBC)
+ install -m 644 $(UCLIBC)/COPYING.LIB COPYING.uClibc
+udhcpc : $(UDHCP)
+ install -m 755 -s $(UDHCP)/$@ $@
+$(UDHCP) : $(UDHCP).tar.bz2 uClibc
+ [ -d $@ ] || tar xvjf $<
+ if [ ! -f $@/.script.c.patch ]; then \
+ patch -d $@ -b -z .orig < script.c.patch ; \
+ touch $@/.script.c.patch ; \
+ fi
+ $(MAKE) LDFLAGS+=-static -C $(UDHCP)
+ install -m 644 $(UDHCP)/AUTHORS AUTHORS.udhcpc
+ install -m 644 $(UDHCP)/COPYING COPYING.udhcpc
+busybox : $(BUSYBOX)
+ install -m 755 -s $(BUSYBOX)/$@ $@
+$(BUSYBOX) : $(BUSYBOX).tar.bz2 uClibc
+ [ -d $@ ] || tar xvjf $<
+ perl -pi.orig -e \
+ $(BUSYBOX)/Config.h
+ perl -pi.orig -e \
+ 's/^(DOSTATIC).*$$/$$1 = true/' \
+ $(BUSYBOX)/Makefile
+ install -m 644 $(BUSYBOX)/AUTHORS AUTHORS.busybox
+ install -m 644 $(BUSYBOX)/LICENSE LICENSE.busybox
+wlanctl : $(LINUX_WLAN)
+ install -m 755 -s $(LINUX_WLAN)/src/wlanctl/$@ $@
+$(LINUX_WLAN) : $(LINUX_WLAN).tar.bz2 uClibc linux-wlan.cfg
+ [ -d $@ ] || tar xvjf $<
+ cd $(LINUX_WLAN) ; ./Configure -d ../linux-wlan.cfg
+ perl -pi.orig -e \
+ 's/(-o wlanctl)/-static $$1/' \
+ $(LINUX_WLAN)/src/wlanctl/Makefile
+ $(MAKE) -C $(LINUX_WLAN)/src/wlanctl
+ install -m 644 $(LINUX_WLAN)/COPYING COPYING.wlanctl
+ install -m 644 $(LINUX_WLAN)/LICENSE LICENSE.wlanctl
+ install -m 644 $(LINUX_WLAN)/THANKS THANKS.wlanctl
+mknbi-linux : $(MKNBI)
+mknbi : $(MKNBI)
+$(MKNBI) : $(MKNBI).tar.bz2
+ [ -d $@ ] || tar xvjf $<
+ if [ ! -f $@/.mknbi-encap.patch ]; then \
+ patch -d $@ -b -z .orig < mknbi-encap.patch ; \
+ touch $@/.mknbi-encap.patch ; \
+ fi
+ make -C $(MKNBI) LIBDIR=`pwd`/$(MKNBI) mknbi
+ install -m 755 $(MKNBI)/mknbi mknbi-linux
+ make -C $(MKNBI) clean
+ make -C $(MKNBI)
+initrd-skel : $(UTILS) linuxrc udhcpc-post include-modules
+ rm -rf $@
+ mkdir -p $@
+ mkdir -p $@/dev
+ mkdir -p $@/etc
+ mkdir -p $@/bin
+ mkdir -p $@/lib
+ mkdir -p $@/lib/modules
+ mkdir -p $@/proc
+ mkdir -p $@/sysroot
+ ln -s bin $@/sbin
+ install -m 755 busybox $@/bin/
+ install -m 755 udhcpc $@/bin/
+ install -m 755 wlanctl $@/bin/
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/sh
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/echo
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/mknod
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/chmod
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/insmod
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/ifconfig
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/route
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/mount
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/pivot_root
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/umount
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/[
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/sleep
+ ln -s busybox $@/bin/grep
+ install -m 755 linuxrc $@/linuxrc
+ install -m 755 udhcpc-post $@/bin/udhcpc-post
+tftpboot/initrd-%.img : initrd-skel
+ ./mkinitrd-net -l `echo $* | tr . " "`
+tftpboot/boot-%.nbi : tftpboot/initrd-%.img mknbi-linux
+ ./mknbi-linux --format=nbi --target=linux /boot/vmlinuz $< > $@
+ sudo cp $@ $(tftpbootdir)
+all-nbi : all
+ ./mknbi-set -l -v
+ ls tftpboot
+prefix = /usr
+sysconfdir = /etc
+bindir = $(prefix)/bin
+libdir = $(prefix)/lib
+mandir = $(prefix)/share/man
+docdir = $(prefix)/share/doc
+tftpbootdir = /var/lib/tftpboot
+initrdskeldir = $(prefix)/lib/mkinitrd-net/initrd-skel
+install :
+ mkdir -p $(libdir)/mknbi
+ mkdir -p $(bindir)
+ mkdir -p $(sysconfdir)
+ mkdir -p $(tftpbootdir)
+ mkdir -p $(initrdskeldir)
+ install -m 755 mkinitrd-net include-modules mknbi-set $(bindir)/
+ cp -a initrd-skel/* $(initrdskeldir)/
+ install -m 644 mknbi-set.conf dhcpd.conf.etherboot.include $(sysconfdir)
+ make -C $(MKNBI) INSTPREFIX=$(prefix) MANDIR=$(mandir)/man1 \
+ DOCDIR=$(docdir)/$(MKNBI) install
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/Manifest b/contrib/initrd/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b41e7255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/README b/contrib/initrd/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5152425a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/README
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+README for mkinitrd-net
+mkinitrd-net enables you to use your distribution's stock kernel for
+diskless workstations, without having to compile in support for the
+relevant network card(s). It creates an initial ramdisk image containing
+the required network-card kernel modules and bootstrap scripts to load the
+module, obtain an IP address via DHCP and mount the root filesystem via
+mkinitrd-net also generates a dhcpd.conf file fragment that can be used to
+automate the process of mapping NBI files to clients, based on the PCI IDs
+of their network cards. Etherboot will send the PCI ID of the network
+card to the DHCP server in the etherboot-encapsulated-options field
+(Etherboot 5.0.7 and newer) and the DHCP server can use this to identify
+the correct NBI to point the client towards.
+The end result is that:
+a) You can avoid the hassle of compiling custom kernels for diskless
+ workstations.
+b) Diskless workstations will automatically download the correct
+ kernel+initrd.
+c) You have an easier life! :-)
+mkinitrd-net is Copyright Fen Systems Ltd. 2001. mkinitrd-net itself is
+licensed under the GNU GPL. It incorporates code from the uClibc,
+busybox, udhcpc and Etherboot projects, each of which has its own licence
+terms. Standard disclaimers apply.
+The copy of mkinitrd-net in the Etherboot contribs is not the
+authoritative copy of mkinitrd-net; please do not make modifications to
+this copy. Patches should be sent to Michael Brown
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/dhcpd.conf.etherboot.include b/contrib/initrd/dhcpd.conf.etherboot.include
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cec1dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/dhcpd.conf.etherboot.include
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# dhcpd.conf include file for Etherboot
+# Include this file from your /etc/dhcpd.conf
+# $Id$
+# Definition of Etherboot options
+# (taken from vendortags.html)
+# We use an encapsulated option space to avoid polluting the site-local DHCP option space
+option space etherboot;
+option etherboot-encapsulated-options code 150 = encapsulate etherboot;
+# Definition of option codes within the etherboot-encapsulated-options space
+option etherboot.extensions-path code 18 = string;
+option etherboot.magic code 128 = string;
+option etherboot.kernel-cmdline code 129 = string;
+option etherboot.menu-opts code 160 = string;
+option etherboot.nic-dev-id code 175 = string;
+option etherboot.menu-selection code 176 = unsigned integer 8;
+option etherboot.motd-1 code 184 = string;
+option etherboot.motd-2 code 185 = string;
+option etherboot.motd-3 code 186 = string;
+option etherboot.motd-4 code 187 = string;
+option etherboot.motd-5 code 188 = string;
+option etherboot.motd-6 code 189 = string;
+option etherboot.motd-7 code 190 = string;
+option etherboot.motd-8 code 191 = string;
+option etherboot.image-1 code 192 = string;
+option etherboot.image-2 code 193 = string;
+option etherboot.image-3 code 194 = string;
+option etherboot.image-4 code 195 = string;
+option etherboot.image-5 code 196 = string;
+option etherboot.image-6 code 197 = string;
+option etherboot.image-7 code 198 = string;
+option etherboot.image-8 code 199 = string;
+option etherboot.image-9 code 200 = string;
+option etherboot.image-10 code 201 = string;
+option etherboot.image-11 code 202 = string;
+option etherboot.image-12 code 203 = string;
+option etherboot.image-13 code 204 = string;
+option etherboot.image-14 code 205 = string;
+option etherboot.image-15 code 206 = string;
+option etherboot.image-16 code 207 = string;
+option etherboot.kmod code 254 = string;
+# Legacy support for Etherboot options as site-local options (i.e. non-encapsulated)
+# Note: options defined after the switch to encapsulated options should not be defined here
+option legacy-etherboot-magic code 128 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-kernel-cmdline code 129 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-menu-opts code 160 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-menu-selection code 176 = unsigned integer 8;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-1 code 184 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-2 code 185 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-3 code 186 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-4 code 187 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-5 code 188 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-6 code 189 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-7 code 190 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-motd-8 code 191 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-1 code 192 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-2 code 193 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-3 code 194 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-4 code 195 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-5 code 196 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-6 code 197 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-7 code 198 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-8 code 199 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-9 code 200 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-10 code 201 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-11 code 202 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-12 code 203 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-13 code 204 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-14 code 205 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-15 code 206 = string;
+option legacy-etherboot-image-16 code 207 = string;
+# Apply Etherboot options only for Etherboot clients
+if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "Etherboot" {
+ # We must specify this value for etherboot-magic, or Etherboot will
+ # ignore all other options.
+ #
+ option etherboot.magic E4:45:74:68:00:00;
+ # Bootfile name: derive from etherboot.kmod (calculated below)
+ # Use boot.nbi if no NIC_DEV_ID option present
+ # (i.e. if etherboot.kmod doesn't get set)
+ # Also pass filename back in filename field
+ #
+ option bootfile-name = pick-first-value ( concat ( "boot-",
+ config-option etherboot.kmod,
+ ".nbi" ),
+ "boot.nbi" ) ;
+ filename = config-option bootfile-name;
+ # "Sensible" default values for some options
+ # Mount devfs (will probably be needed for a network-boot)
+ option etherboot.kernel-cmdline " devfs=mount";
+ # Info message (includes client IP address, MAC address, hardware ID string,
+ # server IP address and name of boot file)
+ option etherboot.motd-4 = concat ( "Using Etherboot to boot ",
+ binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, ".", leased-address ),
+ " [",
+ binary-to-ascii ( 16, 8, ":", suffix ( hardware, 6 ) ),
+ "] [",
+ pick-first-value ( option etherboot.nic-dev-id, "unknown card" ),
+ "]", 0d:0a, " from ",
+ binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, ".", option dhcp-server-identifier ),
+ " with file ",
+ config-option tftp-server-name,
+ ":",
+ config-option bootfile-name,
+ " [",
+ pick-first-value ( config-option etherboot.kmod, "unknown module" ),
+ "]", 0d:0a );
+ # Legacy site-local option support
+ # If client does not include an etherboot-encapsulated-options field in its DHCPREQUEST, then
+ # it will not understand etherboot-encapsulated-options in the DHCPACK and so we must send
+ # back the options as site-local options (i.e. not encapsulated).
+ # Note: we need do this only for options that existed prior to the switch to encapsulation.
+ #
+ if not exists etherboot-encapsulated-options {
+ option legacy-etherboot-magic = config-option etherboot.magic;
+ option legacy-etherboot-kernel-cmdline = config-option etherboot.kernel-cmdline;
+ option legacy-etherboot-menu-opts = config-option etherboot.menu-opts;
+ option legacy-etherboot-menu-selection = config-option etherboot.menu-selection;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-1 = config-option etherboot.motd-1;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-2 = config-option etherboot.motd-2;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-3 = config-option etherboot.motd-3;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-4 = config-option etherboot.motd-4;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-5 = config-option etherboot.motd-5;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-6 = config-option etherboot.motd-6;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-7 = config-option etherboot.motd-7;
+ option legacy-etherboot-motd-8 = config-option etherboot.motd-8;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-1 = config-option etherboot.image-1;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-2 = config-option etherboot.image-2;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-3 = config-option etherboot.image-3;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-4 = config-option etherboot.image-4;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-5 = config-option etherboot.image-5;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-6 = config-option etherboot.image-6;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-7 = config-option etherboot.image-7;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-8 = config-option etherboot.image-8;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-9 = config-option etherboot.image-9;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-10 = config-option etherboot.image-10;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-11 = config-option etherboot.image-11;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-12 = config-option etherboot.image-12;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-13 = config-option etherboot.image-13;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-14 = config-option etherboot.image-14;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-15 = config-option etherboot.image-15;
+ option legacy-etherboot-image-16 = config-option etherboot.image-16;
+ }
+# Some options should be set for both Etherboot and the udhcpc client
+if ( ( substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "Etherboot" )
+ or ( substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 5 ) = "udhcp" ) ) {
+ # TFTP server defaults to DHCP server and is specified in both
+ # next-server field and tftp-server-name option field
+ #
+ option tftp-server-name = binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, ".", config-option dhcp-server-identifier );
+ server-name = config-option tftp-server-name;
+ next-server = config-option dhcp-server-identifier;
+ # Root path defaults to root of TFTP server
+ option root-path = concat ( config-option tftp-server-name, ":/" );
+ # A fallback hostname, generated from the IP address
+ option host-name = concat ( "client_", binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, "_", leased-address ) );
+# Force some items onto parameter request list for udhcp
+if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 5 ) = "udhcp" {
+ # Forcibly add root-path to list
+ option dhcp-parameter-request-list = concat ( option dhcp-parameter-request-list, 11 );
+# Etherboot sends a string to identify the NIC in etherboot.nic-dev-id.
+# For PCI NICs, this string is of the form "PCI:vvvv:dddd" where vvvv is the
+# vendor identifier and dddd the device identifier, in lower-case ASCII hex.
+# For ISA NICs, the format of the string is "ISA:..." where ... is not yet
+# decided upon.
+# We use the identifier to select the NBI image that will be specified via
+# the "bootfile-name" option.
+# PCI NICs - use PCI vendor and device IDs
+# Listed in file generated by mknbi-set
+include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include";
+if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "Etherboot" {
+ if exists etherboot.nic-dev-id {
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/include-modules b/contrib/initrd/include-modules
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..60e76fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/include-modules
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Retrieve modules required for an initrd image
+# $Id$
+unless ( @ARGV ) {
+ die "Syntax: $0 [ -d target_directory ] module_1 module_2 module_3\n"
+# Parse command line arguments
+my @requested_modules = ();
+my $target_dir = "";
+my $kernel_ver;
+my $quiet;
+chomp ( my $current_kernel_ver = `uname -r` );
+while ( $_ = shift ) {
+ if ( /-d/ ) { $target_dir = shift }
+ elsif ( /-k/ ) { $kernel_ver = shift }
+ elsif ( /-q/ ) { $quiet = 1 }
+ else { push @requested_modules, $_ };
+# Create target directory if required
+if ( $target_dir ) {
+ print STDERR "Target directory is $target_dir\n" unless $quiet;
+ system ( "mkdir -p $target_dir" );
+ chdir $target_dir;
+# Use modprobe -nav to retrieve locations of modules and their dependencies
+print STDERR "Requested modules ". join (' ', @requested_modules)."\n" unless $quiet;
+my @modules_dups;
+foreach my $module ( @requested_modules ) {
+ my @module_list = map { /^\S+\s+(.*)$/ ; $1 } `/sbin/modprobe -nva $module`;
+ die "Cannot find any modules matching $module\n" unless @module_list;
+ push @modules_dups, @module_list;
+# Remove duplicates from list
+my %module_basenames = ();
+my @modules = ();
+foreach my $module ( @modules_dups ) {
+ # Ugly hack : assume that dependencies are independent of kernel version
+ # This seems to be necessary because we can't run modprobe and specify
+ # an alternate modules.dep file; it refuses to understand lines of the
+ # form "depfile=XXX" as documented in modules.conf(5)
+ $module =~ s/$current_kernel_ver/$kernel_ver/ if $kernel_ver;
+ push @modules, $module unless $module_basenames{$module};
+ ( my $basename ) = ( $module =~ /([^\/]+)\.o/ );
+ $module_basenames{$module} = $basename;
+# Process module list
+print "#!/bin/sh\n";
+foreach my $module ( @modules ) {
+ my $basename = $module_basenames{$module};
+ # Report via stdout
+ print STDERR "Using module $basename from $module\n" unless $quiet;
+ # Copy uncompressed module to current directory
+ system ("gunzip -c $module > $basename.o");
+ # Print insmod line to stdout
+ print "insmod $basename\n";
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/linux-wlan.cfg b/contrib/initrd/linux-wlan.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7df4a059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/linux-wlan.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Dummy config file for building only wlanctl
+# $Id$
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/linuxrc b/contrib/initrd/linuxrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24bdb0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/linuxrc
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# $Id$
+echo Busybox /linuxrc starting
+echo Mounting /proc filesystem
+mount -t proc none /proc
+if grep '\bquiet\b' /proc/cmdline > /dev/null; then
+ echo=true
+ quiet=1
+$echo Creating root device
+mknod /dev/root b 1 0 2>/dev/null
+chmod 700 /dev/root
+echo 0x100 > /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
+$echo Inserting modules
+if [ -z "$quiet" ]; then
+ /bin/insert-modules
+ /bin/insert-modules >/dev/null
+$echo Bringing up loopback interface
+ifconfig lo up
+route add -net netmask lo
+# Hack required for prism2 cards
+# It is not yet possible to use iwconfig to configure these cards,
+# so we need wlanctl.
+if ifconfig wlan0 down 2> /dev/null; then
+ $echo Setting up wireless link
+ wlanctl wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable
+ wlanctl wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid= authtype=opensystem
+$echo Obtaining IP address via DHCP
+$echo Trying to obtain IP address via wired link [eth0]
+if udhcpc -i eth0 -f -n -q -s /bin/udhcpc-post; then
+ $echo Successfully obtained IP address via wired link [eth0]
+ $echo Failed to obtain IP address via wired link [eth0]
+ $echo Trying to obtain IP address via wireless link [wlan0]
+ udhcpc -i wlan0 -f -n -q -s /bin/udhcpc-post
+if [ -d /sysroot/initrd ]; then
+ $echo Unmounting /proc prior to pivot_root
+ umount /proc
+ $echo Pivoting root to /sysroot
+ pivot_root /sysroot /sysroot/initrd
+ cd /
+ $echo Remounting devfs at correct place
+ mount -t devfs none /dev
+ $echo Releasing locks on old devfs
+ exec 0</dev/null
+ exec 1>/dev/console
+ exec 2>/dev/console
+ $echo Unmounting old devfs
+ umount /initrd/dev
+ # Failed to mount root: report error and hang
+ echo FATAL ERROR: Failed to mount root filesystem
+ echo Press Alt-SysRq-B or hit the reset switch to reboot
+ while : ; do sleep 6000 ; done
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/mkinitrd-net b/contrib/initrd/mkinitrd-net
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0c95ebd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/mkinitrd-net
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# $Id$
+# initrd builder for network booting
+# Utility function to determine whether or not a filesystem is usable for
+# loopback mounts. Lifted verbatim from Erik Troan's mkinitrd script.
+is_good_fs() {
+ local parttype= tmpname=
+ local dir=$1
+ [[ -d $dir ]] || return 1
+ [[ -w $dir ]] || return 1
+ [[ $dir == */ ]] && dir=${dir%/}
+ parttype=$(awk "{if (\$2 == \""$dir"\") print \$3 }" /proc/mounts)
+ while tmpname=${dir%/*} && [[ -z $parttype ]];do
+ [[ -z $tmpname ]] && tmpname=/
+ parttype=$(awk "{if (\$2 == \""$tmpname"\") print \$3 }" /proc/mounts)
+ dir=$tmpname
+ done
+ case $parttype in
+ nfs|tmpfs) return 1;;
+ *) return 0;
+ esac
+# Find a suitable temporary directory (i.e. not tmpfs or nfs)
+if is_good_fs $TMPDIR; then
+ tmpdir=$TMPDIR
+elif is_good_fs /tmp; then
+ tmpdir=/tmp
+elif is_good_fs /var/tmp; then
+ tmpdir=/var/tmp
+elif is_good_fs /root/tmp; then
+ tmpdir=/root/tmp
+ echo "Cannot use a tmp directory" >&2
+ exit 1
+# Default settings (some can be overridden by command-line options)
+kernel_ver=`uname -r`
+# No need to use sudo if we are root
+if [ $UID -eq 0 ]; then
+ use_sudo=n
+USAGE="Usage: $0 [-k|--kernel <kernel_ver>] [-n|--nolink] [-q|--quiet] [-l|--local] [--nosudo] [--keep] [--help] module_list ..."
+# Parse command-line options
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -l|--local)
+ shift
+ use_local=y ;;
+ -k|--kernel)
+ shift
+ kernel_ver=$1
+ shift ;;
+ --nosudo) shift ; use_sudo=n ;;
+ --keep) shift ; keep=y ;;
+ --n|--nolink)
+ shift ; make_link=n ;;
+ -q|--quiet) shift ; quiet=-q ;;
+ --help) shift ; do_help=y ;;
+ --) shift ; break ;;
+ -*) echo "${0}: ${1}: invalid option" >&2
+ echo $USAGE >& 2
+ exit 2 ;;
+ *) break ;;
+ esac
+# Build list of requested modules
+modules="$modules nfs" # Always require nfs for nfs mount
+modules="$modules af_packet" # Always require af_packet for udhcpc
+# --help => Print help message
+if [ "$do_help" == "y" ]; then
+ echo $USAGE
+ echo " -k, --kernel Specify kernel version"
+ echo " -n, --nolink Do not create a matching symbolic link"
+ echo " -l, --local Run locally from CVS (for developers only)"
+ echo " --nosudo Do not use sudo (i.e. must run as root instead)"
+ echo " --keep Keep temporary files instead of deleting them"
+ exit 0;
+# --local => we are running directly from CVS, rather than
+# from an installed copy, so use local files and directories
+if [ "$use_local" == "y" ]; then
+ include_modules=./include-modules
+ initrd_skel=initrd-skel
+ output_dir=tftpboot
+# If use_sudo is set, check that sudo exists
+if [ "$use_sudo" == "y" ]; then
+ if [ ! -x $sudo ]; then
+ use_sudo=n
+ echo "WARNING: --nosudo not specified but $sudo not found"
+ fi
+if [ "$use_sudo" == "n" ]; then
+ sudo=
+# Create temporary working files
+initrd=`mktemp -d ${tmpdir}/initrd.XXXXXX`
+initrdimg=`mktemp ${tmpdir}/initrd.img.XXXXXX`
+initrdmnt=`mktemp -d ${tmpdir}/initrd.mnt.XXXXXX`
+# Copy skeleton into temporary area
+cp -a $initrd_skel/* $initrd/
+mkdir -p $initrd/lib/modules/$kernel_ver
+$include_modules $quiet -k $kernel_ver -d $initrd/lib/modules/$kernel_ver $modules > $initrd/bin/insert-modules || exit 1
+chmod 755 $initrd/bin/insert-modules
+# Create empty ext2fs image file
+dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k of=$initrdimg count=$((`du -sk $initrd | cut -f1` * 7 / 6)) 2> /dev/null
+/sbin/mke2fs -q -F $initrdimg 2> /dev/null
+# Mount image file, copy files on, create /dev entries, display free space, umount
+$sudo mount -o loop $initrdimg $initrdmnt
+cp -a $initrd/* $initrdmnt/
+$sudo mknod $initrdmnt/dev/console c 5 1
+$sudo mknod $initrdmnt/dev/null c 1 3
+$sudo mknod $initrdmnt/dev/ram b 1 1
+$sudo mknod $initrdmnt/dev/systty c 4 0
+for i in 1 2 3 4; do $sudo mknod $initrdmnt/dev/tty$i c 4 $i; done
+if [ "$quiet" == "n" ]; then
+ df -h $initrdmnt
+$sudo umount $initrdmnt
+# Create output file
+initrd_suffix=`echo $requested_modules | tr " " .`
+gzip -9 -n -c $initrdimg > $output_dir/initrd-$initrd_suffix.$kernel_ver.img
+# Create symlink
+if [ "$make_link" == "y" ]; then
+ link=$output_dir/initrd-$initrd_suffix.img
+ [ -L $link ] && rm -f $link
+ ln -s initrd-$initrd_suffix.$kernel_ver.img $link
+# Remove temporary files
+if [ "$keep" == "n" ]; then
+ rm -rf $initrd
+ rm -f $initrdimg
+ rmdir $initrdmnt
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/mkinitrd-net.spec b/contrib/initrd/mkinitrd-net.spec
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94f5d9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/mkinitrd-net.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+%define name mkinitrd-net
+%define version 1.10
+%define release 1fs
+Summary: Network-booting initrd builder
+Name: %{name}
+Version: %{version}
+Release: %{release}
+Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
+Source1: http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/etherboot/mknbi-1.2.tar.bz2
+Source2: http://www.busybox.net/downloads/busybox-0.60.3.tar.bz2
+Source3: http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.11.tar.bz2
+Source4: ftp://ftp.linux-wlan.org/pub/linux-wlan-ng/linux-wlan-ng-0.1.13.tar.bz2
+Source5: http://udhcp.busybox.net/source/udhcp-0.9.7.tar.bz2
+Copyright: GPL/LGPL/MPL
+Group: System/Kernel and hardware
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
+Prefix: %{_prefix}
+Requires: tftp-server
+mkinitrd-net allows you to build initial ramdisk images (initrds) suitable
+for use with Etherboot and other network-booting software. This package
+contains two main utilities: mkinitrd-net (to build an initrd containing a
+specified set of network-card modules) and mknbi (to generate
+Etherboot-usable NBI images from a given kernel and initrd). It also
+contains a helper script mknbi-set which will maintain sets of initrds to
+match all your currently-installed kernels.
+mkinitrd-net uses code from the uClibc, busybox, udhcp and Etherboot
+%setup -n initrd -a1 -a2 -a3 -a4 -a5
+%make LIBDIR=%{_libdir}/mknbi
+%makeinstall tftpbootdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/tftpboot
+touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include
+ln -s %{_localstatedir}/tftpboot $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/tftpboot
+%triggerin -- kernel kernel-smp kernel-secure kernel-enterprise
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mknbi-set.conf
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/dhcpd.conf.etherboot.include
+%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include
+%doc README
+%doc AUTHORS.busybox LICENSE.busybox
+%doc AUTHORS.udhcpc COPYING.udhcpc
+%doc COPYING.wlanctl LICENSE.wlanctl THANKS.wlanctl
+%doc COPYING.uClibc
+%docdir %{_docdir}/mknbi*
+* Fri Jul 26 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.10-1fs
+- Support for new binary etherboot.nic-dev-id structure
+- Added --kernel option patch from Stew Benedict at MandrakeSoft
+- Only try to use sudo if we are not already root
+* Wed Jun 05 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.9-1fs
+- Modifications to allow DHCP, TFTP and NFS servers to be separate machines.
+* Thu May 30 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.8-1fs
+- /tftpboot symlinked to /var/lib/tftpboot
+- Has ability to be quiet if "quiet" specified on kernel cmdline
+* Sun May 26 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.7-1fs
+- PCI-ID auto-mapping via dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include
+* Fri May 24 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.6-1fs
+- Bugfixes, migrated /tftpboot to /var/lib/tftpboot
+* Thu May 23 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.5-1fs
+- Now includes dhcpd.conf.etherboot.include
+- Automatically scans for all network modules in the pcimap file
+* Wed May 08 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.4-1fs
+- Bugfixes: tmpdir selection, linuxrc typos, ifconfig peculiarities
+* Sat May 04 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.3-1fs
+- During %make, LIBDIR must be set for mknbi
+- Added %post scriptlet since %trigger seems not to be being triggered...
+* Sat May 04 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.2-1fs
+- Added extra sources instead of requiring "make" to download them
+* Sat May 04 2002 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk> 1.1-1fs
+- First attempt at an RPM package
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/mknbi-set b/contrib/initrd/mknbi-set
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e61acac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/mknbi-set
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
+# Maintains set of NBIs based on currently-installed kernels
+# Network card module sets are taken from /etc/mknbi-set.conf
+use strict;
+use vars qw($verbosity);
+use constant EB_PCI_DEVICE => 1;
+# Utility function: calculate output id given a kernel file name and
+# space-separated list of modules
+sub calc_output_id ($$) {
+ my $kernel = shift;
+ my $moduleset = shift;
+ my $kernel_ver = "";
+ ( $kernel_ver ) = ( $kernel =~ /vmlinuz-(.*)$/ );
+ ( my $output_id = "$moduleset".( $kernel_ver ? ".$kernel_ver" : "" ) ) =~ tr/,/./;
+ return ( $kernel_ver, $output_id );
+# Utility function: read modules.pcimap-style file
+# Add modules to modulesets hash, write out dhcpd.conf fragment
+sub read_config_file ($$$$) {
+ my $configfile = shift;
+ my $modulesets = shift;
+ my $dhcpfh = shift;
+ my $alwaysuse = shift;
+ print "Scanning through $configfile for network modules...\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
+ open CF, $configfile or die "Could not open $configfile: $!\n";
+ chomp ( my $tempmodule = `mktemp /tmp/mknbi-set.XXXXXX` );
+ chomp ( my $cwd = `pwd` ); chdir '/'; # Modprobe searches the current directory...
+ print $dhcpfh " \# Generated from $configfile\n";
+ while (<CF>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /^[\#;]/ or /^\s*$/;
+ ( my $module, undef, my $vendor, my $device ) = /^(\S+)(\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+))?/ ;
+ $modulesets->{$module} = 1 if $alwaysuse;
+ if ( ! exists $modulesets->{$module} ) {
+ # Check to see if module is a network module
+ # Only do this the first time we encounter a module
+ my @modulepaths = `/sbin/modprobe -l $module.o*` ;
+ chomp ( my $modulepath = $modulepaths[0] );
+ if ( $modulepath ) {
+ if ( $modulepath =~ /.o.gz$/ ) {
+ system ( "zcat $modulepath > $tempmodule" );
+ } else {
+ system ( "cp $modulepath $tempmodule" );
+ }
+ $modulesets->{$module} = 0;
+ foreach ( `nm $tempmodule` ) {
+ chomp;
+ $modulesets->{$module} = 1 if /(ether|wlan)/ ;
+ }
+ unlink $tempmodule;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Cannot locate module $module specified in $configfile\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $modulesets->{$module} ) {
+ if ( $vendor ) {
+ print "$module ($vendor,$device) listed in $configfile\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
+ printf $dhcpfh ( " if option etherboot.nic-dev-id = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x { option etherboot.kmod \"%s\"; }\n",
+ ( hex($vendor) >> 8 ) & 0xff, hex($vendor) & 0xff,
+ ( hex($device) >> 8 ) & 0xff, hex($device) & 0xff,
+ $module );
+ } else {
+ print "$module (without PCI IDs) listed in $configfile\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close CF;
+ print $dhcpfh "\n";
+ chdir $cwd;
+my $conffile = '/etc/mknbi-set.conf';
+my $mkinitrd_net = 'mkinitrd-net';
+my $mknbi = 'mknbi-linux';
+my $output_dir = '/var/lib/tftpboot';
+my $dhcpfile = '/etc/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include';
+my $use_local;
+our $verbosity = 1;
+my $modulesets = {};
+my $kernel = '';
+my @kernels = ();
+my $usage="Usage: $0 [-l|--local] [-q] [-v] [-r|--refresh module[,module...]] [--help]";
+# Parse command-line options
+while ( $_ = shift ) {
+ if ( /-l|--local/ ) {
+ $conffile = 'mknbi-set.conf';
+ $mkinitrd_net = './mkinitrd-net';
+ $mknbi = './mknbi-linux --format=nbi --target=linux';
+ $output_dir = 'tftpboot';
+ $dhcpfile = 'tftpboot/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include';
+ $use_local = 1;
+ } elsif ( /-r|--refresh/ ) {
+ my $moduleset = shift;
+ $modulesets->{$moduleset} = 1;
+ } elsif ( /-k|--kernel/ ) {
+ $kernel = shift;
+ } elsif ( /-v|--verbose/ ) {
+ $verbosity++;
+ } elsif ( /-q|--quiet/ ) {
+ $verbosity--;
+ } elsif ( /--help/ ) {
+ die "$usage\n".
+ " -k, --kernel Build NBIs for a particular kernel\n".
+ " -l, --local Run locally from CVS (for developers only)\n".
+ " -r, --refresh Refresh NBI for a particular module\n".
+ " -v, --verbose Be more verbose\n".
+ " -q, --quiet Be less verbose\n";
+ } else {
+ die "$usage\n";
+ }
+# Get set of current kernels
+if ($kernel) {
+ @kernels = ( $kernel );
+} else {
+ @kernels = glob('/boot/vmlinuz*');
+die "Could not find any kernels in /boot\n" unless @kernels;
+# If modules have been specified via --refresh, do not scan for modules or rewrite the
+# dhcpd.conf fragment file
+unless ( %$modulesets ) {
+ # Write dhcpd.conf fragment file
+ open my $dhcpfh, ">$dhcpfile" or die "Could not open $dhcpfile for writing: $!\n";
+ print $dhcpfh "# Etherboot PCI ID -> Linux kernel module mapping file\n";
+ print $dhcpfh "# Generated by mknbi-set on ".(scalar localtime)."\n";
+ print $dhcpfh "#\n";
+ print $dhcpfh "if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = \"Etherboot\" {\n";
+ print $dhcpfh " if exists etherboot.nic-dev-id {\n";
+ print $dhcpfh " \# Legacy nic-dev-id mechanism: there are some DLink DFE538 cards in circulation that\n";
+ print $dhcpfh " \# predated the change to the new nic-dev-id binary structure\n";
+ print $dhcpfh " if option etherboot.nic-dev-id = \"PCI:1186:1300\" { option etherboot.kmod \"8139too\"; }\n";
+ print $dhcpfh "\n";
+ # Get set of network modules to build NBIs for
+ # Read explicitly-specified module sets from $conffile
+ read_config_file($conffile, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, 1);
+ # Obtain list of all network modules from pcimap file
+ my $pcimap;
+ foreach ( `/sbin/modprobe -c` ) {
+ $pcimap = $1 if /^pcimap.*?=(.*)$/;
+ }
+ if ( $pcimap ) {
+ read_config_file($pcimap, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, 0);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Could not identify pcimap file\n";
+ }
+ # Finish off dhcpd.conf fragment file
+ print $dhcpfh " }\n}\n";
+ close $dhcpfh;
+# Build initrd and nbi for each kernel-moduleset combination
+foreach my $moduleset ( sort keys %$modulesets ) {
+ next unless $modulesets->{$moduleset}; # Ignore if value is 0
+ print "Building NBIs for module set $moduleset\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
+ foreach my $kernel ( @kernels ) {
+ ( my $kernel_ver, my $output_id ) = calc_output_id ( $kernel, $moduleset );
+ if ( -l $kernel ) {
+ # Symbolic link; create matching symlink
+ my $real_kernel = readlink ( $kernel );
+ ( my $real_kernel_ver, my $real_output_id ) = calc_output_id ( $real_kernel, $moduleset );
+ print "Symlinking $output_id to $real_output_id\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
+ my $initrd_file = "$output_dir/initrd-$output_id.img";
+ unlink ( $initrd_file ) if -l $initrd_file;
+ system ( "ln -s initrd-$real_output_id.img $initrd_file" ) == 0 or print STDERR "Could not symlink $initrd_file to initrd-$real_output_id.img: $!\n";
+ my $nbi_file = "$output_dir/boot-$output_id.nbi";
+ unlink ( $nbi_file ) if -l $nbi_file;
+ system ( "ln -s boot-$real_output_id.nbi $nbi_file" ) == 0 or print STDERR "Could not symlink $nbi_file to boot-$real_output_id.nbi: $!\n";
+ } else {
+ # Real file: create initrd and nbi
+ print "Creating initrd and nbi for $output_id\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
+ ( my $moduleset_spaces = $moduleset ) =~ tr/,/ /;
+ my $initrd_cmd = "$mkinitrd_net --nolink ".
+ ( $use_local ? "--local " : "" ).
+ ( $kernel_ver ? "--kernel $kernel_ver " : "" ).
+ ( $verbosity >= 2 ? "" : "-q " ).
+ $moduleset_spaces;
+ print "$initrd_cmd\n" if $verbosity >= 3;
+ if ( system ( $initrd_cmd ) == 0 ) {
+ my $mknbi_cmd = "$mknbi $kernel $output_dir/initrd-$output_id.img > $output_dir/boot-$output_id.nbi";
+ print "$mknbi_cmd\n" if $verbosity >= 3;
+ system ( $mknbi_cmd ) == 0 or print STDERR "mknbi failed: $!\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$initrd_cmd failed: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/mknbi-set.conf b/contrib/initrd/mknbi-set.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f24846ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/mknbi-set.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This file specifies the network cards for which NBI images should be built
+# Each line contains a list of kernel modules to be used, separated by commas
+# You can optionally specify PCI vendor and device IDs that should be automatically
+# mapped to this module.
+# The format is similar to modutils' modules.pcimap file.
+# Examples:
+# RTL8139-based ethernet card
+; 8139too
+# RTL8139-based ethernet card with PCI IDs vendor=0x1186, device=0x1300
+; 8139too 0x1186 0x1300
+# RTL8139 and Prism2_pci in same image
+; 8139too,prism2_pci
+# Some modules do not include the MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE macro, and so end up not
+# being listed in the pcimap file. These modules are included here to force
+# the creation of corresponding initrds.
+prism2_pci 0x1260 0x3873
+prism2_plx 0x1638 0x1100
+prism2_plx 0x16ab 0x1101
+prism2_plx 0x16ab 0x1102
+prism2_plx 0x1385 0x4100
+prism2_plx 0x15e8 0x0130
+prism2_plx 0x16ec 0x3685
+prism2_plx 0x16ab 0x1102
+prism2_plx 0x15e8 0x0131
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/script.c.patch b/contrib/initrd/script.c.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..127b881c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/script.c.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- script.c.orig Tue Apr 2 23:49:33 2002
++++ script.c Wed Jun 5 14:17:22 2002
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
+ }
+ if (packet->siaddr) {
+ envp[j] = malloc(sizeof("siaddr="));
+- sprintip(envp[j++], "siaddr=", (unsigned char *) &packet->yiaddr);
++ sprintip(envp[j++], "siaddr=", (unsigned char *) &packet->siaddr);
+ }
+ if (!(over & FILE_FIELD) && packet->file[0]) {
+ /* watch out for invalid packets */
diff --git a/contrib/initrd/udhcpc-post b/contrib/initrd/udhcpc-post
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..395d6c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/initrd/udhcpc-post
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# $Id$
+if [ "$1" = "deconfig" ]; then
+ ifconfig $interface up
+else if [ "$1" = "bound" ] ; then
+ echo UDHCPC: I am $ip [$hostname], booting from $serverid
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && echo $hostname > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
+ [ -n "$broadcast" ] && BROADCAST="broadcast $broadcast"
+ [ -n "$subnet" ] && NETMASK="netmask $subnet"
+ ifconfig $interface $ip $BROADCAST $NETMASK
+ route add default gw $router dev $interface
+ echo -n > /etc/resolv.conf
+ for i in $dns; do
+ echo nameserver $i >> /etc/resolv.conf
+ done
+ [ -n "$siaddr" ] || siaddr=$serverid
+ [ -n "$rootpath" ] || rootpath=$siaddr:/
+ echo Mounting root filesystem $rootpath at /sysroot
+ echo If this appears to hang, check that the server of $rootpath is able to
+ echo reverse-map my IP address $ip to obtain my hostname $hostname
+ mount -t nfs -o nolock,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 $rootpath /sysroot
+ fi