path: root/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.S
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.S b/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.S
deleted file mode 100644
index b4fd836e4053..000000000000
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/acpi/realmode/wakeup.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * ACPI wakeup real mode startup stub
- */
-#include <asm/segment.h>
-#include <asm/msr-index.h>
-#include <asm/page_types.h>
-#include <asm/pgtable_types.h>
-#include <asm/processor-flags.h>
-#include "wakeup.h"
- .code16
- .section ".jump", "ax"
- .globl _start
- cli
- jmp wakeup_code
-/* This should match the structure in wakeup.h */
- .section ".header", "a"
- .globl wakeup_header
-video_mode: .short 0 /* Video mode number */
-pmode_return: .byte 0x66, 0xea /* ljmpl */
- .long 0 /* offset goes here */
- .short __KERNEL_CS
-pmode_cr0: .long 0 /* Saved %cr0 */
-pmode_cr3: .long 0 /* Saved %cr3 */
-pmode_cr4: .long 0 /* Saved %cr4 */
-pmode_efer: .quad 0 /* Saved EFER */
-pmode_gdt: .quad 0
-pmode_misc_en: .quad 0 /* Saved MISC_ENABLE MSR */
-pmode_behavior: .long 0 /* Wakeup behavior flags */
-realmode_flags: .long 0
-real_magic: .long 0
-trampoline_segment: .word 0
-_pad1: .byte 0
-wakeup_jmp: .byte 0xea /* ljmpw */
-wakeup_jmp_off: .word 3f
-wakeup_jmp_seg: .word 0
-wakeup_gdt: .quad 0, 0, 0
- .text
- .code16
- cld
- /* Apparently some dimwit BIOS programmers don't know how to
- program a PM to RM transition, and we might end up here with
- junk in the data segment descriptor registers. The only way
- to repair that is to go into PM and fix it ourselves... */
- movw $16, %cx
- lgdtl %cs:wakeup_gdt
- movl %cr0, %eax
- orb $X86_CR0_PE, %al
- movl %eax, %cr0
- jmp 1f
-1: ljmpw $8, $2f
- movw %cx, %ds
- movw %cx, %es
- movw %cx, %ss
- movw %cx, %fs
- movw %cx, %gs
- andb $~X86_CR0_PE, %al
- movl %eax, %cr0
- jmp wakeup_jmp
- /* Set up segments */
- movw %cs, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw %ax, %es
- movw %ax, %ss
- lidtl wakeup_idt
- movl $wakeup_stack_end, %esp
- /* Clear the EFLAGS */
- pushl $0
- popfl
- /* Check header signature... */
- movl signature, %eax
- jne bogus_real_magic
- /* Check we really have everything... */
- movl end_signature, %eax
- jne bogus_real_magic
- /* Call the C code */
- calll main
- /* Restore MISC_ENABLE before entering protected mode, in case
- BIOS decided to clear XD_DISABLE during S3. */
- movl pmode_behavior, %eax
- jnc 1f
- movl pmode_misc_en, %eax
- movl pmode_misc_en + 4, %edx
- movl $MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE, %ecx
- wrmsr
- /* Do any other stuff... */
-#ifndef CONFIG_64BIT
- /* This could also be done in C code... */
- movl pmode_cr3, %eax
- movl %eax, %cr3
- movl pmode_cr4, %ecx
- jecxz 1f
- movl %ecx, %cr4
- movl pmode_efer, %eax
- movl pmode_efer + 4, %edx
- movl %eax, %ecx
- orl %edx, %ecx
- jz 1f
- movl $MSR_EFER, %ecx
- wrmsr
- lgdtl pmode_gdt
- /* This really couldn't... */
- movl pmode_cr0, %eax
- movl %eax, %cr0
- jmp pmode_return
- pushw $0
- pushw trampoline_segment
- pushw $0
- lret
- hlt
- jmp 1b
- .data
- .balign 8
- /* This is the standard real-mode IDT */
- .word 0xffff /* limit */
- .long 0 /* address */
- .word 0
- .globl HEAP, heap_end
- .long wakeup_heap
- .long wakeup_stack
- .bss
- .space 2048
- .space 2048
- .section ".signature","a"