path: root/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-fh.h
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1 files changed, 15 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-fh.h b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-fh.h
index e993e3ea5b33..f53f1b87d8e9 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-fh.h
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-fh.h
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
* 2) Rx status buffer, 8 bytes, in which 4965 indicates which Rx Buffers
- * (RBs) have been filled, via a "write pointer", actually the index of
+ * (RBs) have been filled, via a "write pointer", actually the idx of
* the RB's corresponding RBD within the circular buffer. Driver sets
* physical address [35:4] into FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_STTS_WPTR_REG [31:0].
@@ -153,33 +153,33 @@
* As the driver prepares Receive Buffers (RBs) for 4965 to fill, driver must
* enter pointers to these RBs into contiguous RBD circular buffer entries,
- * and update the 4965's "write" index register,
+ * and update the 4965's "write" idx register,
- * This "write" index corresponds to the *next* RBD that the driver will make
+ * This "write" idx corresponds to the *next* RBD that the driver will make
* available, i.e. one RBD past the tail of the ready-to-fill RBDs within
* the circular buffer. This value should initially be 0 (before preparing any
* RBs), should be 8 after preparing the first 8 RBs (for example), and must
* wrap back to 0 at the end of the circular buffer (but don't wrap before
- * "read" index has advanced past 1! See below).
+ * "read" idx has advanced past 1! See below).
* As the 4965 fills RBs (referenced from contiguous RBDs within the circular
* buffer), it updates the Rx status buffer in host DRAM, 2) described above,
- * to tell the driver the index of the latest filled RBD. The driver must
- * read this "read" index from DRAM after receiving an Rx interrupt from 4965.
+ * to tell the driver the idx of the latest filled RBD. The driver must
+ * read this "read" idx from DRAM after receiving an Rx interrupt from 4965.
- * The driver must also internally keep track of a third index, which is the
+ * The driver must also internally keep track of a third idx, which is the
* next RBD to process. When receiving an Rx interrupt, driver should process
* all filled but unprocessed RBs up to, but not including, the RB
- * corresponding to the "read" index. For example, if "read" index becomes "1",
+ * corresponding to the "read" idx. For example, if "read" idx becomes "1",
* driver may process the RB pointed to by RBD 0. Depending on volume of
* traffic, there may be many RBs to process.
- * If read index == write index, 4965 thinks there is no room to put new data.
+ * If read idx == write idx, 4965 thinks there is no room to put new data.
* Due to this, the maximum number of filled RBs is 255, instead of 256. To
* be safe, make sure that there is a gap of at least 2 RBDs between "write"
- * and "read" indexes; that is, make sure that there are no more than 254
+ * and "read" idxes; that is, make sure that there are no more than 254
* buffers waiting to be filled.
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
- * Rx write pointer (index, really!).
+ * Rx write pointer (idx, really!).
* Bit fields:
* 11-0: Index of driver's most recent prepared-to-be-filled RBD, + 1.
* NOTE: For 256-entry circular buffer, use only bits [7:0].
@@ -431,11 +431,11 @@
* struct il_rb_status - reseve buffer status
* host memory mapped FH registers
- * @closed_rb_num [0:11] - Indicates the index of the RB which was closed
- * @closed_fr_num [0:11] - Indicates the index of the RX Frame which was closed
- * @finished_rb_num [0:11] - Indicates the index of the current RB
+ * @closed_rb_num [0:11] - Indicates the idx of the RB which was closed
+ * @closed_fr_num [0:11] - Indicates the idx of the RX Frame which was closed
+ * @finished_rb_num [0:11] - Indicates the idx of the current RB
* in which the last frame was written to
- * @finished_fr_num [0:11] - Indicates the index of the RX Frame
+ * @finished_fr_num [0:11] - Indicates the idx of the RX Frame
* which was transferred
struct il_rb_status {