path: root/Documentation/kernel-docs.txt
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    Index of Documentation for People Interested in Writing and/or

                   Understanding the Linux Kernel.

          Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche <jmseyas@dit.upm.es>

 * The latest version of this document may be found at:
 *   http://www.dit.upm.es/~jmseyas/linux/kernel/hackers-docs.html

   The need for a document like this one became apparent in the
   linux-kernel mailing list as the same questions, asking for pointers
   to information, appeared again and again.
   Fortunately, as more and more people get to GNU/Linux, more and more
   get interested in the Kernel. But reading the sources is not always
   enough. It is easy to understand the code, but miss the concepts, the
   philosophy and design decisions behind this code.
   Unfortunately, not many documents are available for beginners to
   start. And, even if they exist, there was no "well-known" place which
   kept track of them. These lines try to cover this lack. All documents
   available on line known by the author are listed, while some reference
   books are also mentioned.
   PLEASE, if you know any paper not listed here or write a new document,
   send me an e-mail, and I'll include a reference to it here. Any
   corrections, ideas or comments are also welcomed.
   The papers that follow are listed in no particular order. All are
   cataloged with the following fields: the document's "Title", the
   "Author"/s, the "URL" where they can be found, some "Keywords" helpful
   when searching for specific topics, and a brief "Description" of the
     * Title: "Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition"
       Author: Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartman
       URL: http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/
       Description: A 600-page book covering the (2.6.10) driver
       programming API and kernel hacking in general.  Available under the
       Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

     * Title: "The Linux Kernel"
       Author: David A. Rusling.
       URL: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/tlk/tlk.html
       Keywords: everything!, book.
       Description: On line, 200 pages book describing most aspects of
       the Linux Kernel. Probably, the first reference for beginners.
       Lots of illustrations explaining data structures use and
       relationships in the purest Richard W. Stevens' style. Contents:
       "1.-Hardware Basics, 2.-Software Basics, 3.-Memory Management,
       4.-Processes, 5.-Interprocess Communication Mechanisms, 6.-PCI,
       7.-Interrupts and Interrupt Handling, 8.-Device Drivers, 9.-The
       File system, 10.-Networks, 11.-Kernel Mechanisms, 12.-Modules,
       13.-The Linux Kernel Sources, A.-Linux Data Structures, B.-The
       Alpha AXP Processor, C.-Useful Web and FTP Sites, D.-The GNU
       General Public License, Glossary". In short: a must have.

     * Title: "Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition"
       Author: Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet.
       URL: http://www.xml.com/ldd/chapter/book/index.html
       Keywords: device drivers, modules, debugging, memory, hardware,
       interrupt handling, char drivers, block drivers, kmod, mmap, DMA,
       Description: O'Reilly's popular book, now also on-line under the
       GNU Free Documentation License.
       Notes: You can also buy it in paper-form from O'Reilly. See below
       under BOOKS (Not on-line).

     * Title: "Conceptual Architecture of the Linux Kernel"
       Author: Ivan T. Bowman.
       URL: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/
       Keywords: conceptual software architecture, extracted design,
       reverse engineering, system structure.
       Description: Conceptual software architecture of the Linux kernel,
       automatically extracted from the source code. Very detailed. Good
       figures. Gives good overall kernel understanding.

     * Title: "Concrete Architecture of the Linux Kernel"
       Author: Ivan T. Bowman, Saheem Siddiqi, and Meyer C. Tanuan.
       URL: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/
       Keywords: concrete architecture, extracted design, reverse
       engineering, system structure, dependencies.
       Description: Concrete architecture of the Linux kernel,
       automatically extracted from the source code. Very detailed. Good
       figures. Gives good overall kernel understanding. This papers
       focus on lower details than its predecessor (files, variables...).

     * Title: "Linux as a Case Study: Its Extracted Software
       Author: Ivan T. Bowman, Richard C. Holt and Neil V. Brewster.
       URL: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/
       Keywords: software architecture, architecture recovery,
       Description: Paper appeared at ICSE'99, Los Angeles, May 16-22,
       1999. A mixture of the previous two documents from the same

     * Title: "Overview of the Virtual File System"
       Author: Richard Gooch.
       URL: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/filesystems/vfs.txt
       Keywords: VFS, File System, mounting filesystems, opening files,
       dentries, dcache.
       Description: Brief introduction to the Linux Virtual File System.
       What is it, how it works, operations taken when opening a file or
       mounting a file system and description of important data
       structures explaining the purpose of each of their entries.

     * Title: "The Linux RAID-1, 4, 5 Code"
       Author: Ingo Molnar, Gadi Oxman and Miguel de Icaza.
       URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=2391
       Keywords: RAID, MD driver.
       Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
       abstract: "A description of the implementation of the RAID-1,
       RAID-4 and RAID-5 personalities of the MD device driver in the
       Linux kernel, providing users with high performance and reliable,
       secondary-storage capability using software".

     * Title: "Dynamic Kernels: Modularized Device Drivers"
       Author: Alessandro Rubini.
       URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=1219
       Keywords: device driver, module, loading/unloading modules,
       allocating resources.
       Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
       abstract: "This is the first of a series of four articles
       co-authored by Alessandro Rubini and Georg Zezchwitz which present
       a practical approach to writing Linux device drivers as kernel
       loadable modules. This installment presents an introduction to the
       topic, preparing the reader to understand next month's

     * Title: "Dynamic Kernels: Discovery"
       Author: Alessandro Rubini.
       URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=1220
       Keywords: character driver, init_module, clean_up module,
       autodetection, mayor number, minor number, file operations,
       open(), close().
       Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
       abstract: "This article, the second of four, introduces part of
       the actual code to create custom module implementing a character
       device driver. It describes the code for module initialization and
       cleanup, as well as the open() and close() system calls".

     * Title: "The Devil's in the Details"
       Author: Georg v. Zezschwitz and Alessandro Rubini.
       URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=1221
       Keywords: read(), write(), select(), ioctl(), blocking/non
       blocking mode, interrupt handler.
       Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
       abstract: "This article, the third of four on writing character
       device drivers, introduces concepts of reading, writing, and using

     * Title: "Dissecting Interrupts and Browsing DMA"
       Author: Alessandro Rubini and Georg v. Zezschwitz.
       URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=1222
       Keywords: interrupts, irqs, DMA, bottom halves, task queues.
       Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
       abstract: "This is the fourth in a series of articles about
       writing character device drivers as loadable kernel modules. This
       month, we further investigate the field of interrupt handling.
       Though it is conceptually simple, practical limitations and
       constraints make this an ``interesting'' part of device driver
       writing, and several different facilities have been provided for
       different situations. We also investigate the complex topic of

     * Title: "Device Drivers Concluded"
       Author: Georg v. Zezschwitz.
       URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=1287
       Keywords: address spaces, pages, pagination, page management,
       demand loading, swapping, memory protection, memory mapping, mmap,
       virtual memory areas (VMAs), vremap, PCI.
       Description: Finally, the above turned out into a five articles
       series. This latest one's introduction reads: "This is the last of
       five articles about character device drivers. In this final
       section, Georg deals with memory mapping devices, beginning with
       an overall description of the Linux memory management concepts".

     * Title: "Network Buffers And Memory Management"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=1312
       Keywords: sk_buffs, network devices, protocol/link layer
       variables, network devices flags, transmit, receive,
       configuration, multicast.
       Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner. Here is the abstract:
       "Writing a network device driver for Linux is fundamentally
       simple---most of the complexity (other than talking to the
       hardware) involves managing network packets in memory".
     * Title: "Linux Kernel Hackers' Guide"
       Author: Michael K. Johnson.
       URL: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/khg/HyperNews/get/khg.html
       Keywords: device drivers, files, VFS, kernel interface, character vs
       block devices, hardware interrupts, scsi, DMA, access to user memory,
       memory allocation, timers.
       Description: A guide designed to help you get up to speed on the
       concepts that are not intuitevly obvious, and to document the internal
       structures of Linux.
     * Title: "The Venus kernel interface"
       Author: Peter J. Braam.
       Keywords: coda, filesystem, venus, cache manager.
       Description: "This document describes the communication between
       Venus and kernel level file system code needed for the operation
       of the Coda filesystem. This version document is meant to describe
       the current interface (version 1.0) as well as improvements we

     * Title: "Programming PCI-Devices under Linux"
       Author: Claus Schroeter.
       Keywords: PCI, device, busmastering.
       Description: 6 pages tutorial on PCI programming under Linux.
       Gives the basic concepts on the architecture of the PCI subsystem,
       as long as basic functions and macros to read/write the devices
       and perform busmastering.

     * Title: "Writing Character Device Driver for Linux"
       Author: R. Baruch and C. Schroeter.
       Keywords: character device drivers, I/O, signals, DMA, accessing
       ports in user space, kernel environment.
       Description: 68 pages paper on writing character drivers. A little
       bit old (1.993, 1.994) although still useful.

     * Title: "Design and Implementation of the Second Extended
       Author: Rémy Card, Theodore Ts'o, Stephen Tweedie.
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/tytso/www/linux/ext2intro.html
       Keywords: ext2, linux fs history, inode, directory, link, devices,
       VFS, physical structure, performance, benchmarks, ext2fs library,
       ext2fs tools, e2fsck.
       Description: Paper written by three of the top ext2 hackers.
       Covers Linux filesystems history, ext2 motivation, ext2 features,
       design, physical structure on disk, performance, benchmarks,
       e2fsck's passes description... A must read!
       Notes: This paper was first published in the Proceedings of the
       First Dutch International Symposium on Linux, ISBN 90-367-0385-9.

     * Title: "Analysis of the Ext2fs structure"
       Author: Louis-Dominique Dubeau.
       URL: http://teaching.csse.uwa.edu.au/units/CITS2002/fs-ext2/
       Keywords: ext2, filesystem, ext2fs.
       Description: Description of ext2's blocks, directories, inodes,
       bitmaps, invariants...

     * Title: "Journaling the Linux ext2fs Filesystem"
       Author: Stephen C. Tweedie.
       Keywords: ext3, journaling.
       Description: Excellent 8-pages paper explaining the journaling
       capabilities added to ext2 by the author, showing different
       problems faced and the alternatives chosen.

     * Title: "Kernel API changes from 2.0 to 2.2"
       Author: Richard Gooch.
       URL: http://www.safe-mbox.com/~rgooch/linux/docs/porting-to-2.2.html
       Keywords: 2.2, changes.
       Description: Kernel functions/structures/variables which changed
       from 2.0.x to 2.2.x.

     * Title: "Kernel API changes from 2.2 to 2.4"
       Author: Richard Gooch.
       URL: http://www.safe-mbox.com/~rgooch/linux/docs/porting-to-2.4.html
       Keywords: 2.4, changes.
       Description: Kernel functions/structures/variables which changed
       from 2.2.x to 2.4.x.
     * Title: "Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide"
       Author: Ori Pomerantz.
       URL: http://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/index.html
       Keywords: modules, GPL book, /proc, ioctls, system calls,
       interrupt handlers .
       Description: Very nice 92 pages GPL book on the topic of modules
       programming. Lots of examples.
     * Title: "I/O Event Handling Under Linux"
       Author: Richard Gooch.
       Keywords: IO, I/O, select(2), poll(2), FDs, aio_read(2), readiness
       event queues.
       Description: From the Introduction: "I/O Event handling is about
       how your Operating System allows you to manage a large number of
       open files (file descriptors in UNIX/POSIX, or FDs) in your
       application. You want the OS to notify you when FDs become active
       (have data ready to be read or are ready for writing). Ideally you
       want a mechanism that is scalable. This means a large number of
       inactive FDs cost very little in memory and CPU time to manage".
     * Title: "The Kernel Hacking HOWTO"
       Author: Various Talented People, and Rusty.
       Location: in kernel tree, Documentation/DocBook/kernel-hacking.tmpl
       (must be built as "make {htmldocs | psdocs | pdfdocs})
       Keywords: HOWTO, kernel contexts, deadlock, locking, modules,
       symbols, return conventions.
       Description: From the Introduction: "Please understand that I
       never wanted to write this document, being grossly underqualified,
       but I always wanted to read it, and this was the only way. I
       simply explain some best practices, and give reading entry-points
       into the kernel sources. I avoid implementation details: that's
       what the code is for, and I ignore whole tracts of useful
       routines. This document assumes familiarity with C, and an
       understanding of what the kernel is, and how it is used. It was
       originally written for the 2.3 kernels, but nearly all of it
       applies to 2.2 too; 2.0 is slightly different".
     * Title: "Writing an ALSA Driver"
       Author: Takashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de>
       URL: http://www.alsa-project.org/~iwai/writing-an-alsa-driver/index.html
       Keywords: ALSA, sound, soundcard, driver, lowlevel, hardware.
       Description: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture for developers,
       both at kernel and user-level sides. ALSA is the Linux kernel
       sound architecture in the 2.6 kernel version.
     * Title: "Programming Guide for Linux USB Device Drivers"
       Author: Detlef Fliegl.
       URL: http://usb.in.tum.de/usbdoc/
       Keywords: USB, universal serial bus.
       Description: A must-read. From the Preface: "This document should
       give detailed information about the current state of the USB
       subsystem and its API for USB device drivers. The first section
       will deal with the basics of USB devices. You will learn about
       different types of devices and their properties. Going into detail
       you will see how USB devices communicate on the bus. The second
       section gives an overview of the Linux USB subsystem [2] and the
       device driver framework. Then the API and its data structures will
       be explained step by step. The last section of this document
       contains a reference of all API calls and their return codes".
       Notes: Beware: the main page states: "This document may not be
       published, printed or used in excerpts without explicit permission
       of the author". Fortunately, it may still be read...

     * Title: "Linux Kernel Mailing List Glossary"
       Author: various
       URL: http://kernelnewbies.org/glossary/
       Keywords: glossary, terms, linux-kernel.
       Description: From the introduction: "This glossary is intended as
       a brief description of some of the acronyms and terms you may hear
       during discussion of the Linux kernel".
     * Title: "Linux Kernel Locking HOWTO"
       Author: Various Talented People, and Rusty.
       Location: in kernel tree, Documentation/DocBook/kernel-locking.tmpl
       (must be built as "make {htmldocs | psdocs | pdfdocs})
       Keywords: locks, locking, spinlock, semaphore, atomic, race
       condition, bottom halves, tasklets, softirqs.
       Description: The title says it all: document describing the
       locking system in the Linux Kernel either in uniprocessor or SMP
       Notes: "It was originally written for the later (>2.3.47) 2.3
       kernels, but most of it applies to 2.2 too; 2.0 is slightly
       different". Freely redistributable under the conditions of the GNU
       General Public License.

     * Title: "Global spinlock list and usage"
       Author: Rick Lindsley.
       URL: http://lse.sourceforge.net/lockhier/global-spin-lock
       Keywords: spinlock.
       Description: This is an attempt to document both the existence and
       usage of the spinlocks in the Linux 2.4.5 kernel. Comprehensive
       list of spinlocks showing when they are used, which functions
       access them, how each lock is acquired, under what conditions it
       is held, whether interrupts can occur or not while it is held...

     * Title: "Porting Linux 2.0 Drivers To Linux 2.2: Changes and New
       Features "
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/1999-05/gear_01.html
       Keywords: ports, porting.
       Description: Article from Linux Magazine on porting from 2.0 to
       2.2 kernels.

     * Title: "Porting Device Drivers To Linux 2.2: part II"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/238 
       Keywords: ports, porting.
       Description: Second part on porting from 2.0 to 2.2 kernels.

     * Title: "How To Make Sure Your Driver Will Work On The Power
       Author: Paul Mackerras.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/261
       Keywords: Mac, Power Macintosh, porting, drivers, compatibility.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "An Introduction to SCSI Drivers"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/284
       Keywords: SCSI, device, driver.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "Advanced SCSI Drivers And Other Tales"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/307
       Keywords: SCSI, device, driver, advanced.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "Writing Linux Mouse Drivers"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/330
       Keywords: mouse, driver, gpm.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "More on Mouse Drivers"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/356
       Keywords: mouse, driver, gpm, races, asynchronous I/O.
       Description: The title still says it all.

     * Title: "Writing Video4linux Radio Driver"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/381
       Keywords: video4linux, driver, radio, radio devices.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "Video4linux Drivers, Part 1: Video-Capture Device"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/406
       Keywords: video4linux, driver, video capture, capture devices,
       camera driver.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "Video4linux Drivers, Part 2: Video-capture Devices"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/429
       Keywords: video4linux, driver, video capture, capture devices,
       camera driver, control, query capabilities, capability, facility.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "PCI Management in Linux 2.2"
       Author: Alan Cox.
       URL: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/452
       Keywords: PCI, bus, bus-mastering.
       Description: The title says it all.

     * Title: "Linux 2.4 Kernel Internals"
       Author: Tigran Aivazian and Christoph Hellwig.
       URL: http://www.moses.uklinux.net/patches/lki.html
       Keywords: Linux, kernel, booting, SMB boot, VFS, page cache.
       Description: A little book used for a short training course.
       Covers building the kernel image, booting (including SMP bootup),
       process management, VFS and more.

     * Title: "Linux IP Networking. A Guide to the Implementation and
       Modification of the Linux Protocol Stack."
       Author: Glenn Herrin.
       URL: http://www.cs.unh.edu/cnrg/gherrin
       Keywords: network, networking, protocol, IP, UDP, TCP, connection,
       socket, receiving, transmitting, forwarding, routing, packets,
       modules, /proc, sk_buff, FIB, tags.
       Description: Excellent paper devoted to the Linux IP Networking,
       explaining anything from the kernel's to the user space
       configuration tools' code. Very good to get a general overview of
       the kernel networking implementation and understand all steps
       packets follow from the time they are received at the network
       device till they are delivered to applications. The studied kernel
       code is from 2.2.14 version. Provides code for a working packet
       dropper example.
     * Title: "Get those boards talking under Linux."
       Author: Alex Ivchenko.
       URL: http://www.edn.com/article/CA46968.html
       Keywords: data-acquisition boards, drivers, modules, interrupts,
       memory allocation.
       Description: Article written for people wishing to make their data
       acquisition boards work on their GNU/Linux machines. Gives a basic
       overview on writing drivers, from the naming of functions to
       interrupt handling.
       Notes: Two-parts article. Part II is at
       URL: http://www.edn.com/article/CA46998.html
     * Title: "Linux PCMCIA Programmer's Guide"
       Author: David Hinds.
       URL: http://pcmcia-cs.sourceforge.net/ftp/doc/PCMCIA-PROG.html
       Keywords: PCMCIA.
       Description: "This document describes how to write kernel device
       drivers for the Linux PCMCIA Card Services interface. It also
       describes how to write user-mode utilities for communicating with
       Card Services.

     * Title: "The Linux Kernel NFSD Implementation"
       Author: Neil Brown.
       Keywords: knfsd, nfsd, NFS, RPC, lockd, mountd, statd.
       Description: The title says it all.
       Notes: Covers knfsd's version 1.4.7 (patch against 2.2.7 kernel).
     * Title: "A Linux vm README"
       Author: Kanoj Sarcar.
       URL: http://kos.enix.org/pub/linux-vmm.html
       Keywords: virtual memory, mm, pgd, vma, page, page flags, page
       cache, swap cache, kswapd.
       Description: Telegraphic, short descriptions and definitions
       relating the Linux virtual memory implementation.
     * Title: "(nearly) Complete Linux Loadable Kernel Modules. The
       definitive guide for hackers, virus coders and system
       Author: pragmatic/THC.
       URL: http://packetstormsecurity.org/docs/hack/LKM_HACKING.html
       Keywords: syscalls, intercept, hide, abuse, symbol table.
       Description: Interesting paper on how to abuse the Linux kernel in
       order to intercept and modify syscalls, make
       files/directories/processes invisible, become root, hijack ttys,
       write kernel modules based virus... and solutions for admins to
       avoid all those abuses.
       Notes: For 2.0.x kernels. Gives guidances to port it to 2.2.x
     BOOKS: (Not on-line)
     * Title: "Linux Device Drivers"
       Author: Alessandro Rubini.
       Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates.
       Date: 1998.
       Pages: 439.
       ISBN: 1-56592-292-1
     * Title: "Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition"
       Author: Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet.
       Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates.
       Date: 2001.
       Pages: 586.
       ISBN: 0-59600-008-1
       Notes: Further information in

     * Title: "Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition"
       Authors: Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman
       Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates.
       Date: 2005.
       Pages: 636.
       ISBN: 0-596-00590-3
       Notes: Further information in
       PDF format, URL: http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/

     * Title: "Linux Kernel Internals"
       Author: Michael Beck.
       Publisher: Addison-Wesley.
       Date: 1997.
       ISBN: 0-201-33143-8 (second edition)
     * Title: "The Design of the UNIX Operating System"
       Author: Maurice J. Bach.
       Publisher: Prentice Hall.
       Date: 1986.
       Pages: 471.
       ISBN: 0-13-201757-1
     * Title: "The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX
       Operating System"
       Author: Samuel J. Leffler, Marshall Kirk McKusick, Michael J.
       Karels, John S. Quarterman.
       Publisher: Addison-Wesley.
       Date: 1989 (reprinted with corrections on October, 1990).
       ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
     * Title: "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD UNIX
       Operating System"
       Author: Marshall Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels,
       John S. Quarterman.
       Publisher: Addison-Wesley.
       Date: 1996.
       ISBN: 0-201-54979-4
     * Title: "Programmation Linux 2.0 API systeme et fonctionnement du
       Author: Remy Card, Eric Dumas, Franck Mevel.
       Publisher: Eyrolles.
       Date: 1997.
       Pages: 520.
       ISBN: 2-212-08932-5
       Notes: French.

     * Title: "Unix internals -- the new frontiers"
       Author: Uresh Vahalia.
       Publisher: Prentice Hall.
       Date: 1996.
       Pages: 600.
       ISBN: 0-13-101908-2

     * Title: "Programming for the real world - POSIX.4"
       Author: Bill O. Gallmeister.
       Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc..
       Date: 1995.
       Pages: ???.
       ISBN: I-56592-074-0
       Notes: Though not being directly about Linux, Linux aims to be
       POSIX. Good reference.

     * Title:  "UNIX  Systems  for  Modern Architectures: Symmetric
       Multiprocessing and Caching for Kernel Programmers"
       Author: Curt Schimmel.
       Publisher: Addison Wesley.
       Date: June, 1994.
       Pages: 432.
       ISBN: 0-201-63338-8

     * Title: "Linux Kernel Development, 3rd Edition"
       Author: Robert Love
       Publisher: Addison-Wesley.
       Date: July, 2010
       Pages: 440
       ISBN: 978-0672329463


     * Name: linux/Documentation
       Author: Many.
       URL: Just look inside your kernel sources.
       Keywords: anything, DocBook.
       Description: Documentation that comes with the kernel sources,
       inside the Documentation directory. Some pages from this document
       (including this document itself) have been moved there, and might
       be more up to date than the web version.

     * Name: "Linux Kernel Source Reference"
       Author: Thomas Graichen.
       URL: http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=96446640102205&w=4
       Keywords: CVS, web, cvsweb, browsing source code.
       Description: Web interface to a CVS server with the kernel
       sources. "Here you can have a look at any file of the Linux kernel
       sources of any version starting from 1.0 up to the (daily updated)
       current version available. Also you can check the differences
       between two versions of a file".

     * Name: "Cross-Referencing Linux"
       URL: http://lxr.free-electrons.com/
       Keywords: Browsing source code.
       Description: Another web-based Linux kernel source code browser.
       Lots of cross references to variables and functions. You can see
       where they are defined and where they are used.

     * Name: "Linux Weekly News"
       URL: http://lwn.net
       Keywords: latest kernel news.
       Description: The title says it all. There's a fixed kernel section
       summarizing developers' work, bug fixes, new features and versions
       produced during the week. Published every Thursday.

     * Name: "Kernel Traffic"
       URL: http://kt.earth.li/kernel-traffic/index.html
       Keywords: linux-kernel mailing list, weekly kernel news.
       Description: Weekly newsletter covering the most relevant
       discussions of the linux-kernel mailing list.

     * Name: "CuTTiNG.eDGe.LiNuX"
       URL: http://edge.kernelnotes.org
       Keywords: changelist.
       Description: Site which provides the changelist for every kernel
       release. What's new, what's better, what's changed. Myrdraal reads
       the patches and describes them. Pointers to the patches are there,

     * Name: "New linux-kernel Mailing List FAQ"
       URL: http://www.tux.org/lkml/
       Keywords: linux-kernel mailing list FAQ.
       Description: linux-kernel is a mailing list for developers to
       communicate. This FAQ builds on the previous linux-kernel mailing
       list FAQ maintained by Frohwalt Egerer, who no longer maintains
       it. Read it to see how to join the mailing list. Dozens of
       interesting questions regarding the list, Linux, developers (who
       is ...?), terms (what is...?) are answered here too. Just read it.

     * Name: "Linux Virtual File System"
       Author: Peter J. Braam.
       URL: http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/doc/talks/linuxvfs/
       Keywords: slides, VFS, inode, superblock, dentry, dcache.
       Description: Set of slides, presumably from a presentation on the
       Linux VFS layer. Covers version 2.1.x, with dentries and the

     * Name: "Gary's Encyclopedia - The Linux Kernel"
       Author: Gary (I suppose...).
       URL: http://slencyclopedia.berlios.de/index.html
       Keywords: linux, community, everything!
       Description: Gary's Encyclopedia exists to allow the rapid finding
       of documentation and other information of interest to GNU/Linux
       users. It has about 4000 links to external pages in 150 major
       categories. This link is for kernel-specific links, documents,
       sites...  This list is now hosted by developer.Berlios.de,
       but seems not to have been updated since sometime in 1999.

     * Name: "The home page of Linux-MM"
       Author: The Linux-MM team.
       URL: http://linux-mm.org/
       Keywords: memory management, Linux-MM, mm patches, TODO, docs,
       mailing list.
       Description: Site devoted to Linux Memory Management development.
       Memory related patches, HOWTOs, links, mm developers... Don't miss
       it if you are interested in memory management development!

     * Name: "Kernel Newbies IRC Channel and Website"
       URL: http://www.kernelnewbies.org
       Keywords: IRC, newbies, channel, asking doubts.
       Description: #kernelnewbies on irc.oftc.net.
       #kernelnewbies is an IRC network dedicated to the 'newbie'
       kernel hacker. The audience mostly consists of people who are
       learning about the kernel, working on kernel projects or
       professional kernel hackers that want to help less seasoned kernel
       #kernelnewbies is on the OFTC IRC Network.
       Try irc.oftc.net as your server and then /join #kernelnewbies.
       The kernelnewbies website also hosts articles, documents, FAQs...
     * Name: "linux-kernel mailing list archives and search engines"
       URL: http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html
       URL: http://www.uwsg.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/index.html
       URL: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel
       URL: http://groups.google.com/group/mlist.linux.kernel
       URL: http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/linux/linux-kernel/
       URL: http://www.lib.uaa.alaska.edu/linux-kernel/
       Keywords: linux-kernel, archives, search.
       Description: Some of the linux-kernel mailing list archivers. If
       you have a better/another one, please let me know.
   Document last updated on Sat 2005-NOV-19
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8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 8732 8733 8734 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8743 8744 8745 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 8753 8754 8755 8756 8757 8758 8759 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 8776 8777 8778 8779 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 8789 8790 8791 8792 8793 8794 8795 8796 8797 8798 8799 8800 8801 8802 8803 8804 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 8811 8812 8813 8814 8815 8816 8817 8818 8819 8820 8821 8822 8823 8824 8825 8826 8827 8828 8829 8830 8831 8832 8833 8834 8835 8836 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 8844 8845 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 8851 8852 8853 8854 8855 8856 8857 8858 8859 8860 8861 8862 8863 8864 8865 8866 8867 8868 8869 8870 8871 8872 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 8878 8879 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 8895 8896 8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8902 8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 8944 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 8950 8951 8952 8953 8954 8955 8956 8957 8958 8959 8960 8961 8962 8963 8964 8965 8966 8967 8968 8969 8970 8971 8972 8973 8974 8975 8976 8977 8978 8979 8980 8981 8982 8983 8984 8985 8986 8987 8988 8989 8990 8991 8992 8993 8994 8995 8996 8997 8998 8999 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 9032 9033 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9052 9053 9054 9055 9056 9057 9058 9059 9060 9061 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9093 9094 9095 9096 9097 9098 9099 9100 9101 9102 9103 9104 9105 9106 9107 9108 9109 9110 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9116 9117 9118 9119 9120 9121 9122 9123 9124 9125 9126 9127 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9133 9134 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 9145 9146 9147 9148 9149 9150 9151 9152 9153 9154 9155 9156 9157 9158 9159 9160 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9173 9174 9175 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 9183 9184 9185 9186 9187 9188 9189 9190 9191 9192 9193 9194 9195 9196 9197 9198 9199 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245 9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 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9707 9708 9709 9710 9711 9712 9713 9714 9715 9716 9717 9718 9719 9720 9721 9722 9723 9724 9725 9726 9727 9728 9729 9730 9731 9732 9733 9734 9735 9736 9737 9738 9739 9740 9741 9742 9743 9744 9745 9746 9747 9748 9749 9750 9751 9752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9758 9759 9760 9761 9762 9763 9764 9765 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 9771 9772 9773 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 9779 9780 9781 9782 9783 9784 9785 9786 9787 9788 9789 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 9834 9835 9836 9837 9838 9839 9840 9841 9842 9843 9844 9845 9846 9847 9848 9849 9850 9851 9852 9853 9854 9855 9856 9857 9858 9859 9860 9861 9862 9863 9864 9865 9866 9867 9868 9869 9870 9871 9872 9873 9874 9875 9876 9877 9878 9879 9880 9881 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 9893 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 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10421 10422 10423 10424 10425 10426 10427 10428 10429 10430 10431 10432 10433 10434 10435 10436 10437 10438 10439 10440 10441 10442 10443 10444 10445 10446 10447 10448 10449 10450 10451 10452 10453 10454 10455 10456 10457 10458 10459 10460 10461 10462 10463 10464 10465 10466 10467 10468 10469 10470 10471 10472 10473 10474 10475 10476 10477 10478 10479 10480 10481 10482 10483 10484 10485 10486 10487 10488 10489 10490 10491 10492 10493 10494 10495 10496 10497 10498 10499 10500 10501 10502 10503 10504 10505 10506 10507 10508 10509 10510 10511 10512 10513 10514 10515 10516 10517 10518 10519 10520 10521 10522 10523 10524 10525 10526 10527 10528 10529 10530 10531 10532 10533 10534 10535 10536 10537 10538 10539 10540 10541 10542 10543 10544 10545 10546 10547 10548 10549 10550 10551 10552 10553 10554 10555 10556 10557 10558 10559 10560 10561 10562 10563 10564 10565 10566 10567 10568 10569 10570 10571 10572 10573 10574 10575 10576 10577 10578 10579 10580 10581 10582 10583 10584 10585 10586 10587 10588 10589 10590 10591 10592 10593 10594 10595 10596 10597 10598 10599 10600 10601 10602 10603 10604 10605 10606 10607 10608 10609 10610 10611 10612 10613 10614 10615 10616 10617 10618 10619 10620 10621 10622 10623 10624 10625 10626 10627 10628 10629 10630 10631 10632 10633 10634 10635 10636 10637 10638 10639 10640 10641 10642 10643 10644 10645 10646 10647 10648 10649 10650 10651 10652 10653 10654 10655 10656 10657 10658 10659 10660 10661 10662 10663 10664 10665 10666 10667 10668 10669 10670 10671 10672 10673 10674 10675 10676 10677 10678 10679 10680 10681 10682 10683 10684 10685 10686 10687 10688 10689 10690 10691 10692 10693 10694 10695 10696 10697 10698 10699 10700 10701 10702 10703 10704 10705 10706 10707 10708 10709 10710 10711 10712 10713 10714 10715 10716 10717 10718 10719 10720 10721 10722 10723 10724 10725 10726 10727 10728 10729 10730 10731 10732 10733 10734 10735 10736 10737 10738 10739 10740 10741 10742 10743 10744 10745 10746 10747 10748 10749 10750 10751 10752 10753 10754 10755 10756 10757 10758 10759 10760 10761 10762 10763 10764 10765 10766 10767 10768 10769 10770 10771 10772 10773 10774 10775 10776 10777 10778 10779 10780 10781 10782 10783 10784 10785 10786 10787 10788 10789 10790 10791 10792 10793 10794 10795 10796 10797 10798 10799 10800 10801 10802 10803 10804 10805 10806 10807 10808 10809 10810 10811 10812 10813 10814 10815 10816 10817 10818 10819 10820 10821 10822 10823 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 10830 10831 10832 10833 10834 10835 10836 10837 10838 10839 10840 10841 10842 10843 10844 10845 10846 10847 10848 10849 10850 10851 10852 10853 10854 10855 10856 10857 10858 10859 10860 10861 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10867 10868 10869 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 10884 10885 10886 10887 10888 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 10894 10895 10896 10897 10898 10899 10900 10901 10902 10903 10904 10905 10906 10907 10908 10909 10910 10911 10912 10913 10914 10915 10916 10917 10918 10919 10920 10921 10922 10923 10924 10925 10926 10927 10928 10929 10930 10931 10932 10933 10934 10935 10936 10937 10938 10939 10940 10941 10942 10943 10944 10945 10946 10947 10948 10949 10950 10951 10952 10953 10954 10955 10956 10957 10958 10959 10960 10961 10962 10963 10964 10965 10966 10967 10968 10969 10970 10971 10972 10973 10974 10975 10976 10977 10978 10979 10980 10981 10982 10983 10984 10985 10986 10987 10988 10989 10990 10991 10992 10993 10994 10995 10996 10997 10998 10999 11000 11001 11002 11003 11004 11005 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 11011 11012 11013 11014 11015 11016 11017 11018 11019 11020 11021 11022 11023 11024 11025 11026 11027 11028 11029 11030 11031 11032 11033 11034 11035 11036 11037 11038 11039 11040 11041 11042 11043 11044 11045 11046 11047 11048 11049 11050 11051 11052 11053 11054 11055 11056 11057 11058 11059 11060 11061 11062 11063 11064 11065 11066 11067 11068 11069 11070 11071 11072 11073 11074 11075 11076 11077 11078 11079 11080 11081 11082 11083 11084 11085 11086 11087 11088 11089 11090 11091 11092 11093 11094 11095 11096 11097 11098 11099 11100 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 11111 11112 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 11119 11120 11121 11122 11123 11124 11125 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130 11131 11132 11133 11134 11135 11136 11137 11138 11139 11140 11141 11142 11143 11144 11145 11146 11147 11148 11149 11150 11151 11152 11153 11154 11155 11156 11157 11158 11159 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 11165 11166 11167 11168 11169 11170 11171 11172 11173 11174 11175 11176 11177 11178 11179 11180 11181 11182 11183 11184 11185 11186 11187 11188 11189 11190 11191 11192 11193 11194 11195 11196 11197 11198 11199 11200 11201 11202 11203 11204 11205 11206 11207 11208 11209 11210 11211 11212 11213 11214 11215 11216 11217 11218 11219 11220 11221 11222 11223 11224 11225 11226 11227 11228 11229 11230 11231 11232 11233 11234 11235 11236 11237 11238 11239 11240 11241 11242 11243 11244 11245 11246 11247 11248 11249 11250 11251 11252 11253 11254 11255 11256 11257 11258 11259 11260 11261 11262 11263 11264 11265 11266 11267 11268 11269 11270 11271 11272 11273 11274 11275 11276 11277 11278 11279 11280 11281 11282 11283 11284 11285 11286 11287 11288 11289 11290 11291 11292 11293 11294 11295 11296 11297 11298 11299 11300 11301 11302 11303 11304 11305 11306 11307 11308 11309 11310 11311 11312 11313 11314 11315 11316 11317 11318 11319 11320 11321 11322 11323 11324 11325 11326 11327 11328 11329 11330 11331 11332 11333 11334 11335 11336 11337 11338 11339 11340 11341 11342 11343 11344 11345 11346 11347 11348 11349 11350 11351 11352 11353 11354 11355 11356 11357 11358 11359 11360 11361 11362 11363 11364 11365 11366 11367 11368 11369 11370 11371 11372 11373 11374 11375 11376 11377 11378 11379 11380 11381 11382 11383 11384 11385 11386 11387 11388 11389 11390 11391 11392 11393 11394 11395 11396 11397 11398 11399 11400 11401 11402 11403 11404 11405 11406 11407 11408 11409 11410 11411 11412 11413 11414 11415 11416 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11583 11584 11585 11586 11587 11588 11589 11590 11591 11592 11593 11594 11595 11596 11597 11598 11599 11600 11601 11602 11603 11604 11605 11606 11607 11608 11609 11610 11611 11612 11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 11618 11619 11620 11621 11622 11623 11624 11625 11626 11627 11628 11629 11630 11631 11632 11633 11634 11635 11636 11637 11638 11639 11640 11641 11642 11643 11644 11645 11646 11647 11648 11649 11650 11651 11652 11653 11654 11655 11656 11657 11658 11659 11660 11661 11662 11663 11664 11665 11666 11667 11668 11669 11670 11671 11672 11673 11674 11675 11676 11677 11678 11679 11680 11681 11682 11683 11684 11685 11686 11687 11688 11689 11690 11691 11692 11693 11694 11695 11696 11697 11698 11699 11700 11701 11702 11703 11704 11705 11706 11707 11708 11709 11710 11711 11712 11713 11714 11715 11716 11717 11718 11719 11720 11721 11722 11723 11724 11725 11726 11727 11728 11729 11730 11731 11732 11733 11734 11735 11736 11737 11738 11739 11740 11741 11742 11743 11744 11745 11746 11747 11748 11749 11750 11751 11752 11753 11754 11755 11756 11757 11758 11759 11760 11761 11762 11763 11764 11765 11766 11767 11768 11769 11770 11771 11772 11773 11774 11775 11776 11777 11778 11779 11780 11781 11782 11783 11784 11785 11786 11787 11788 11789 11790 11791 11792 11793 11794 11795 11796 11797 11798 11799 11800 11801 11802 11803 11804 11805 11806 11807 11808 11809 11810 11811 11812 11813 11814 11815 11816 11817 11818 11819 11820 11821 11822 11823 11824 11825 11826 11827 11828 11829 11830 11831 11832 11833 11834 11835 11836 11837 11838 11839 11840 11841 11842 11843 11844 11845 11846 11847 11848 11849 11850 11851 11852 11853 11854 11855 11856 11857 11858 11859 11860 11861 11862 11863 11864 11865 11866 11867 11868 11869 11870 11871 11872 11873 11874 11875 11876 11877 11878 11879 11880 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 11917 11918 11919 11920 11921 11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11928 11929 11930 11931 11932 11933 11934 11935 11936 11937 11938 11939 11940 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 11948 11949 11950 11951 11952 11953 11954 11955 11956 11957 11958 11959 11960 11961 11962 11963 11964 11965 11966 11967 11968 11969 11970 11971 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11981 11982 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11997 11998 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036 12037 12038 12039 12040 12041 12042 12043 12044 12045 12046 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052 12053 12054 12055 12056 12057 12058 12059 12060 12061 12062 12063 12064 12065 12066 12067 12068 12069 12070 12071
 * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for         *
 * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters.                                *
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Emulex.  All rights reserved.           *
 * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex.                        *
 * www.emulex.com                                                  *
 * Portions Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Christoph Hellwig              *
 *                                                                 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   *
 * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General       *
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.    *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. *
 * TO BE LEGALLY INVALID.  See the GNU General Public License for  *
 * more details, a copy of which can be found in the file COPYING  *
 * included with this package.                                     *

#include <linux/blkdev.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>

#include <scsi/scsi.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_transport_fc.h>
#include <scsi/fc/fc_fs.h>
#include <linux/aer.h>

#include "lpfc_hw4.h"
#include "lpfc_hw.h"
#include "lpfc_sli.h"
#include "lpfc_sli4.h"
#include "lpfc_nl.h"
#include "lpfc_disc.h"
#include "lpfc_scsi.h"
#include "lpfc.h"
#include "lpfc_crtn.h"
#include "lpfc_logmsg.h"
#include "lpfc_compat.h"
#include "lpfc_debugfs.h"
#include "lpfc_vport.h"

/* There are only four IOCB completion types. */
typedef enum _lpfc_iocb_type {
} lpfc_iocb_type;

/* Provide function prototypes local to this module. */
static int lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s4(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *,
static int lpfc_sli4_read_rev(struct lpfc_hba *, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *,
			      uint8_t *, uint32_t *);
static struct lpfc_iocbq *lpfc_sli4_els_wcqe_to_rspiocbq(struct lpfc_hba *,
							 struct lpfc_iocbq *);
static void lpfc_sli4_send_seq_to_ulp(struct lpfc_vport *,
				      struct hbq_dmabuf *);
static IOCB_t *
lpfc_get_iocb_from_iocbq(struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq)
	return &iocbq->iocb;

 * lpfc_sli4_wq_put - Put a Work Queue Entry on an Work Queue
 * @q: The Work Queue to operate on.
 * @wqe: The work Queue Entry to put on the Work queue.
 * This routine will copy the contents of @wqe to the next available entry on
 * the @q. This function will then ring the Work Queue Doorbell to signal the
 * HBA to start processing the Work Queue Entry. This function returns 0 if
 * successful. If no entries are available on @q then this function will return
 * The caller is expected to hold the hbalock when calling this routine.
static uint32_t
lpfc_sli4_wq_put(struct lpfc_queue *q, union lpfc_wqe *wqe)
	union lpfc_wqe *temp_wqe = q->qe[q->host_index].wqe;
	struct lpfc_register doorbell;
	uint32_t host_index;

	/* If the host has not yet processed the next entry then we are done */
	if (((q->host_index + 1) % q->entry_count) == q->hba_index)
		return -ENOMEM;
	/* set consumption flag every once in a while */
	if (!((q->host_index + 1) % LPFC_RELEASE_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL))
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_wqec, &wqe->generic, 1);

	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(wqe, temp_wqe, q->entry_size);

	/* Update the host index before invoking device */
	host_index = q->host_index;
	q->host_index = ((q->host_index + 1) % q->entry_count);

	/* Ring Doorbell */
	doorbell.word0 = 0;
	bf_set(lpfc_wq_doorbell_num_posted, &doorbell, 1);
	bf_set(lpfc_wq_doorbell_index, &doorbell, host_index);
	bf_set(lpfc_wq_doorbell_id, &doorbell, q->queue_id);
	writel(doorbell.word0, q->phba->sli4_hba.WQDBregaddr);
	readl(q->phba->sli4_hba.WQDBregaddr); /* Flush */

	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli4_wq_release - Updates internal hba index for WQ
 * @q: The Work Queue to operate on.
 * @index: The index to advance the hba index to.
 * This routine will update the HBA index of a queue to reflect consumption of
 * Work Queue Entries by the HBA. When the HBA indicates that it has consumed
 * an entry the host calls this function to update the queue's internal
 * pointers. This routine returns the number of entries that were consumed by
 * the HBA.
static uint32_t
lpfc_sli4_wq_release(struct lpfc_queue *q, uint32_t index)
	uint32_t released = 0;

	if (q->hba_index == index)
		return 0;
	do {
		q->hba_index = ((q->hba_index + 1) % q->entry_count);
	} while (q->hba_index != index);
	return released;

 * lpfc_sli4_mq_put - Put a Mailbox Queue Entry on an Mailbox Queue
 * @q: The Mailbox Queue to operate on.
 * @wqe: The Mailbox Queue Entry to put on the Work queue.
 * This routine will copy the contents of @mqe to the next available entry on
 * the @q. This function will then ring the Work Queue Doorbell to signal the
 * HBA to start processing the Work Queue Entry. This function returns 0 if
 * successful. If no entries are available on @q then this function will return
 * The caller is expected to hold the hbalock when calling this routine.
static uint32_t
lpfc_sli4_mq_put(struct lpfc_queue *q, struct lpfc_mqe *mqe)
	struct lpfc_mqe *temp_mqe = q->qe[q->host_index].mqe;
	struct lpfc_register doorbell;
	uint32_t host_index;

	/* If the host has not yet processed the next entry then we are done */
	if (((q->host_index + 1) % q->entry_count) == q->hba_index)
		return -ENOMEM;
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(mqe, temp_mqe, q->entry_size);
	/* Save off the mailbox pointer for completion */
	q->phba->mbox = (MAILBOX_t *)temp_mqe;

	/* Update the host index before invoking device */
	host_index = q->host_index;
	q->host_index = ((q->host_index + 1) % q->entry_count);

	/* Ring Doorbell */
	doorbell.word0 = 0;
	bf_set(lpfc_mq_doorbell_num_posted, &doorbell, 1);
	bf_set(lpfc_mq_doorbell_id, &doorbell, q->queue_id);
	writel(doorbell.word0, q->phba->sli4_hba.MQDBregaddr);
	readl(q->phba->sli4_hba.MQDBregaddr); /* Flush */
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli4_mq_release - Updates internal hba index for MQ
 * @q: The Mailbox Queue to operate on.
 * This routine will update the HBA index of a queue to reflect consumption of
 * a Mailbox Queue Entry by the HBA. When the HBA indicates that it has consumed
 * an entry the host calls this function to update the queue's internal
 * pointers. This routine returns the number of entries that were consumed by
 * the HBA.
static uint32_t
lpfc_sli4_mq_release(struct lpfc_queue *q)
	/* Clear the mailbox pointer for completion */
	q->phba->mbox = NULL;
	q->hba_index = ((q->hba_index + 1) % q->entry_count);
	return 1;

 * lpfc_sli4_eq_get - Gets the next valid EQE from a EQ
 * @q: The Event Queue to get the first valid EQE from
 * This routine will get the first valid Event Queue Entry from @q, update
 * the queue's internal hba index, and return the EQE. If no valid EQEs are in
 * the Queue (no more work to do), or the Queue is full of EQEs that have been
 * processed, but not popped back to the HBA then this routine will return NULL.
static struct lpfc_eqe *
lpfc_sli4_eq_get(struct lpfc_queue *q)
	struct lpfc_eqe *eqe = q->qe[q->hba_index].eqe;

	/* If the next EQE is not valid then we are done */
	if (!bf_get(lpfc_eqe_valid, eqe))
		return NULL;
	/* If the host has not yet processed the next entry then we are done */
	if (((q->hba_index + 1) % q->entry_count) == q->host_index)
		return NULL;

	q->hba_index = ((q->hba_index + 1) % q->entry_count);
	return eqe;

 * lpfc_sli4_eq_release - Indicates the host has finished processing an EQ
 * @q: The Event Queue that the host has completed processing for.
 * @arm: Indicates whether the host wants to arms this CQ.
 * This routine will mark all Event Queue Entries on @q, from the last
 * known completed entry to the last entry that was processed, as completed
 * by clearing the valid bit for each completion queue entry. Then it will
 * notify the HBA, by ringing the doorbell, that the EQEs have been processed.
 * The internal host index in the @q will be updated by this routine to indicate
 * that the host has finished processing the entries. The @arm parameter
 * indicates that the queue should be rearmed when ringing the doorbell.
 * This function will return the number of EQEs that were popped.
lpfc_sli4_eq_release(struct lpfc_queue *q, bool arm)
	uint32_t released = 0;
	struct lpfc_eqe *temp_eqe;
	struct lpfc_register doorbell;

	/* while there are valid entries */
	while (q->hba_index != q->host_index) {
		temp_eqe = q->qe[q->host_index].eqe;
		bf_set(lpfc_eqe_valid, temp_eqe, 0);
		q->host_index = ((q->host_index + 1) % q->entry_count);
	if (unlikely(released == 0 && !arm))
		return 0;

	/* ring doorbell for number popped */
	doorbell.word0 = 0;
	if (arm) {
		bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_arm, &doorbell, 1);
		bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_eqci, &doorbell, 1);
	bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_num_released, &doorbell, released);
	bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_qt, &doorbell, LPFC_QUEUE_TYPE_EVENT);
	bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_eqid, &doorbell, q->queue_id);
	writel(doorbell.word0, q->phba->sli4_hba.EQCQDBregaddr);
	/* PCI read to flush PCI pipeline on re-arming for INTx mode */
	if ((q->phba->intr_type == INTx) && (arm == LPFC_QUEUE_REARM))
	return released;

 * lpfc_sli4_cq_get - Gets the next valid CQE from a CQ
 * @q: The Completion Queue to get the first valid CQE from
 * This routine will get the first valid Completion Queue Entry from @q, update
 * the queue's internal hba index, and return the CQE. If no valid CQEs are in
 * the Queue (no more work to do), or the Queue is full of CQEs that have been
 * processed, but not popped back to the HBA then this routine will return NULL.
static struct lpfc_cqe *
lpfc_sli4_cq_get(struct lpfc_queue *q)
	struct lpfc_cqe *cqe;

	/* If the next CQE is not valid then we are done */
	if (!bf_get(lpfc_cqe_valid, q->qe[q->hba_index].cqe))
		return NULL;
	/* If the host has not yet processed the next entry then we are done */
	if (((q->hba_index + 1) % q->entry_count) == q->host_index)
		return NULL;

	cqe = q->qe[q->hba_index].cqe;
	q->hba_index = ((q->hba_index + 1) % q->entry_count);
	return cqe;

 * lpfc_sli4_cq_release - Indicates the host has finished processing a CQ
 * @q: The Completion Queue that the host has completed processing for.
 * @arm: Indicates whether the host wants to arms this CQ.
 * This routine will mark all Completion queue entries on @q, from the last
 * known completed entry to the last entry that was processed, as completed
 * by clearing the valid bit for each completion queue entry. Then it will
 * notify the HBA, by ringing the doorbell, that the CQEs have been processed.
 * The internal host index in the @q will be updated by this routine to indicate
 * that the host has finished processing the entries. The @arm parameter
 * indicates that the queue should be rearmed when ringing the doorbell.
 * This function will return the number of CQEs that were released.
lpfc_sli4_cq_release(struct lpfc_queue *q, bool arm)
	uint32_t released = 0;
	struct lpfc_cqe *temp_qe;
	struct lpfc_register doorbell;

	/* while there are valid entries */
	while (q->hba_index != q->host_index) {
		temp_qe = q->qe[q->host_index].cqe;
		bf_set(lpfc_cqe_valid, temp_qe, 0);
		q->host_index = ((q->host_index + 1) % q->entry_count);
	if (unlikely(released == 0 && !arm))
		return 0;

	/* ring doorbell for number popped */
	doorbell.word0 = 0;
	if (arm)
		bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_arm, &doorbell, 1);
	bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_num_released, &doorbell, released);
	bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_qt, &doorbell, LPFC_QUEUE_TYPE_COMPLETION);
	bf_set(lpfc_eqcq_doorbell_cqid, &doorbell, q->queue_id);
	writel(doorbell.word0, q->phba->sli4_hba.EQCQDBregaddr);
	return released;

 * lpfc_sli4_rq_put - Put a Receive Buffer Queue Entry on a Receive Queue
 * @q: The Header Receive Queue to operate on.
 * @wqe: The Receive Queue Entry to put on the Receive queue.
 * This routine will copy the contents of @wqe to the next available entry on
 * the @q. This function will then ring the Receive Queue Doorbell to signal the
 * HBA to start processing the Receive Queue Entry. This function returns the
 * index that the rqe was copied to if successful. If no entries are available
 * on @q then this function will return -ENOMEM.
 * The caller is expected to hold the hbalock when calling this routine.
static int
lpfc_sli4_rq_put(struct lpfc_queue *hq, struct lpfc_queue *dq,
		 struct lpfc_rqe *hrqe, struct lpfc_rqe *drqe)
	struct lpfc_rqe *temp_hrqe = hq->qe[hq->host_index].rqe;
	struct lpfc_rqe *temp_drqe = dq->qe[dq->host_index].rqe;
	struct lpfc_register doorbell;
	int put_index = hq->host_index;

	if (hq->type != LPFC_HRQ || dq->type != LPFC_DRQ)
		return -EINVAL;
	if (hq->host_index != dq->host_index)
		return -EINVAL;
	/* If the host has not yet processed the next entry then we are done */
	if (((hq->host_index + 1) % hq->entry_count) == hq->hba_index)
		return -EBUSY;
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(hrqe, temp_hrqe, hq->entry_size);
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(drqe, temp_drqe, dq->entry_size);

	/* Update the host index to point to the next slot */
	hq->host_index = ((hq->host_index + 1) % hq->entry_count);
	dq->host_index = ((dq->host_index + 1) % dq->entry_count);

	/* Ring The Header Receive Queue Doorbell */
	if (!(hq->host_index % LPFC_RQ_POST_BATCH)) {
		doorbell.word0 = 0;
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_doorbell_num_posted, &doorbell,
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_doorbell_id, &doorbell, hq->queue_id);
		writel(doorbell.word0, hq->phba->sli4_hba.RQDBregaddr);
	return put_index;

 * lpfc_sli4_rq_release - Updates internal hba index for RQ
 * @q: The Header Receive Queue to operate on.
 * This routine will update the HBA index of a queue to reflect consumption of
 * one Receive Queue Entry by the HBA. When the HBA indicates that it has
 * consumed an entry the host calls this function to update the queue's
 * internal pointers. This routine returns the number of entries that were
 * consumed by the HBA.
static uint32_t
lpfc_sli4_rq_release(struct lpfc_queue *hq, struct lpfc_queue *dq)
	if ((hq->type != LPFC_HRQ) || (dq->type != LPFC_DRQ))
		return 0;
	hq->hba_index = ((hq->hba_index + 1) % hq->entry_count);
	dq->hba_index = ((dq->hba_index + 1) % dq->entry_count);
	return 1;

 * lpfc_cmd_iocb - Get next command iocb entry in the ring
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function returns pointer to next command iocb entry
 * in the command ring. The caller must hold hbalock to prevent
 * other threads consume the next command iocb.
 * SLI-2/SLI-3 provide different sized iocbs.
static inline IOCB_t *
lpfc_cmd_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	return (IOCB_t *) (((char *) pring->cmdringaddr) +
			   pring->cmdidx * phba->iocb_cmd_size);

 * lpfc_resp_iocb - Get next response iocb entry in the ring
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function returns pointer to next response iocb entry
 * in the response ring. The caller must hold hbalock to make sure
 * that no other thread consume the next response iocb.
 * SLI-2/SLI-3 provide different sized iocbs.
static inline IOCB_t *
lpfc_resp_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	return (IOCB_t *) (((char *) pring->rspringaddr) +
			   pring->rspidx * phba->iocb_rsp_size);

 * __lpfc_sli_get_iocbq - Allocates an iocb object from iocb pool
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held. This function
 * allocates a new driver iocb object from the iocb pool. If the
 * allocation is successful, it returns pointer to the newly
 * allocated iocb object else it returns NULL.
static struct lpfc_iocbq *
__lpfc_sli_get_iocbq(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct list_head *lpfc_iocb_list = &phba->lpfc_iocb_list;
	struct lpfc_iocbq * iocbq = NULL;

	list_remove_head(lpfc_iocb_list, iocbq, struct lpfc_iocbq, list);
	return iocbq;

 * __lpfc_clear_active_sglq - Remove the active sglq for this XRI.
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @xritag: XRI value.
 * This function clears the sglq pointer from the array of acive
 * sglq's. The xritag that is passed in is used to index into the
 * array. Before the xritag can be used it needs to be adjusted
 * by subtracting the xribase.
 * Returns sglq ponter = success, NULL = Failure.
static struct lpfc_sglq *
__lpfc_clear_active_sglq(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint16_t xritag)
	uint16_t adj_xri;
	struct lpfc_sglq *sglq;
	adj_xri = xritag - phba->sli4_hba.max_cfg_param.xri_base;
	if (adj_xri > phba->sli4_hba.max_cfg_param.max_xri)
		return NULL;
	sglq = phba->sli4_hba.lpfc_sglq_active_list[adj_xri];
	phba->sli4_hba.lpfc_sglq_active_list[adj_xri] = NULL;
	return sglq;

 * __lpfc_get_active_sglq - Get the active sglq for this XRI.
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @xritag: XRI value.
 * This function returns the sglq pointer from the array of acive
 * sglq's. The xritag that is passed in is used to index into the
 * array. Before the xritag can be used it needs to be adjusted
 * by subtracting the xribase.
 * Returns sglq ponter = success, NULL = Failure.
static struct lpfc_sglq *
__lpfc_get_active_sglq(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint16_t xritag)
	uint16_t adj_xri;
	struct lpfc_sglq *sglq;
	adj_xri = xritag - phba->sli4_hba.max_cfg_param.xri_base;
	if (adj_xri > phba->sli4_hba.max_cfg_param.max_xri)
		return NULL;
	sglq =  phba->sli4_hba.lpfc_sglq_active_list[adj_xri];
	return sglq;

 * __lpfc_sli_get_sglq - Allocates an iocb object from sgl pool
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held. This function
 * Gets a new driver sglq object from the sglq list. If the
 * list is not empty then it is successful, it returns pointer to the newly
 * allocated sglq object else it returns NULL.
static struct lpfc_sglq *
__lpfc_sli_get_sglq(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct list_head *lpfc_sgl_list = &phba->sli4_hba.lpfc_sgl_list;
	struct lpfc_sglq *sglq = NULL;
	uint16_t adj_xri;
	list_remove_head(lpfc_sgl_list, sglq, struct lpfc_sglq, list);
	if (!sglq)
		return NULL;
	adj_xri = sglq->sli4_xritag - phba->sli4_hba.max_cfg_param.xri_base;
	phba->sli4_hba.lpfc_sglq_active_list[adj_xri] = sglq;
	return sglq;

 * lpfc_sli_get_iocbq - Allocates an iocb object from iocb pool
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called with no lock held. This function
 * allocates a new driver iocb object from the iocb pool. If the
 * allocation is successful, it returns pointer to the newly
 * allocated iocb object else it returns NULL.
struct lpfc_iocbq *
lpfc_sli_get_iocbq(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_iocbq * iocbq = NULL;
	unsigned long iflags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	iocbq = __lpfc_sli_get_iocbq(phba);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	return iocbq;

 * __lpfc_sli_release_iocbq_s4 - Release iocb to the iocb pool
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @iocbq: Pointer to driver iocb object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to release driver
 * iocb object to the iocb pool. The iotag in the iocb object
 * does not change for each use of the iocb object. This function
 * clears all other fields of the iocb object when it is freed.
 * The sqlq structure that holds the xritag and phys and virtual
 * mappings for the scatter gather list is retrieved from the
 * active array of sglq. The get of the sglq pointer also clears
 * the entry in the array. If the status of the IO indiactes that
 * this IO was aborted then the sglq entry it put on the
 * lpfc_abts_els_sgl_list until the CQ_ABORTED_XRI is received. If the
 * IO has good status or fails for any other reason then the sglq
 * entry is added to the free list (lpfc_sgl_list).
static void
__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq_s4(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq)
	struct lpfc_sglq *sglq;
	size_t start_clean = offsetof(struct lpfc_iocbq, iocb);
	unsigned long iflag;

	if (iocbq->sli4_xritag == NO_XRI)
		sglq = NULL;
		sglq = __lpfc_clear_active_sglq(phba, iocbq->sli4_xritag);
	if (sglq)  {
		if (iocbq->iocb_flag & LPFC_DRIVER_ABORTED
			&& ((iocbq->iocb.ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT)
			&& (iocbq->iocb.un.ulpWord[4]
				&phba->sli4_hba.abts_sgl_list_lock, iflag);
		} else
			list_add(&sglq->list, &phba->sli4_hba.lpfc_sgl_list);

	 * Clean all volatile data fields, preserve iotag and node struct.
	memset((char *)iocbq + start_clean, 0, sizeof(*iocbq) - start_clean);
	iocbq->sli4_xritag = NO_XRI;
	list_add_tail(&iocbq->list, &phba->lpfc_iocb_list);

 * __lpfc_sli_release_iocbq_s3 - Release iocb to the iocb pool
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @iocbq: Pointer to driver iocb object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to release driver
 * iocb object to the iocb pool. The iotag in the iocb object
 * does not change for each use of the iocb object. This function
 * clears all other fields of the iocb object when it is freed.
static void
__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq)
	size_t start_clean = offsetof(struct lpfc_iocbq, iocb);

	 * Clean all volatile data fields, preserve iotag and node struct.
	memset((char*)iocbq + start_clean, 0, sizeof(*iocbq) - start_clean);
	iocbq->sli4_xritag = NO_XRI;
	list_add_tail(&iocbq->list, &phba->lpfc_iocb_list);

 * __lpfc_sli_release_iocbq - Release iocb to the iocb pool
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @iocbq: Pointer to driver iocb object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to release driver
 * iocb object to the iocb pool. The iotag in the iocb object
 * does not change for each use of the iocb object. This function
 * clears all other fields of the iocb object when it is freed.
static void
__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq)
	phba->__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, iocbq);

 * lpfc_sli_release_iocbq - Release iocb to the iocb pool
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @iocbq: Pointer to driver iocb object.
 * This function is called with no lock held to release the iocb to
 * iocb pool.
lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq)
	unsigned long iflags;

	 * Clean all volatile data fields, preserve iotag and node struct.
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, iocbq);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

 * lpfc_sli_cancel_iocbs - Cancel all iocbs from a list.
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @iocblist: List of IOCBs.
 * @ulpstatus: ULP status in IOCB command field.
 * @ulpWord4: ULP word-4 in IOCB command field.
 * This function is called with a list of IOCBs to cancel. It cancels the IOCB
 * on the list by invoking the complete callback function associated with the
 * IOCB with the provided @ulpstatus and @ulpword4 set to the IOCB commond
 * fields.
lpfc_sli_cancel_iocbs(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct list_head *iocblist,
		      uint32_t ulpstatus, uint32_t ulpWord4)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb;

	while (!list_empty(iocblist)) {
		list_remove_head(iocblist, piocb, struct lpfc_iocbq, list);

		if (!piocb->iocb_cmpl)
			lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, piocb);
		else {
			piocb->iocb.ulpStatus = ulpstatus;
			piocb->iocb.un.ulpWord[4] = ulpWord4;
			(piocb->iocb_cmpl) (phba, piocb, piocb);

 * lpfc_sli_iocb_cmd_type - Get the iocb type
 * @iocb_cmnd: iocb command code.
 * This function is called by ring event handler function to get the iocb type.
 * This function translates the iocb command to an iocb command type used to
 * decide the final disposition of each completed IOCB.
 * The function returns
 * LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB if it is an unsupported iocb
 * LPFC_SOL_IOCB     if it is a solicited iocb completion
 * LPFC_ABORT_IOCB   if it is an abort iocb
 * LPFC_UNSOL_IOCB   if it is an unsolicited iocb
 * The caller is not required to hold any lock.
static lpfc_iocb_type
lpfc_sli_iocb_cmd_type(uint8_t iocb_cmnd)
	lpfc_iocb_type type = LPFC_UNKNOWN_IOCB;

	if (iocb_cmnd > CMD_MAX_IOCB_CMD)
		return 0;

	switch (iocb_cmnd) {
	case CMD_FCP_TRSP64_CX:
		type = LPFC_SOL_IOCB;
		printk("%s - Unhandled SLI-3 Command x%x\n",
				__func__, iocb_cmnd);

	return type;

 * lpfc_sli_ring_map - Issue config_ring mbox for all rings
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called from SLI initialization code
 * to configure every ring of the HBA's SLI interface. The
 * caller is not required to hold any lock. This function issues
 * a config_ring mailbox command for each ring.
 * This function returns zero if successful else returns a negative
 * error code.
static int
lpfc_sli_ring_map(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	MAILBOX_t *pmbox;
	int i, rc, ret = 0;

	pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!pmb)
		return -ENOMEM;
	pmbox = &pmb->u.mb;
	phba->link_state = LPFC_INIT_MBX_CMDS;
	for (i = 0; i < psli->num_rings; i++) {
		lpfc_config_ring(phba, i, pmb);
		rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL);
		if (rc != MBX_SUCCESS) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
					"0446 Adapter failed to init (%d), "
					"mbxCmd x%x CFG_RING, mbxStatus x%x, "
					"ring %d\n",
					rc, pmbox->mbxCommand,
					pmbox->mbxStatus, i);
			phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
			ret = -ENXIO;
	mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return ret;

 * lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put - Adds new iocb to the txcmplq
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @piocb: Pointer to the driver iocb object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held. The function adds the
 * new iocb to txcmplq of the given ring. This function always returns
 * 0. If this function is called for ELS ring, this function checks if
 * there is a vport associated with the ELS command. This function also
 * starts els_tmofunc timer if this is an ELS command.
static int
lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb)
	list_add_tail(&piocb->list, &pring->txcmplq);
	if ((unlikely(pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING)) &&
	   (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand != CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN) &&
	   (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand != CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN)) {
		if (!piocb->vport)
				  jiffies + HZ * (phba->fc_ratov << 1));

	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_ringtx_get - Get first element of the txq
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to get next
 * iocb in txq of the given ring. If there is any iocb in
 * the txq, the function returns first iocb in the list after
 * removing the iocb from the list, else it returns NULL.
static struct lpfc_iocbq *
lpfc_sli_ringtx_get(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmd_iocb;

	list_remove_head((&pring->txq), cmd_iocb, struct lpfc_iocbq, list);
	if (cmd_iocb != NULL)
	return cmd_iocb;

 * lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot - Get next iocb slot in the ring
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held and the caller must post the
 * iocb without releasing the lock. If the caller releases the lock,
 * iocb slot returned by the function is not guaranteed to be available.
 * The function returns pointer to the next available iocb slot if there
 * is available slot in the ring, else it returns NULL.
 * If the get index of the ring is ahead of the put index, the function
 * will post an error attention event to the worker thread to take the
 * HBA to offline state.
static IOCB_t *
lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot (struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	struct lpfc_pgp *pgp = &phba->port_gp[pring->ringno];
	uint32_t  max_cmd_idx = pring->numCiocb;
	if ((pring->next_cmdidx == pring->cmdidx) &&
	   (++pring->next_cmdidx >= max_cmd_idx))
		pring->next_cmdidx = 0;

	if (unlikely(pring->local_getidx == pring->next_cmdidx)) {

		pring->local_getidx = le32_to_cpu(pgp->cmdGetInx);

		if (unlikely(pring->local_getidx >= max_cmd_idx)) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
					"0315 Ring %d issue: portCmdGet %d "
					"is bigger than cmd ring %d\n",
					pring->local_getidx, max_cmd_idx);

			phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
			 * All error attention handlers are posted to
			 * worker thread
			phba->work_ha |= HA_ERATT;
			phba->work_hs = HS_FFER3;


			return NULL;

		if (pring->local_getidx == pring->next_cmdidx)
			return NULL;

	return lpfc_cmd_iocb(phba, pring);

 * lpfc_sli_next_iotag - Get an iotag for the iocb
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @iocbq: Pointer to driver iocb object.
 * This function gets an iotag for the iocb. If there is no unused iotag and
 * the iocbq_lookup_len < 0xffff, this function allocates a bigger iotag_lookup
 * array and assigns a new iotag.
 * The function returns the allocated iotag if successful, else returns zero.
 * Zero is not a valid iotag.
 * The caller is not required to hold any lock.
lpfc_sli_next_iotag(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq)
	struct lpfc_iocbq **new_arr;
	struct lpfc_iocbq **old_arr;
	size_t new_len;
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	uint16_t iotag;

	iotag = psli->last_iotag;
	if(++iotag < psli->iocbq_lookup_len) {
		psli->last_iotag = iotag;
		psli->iocbq_lookup[iotag] = iocbq;
		iocbq->iotag = iotag;
		return iotag;
	} else if (psli->iocbq_lookup_len < (0xffff
		new_len = psli->iocbq_lookup_len + LPFC_IOCBQ_LOOKUP_INCREMENT;
		new_arr = kzalloc(new_len * sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq *),
		if (new_arr) {
			old_arr = psli->iocbq_lookup;
			if (new_len <= psli->iocbq_lookup_len) {
				/* highly unprobable case */
				iotag = psli->last_iotag;
				if(++iotag < psli->iocbq_lookup_len) {
					psli->last_iotag = iotag;
					psli->iocbq_lookup[iotag] = iocbq;
					iocbq->iotag = iotag;
					return iotag;
				return 0;
			if (psli->iocbq_lookup)
				memcpy(new_arr, old_arr,
				       ((psli->last_iotag  + 1) *
					sizeof (struct lpfc_iocbq *)));
			psli->iocbq_lookup = new_arr;
			psli->iocbq_lookup_len = new_len;
			psli->last_iotag = iotag;
			psli->iocbq_lookup[iotag] = iocbq;
			iocbq->iotag = iotag;
			return iotag;
	} else

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR,LOG_SLI,
			"0318 Failed to allocate IOTAG.last IOTAG is %d\n",

	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_submit_iocb - Submit an iocb to the firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @iocb: Pointer to iocb slot in the ring.
 * @nextiocb: Pointer to driver iocb object which need to be
 *            posted to firmware.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to post a new iocb to
 * the firmware. This function copies the new iocb to ring iocb slot and
 * updates the ring pointers. It adds the new iocb to txcmplq if there is
 * a completion call back for this iocb else the function will free the
 * iocb object.
static void
lpfc_sli_submit_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
		IOCB_t *iocb, struct lpfc_iocbq *nextiocb)
	 * Set up an iotag
	nextiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag = (nextiocb->iocb_cmpl) ? nextiocb->iotag : 0;

	if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
			"IOCB cmd ring:   wd4:x%08x wd6:x%08x wd7:x%08x",
			*(((uint32_t *) &nextiocb->iocb) + 4),
			*(((uint32_t *) &nextiocb->iocb) + 6),
			*(((uint32_t *) &nextiocb->iocb) + 7));

	 * Issue iocb command to adapter
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(&nextiocb->iocb, iocb, phba->iocb_cmd_size);

	 * If there is no completion routine to call, we can release the
	 * IOCB buffer back right now. For IOCBs, like QUE_RING_BUF,
	 * that have no rsp ring completion, iocb_cmpl MUST be NULL.
	if (nextiocb->iocb_cmpl)
		lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put(phba, pring, nextiocb);
		__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, nextiocb);

	 * Let the HBA know what IOCB slot will be the next one the
	 * driver will put a command into.
	pring->cmdidx = pring->next_cmdidx;
	writel(pring->cmdidx, &phba->host_gp[pring->ringno].cmdPutInx);

 * lpfc_sli_update_full_ring - Update the chip attention register
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * The caller is not required to hold any lock for calling this function.
 * This function updates the chip attention bits for the ring to inform firmware
 * that there are pending work to be done for this ring and requests an
 * interrupt when there is space available in the ring. This function is
 * called when the driver is unable to post more iocbs to the ring due
 * to unavailability of space in the ring.
static void
lpfc_sli_update_full_ring(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	int ringno = pring->ringno;



	 * Set ring 'ringno' to SET R0CE_REQ in Chip Att register.
	 * The HBA will tell us when an IOCB entry is available.
	writel((CA_R0ATT|CA_R0CE_REQ) << (ringno*4), phba->CAregaddr);
	readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */


 * lpfc_sli_update_ring - Update chip attention register
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function updates the chip attention register bit for the
 * given ring to inform HBA that there is more work to be done
 * in this ring. The caller is not required to hold any lock.
static void
lpfc_sli_update_ring(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	int ringno = pring->ringno;

	 * Tell the HBA that there is work to do in this ring.
	if (!(phba->sli3_options & LPFC_SLI3_CRP_ENABLED)) {
		writel(CA_R0ATT << (ringno * 4), phba->CAregaddr);
		readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */

 * lpfc_sli_resume_iocb - Process iocbs in the txq
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to post pending iocbs
 * in the txq to the firmware. This function is called when driver
 * detects space available in the ring.
static void
lpfc_sli_resume_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	IOCB_t *iocb;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *nextiocb;

	 * Check to see if:
	 *  (a) there is anything on the txq to send
	 *  (b) link is up
	 *  (c) link attention events can be processed (fcp ring only)
	 *  (d) IOCB processing is not blocked by the outstanding mbox command.
	if (pring->txq_cnt &&
	    lpfc_is_link_up(phba) &&
	    (pring->ringno != phba->sli.fcp_ring ||
	     phba->sli.sli_flag & LPFC_PROCESS_LA)) {

		while ((iocb = lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot(phba, pring)) &&
		       (nextiocb = lpfc_sli_ringtx_get(phba, pring)))
			lpfc_sli_submit_iocb(phba, pring, iocb, nextiocb);

		if (iocb)
			lpfc_sli_update_ring(phba, pring);
			lpfc_sli_update_full_ring(phba, pring);


 * lpfc_sli_next_hbq_slot - Get next hbq entry for the HBQ
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @hbqno: HBQ number.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to get the next
 * available slot for the given HBQ. If there is free slot
 * available for the HBQ it will return pointer to the next available
 * HBQ entry else it will return NULL.
static struct lpfc_hbq_entry *
lpfc_sli_next_hbq_slot(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t hbqno)
	struct hbq_s *hbqp = &phba->hbqs[hbqno];

	if (hbqp->next_hbqPutIdx == hbqp->hbqPutIdx &&
	    ++hbqp->next_hbqPutIdx >= hbqp->entry_count)
		hbqp->next_hbqPutIdx = 0;

	if (unlikely(hbqp->local_hbqGetIdx == hbqp->next_hbqPutIdx)) {
		uint32_t raw_index = phba->hbq_get[hbqno];
		uint32_t getidx = le32_to_cpu(raw_index);

		hbqp->local_hbqGetIdx = getidx;

		if (unlikely(hbqp->local_hbqGetIdx >= hbqp->entry_count)) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR,
					"1802 HBQ %d: local_hbqGetIdx "
					"%u is > than hbqp->entry_count %u\n",
					hbqno, hbqp->local_hbqGetIdx,

			phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
			return NULL;

		if (hbqp->local_hbqGetIdx == hbqp->next_hbqPutIdx)
			return NULL;

	return (struct lpfc_hbq_entry *) phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_virt +

 * lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_free_all - Free all the hbq buffers
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called with no lock held to free all the
 * hbq buffers while uninitializing the SLI interface. It also
 * frees the HBQ buffers returned by the firmware but not yet
 * processed by the upper layers.
lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_free_all(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf, *next_dmabuf;
	struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_buf;
	unsigned long flags;
	int i, hbq_count;
	uint32_t hbqno;

	hbq_count = lpfc_sli_hbq_count();
	/* Return all memory used by all HBQs */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, flags);
	for (i = 0; i < hbq_count; ++i) {
		list_for_each_entry_safe(dmabuf, next_dmabuf,
				&phba->hbqs[i].hbq_buffer_list, list) {
			hbq_buf = container_of(dmabuf, struct hbq_dmabuf, dbuf);
			(phba->hbqs[i].hbq_free_buffer)(phba, hbq_buf);
		phba->hbqs[i].buffer_count = 0;
	/* Return all HBQ buffer that are in-fly */
	list_for_each_entry_safe(dmabuf, next_dmabuf, &phba->rb_pend_list,
				 list) {
		hbq_buf = container_of(dmabuf, struct hbq_dmabuf, dbuf);
		if (hbq_buf->tag == -1) {
				(phba, hbq_buf);
		} else {
			hbqno = hbq_buf->tag >> 16;
			if (hbqno >= LPFC_MAX_HBQS)
					(phba, hbq_buf);

	/* Mark the HBQs not in use */
	phba->hbq_in_use = 0;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, flags);

 * lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware - Post the hbq buffer to firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @hbqno: HBQ number.
 * @hbq_buf: Pointer to HBQ buffer.
 * This function is called with the hbalock held to post a
 * hbq buffer to the firmware. If the function finds an empty
 * slot in the HBQ, it will post the buffer. The function will return
 * pointer to the hbq entry if it successfully post the buffer
 * else it will return NULL.
static int
lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t hbqno,
			 struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_buf)
	return phba->lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware(phba, hbqno, hbq_buf);

 * lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware_s3 - Post the hbq buffer to SLI3 firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @hbqno: HBQ number.
 * @hbq_buf: Pointer to HBQ buffer.
 * This function is called with the hbalock held to post a hbq buffer to the
 * firmware. If the function finds an empty slot in the HBQ, it will post the
 * buffer and place it on the hbq_buffer_list. The function will return zero if
 * it successfully post the buffer else it will return an error.
static int
lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t hbqno,
			    struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_buf)
	struct lpfc_hbq_entry *hbqe;
	dma_addr_t physaddr = hbq_buf->dbuf.phys;

	/* Get next HBQ entry slot to use */
	hbqe = lpfc_sli_next_hbq_slot(phba, hbqno);
	if (hbqe) {
		struct hbq_s *hbqp = &phba->hbqs[hbqno];

		hbqe->bde.addrHigh = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrHigh(physaddr));
		hbqe->bde.addrLow  = le32_to_cpu(putPaddrLow(physaddr));
		hbqe->bde.tus.f.bdeSize = hbq_buf->size;
		hbqe->bde.tus.f.bdeFlags = 0;
		hbqe->bde.tus.w = le32_to_cpu(hbqe->bde.tus.w);
		hbqe->buffer_tag = le32_to_cpu(hbq_buf->tag);
				/* Sync SLIM */
		hbqp->hbqPutIdx = hbqp->next_hbqPutIdx;
		writel(hbqp->hbqPutIdx, phba->hbq_put + hbqno);
				/* flush */
		readl(phba->hbq_put + hbqno);
		list_add_tail(&hbq_buf->dbuf.list, &hbqp->hbq_buffer_list);
		return 0;
	} else
		return -ENOMEM;

 * lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware_s4 - Post the hbq buffer to SLI4 firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @hbqno: HBQ number.
 * @hbq_buf: Pointer to HBQ buffer.
 * This function is called with the hbalock held to post an RQE to the SLI4
 * firmware. If able to post the RQE to the RQ it will queue the hbq entry to
 * the hbq_buffer_list and return zero, otherwise it will return an error.
static int
lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware_s4(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t hbqno,
			    struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_buf)
	int rc;
	struct lpfc_rqe hrqe;
	struct lpfc_rqe drqe;

	hrqe.address_lo = putPaddrLow(hbq_buf->hbuf.phys);
	hrqe.address_hi = putPaddrHigh(hbq_buf->hbuf.phys);
	drqe.address_lo = putPaddrLow(hbq_buf->dbuf.phys);
	drqe.address_hi = putPaddrHigh(hbq_buf->dbuf.phys);
	rc = lpfc_sli4_rq_put(phba->sli4_hba.hdr_rq, phba->sli4_hba.dat_rq,
			      &hrqe, &drqe);
	if (rc < 0)
		return rc;
	hbq_buf->tag = rc;
	list_add_tail(&hbq_buf->dbuf.list, &phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_buffer_list);
	return 0;

/* HBQ for ELS and CT traffic. */
static struct lpfc_hbq_init lpfc_els_hbq = {
	.rn = 1,
	.entry_count = 256,
	.mask_count = 0,
	.profile = 0,
	.ring_mask = (1 << LPFC_ELS_RING),
	.buffer_count = 0,
	.init_count = 40,
	.add_count = 40,

/* HBQ for the extra ring if needed */
static struct lpfc_hbq_init lpfc_extra_hbq = {
	.rn = 1,
	.entry_count = 200,
	.mask_count = 0,
	.profile = 0,
	.ring_mask = (1 << LPFC_EXTRA_RING),
	.buffer_count = 0,
	.init_count = 0,
	.add_count = 5,

/* Array of HBQs */
struct lpfc_hbq_init *lpfc_hbq_defs[] = {

 * lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_fill_hbqs - Post more hbq buffers to HBQ
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @hbqno: HBQ number.
 * @count: Number of HBQ buffers to be posted.
 * This function is called with no lock held to post more hbq buffers to the
 * given HBQ. The function returns the number of HBQ buffers successfully
 * posted.
static int
lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_fill_hbqs(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t hbqno, uint32_t count)
	uint32_t i, posted = 0;
	unsigned long flags;
	struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_buffer;
	if (!phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_alloc_buffer)
		return 0;

	if ((phba->hbqs[hbqno].buffer_count + count) >
		count = lpfc_hbq_defs[hbqno]->entry_count -
	if (!count)
		return 0;
	/* Allocate HBQ entries */
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		hbq_buffer = (phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_alloc_buffer)(phba);
		if (!hbq_buffer)
		list_add_tail(&hbq_buffer->dbuf.list, &hbq_buf_list);
	/* Check whether HBQ is still in use */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, flags);
	if (!phba->hbq_in_use)
		goto err;
	while (!list_empty(&hbq_buf_list)) {
		list_remove_head(&hbq_buf_list, hbq_buffer, struct hbq_dmabuf,
		hbq_buffer->tag = (phba->hbqs[hbqno].buffer_count |
				      (hbqno << 16));
		if (!lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware(phba, hbqno, hbq_buffer)) {
		} else
			(phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_free_buffer)(phba, hbq_buffer);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, flags);
	return posted;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, flags);
	while (!list_empty(&hbq_buf_list)) {
		list_remove_head(&hbq_buf_list, hbq_buffer, struct hbq_dmabuf,
		(phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_free_buffer)(phba, hbq_buffer);
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_add_hbqs - Post more HBQ buffers to firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @qno: HBQ number.
 * This function posts more buffers to the HBQ. This function
 * is called with no lock held. The function returns the number of HBQ entries
 * successfully allocated.
lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_add_hbqs(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t qno)
	if (phba->sli_rev == LPFC_SLI_REV4)
		return 0;
		return lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_fill_hbqs(phba, qno,

 * lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_init_hbqs - Post initial buffers to the HBQ
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @qno:  HBQ queue number.
 * This function is called from SLI initialization code path with
 * no lock held to post initial HBQ buffers to firmware. The
 * function returns the number of HBQ entries successfully allocated.
static int
lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_init_hbqs(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t qno)
	if (phba->sli_rev == LPFC_SLI_REV4)
		return lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_fill_hbqs(phba, qno,
		return lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_fill_hbqs(phba, qno,

 * lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_get - Remove the first hbq off of an hbq list
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @hbqno: HBQ number.
 * This function removes the first hbq buffer on an hbq list and returns a
 * pointer to that buffer. If it finds no buffers on the list it returns NULL.
static struct hbq_dmabuf *
lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_get(struct list_head *rb_list)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *d_buf;

	list_remove_head(rb_list, d_buf, struct lpfc_dmabuf, list);
	if (!d_buf)
		return NULL;
	return container_of(d_buf, struct hbq_dmabuf, dbuf);

 * lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_find - Find the hbq buffer associated with a tag
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @tag: Tag of the hbq buffer.
 * This function is called with hbalock held. This function searches
 * for the hbq buffer associated with the given tag in the hbq buffer
 * list. If it finds the hbq buffer, it returns the hbq_buffer other wise
 * it returns NULL.
static struct hbq_dmabuf *
lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_find(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t tag)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *d_buf;
	struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_buf;
	uint32_t hbqno;

	hbqno = tag >> 16;
	if (hbqno >= LPFC_MAX_HBQS)
		return NULL;

	list_for_each_entry(d_buf, &phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_buffer_list, list) {
		hbq_buf = container_of(d_buf, struct hbq_dmabuf, dbuf);
		if (hbq_buf->tag == tag) {
			return hbq_buf;
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI | LOG_VPORT,
			"1803 Bad hbq tag. Data: x%x x%x\n",
			tag, phba->hbqs[tag >> 16].buffer_count);
	return NULL;

 * lpfc_sli_free_hbq - Give back the hbq buffer to firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @hbq_buffer: Pointer to HBQ buffer.
 * This function is called with hbalock. This function gives back
 * the hbq buffer to firmware. If the HBQ does not have space to
 * post the buffer, it will free the buffer.
lpfc_sli_free_hbq(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_buffer)
	uint32_t hbqno;

	if (hbq_buffer) {
		hbqno = hbq_buffer->tag >> 16;
		if (lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware(phba, hbqno, hbq_buffer))
			(phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbq_free_buffer)(phba, hbq_buffer);

 * lpfc_sli_chk_mbx_command - Check if the mailbox is a legitimate mailbox
 * @mbxCommand: mailbox command code.
 * This function is called by the mailbox event handler function to verify
 * that the completed mailbox command is a legitimate mailbox command. If the
 * completed mailbox is not known to the function, it will return MBX_SHUTDOWN
 * and the mailbox event handler will take the HBA offline.
static int
lpfc_sli_chk_mbx_command(uint8_t mbxCommand)
	uint8_t ret;

	switch (mbxCommand) {
	case MBX_LOAD_SM:
	case MBX_READ_NV:
	case MBX_READ_LA:
	case MBX_READ_RPI64:
	case MBX_REG_LOGIN64:
	case MBX_READ_LA64:
	case MBX_REG_VPI:
	case MBX_REG_VFI:
		ret = mbxCommand;
	return ret;

 * lpfc_sli_wake_mbox_wait - lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait mbox completion handler
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pmboxq: Pointer to mailbox command.
 * This is completion handler function for mailbox commands issued from
 * lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait function. This function is called by the
 * mailbox event handler function with no lock held. This function
 * will wake up thread waiting on the wait queue pointed by context1
 * of the mailbox.
lpfc_sli_wake_mbox_wait(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmboxq)
	wait_queue_head_t *pdone_q;
	unsigned long drvr_flag;

	 * If pdone_q is empty, the driver thread gave up waiting and
	 * continued running.
	pmboxq->mbox_flag |= LPFC_MBX_WAKE;
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
	pdone_q = (wait_queue_head_t *) pmboxq->context1;
	if (pdone_q)
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);

 * lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl - Default mailbox completion handler
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pmb: Pointer to mailbox object.
 * This function is the default mailbox completion handler. It
 * frees the memory resources associated with the completed mailbox
 * command. If the completed command is a REG_LOGIN mailbox command,
 * this function will issue a UREG_LOGIN to re-claim the RPI.
lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
	uint16_t rpi, vpi;
	int rc;

	mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) (pmb->context1);

	if (mp) {
		lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);

	if ((pmb->u.mb.mbxCommand == MBX_UNREG_LOGIN) &&
	    (phba->sli_rev == LPFC_SLI_REV4))
		lpfc_sli4_free_rpi(phba, pmb->u.mb.un.varUnregLogin.rpi);

	 * If a REG_LOGIN succeeded  after node is destroyed or node
	 * is in re-discovery driver need to cleanup the RPI.
	if (!(phba->pport->load_flag & FC_UNLOADING) &&
	    pmb->u.mb.mbxCommand == MBX_REG_LOGIN64 &&
	    !pmb->u.mb.mbxStatus) {
		rpi = pmb->u.mb.un.varWords[0];
		vpi = pmb->u.mb.un.varRegLogin.vpi - phba->vpi_base;
		lpfc_unreg_login(phba, vpi, rpi, pmb);
		pmb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
		rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_NOWAIT);
		if (rc != MBX_NOT_FINISHED)

	if (bf_get(lpfc_mqe_command, &pmb->u.mqe) == MBX_SLI4_CONFIG)
		lpfc_sli4_mbox_cmd_free(phba, pmb);
		mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);

 * lpfc_sli_handle_mb_event - Handle mailbox completions from firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called with no lock held. This function processes all
 * the completed mailbox commands and gives it to upper layers. The interrupt
 * service routine processes mailbox completion interrupt and adds completed
 * mailbox commands to the mboxq_cmpl queue and signals the worker thread.
 * Worker thread call lpfc_sli_handle_mb_event, which will return the
 * completed mailbox commands in mboxq_cmpl queue to the upper layers. This
 * function returns the mailbox commands to the upper layer by calling the
 * completion handler function of each mailbox.
lpfc_sli_handle_mb_event(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	MAILBOX_t *pmbox;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	int rc;


	/* Get all completed mailboxe buffers into the cmplq */
	list_splice_init(&phba->sli.mboxq_cmpl, &cmplq);

	/* Get a Mailbox buffer to setup mailbox commands for callback */
	do {
		list_remove_head(&cmplq, pmb, LPFC_MBOXQ_t, list);
		if (pmb == NULL)

		pmbox = &pmb->u.mb;

		if (pmbox->mbxCommand != MBX_HEARTBEAT) {
			if (pmb->vport) {
					"MBOX cmpl vport: cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",
			else {
					"MBOX cmpl:       cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",

		 * It is a fatal error if unknown mbox command completion.
		if (lpfc_sli_chk_mbx_command(pmbox->mbxCommand) ==
			/* Unknown mailbox command compl */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
					"(%d):0323 Unknown Mailbox command "
					"x%x (x%x) Cmpl\n",
					pmb->vport ? pmb->vport->vpi : 0,
					lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, pmb));
			phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
			phba->work_hs = HS_FFER3;

		if (pmbox->mbxStatus) {
			if (pmbox->mbxStatus == MBXERR_NO_RESOURCES) {
				/* Mbox cmd cmpl error - RETRYing */
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO,
						"(%d):0305 Mbox cmd cmpl "
						"error - RETRYing Data: x%x "
						"(x%x) x%x x%x x%x\n",
						pmb->vport ? pmb->vport->vpi :0,
				pmbox->mbxStatus = 0;
				pmbox->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
				rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_NOWAIT);
				if (rc != MBX_NOT_FINISHED)

		/* Mailbox cmd <cmd> Cmpl <cmpl> */
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):0307 Mailbox cmd x%x (x%x) Cmpl x%p "
				"Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
				pmb->vport ? pmb->vport->vpi : 0,
				lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, pmb),
				*((uint32_t *) pmbox),

		if (pmb->mbox_cmpl)
	} while (1);
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_get_buff - Get the buffer associated with the buffer tag
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @tag: buffer tag.
 * This function is called with no lock held. When QUE_BUFTAG_BIT bit
 * is set in the tag the buffer is posted for a particular exchange,
 * the function will return the buffer without replacing the buffer.
 * If the buffer is for unsolicited ELS or CT traffic, this function
 * returns the buffer and also posts another buffer to the firmware.
static struct lpfc_dmabuf *
lpfc_sli_get_buff(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
		  struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
		  uint32_t tag)
	struct hbq_dmabuf *hbq_entry;

	if (tag & QUE_BUFTAG_BIT)
		return lpfc_sli_ring_taggedbuf_get(phba, pring, tag);
	hbq_entry = lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_find(phba, tag);
	if (!hbq_entry)
		return NULL;
	return &hbq_entry->dbuf;

 * lpfc_complete_unsol_iocb - Complete an unsolicited sequence
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @saveq: Pointer to the iocbq struct representing the sequence starting frame.
 * @fch_r_ctl: the r_ctl for the first frame of the sequence.
 * @fch_type: the type for the first frame of the sequence.
 * This function is called with no lock held. This function uses the r_ctl and
 * type of the received sequence to find the correct callback function to call
 * to process the sequence.
static int
lpfc_complete_unsol_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			 struct lpfc_iocbq *saveq, uint32_t fch_r_ctl,
			 uint32_t fch_type)
	int i;

	/* unSolicited Responses */
	if (pring->prt[0].profile) {
		if (pring->prt[0].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event)
			(pring->prt[0].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event) (phba, pring,
		return 1;
	/* We must search, based on rctl / type
	   for the right routine */
	for (i = 0; i < pring->num_mask; i++) {
		if ((pring->prt[i].rctl == fch_r_ctl) &&
		    (pring->prt[i].type == fch_type)) {
			if (pring->prt[i].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event)
						(phba, pring, saveq);
			return 1;
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb - Unsolicited iocb handler
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @saveq: Pointer to the unsolicited iocb.
 * This function is called with no lock held by the ring event handler
 * when there is an unsolicited iocb posted to the response ring by the
 * firmware. This function gets the buffer associated with the iocbs
 * and calls the event handler for the ring. This function handles both
 * qring buffers and hbq buffers.
 * When the function returns 1 the caller can free the iocb object otherwise
 * upper layer functions will free the iocb objects.
static int
lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			    struct lpfc_iocbq *saveq)
	IOCB_t           * irsp;
	WORD5            * w5p;
	uint32_t           Rctl, Type;
	uint32_t           match;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmzbuf;

	match = 0;
	irsp = &(saveq->iocb);

	if (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_ASYNC_STATUS) {
		if (pring->lpfc_sli_rcv_async_status)
			pring->lpfc_sli_rcv_async_status(phba, pring, saveq);
					"0316 Ring %d handler: unexpected "
					"ASYNC_STATUS iocb received evt_code "
		return 1;

	if ((irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_IOCB_RET_XRI64_CX) &&
		(phba->sli3_options & LPFC_SLI3_HBQ_ENABLED)) {
		if (irsp->ulpBdeCount > 0) {
			dmzbuf = lpfc_sli_get_buff(phba, pring,
			lpfc_in_buf_free(phba, dmzbuf);

		if (irsp->ulpBdeCount > 1) {
			dmzbuf = lpfc_sli_get_buff(phba, pring,
			lpfc_in_buf_free(phba, dmzbuf);

		if (irsp->ulpBdeCount > 2) {
			dmzbuf = lpfc_sli_get_buff(phba, pring,
			lpfc_in_buf_free(phba, dmzbuf);

		return 1;

	if (phba->sli3_options & LPFC_SLI3_HBQ_ENABLED) {
		if (irsp->ulpBdeCount != 0) {
			saveq->context2 = lpfc_sli_get_buff(phba, pring,
			if (!saveq->context2)
					"0341 Ring %d Cannot find buffer for "
					"an unsolicited iocb. tag 0x%x\n",
		if (irsp->ulpBdeCount == 2) {
			saveq->context3 = lpfc_sli_get_buff(phba, pring,
			if (!saveq->context3)
					"0342 Ring %d Cannot find buffer for an"
					" unsolicited iocb. tag 0x%x\n",
		list_for_each_entry(iocbq, &saveq->list, list) {
			irsp = &(iocbq->iocb);
			if (irsp->ulpBdeCount != 0) {
				iocbq->context2 = lpfc_sli_get_buff(phba, pring,
				if (!iocbq->context2)
						"0343 Ring %d Cannot find "
						"buffer for an unsolicited iocb"
						". tag 0x%x\n", pring->ringno,
			if (irsp->ulpBdeCount == 2) {
				iocbq->context3 = lpfc_sli_get_buff(phba, pring,
				if (!iocbq->context3)
						"0344 Ring %d Cannot find "
						"buffer for an unsolicited "
						"iocb. tag 0x%x\n",
	if (irsp->ulpBdeCount != 0 &&
	    (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_IOCB_RCV_CONT64_CX ||
	     irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_INTERMED_RSP)) {
		int found = 0;

		/* search continue save q for same XRI */
		list_for_each_entry(iocbq, &pring->iocb_continue_saveq, clist) {
			if (iocbq->iocb.ulpContext == saveq->iocb.ulpContext) {
				list_add_tail(&saveq->list, &iocbq->list);
				found = 1;
		if (!found)
		if (saveq->iocb.ulpStatus != IOSTAT_INTERMED_RSP) {
			saveq = iocbq;
			irsp = &(saveq->iocb);
		} else
			return 0;
	if ((irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_RCV_ELS_REQ64_CX) ||
	    (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_RCV_ELS_REQ_CX) ||
	    (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_IOCB_RCV_ELS64_CX)) {
		Type = FC_TYPE_ELS;
	} else {
		w5p = (WORD5 *)&(saveq->iocb.un.ulpWord[5]);
		Rctl = w5p->hcsw.Rctl;
		Type = w5p->hcsw.Type;

		/* Firmware Workaround */
		if ((Rctl == 0) && (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) &&
			(irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_RCV_SEQUENCE64_CX ||
			 irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_IOCB_RCV_SEQ64_CX)) {
			Rctl = FC_RCTL_ELS_REQ;
			Type = FC_TYPE_ELS;
			w5p->hcsw.Rctl = Rctl;
			w5p->hcsw.Type = Type;

	if (!lpfc_complete_unsol_iocb(phba, pring, saveq, Rctl, Type))
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
				"0313 Ring %d handler: unexpected Rctl x%x "
				"Type x%x received\n",
				pring->ringno, Rctl, Type);

	return 1;

 * lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup - Find command iocb for the given response iocb
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @prspiocb: Pointer to response iocb object.
 * This function looks up the iocb_lookup table to get the command iocb
 * corresponding to the given response iocb using the iotag of the
 * response iocb. This function is called with the hbalock held.
 * This function returns the command iocb object if it finds the command
 * iocb else returns NULL.
static struct lpfc_iocbq *
lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
		      struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
		      struct lpfc_iocbq *prspiocb)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmd_iocb = NULL;
	uint16_t iotag;

	iotag = prspiocb->iocb.ulpIoTag;

	if (iotag != 0 && iotag <= phba->sli.last_iotag) {
		cmd_iocb = phba->sli.iocbq_lookup[iotag];
		return cmd_iocb;

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
			"0317 iotag x%x is out off "
			"range: max iotag x%x wd0 x%x\n",
			iotag, phba->sli.last_iotag,
			*(((uint32_t *) &prspiocb->iocb) + 7));
	return NULL;

 * lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup_by_tag - Find command iocb for the iotag
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @iotag: IOCB tag.
 * This function looks up the iocb_lookup table to get the command iocb
 * corresponding to the given iotag. This function is called with the
 * hbalock held.
 * This function returns the command iocb object if it finds the command
 * iocb else returns NULL.
static struct lpfc_iocbq *
lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup_by_tag(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
			     struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring, uint16_t iotag)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmd_iocb;

	if (iotag != 0 && iotag <= phba->sli.last_iotag) {
		cmd_iocb = phba->sli.iocbq_lookup[iotag];
		return cmd_iocb;

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
			"0372 iotag x%x is out off range: max iotag (x%x)\n",
			iotag, phba->sli.last_iotag);
	return NULL;

 * lpfc_sli_process_sol_iocb - process solicited iocb completion
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @saveq: Pointer to the response iocb to be processed.
 * This function is called by the ring event handler for non-fcp
 * rings when there is a new response iocb in the response ring.
 * The caller is not required to hold any locks. This function
 * gets the command iocb associated with the response iocb and
 * calls the completion handler for the command iocb. If there
 * is no completion handler, the function will free the resources
 * associated with command iocb. If the response iocb is for
 * an already aborted command iocb, the status of the completion
 * This function always returns 1.
static int
lpfc_sli_process_sol_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			  struct lpfc_iocbq *saveq)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocbp;
	int rc = 1;
	unsigned long iflag;

	/* Based on the iotag field, get the cmd IOCB from the txcmplq */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	cmdiocbp = lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup(phba, pring, saveq);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

	if (cmdiocbp) {
		if (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) {
			 * If an ELS command failed send an event to mgmt
			 * application.
			if (saveq->iocb.ulpStatus &&
			     (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) &&
			     (cmdiocbp->iocb.ulpCommand ==
					cmdiocbp, saveq);

			 * Post all ELS completions to the worker thread.
			 * All other are passed to the completion callback.
			if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
				if (cmdiocbp->iocb_flag & LPFC_DRIVER_ABORTED) {
					cmdiocbp->iocb_flag &=
					saveq->iocb.ulpStatus =
					saveq->iocb.un.ulpWord[4] =

					/* Firmware could still be in progress
					 * of DMAing payload, so don't free data
					 * buffer till after a hbeat.
					saveq->iocb_flag |= LPFC_DELAY_MEM_FREE;
			(cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) (phba, cmdiocbp, saveq);
		} else
			lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, cmdiocbp);
	} else {
		 * Unknown initiating command based on the response iotag.
		 * This could be the case on the ELS ring because of
		 * lpfc_els_abort().
		if (pring->ringno != LPFC_ELS_RING) {
			 * Ring <ringno> handler: unexpected completion IoTag
			 * <IoTag>
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
					 "0322 Ring %d handler: "
					 "unexpected completion IoTag x%x "
					 "Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",

	return rc;

 * lpfc_sli_rsp_pointers_error - Response ring pointer error handler
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function is called from the iocb ring event handlers when
 * put pointer is ahead of the get pointer for a ring. This function signal
 * an error attention condition to the worker thread and the worker
 * thread will transition the HBA to offline state.
static void
lpfc_sli_rsp_pointers_error(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	struct lpfc_pgp *pgp = &phba->port_gp[pring->ringno];
	 * Ring <ringno> handler: portRspPut <portRspPut> is bigger than
	 * rsp ring <portRspMax>
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
			"0312 Ring %d handler: portRspPut %d "
			"is bigger than rsp ring %d\n",
			pring->ringno, le32_to_cpu(pgp->rspPutInx),

	phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;

	 * All error attention handlers are posted to
	 * worker thread
	phba->work_ha |= HA_ERATT;
	phba->work_hs = HS_FFER3;



 * lpfc_poll_eratt - Error attention polling timer timeout handler
 * @ptr: Pointer to address of HBA context object.
 * This function is invoked by the Error Attention polling timer when the
 * timer times out. It will check the SLI Error Attention register for
 * possible attention events. If so, it will post an Error Attention event
 * and wake up worker thread to process it. Otherwise, it will set up the
 * Error Attention polling timer for the next poll.
void lpfc_poll_eratt(unsigned long ptr)
	struct lpfc_hba *phba;
	uint32_t eratt = 0;

	phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)ptr;

	/* Check chip HA register for error event */
	eratt = lpfc_sli_check_eratt(phba);

	if (eratt)
		/* Tell the worker thread there is work to do */
		/* Restart the timer for next eratt poll */
		mod_timer(&phba->eratt_poll, jiffies +

 * lpfc_sli_handle_fast_ring_event - Handle ring events on FCP ring
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @mask: Host attention register mask for this ring.
 * This function is called from the interrupt context when there is a ring
 * event for the fcp ring. The caller does not hold any lock.
 * The function processes each response iocb in the response ring until it
 * finds an iocb with LE bit set and chains all the iocbs upto the iocb with
 * LE bit set. The function will call the completion handler of the command iocb
 * if the response iocb indicates a completion for a command iocb or it is
 * an abort completion. The function will call lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb
 * function if this is an unsolicited iocb.
 * This routine presumes LPFC_FCP_RING handling and doesn't bother
 * to check it explicitly.
lpfc_sli_handle_fast_ring_event(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
				struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring, uint32_t mask)
	struct lpfc_pgp *pgp = &phba->port_gp[pring->ringno];
	IOCB_t *irsp = NULL;
	IOCB_t *entry = NULL;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocbq = NULL;
	struct lpfc_iocbq rspiocbq;
	uint32_t status;
	uint32_t portRspPut, portRspMax;
	int rc = 1;
	lpfc_iocb_type type;
	unsigned long iflag;
	uint32_t rsp_cmpl = 0;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

	 * The next available response entry should never exceed the maximum
	 * entries.  If it does, treat it as an adapter hardware error.
	portRspMax = pring->numRiocb;
	portRspPut = le32_to_cpu(pgp->rspPutInx);
	if (unlikely(portRspPut >= portRspMax)) {
		lpfc_sli_rsp_pointers_error(phba, pring);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		return 1;
	if (phba->fcp_ring_in_use) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		return 1;
	} else
		phba->fcp_ring_in_use = 1;

	while (pring->rspidx != portRspPut) {
		 * Fetch an entry off the ring and copy it into a local data
		 * structure.  The copy involves a byte-swap since the
		 * network byte order and pci byte orders are different.
		entry = lpfc_resp_iocb(phba, pring);
		phba->last_completion_time = jiffies;

		if (++pring->rspidx >= portRspMax)
			pring->rspidx = 0;

		lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy((uint32_t *) entry,
				      (uint32_t *) &rspiocbq.iocb,
		irsp = &rspiocbq.iocb;

		type = lpfc_sli_iocb_cmd_type(irsp->ulpCommand & CMD_IOCB_MASK);

		if (unlikely(irsp->ulpStatus)) {
			 * If resource errors reported from HBA, reduce
			 * queuedepths of the SCSI device.
			if ((irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
				(irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_NO_RESOURCES)) {
				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
				spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

			/* Rsp ring <ringno> error: IOCB */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
					"0336 Rsp Ring %d error: IOCB Data: "
					"x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
					*(uint32_t *)&irsp->un1,
					*((uint32_t *)&irsp->un1 + 1));

		switch (type) {
			 * Idle exchange closed via ABTS from port.  No iocb
			 * resources need to be recovered.
			if (unlikely(irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_XRI_ABORTED_CX)) {
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
						"0333 IOCB cmd 0x%x"
						" processed. Skipping"
						" completion\n",

			cmdiocbq = lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup(phba, pring,
			if ((cmdiocbq) && (cmdiocbq->iocb_cmpl)) {
					(cmdiocbq->iocb_cmpl)(phba, cmdiocbq,
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb(phba, pring, &rspiocbq);
			spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			if (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_ADAPTER_MSG) {
				char adaptermsg[LPFC_MAX_ADPTMSG];
				memset(adaptermsg, 0, LPFC_MAX_ADPTMSG);
				memcpy(&adaptermsg[0], (uint8_t *) irsp,
					 "lpfc%d: %s\n",
					 phba->brd_no, adaptermsg);
			} else {
				/* Unknown IOCB command */
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
						"0334 Unknown IOCB command "
						"Data: x%x, x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
						type, irsp->ulpCommand,

		 * The response IOCB has been processed.  Update the ring
		 * pointer in SLIM.  If the port response put pointer has not
		 * been updated, sync the pgp->rspPutInx and fetch the new port
		 * response put pointer.
		writel(pring->rspidx, &phba->host_gp[pring->ringno].rspGetInx);

		if (pring->rspidx == portRspPut)
			portRspPut = le32_to_cpu(pgp->rspPutInx);

	if ((rsp_cmpl > 0) && (mask & HA_R0RE_REQ)) {
		status = ((CA_R0ATT | CA_R0RE_RSP) << (pring->ringno * 4));
		writel(status, phba->CAregaddr);
	if ((mask & HA_R0CE_RSP) && (pring->flag & LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE)) {
		pring->flag &= ~LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE;

		/* Force update of the local copy of cmdGetInx */
		pring->local_getidx = le32_to_cpu(pgp->cmdGetInx);
		lpfc_sli_resume_iocb(phba, pring);

		if ((pring->lpfc_sli_cmd_available))
			(pring->lpfc_sli_cmd_available) (phba, pring);


	phba->fcp_ring_in_use = 0;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	return rc;

 * lpfc_sli_sp_handle_rspiocb - Handle slow-path response iocb
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @rspiocbp: Pointer to driver response IOCB object.
 * This function is called from the worker thread when there is a slow-path
 * response IOCB to process. This function chains all the response iocbs until
 * seeing the iocb with the LE bit set. The function will call
 * lpfc_sli_process_sol_iocb function if the response iocb indicates a
 * completion of a command iocb. The function will call the
 * lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb function if this is an unsolicited iocb.
 * The function frees the resources or calls the completion handler if this
 * iocb is an abort completion. The function returns NULL when the response
 * iocb has the LE bit set and all the chained iocbs are processed, otherwise
 * this function shall chain the iocb on to the iocb_continueq and return the
 * response iocb passed in.
static struct lpfc_iocbq *
lpfc_sli_sp_handle_rspiocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocbp)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *saveq;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocbp;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *next_iocb;
	IOCB_t *irsp = NULL;
	uint32_t free_saveq;
	uint8_t iocb_cmd_type;
	lpfc_iocb_type type;
	unsigned long iflag;
	int rc;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	/* First add the response iocb to the countinueq list */
	list_add_tail(&rspiocbp->list, &(pring->iocb_continueq));

	/* Now, determine whetehr the list is completed for processing */
	irsp = &rspiocbp->iocb;
	if (irsp->ulpLe) {
		 * By default, the driver expects to free all resources
		 * associated with this iocb completion.
		free_saveq = 1;
		saveq = list_get_first(&pring->iocb_continueq,
				       struct lpfc_iocbq, list);
		irsp = &(saveq->iocb);
		pring->iocb_continueq_cnt = 0;


		 * If resource errors reported from HBA, reduce
		 * queuedepths of the SCSI device.
		if ((irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) &&
		    (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] == IOERR_NO_RESOURCES)) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

		if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
			/* Rsp ring <ringno> error: IOCB */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
					"0328 Rsp Ring %d error: "
					"IOCB Data: "
					"x%x x%x x%x x%x "
					"x%x x%x x%x x%x "
					"x%x x%x x%x x%x "
					"x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 6),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 7),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 8),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 9),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 10),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 11),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 12),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 13),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 14),
					*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 15));

		 * Fetch the IOCB command type and call the correct completion
		 * routine. Solicited and Unsolicited IOCBs on the ELS ring
		 * get freed back to the lpfc_iocb_list by the discovery
		 * kernel thread.
		iocb_cmd_type = irsp->ulpCommand & CMD_IOCB_MASK;
		type = lpfc_sli_iocb_cmd_type(iocb_cmd_type);
		switch (type) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			rc = lpfc_sli_process_sol_iocb(phba, pring, saveq);
			spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			rc = lpfc_sli_process_unsol_iocb(phba, pring, saveq);
			spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			if (!rc)
				free_saveq = 0;

			cmdiocbp = NULL;
			if (irsp->ulpCommand != CMD_XRI_ABORTED_CX)
				cmdiocbp = lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup(phba, pring,
			if (cmdiocbp) {
				/* Call the specified completion routine */
				if (cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl) {
					(cmdiocbp->iocb_cmpl)(phba, cmdiocbp,
				} else

			if (irsp->ulpCommand == CMD_ADAPTER_MSG) {
				char adaptermsg[LPFC_MAX_ADPTMSG];
				memset(adaptermsg, 0, LPFC_MAX_ADPTMSG);
				memcpy(&adaptermsg[0], (uint8_t *)irsp,
					 "lpfc%d: %s\n",
					 phba->brd_no, adaptermsg);
			} else {
				/* Unknown IOCB command */
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
						"0335 Unknown IOCB "
						"command Data: x%x "
						"x%x x%x x%x\n",

		if (free_saveq) {
			list_for_each_entry_safe(rspiocbp, next_iocb,
						 &saveq->list, list) {
				__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, rspiocbp);
			__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, saveq);
		rspiocbp = NULL;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	return rspiocbp;

 * lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event - Wrapper func for handling slow-path iocbs
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @mask: Host attention register mask for this ring.
 * This routine wraps the actual slow_ring event process routine from the
 * API jump table function pointer from the lpfc_hba struct.
lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
				struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring, uint32_t mask)
	phba->lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event(phba, pring, mask);

 * lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event_s3 - Handle SLI3 ring event for non-FCP rings
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @mask: Host attention register mask for this ring.
 * This function is called from the worker thread when there is a ring event
 * for non-fcp rings. The caller does not hold any lock. The function will
 * remove each response iocb in the response ring and calls the handle
 * response iocb routine (lpfc_sli_sp_handle_rspiocb) to process it.
static void
lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
				   struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring, uint32_t mask)
	struct lpfc_pgp *pgp;
	IOCB_t *entry;
	IOCB_t *irsp = NULL;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocbp = NULL;
	uint32_t portRspPut, portRspMax;
	unsigned long iflag;
	uint32_t status;

	pgp = &phba->port_gp[pring->ringno];
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

	 * The next available response entry should never exceed the maximum
	 * entries.  If it does, treat it as an adapter hardware error.
	portRspMax = pring->numRiocb;
	portRspPut = le32_to_cpu(pgp->rspPutInx);
	if (portRspPut >= portRspMax) {
		 * Ring <ringno> handler: portRspPut <portRspPut> is bigger than
		 * rsp ring <portRspMax>
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0303 Ring %d handler: portRspPut %d "
				"is bigger than rsp ring %d\n",
				pring->ringno, portRspPut, portRspMax);

		phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

		phba->work_hs = HS_FFER3;


	while (pring->rspidx != portRspPut) {
		 * Build a completion list and call the appropriate handler.
		 * The process is to get the next available response iocb, get
		 * a free iocb from the list, copy the response data into the
		 * free iocb, insert to the continuation list, and update the
		 * next response index to slim.  This process makes response
		 * iocb's in the ring available to DMA as fast as possible but
		 * pays a penalty for a copy operation.  Since the iocb is
		 * only 32 bytes, this penalty is considered small relative to
		 * the PCI reads for register values and a slim write.  When
		 * the ulpLe field is set, the entire Command has been
		 * received.
		entry = lpfc_resp_iocb(phba, pring);

		phba->last_completion_time = jiffies;
		rspiocbp = __lpfc_sli_get_iocbq(phba);
		if (rspiocbp == NULL) {
			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: out of buffers! Failing "
			       "completion.\n", __func__);

		lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(entry, &rspiocbp->iocb,
		irsp = &rspiocbp->iocb;

		if (++pring->rspidx >= portRspMax)
			pring->rspidx = 0;

		if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
			"IOCB rsp ring:   wd4:x%08x wd6:x%08x wd7:x%08x",
				*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 4),
				*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 6),
				*(((uint32_t *) irsp) + 7));

		writel(pring->rspidx, &phba->host_gp[pring->ringno].rspGetInx);

		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		/* Handle the response IOCB */
		rspiocbp = lpfc_sli_sp_handle_rspiocb(phba, pring, rspiocbp);
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

		 * If the port response put pointer has not been updated, sync
		 * the pgp->rspPutInx in the MAILBOX_tand fetch the new port
		 * response put pointer.
		if (pring->rspidx == portRspPut) {
			portRspPut = le32_to_cpu(pgp->rspPutInx);
	} /* while (pring->rspidx != portRspPut) */

	if ((rspiocbp != NULL) && (mask & HA_R0RE_REQ)) {
		/* At least one response entry has been freed */
		/* SET RxRE_RSP in Chip Att register */
		status = ((CA_R0ATT | CA_R0RE_RSP) << (pring->ringno * 4));
		writel(status, phba->CAregaddr);
		readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */
	if ((mask & HA_R0CE_RSP) && (pring->flag & LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE)) {
		pring->flag &= ~LPFC_CALL_RING_AVAILABLE;

		/* Force update of the local copy of cmdGetInx */
		pring->local_getidx = le32_to_cpu(pgp->cmdGetInx);
		lpfc_sli_resume_iocb(phba, pring);

		if ((pring->lpfc_sli_cmd_available))
			(pring->lpfc_sli_cmd_available) (phba, pring);


	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

 * lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event_s4 - Handle SLI4 slow-path els events
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @mask: Host attention register mask for this ring.
 * This function is called from the worker thread when there is a pending
 * ELS response iocb on the driver internal slow-path response iocb worker
 * queue. The caller does not hold any lock. The function will remove each
 * response iocb from the response worker queue and calls the handle
 * response iocb routine (lpfc_sli_sp_handle_rspiocb) to process it.
static void
lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event_s4(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
				   struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring, uint32_t mask)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *irspiocbq;
	struct hbq_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	struct lpfc_cq_event *cq_event;
	unsigned long iflag;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	phba->hba_flag &= ~HBA_SP_QUEUE_EVT;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	while (!list_empty(&phba->sli4_hba.sp_queue_event)) {
		/* Get the response iocb from the head of work queue */
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
				 cq_event, struct lpfc_cq_event, list);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

		switch (bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_code, &cq_event->cqe.wcqe_cmpl)) {
			irspiocbq = container_of(cq_event, struct lpfc_iocbq,
			/* Translate ELS WCQE to response IOCBQ */
			irspiocbq = lpfc_sli4_els_wcqe_to_rspiocbq(phba,
			if (irspiocbq)
				lpfc_sli_sp_handle_rspiocb(phba, pring,
			dmabuf = container_of(cq_event, struct hbq_dmabuf,
			lpfc_sli4_handle_received_buffer(phba, dmabuf);

 * lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ring - Abort all iocbs in the ring
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * This function aborts all iocbs in the given ring and frees all the iocb
 * objects in txq. This function issues an abort iocb for all the iocb commands
 * in txcmplq. The iocbs in the txcmplq is not guaranteed to complete before
 * the return of this function. The caller is not required to hold any locks.
lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ring(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;

	if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {

	/* Error everything on txq and txcmplq
	 * First do the txq.
	list_splice_init(&pring->txq, &completions);
	pring->txq_cnt = 0;

	/* Next issue ABTS for everything on the txcmplq */
	list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list)
		lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag(phba, pring, iocb);


	/* Cancel all the IOCBs from the completions list */
	lpfc_sli_cancel_iocbs(phba, &completions, IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT,

 * lpfc_sli_flush_fcp_rings - flush all iocbs in the fcp ring
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function flushes all iocbs in the fcp ring and frees all the iocb
 * objects in txq and txcmplq. This function will not issue abort iocbs
 * for all the iocb commands in txcmplq, they will just be returned with
 * IOERR_SLI_DOWN. This function is invoked with EEH when device's PCI
 * slot has been permanently disabled.
lpfc_sli_flush_fcp_rings(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring  *pring;

	/* Currently, only one fcp ring */
	pring = &psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring];

	/* Retrieve everything on txq */
	list_splice_init(&pring->txq, &txq);
	pring->txq_cnt = 0;

	/* Retrieve everything on the txcmplq */
	list_splice_init(&pring->txcmplq, &txcmplq);
	pring->txcmplq_cnt = 0;

	/* Flush the txq */
	lpfc_sli_cancel_iocbs(phba, &txq, IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT,

	/* Flush the txcmpq */
	lpfc_sli_cancel_iocbs(phba, &txcmplq, IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT,

 * lpfc_sli_brdready_s3 - Check for sli3 host ready status
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @mask: Bit mask to be checked.
 * This function reads the host status register and compares
 * with the provided bit mask to check if HBA completed
 * the restart. This function will wait in a loop for the
 * HBA to complete restart. If the HBA does not restart within
 * 15 iterations, the function will reset the HBA again. The
 * function returns 1 when HBA fail to restart otherwise returns
 * zero.
static int
lpfc_sli_brdready_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t mask)
	uint32_t status;
	int i = 0;
	int retval = 0;

	/* Read the HBA Host Status Register */
	status = readl(phba->HSregaddr);

	 * Check status register every 100ms for 5 retries, then every
	 * 500ms for 5, then every 2.5 sec for 5, then reset board and
	 * every 2.5 sec for 4.
	 * Break our of the loop if errors occurred during init.
	while (((status & mask) != mask) &&
	       !(status & HS_FFERM) &&
	       i++ < 20) {

		if (i <= 5)
		else if (i <= 10)

		if (i == 15) {
				/* Do post */
			phba->pport->port_state = LPFC_VPORT_UNKNOWN;
		/* Read the HBA Host Status Register */
		status = readl(phba->HSregaddr);

	/* Check to see if any errors occurred during init */
	if ((status & HS_FFERM) || (i >= 20)) {
		phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
		retval = 1;

	return retval;

 * lpfc_sli_brdready_s4 - Check for sli4 host ready status
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @mask: Bit mask to be checked.
 * This function checks the host status register to check if HBA is
 * ready. This function will wait in a loop for the HBA to be ready
 * If the HBA is not ready , the function will will reset the HBA PCI
 * function again. The function returns 1 when HBA fail to be ready
 * otherwise returns zero.
static int
lpfc_sli_brdready_s4(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t mask)
	uint32_t status;
	int retval = 0;

	/* Read the HBA Host Status Register */
	status = lpfc_sli4_post_status_check(phba);

	if (status) {
		phba->pport->port_state = LPFC_VPORT_UNKNOWN;
		status = lpfc_sli4_post_status_check(phba);

	/* Check to see if any errors occurred during init */
	if (status) {
		phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
		retval = 1;
	} else
		phba->sli4_hba.intr_enable = 0;

	return retval;

 * lpfc_sli_brdready - Wrapper func for checking the hba readyness
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @mask: Bit mask to be checked.
 * This routine wraps the actual SLI3 or SLI4 hba readyness check routine
 * from the API jump table function pointer from the lpfc_hba struct.
lpfc_sli_brdready(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t mask)
	return phba->lpfc_sli_brdready(phba, mask);

#define BARRIER_TEST_PATTERN (0xdeadbeef)

 * lpfc_reset_barrier - Make HBA ready for HBA reset
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called before resetting an HBA. This
 * function requests HBA to quiesce DMAs before a reset.
void lpfc_reset_barrier(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	uint32_t __iomem *resp_buf;
	uint32_t __iomem *mbox_buf;
	volatile uint32_t mbox;
	uint32_t hc_copy;
	int  i;
	uint8_t hdrtype;

	pci_read_config_byte(phba->pcidev, PCI_HEADER_TYPE, &hdrtype);
	if (hdrtype != 0x80 ||
	    (FC_JEDEC_ID(phba->vpd.rev.biuRev) != HELIOS_JEDEC_ID &&
	     FC_JEDEC_ID(phba->vpd.rev.biuRev) != THOR_JEDEC_ID))

	 * Tell the other part of the chip to suspend temporarily all
	 * its DMA activity.
	resp_buf = phba->MBslimaddr;

	/* Disable the error attention */
	hc_copy = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
	writel((hc_copy & ~HC_ERINT_ENA), phba->HCregaddr);
	readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
	phba->link_flag |= LS_IGNORE_ERATT;

	if (readl(phba->HAregaddr) & HA_ERATT) {
		/* Clear Chip error bit */
		writel(HA_ERATT, phba->HAregaddr);
		phba->pport->stopped = 1;

	mbox = 0;
	((MAILBOX_t *)&mbox)->mbxCommand = MBX_KILL_BOARD;
	((MAILBOX_t *)&mbox)->mbxOwner = OWN_CHIP;

	writel(BARRIER_TEST_PATTERN, (resp_buf + 1));
	mbox_buf = phba->MBslimaddr;
	writel(mbox, mbox_buf);

	for (i = 0;
	     readl(resp_buf + 1) != ~(BARRIER_TEST_PATTERN) && i < 50; i++)

	if (readl(resp_buf + 1) != ~(BARRIER_TEST_PATTERN)) {
		if (phba->sli.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE ||
			goto restore_hc;
			goto clear_errat;

	((MAILBOX_t *)&mbox)->mbxOwner = OWN_HOST;
	for (i = 0; readl(resp_buf) != mbox &&  i < 500; i++)


	while (!(readl(phba->HAregaddr) & HA_ERATT) && ++i < 500)

	if (readl(phba->HAregaddr) & HA_ERATT) {
		writel(HA_ERATT, phba->HAregaddr);
		phba->pport->stopped = 1;

	phba->link_flag &= ~LS_IGNORE_ERATT;
	writel(hc_copy, phba->HCregaddr);
	readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */

 * lpfc_sli_brdkill - Issue a kill_board mailbox command
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function issues a kill_board mailbox command and waits for
 * the error attention interrupt. This function is called for stopping
 * the firmware processing. The caller is not required to hold any
 * locks. This function calls lpfc_hba_down_post function to free
 * any pending commands after the kill. The function will return 1 when it
 * fails to kill the board else will return 0.
lpfc_sli_brdkill(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	uint32_t status;
	uint32_t ha_copy;
	int retval;
	int i = 0;

	psli = &phba->sli;

	/* Kill HBA */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
			"0329 Kill HBA Data: x%x x%x\n",
			phba->pport->port_state, psli->sli_flag);

	pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!pmb)
		return 1;

	/* Disable the error attention */
	status = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
	status &= ~HC_ERINT_ENA;
	writel(status, phba->HCregaddr);
	readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
	phba->link_flag |= LS_IGNORE_ERATT;

	lpfc_kill_board(phba, pmb);
	pmb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
	retval = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_NOWAIT);

	if (retval != MBX_SUCCESS) {
		if (retval != MBX_BUSY)
			mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
		phba->link_flag &= ~LS_IGNORE_ERATT;
		return 1;

	psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE;

	mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);

	/* There is no completion for a KILL_BOARD mbox cmd. Check for an error
	 * attention every 100ms for 3 seconds. If we don't get ERATT after
	 * 3 seconds we still set HBA_ERROR state because the status of the
	 * board is now undefined.
	ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);

	while ((i++ < 30) && !(ha_copy & HA_ERATT)) {
		ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);

	if (ha_copy & HA_ERATT) {
		writel(HA_ERATT, phba->HAregaddr);
		phba->pport->stopped = 1;
	psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
	psli->mbox_active = NULL;
	phba->link_flag &= ~LS_IGNORE_ERATT;

	phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;

	return ha_copy & HA_ERATT ? 0 : 1;

 * lpfc_sli_brdreset - Reset a sli-2 or sli-3 HBA
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function resets the HBA by writing HC_INITFF to the control
 * register. After the HBA resets, this function resets all the iocb ring
 * indices. This function disables PCI layer parity checking during
 * the reset.
 * This function returns 0 always.
 * The caller is not required to hold any locks.
lpfc_sli_brdreset(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
	uint16_t cfg_value;
	int i;

	psli = &phba->sli;

	/* Reset HBA */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
			"0325 Reset HBA Data: x%x x%x\n",
			phba->pport->port_state, psli->sli_flag);

	/* perform board reset */
	phba->fc_eventTag = 0;
	phba->link_events = 0;
	phba->pport->fc_myDID = 0;
	phba->pport->fc_prevDID = 0;

	/* Turn off parity checking and serr during the physical reset */
	pci_read_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND, &cfg_value);
	pci_write_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND,
			      (cfg_value &

	psli->sli_flag &= ~(LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE | LPFC_PROCESS_LA);

	/* Now toggle INITFF bit in the Host Control Register */
	writel(HC_INITFF, phba->HCregaddr);
	readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
	writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);
	readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */

	/* Restore PCI cmd register */
	pci_write_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND, cfg_value);

	/* Initialize relevant SLI info */
	for (i = 0; i < psli->num_rings; i++) {
		pring = &psli->ring[i];
		pring->flag = 0;
		pring->rspidx = 0;
		pring->next_cmdidx  = 0;
		pring->local_getidx = 0;
		pring->cmdidx = 0;
		pring->missbufcnt = 0;

	phba->link_state = LPFC_WARM_START;
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli4_brdreset - Reset a sli-4 HBA
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function resets a SLI4 HBA. This function disables PCI layer parity
 * checking during resets the device. The caller is not required to hold
 * any locks.
 * This function returns 0 always.
lpfc_sli4_brdreset(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	uint16_t cfg_value;
	uint8_t qindx;

	/* Reset HBA */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
			"0295 Reset HBA Data: x%x x%x\n",
			phba->pport->port_state, psli->sli_flag);

	/* perform board reset */
	phba->fc_eventTag = 0;
	phba->link_events = 0;
	phba->pport->fc_myDID = 0;
	phba->pport->fc_prevDID = 0;

	/* Turn off parity checking and serr during the physical reset */
	pci_read_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND, &cfg_value);
	pci_write_config_word(phba->pcidev, PCI_COMMAND,
			      (cfg_value &

	psli->sli_flag &= ~(LPFC_PROCESS_LA);
	phba->fcf.fcf_flag = 0;
	/* Clean up the child queue list for the CQs */
	for (qindx = 0; qindx < phba->cfg_fcp_wq_count; qindx++)
	for (qindx = 0; qindx < phba->cfg_fcp_eq_count; qindx++)

	/* Now physically reset the device */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_INIT,
			"0389 Performing PCI function reset!\n");
	/* Perform FCoE PCI function reset */

	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_brdrestart_s3 - Restart a sli-3 hba
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called in the SLI initialization code path to
 * restart the HBA. The caller is not required to hold any lock.
 * This function writes MBX_RESTART mailbox command to the SLIM and
 * resets the HBA. At the end of the function, it calls lpfc_hba_down_post
 * function to free any pending commands. The function enables
 * POST only during the first initialization. The function returns zero.
 * The function does not guarantee completion of MBX_RESTART mailbox
 * command before the return of this function.
static int
lpfc_sli_brdrestart_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	MAILBOX_t *mb;
	struct lpfc_sli *psli;
	volatile uint32_t word0;
	void __iomem *to_slim;
	uint32_t hba_aer_enabled;


	/* Take PCIe device Advanced Error Reporting (AER) state */
	hba_aer_enabled = phba->hba_flag & HBA_AER_ENABLED;

	psli = &phba->sli;

	/* Restart HBA */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
			"0337 Restart HBA Data: x%x x%x\n",
			phba->pport->port_state, psli->sli_flag);

	word0 = 0;
	mb = (MAILBOX_t *) &word0;
	mb->mbxCommand = MBX_RESTART;
	mb->mbxHc = 1;


	to_slim = phba->MBslimaddr;
	writel(*(uint32_t *) mb, to_slim);
	readl(to_slim); /* flush */

	/* Only skip post after fc_ffinit is completed */
	if (phba->pport->port_state)
		word0 = 1;	/* This is really setting up word1 */
		word0 = 0;	/* This is really setting up word1 */
	to_slim = phba->MBslimaddr + sizeof (uint32_t);
	writel(*(uint32_t *) mb, to_slim);
	readl(to_slim); /* flush */

	phba->pport->stopped = 0;
	phba->link_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
	phba->hba_flag = 0;

	memset(&psli->lnk_stat_offsets, 0, sizeof(psli->lnk_stat_offsets));
	psli->stats_start = get_seconds();

	/* Give the INITFF and Post time to settle. */

	/* Reset HBA AER if it was enabled, note hba_flag was reset above */
	if (hba_aer_enabled)


	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_brdrestart_s4 - Restart the sli-4 hba
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called in the SLI initialization code path to restart
 * a SLI4 HBA. The caller is not required to hold any lock.
 * At the end of the function, it calls lpfc_hba_down_post function to
 * free any pending commands.
static int
lpfc_sli_brdrestart_s4(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;

	/* Restart HBA */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
			"0296 Restart HBA Data: x%x x%x\n",
			phba->pport->port_state, psli->sli_flag);


	phba->pport->stopped = 0;
	phba->link_state = LPFC_INIT_START;
	phba->hba_flag = 0;

	memset(&psli->lnk_stat_offsets, 0, sizeof(psli->lnk_stat_offsets));
	psli->stats_start = get_seconds();


	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_brdrestart - Wrapper func for restarting hba
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This routine wraps the actual SLI3 or SLI4 hba restart routine from the
 * API jump table function pointer from the lpfc_hba struct.
lpfc_sli_brdrestart(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	return phba->lpfc_sli_brdrestart(phba);

 * lpfc_sli_chipset_init - Wait for the restart of the HBA after a restart
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called after a HBA restart to wait for successful
 * restart of the HBA. Successful restart of the HBA is indicated by
 * HS_FFRDY and HS_MBRDY bits. If the HBA fails to restart even after 15
 * iteration, the function will restart the HBA again. The function returns
 * zero if HBA successfully restarted else returns negative error code.
static int
lpfc_sli_chipset_init(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	uint32_t status, i = 0;

	/* Read the HBA Host Status Register */
	status = readl(phba->HSregaddr);

	/* Check status register to see what current state is */
	i = 0;
	while ((status & (HS_FFRDY | HS_MBRDY)) != (HS_FFRDY | HS_MBRDY)) {

		/* Check every 100ms for 5 retries, then every 500ms for 5, then
		 * every 2.5 sec for 5, then reset board and every 2.5 sec for
		 * 4.
		if (i++ >= 20) {
			/* Adapter failed to init, timeout, status reg
			   <status> */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
					"0436 Adapter failed to init, "
					"timeout, status reg x%x, "
					"FW Data: A8 x%x AC x%x\n", status,
					readl(phba->MBslimaddr + 0xa8),
					readl(phba->MBslimaddr + 0xac));
			phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
			return -ETIMEDOUT;

		/* Check to see if any errors occurred during init */
		if (status & HS_FFERM) {
			/* ERROR: During chipset initialization */
			/* Adapter failed to init, chipset, status reg
			   <status> */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
					"0437 Adapter failed to init, "
					"chipset, status reg x%x, "
					"FW Data: A8 x%x AC x%x\n", status,
					readl(phba->MBslimaddr + 0xa8),
					readl(phba->MBslimaddr + 0xac));
			phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
			return -EIO;

		if (i <= 5) {
		} else if (i <= 10) {
		} else {

		if (i == 15) {
				/* Do post */
			phba->pport->port_state = LPFC_VPORT_UNKNOWN;
		/* Read the HBA Host Status Register */
		status = readl(phba->HSregaddr);

	/* Check to see if any errors occurred during init */
	if (status & HS_FFERM) {
		/* ERROR: During chipset initialization */
		/* Adapter failed to init, chipset, status reg <status> */
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"0438 Adapter failed to init, chipset, "
				"status reg x%x, "
				"FW Data: A8 x%x AC x%x\n", status,
				readl(phba->MBslimaddr + 0xa8),
				readl(phba->MBslimaddr + 0xac));
		phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
		return -EIO;

	/* Clear all interrupt enable conditions */
	writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);
	readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */

	/* setup host attn register */
	writel(0xffffffff, phba->HAregaddr);
	readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_hbq_count - Get the number of HBQs to be configured
 * This function calculates and returns the number of HBQs required to be
 * configured.
	return ARRAY_SIZE(lpfc_hbq_defs);

 * lpfc_sli_hbq_entry_count - Calculate total number of hbq entries
 * This function adds the number of hbq entries in every HBQ to get
 * the total number of hbq entries required for the HBA and returns
 * the total count.
static int
	int  hbq_count = lpfc_sli_hbq_count();
	int  count = 0;
	int  i;

	for (i = 0; i < hbq_count; ++i)
		count += lpfc_hbq_defs[i]->entry_count;
	return count;

 * lpfc_sli_hbq_size - Calculate memory required for all hbq entries
 * This function calculates amount of memory required for all hbq entries
 * to be configured and returns the total memory required.
	return lpfc_sli_hbq_entry_count() * sizeof(struct lpfc_hbq_entry);

 * lpfc_sli_hbq_setup - configure and initialize HBQs
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called during the SLI initialization to configure
 * all the HBQs and post buffers to the HBQ. The caller is not
 * required to hold any locks. This function will return zero if successful
 * else it will return negative error code.
static int
lpfc_sli_hbq_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	int  hbq_count = lpfc_sli_hbq_count();
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	MAILBOX_t *pmbox;
	uint32_t hbqno;
	uint32_t hbq_entry_index;

				/* Get a Mailbox buffer to setup mailbox
				 * commands for HBA initialization
	pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);

	if (!pmb)
		return -ENOMEM;

	pmbox = &pmb->u.mb;

	/* Initialize the struct lpfc_sli_hbq structure for each hbq */
	phba->link_state = LPFC_INIT_MBX_CMDS;
	phba->hbq_in_use = 1;

	hbq_entry_index = 0;
	for (hbqno = 0; hbqno < hbq_count; ++hbqno) {
		phba->hbqs[hbqno].next_hbqPutIdx = 0;
		phba->hbqs[hbqno].hbqPutIdx      = 0;
		phba->hbqs[hbqno].local_hbqGetIdx   = 0;
		phba->hbqs[hbqno].entry_count =
		lpfc_config_hbq(phba, hbqno, lpfc_hbq_defs[hbqno],
			hbq_entry_index, pmb);
		hbq_entry_index += phba->hbqs[hbqno].entry_count;

		if (lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL) != MBX_SUCCESS) {
			/* Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd <cmd> CFG_RING,
			   mbxStatus <status>, ring <num> */

			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR,
					"1805 Adapter failed to init. "
					"Data: x%x x%x x%x\n",
					pmbox->mbxStatus, hbqno);

			phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
			mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
			return ENXIO;
	phba->hbq_count = hbq_count;

	mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);

	/* Initially populate or replenish the HBQs */
	for (hbqno = 0; hbqno < hbq_count; ++hbqno)
		lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_init_hbqs(phba, hbqno);
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli4_rb_setup - Initialize and post RBs to HBA
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called during the SLI initialization to configure
 * all the HBQs and post buffers to the HBQ. The caller is not
 * required to hold any locks. This function will return zero if successful
 * else it will return negative error code.
static int
lpfc_sli4_rb_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	phba->hbq_in_use = 1;
	phba->hbqs[0].entry_count = lpfc_hbq_defs[0]->entry_count;
	phba->hbq_count = 1;
	/* Initially populate or replenish the HBQs */
	lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_init_hbqs(phba, 0);
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_config_port - Issue config port mailbox command
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @sli_mode: sli mode - 2/3
 * This function is called by the sli intialization code path
 * to issue config_port mailbox command. This function restarts the
 * HBA firmware and issues a config_port mailbox command to configure
 * the SLI interface in the sli mode specified by sli_mode
 * variable. The caller is not required to hold any locks.
 * The function returns 0 if successful, else returns negative error
 * code.
lpfc_sli_config_port(struct lpfc_hba *phba, int sli_mode)
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	uint32_t resetcount = 0, rc = 0, done = 0;

	pmb = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!pmb) {
		phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
		return -ENOMEM;

	phba->sli_rev = sli_mode;
	while (resetcount < 2 && !done) {
		phba->sli.sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
		phba->pport->port_state = LPFC_VPORT_UNKNOWN;
		rc = lpfc_sli_chipset_init(phba);
		if (rc)

		phba->sli.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;

		/* Call pre CONFIG_PORT mailbox command initialization.  A
		 * value of 0 means the call was successful.  Any other
		 * nonzero value is a failure, but if ERESTART is returned,
		 * the driver may reset the HBA and try again.
		rc = lpfc_config_port_prep(phba);
		if (rc == -ERESTART) {
			phba->link_state = LPFC_LINK_UNKNOWN;
		} else if (rc)
		phba->link_state = LPFC_INIT_MBX_CMDS;
		lpfc_config_port(phba, pmb);
		rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_POLL);
		phba->sli3_options &= ~(LPFC_SLI3_NPIV_ENABLED |
		if (rc != MBX_SUCCESS) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"0442 Adapter failed to init, mbxCmd x%x "
				"CONFIG_PORT, mbxStatus x%x Data: x%x\n",
				pmb->u.mb.mbxCommand, pmb->u.mb.mbxStatus, 0);
			phba->sli.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE;
			rc = -ENXIO;
		} else {
			/* Allow asynchronous mailbox command to go through */
			phba->sli.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK;
			done = 1;
	if (!done) {
		rc = -EINVAL;
		goto do_prep_failed;
	if (pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.sli_mode == 3) {
		if (!pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.cMA) {
			rc = -ENXIO;
			goto do_prep_failed;
		if (phba->max_vpi && pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.gmv) {
			phba->sli3_options |= LPFC_SLI3_NPIV_ENABLED;
			phba->max_vpi = pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.max_vpi;
			phba->max_vports = (phba->max_vpi > phba->max_vports) ?
				phba->max_vpi : phba->max_vports;

		} else
			phba->max_vpi = 0;
		if (pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.gdss)
			phba->sli3_options |= LPFC_SLI3_DSS_ENABLED;
		if (pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.gerbm)
			phba->sli3_options |= LPFC_SLI3_HBQ_ENABLED;
		if (pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.gcrp)
			phba->sli3_options |= LPFC_SLI3_CRP_ENABLED;
		if (pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.ginb) {
			phba->sli3_options |= LPFC_SLI3_INB_ENABLED;
			phba->hbq_get = phba->mbox->us.s3_inb_pgp.hbq_get;
			phba->port_gp = phba->mbox->us.s3_inb_pgp.port;
			phba->inb_ha_copy = &phba->mbox->us.s3_inb_pgp.ha_copy;
			phba->inb_counter = &phba->mbox->us.s3_inb_pgp.counter;
			phba->inb_last_counter =
		} else {
			phba->hbq_get = phba->mbox->us.s3_pgp.hbq_get;
			phba->port_gp = phba->mbox->us.s3_pgp.port;
			phba->inb_ha_copy = NULL;
			phba->inb_counter = NULL;

		if (phba->cfg_enable_bg) {
			if (pmb->u.mb.un.varCfgPort.gbg)
				phba->sli3_options |= LPFC_SLI3_BG_ENABLED;
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
						"0443 Adapter did not grant "
	} else {
		phba->hbq_get = NULL;
		phba->port_gp = phba->mbox->us.s2.port;
		phba->inb_ha_copy = NULL;
		phba->inb_counter = NULL;
		phba->max_vpi = 0;
	mempool_free(pmb, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return rc;

 * lpfc_sli_hba_setup - SLI intialization function
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is the main SLI intialization function. This function
 * is called by the HBA intialization code, HBA reset code and HBA
 * error attention handler code. Caller is not required to hold any
 * locks. This function issues config_port mailbox command to configure
 * the SLI, setup iocb rings and HBQ rings. In the end the function
 * calls the config_port_post function to issue init_link mailbox
 * command and to start the discovery. The function will return zero
 * if successful, else it will return negative error code.
lpfc_sli_hba_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	uint32_t rc;
	int  mode = 3;

	switch (lpfc_sli_mode) {
	case 2:
		if (phba->cfg_enable_npiv) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT | LOG_VPORT,
				"1824 NPIV enabled: Override lpfc_sli_mode "
				"parameter (%d) to auto (0).\n",
		mode = 2;
	case 0:
	case 3:
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT | LOG_VPORT,
				"1819 Unrecognized lpfc_sli_mode "
				"parameter: %d.\n", lpfc_sli_mode);


	rc = lpfc_sli_config_port(phba, mode);

	if (rc && lpfc_sli_mode == 3)
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT | LOG_VPORT,
				"1820 Unable to select SLI-3.  "
				"Not supported by adapter.\n");
	if (rc && mode != 2)
		rc = lpfc_sli_config_port(phba, 2);
	if (rc)
		goto lpfc_sli_hba_setup_error;

	/* Enable PCIe device Advanced Error Reporting (AER) if configured */
	if (phba->cfg_aer_support == 1 && !(phba->hba_flag & HBA_AER_ENABLED)) {
		rc = pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting(phba->pcidev);
		if (!rc) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_INIT,
					"2709 This device supports "
					"Advanced Error Reporting (AER)\n");
			phba->hba_flag |= HBA_AER_ENABLED;
		} else {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_INIT,
					"2708 This device does not support "
					"Advanced Error Reporting (AER)\n");
			phba->cfg_aer_support = 0;

	if (phba->sli_rev == 3) {
		phba->iocb_cmd_size = SLI3_IOCB_CMD_SIZE;
		phba->iocb_rsp_size = SLI3_IOCB_RSP_SIZE;
	} else {
		phba->iocb_cmd_size = SLI2_IOCB_CMD_SIZE;
		phba->iocb_rsp_size = SLI2_IOCB_RSP_SIZE;
		phba->sli3_options = 0;

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_INIT,
			"0444 Firmware in SLI %x mode. Max_vpi %d\n",
			phba->sli_rev, phba->max_vpi);
	rc = lpfc_sli_ring_map(phba);

	if (rc)
		goto lpfc_sli_hba_setup_error;

	/* Init HBQs */
	if (phba->sli3_options & LPFC_SLI3_HBQ_ENABLED) {
		rc = lpfc_sli_hbq_setup(phba);
		if (rc)
			goto lpfc_sli_hba_setup_error;
	phba->sli.sli_flag |= LPFC_PROCESS_LA;

	rc = lpfc_config_port_post(phba);
	if (rc)
		goto lpfc_sli_hba_setup_error;

	return rc;

	phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_INIT,
			"0445 Firmware initialization failed\n");
	return rc;

 * lpfc_sli4_read_fcoe_params - Read fcoe params from conf region
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @mboxq: mailbox pointer.
 * This function issue a dump mailbox command to read config region
 * 23 and parse the records in the region and populate driver
 * data structure.
static int
lpfc_sli4_read_fcoe_params(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
		LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mboxq)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
	struct lpfc_mqe *mqe;
	uint32_t data_length;
	int rc;

	/* Program the default value of vlan_id and fc_map */
	phba->valid_vlan = 0;
	phba->fc_map[0] = LPFC_FCOE_FCF_MAP0;
	phba->fc_map[1] = LPFC_FCOE_FCF_MAP1;
	phba->fc_map[2] = LPFC_FCOE_FCF_MAP2;

	mqe = &mboxq->u.mqe;
	if (lpfc_dump_fcoe_param(phba, mboxq))
		return -ENOMEM;

	mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) mboxq->context1;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mboxq, MBX_POLL);

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"(%d):2571 Mailbox cmd x%x Status x%x "
			"Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x "
			"x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x "
			"CQ: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
			mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
			bf_get(lpfc_mqe_command, mqe),
			bf_get(lpfc_mqe_status, mqe),
			mqe->un.mb_words[0], mqe->un.mb_words[1],
			mqe->un.mb_words[2], mqe->un.mb_words[3],
			mqe->un.mb_words[4], mqe->un.mb_words[5],
			mqe->un.mb_words[6], mqe->un.mb_words[7],
			mqe->un.mb_words[8], mqe->un.mb_words[9],
			mqe->un.mb_words[10], mqe->un.mb_words[11],
			mqe->un.mb_words[12], mqe->un.mb_words[13],
			mqe->un.mb_words[14], mqe->un.mb_words[15],
			mqe->un.mb_words[16], mqe->un.mb_words[50],
			mboxq->mcqe.mcqe_tag0, 	mboxq->mcqe.mcqe_tag1,

	if (rc) {
		lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
		return -EIO;
	data_length = mqe->un.mb_words[5];
	if (data_length > DMP_RGN23_SIZE) {
		lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
		return -EIO;

	lpfc_parse_fcoe_conf(phba, mp->virt, data_length);
	lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli4_read_rev - Issue READ_REV and collect vpd data
 * @phba: pointer to lpfc hba data structure.
 * @mboxq: pointer to the LPFC_MBOXQ_t structure.
 * @vpd: pointer to the memory to hold resulting port vpd data.
 * @vpd_size: On input, the number of bytes allocated to @vpd.
 *	      On output, the number of data bytes in @vpd.
 * This routine executes a READ_REV SLI4 mailbox command.  In
 * addition, this routine gets the port vpd data.
 * Return codes
 * 	0 - successful
 * 	ENOMEM - could not allocated memory.
static int
lpfc_sli4_read_rev(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mboxq,
		    uint8_t *vpd, uint32_t *vpd_size)
	int rc = 0;
	uint32_t dma_size;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	struct lpfc_mqe *mqe;

	dmabuf = kzalloc(sizeof(struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!dmabuf)
		return -ENOMEM;

	 * Get a DMA buffer for the vpd data resulting from the READ_REV
	 * mailbox command.
	dma_size = *vpd_size;
	dmabuf->virt = dma_alloc_coherent(&phba->pcidev->dev,
	if (!dmabuf->virt) {
		return -ENOMEM;
	memset(dmabuf->virt, 0, dma_size);

	 * The SLI4 implementation of READ_REV conflicts at word1,
	 * bits 31:16 and SLI4 adds vpd functionality not present
	 * in SLI3.  This code corrects the conflicts.
	lpfc_read_rev(phba, mboxq);
	mqe = &mboxq->u.mqe;
	mqe->un.read_rev.vpd_paddr_high = putPaddrHigh(dmabuf->phys);
	mqe->un.read_rev.vpd_paddr_low = putPaddrLow(dmabuf->phys);
	mqe->un.read_rev.word1 &= 0x0000FFFF;
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_vpd, &mqe->un.read_rev, 1);
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_avail_len, &mqe->un.read_rev, dma_size);

	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mboxq, MBX_POLL);
	if (rc) {
		dma_free_coherent(&phba->pcidev->dev, dma_size,
				  dmabuf->virt, dmabuf->phys);
		return -EIO;

	 * The available vpd length cannot be bigger than the
	 * DMA buffer passed to the port.  Catch the less than
	 * case and update the caller's size.
	if (mqe->un.read_rev.avail_vpd_len < *vpd_size)
		*vpd_size = mqe->un.read_rev.avail_vpd_len;

	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(dmabuf->virt, vpd, *vpd_size);
	dma_free_coherent(&phba->pcidev->dev, dma_size,
			  dmabuf->virt, dmabuf->phys);
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli4_arm_cqeq_intr - Arm sli-4 device completion and event queues
 * @phba: pointer to lpfc hba data structure.
 * This routine is called to explicitly arm the SLI4 device's completion and
 * event queues
static void
lpfc_sli4_arm_cqeq_intr(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	uint8_t fcp_eqidx;

	lpfc_sli4_cq_release(phba->sli4_hba.mbx_cq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);
	lpfc_sli4_cq_release(phba->sli4_hba.els_cq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);
	for (fcp_eqidx = 0; fcp_eqidx < phba->cfg_fcp_eq_count; fcp_eqidx++)
	lpfc_sli4_eq_release(phba->sli4_hba.sp_eq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);
	for (fcp_eqidx = 0; fcp_eqidx < phba->cfg_fcp_eq_count; fcp_eqidx++)

 * lpfc_sli4_hba_setup - SLI4 device intialization PCI function
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is the main SLI4 device intialization PCI function. This
 * function is called by the HBA intialization code, HBA reset code and
 * HBA error attention handler code. Caller is not required to hold any
 * locks.
lpfc_sli4_hba_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	int rc;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mboxq;
	struct lpfc_mqe *mqe;
	uint8_t *vpd;
	uint32_t vpd_size;
	uint32_t ftr_rsp = 0;
	struct Scsi_Host *shost = lpfc_shost_from_vport(phba->pport);
	struct lpfc_vport *vport = phba->pport;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;

	/* Perform a PCI function reset to start from clean */
	rc = lpfc_pci_function_reset(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc))
		return -ENODEV;

	/* Check the HBA Host Status Register for readyness */
	rc = lpfc_sli4_post_status_check(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc))
		return -ENODEV;
	else {
		phba->sli.sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE;

	 * Allocate a single mailbox container for initializing the
	 * port.
	mboxq = (LPFC_MBOXQ_t *) mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mboxq)
		return -ENOMEM;

	 * Continue initialization with default values even if driver failed
	 * to read FCoE param config regions
	if (lpfc_sli4_read_fcoe_params(phba, mboxq))
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_INIT,
			"2570 Failed to read FCoE parameters\n");

	/* Issue READ_REV to collect vpd and FW information. */
	vpd_size = PAGE_SIZE;
	vpd = kzalloc(vpd_size, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!vpd) {
		rc = -ENOMEM;
		goto out_free_mbox;

	rc = lpfc_sli4_read_rev(phba, mboxq, vpd, &vpd_size);
	if (unlikely(rc))
		goto out_free_vpd;

	mqe = &mboxq->u.mqe;
	phba->sli_rev = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_sli_lvl, &mqe->un.read_rev);
	if (bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_fcoe, &mqe->un.read_rev))
		phba->hba_flag |= HBA_FCOE_SUPPORT;

	if (bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_cee_ver, &mqe->un.read_rev) ==
		phba->hba_flag |= HBA_FIP_SUPPORT;
		phba->hba_flag &= ~HBA_FIP_SUPPORT;

	if (phba->sli_rev != LPFC_SLI_REV4 ||
	    !(phba->hba_flag & HBA_FCOE_SUPPORT)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"0376 READ_REV Error. SLI Level %d "
			"FCoE enabled %d\n",
			phba->sli_rev, phba->hba_flag & HBA_FCOE_SUPPORT);
		rc = -EIO;
		goto out_free_vpd;
	 * Evaluate the read rev and vpd data. Populate the driver
	 * state with the results. If this routine fails, the failure
	 * is not fatal as the driver will use generic values.
	rc = lpfc_parse_vpd(phba, vpd, vpd_size);
	if (unlikely(!rc)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0377 Error %d parsing vpd. "
				"Using defaults.\n", rc);
		rc = 0;

	/* Save information as VPD data */
	phba->vpd.rev.biuRev = mqe->un.read_rev.first_hw_rev;
	phba->vpd.rev.smRev = mqe->un.read_rev.second_hw_rev;
	phba->vpd.rev.endecRev = mqe->un.read_rev.third_hw_rev;
	phba->vpd.rev.fcphHigh = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_fcph_high,
	phba->vpd.rev.fcphLow = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_fcph_low,
	phba->vpd.rev.feaLevelHigh = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_ftr_lvl_high,
	phba->vpd.rev.feaLevelLow = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rd_rev_ftr_lvl_low,
	phba->vpd.rev.sli1FwRev = mqe->un.read_rev.fw_id_rev;
	memcpy(phba->vpd.rev.sli1FwName, mqe->un.read_rev.fw_name, 16);
	phba->vpd.rev.sli2FwRev = mqe->un.read_rev.ulp_fw_id_rev;
	memcpy(phba->vpd.rev.sli2FwName, mqe->un.read_rev.ulp_fw_name, 16);
	phba->vpd.rev.opFwRev = mqe->un.read_rev.fw_id_rev;
	memcpy(phba->vpd.rev.opFwName, mqe->un.read_rev.fw_name, 16);
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"(%d):0380 READ_REV Status x%x "
			"fw_rev:%s fcphHi:%x fcphLo:%x flHi:%x flLo:%x\n",
			mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
			bf_get(lpfc_mqe_status, mqe),
			phba->vpd.rev.fcphHigh, phba->vpd.rev.fcphLow,
			phba->vpd.rev.feaLevelHigh, phba->vpd.rev.feaLevelLow);

	 * Discover the port's supported feature set and match it against the
	 * hosts requests.
	lpfc_request_features(phba, mboxq);
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mboxq, MBX_POLL);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		rc = -EIO;
		goto out_free_vpd;

	 * The port must support FCP initiator mode as this is the
	 * only mode running in the host.
	if (!(bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rq_ftr_rsp_fcpi, &mqe->un.req_ftrs))) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0378 No support for fcpi mode.\n");

	 * If the port cannot support the host's requested features
	 * then turn off the global config parameters to disable the
	 * feature in the driver.  This is not a fatal error.
	if ((phba->cfg_enable_bg) &&
	    !(bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rq_ftr_rsp_dif, &mqe->un.req_ftrs)))

	if (phba->max_vpi && phba->cfg_enable_npiv &&
	    !(bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rq_ftr_rsp_npiv, &mqe->un.req_ftrs)))

	if (ftr_rsp) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0379 Feature Mismatch Data: x%08x %08x "
				"x%x x%x x%x\n", mqe->un.req_ftrs.word2,
				mqe->un.req_ftrs.word3, phba->cfg_enable_bg,
				phba->cfg_enable_npiv, phba->max_vpi);
		if (!(bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rq_ftr_rsp_dif, &mqe->un.req_ftrs)))
			phba->cfg_enable_bg = 0;
		if (!(bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rq_ftr_rsp_npiv, &mqe->un.req_ftrs)))
			phba->cfg_enable_npiv = 0;

	/* These SLI3 features are assumed in SLI4 */
	phba->sli3_options |= (LPFC_SLI3_NPIV_ENABLED | LPFC_SLI3_HBQ_ENABLED);

	/* Read the port's service parameters. */
	lpfc_read_sparam(phba, mboxq, vport->vpi);
	mboxq->vport = vport;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mboxq, MBX_POLL);
	mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *) mboxq->context1;
	if (rc == MBX_SUCCESS) {
		memcpy(&vport->fc_sparam, mp->virt, sizeof(struct serv_parm));
		rc = 0;

	 * This memory was allocated by the lpfc_read_sparam routine. Release
	 * it to the mbuf pool.
	lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, mp->virt, mp->phys);
	mboxq->context1 = NULL;
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0382 READ_SPARAM command failed "
				"status %d, mbxStatus x%x\n",
				rc, bf_get(lpfc_mqe_status, mqe));
		phba->link_state = LPFC_HBA_ERROR;
		rc = -EIO;
		goto out_free_vpd;

	if (phba->cfg_soft_wwnn)
	if (phba->cfg_soft_wwpn)
	memcpy(&vport->fc_nodename, &vport->fc_sparam.nodeName,
	       sizeof(struct lpfc_name));
	memcpy(&vport->fc_portname, &vport->fc_sparam.portName,
	       sizeof(struct lpfc_name));

	/* Update the fc_host data structures with new wwn. */
	fc_host_node_name(shost) = wwn_to_u64(vport->fc_nodename.u.wwn);
	fc_host_port_name(shost) = wwn_to_u64(vport->fc_portname.u.wwn);

	/* Register SGL pool to the device using non-embedded mailbox command */
	rc = lpfc_sli4_post_sgl_list(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0582 Error %d during sgl post operation\n",
		rc = -ENODEV;
		goto out_free_vpd;

	/* Register SCSI SGL pool to the device */
	rc = lpfc_sli4_repost_scsi_sgl_list(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0383 Error %d during scsi sgl post "
				"operation\n", rc);
		/* Some Scsi buffers were moved to the abort scsi list */
		/* A pci function reset will repost them */
		rc = -ENODEV;
		goto out_free_vpd;

	/* Post the rpi header region to the device. */
	rc = lpfc_sli4_post_all_rpi_hdrs(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0393 Error %d during rpi post operation\n",
		rc = -ENODEV;
		goto out_free_vpd;

	/* Set up all the queues to the device */
	rc = lpfc_sli4_queue_setup(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0381 Error %d during queue setup.\n ", rc);
		goto out_stop_timers;

	/* Arm the CQs and then EQs on device */

	/* Indicate device interrupt mode */
	phba->sli4_hba.intr_enable = 1;

	/* Allow asynchronous mailbox command to go through */
	phba->sli.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK;

	/* Post receive buffers to the device */

	/* Start the ELS watchdog timer */
		  jiffies + HZ * (phba->fc_ratov * 2));

	/* Start heart beat timer */
		  jiffies + HZ * LPFC_HB_MBOX_INTERVAL);
	phba->hb_outstanding = 0;
	phba->last_completion_time = jiffies;

	/* Start error attention (ERATT) polling timer */
	mod_timer(&phba->eratt_poll, jiffies + HZ * LPFC_ERATT_POLL_INTERVAL);

	 * The port is ready, set the host's link state to LINK_DOWN
	 * in preparation for link interrupts.
	lpfc_init_link(phba, mboxq, phba->cfg_topology, phba->cfg_link_speed);
	mboxq->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
	/* Change driver state to LPFC_LINK_DOWN right before init link */
	phba->link_state = LPFC_LINK_DOWN;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mboxq, MBX_NOWAIT);
	if (unlikely(rc != MBX_NOT_FINISHED)) {
		return 0;
	} else
		rc = -EIO;

	/* Unset all the queues set up in this routine when error out */
	if (rc)

	if (rc)
	mempool_free(mboxq, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return rc;

 * lpfc_mbox_timeout - Timeout call back function for mbox timer
 * @ptr: context object - pointer to hba structure.
 * This is the callback function for mailbox timer. The mailbox
 * timer is armed when a new mailbox command is issued and the timer
 * is deleted when the mailbox complete. The function is called by
 * the kernel timer code when a mailbox does not complete within
 * expected time. This function wakes up the worker thread to
 * process the mailbox timeout and returns. All the processing is
 * done by the worker thread function lpfc_mbox_timeout_handler.
lpfc_mbox_timeout(unsigned long ptr)
	struct lpfc_hba  *phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) ptr;
	unsigned long iflag;
	uint32_t tmo_posted;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->pport->work_port_lock, iflag);
	tmo_posted = phba->pport->work_port_events & WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
	if (!tmo_posted)
		phba->pport->work_port_events |= WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->pport->work_port_lock, iflag);

	if (!tmo_posted)

 * lpfc_mbox_timeout_handler - Worker thread function to handle mailbox timeout
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called from worker thread when a mailbox command times out.
 * The caller is not required to hold any locks. This function will reset the
 * HBA and recover all the pending commands.
lpfc_mbox_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmbox = phba->sli.mbox_active;
	MAILBOX_t *mb = &pmbox->u.mb;
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;

	/* Check the pmbox pointer first.  There is a race condition
	 * between the mbox timeout handler getting executed in the
	 * worklist and the mailbox actually completing. When this
	 * race condition occurs, the mbox_active will be NULL.
	if (pmbox == NULL) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING,
				"0353 Active Mailbox cleared - mailbox timeout "

	/* Mbox cmd <mbxCommand> timeout */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"0310 Mailbox command x%x timeout Data: x%x x%x x%p\n",

	/* Setting state unknown so lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ring
	 * would get IOCB_ERROR from lpfc_sli_issue_iocb, allowing
	 * it to fail all oustanding SCSI IO.
	phba->pport->work_port_events &= ~WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
	phba->link_state = LPFC_LINK_UNKNOWN;
	psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE;

	pring = &psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring];
	lpfc_sli_abort_iocb_ring(phba, pring);

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"0345 Resetting board due to mailbox timeout\n");

	/* Reset the HBA device */

 * lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s3 - Issue an SLI3 mailbox command to firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pmbox: Pointer to mailbox object.
 * @flag: Flag indicating how the mailbox need to be processed.
 * This function is called by discovery code and HBA management code
 * to submit a mailbox command to firmware with SLI-3 interface spec. This
 * function gets the hbalock to protect the data structures.
 * The mailbox command can be submitted in polling mode, in which case
 * this function will wait in a polling loop for the completion of the
 * mailbox.
 * If the mailbox is submitted in no_wait mode (not polling) the
 * function will submit the command and returns immediately without waiting
 * for the mailbox completion. The no_wait is supported only when HBA
 * is in SLI2/SLI3 mode - interrupts are enabled.
 * The SLI interface allows only one mailbox pending at a time. If the
 * mailbox is issued in polling mode and there is already a mailbox
 * pending, then the function will return an error. If the mailbox is issued
 * in NO_WAIT mode and there is a mailbox pending already, the function
 * will return MBX_BUSY after queuing the mailbox into mailbox queue.
 * The sli layer owns the mailbox object until the completion of mailbox
 * command if this function return MBX_BUSY or MBX_SUCCESS. For all other
 * return codes the caller owns the mailbox command after the return of
 * the function.
static int
lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmbox,
		       uint32_t flag)
	MAILBOX_t *mb;
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	uint32_t status, evtctr;
	uint32_t ha_copy;
	int i;
	unsigned long timeout;
	unsigned long drvr_flag = 0;
	uint32_t word0, ldata;
	void __iomem *to_slim;
	int processing_queue = 0;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
	if (!pmbox) {
		phba->sli.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
		/* processing mbox queue from intr_handler */
		if (unlikely(psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK)) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
			return MBX_SUCCESS;
		processing_queue = 1;
		pmbox = lpfc_mbox_get(phba);
		if (!pmbox) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
			return MBX_SUCCESS;

	if (pmbox->mbox_cmpl && pmbox->mbox_cmpl != lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl &&
		pmbox->mbox_cmpl != lpfc_sli_wake_mbox_wait) {
		if(!pmbox->vport) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR,
					"1806 Mbox x%x failed. No vport\n",
			goto out_not_finished;

	/* If the PCI channel is in offline state, do not post mbox. */
	if (unlikely(pci_channel_offline(phba->pcidev))) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
		goto out_not_finished;

	/* If HBA has a deferred error attention, fail the iocb. */
	if (unlikely(phba->hba_flag & DEFER_ERATT)) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
		goto out_not_finished;

	psli = &phba->sli;

	mb = &pmbox->u.mb;
	status = MBX_SUCCESS;

	if (phba->link_state == LPFC_HBA_ERROR) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);

		/* Mbox command <mbxCommand> cannot issue */
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):0311 Mailbox command x%x cannot "
				"issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
				pmbox->vport ? pmbox->vport->vpi : 0,
				pmbox->u.mb.mbxCommand, psli->sli_flag, flag);
		goto out_not_finished;

	if (mb->mbxCommand != MBX_KILL_BOARD && flag & MBX_NOWAIT &&
	    !(readl(phba->HCregaddr) & HC_MBINT_ENA)) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):2528 Mailbox command x%x cannot "
				"issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
				pmbox->vport ? pmbox->vport->vpi : 0,
				pmbox->u.mb.mbxCommand, psli->sli_flag, flag);
		goto out_not_finished;

	if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE) {
		/* Polling for a mbox command when another one is already active
		 * is not allowed in SLI. Also, the driver must have established
		 * SLI2 mode to queue and process multiple mbox commands.

		if (flag & MBX_POLL) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);

			/* Mbox command <mbxCommand> cannot issue */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
					"(%d):2529 Mailbox command x%x "
					"cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
					pmbox->vport ? pmbox->vport->vpi : 0,
					psli->sli_flag, flag);
			goto out_not_finished;

		if (!(psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE)) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
			/* Mbox command <mbxCommand> cannot issue */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
					"(%d):2530 Mailbox command x%x "
					"cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
					pmbox->vport ? pmbox->vport->vpi : 0,
					psli->sli_flag, flag);
			goto out_not_finished;

		/* Another mailbox command is still being processed, queue this
		 * command to be processed later.
		lpfc_mbox_put(phba, pmbox);

		/* Mbox cmd issue - BUSY */
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):0308 Mbox cmd issue - BUSY Data: "
				"x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
				pmbox->vport ? pmbox->vport->vpi : 0xffffff,
				mb->mbxCommand, phba->pport->port_state,
				psli->sli_flag, flag);

		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);

		if (pmbox->vport) {
				"MBOX Bsy vport:  cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",
				mb->un.varWords[0], mb->un.varWords[1]);
		else {
				"MBOX Bsy:        cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",
				mb->un.varWords[0], mb->un.varWords[1]);

		return MBX_BUSY;

	psli->sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;

	/* If we are not polling, we MUST be in SLI2 mode */
	if (flag != MBX_POLL) {
		if (!(psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE) &&
		    (mb->mbxCommand != MBX_KILL_BOARD)) {
			psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
			/* Mbox command <mbxCommand> cannot issue */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
					"(%d):2531 Mailbox command x%x "
					"cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
					pmbox->vport ? pmbox->vport->vpi : 0,
					psli->sli_flag, flag);
			goto out_not_finished;
		/* timeout active mbox command */
		mod_timer(&psli->mbox_tmo, (jiffies +
			       (HZ * lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mb->mbxCommand))));

	/* Mailbox cmd <cmd> issue */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"(%d):0309 Mailbox cmd x%x issue Data: x%x x%x "
			pmbox->vport ? pmbox->vport->vpi : 0,
			mb->mbxCommand, phba->pport->port_state,
			psli->sli_flag, flag);

	if (mb->mbxCommand != MBX_HEARTBEAT) {
		if (pmbox->vport) {
				"MBOX Send vport: cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",
				mb->un.varWords[0], mb->un.varWords[1]);
		else {
				"MBOX Send:       cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",
				mb->un.varWords[0], mb->un.varWords[1]);

	evtctr = psli->slistat.mbox_event;

	/* next set own bit for the adapter and copy over command word */
	mb->mbxOwner = OWN_CHIP;

	if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE) {
		/* First copy command data to host SLIM area */
		lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(mb, phba->mbox, MAILBOX_CMD_SIZE);
	} else {
		if (mb->mbxCommand == MBX_CONFIG_PORT) {
			/* copy command data into host mbox for cmpl */
			lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(mb, phba->mbox, MAILBOX_CMD_SIZE);

		/* First copy mbox command data to HBA SLIM, skip past first
		   word */
		to_slim = phba->MBslimaddr + sizeof (uint32_t);
		lpfc_memcpy_to_slim(to_slim, &mb->un.varWords[0],
			    MAILBOX_CMD_SIZE - sizeof (uint32_t));

		/* Next copy over first word, with mbxOwner set */
		ldata = *((uint32_t *)mb);
		to_slim = phba->MBslimaddr;
		writel(ldata, to_slim);
		readl(to_slim); /* flush */

		if (mb->mbxCommand == MBX_CONFIG_PORT) {
			/* switch over to host mailbox */
			psli->sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE;


	switch (flag) {
		/* Set up reference to mailbox command */
		psli->mbox_active = pmbox;
		/* Interrupt board to do it */
		writel(CA_MBATT, phba->CAregaddr);
		readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */
		/* Don't wait for it to finish, just return */

	case MBX_POLL:
		/* Set up null reference to mailbox command */
		psli->mbox_active = NULL;
		/* Interrupt board to do it */
		writel(CA_MBATT, phba->CAregaddr);
		readl(phba->CAregaddr); /* flush */

		if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE) {
			/* First read mbox status word */
			word0 = *((uint32_t *)phba->mbox);
			word0 = le32_to_cpu(word0);
		} else {
			/* First read mbox status word */
			word0 = readl(phba->MBslimaddr);

		/* Read the HBA Host Attention Register */
		ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
		timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba,
							     mb->mbxCommand) *
					   1000) + jiffies;
		i = 0;
		/* Wait for command to complete */
		while (((word0 & OWN_CHIP) == OWN_CHIP) ||
		       (!(ha_copy & HA_MBATT) &&
			(phba->link_state > LPFC_WARM_START))) {
			if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) {
				psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
				goto out_not_finished;

			/* Check if we took a mbox interrupt while we were
			   polling */
			if (((word0 & OWN_CHIP) != OWN_CHIP)
			    && (evtctr != psli->slistat.mbox_event))

			if (i++ > 10) {
				spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);

			if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE) {
				/* First copy command data */
				word0 = *((uint32_t *)phba->mbox);
				word0 = le32_to_cpu(word0);
				if (mb->mbxCommand == MBX_CONFIG_PORT) {
					MAILBOX_t *slimmb;
					uint32_t slimword0;
					/* Check real SLIM for any errors */
					slimword0 = readl(phba->MBslimaddr);
					slimmb = (MAILBOX_t *) & slimword0;
					if (((slimword0 & OWN_CHIP) != OWN_CHIP)
					    && slimmb->mbxStatus) {
						psli->sli_flag &=
						word0 = slimword0;
			} else {
				/* First copy command data */
				word0 = readl(phba->MBslimaddr);
			/* Read the HBA Host Attention Register */
			ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);

		if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE) {
			/* copy results back to user */
			lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(phba->mbox, mb, MAILBOX_CMD_SIZE);
		} else {
			/* First copy command data */
			lpfc_memcpy_from_slim(mb, phba->MBslimaddr,
			if ((mb->mbxCommand == MBX_DUMP_MEMORY) &&
				pmbox->context2) {
				lpfc_memcpy_from_slim((void *)pmbox->context2,
				      phba->MBslimaddr + DMP_RSP_OFFSET,

		writel(HA_MBATT, phba->HAregaddr);
		readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */

		psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
		status = mb->mbxStatus;

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, drvr_flag);
	return status;

	if (processing_queue) {
		pmbox->u.mb.mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
		lpfc_mbox_cmpl_put(phba, pmbox);

 * lpfc_sli4_async_mbox_block - Block posting SLI4 asynchronous mailbox command
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * The function blocks the posting of SLI4 asynchronous mailbox commands from
 * the driver internal pending mailbox queue. It will then try to wait out the
 * possible outstanding mailbox command before return.
 * Returns:
 * 	0 - the outstanding mailbox command completed; otherwise, the wait for
 * 	the outstanding mailbox command timed out.
static int
lpfc_sli4_async_mbox_block(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	uint8_t actcmd = MBX_HEARTBEAT;
	int rc = 0;
	unsigned long timeout;

	/* Mark the asynchronous mailbox command posting as blocked */
	psli->sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK;
	if (phba->sli.mbox_active)
		actcmd = phba->sli.mbox_active->u.mb.mbxCommand;
	/* Determine how long we might wait for the active mailbox
	 * command to be gracefully completed by firmware.
	timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, actcmd) * 1000) +
	/* Wait for the outstnading mailbox command to complete */
	while (phba->sli.mbox_active) {
		/* Check active mailbox complete status every 2ms */
		if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) {
			/* Timeout, marked the outstanding cmd not complete */
			rc = 1;

	/* Can not cleanly block async mailbox command, fails it */
	if (rc) {
		psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK;
	return rc;

 * lpfc_sli4_async_mbox_unblock - Block posting SLI4 async mailbox command
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * The function unblocks and resume posting of SLI4 asynchronous mailbox
 * commands from the driver internal pending mailbox queue. It makes sure
 * that there is no outstanding mailbox command before resuming posting
 * asynchronous mailbox commands. If, for any reason, there is outstanding
 * mailbox command, it will try to wait it out before resuming asynchronous
 * mailbox command posting.
static void
lpfc_sli4_async_mbox_unblock(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;

	if (!(psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK)) {
		/* Asynchronous mailbox posting is not blocked, do nothing */

	/* Outstanding synchronous mailbox command is guaranteed to be done,
	 * successful or timeout, after timing-out the outstanding mailbox
	 * command shall always be removed, so just unblock posting async
	 * mailbox command and resume
	psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK;

	/* wake up worker thread to post asynchronlous mailbox command */

 * lpfc_sli4_post_sync_mbox - Post an SLI4 mailbox to the bootstrap mailbox
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @mboxq: Pointer to mailbox object.
 * The function posts a mailbox to the port.  The mailbox is expected
 * to be comletely filled in and ready for the port to operate on it.
 * This routine executes a synchronous completion operation on the
 * mailbox by polling for its completion.
 * The caller must not be holding any locks when calling this routine.
 * Returns:
 *	MBX_SUCCESS - mailbox posted successfully
 *	Any of the MBX error values.
static int
lpfc_sli4_post_sync_mbox(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mboxq)
	int rc = MBX_SUCCESS;
	unsigned long iflag;
	uint32_t db_ready;
	uint32_t mcqe_status;
	uint32_t mbx_cmnd;
	unsigned long timeout;
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	struct lpfc_mqe *mb = &mboxq->u.mqe;
	struct lpfc_bmbx_create *mbox_rgn;
	struct dma_address *dma_address;
	struct lpfc_register bmbx_reg;

	 * Only one mailbox can be active to the bootstrap mailbox region
	 * at a time and there is no queueing provided.
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):2532 Mailbox command x%x (x%x) "
				"cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
				mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
				lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
				psli->sli_flag, MBX_POLL);
		return MBXERR_ERROR;
	/* The server grabs the token and owns it until release */
	psli->sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
	phba->sli.mbox_active = mboxq;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

	 * Initialize the bootstrap memory region to avoid stale data areas
	 * in the mailbox post.  Then copy the caller's mailbox contents to
	 * the bmbx mailbox region.
	mbx_cmnd = bf_get(lpfc_mqe_command, mb);
	memset(phba->sli4_hba.bmbx.avirt, 0, sizeof(struct lpfc_bmbx_create));
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(mb, phba->sli4_hba.bmbx.avirt,
			      sizeof(struct lpfc_mqe));

	/* Post the high mailbox dma address to the port and wait for ready. */
	dma_address = &phba->sli4_hba.bmbx.dma_address;
	writel(dma_address->addr_hi, phba->sli4_hba.BMBXregaddr);

	timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mbx_cmnd)
				   * 1000) + jiffies;
	do {
		bmbx_reg.word0 = readl(phba->sli4_hba.BMBXregaddr);
		db_ready = bf_get(lpfc_bmbx_rdy, &bmbx_reg);
		if (!db_ready)

		if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) {
			goto exit;
	} while (!db_ready);

	/* Post the low mailbox dma address to the port. */
	writel(dma_address->addr_lo, phba->sli4_hba.BMBXregaddr);
	timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mbx_cmnd)
				   * 1000) + jiffies;
	do {
		bmbx_reg.word0 = readl(phba->sli4_hba.BMBXregaddr);
		db_ready = bf_get(lpfc_bmbx_rdy, &bmbx_reg);
		if (!db_ready)

		if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) {
			goto exit;
	} while (!db_ready);

	 * Read the CQ to ensure the mailbox has completed.
	 * If so, update the mailbox status so that the upper layers
	 * can complete the request normally.
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(phba->sli4_hba.bmbx.avirt, mb,
			      sizeof(struct lpfc_mqe));
	mbox_rgn = (struct lpfc_bmbx_create *) phba->sli4_hba.bmbx.avirt;
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(&mbox_rgn->mcqe, &mboxq->mcqe,
			      sizeof(struct lpfc_mcqe));
	mcqe_status = bf_get(lpfc_mcqe_status, &mbox_rgn->mcqe);

	/* Prefix the mailbox status with range x4000 to note SLI4 status. */
	if (mcqe_status != MB_CQE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		bf_set(lpfc_mqe_status, mb, LPFC_MBX_ERROR_RANGE | mcqe_status);

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"(%d):0356 Mailbox cmd x%x (x%x) Status x%x "
			"Data: x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x x%x"
			" x%x x%x CQ: x%x x%x x%x x%x\n",
			mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
			mbx_cmnd, lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
			bf_get(lpfc_mqe_status, mb),
			mb->un.mb_words[0], mb->un.mb_words[1],
			mb->un.mb_words[2], mb->un.mb_words[3],
			mb->un.mb_words[4], mb->un.mb_words[5],
			mb->un.mb_words[6], mb->un.mb_words[7],
			mb->un.mb_words[8], mb->un.mb_words[9],
			mb->un.mb_words[10], mb->un.mb_words[11],
			mb->un.mb_words[12], mboxq->mcqe.word0,
			mboxq->mcqe.mcqe_tag0, 	mboxq->mcqe.mcqe_tag1,
	/* We are holding the token, no needed for lock when release */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
	phba->sli.mbox_active = NULL;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	return rc;

 * lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s4 - Issue an SLI4 mailbox command to firmware
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pmbox: Pointer to mailbox object.
 * @flag: Flag indicating how the mailbox need to be processed.
 * This function is called by discovery code and HBA management code to submit
 * a mailbox command to firmware with SLI-4 interface spec.
 * Return codes the caller owns the mailbox command after the return of the
 * function.
static int
lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s4(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mboxq,
		       uint32_t flag)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	unsigned long iflags;
	int rc;

	rc = lpfc_mbox_dev_check(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):2544 Mailbox command x%x (x%x) "
				"cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
				mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
				lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
				psli->sli_flag, flag);
		goto out_not_finished;

	/* Detect polling mode and jump to a handler */
	if (!phba->sli4_hba.intr_enable) {
		if (flag == MBX_POLL)
			rc = lpfc_sli4_post_sync_mbox(phba, mboxq);
			rc = -EIO;
		if (rc != MBX_SUCCESS)
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
					"(%d):2541 Mailbox command x%x "
					"(x%x) cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
					mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
					lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
					psli->sli_flag, flag);
		return rc;
	} else if (flag == MBX_POLL) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):2542 Try to issue mailbox command "
				"x%x (x%x) synchronously ahead of async"
				"mailbox command queue: x%x x%x\n",
				mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
				lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
				psli->sli_flag, flag);
		/* Try to block the asynchronous mailbox posting */
		rc = lpfc_sli4_async_mbox_block(phba);
		if (!rc) {
			/* Successfully blocked, now issue sync mbox cmd */
			rc = lpfc_sli4_post_sync_mbox(phba, mboxq);
			if (rc != MBX_SUCCESS)
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR,
						"(%d):2597 Mailbox command "
						"x%x (x%x) cannot issue "
						"Data: x%x x%x\n",
						mboxq->vport ?
						mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
						psli->sli_flag, flag);
			/* Unblock the async mailbox posting afterward */
		return rc;

	/* Now, interrupt mode asynchrous mailbox command */
	rc = lpfc_mbox_cmd_check(phba, mboxq);
	if (rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):2543 Mailbox command x%x (x%x) "
				"cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
				mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
				lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
				psli->sli_flag, flag);
		goto out_not_finished;

	/* Put the mailbox command to the driver internal FIFO */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	lpfc_mbox_put(phba, mboxq);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"(%d):0354 Mbox cmd issue - Enqueue Data: "
			"x%x (x%x) x%x x%x x%x\n",
			mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0xffffff,
			bf_get(lpfc_mqe_command, &mboxq->u.mqe),
			lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
			psli->sli_flag, MBX_NOWAIT);
	/* Wake up worker thread to transport mailbox command from head */

	return MBX_BUSY;


 * lpfc_sli4_post_async_mbox - Post an SLI4 mailbox command to device
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called by worker thread to send a mailbox command to
 * SLI4 HBA firmware.
lpfc_sli4_post_async_mbox(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mboxq;
	int rc = MBX_SUCCESS;
	unsigned long iflags;
	struct lpfc_mqe *mqe;
	uint32_t mbx_cmnd;

	/* Check interrupt mode before post async mailbox command */
	if (unlikely(!phba->sli4_hba.intr_enable))

	/* Check for mailbox command service token */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	if (unlikely(psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK)) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	if (unlikely(phba->sli.mbox_active)) {
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"0384 There is pending active mailbox cmd\n");
	/* Take the mailbox command service token */
	psli->sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;

	/* Get the next mailbox command from head of queue */
	mboxq = lpfc_mbox_get(phba);

	/* If no more mailbox command waiting for post, we're done */
	if (!mboxq) {
		psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		return MBX_SUCCESS;
	phba->sli.mbox_active = mboxq;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

	/* Check device readiness for posting mailbox command */
	rc = lpfc_mbox_dev_check(phba);
	if (unlikely(rc))
		/* Driver clean routine will clean up pending mailbox */
		goto out_not_finished;

	/* Prepare the mbox command to be posted */
	mqe = &mboxq->u.mqe;
	mbx_cmnd = bf_get(lpfc_mqe_command, mqe);

	/* Start timer for the mbox_tmo and log some mailbox post messages */
	mod_timer(&psli->mbox_tmo, (jiffies +
		  (HZ * lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mbx_cmnd))));

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
			"(%d):0355 Mailbox cmd x%x (x%x) issue Data: "
			"x%x x%x\n",
			mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0, mbx_cmnd,
			lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
			phba->pport->port_state, psli->sli_flag);

	if (mbx_cmnd != MBX_HEARTBEAT) {
		if (mboxq->vport) {
				"MBOX Send vport: cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",
				mbx_cmnd, mqe->un.mb_words[0],
		} else {
				"MBOX Send: cmd:x%x mb:x%x x%x",
				mbx_cmnd, mqe->un.mb_words[0],

	/* Post the mailbox command to the port */
	rc = lpfc_sli4_mq_put(phba->sli4_hba.mbx_wq, mqe);
	if (rc != MBX_SUCCESS) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
				"(%d):2533 Mailbox command x%x (x%x) "
				"cannot issue Data: x%x x%x\n",
				mboxq->vport ? mboxq->vport->vpi : 0,
				lpfc_sli4_mbox_opcode_get(phba, mboxq),
				psli->sli_flag, MBX_NOWAIT);
		goto out_not_finished;

	return rc;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	mboxq->u.mb.mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
	__lpfc_mbox_cmpl_put(phba, mboxq);
	/* Release the token */
	psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
	phba->sli.mbox_active = NULL;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);


 * lpfc_sli_issue_mbox - Wrapper func for issuing mailbox command
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pmbox: Pointer to mailbox object.
 * @flag: Flag indicating how the mailbox need to be processed.
 * This routine wraps the actual SLI3 or SLI4 mailbox issuing routine from
 * the API jump table function pointer from the lpfc_hba struct.
 * Return codes the caller owns the mailbox command after the return of the
 * function.
lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmbox, uint32_t flag)
	return phba->lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmbox, flag);

 * lpfc_mbox_api_table_setup - Set up mbox api fucntion jump table
 * @phba: The hba struct for which this call is being executed.
 * @dev_grp: The HBA PCI-Device group number.
 * This routine sets up the mbox interface API function jump table in @phba
 * struct.
 * Returns: 0 - success, -ENODEV - failure.
lpfc_mbox_api_table_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint8_t dev_grp)

	switch (dev_grp) {
		phba->lpfc_sli_issue_mbox = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s3;
		phba->lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event =
		phba->lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware = lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware_s3;
		phba->lpfc_sli_brdrestart = lpfc_sli_brdrestart_s3;
		phba->lpfc_sli_brdready = lpfc_sli_brdready_s3;
		phba->lpfc_sli_issue_mbox = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s4;
		phba->lpfc_sli_handle_slow_ring_event =
		phba->lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware = lpfc_sli_hbq_to_firmware_s4;
		phba->lpfc_sli_brdrestart = lpfc_sli_brdrestart_s4;
		phba->lpfc_sli_brdready = lpfc_sli_brdready_s4;
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"1420 Invalid HBA PCI-device group: 0x%x\n",
		return -ENODEV;
	return 0;

 * __lpfc_sli_ringtx_put - Add an iocb to the txq
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @piocb: Pointer to address of newly added command iocb.
 * This function is called with hbalock held to add a command
 * iocb to the txq when SLI layer cannot submit the command iocb
 * to the ring.
static void
__lpfc_sli_ringtx_put(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
		    struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb)
	/* Insert the caller's iocb in the txq tail for later processing. */
	list_add_tail(&piocb->list, &pring->txq);

 * lpfc_sli_next_iocb - Get the next iocb in the txq
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @piocb: Pointer to address of newly added command iocb.
 * This function is called with hbalock held before a new
 * iocb is submitted to the firmware. This function checks
 * txq to flush the iocbs in txq to Firmware before
 * submitting new iocbs to the Firmware.
 * If there are iocbs in the txq which need to be submitted
 * to firmware, lpfc_sli_next_iocb returns the first element
 * of the txq after dequeuing it from txq.
 * If there is no iocb in the txq then the function will return
 * *piocb and *piocb is set to NULL. Caller needs to check
 * *piocb to find if there are more commands in the txq.
static struct lpfc_iocbq *
lpfc_sli_next_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
		   struct lpfc_iocbq **piocb)
	struct lpfc_iocbq * nextiocb;

	nextiocb = lpfc_sli_ringtx_get(phba, pring);
	if (!nextiocb) {
		nextiocb = *piocb;
		*piocb = NULL;

	return nextiocb;

 * __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s3 - SLI3 device lockless ver of lpfc_sli_issue_iocb
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @ring_number: SLI ring number to issue iocb on.
 * @piocb: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @flag: Flag indicating if this command can be put into txq.
 * __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s3 is used by other functions in the driver to issue
 * an iocb command to an HBA with SLI-3 interface spec. If the PCI slot is
 * recovering from error state, if HBA is resetting or if LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT
 * flag is turned on, the function returns IOCB_ERROR. When the link is down,
 * this function allows only iocbs for posting buffers. This function finds
 * next available slot in the command ring and posts the command to the
 * available slot and writes the port attention register to request HBA start
 * processing new iocb. If there is no slot available in the ring and
 * flag & SLI_IOCB_RET_IOCB is set, the new iocb is added to the txq, otherwise
 * the function returns IOCB_BUSY.
 * This function is called with hbalock held. The function will return success
 * after it successfully submit the iocb to firmware or after adding to the
 * txq.
static int
__lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t ring_number,
		    struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb, uint32_t flag)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *nextiocb;
	IOCB_t *iocb;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring = &phba->sli.ring[ring_number];

	if (piocb->iocb_cmpl && (!piocb->vport) &&
	   (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand != CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN) &&
	   (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand != CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR,
				"1807 IOCB x%x failed. No vport\n",
		return IOCB_ERROR;

	/* If the PCI channel is in offline state, do not post iocbs. */
	if (unlikely(pci_channel_offline(phba->pcidev)))
		return IOCB_ERROR;

	/* If HBA has a deferred error attention, fail the iocb. */
	if (unlikely(phba->hba_flag & DEFER_ERATT))
		return IOCB_ERROR;

	 * We should never get an IOCB if we are in a < LINK_DOWN state
	if (unlikely(phba->link_state < LPFC_LINK_DOWN))
		return IOCB_ERROR;

	 * Check to see if we are blocking IOCB processing because of a
	 * outstanding event.
	if (unlikely(pring->flag & LPFC_STOP_IOCB_EVENT))
		goto iocb_busy;

	if (unlikely(phba->link_state == LPFC_LINK_DOWN)) {
		 * can be issued if the link is not up.
		switch (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand) {
			if (!(phba->sli.sli_flag & LPFC_MENLO_MAINT) ||
				(piocb->iocb.un.genreq64.w5.hcsw.Rctl !=
				(piocb->iocb.un.genreq64.w5.hcsw.Type !=

				goto iocb_busy;
			 * For IOCBs, like QUE_RING_BUF, that have no rsp ring
			 * completion, iocb_cmpl MUST be 0.
			if (piocb->iocb_cmpl)
				piocb->iocb_cmpl = NULL;
			goto iocb_busy;

	 * For FCP commands, we must be in a state where we can process link
	 * attention events.
	} else if (unlikely(pring->ringno == phba->sli.fcp_ring &&
			    !(phba->sli.sli_flag & LPFC_PROCESS_LA))) {
		goto iocb_busy;

	while ((iocb = lpfc_sli_next_iocb_slot(phba, pring)) &&
	       (nextiocb = lpfc_sli_next_iocb(phba, pring, &piocb)))
		lpfc_sli_submit_iocb(phba, pring, iocb, nextiocb);

	if (iocb)
		lpfc_sli_update_ring(phba, pring);
		lpfc_sli_update_full_ring(phba, pring);

	if (!piocb)
		return IOCB_SUCCESS;

	goto out_busy;



	if (!(flag & SLI_IOCB_RET_IOCB)) {
		__lpfc_sli_ringtx_put(phba, pring, piocb);
		return IOCB_SUCCESS;

	return IOCB_BUSY;

 * lpfc_sli4_bpl2sgl - Convert the bpl/bde to a sgl.
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @piocb: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @sglq: Pointer to the scatter gather queue object.
 * This routine converts the bpl or bde that is in the IOCB
 * to a sgl list for the sli4 hardware. The physical address
 * of the bpl/bde is converted back to a virtual address.
 * If the IOCB contains a BPL then the list of BDE's is
 * converted to sli4_sge's. If the IOCB contains a single
 * BDE then it is converted to a single sli_sge.
 * The IOCB is still in cpu endianess so the contents of
 * the bpl can be used without byte swapping.
 * Returns valid XRI = Success, NO_XRI = Failure.
static uint16_t
lpfc_sli4_bpl2sgl(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *piocbq,
		struct lpfc_sglq *sglq)
	uint16_t xritag = NO_XRI;
	struct ulp_bde64 *bpl = NULL;
	struct ulp_bde64 bde;
	struct sli4_sge *sgl  = NULL;
	IOCB_t *icmd;
	int numBdes = 0;
	int i = 0;

	if (!piocbq || !sglq)
		return xritag;

	sgl  = (struct sli4_sge *)sglq->sgl;
	icmd = &piocbq->iocb;
	if (icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.bdeFlags == BUFF_TYPE_BLP_64) {
		numBdes = icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.bdeSize /
				sizeof(struct ulp_bde64);
		/* The addrHigh and addrLow fields within the IOCB
		 * have not been byteswapped yet so there is no
		 * need to swap them back.
		bpl  = (struct ulp_bde64 *)
			((struct lpfc_dmabuf *)piocbq->context3)->virt;

		if (!bpl)
			return xritag;

		for (i = 0; i < numBdes; i++) {
			/* Should already be byte swapped. */
			sgl->addr_hi =  bpl->addrHigh;
			sgl->addr_lo =  bpl->addrLow;
			/* swap the size field back to the cpu so we
			 * can assign it to the sgl.
			bde.tus.w  = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
			bf_set(lpfc_sli4_sge_len, sgl, bde.tus.f.bdeSize);
			if ((i+1) == numBdes)
				bf_set(lpfc_sli4_sge_last, sgl, 1);
				bf_set(lpfc_sli4_sge_last, sgl, 0);
			sgl->word2 = cpu_to_le32(sgl->word2);
			sgl->word3 = cpu_to_le32(sgl->word3);
	} else if (icmd->un.genreq64.bdl.bdeFlags == BUFF_TYPE_BDE_64) {
			/* The addrHigh and addrLow fields of the BDE have not
			 * been byteswapped yet so they need to be swapped
			 * before putting them in the sgl.
			sgl->addr_hi =
			sgl->addr_lo =
			bf_set(lpfc_sli4_sge_len, sgl,
			bf_set(lpfc_sli4_sge_last, sgl, 1);
			sgl->word2 = cpu_to_le32(sgl->word2);
			sgl->word3 = cpu_to_le32(sgl->word3);
	return sglq->sli4_xritag;

 * lpfc_sli4_scmd_to_wqidx_distr - scsi command to SLI4 WQ index distribution
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This routine performs a round robin SCSI command to SLI4 FCP WQ index
 * distribution.  This is called by __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s4() with the hbalock
 * held.
 * Return: index into SLI4 fast-path FCP queue index.
static uint32_t
lpfc_sli4_scmd_to_wqidx_distr(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	if (phba->fcp_qidx >= phba->cfg_fcp_wq_count)
		phba->fcp_qidx = 0;

	return phba->fcp_qidx;

 * lpfc_sli_iocb2wqe - Convert the IOCB to a work queue entry.
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @piocb: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @wqe: Pointer to the work queue entry.
 * This routine converts the iocb command to its Work Queue Entry
 * equivalent. The wqe pointer should not have any fields set when
 * this routine is called because it will memcpy over them.
 * This routine does not set the CQ_ID or the WQEC bits in the
 * wqe.
 * Returns: 0 = Success, IOCB_ERROR = Failure.
static int
lpfc_sli4_iocb2wqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq,
		union lpfc_wqe *wqe)
	uint32_t xmit_len = 0, total_len = 0;
	uint8_t ct = 0;
	uint32_t fip;
	uint32_t abort_tag;
	uint8_t command_type = ELS_COMMAND_NON_FIP;
	uint8_t cmnd;
	uint16_t xritag;
	struct ulp_bde64 *bpl = NULL;
	uint32_t els_id = ELS_ID_DEFAULT;
	int numBdes, i;
	struct ulp_bde64 bde;

	fip = phba->hba_flag & HBA_FIP_SUPPORT;
	/* The fcp commands will set command type */
	if (iocbq->iocb_flag &  LPFC_IO_FCP)
		command_type = FCP_COMMAND;
	else if (fip && (iocbq->iocb_flag & LPFC_FIP_ELS_ID_MASK))
		command_type = ELS_COMMAND_FIP;
		command_type = ELS_COMMAND_NON_FIP;

	/* Some of the fields are in the right position already */
	memcpy(wqe, &iocbq->iocb, sizeof(union lpfc_wqe));
	abort_tag = (uint32_t) iocbq->iotag;
	xritag = iocbq->sli4_xritag;
	wqe->words[7] = 0; /* The ct field has moved so reset */
	/* words0-2 bpl convert bde */
	if (iocbq->iocb.un.genreq64.bdl.bdeFlags == BUFF_TYPE_BLP_64) {
		numBdes = iocbq->iocb.un.genreq64.bdl.bdeSize /
				sizeof(struct ulp_bde64);
		bpl  = (struct ulp_bde64 *)
			((struct lpfc_dmabuf *)iocbq->context3)->virt;
		if (!bpl)
			return IOCB_ERROR;

		/* Should already be byte swapped. */
		wqe->generic.bde.addrHigh =  le32_to_cpu(bpl->addrHigh);
		wqe->generic.bde.addrLow =  le32_to_cpu(bpl->addrLow);
		/* swap the size field back to the cpu so we
		 * can assign it to the sgl.
		wqe->generic.bde.tus.w  = le32_to_cpu(bpl->tus.w);
		xmit_len = wqe->generic.bde.tus.f.bdeSize;
		total_len = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < numBdes; i++) {
			bde.tus.w  = le32_to_cpu(bpl[i].tus.w);
			total_len += bde.tus.f.bdeSize;
	} else
		xmit_len = iocbq->iocb.un.fcpi64.bdl.bdeSize;

	iocbq->iocb.ulpIoTag = iocbq->iotag;
	cmnd = iocbq->iocb.ulpCommand;

	switch (iocbq->iocb.ulpCommand) {
		if (!iocbq->iocb.ulpLe) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"2007 Only Limited Edition cmd Format"
				" supported 0x%x\n",
			return IOCB_ERROR;
		wqe->els_req.payload_len = xmit_len;
		/* Els_reguest64 has a TMO */
		bf_set(wqe_tmo, &wqe->els_req.wqe_com,
		/* Need a VF for word 4 set the vf bit*/
		bf_set(els_req64_vf, &wqe->els_req, 0);
		/* And a VFID for word 12 */
		bf_set(els_req64_vfid, &wqe->els_req, 0);
		 * Set ct field to 3, indicates that the context_tag field
		 * contains the FCFI and remote N_Port_ID is
		 * in word 5.

		ct = ((iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_h << 1) | iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_l);
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_context, &wqe->generic,

		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_ct, &wqe->generic, ct);
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_pu, &wqe->generic, 0);
		/* CCP CCPE PV PRI in word10 were set in the memcpy */

		if (command_type == ELS_COMMAND_FIP) {
			els_id = ((iocbq->iocb_flag & LPFC_FIP_ELS_ID_MASK)
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_els_id, &wqe->generic, els_id);

		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_context, &wqe->generic,
		wqe->generic.word3 = 0;
		bf_set(wqe_rcvoxid, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iocb.ulpContext);
		/* The entire sequence is transmitted for this IOCB */
		xmit_len = total_len;
		/* word3 iocb=io_tag32 wqe=payload_offset */
		/* payload offset used for multilpe outstanding
		 * sequences on the same exchange
		wqe->words[3] = 0;
		/* word4 relative_offset memcpy */
		/* word5 r_ctl/df_ctl memcpy */
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_pu, &wqe->generic, 0);
		wqe->xmit_sequence.xmit_len = xmit_len;
		command_type = OTHER_COMMAND;
		/* word3 iocb=iotag32 wqe=payload_len */
		wqe->words[3] = 0; /* no definition for this in wqe */
		/* word4 iocb=rsvd wqe=rsvd */
		/* word5 iocb=rctl/type/df_ctl wqe=rctl/type/df_ctl memcpy */
		/* word6 iocb=ctxt_tag/io_tag wqe=ctxt_tag/xri */
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_ct, &wqe->generic,
			((iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_h << 1) | iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_l));
		command_type = FCP_COMMAND_DATA_OUT;
		/* The struct for wqe fcp_iwrite has 3 fields that are somewhat
		 * confusing.
		 * word3 is payload_len: byte offset to the sgl entry for the
		 * fcp_command.
		 * word4 is total xfer len, same as the IOCB->ulpParameter.
		 * word5 is initial xfer len 0 = wait for xfer-ready

		/* Always wait for xfer-ready before sending data */
		wqe->fcp_iwrite.initial_xfer_len = 0;
		/* word 4 (xfer length) should have been set on the memcpy */

	/* allow write to fall through to read */
		/* FCP_CMD is always the 1st sgl entry */
		wqe->fcp_iread.payload_len =
			xmit_len + sizeof(struct fcp_rsp);

		/* word 4 (xfer length) should have been set on the memcpy */

		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_erp, &wqe->generic,
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_lnk, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iocb.ulpXS);
		/* The XC bit and the XS bit are similar. The driver never
		 * tracked whether or not the exchange was previouslly open.
		 * XC = Exchange create, 0 is create. 1 is already open.
		 * XS = link cmd: 1 do not close the exchange after command.
		 * XS = 0 close exchange when command completes.
		 * The only time we would not set the XC bit is when the XS bit
		 * is set and we are sending our 2nd or greater command on
		 * this exchange.
		/* Always open the exchange */
		bf_set(wqe_xc, &wqe->fcp_iread.wqe_com, 0);

		wqe->words[10] &= 0xffff0000; /* zero out ebde count */
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_pu, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iocb.ulpPU);
		/* Always open the exchange */
		bf_set(wqe_xc, &wqe->fcp_iread.wqe_com, 0);

		wqe->words[4] = 0;
		wqe->words[10] &= 0xffff0000; /* zero out ebde count */
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_pu, &wqe->generic, 0);
		/* word3 command length is described as byte offset to the
		 * rsp_data. Would always be 16, sizeof(struct sli4_sge)
		 * sgl[0] = cmnd
		 * sgl[1] = rsp.
		wqe->gen_req.command_len = xmit_len;
		/* Word4 parameter  copied in the memcpy */
		/* Word5 [rctl, type, df_ctl, la] copied in memcpy */
		/* word6 context tag copied in memcpy */
		if (iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_h  || iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_l) {
			ct = ((iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_h << 1) | iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_l);
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"2015 Invalid CT %x command 0x%x\n",
				ct, iocbq->iocb.ulpCommand);
			return IOCB_ERROR;
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_ct, &wqe->generic, 0);
		bf_set(wqe_tmo, &wqe->gen_req.wqe_com,

		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_pu, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iocb.ulpPU);
		command_type = OTHER_COMMAND;
		/* words0-2 BDE memcpy */
		/* word3 iocb=iotag32 wqe=rsvd */
		wqe->words[3] = 0;
		/* word4 iocb=did wge=rsvd. */
		wqe->words[4] = 0;
		/* word5 iocb=rsvd wge=did */
		bf_set(wqe_els_did, &wqe->xmit_els_rsp.wqe_dest,

		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_ct, &wqe->generic,
			((iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_h << 1) | iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_l));

		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_pu, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iocb.ulpPU);
		bf_set(wqe_rcvoxid, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iocb.ulpContext);
		if (!iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_h && iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_l)
			bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_context, &wqe->generic,
			       iocbq->vport->vpi + phba->vpi_base);
		command_type = OTHER_COMMAND;
		/* words 0-2 memcpy should be 0 rserved */
		/* port will send abts */
		if (iocbq->iocb.ulpCommand == CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN)
			 * The link is down so the fw does not need to send abts
			 * on the wire.
			bf_set(abort_cmd_ia, &wqe->abort_cmd, 1);
			bf_set(abort_cmd_ia, &wqe->abort_cmd, 0);
		bf_set(abort_cmd_criteria, &wqe->abort_cmd, T_XRI_TAG);
		abort_tag = iocbq->iocb.un.acxri.abortIoTag;
		wqe->words[5] = 0;
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_ct, &wqe->generic,
			((iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_h << 1) | iocbq->iocb.ulpCt_l));
		abort_tag = iocbq->iocb.un.acxri.abortIoTag;
		wqe->generic.abort_tag = abort_tag;
		 * The abort handler will send us CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN or
		 * CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN and the fw only accepts CMD_ABORT_XRI_CX
		bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_command, &wqe->generic, CMD_ABORT_XRI_CX);
		cmnd = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CX;
		command_type = OTHER_COMMAND;
		xritag = 0;
		/* As BLS ABTS-ACC WQE is very different from other WQEs,
		 * we re-construct this WQE here based on information in
		 * iocbq from scratch.
		memset(wqe, 0, sizeof(union lpfc_wqe));
		/* OX_ID is invariable to who sent ABTS to CT exchange */
		bf_set(xmit_bls_rsp64_oxid, &wqe->xmit_bls_rsp,
		       bf_get(lpfc_abts_oxid, &iocbq->iocb.un.bls_acc));
		if (bf_get(lpfc_abts_orig, &iocbq->iocb.un.bls_acc) ==
			/* ABTS sent by initiator to CT exchange, the
			 * RX_ID field will be filled with the newly
			 * allocated responder XRI.
			bf_set(xmit_bls_rsp64_rxid, &wqe->xmit_bls_rsp,
		} else {
			/* ABTS sent by responder to CT exchange, the
			 * RX_ID field will be filled with the responder
			 * RX_ID from ABTS.
			bf_set(xmit_bls_rsp64_rxid, &wqe->xmit_bls_rsp,
			       bf_get(lpfc_abts_rxid, &iocbq->iocb.un.bls_acc));
		bf_set(xmit_bls_rsp64_seqcnthi, &wqe->xmit_bls_rsp, 0xffff);
		bf_set(wqe_xmit_bls_pt, &wqe->xmit_bls_rsp.wqe_dest, 0x1);
		bf_set(wqe_ctxt_tag, &wqe->xmit_bls_rsp.wqe_com,
		/* Overwrite the pre-set comnd type with OTHER_COMMAND */
		command_type = OTHER_COMMAND;
	case CMD_CREATE_XRI_CR: /* Do we expect to use this? */
		/* words0-2 are all 0's no bde */
		/* word3 and word4 are rsvrd */
		wqe->words[3] = 0;
		wqe->words[4] = 0;
		/* word5 iocb=rsvd wge=did */
		/* There is no remote port id in the IOCB? */
		/* Let this fall through and fail */
	case CMD_IOCB_FCP_IBIDIR64_CR: /* bidirectional xfer */
	case CMD_FCP_TSEND64_CX: /* Target mode send xfer-ready */
	case CMD_FCP_TRSP64_CX: /* Target mode rcv */
	case CMD_FCP_AUTO_TRSP_CX: /* Auto target rsp */
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"2014 Invalid command 0x%x\n",
		return IOCB_ERROR;

	bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_xri, &wqe->generic, xritag);
	bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_request_tag, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iotag);
	wqe->generic.abort_tag = abort_tag;
	bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_cmd_type, &wqe->generic, command_type);
	bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_command, &wqe->generic, cmnd);
	bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_class, &wqe->generic, iocbq->iocb.ulpClass);
	bf_set(lpfc_wqe_gen_cq_id, &wqe->generic, LPFC_WQE_CQ_ID_DEFAULT);

	return 0;

 * __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s4 - SLI4 device lockless ver of lpfc_sli_issue_iocb
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @ring_number: SLI ring number to issue iocb on.
 * @piocb: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @flag: Flag indicating if this command can be put into txq.
 * __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s4 is used by other functions in the driver to issue
 * an iocb command to an HBA with SLI-4 interface spec.
 * This function is called with hbalock held. The function will return success
 * after it successfully submit the iocb to firmware or after adding to the
 * txq.
static int
__lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s4(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t ring_number,
			 struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb, uint32_t flag)
	struct lpfc_sglq *sglq;
	uint16_t xritag;
	union lpfc_wqe wqe;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring = &phba->sli.ring[ring_number];

	if (piocb->sli4_xritag == NO_XRI) {
		if (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand == CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN ||
		    piocb->iocb.ulpCommand == CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN)
			sglq = NULL;
		else {
			sglq = __lpfc_sli_get_sglq(phba);
			if (!sglq)
				return IOCB_ERROR;
			piocb->sli4_xritag = sglq->sli4_xritag;
	} else if (piocb->iocb_flag &  LPFC_IO_FCP) {
		sglq = NULL; /* These IO's already have an XRI and
			      * a mapped sgl.
	} else {
		/* This is a continuation of a commandi,(CX) so this
		 * sglq is on the active list
		sglq = __lpfc_get_active_sglq(phba, piocb->sli4_xritag);
		if (!sglq)
			return IOCB_ERROR;

	if (sglq) {
		xritag = lpfc_sli4_bpl2sgl(phba, piocb, sglq);
		if (xritag != sglq->sli4_xritag)
			return IOCB_ERROR;

	if (lpfc_sli4_iocb2wqe(phba, piocb, &wqe))
		return IOCB_ERROR;

	if (piocb->iocb_flag &  LPFC_IO_FCP) {
		 * For FCP command IOCB, get a new WQ index to distribute
		 * WQE across the WQsr. On the other hand, for abort IOCB,
		 * it carries the same WQ index to the original command
		 * IOCB.
		if ((piocb->iocb.ulpCommand != CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN) &&
		    (piocb->iocb.ulpCommand != CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN))
			piocb->fcp_wqidx = lpfc_sli4_scmd_to_wqidx_distr(phba);
		if (lpfc_sli4_wq_put(phba->sli4_hba.fcp_wq[piocb->fcp_wqidx],
			return IOCB_ERROR;
	} else {
		if (lpfc_sli4_wq_put(phba->sli4_hba.els_wq, &wqe))
			return IOCB_ERROR;
	lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put(phba, pring, piocb);

	return 0;

 * __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb - Wrapper func of lockless version for issuing iocb
 * This routine wraps the actual lockless version for issusing IOCB function
 * pointer from the lpfc_hba struct.
 * Return codes:
 * 	IOCB_ERROR - Error
 * 	IOCB_SUCCESS - Success
 * 	IOCB_BUSY - Busy
static inline int
__lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t ring_number,
		struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb, uint32_t flag)
	return phba->__lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, ring_number, piocb, flag);

 * lpfc_sli_api_table_setup - Set up sli api fucntion jump table
 * @phba: The hba struct for which this call is being executed.
 * @dev_grp: The HBA PCI-Device group number.
 * This routine sets up the SLI interface API function jump table in @phba
 * struct.
 * Returns: 0 - success, -ENODEV - failure.
lpfc_sli_api_table_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint8_t dev_grp)

	switch (dev_grp) {
		phba->__lpfc_sli_issue_iocb = __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s3;
		phba->__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq = __lpfc_sli_release_iocbq_s3;
		phba->__lpfc_sli_issue_iocb = __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_s4;
		phba->__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq = __lpfc_sli_release_iocbq_s4;
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"1419 Invalid HBA PCI-device group: 0x%x\n",
		return -ENODEV;
	phba->lpfc_get_iocb_from_iocbq = lpfc_get_iocb_from_iocbq;
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_issue_iocb - Wrapper function for __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @piocb: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @flag: Flag indicating if this command can be put into txq.
 * lpfc_sli_issue_iocb is a wrapper around __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb
 * function. This function gets the hbalock and calls
 * __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb function and will return the error returned
 * by __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb function. This wrapper is used by
 * functions which do not hold hbalock.
lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t ring_number,
		    struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb, uint32_t flag)
	unsigned long iflags;
	int rc;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	rc = __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, ring_number, piocb, flag);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

	return rc;

 * lpfc_extra_ring_setup - Extra ring setup function
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function is called while driver attaches with the
 * HBA to setup the extra ring. The extra ring is used
 * only when driver needs to support target mode functionality
 * or IP over FC functionalities.
 * This function is called with no lock held.
static int
lpfc_extra_ring_setup( struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;

	psli = &phba->sli;

	/* Adjust cmd/rsp ring iocb entries more evenly */

	/* Take some away from the FCP ring */
	pring = &psli->ring[psli->fcp_ring];
	pring->numCiocb -= SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
	pring->numRiocb -= SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
	pring->numCiocb -= SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;
	pring->numRiocb -= SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;

	/* and give them to the extra ring */
	pring = &psli->ring[psli->extra_ring];

	pring->numCiocb += SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
	pring->numRiocb += SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
	pring->numCiocb += SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;
	pring->numRiocb += SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;

	/* Setup default profile for this ring */
	pring->iotag_max = 4096;
	pring->num_mask = 1;
	pring->prt[0].profile = 0;      /* Mask 0 */
	pring->prt[0].rctl = phba->cfg_multi_ring_rctl;
	pring->prt[0].type = phba->cfg_multi_ring_type;
	pring->prt[0].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event = NULL;
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_async_event_handler - ASYNC iocb handler function
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @iocbq: Pointer to iocb object.
 * This function is called by the slow ring event handler
 * function when there is an ASYNC event iocb in the ring.
 * This function is called with no lock held.
 * Currently this function handles only temperature related
 * ASYNC events. The function decodes the temperature sensor
 * event message and posts events for the management applications.
static void
lpfc_sli_async_event_handler(struct lpfc_hba * phba,
	struct lpfc_sli_ring * pring, struct lpfc_iocbq * iocbq)
	IOCB_t *icmd;
	uint16_t evt_code;
	uint16_t temp;
	struct temp_event temp_event_data;
	struct Scsi_Host *shost;
	uint32_t *iocb_w;

	icmd = &iocbq->iocb;
	evt_code = icmd->un.asyncstat.evt_code;
	temp = icmd->ulpContext;

	if ((evt_code != ASYNC_TEMP_WARN) &&
		(evt_code != ASYNC_TEMP_SAFE)) {
		iocb_w = (uint32_t *) icmd;
			"0346 Ring %d handler: unexpected ASYNC_STATUS"
			" evt_code 0x%x\n"
			"W0  0x%08x W1  0x%08x W2  0x%08x W3  0x%08x\n"
			"W4  0x%08x W5  0x%08x W6  0x%08x W7  0x%08x\n"
			"W8  0x%08x W9  0x%08x W10 0x%08x W11 0x%08x\n"
			"W12 0x%08x W13 0x%08x W14 0x%08x W15 0x%08x\n",
			iocb_w[0], iocb_w[1], iocb_w[2], iocb_w[3],
			iocb_w[4], iocb_w[5], iocb_w[6], iocb_w[7],
			iocb_w[8], iocb_w[9], iocb_w[10], iocb_w[11],
			iocb_w[12], iocb_w[13], iocb_w[14], iocb_w[15]);

	temp_event_data.data = (uint32_t)temp;
	temp_event_data.event_type = FC_REG_TEMPERATURE_EVENT;
	if (evt_code == ASYNC_TEMP_WARN) {
		temp_event_data.event_code = LPFC_THRESHOLD_TEMP;
				"0347 Adapter is very hot, please take "
				"corrective action. temperature : %d Celsius\n",
	if (evt_code == ASYNC_TEMP_SAFE) {
		temp_event_data.event_code = LPFC_NORMAL_TEMP;
				"0340 Adapter temperature is OK now. "
				"temperature : %d Celsius\n",

	/* Send temperature change event to applications */
	shost = lpfc_shost_from_vport(phba->pport);
	fc_host_post_vendor_event(shost, fc_get_event_number(),
		sizeof(temp_event_data), (char *) &temp_event_data,


 * lpfc_sli_setup - SLI ring setup function
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * lpfc_sli_setup sets up rings of the SLI interface with
 * number of iocbs per ring and iotags. This function is
 * called while driver attach to the HBA and before the
 * interrupts are enabled. So there is no need for locking.
 * This function always returns 0.
lpfc_sli_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	int i, totiocbsize = 0;
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;

	psli->num_rings = MAX_CONFIGURED_RINGS;
	psli->sli_flag = 0;
	psli->fcp_ring = LPFC_FCP_RING;
	psli->next_ring = LPFC_FCP_NEXT_RING;
	psli->extra_ring = LPFC_EXTRA_RING;

	psli->iocbq_lookup = NULL;
	psli->iocbq_lookup_len = 0;
	psli->last_iotag = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < psli->num_rings; i++) {
		pring = &psli->ring[i];
		switch (i) {
		case LPFC_FCP_RING:	/* ring 0 - FCP */
			/* numCiocb and numRiocb are used in config_port */
			pring->numCiocb = SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R0_ENTRIES;
			pring->numRiocb = SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R0_ENTRIES;
			pring->numCiocb += SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
			pring->numRiocb += SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1XTRA_ENTRIES;
			pring->numCiocb += SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;
			pring->numRiocb += SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R3XTRA_ENTRIES;
			pring->sizeCiocb = (phba->sli_rev == 3) ?
			pring->sizeRiocb = (phba->sli_rev == 3) ?
			pring->iotag_ctr = 0;
			pring->iotag_max =
			    (phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth * 2);
			pring->fast_iotag = pring->iotag_max;
			pring->num_mask = 0;
		case LPFC_EXTRA_RING:	/* ring 1 - EXTRA */
			/* numCiocb and numRiocb are used in config_port */
			pring->numCiocb = SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R1_ENTRIES;
			pring->numRiocb = SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R1_ENTRIES;
			pring->sizeCiocb = (phba->sli_rev == 3) ?
			pring->sizeRiocb = (phba->sli_rev == 3) ?
			pring->iotag_max = phba->cfg_hba_queue_depth;
			pring->num_mask = 0;
		case LPFC_ELS_RING:	/* ring 2 - ELS / CT */
			/* numCiocb and numRiocb are used in config_port */
			pring->numCiocb = SLI2_IOCB_CMD_R2_ENTRIES;
			pring->numRiocb = SLI2_IOCB_RSP_R2_ENTRIES;
			pring->sizeCiocb = (phba->sli_rev == 3) ?
			pring->sizeRiocb = (phba->sli_rev == 3) ?
			pring->fast_iotag = 0;
			pring->iotag_ctr = 0;
			pring->iotag_max = 4096;
			pring->lpfc_sli_rcv_async_status =
			pring->num_mask = LPFC_MAX_RING_MASK;
			pring->prt[0].profile = 0;	/* Mask 0 */
			pring->prt[0].rctl = FC_RCTL_ELS_REQ;
			pring->prt[0].type = FC_TYPE_ELS;
			pring->prt[0].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
			pring->prt[1].profile = 0;	/* Mask 1 */
			pring->prt[1].rctl = FC_RCTL_ELS_REP;
			pring->prt[1].type = FC_TYPE_ELS;
			pring->prt[1].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
			pring->prt[2].profile = 0;	/* Mask 2 */
			/* NameServer Inquiry */
			pring->prt[2].rctl = FC_RCTL_DD_UNSOL_CTL;
			/* NameServer */
			pring->prt[2].type = FC_TYPE_CT;
			pring->prt[2].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
			pring->prt[3].profile = 0;	/* Mask 3 */
			/* NameServer response */
			pring->prt[3].rctl = FC_RCTL_DD_SOL_CTL;
			/* NameServer */
			pring->prt[3].type = FC_TYPE_CT;
			pring->prt[3].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
			/* abort unsolicited sequence */
			pring->prt[4].profile = 0;	/* Mask 4 */
			pring->prt[4].rctl = FC_RCTL_BA_ABTS;
			pring->prt[4].type = FC_TYPE_BLS;
			pring->prt[4].lpfc_sli_rcv_unsol_event =
		totiocbsize += (pring->numCiocb * pring->sizeCiocb) +
				(pring->numRiocb * pring->sizeRiocb);
	if (totiocbsize > MAX_SLIM_IOCB_SIZE) {
		/* Too many cmd / rsp ring entries in SLI2 SLIM */
		printk(KERN_ERR "%d:0462 Too many cmd / rsp ring entries in "
		       "SLI2 SLIM Data: x%x x%lx\n",
		       phba->brd_no, totiocbsize,
		       (unsigned long) MAX_SLIM_IOCB_SIZE);
	if (phba->cfg_multi_ring_support == 2)

	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_queue_setup - Queue initialization function
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * lpfc_sli_queue_setup sets up mailbox queues and iocb queues for each
 * ring. This function also initializes ring indices of each ring.
 * This function is called during the initialization of the SLI
 * interface of an HBA.
 * This function is called with no lock held and always returns
 * 1.
lpfc_sli_queue_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
	int i;

	psli = &phba->sli;
	/* Initialize list headers for txq and txcmplq as double linked lists */
	for (i = 0; i < psli->num_rings; i++) {
		pring = &psli->ring[i];
		pring->ringno = i;
		pring->next_cmdidx  = 0;
		pring->local_getidx = 0;
		pring->cmdidx = 0;
	return 1;

 * lpfc_sli_mbox_sys_flush - Flush mailbox command sub-system
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This routine flushes the mailbox command subsystem. It will unconditionally
 * flush all the mailbox commands in the three possible stages in the mailbox
 * command sub-system: pending mailbox command queue; the outstanding mailbox
 * command; and completed mailbox command queue. It is caller's responsibility
 * to make sure that the driver is in the proper state to flush the mailbox
 * command sub-system. Namely, the posting of mailbox commands into the
 * pending mailbox command queue from the various clients must be stopped;
 * either the HBA is in a state that it will never works on the outstanding
 * mailbox command (such as in EEH or ERATT conditions) or the outstanding
 * mailbox command has been completed.
static void
lpfc_sli_mbox_sys_flush(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	unsigned long iflag;

	/* Flush all the mailbox commands in the mbox system */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	/* The pending mailbox command queue */
	list_splice_init(&phba->sli.mboxq, &completions);
	/* The outstanding active mailbox command */
	if (psli->mbox_active) {
		list_add_tail(&psli->mbox_active->list, &completions);
		psli->mbox_active = NULL;
		psli->sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
	/* The completed mailbox command queue */
	list_splice_init(&phba->sli.mboxq_cmpl, &completions);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

	/* Return all flushed mailbox commands with MBX_NOT_FINISHED status */
	while (!list_empty(&completions)) {
		list_remove_head(&completions, pmb, LPFC_MBOXQ_t, list);
		pmb->u.mb.mbxStatus = MBX_NOT_FINISHED;
		if (pmb->mbox_cmpl)
			pmb->mbox_cmpl(phba, pmb);

 * lpfc_sli_host_down - Vport cleanup function
 * @vport: Pointer to virtual port object.
 * lpfc_sli_host_down is called to clean up the resources
 * associated with a vport before destroying virtual
 * port data structures.
 * This function does following operations:
 * - Free discovery resources associated with this virtual
 *   port.
 * - Free iocbs associated with this virtual port in
 *   the txq.
 * - Send abort for all iocb commands associated with this
 *   vport in txcmplq.
 * This function is called with no lock held and always returns 1.
lpfc_sli_host_down(struct lpfc_vport *vport)
	struct lpfc_hba *phba = vport->phba;
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *iocb, *next_iocb;
	int i;
	unsigned long flags = 0;
	uint16_t prev_pring_flag;


	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, flags);
	for (i = 0; i < psli->num_rings; i++) {
		pring = &psli->ring[i];
		prev_pring_flag = pring->flag;
		/* Only slow rings */
		if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
			pring->flag |= LPFC_DEFERRED_RING_EVENT;
			/* Set the lpfc data pending flag */
			set_bit(LPFC_DATA_READY, &phba->data_flags);
		 * Error everything on the txq since these iocbs have not been
		 * given to the FW yet.
		list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txq, list) {
			if (iocb->vport != vport)
			list_move_tail(&iocb->list, &completions);

		/* Next issue ABTS for everything on the txcmplq */
		list_for_each_entry_safe(iocb, next_iocb, &pring->txcmplq,
									list) {
			if (iocb->vport != vport)
			lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag(phba, pring, iocb);

		pring->flag = prev_pring_flag;

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, flags);

	/* Cancel all the IOCBs from the completions list */
	lpfc_sli_cancel_iocbs(phba, &completions, IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT,
	return 1;

 * lpfc_sli_hba_down - Resource cleanup function for the HBA
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function cleans up all iocb, buffers, mailbox commands
 * while shutting down the HBA. This function is called with no
 * lock held and always returns 1.
 * This function does the following to cleanup driver resources:
 * - Free discovery resources for each virtual port
 * - Cleanup any pending fabric iocbs
 * - Iterate through the iocb txq and free each entry
 *   in the list.
 * - Free up any buffer posted to the HBA
 * - Free mailbox commands in the mailbox queue.
lpfc_sli_hba_down(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *buf_ptr;
	unsigned long flags = 0;
	int i;

	/* Shutdown the mailbox command sub-system */



	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, flags);
	for (i = 0; i < psli->num_rings; i++) {
		pring = &psli->ring[i];
		/* Only slow rings */
		if (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING) {
			pring->flag |= LPFC_DEFERRED_RING_EVENT;
			/* Set the lpfc data pending flag */
			set_bit(LPFC_DATA_READY, &phba->data_flags);

		 * Error everything on the txq since these iocbs have not been
		 * given to the FW yet.
		list_splice_init(&pring->txq, &completions);
		pring->txq_cnt = 0;

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, flags);

	/* Cancel all the IOCBs from the completions list */
	lpfc_sli_cancel_iocbs(phba, &completions, IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT,

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, flags);
	list_splice_init(&phba->elsbuf, &completions);
	phba->elsbuf_cnt = 0;
	phba->elsbuf_prev_cnt = 0;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, flags);

	while (!list_empty(&completions)) {
		list_remove_head(&completions, buf_ptr,
			struct lpfc_dmabuf, list);
		lpfc_mbuf_free(phba, buf_ptr->virt, buf_ptr->phys);

	/* Return any active mbox cmds */

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->pport->work_port_lock, flags);
	phba->pport->work_port_events &= ~WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->pport->work_port_lock, flags);

	return 1;

 * lpfc_sli4_hba_down - PCI function resource cleanup for the SLI4 HBA
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * This function cleans up all queues, iocb, buffers, mailbox commands while
 * shutting down the SLI4 HBA FCoE function. This function is called with no
 * lock held and always returns 1.
 * This function does the following to cleanup driver FCoE function resources:
 * - Free discovery resources for each virtual port
 * - Cleanup any pending fabric iocbs
 * - Iterate through the iocb txq and free each entry in the list.
 * - Free up any buffer posted to the HBA.
 * - Clean up all the queue entries: WQ, RQ, MQ, EQ, CQ, etc.
 * - Free mailbox commands in the mailbox queue.
lpfc_sli4_hba_down(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	/* Stop the SLI4 device port */

	/* Tear down the queues in the HBA */

	/* unregister default FCFI from the HBA */
	lpfc_sli4_fcfi_unreg(phba, phba->fcf.fcfi);

	return 1;

 * lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy - SLI memory copy function
 * @srcp: Source memory pointer.
 * @destp: Destination memory pointer.
 * @cnt: Number of words required to be copied.
 * This function is used for copying data between driver memory
 * and the SLI memory. This function also changes the endianness
 * of each word if native endianness is different from SLI
 * endianness. This function can be called with or without
 * lock.
lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(void *srcp, void *destp, uint32_t cnt)
	uint32_t *src = srcp;
	uint32_t *dest = destp;
	uint32_t ldata;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < (int)cnt; i += sizeof (uint32_t)) {
		ldata = *src;
		ldata = le32_to_cpu(ldata);
		*dest = ldata;

 * lpfc_sli_bemem_bcopy - SLI memory copy function
 * @srcp: Source memory pointer.
 * @destp: Destination memory pointer.
 * @cnt: Number of words required to be copied.
 * This function is used for copying data between a data structure
 * with big endian representation to local endianness.
 * This function can be called with or without lock.
lpfc_sli_bemem_bcopy(void *srcp, void *destp, uint32_t cnt)
	uint32_t *src = srcp;
	uint32_t *dest = destp;
	uint32_t ldata;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < (int)cnt; i += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
		ldata = *src;
		ldata = be32_to_cpu(ldata);
		*dest = ldata;

 * lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_put - Function to add a buffer to postbufq
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @mp: Pointer to driver buffer object.
 * This function is called with no lock held.
 * It always return zero after adding the buffer to the postbufq
 * buffer list.
lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_put(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			 struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp)
	/* Stick struct lpfc_dmabuf at end of postbufq so driver can look it up
	   later */
	list_add_tail(&mp->list, &pring->postbufq);
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_get_buffer_tag - allocates a tag for a CMD_QUE_XRI64_CX buffer
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * When HBQ is enabled, buffers are searched based on tags. This function
 * allocates a tag for buffer posted using CMD_QUE_XRI64_CX iocb. The
 * tag is bit wise or-ed with QUE_BUFTAG_BIT to make sure that the tag
 * does not conflict with tags of buffer posted for unsolicited events.
 * The function returns the allocated tag. The function is called with
 * no locks held.
lpfc_sli_get_buffer_tag(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	 * Always set the QUE_BUFTAG_BIT to distiguish between
	 * a tag assigned by HBQ.
	phba->buffer_tag_count |= QUE_BUFTAG_BIT;
	return phba->buffer_tag_count;

 * lpfc_sli_ring_taggedbuf_get - find HBQ buffer associated with given tag
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @tag: Buffer tag.
 * Buffers posted using CMD_QUE_XRI64_CX iocb are in pring->postbufq
 * list. After HBA DMA data to these buffers, CMD_IOCB_RET_XRI64_CX
 * iocb is posted to the response ring with the tag of the buffer.
 * This function searches the pring->postbufq list using the tag
 * to find buffer associated with CMD_IOCB_RET_XRI64_CX
 * iocb. If the buffer is found then lpfc_dmabuf object of the
 * buffer is returned to the caller else NULL is returned.
 * This function is called with no lock held.
struct lpfc_dmabuf *
lpfc_sli_ring_taggedbuf_get(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			uint32_t tag)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp, *next_mp;
	struct list_head *slp = &pring->postbufq;

	/* Search postbufq, from the begining, looking for a match on tag */
	list_for_each_entry_safe(mp, next_mp, &pring->postbufq, list) {
		if (mp->buffer_tag == tag) {
			return mp;

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
			"0402 Cannot find virtual addr for buffer tag on "
			"ring %d Data x%lx x%p x%p x%x\n",
			pring->ringno, (unsigned long) tag,
			slp->next, slp->prev, pring->postbufq_cnt);

	return NULL;

 * lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_get - search buffers for unsolicited CT and ELS events
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @phys: DMA address of the buffer.
 * This function searches the buffer list using the dma_address
 * of unsolicited event to find the driver's lpfc_dmabuf object
 * corresponding to the dma_address. The function returns the
 * lpfc_dmabuf object if a buffer is found else it returns NULL.
 * This function is called by the ct and els unsolicited event
 * handlers to get the buffer associated with the unsolicited
 * event.
 * This function is called with no lock held.
struct lpfc_dmabuf *
lpfc_sli_ringpostbuf_get(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			 dma_addr_t phys)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp, *next_mp;
	struct list_head *slp = &pring->postbufq;

	/* Search postbufq, from the begining, looking for a match on phys */
	list_for_each_entry_safe(mp, next_mp, &pring->postbufq, list) {
		if (mp->phys == phys) {
			return mp;

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
			"0410 Cannot find virtual addr for mapped buf on "
			"ring %d Data x%llx x%p x%p x%x\n",
			pring->ringno, (unsigned long long)phys,
			slp->next, slp->prev, pring->postbufq_cnt);
	return NULL;

 * lpfc_sli_abort_els_cmpl - Completion handler for the els abort iocbs
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cmdiocb: Pointer to driver command iocb object.
 * @rspiocb: Pointer to driver response iocb object.
 * This function is the completion handler for the abort iocbs for
 * ELS commands. This function is called from the ELS ring event
 * handler with no lock held. This function frees memory resources
 * associated with the abort iocb.
static void
lpfc_sli_abort_els_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb,
			struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocb)
	IOCB_t *irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;
	uint16_t abort_iotag, abort_context;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *abort_iocb;
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring = &phba->sli.ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];

	abort_iocb = NULL;

	if (irsp->ulpStatus) {
		abort_context = cmdiocb->iocb.un.acxri.abortContextTag;
		abort_iotag = cmdiocb->iocb.un.acxri.abortIoTag;

		if (phba->sli_rev < LPFC_SLI_REV4) {
			if (abort_iotag != 0 &&
				abort_iotag <= phba->sli.last_iotag)
				abort_iocb =
		} else
			/* For sli4 the abort_tag is the XRI,
			 * so the abort routine puts the iotag  of the iocb
			 * being aborted in the context field of the abort
			 * IOCB.
			abort_iocb = phba->sli.iocbq_lookup[abort_context];

		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS | LOG_SLI,
				"0327 Cannot abort els iocb %p "
				"with tag %x context %x, abort status %x, "
				"abort code %x\n",
				abort_iocb, abort_iotag, abort_context,
				irsp->ulpStatus, irsp->un.ulpWord[4]);

		 *  If the iocb is not found in Firmware queue the iocb
		 *  might have completed already. Do not free it again.
		if (irsp->ulpStatus == IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT) {
			if (irsp->un.ulpWord[4] != IOERR_NO_XRI) {
				lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, cmdiocb);
			/* For SLI4 the ulpContext field for abort IOCB
			 * holds the iotag of the IOCB being aborted so
			 * the local abort_context needs to be reset to
			 * match the aborted IOCBs ulpContext.
			if (abort_iocb && phba->sli_rev == LPFC_SLI_REV4)
				abort_context = abort_iocb->iocb.ulpContext;
		 * make sure we have the right iocbq before taking it
		 * off the txcmplq and try to call completion routine.
		if (!abort_iocb ||
		    abort_iocb->iocb.ulpContext != abort_context ||
		    (abort_iocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_DRIVER_ABORTED) == 0)
		else {

			/* Firmware could still be in progress of DMAing
			 * payload, so don't free data buffer till after
			 * a hbeat.
			abort_iocb->iocb_flag |= LPFC_DELAY_MEM_FREE;

			abort_iocb->iocb_flag &= ~LPFC_DRIVER_ABORTED;
			abort_iocb->iocb.ulpStatus = IOSTAT_LOCAL_REJECT;
			abort_iocb->iocb.un.ulpWord[4] = IOERR_SLI_ABORTED;
			(abort_iocb->iocb_cmpl)(phba, abort_iocb, abort_iocb);

	lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, cmdiocb);

 * lpfc_ignore_els_cmpl - Completion handler for aborted ELS command
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cmdiocb: Pointer to driver command iocb object.
 * @rspiocb: Pointer to driver response iocb object.
 * The function is called from SLI ring event handler with no
 * lock held. This function is the completion handler for ELS commands
 * which are aborted. The function frees memory resources used for
 * the aborted ELS commands.
static void
lpfc_ignore_els_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb,
		     struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocb)
	IOCB_t *irsp = &rspiocb->iocb;

	/* ELS cmd tag <ulpIoTag> completes */
	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
			"0139 Ignoring ELS cmd tag x%x completion Data: "
			"x%x x%x x%x\n",
			irsp->ulpIoTag, irsp->ulpStatus,
			irsp->un.ulpWord[4], irsp->ulpTimeout);
	if (cmdiocb->iocb.ulpCommand == CMD_GEN_REQUEST64_CR)
		lpfc_ct_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);
		lpfc_els_free_iocb(phba, cmdiocb);

 * lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag - Abort function for a command iocb
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @cmdiocb: Pointer to driver command iocb object.
 * This function issues an abort iocb for the provided command
 * iocb. This function is called with hbalock held.
 * The function returns 0 when it fails due to memory allocation
 * failure or when the command iocb is an abort request.
lpfc_sli_issue_abort_iotag(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
			   struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb)
	struct lpfc_vport *vport = cmdiocb->vport;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocbp;
	IOCB_t *icmd = NULL;
	IOCB_t *iabt = NULL;
	int retval = IOCB_ERROR;

	 * There are certain command types we don't want to abort.  And we
	 * don't want to abort commands that are already in the process of
	 * being aborted.
	icmd = &cmdiocb->iocb;
	if (icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN ||
	    icmd->ulpCommand == CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN ||
	    (cmdiocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_DRIVER_ABORTED) != 0)
		return 0;

	/* If we're unloading, don't abort iocb on the ELS ring, but change the
	 * callback so that nothing happens when it finishes.
	if ((vport->load_flag & FC_UNLOADING) &&
	    (pring->ringno == LPFC_ELS_RING)) {
		if (cmdiocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_FABRIC)
			cmdiocb->fabric_iocb_cmpl = lpfc_ignore_els_cmpl;
			cmdiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_ignore_els_cmpl;
		goto abort_iotag_exit;

	/* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
	abtsiocbp = __lpfc_sli_get_iocbq(phba);
	if (abtsiocbp == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* This signals the response to set the correct status
	 * before calling the completion handler.
	cmdiocb->iocb_flag |= LPFC_DRIVER_ABORTED;

	iabt = &abtsiocbp->iocb;
	iabt->un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
	iabt->un.acxri.abortContextTag = icmd->ulpContext;
	if (phba->sli_rev == LPFC_SLI_REV4) {
		iabt->un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmdiocb->sli4_xritag;
		iabt->un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmdiocb->iotag;
		iabt->un.acxri.abortIoTag = icmd->ulpIoTag;
	iabt->ulpLe = 1;
	iabt->ulpClass = icmd->ulpClass;

	/* ABTS WQE must go to the same WQ as the WQE to be aborted */
	abtsiocbp->fcp_wqidx = cmdiocb->fcp_wqidx;

	if (phba->link_state >= LPFC_LINK_UP)
		iabt->ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
		iabt->ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;

	abtsiocbp->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_els_cmpl;

	lpfc_printf_vlog(vport, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
			 "0339 Abort xri x%x, original iotag x%x, "
			 "abort cmd iotag x%x\n",
			 iabt->un.acxri.abortIoTag, abtsiocbp->iotag);
	retval = __lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring->ringno, abtsiocbp, 0);

	if (retval)
		__lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, abtsiocbp);
	 * Caller to this routine should check for IOCB_ERROR
	 * and handle it properly.  This routine no longer removes
	 * iocb off txcmplq and call compl in case of IOCB_ERROR.
	return retval;

 * lpfc_sli_validate_fcp_iocb - find commands associated with a vport or LUN
 * @iocbq: Pointer to driver iocb object.
 * @vport: Pointer to driver virtual port object.
 * @tgt_id: SCSI ID of the target.
 * @lun_id: LUN ID of the scsi device.
 * This function acts as an iocb filter for functions which abort or count
 * all FCP iocbs pending on a lun/SCSI target/SCSI host. It will return
 * 0 if the filtering criteria is met for the given iocb and will return
 * 1 if the filtering criteria is not met.
 * If ctx_cmd == LPFC_CTX_LUN, the function returns 0 only if the
 * given iocb is for the SCSI device specified by vport, tgt_id and
 * lun_id parameter.
 * If ctx_cmd == LPFC_CTX_TGT,  the function returns 0 only if the
 * given iocb is for the SCSI target specified by vport and tgt_id
 * parameters.
 * If ctx_cmd == LPFC_CTX_HOST, the function returns 0 only if the
 * given iocb is for the SCSI host associated with the given vport.
 * This function is called with no locks held.
static int
lpfc_sli_validate_fcp_iocb(struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq, struct lpfc_vport *vport,
			   uint16_t tgt_id, uint64_t lun_id,
			   lpfc_ctx_cmd ctx_cmd)
	struct lpfc_scsi_buf *lpfc_cmd;
	int rc = 1;

	if (!(iocbq->iocb_flag &  LPFC_IO_FCP))
		return rc;

	if (iocbq->vport != vport)
		return rc;

	lpfc_cmd = container_of(iocbq, struct lpfc_scsi_buf, cur_iocbq);

	if (lpfc_cmd->pCmd == NULL)
		return rc;

	switch (ctx_cmd) {
		if ((lpfc_cmd->rdata->pnode) &&
		    (lpfc_cmd->rdata->pnode->nlp_sid == tgt_id) &&
		    (scsilun_to_int(&lpfc_cmd->fcp_cmnd->fcp_lun) == lun_id))
			rc = 0;
		if ((lpfc_cmd->rdata->pnode) &&
		    (lpfc_cmd->rdata->pnode->nlp_sid == tgt_id))
			rc = 0;
		rc = 0;
		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unknown context cmd type, value %d\n",
			__func__, ctx_cmd);

	return rc;

 * lpfc_sli_sum_iocb - Function to count the number of FCP iocbs pending
 * @vport: Pointer to virtual port.
 * @tgt_id: SCSI ID of the target.
 * @lun_id: LUN ID of the scsi device.
 * This function returns number of FCP commands pending for the vport.
 * When ctx_cmd == LPFC_CTX_LUN, the function returns number of FCP
 * commands pending on the vport associated with SCSI device specified
 * by tgt_id and lun_id parameters.
 * When ctx_cmd == LPFC_CTX_TGT, the function returns number of FCP
 * commands pending on the vport associated with SCSI target specified
 * by tgt_id parameter.
 * When ctx_cmd == LPFC_CTX_HOST, the function returns number of FCP
 * commands pending on the vport.
 * This function returns the number of iocbs which satisfy the filter.
 * This function is called without any lock held.
lpfc_sli_sum_iocb(struct lpfc_vport *vport, uint16_t tgt_id, uint64_t lun_id,
		  lpfc_ctx_cmd ctx_cmd)
	struct lpfc_hba *phba = vport->phba;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq;
	int sum, i;

	for (i = 1, sum = 0; i <= phba->sli.last_iotag; i++) {
		iocbq = phba->sli.iocbq_lookup[i];

		if (lpfc_sli_validate_fcp_iocb (iocbq, vport, tgt_id, lun_id,
						ctx_cmd) == 0)

	return sum;

 * lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl - Completion handler function for aborted FCP IOCBs
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object
 * @cmdiocb: Pointer to command iocb object.
 * @rspiocb: Pointer to response iocb object.
 * This function is called when an aborted FCP iocb completes. This
 * function is called by the ring event handler with no lock held.
 * This function frees the iocb.
lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb,
			struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocb)
	lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, cmdiocb);

 * lpfc_sli_abort_iocb - issue abort for all commands on a host/target/LUN
 * @vport: Pointer to virtual port.
 * @pring: Pointer to driver SLI ring object.
 * @tgt_id: SCSI ID of the target.
 * @lun_id: LUN ID of the scsi device.
 * This function sends an abort command for every SCSI command
 * associated with the given virtual port pending on the ring
 * filtered by lpfc_sli_validate_fcp_iocb function.
 * When abort_cmd == LPFC_CTX_LUN, the function sends abort only to the
 * FCP iocbs associated with lun specified by tgt_id and lun_id
 * parameters
 * When abort_cmd == LPFC_CTX_TGT, the function sends abort only to the
 * FCP iocbs associated with SCSI target specified by tgt_id parameter.
 * When abort_cmd == LPFC_CTX_HOST, the function sends abort to all
 * FCP iocbs associated with virtual port.
 * This function returns number of iocbs it failed to abort.
 * This function is called with no locks held.
lpfc_sli_abort_iocb(struct lpfc_vport *vport, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
		    uint16_t tgt_id, uint64_t lun_id, lpfc_ctx_cmd abort_cmd)
	struct lpfc_hba *phba = vport->phba;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *iocbq;
	struct lpfc_iocbq *abtsiocb;
	IOCB_t *cmd = NULL;
	int errcnt = 0, ret_val = 0;
	int i;

	for (i = 1; i <= phba->sli.last_iotag; i++) {
		iocbq = phba->sli.iocbq_lookup[i];

		if (lpfc_sli_validate_fcp_iocb(iocbq, vport, tgt_id, lun_id,
					       abort_cmd) != 0)

		/* issue ABTS for this IOCB based on iotag */
		abtsiocb = lpfc_sli_get_iocbq(phba);
		if (abtsiocb == NULL) {

		cmd = &iocbq->iocb;
		abtsiocb->iocb.un.acxri.abortType = ABORT_TYPE_ABTS;
		abtsiocb->iocb.un.acxri.abortContextTag = cmd->ulpContext;
		if (phba->sli_rev == LPFC_SLI_REV4)
			abtsiocb->iocb.un.acxri.abortIoTag = iocbq->sli4_xritag;
			abtsiocb->iocb.un.acxri.abortIoTag = cmd->ulpIoTag;
		abtsiocb->iocb.ulpLe = 1;
		abtsiocb->iocb.ulpClass = cmd->ulpClass;
		abtsiocb->vport = phba->pport;

		/* ABTS WQE must go to the same WQ as the WQE to be aborted */
		abtsiocb->fcp_wqidx = iocbq->fcp_wqidx;

		if (lpfc_is_link_up(phba))
			abtsiocb->iocb.ulpCommand = CMD_ABORT_XRI_CN;
			abtsiocb->iocb.ulpCommand = CMD_CLOSE_XRI_CN;

		/* Setup callback routine and issue the command. */
		abtsiocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_abort_fcp_cmpl;
		ret_val = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, pring->ringno,
					      abtsiocb, 0);
		if (ret_val == IOCB_ERROR) {
			lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, abtsiocb);

	return errcnt;

 * lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_wait - lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait's completion handler
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cmdiocbq: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @rspiocbq: Pointer to response iocb.
 * This function is the completion handler for iocbs issued using
 * lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait function. This function is called by the
 * ring event handler function without any lock held. This function
 * can be called from both worker thread context and interrupt
 * context. This function also can be called from other thread which
 * cleans up the SLI layer objects.
 * This function copy the contents of the response iocb to the
 * response iocb memory object provided by the caller of
 * lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait and then wakes up the thread which
 * sleeps for the iocb completion.
static void
lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_wait(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
			struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocbq,
			struct lpfc_iocbq *rspiocbq)
	wait_queue_head_t *pdone_q;
	unsigned long iflags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	cmdiocbq->iocb_flag |= LPFC_IO_WAKE;
	if (cmdiocbq->context2 && rspiocbq)
		memcpy(&((struct lpfc_iocbq *)cmdiocbq->context2)->iocb,
		       &rspiocbq->iocb, sizeof(IOCB_t));

	pdone_q = cmdiocbq->context_un.wait_queue;
	if (pdone_q)
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

 * lpfc_chk_iocb_flg - Test IOCB flag with lock held.
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object..
 * @piocbq: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @flag: Flag to test.
 * This routine grabs the hbalock and then test the iocb_flag to
 * see if the passed in flag is set.
 * Returns:
 * 1 if flag is set.
 * 0 if flag is not set.
static int
lpfc_chk_iocb_flg(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
		 struct lpfc_iocbq *piocbq, uint32_t flag)
	unsigned long iflags;
	int ret;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	ret = piocbq->iocb_flag & flag;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	return ret;


 * lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait - Synchronous function to issue iocb commands
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object..
 * @pring: Pointer to sli ring.
 * @piocb: Pointer to command iocb.
 * @prspiocbq: Pointer to response iocb.
 * @timeout: Timeout in number of seconds.
 * This function issues the iocb to firmware and waits for the
 * iocb to complete. If the iocb command is not
 * completed within timeout seconds, it returns IOCB_TIMEDOUT.
 * Caller should not free the iocb resources if this function
 * returns IOCB_TIMEDOUT.
 * The function waits for the iocb completion using an
 * non-interruptible wait.
 * This function will sleep while waiting for iocb completion.
 * So, this function should not be called from any context which
 * does not allow sleeping. Due to the same reason, this function
 * cannot be called with interrupt disabled.
 * This function assumes that the iocb completions occur while
 * this function sleep. So, this function cannot be called from
 * the thread which process iocb completion for this ring.
 * This function clears the iocb_flag of the iocb object before
 * issuing the iocb and the iocb completion handler sets this
 * flag and wakes this thread when the iocb completes.
 * The contents of the response iocb will be copied to prspiocbq
 * by the completion handler when the command completes.
 * This function returns IOCB_SUCCESS when success.
 * This function is called with no lock held.
lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
			 uint32_t ring_number,
			 struct lpfc_iocbq *piocb,
			 struct lpfc_iocbq *prspiocbq,
			 uint32_t timeout)
	long timeleft, timeout_req = 0;
	int retval = IOCB_SUCCESS;
	uint32_t creg_val;

	 * If the caller has provided a response iocbq buffer, then context2
	 * is NULL or its an error.
	if (prspiocbq) {
		if (piocb->context2)
			return IOCB_ERROR;
		piocb->context2 = prspiocbq;

	piocb->iocb_cmpl = lpfc_sli_wake_iocb_wait;
	piocb->context_un.wait_queue = &done_q;
	piocb->iocb_flag &= ~LPFC_IO_WAKE;

	if (phba->cfg_poll & DISABLE_FCP_RING_INT) {
		creg_val = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
		creg_val |= (HC_R0INT_ENA << LPFC_FCP_RING);
		writel(creg_val, phba->HCregaddr);
		readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */

	retval = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, ring_number, piocb, 0);
	if (retval == IOCB_SUCCESS) {
		timeout_req = timeout * HZ;
		timeleft = wait_event_timeout(done_q,
				lpfc_chk_iocb_flg(phba, piocb, LPFC_IO_WAKE),

		if (piocb->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_WAKE) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
					"0331 IOCB wake signaled\n");
		} else if (timeleft == 0) {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
					"0338 IOCB wait timeout error - no "
					"wake response Data x%x\n", timeout);
			retval = IOCB_TIMEDOUT;
		} else {
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
					"0330 IOCB wake NOT set, "
					"Data x%x x%lx\n",
					timeout, (timeleft / jiffies));
			retval = IOCB_TIMEDOUT;
	} else {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
				"0332 IOCB wait issue failed, Data x%x\n",
		retval = IOCB_ERROR;

	if (phba->cfg_poll & DISABLE_FCP_RING_INT) {
		creg_val = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
		creg_val &= ~(HC_R0INT_ENA << LPFC_FCP_RING);
		writel(creg_val, phba->HCregaddr);
		readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */

	if (prspiocbq)
		piocb->context2 = NULL;

	piocb->context_un.wait_queue = NULL;
	piocb->iocb_cmpl = NULL;
	return retval;

 * lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait - Synchronous function to issue mailbox
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @pmboxq: Pointer to driver mailbox object.
 * @timeout: Timeout in number of seconds.
 * This function issues the mailbox to firmware and waits for the
 * mailbox command to complete. If the mailbox command is not
 * completed within timeout seconds, it returns MBX_TIMEOUT.
 * The function waits for the mailbox completion using an
 * interruptible wait. If the thread is woken up due to a
 * signal, MBX_TIMEOUT error is returned to the caller. Caller
 * should not free the mailbox resources, if this function returns
 * This function will sleep while waiting for mailbox completion.
 * So, this function should not be called from any context which
 * does not allow sleeping. Due to the same reason, this function
 * cannot be called with interrupt disabled.
 * This function assumes that the mailbox completion occurs while
 * this function sleep. So, this function cannot be called from
 * the worker thread which processes mailbox completion.
 * This function is called in the context of HBA management
 * applications.
 * This function returns MBX_SUCCESS when successful.
 * This function is called with no lock held.
lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmboxq,
			 uint32_t timeout)
	int retval;
	unsigned long flag;

	/* The caller must leave context1 empty. */
	if (pmboxq->context1)

	pmboxq->mbox_flag &= ~LPFC_MBX_WAKE;
	/* setup wake call as IOCB callback */
	pmboxq->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_wake_mbox_wait;
	/* setup context field to pass wait_queue pointer to wake function  */
	pmboxq->context1 = &done_q;

	/* now issue the command */
	retval = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmboxq, MBX_NOWAIT);

	if (retval == MBX_BUSY || retval == MBX_SUCCESS) {
				pmboxq->mbox_flag & LPFC_MBX_WAKE,
				timeout * HZ);

		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, flag);
		pmboxq->context1 = NULL;
		 * if LPFC_MBX_WAKE flag is set the mailbox is completed
		 * else do not free the resources.
		if (pmboxq->mbox_flag & LPFC_MBX_WAKE)
			retval = MBX_SUCCESS;
		else {
			retval = MBX_TIMEOUT;
			pmboxq->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, flag);

	return retval;

 * lpfc_sli_mbox_sys_shutdown - shutdown mailbox command sub-system
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context.
 * This function is called to shutdown the driver's mailbox sub-system.
 * It first marks the mailbox sub-system is in a block state to prevent
 * the asynchronous mailbox command from issued off the pending mailbox
 * command queue. If the mailbox command sub-system shutdown is due to
 * HBA error conditions such as EEH or ERATT, this routine shall invoke
 * the mailbox sub-system flush routine to forcefully bring down the
 * mailbox sub-system. Otherwise, if it is due to normal condition (such
 * as with offline or HBA function reset), this routine will wait for the
 * outstanding mailbox command to complete before invoking the mailbox
 * sub-system flush routine to gracefully bring down mailbox sub-system.
lpfc_sli_mbox_sys_shutdown(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_sli *psli = &phba->sli;
	uint8_t actcmd = MBX_HEARTBEAT;
	unsigned long timeout;

	psli->sli_flag |= LPFC_SLI_ASYNC_MBX_BLK;

	if (psli->sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE) {
		if (phba->sli.mbox_active)
			actcmd = phba->sli.mbox_active->u.mb.mbxCommand;
		/* Determine how long we might wait for the active mailbox
		 * command to be gracefully completed by firmware.
		timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, actcmd) *
					   1000) + jiffies;
		while (phba->sli.mbox_active) {
			/* Check active mailbox complete status every 2ms */
			if (time_after(jiffies, timeout))
				/* Timeout, let the mailbox flush routine to
				 * forcefully release active mailbox command

 * lpfc_sli_eratt_read - read sli-3 error attention events
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context.
 * This function is called to read the SLI3 device error attention registers
 * for possible error attention events. The caller must hold the hostlock
 * with spin_lock_irq().
 * This fucntion returns 1 when there is Error Attention in the Host Attention
 * Register and returns 0 otherwise.
static int
lpfc_sli_eratt_read(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	uint32_t ha_copy;

	/* Read chip Host Attention (HA) register */
	ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
	if (ha_copy & HA_ERATT) {
		/* Read host status register to retrieve error event */

		/* Check if there is a deferred error condition is active */
		if ((HS_FFER1 & phba->work_hs) &&
		    ((HS_FFER2 | HS_FFER3 | HS_FFER4 | HS_FFER5 |
		     HS_FFER6 | HS_FFER7) & phba->work_hs)) {
			phba->hba_flag |= DEFER_ERATT;
			/* Clear all interrupt enable conditions */
			writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);

		/* Set the driver HA work bitmap */
		phba->work_ha |= HA_ERATT;
		/* Indicate polling handles this ERATT */
		phba->hba_flag |= HBA_ERATT_HANDLED;
		return 1;
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli4_eratt_read - read sli-4 error attention events
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context.
 * This function is called to read the SLI4 device error attention registers
 * for possible error attention events. The caller must hold the hostlock
 * with spin_lock_irq().
 * This fucntion returns 1 when there is Error Attention in the Host Attention
 * Register and returns 0 otherwise.
static int
lpfc_sli4_eratt_read(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	uint32_t uerr_sta_hi, uerr_sta_lo;

	/* For now, use the SLI4 device internal unrecoverable error
	 * registers for error attention. This can be changed later.
	uerr_sta_lo = readl(phba->sli4_hba.UERRLOregaddr);
	uerr_sta_hi = readl(phba->sli4_hba.UERRHIregaddr);
	if ((~phba->sli4_hba.ue_mask_lo & uerr_sta_lo) ||
	    (~phba->sli4_hba.ue_mask_hi & uerr_sta_hi)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"1423 HBA Unrecoverable error: "
				"uerr_lo_reg=0x%x, uerr_hi_reg=0x%x, "
				"ue_mask_lo_reg=0x%x, ue_mask_hi_reg=0x%x\n",
				uerr_sta_lo, uerr_sta_hi,
		phba->work_status[0] = uerr_sta_lo;
		phba->work_status[1] = uerr_sta_hi;
		/* Set the driver HA work bitmap */
		phba->work_ha |= HA_ERATT;
		/* Indicate polling handles this ERATT */
		phba->hba_flag |= HBA_ERATT_HANDLED;
		return 1;
	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_check_eratt - check error attention events
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context.
 * This function is called from timer soft interrupt context to check HBA's
 * error attention register bit for error attention events.
 * This fucntion returns 1 when there is Error Attention in the Host Attention
 * Register and returns 0 otherwise.
lpfc_sli_check_eratt(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	uint32_t ha_copy;

	/* If somebody is waiting to handle an eratt, don't process it
	 * here. The brdkill function will do this.
	if (phba->link_flag & LS_IGNORE_ERATT)
		return 0;

	/* Check if interrupt handler handles this ERATT */
	if (phba->hba_flag & HBA_ERATT_HANDLED) {
		/* Interrupt handler has handled ERATT */
		return 0;

	 * If there is deferred error attention, do not check for error
	 * attention
	if (unlikely(phba->hba_flag & DEFER_ERATT)) {
		return 0;

	/* If PCI channel is offline, don't process it */
	if (unlikely(pci_channel_offline(phba->pcidev))) {
		return 0;

	switch (phba->sli_rev) {
	case LPFC_SLI_REV2:
	case LPFC_SLI_REV3:
		/* Read chip Host Attention (HA) register */
		ha_copy = lpfc_sli_eratt_read(phba);
	case LPFC_SLI_REV4:
		/* Read devcie Uncoverable Error (UERR) registers */
		ha_copy = lpfc_sli4_eratt_read(phba);
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"0299 Invalid SLI revision (%d)\n",
		ha_copy = 0;

	return ha_copy;

 * lpfc_intr_state_check - Check device state for interrupt handling
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context.
 * This inline routine checks whether a device or its PCI slot is in a state
 * that the interrupt should be handled.
 * This function returns 0 if the device or the PCI slot is in a state that
 * interrupt should be handled, otherwise -EIO.
static inline int
lpfc_intr_state_check(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	/* If the pci channel is offline, ignore all the interrupts */
	if (unlikely(pci_channel_offline(phba->pcidev)))
		return -EIO;

	/* Update device level interrupt statistics */

	/* Ignore all interrupts during initialization. */
	if (unlikely(phba->link_state < LPFC_LINK_DOWN))
		return -EIO;

	return 0;

 * lpfc_sli_sp_intr_handler - Slow-path interrupt handler to SLI-3 device
 * @irq: Interrupt number.
 * @dev_id: The device context pointer.
 * This function is directly called from the PCI layer as an interrupt
 * service routine when device with SLI-3 interface spec is enabled with
 * MSI-X multi-message interrupt mode and there are slow-path events in
 * the HBA. However, when the device is enabled with either MSI or Pin-IRQ
 * interrupt mode, this function is called as part of the device-level
 * interrupt handler. When the PCI slot is in error recovery or the HBA
 * is undergoing initialization, the interrupt handler will not process
 * the interrupt. The link attention and ELS ring attention events are
 * handled by the worker thread. The interrupt handler signals the worker
 * thread and returns for these events. This function is called without
 * any lock held. It gets the hbalock to access and update SLI data
 * structures.
 * This function returns IRQ_HANDLED when interrupt is handled else it
 * returns IRQ_NONE.
lpfc_sli_sp_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
	struct lpfc_hba  *phba;
	uint32_t ha_copy, hc_copy;
	uint32_t work_ha_copy;
	unsigned long status;
	unsigned long iflag;
	uint32_t control;

	MAILBOX_t *mbox, *pmbox;
	struct lpfc_vport *vport;
	struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	int rc;

	 * Get the driver's phba structure from the dev_id and
	 * assume the HBA is not interrupting.
	phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)dev_id;

	if (unlikely(!phba))
		return IRQ_NONE;

	 * Stuff needs to be attented to when this function is invoked as an
	 * individual interrupt handler in MSI-X multi-message interrupt mode
	if (phba->intr_type == MSIX) {
		/* Check device state for handling interrupt */
		if (lpfc_intr_state_check(phba))
			return IRQ_NONE;
		/* Need to read HA REG for slow-path events */
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
		/* If somebody is waiting to handle an eratt don't process it
		 * here. The brdkill function will do this.
		if (phba->link_flag & LS_IGNORE_ERATT)
			ha_copy &= ~HA_ERATT;
		/* Check the need for handling ERATT in interrupt handler */
		if (ha_copy & HA_ERATT) {
			if (phba->hba_flag & HBA_ERATT_HANDLED)
				/* ERATT polling has handled ERATT */
				ha_copy &= ~HA_ERATT;
				/* Indicate interrupt handler handles ERATT */
				phba->hba_flag |= HBA_ERATT_HANDLED;

		 * If there is deferred error attention, do not check for any
		 * interrupt.
		if (unlikely(phba->hba_flag & DEFER_ERATT)) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			return IRQ_NONE;

		/* Clear up only attention source related to slow-path */
		hc_copy = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
		writel(hc_copy & ~(HC_MBINT_ENA | HC_R2INT_ENA |
		writel((ha_copy & (HA_MBATT | HA_R2_CLR_MSK)),
		writel(hc_copy, phba->HCregaddr);
		readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	} else
		ha_copy = phba->ha_copy;

	work_ha_copy = ha_copy & phba->work_ha_mask;

	if (work_ha_copy) {
		if (work_ha_copy & HA_LATT) {
			if (phba->sli.sli_flag & LPFC_PROCESS_LA) {
				 * Turn off Link Attention interrupts
				 * until CLEAR_LA done
				spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
				phba->sli.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_PROCESS_LA;
				control = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
				control &= ~HC_LAINT_ENA;
				writel(control, phba->HCregaddr);
				readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
				work_ha_copy &= ~HA_LATT;

		if (work_ha_copy & ~(HA_ERATT | HA_MBATT | HA_LATT)) {
			 * Turn off Slow Rings interrupts, LPFC_ELS_RING is
			 * the only slow ring.
			status = (work_ha_copy &
				(HA_RXMASK  << (4*LPFC_ELS_RING)));
			status >>= (4*LPFC_ELS_RING);
			if (status & HA_RXMASK) {
				spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
				control = readl(phba->HCregaddr);

				"ISR slow ring:   ctl:x%x stat:x%x isrcnt:x%x",
				control, status,

				if (control & (HC_R0INT_ENA << LPFC_ELS_RING)) {
						"ISR Disable ring:"
						"pwork:x%x hawork:x%x wait:x%x",
						phba->work_ha, work_ha_copy,
						(uint32_t)((unsigned long)

					control &=
					    ~(HC_R0INT_ENA << LPFC_ELS_RING);
					writel(control, phba->HCregaddr);
					readl(phba->HCregaddr); /* flush */
				else {
						"ISR slow ring:   pwork:"
						"x%x hawork:x%x wait:x%x",
						phba->work_ha, work_ha_copy,
						(uint32_t)((unsigned long)
				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		if (work_ha_copy & HA_ERATT) {
			 * Check if there is a deferred error condition
			 * is active
			if ((HS_FFER1 & phba->work_hs) &&
				((HS_FFER2 | HS_FFER3 | HS_FFER4 | HS_FFER5 |
				HS_FFER6 | HS_FFER7) & phba->work_hs)) {
				phba->hba_flag |= DEFER_ERATT;
				/* Clear all interrupt enable conditions */
				writel(0, phba->HCregaddr);

		if ((work_ha_copy & HA_MBATT) && (phba->sli.mbox_active)) {
			pmb = phba->sli.mbox_active;
			pmbox = &pmb->u.mb;
			mbox = phba->mbox;
			vport = pmb->vport;

			/* First check out the status word */
			lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(mbox, pmbox, sizeof(uint32_t));
			if (pmbox->mbxOwner != OWN_HOST) {
				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
				 * Stray Mailbox Interrupt, mbxCommand <cmd>
				 * mbxStatus <status>
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX |
						"(%d):0304 Stray Mailbox "
						"Interrupt mbxCommand x%x "
						"mbxStatus x%x\n",
						(vport ? vport->vpi : 0),
				/* clear mailbox attention bit */
				work_ha_copy &= ~HA_MBATT;
			} else {
				phba->sli.mbox_active = NULL;
				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
				phba->last_completion_time = jiffies;
				if (pmb->mbox_cmpl) {
					lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(mbox, pmbox,
				if (pmb->mbox_flag & LPFC_MBX_IMED_UNREG) {
					pmb->mbox_flag &= ~LPFC_MBX_IMED_UNREG;

						"MBOX dflt rpi: : "
						"status:x%x rpi:x%x",
						pmbox->un.varWords[0], 0);

					if (!pmbox->mbxStatus) {
						mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *)
						ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)

						/* Reg_LOGIN of dflt RPI was
						 * successful. new lets get
						 * rid of the RPI using the
						 * same mbox buffer.
						pmb->mbox_cmpl =
						pmb->context1 = mp;
						pmb->context2 = ndlp;
						pmb->vport = vport;
						rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba,
						if (rc != MBX_BUSY)
							LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
							"0350 rc should have"
							"been MBX_BUSY\n");
						if (rc != MBX_NOT_FINISHED)
							goto send_current_mbox;
				phba->pport->work_port_events &=
				lpfc_mbox_cmpl_put(phba, pmb);
		} else
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);

		if ((work_ha_copy & HA_MBATT) &&
		    (phba->sli.mbox_active == NULL)) {
			/* Process next mailbox command if there is one */
			do {
				rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, NULL,
			} while (rc == MBX_NOT_FINISHED);
			if (rc != MBX_SUCCESS)
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX |
						LOG_SLI, "0349 rc should be "

		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		phba->work_ha |= work_ha_copy;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	return IRQ_HANDLED;

} /* lpfc_sli_sp_intr_handler */

 * lpfc_sli_fp_intr_handler - Fast-path interrupt handler to SLI-3 device.
 * @irq: Interrupt number.
 * @dev_id: The device context pointer.
 * This function is directly called from the PCI layer as an interrupt
 * service routine when device with SLI-3 interface spec is enabled with
 * MSI-X multi-message interrupt mode and there is a fast-path FCP IOCB
 * ring event in the HBA. However, when the device is enabled with either
 * MSI or Pin-IRQ interrupt mode, this function is called as part of the
 * device-level interrupt handler. When the PCI slot is in error recovery
 * or the HBA is undergoing initialization, the interrupt handler will not
 * process the interrupt. The SCSI FCP fast-path ring event are handled in
 * the intrrupt context. This function is called without any lock held.
 * It gets the hbalock to access and update SLI data structures.
 * This function returns IRQ_HANDLED when interrupt is handled else it
 * returns IRQ_NONE.
lpfc_sli_fp_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
	struct lpfc_hba  *phba;
	uint32_t ha_copy;
	unsigned long status;
	unsigned long iflag;

	/* Get the driver's phba structure from the dev_id and
	 * assume the HBA is not interrupting.
	phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) dev_id;

	if (unlikely(!phba))
		return IRQ_NONE;

	 * Stuff needs to be attented to when this function is invoked as an
	 * individual interrupt handler in MSI-X multi-message interrupt mode
	if (phba->intr_type == MSIX) {
		/* Check device state for handling interrupt */
		if (lpfc_intr_state_check(phba))
			return IRQ_NONE;
		/* Need to read HA REG for FCP ring and other ring events */
		ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
		/* Clear up only attention source related to fast-path */
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		 * If there is deferred error attention, do not check for
		 * any interrupt.
		if (unlikely(phba->hba_flag & DEFER_ERATT)) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
			return IRQ_NONE;
		writel((ha_copy & (HA_R0_CLR_MSK | HA_R1_CLR_MSK)),
		readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
	} else
		ha_copy = phba->ha_copy;

	 * Process all events on FCP ring. Take the optimized path for FCP IO.
	ha_copy &= ~(phba->work_ha_mask);

	status = (ha_copy & (HA_RXMASK << (4*LPFC_FCP_RING)));
	status >>= (4*LPFC_FCP_RING);
	if (status & HA_RXMASK)

	if (phba->cfg_multi_ring_support == 2) {
		 * Process all events on extra ring. Take the optimized path
		 * for extra ring IO.
		status = (ha_copy & (HA_RXMASK << (4*LPFC_EXTRA_RING)));
		status >>= (4*LPFC_EXTRA_RING);
		if (status & HA_RXMASK) {
	return IRQ_HANDLED;
}  /* lpfc_sli_fp_intr_handler */

 * lpfc_sli_intr_handler - Device-level interrupt handler to SLI-3 device
 * @irq: Interrupt number.
 * @dev_id: The device context pointer.
 * This function is the HBA device-level interrupt handler to device with
 * SLI-3 interface spec, called from the PCI layer when either MSI or
 * Pin-IRQ interrupt mode is enabled and there is an event in the HBA which
 * requires driver attention. This function invokes the slow-path interrupt
 * attention handling function and fast-path interrupt attention handling
 * function in turn to process the relevant HBA attention events. This
 * function is called without any lock held. It gets the hbalock to access
 * and update SLI data structures.
 * This function returns IRQ_HANDLED when interrupt is handled, else it
 * returns IRQ_NONE.
lpfc_sli_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
	struct lpfc_hba  *phba;
	irqreturn_t sp_irq_rc, fp_irq_rc;
	unsigned long status1, status2;
	uint32_t hc_copy;

	 * Get the driver's phba structure from the dev_id and
	 * assume the HBA is not interrupting.
	phba = (struct lpfc_hba *) dev_id;

	if (unlikely(!phba))
		return IRQ_NONE;

	/* Check device state for handling interrupt */
	if (lpfc_intr_state_check(phba))
		return IRQ_NONE;

	phba->ha_copy = readl(phba->HAregaddr);
	if (unlikely(!phba->ha_copy)) {
		return IRQ_NONE;
	} else if (phba->ha_copy & HA_ERATT) {
		if (phba->hba_flag & HBA_ERATT_HANDLED)
			/* ERATT polling has handled ERATT */
			phba->ha_copy &= ~HA_ERATT;
			/* Indicate interrupt handler handles ERATT */
			phba->hba_flag |= HBA_ERATT_HANDLED;

	 * If there is deferred error attention, do not check for any interrupt.
	if (unlikely(phba->hba_flag & DEFER_ERATT)) {
		return IRQ_NONE;

	/* Clear attention sources except link and error attentions */
	hc_copy = readl(phba->HCregaddr);
	writel(hc_copy & ~(HC_MBINT_ENA | HC_R0INT_ENA | HC_R1INT_ENA
	writel((phba->ha_copy & ~(HA_LATT | HA_ERATT)), phba->HAregaddr);
	writel(hc_copy, phba->HCregaddr);
	readl(phba->HAregaddr); /* flush */

	 * Invokes slow-path host attention interrupt handling as appropriate.

	/* status of events with mailbox and link attention */
	status1 = phba->ha_copy & (HA_MBATT | HA_LATT | HA_ERATT);

	/* status of events with ELS ring */
	status2 = (phba->ha_copy & (HA_RXMASK  << (4*LPFC_ELS_RING)));
	status2 >>= (4*LPFC_ELS_RING);

	if (status1 || (status2 & HA_RXMASK))
		sp_irq_rc = lpfc_sli_sp_intr_handler(irq, dev_id);
		sp_irq_rc = IRQ_NONE;

	 * Invoke fast-path host attention interrupt handling as appropriate.

	/* status of events with FCP ring */
	status1 = (phba->ha_copy & (HA_RXMASK << (4*LPFC_FCP_RING)));
	status1 >>= (4*LPFC_FCP_RING);

	/* status of events with extra ring */
	if (phba->cfg_multi_ring_support == 2) {
		status2 = (phba->ha_copy & (HA_RXMASK << (4*LPFC_EXTRA_RING)));
		status2 >>= (4*LPFC_EXTRA_RING);
	} else
		status2 = 0;

	if ((status1 & HA_RXMASK) || (status2 & HA_RXMASK))
		fp_irq_rc = lpfc_sli_fp_intr_handler(irq, dev_id);
		fp_irq_rc = IRQ_NONE;

	/* Return device-level interrupt handling status */
	return (sp_irq_rc == IRQ_HANDLED) ? sp_irq_rc : fp_irq_rc;
}  /* lpfc_sli_intr_handler */

 * lpfc_sli4_fcp_xri_abort_event_proc - Process fcp xri abort event
 * @phba: pointer to lpfc hba data structure.
 * This routine is invoked by the worker thread to process all the pending
 * SLI4 FCP abort XRI events.
void lpfc_sli4_fcp_xri_abort_event_proc(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_cq_event *cq_event;

	/* First, declare the fcp xri abort event has been handled */
	phba->hba_flag &= ~FCP_XRI_ABORT_EVENT;
	/* Now, handle all the fcp xri abort events */
	while (!list_empty(&phba->sli4_hba.sp_fcp_xri_aborted_work_queue)) {
		/* Get the first event from the head of the event queue */
				 cq_event, struct lpfc_cq_event, list);
		/* Notify aborted XRI for FCP work queue */
		lpfc_sli4_fcp_xri_aborted(phba, &cq_event->cqe.wcqe_axri);
		/* Free the event processed back to the free pool */
		lpfc_sli4_cq_event_release(phba, cq_event);

 * lpfc_sli4_els_xri_abort_event_proc - Process els xri abort event
 * @phba: pointer to lpfc hba data structure.
 * This routine is invoked by the worker thread to process all the pending
 * SLI4 els abort xri events.
void lpfc_sli4_els_xri_abort_event_proc(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
	struct lpfc_cq_event *cq_event;

	/* First, declare the els xri abort event has been handled */
	phba->hba_flag &= ~ELS_XRI_ABORT_EVENT;
	/* Now, handle all the els xri abort events */
	while (!list_empty(&phba->sli4_hba.sp_els_xri_aborted_work_queue)) {
		/* Get the first event from the head of the event queue */
				 cq_event, struct lpfc_cq_event, list);
		/* Notify aborted XRI for ELS work queue */
		lpfc_sli4_els_xri_aborted(phba, &cq_event->cqe.wcqe_axri);
		/* Free the event processed back to the free pool */
		lpfc_sli4_cq_event_release(phba, cq_event);

static void
lpfc_sli4_iocb_param_transfer(struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbIn,
			      struct lpfc_iocbq *pIocbOut,
			      struct lpfc_wcqe_complete *wcqe)
	size_t offset = offsetof(struct lpfc_iocbq, iocb);

	memcpy((char *)pIocbIn + offset, (char *)pIocbOut + offset,
	       sizeof(struct lpfc_iocbq) - offset);
	/* Map WCQE parameters into irspiocb parameters */
	pIocbIn->iocb.ulpStatus = bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_status, wcqe);
	if (pIocbOut->iocb_flag & LPFC_IO_FCP)
		if (pIocbIn->iocb.ulpStatus == IOSTAT_FCP_RSP_ERROR)
			pIocbIn->iocb.un.fcpi.fcpi_parm =
					pIocbOut->iocb.un.fcpi.fcpi_parm -
			pIocbIn->iocb.un.ulpWord[4] = wcqe->parameter;
		pIocbIn->iocb.un.ulpWord[4] = wcqe->parameter;

 * lpfc_sli4_els_wcqe_to_rspiocbq - Get response iocbq from els wcqe
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @wcqe: Pointer to work-queue completion queue entry.
 * This routine handles an ELS work-queue completion event and construct
 * a pseudo response ELS IODBQ from the SLI4 ELS WCQE for the common
 * discovery engine to handle.
 * Return: Pointer to the receive IOCBQ, NULL otherwise.
static struct lpfc_iocbq *
lpfc_sli4_els_wcqe_to_rspiocbq(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
			       struct lpfc_iocbq *irspiocbq)
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring = &phba->sli.ring[LPFC_ELS_RING];
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocbq;
	struct lpfc_wcqe_complete *wcqe;
	unsigned long iflags;

	wcqe = &irspiocbq->cq_event.cqe.wcqe_cmpl;
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	/* Look up the ELS command IOCB and create pseudo response IOCB */
	cmdiocbq = lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup_by_tag(phba, pring,
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_request_tag, wcqe));
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

	if (unlikely(!cmdiocbq)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
				"0386 ELS complete with no corresponding "
				"cmdiocb: iotag (%d)\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_request_tag, wcqe));
		lpfc_sli_release_iocbq(phba, irspiocbq);
		return NULL;

	/* Fake the irspiocbq and copy necessary response information */
	lpfc_sli4_iocb_param_transfer(irspiocbq, cmdiocbq, wcqe);

	return irspiocbq;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_async_event - Handle an asynchroous event
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cqe: Pointer to mailbox completion queue entry.
 * This routine process a mailbox completion queue entry with asynchrous
 * event.
 * Return: true if work posted to worker thread, otherwise false.
static bool
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_async_event(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_mcqe *mcqe)
	struct lpfc_cq_event *cq_event;
	unsigned long iflags;

	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_SLI,
			"0392 Async Event: word0:x%x, word1:x%x, "
			"word2:x%x, word3:x%x\n", mcqe->word0,
			mcqe->mcqe_tag0, mcqe->mcqe_tag1, mcqe->trailer);

	/* Allocate a new internal CQ_EVENT entry */
	cq_event = lpfc_sli4_cq_event_alloc(phba);
	if (!cq_event) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0394 Failed to allocate CQ_EVENT entry\n");
		return false;

	/* Move the CQE into an asynchronous event entry */
	memcpy(&cq_event->cqe, mcqe, sizeof(struct lpfc_mcqe));
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	list_add_tail(&cq_event->list, &phba->sli4_hba.sp_asynce_work_queue);
	/* Set the async event flag */
	phba->hba_flag |= ASYNC_EVENT;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

	return true;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_mbox_event - Handle a mailbox completion event
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cqe: Pointer to mailbox completion queue entry.
 * This routine process a mailbox completion queue entry with mailbox
 * completion event.
 * Return: true if work posted to worker thread, otherwise false.
static bool
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_mbox_event(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_mcqe *mcqe)
	uint32_t mcqe_status;
	MAILBOX_t *mbox, *pmbox;
	struct lpfc_mqe *mqe;
	struct lpfc_vport *vport;
	struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *mp;
	unsigned long iflags;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmb;
	bool workposted = false;
	int rc;

	/* If not a mailbox complete MCQE, out by checking mailbox consume */
	if (!bf_get(lpfc_trailer_completed, mcqe))
		goto out_no_mqe_complete;

	/* Get the reference to the active mbox command */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	pmb = phba->sli.mbox_active;
	if (unlikely(!pmb)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX,
				"1832 No pending MBOX command to handle\n");
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		goto out_no_mqe_complete;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	mqe = &pmb->u.mqe;
	pmbox = (MAILBOX_t *)&pmb->u.mqe;
	mbox = phba->mbox;
	vport = pmb->vport;

	/* Reset heartbeat timer */
	phba->last_completion_time = jiffies;

	/* Move mbox data to caller's mailbox region, do endian swapping */
	if (pmb->mbox_cmpl && mbox)
		lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(mbox, mqe, sizeof(struct lpfc_mqe));
	/* Set the mailbox status with SLI4 range 0x4000 */
	mcqe_status = bf_get(lpfc_mcqe_status, mcqe);
	if (mcqe_status != MB_CQE_STATUS_SUCCESS)
		bf_set(lpfc_mqe_status, mqe,
		       (LPFC_MBX_ERROR_RANGE | mcqe_status));

	if (pmb->mbox_flag & LPFC_MBX_IMED_UNREG) {
		pmb->mbox_flag &= ~LPFC_MBX_IMED_UNREG;
		lpfc_debugfs_disc_trc(vport, LPFC_DISC_TRC_MBOX_VPORT,
				      "MBOX dflt rpi: status:x%x rpi:x%x",
				      pmbox->un.varWords[0], 0);
		if (mcqe_status == MB_CQE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			mp = (struct lpfc_dmabuf *)(pmb->context1);
			ndlp = (struct lpfc_nodelist *)pmb->context2;
			/* Reg_LOGIN of dflt RPI was successful. Now lets get
			 * RID of the PPI using the same mbox buffer.
			lpfc_unreg_login(phba, vport->vpi,
					 pmbox->un.varWords[0], pmb);
			pmb->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_mbx_cmpl_dflt_rpi;
			pmb->context1 = mp;
			pmb->context2 = ndlp;
			pmb->vport = vport;
			rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmb, MBX_NOWAIT);
			if (rc != MBX_BUSY)
				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_MBOX |
						LOG_SLI, "0385 rc should "
						"have been MBX_BUSY\n");
			if (rc != MBX_NOT_FINISHED)
				goto send_current_mbox;
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->pport->work_port_lock, iflags);
	phba->pport->work_port_events &= ~WORKER_MBOX_TMO;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->pport->work_port_lock, iflags);

	/* There is mailbox completion work to do */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	__lpfc_mbox_cmpl_put(phba, pmb);
	phba->work_ha |= HA_MBATT;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	workposted = true;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	/* Release the mailbox command posting token */
	phba->sli.sli_flag &= ~LPFC_SLI_MBOX_ACTIVE;
	/* Setting active mailbox pointer need to be in sync to flag clear */
	phba->sli.mbox_active = NULL;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	/* Wake up worker thread to post the next pending mailbox command */
	if (bf_get(lpfc_trailer_consumed, mcqe))
	return workposted;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_mcqe - Process a mailbox completion queue entry
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cqe: Pointer to mailbox completion queue entry.
 * This routine process a mailbox completion queue entry, it invokes the
 * proper mailbox complete handling or asynchrous event handling routine
 * according to the MCQE's async bit.
 * Return: true if work posted to worker thread, otherwise false.
static bool
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_mcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_cqe *cqe)
	struct lpfc_mcqe mcqe;
	bool workposted;

	/* Copy the mailbox MCQE and convert endian order as needed */
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(cqe, &mcqe, sizeof(struct lpfc_mcqe));

	/* Invoke the proper event handling routine */
	if (!bf_get(lpfc_trailer_async, &mcqe))
		workposted = lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_mbox_event(phba, &mcqe);
		workposted = lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_async_event(phba, &mcqe);
	return workposted;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_els_wcqe - Handle els work-queue completion event
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @wcqe: Pointer to work-queue completion queue entry.
 * This routine handles an ELS work-queue completion event.
 * Return: true if work posted to worker thread, otherwise false.
static bool
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_els_wcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
			     struct lpfc_wcqe_complete *wcqe)
	struct lpfc_iocbq *irspiocbq;
	unsigned long iflags;

	/* Get an irspiocbq for later ELS response processing use */
	irspiocbq = lpfc_sli_get_iocbq(phba);
	if (!irspiocbq) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0387 Failed to allocate an iocbq\n");
		return false;

	/* Save off the slow-path queue event for work thread to process */
	memcpy(&irspiocbq->cq_event.cqe.wcqe_cmpl, wcqe, sizeof(*wcqe));
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	phba->hba_flag |= HBA_SP_QUEUE_EVT;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

	return true;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_rel_wcqe - Handle slow-path WQ entry consumed event
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @wcqe: Pointer to work-queue completion queue entry.
 * This routine handles slow-path WQ entry comsumed event by invoking the
 * proper WQ release routine to the slow-path WQ.
static void
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_rel_wcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
			     struct lpfc_wcqe_release *wcqe)
	/* Check for the slow-path ELS work queue */
	if (bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_r_wq_id, wcqe) == phba->sli4_hba.els_wq->queue_id)
				     bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_r_wqe_index, wcqe));
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
				"2579 Slow-path wqe consume event carries "
				"miss-matched qid: wcqe-qid=x%x, sp-qid=x%x\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_r_wqe_index, wcqe),

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_abort_xri_wcqe - Handle a xri abort event
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cq: Pointer to a WQ completion queue.
 * @wcqe: Pointer to work-queue completion queue entry.
 * This routine handles an XRI abort event.
 * Return: true if work posted to worker thread, otherwise false.
static bool
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_abort_xri_wcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
				   struct lpfc_queue *cq,
				   struct sli4_wcqe_xri_aborted *wcqe)
	bool workposted = false;
	struct lpfc_cq_event *cq_event;
	unsigned long iflags;

	/* Allocate a new internal CQ_EVENT entry */
	cq_event = lpfc_sli4_cq_event_alloc(phba);
	if (!cq_event) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0602 Failed to allocate CQ_EVENT entry\n");
		return false;

	/* Move the CQE into the proper xri abort event list */
	memcpy(&cq_event->cqe, wcqe, sizeof(struct sli4_wcqe_xri_aborted));
	switch (cq->subtype) {
	case LPFC_FCP:
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		/* Set the fcp xri abort event flag */
		phba->hba_flag |= FCP_XRI_ABORT_EVENT;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		workposted = true;
	case LPFC_ELS:
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		/* Set the els xri abort event flag */
		phba->hba_flag |= ELS_XRI_ABORT_EVENT;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		workposted = true;
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0603 Invalid work queue CQE subtype (x%x)\n",
		workposted = false;
	return workposted;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_rcqe - Process a receive-queue completion queue entry
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @rcqe: Pointer to receive-queue completion queue entry.
 * This routine process a receive-queue completion queue entry.
 * Return: true if work posted to worker thread, otherwise false.
static bool
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_rcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_rcqe *rcqe)
	bool workposted = false;
	struct lpfc_queue *hrq = phba->sli4_hba.hdr_rq;
	struct lpfc_queue *drq = phba->sli4_hba.dat_rq;
	struct hbq_dmabuf *dma_buf;
	uint32_t status;
	unsigned long iflags;

	if (bf_get(lpfc_rcqe_rq_id, rcqe) != hrq->queue_id)
		goto out;

	status = bf_get(lpfc_rcqe_status, rcqe);
	switch (status) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"2537 Receive Frame Truncated!!\n");
		lpfc_sli4_rq_release(hrq, drq);
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		dma_buf = lpfc_sli_hbqbuf_get(&phba->hbqs[0].hbq_buffer_list);
		if (!dma_buf) {
			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
			goto out;
		memcpy(&dma_buf->cq_event.cqe.rcqe_cmpl, rcqe, sizeof(*rcqe));
		/* save off the frame for the word thread to process */
		/* Frame received */
		phba->hba_flag |= HBA_SP_QUEUE_EVT;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		workposted = true;
		/* Post more buffers if possible */
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		phba->hba_flag |= HBA_POST_RECEIVE_BUFFER;
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
		workposted = true;
	return workposted;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_cqe - Process a slow path completion queue entry
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cq: Pointer to the completion queue.
 * @wcqe: Pointer to a completion queue entry.
 * This routine process a slow-path work-queue or recieve queue completion queue
 * entry.
 * Return: true if work posted to worker thread, otherwise false.
static bool
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_cqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *cq,
			 struct lpfc_cqe *cqe)
	struct lpfc_cqe cqevt;
	bool workposted = false;

	/* Copy the work queue CQE and convert endian order if needed */
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(cqe, &cqevt, sizeof(struct lpfc_cqe));

	/* Check and process for different type of WCQE and dispatch */
	switch (bf_get(lpfc_cqe_code, &cqevt)) {
		/* Process the WQ/RQ complete event */
		workposted = lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_els_wcqe(phba,
				(struct lpfc_wcqe_complete *)&cqevt);
		/* Process the WQ release event */
				(struct lpfc_wcqe_release *)&cqevt);
		/* Process the WQ XRI abort event */
		workposted = lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_abort_xri_wcqe(phba, cq,
				(struct sli4_wcqe_xri_aborted *)&cqevt);
		/* Process the RQ event */
		workposted = lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_rcqe(phba,
				(struct lpfc_rcqe *)&cqevt);
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0388 Not a valid WCQE code: x%x\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_cqe_code, &cqevt));
	return workposted;

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_eqe - Process a slow-path event queue entry
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @eqe: Pointer to fast-path event queue entry.
 * This routine process a event queue entry from the slow-path event queue.
 * It will check the MajorCode and MinorCode to determine this is for a
 * completion event on a completion queue, if not, an error shall be logged
 * and just return. Otherwise, it will get to the corresponding completion
 * queue and process all the entries on that completion queue, rearm the
 * completion queue, and then return.
static void
lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_eqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_eqe *eqe)
	struct lpfc_queue *cq = NULL, *childq, *speq;
	struct lpfc_cqe *cqe;
	bool workposted = false;
	int ecount = 0;
	uint16_t cqid;

	if (bf_get(lpfc_eqe_major_code, eqe) != 0 ||
	    bf_get(lpfc_eqe_minor_code, eqe) != 0) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0359 Not a valid slow-path completion "
				"event: majorcode=x%x, minorcode=x%x\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_eqe_major_code, eqe),
				bf_get(lpfc_eqe_minor_code, eqe));

	/* Get the reference to the corresponding CQ */
	cqid = bf_get(lpfc_eqe_resource_id, eqe);

	/* Search for completion queue pointer matching this cqid */
	speq = phba->sli4_hba.sp_eq;
	list_for_each_entry(childq, &speq->child_list, list) {
		if (childq->queue_id == cqid) {
			cq = childq;
	if (unlikely(!cq)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0365 Slow-path CQ identifier (%d) does "
				"not exist\n", cqid);

	/* Process all the entries to the CQ */
	switch (cq->type) {
	case LPFC_MCQ:
		while ((cqe = lpfc_sli4_cq_get(cq))) {
			workposted |= lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_mcqe(phba, cqe);
			if (!(++ecount % LPFC_GET_QE_REL_INT))
				lpfc_sli4_cq_release(cq, LPFC_QUEUE_NOARM);
	case LPFC_WCQ:
		while ((cqe = lpfc_sli4_cq_get(cq))) {
			workposted |= lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_cqe(phba, cq, cqe);
			if (!(++ecount % LPFC_GET_QE_REL_INT))
				lpfc_sli4_cq_release(cq, LPFC_QUEUE_NOARM);
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0370 Invalid completion queue type (%d)\n",

	/* Catch the no cq entry condition, log an error */
	if (unlikely(ecount == 0))
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0371 No entry from the CQ: identifier "
				"(x%x), type (%d)\n", cq->queue_id, cq->type);

	/* In any case, flash and re-arm the RCQ */
	lpfc_sli4_cq_release(cq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);

	/* wake up worker thread if there are works to be done */
	if (workposted)

 * lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_fcp_wcqe - Process fast-path work queue completion entry
 * @eqe: Pointer to fast-path completion queue entry.
 * This routine process a fast-path work queue completion entry from fast-path
 * event queue for FCP command response completion.
static void
lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_fcp_wcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
			     struct lpfc_wcqe_complete *wcqe)
	struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring = &phba->sli.ring[LPFC_FCP_RING];
	struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocbq;
	struct lpfc_iocbq irspiocbq;
	unsigned long iflags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);

	/* Check for response status */
	if (unlikely(bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_status, wcqe))) {
		/* If resource errors reported from HBA, reduce queue
		 * depth of the SCSI device.
		if ((bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_status, wcqe) ==
		    (wcqe->parameter == IOERR_NO_RESOURCES)) {
		/* Log the error status */
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
				"0373 FCP complete error: status=x%x, "
				"hw_status=x%x, total_data_specified=%d, "
				"parameter=x%x, word3=x%x\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_status, wcqe),
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_hw_status, wcqe),
				wcqe->total_data_placed, wcqe->parameter,

	/* Look up the FCP command IOCB and create pseudo response IOCB */
	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	cmdiocbq = lpfc_sli_iocbq_lookup_by_tag(phba, pring,
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_request_tag, wcqe));
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflags);
	if (unlikely(!cmdiocbq)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
				"0374 FCP complete with no corresponding "
				"cmdiocb: iotag (%d)\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_request_tag, wcqe));
	if (unlikely(!cmdiocbq->iocb_cmpl)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
				"0375 FCP cmdiocb not callback function "
				"iotag: (%d)\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_request_tag, wcqe));

	/* Fake the irspiocb and copy necessary response information */
	lpfc_sli4_iocb_param_transfer(&irspiocbq, cmdiocbq, wcqe);

	/* Pass the cmd_iocb and the rsp state to the upper layer */
	(cmdiocbq->iocb_cmpl)(phba, cmdiocbq, &irspiocbq);

 * lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_rel_wcqe - Handle fast-path WQ entry consumed event
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @cq: Pointer to completion queue.
 * @wcqe: Pointer to work-queue completion queue entry.
 * This routine handles an fast-path WQ entry comsumed event by invoking the
 * proper WQ release routine to the slow-path WQ.
static void
lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_rel_wcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *cq,
			     struct lpfc_wcqe_release *wcqe)
	struct lpfc_queue *childwq;
	bool wqid_matched = false;
	uint16_t fcp_wqid;

	/* Check for fast-path FCP work queue release */
	fcp_wqid = bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_r_wq_id, wcqe);
	list_for_each_entry(childwq, &cq->child_list, list) {
		if (childwq->queue_id == fcp_wqid) {
					bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_r_wqe_index, wcqe));
			wqid_matched = true;
	/* Report warning log message if no match found */
	if (wqid_matched != true)
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
				"2580 Fast-path wqe consume event carries "
				"miss-matched qid: wcqe-qid=x%x\n", fcp_wqid);

 * lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_wcqe - Process fast-path work queue completion entry
 * @cq: Pointer to the completion queue.
 * @eqe: Pointer to fast-path completion queue entry.
 * This routine process a fast-path work queue completion entry from fast-path
 * event queue for FCP command response completion.
static int
lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_wcqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *cq,
			 struct lpfc_cqe *cqe)
	struct lpfc_wcqe_release wcqe;
	bool workposted = false;

	/* Copy the work queue CQE and convert endian order if needed */
	lpfc_sli_pcimem_bcopy(cqe, &wcqe, sizeof(struct lpfc_cqe));

	/* Check and process for different type of WCQE and dispatch */
	switch (bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_code, &wcqe)) {
		/* Process the WQ complete event */
				(struct lpfc_wcqe_complete *)&wcqe);
		/* Process the WQ release event */
		lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_rel_wcqe(phba, cq,
				(struct lpfc_wcqe_release *)&wcqe);
		/* Process the WQ XRI abort event */
		workposted = lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_abort_xri_wcqe(phba, cq,
				(struct sli4_wcqe_xri_aborted *)&wcqe);
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0144 Not a valid WCQE code: x%x\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_wcqe_c_code, &wcqe));
	return workposted;

 * lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_eqe - Process a fast-path event queue entry
 * @phba: Pointer to HBA context object.
 * @eqe: Pointer to fast-path event queue entry.
 * This routine process a event queue entry from the fast-path event queue.
 * It will check the MajorCode and MinorCode to determine this is for a
 * completion event on a completion queue, if not, an error shall be logged
 * and just return. Otherwise, it will get to the corresponding completion
 * queue and process all the entries on the completion queue, rearm the
 * completion queue, and then return.
static void
lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_eqe(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_eqe *eqe,
			uint32_t fcp_cqidx)
	struct lpfc_queue *cq;
	struct lpfc_cqe *cqe;
	bool workposted = false;
	uint16_t cqid;
	int ecount = 0;

	if (unlikely(bf_get(lpfc_eqe_major_code, eqe) != 0) ||
	    unlikely(bf_get(lpfc_eqe_minor_code, eqe) != 0)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0366 Not a valid fast-path completion "
				"event: majorcode=x%x, minorcode=x%x\n",
				bf_get(lpfc_eqe_major_code, eqe),
				bf_get(lpfc_eqe_minor_code, eqe));

	cq = phba->sli4_hba.fcp_cq[fcp_cqidx];
	if (unlikely(!cq)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0367 Fast-path completion queue does not "

	/* Get the reference to the corresponding CQ */
	cqid = bf_get(lpfc_eqe_resource_id, eqe);
	if (unlikely(cqid != cq->queue_id)) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0368 Miss-matched fast-path completion "
				"queue identifier: eqcqid=%d, fcpcqid=%d\n",
				cqid, cq->queue_id);

	/* Process all the entries to the CQ */
	while ((cqe = lpfc_sli4_cq_get(cq))) {
		workposted |= lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_wcqe(phba, cq, cqe);
		if (!(++ecount % LPFC_GET_QE_REL_INT))
			lpfc_sli4_cq_release(cq, LPFC_QUEUE_NOARM);

	/* Catch the no cq entry condition */
	if (unlikely(ecount == 0))
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0369 No entry from fast-path completion "
				"queue fcpcqid=%d\n", cq->queue_id);

	/* In any case, flash and re-arm the CQ */
	lpfc_sli4_cq_release(cq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);

	/* wake up worker thread if there are works to be done */
	if (workposted)

static void
lpfc_sli4_eq_flush(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *eq)
	struct lpfc_eqe *eqe;

	/* walk all the EQ entries and drop on the floor */
	while ((eqe = lpfc_sli4_eq_get(eq)))

	/* Clear and re-arm the EQ */
	lpfc_sli4_eq_release(eq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);

 * lpfc_sli4_sp_intr_handler - Slow-path interrupt handler to SLI-4 device
 * @irq: Interrupt number.
 * @dev_id: The device context pointer.
 * This function is directly called from the PCI layer as an interrupt
 * service routine when device with SLI-4 interface spec is enabled with
 * MSI-X multi-message interrupt mode and there are slow-path events in
 * the HBA. However, when the device is enabled with either MSI or Pin-IRQ
 * interrupt mode, this function is called as part of the device-level
 * interrupt handler. When the PCI slot is in error recovery or the HBA is
 * undergoing initialization, the interrupt handler will not process the
 * interrupt. The link attention and ELS ring attention events are handled
 * by the worker thread. The interrupt handler signals the worker thread
 * and returns for these events. This function is called without any lock
 * held. It gets the hbalock to access and update SLI data structures.
 * This function returns IRQ_HANDLED when interrupt is handled else it
 * returns IRQ_NONE.
lpfc_sli4_sp_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
	struct lpfc_hba *phba;
	struct lpfc_queue *speq;
	struct lpfc_eqe *eqe;
	unsigned long iflag;
	int ecount = 0;

	 * Get the driver's phba structure from the dev_id
	phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)dev_id;

	if (unlikely(!phba))
		return IRQ_NONE;

	/* Get to the EQ struct associated with this vector */
	speq = phba->sli4_hba.sp_eq;

	/* Check device state for handling interrupt */
	if (unlikely(lpfc_intr_state_check(phba))) {
		/* Check again for link_state with lock held */
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		if (phba->link_state < LPFC_LINK_DOWN)
			/* Flush, clear interrupt, and rearm the EQ */
			lpfc_sli4_eq_flush(phba, speq);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		return IRQ_NONE;

	 * Process all the event on FCP slow-path EQ
	while ((eqe = lpfc_sli4_eq_get(speq))) {
		lpfc_sli4_sp_handle_eqe(phba, eqe);
		if (!(++ecount % LPFC_GET_QE_REL_INT))
			lpfc_sli4_eq_release(speq, LPFC_QUEUE_NOARM);

	/* Always clear and re-arm the slow-path EQ */
	lpfc_sli4_eq_release(speq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);

	/* Catch the no cq entry condition */
	if (unlikely(ecount == 0)) {
		if (phba->intr_type == MSIX)
			/* MSI-X treated interrupt served as no EQ share INT */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
					"0357 MSI-X interrupt with no EQE\n");
			/* Non MSI-X treated on interrupt as EQ share INT */
			return IRQ_NONE;

	return IRQ_HANDLED;
} /* lpfc_sli4_sp_intr_handler */

 * lpfc_sli4_fp_intr_handler - Fast-path interrupt handler to SLI-4 device
 * @irq: Interrupt number.
 * @dev_id: The device context pointer.
 * This function is directly called from the PCI layer as an interrupt
 * service routine when device with SLI-4 interface spec is enabled with
 * MSI-X multi-message interrupt mode and there is a fast-path FCP IOCB
 * ring event in the HBA. However, when the device is enabled with either
 * MSI or Pin-IRQ interrupt mode, this function is called as part of the
 * device-level interrupt handler. When the PCI slot is in error recovery
 * or the HBA is undergoing initialization, the interrupt handler will not
 * process the interrupt. The SCSI FCP fast-path ring event are handled in
 * the intrrupt context. This function is called without any lock held.
 * It gets the hbalock to access and update SLI data structures. Note that,
 * the FCP EQ to FCP CQ are one-to-one map such that the FCP EQ index is
 * equal to that of FCP CQ index.
 * This function returns IRQ_HANDLED when interrupt is handled else it
 * returns IRQ_NONE.
lpfc_sli4_fp_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
	struct lpfc_hba *phba;
	struct lpfc_fcp_eq_hdl *fcp_eq_hdl;
	struct lpfc_queue *fpeq;
	struct lpfc_eqe *eqe;
	unsigned long iflag;
	int ecount = 0;
	uint32_t fcp_eqidx;

	/* Get the driver's phba structure from the dev_id */
	fcp_eq_hdl = (struct lpfc_fcp_eq_hdl *)dev_id;
	phba = fcp_eq_hdl->phba;
	fcp_eqidx = fcp_eq_hdl->idx;

	if (unlikely(!phba))
		return IRQ_NONE;

	/* Get to the EQ struct associated with this vector */
	fpeq = phba->sli4_hba.fp_eq[fcp_eqidx];

	/* Check device state for handling interrupt */
	if (unlikely(lpfc_intr_state_check(phba))) {
		/* Check again for link_state with lock held */
		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		if (phba->link_state < LPFC_LINK_DOWN)
			/* Flush, clear interrupt, and rearm the EQ */
			lpfc_sli4_eq_flush(phba, fpeq);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
		return IRQ_NONE;

	 * Process all the event on FCP fast-path EQ
	while ((eqe = lpfc_sli4_eq_get(fpeq))) {
		lpfc_sli4_fp_handle_eqe(phba, eqe, fcp_eqidx);
		if (!(++ecount % LPFC_GET_QE_REL_INT))
			lpfc_sli4_eq_release(fpeq, LPFC_QUEUE_NOARM);

	/* Always clear and re-arm the fast-path EQ */
	lpfc_sli4_eq_release(fpeq, LPFC_QUEUE_REARM);

	if (unlikely(ecount == 0)) {
		if (phba->intr_type == MSIX)
			/* MSI-X treated interrupt served as no EQ share INT */
			lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
					"0358 MSI-X interrupt with no EQE\n");
			/* Non MSI-X treated on interrupt as EQ share INT */
			return IRQ_NONE;

	return IRQ_HANDLED;
} /* lpfc_sli4_fp_intr_handler */

 * lpfc_sli4_intr_handler - Device-level interrupt handler for SLI-4 device
 * @irq: Interrupt number.
 * @dev_id: The device context pointer.
 * This function is the device-level interrupt handler to device with SLI-4
 * interface spec, called from the PCI layer when either MSI or Pin-IRQ
 * interrupt mode is enabled and there is an event in the HBA which requires
 * driver attention. This function invokes the slow-path interrupt attention
 * handling function and fast-path interrupt attention handling function in
 * turn to process the relevant HBA attention events. This function is called
 * without any lock held. It gets the hbalock to access and update SLI data
 * structures.
 * This function returns IRQ_HANDLED when interrupt is handled, else it
 * returns IRQ_NONE.
lpfc_sli4_intr_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
	struct lpfc_hba  *phba;
	irqreturn_t sp_irq_rc, fp_irq_rc;
	bool fp_handled = false;
	uint32_t fcp_eqidx;

	/* Get the driver's phba structure from the dev_id */
	phba = (struct lpfc_hba *)dev_id;

	if (unlikely(!phba))
		return IRQ_NONE;

	 * Invokes slow-path host attention interrupt handling as appropriate.
	sp_irq_rc = lpfc_sli4_sp_intr_handler(irq, dev_id);

	 * Invoke fast-path host attention interrupt handling as appropriate.
	for (fcp_eqidx = 0; fcp_eqidx < phba->cfg_fcp_eq_count; fcp_eqidx++) {
		fp_irq_rc = lpfc_sli4_fp_intr_handler(irq,
		if (fp_irq_rc == IRQ_HANDLED)
			fp_handled |= true;

	return (fp_handled == true) ? IRQ_HANDLED : sp_irq_rc;
} /* lpfc_sli4_intr_handler */

 * lpfc_sli4_queue_free - free a queue structure and associated memory
 * @queue: The queue structure to free.
 * This function frees a queue structure and the DMAable memeory used for
 * the host resident queue. This function must be called after destroying the
 * queue on the HBA.
lpfc_sli4_queue_free(struct lpfc_queue *queue)
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;

	if (!queue)

	while (!list_empty(&queue->page_list)) {
		list_remove_head(&queue->page_list, dmabuf, struct lpfc_dmabuf,
		dma_free_coherent(&queue->phba->pcidev->dev, PAGE_SIZE,
				  dmabuf->virt, dmabuf->phys);

 * lpfc_sli4_queue_alloc - Allocate and initialize a queue structure
 * @phba: The HBA that this queue is being created on.
 * @entry_size: The size of each queue entry for this queue.
 * @entry count: The number of entries that this queue will handle.
 * This function allocates a queue structure and the DMAable memory used for
 * the host resident queue. This function must be called before creating the
 * queue on the HBA.
struct lpfc_queue *
lpfc_sli4_queue_alloc(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t entry_size,
		      uint32_t entry_count)
	struct lpfc_queue *queue;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	int x, total_qe_count;
	void *dma_pointer;

	queue = kzalloc(sizeof(struct lpfc_queue) +
			(sizeof(union sli4_qe) * entry_count), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!queue)
		return NULL;
	queue->page_count = (PAGE_ALIGN(entry_size * entry_count))/PAGE_SIZE;
	for (x = 0, total_qe_count = 0; x < queue->page_count; x++) {
		dmabuf = kzalloc(sizeof(struct lpfc_dmabuf), GFP_KERNEL);
		if (!dmabuf)
			goto out_fail;
		dmabuf->virt = dma_alloc_coherent(&phba->pcidev->dev,
						  PAGE_SIZE, &dmabuf->phys,
		if (!dmabuf->virt) {
			goto out_fail;
		memset(dmabuf->virt, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
		dmabuf->buffer_tag = x;
		list_add_tail(&dmabuf->list, &queue->page_list);
		/* initialize queue's entry array */
		dma_pointer = dmabuf->virt;
		for (; total_qe_count < entry_count &&
		     dma_pointer < (PAGE_SIZE + dmabuf->virt);
		     total_qe_count++, dma_pointer += entry_size) {
			queue->qe[total_qe_count].address = dma_pointer;
	queue->entry_size = entry_size;
	queue->entry_count = entry_count;
	queue->phba = phba;

	return queue;
	return NULL;

 * lpfc_eq_create - Create an Event Queue on the HBA
 * @phba: HBA structure that indicates port to create a queue on.
 * @eq: The queue structure to use to create the event queue.
 * @imax: The maximum interrupt per second limit.
 * This function creates an event queue, as detailed in @eq, on a port,
 * described by @phba by sending an EQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA.
 * The @phba struct is used to send mailbox command to HBA. The @eq struct
 * is used to get the entry count and entry size that are necessary to
 * determine the number of pages to allocate and use for this queue. This
 * function will send the EQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA to setup the
 * event queue. This function is asynchronous and will wait for the mailbox
 * command to finish before continuing.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If unable to allocate enough
 * memory this function will return ENOMEM. If the queue create mailbox command
 * fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_eq_create(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *eq, uint16_t imax)
	struct lpfc_mbx_eq_create *eq_create;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;
	uint16_t dmult;

	mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_eq_create) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	eq_create = &mbox->u.mqe.un.eq_create;
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_eq_create_num_pages, &eq_create->u.request,
	bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_size, &eq_create->u.request.context,
	bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_valid, &eq_create->u.request.context, 1);
	/* Calculate delay multiper from maximum interrupt per second */
	dmult = LPFC_DMULT_CONST/imax - 1;
	bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_delay_multi, &eq_create->u.request.context,
	switch (eq->entry_count) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0360 Unsupported EQ count. (%d)\n",
		if (eq->entry_count < 256)
			return -EINVAL;
		/* otherwise default to smallest count (drop through) */
	case 256:
		bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_count, &eq_create->u.request.context,
	case 512:
		bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_count, &eq_create->u.request.context,
	case 1024:
		bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_count, &eq_create->u.request.context,
	case 2048:
		bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_count, &eq_create->u.request.context,
	case 4096:
		bf_set(lpfc_eq_context_count, &eq_create->u.request.context,
	list_for_each_entry(dmabuf, &eq->page_list, list) {
		eq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_lo =
		eq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_hi =
	mbox->vport = phba->pport;
	mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
	mbox->context1 = NULL;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *) &eq_create->header.cfg_shdr;
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2500 EQ_CREATE mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
	eq->type = LPFC_EQ;
	eq->subtype = LPFC_NONE;
	eq->queue_id = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_eq_create_q_id, &eq_create->u.response);
	if (eq->queue_id == 0xFFFF)
		status = -ENXIO;
	eq->host_index = 0;
	eq->hba_index = 0;

	mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_cq_create - Create a Completion Queue on the HBA
 * @phba: HBA structure that indicates port to create a queue on.
 * @cq: The queue structure to use to create the completion queue.
 * @eq: The event queue to bind this completion queue to.
 * This function creates a completion queue, as detailed in @wq, on a port,
 * described by @phba by sending a CQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA.
 * The @phba struct is used to send mailbox command to HBA. The @cq struct
 * is used to get the entry count and entry size that are necessary to
 * determine the number of pages to allocate and use for this queue. The @eq
 * is used to indicate which event queue to bind this completion queue to. This
 * function will send the CQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA to setup the
 * completion queue. This function is asynchronous and will wait for the mailbox
 * command to finish before continuing.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If unable to allocate enough
 * memory this function will return ENOMEM. If the queue create mailbox command
 * fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_cq_create(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *cq,
	       struct lpfc_queue *eq, uint32_t type, uint32_t subtype)
	struct lpfc_mbx_cq_create *cq_create;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_cq_create) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	cq_create = &mbox->u.mqe.un.cq_create;
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_cq_create_num_pages, &cq_create->u.request,
	bf_set(lpfc_cq_context_event, &cq_create->u.request.context, 1);
	bf_set(lpfc_cq_context_valid, &cq_create->u.request.context, 1);
	bf_set(lpfc_cq_eq_id, &cq_create->u.request.context, eq->queue_id);
	switch (cq->entry_count) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0361 Unsupported CQ count. (%d)\n",
		if (cq->entry_count < 256)
			return -EINVAL;
		/* otherwise default to smallest count (drop through) */
	case 256:
		bf_set(lpfc_cq_context_count, &cq_create->u.request.context,
	case 512:
		bf_set(lpfc_cq_context_count, &cq_create->u.request.context,
	case 1024:
		bf_set(lpfc_cq_context_count, &cq_create->u.request.context,
	list_for_each_entry(dmabuf, &cq->page_list, list) {
		cq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_lo =
		cq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_hi =
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);

	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *) &cq_create->header.cfg_shdr;
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2501 CQ_CREATE mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	cq->queue_id = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_cq_create_q_id, &cq_create->u.response);
	if (cq->queue_id == 0xFFFF) {
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	/* link the cq onto the parent eq child list */
	list_add_tail(&cq->list, &eq->child_list);
	/* Set up completion queue's type and subtype */
	cq->type = type;
	cq->subtype = subtype;
	cq->queue_id = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_cq_create_q_id, &cq_create->u.response);
	cq->host_index = 0;
	cq->hba_index = 0;

	mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_mq_create - Create a mailbox Queue on the HBA
 * @phba: HBA structure that indicates port to create a queue on.
 * @mq: The queue structure to use to create the mailbox queue.
 * This function creates a mailbox queue, as detailed in @mq, on a port,
 * described by @phba by sending a MQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA.
 * The @phba struct is used to send mailbox command to HBA. The @cq struct
 * is used to get the entry count and entry size that are necessary to
 * determine the number of pages to allocate and use for this queue. This
 * function will send the MQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA to setup the
 * mailbox queue. This function is asynchronous and will wait for the mailbox
 * command to finish before continuing.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If unable to allocate enough
 * memory this function will return ENOMEM. If the queue create mailbox command
 * fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_mq_create(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *mq,
	       struct lpfc_queue *cq, uint32_t subtype)
	struct lpfc_mbx_mq_create *mq_create;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_mq_create) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	mq_create = &mbox->u.mqe.un.mq_create;
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_mq_create_num_pages, &mq_create->u.request,
	bf_set(lpfc_mq_context_cq_id, &mq_create->u.request.context,
	bf_set(lpfc_mq_context_valid, &mq_create->u.request.context, 1);
	switch (mq->entry_count) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"0362 Unsupported MQ count. (%d)\n",
		if (mq->entry_count < 16)
			return -EINVAL;
		/* otherwise default to smallest count (drop through) */
	case 16:
		bf_set(lpfc_mq_context_count, &mq_create->u.request.context,
	case 32:
		bf_set(lpfc_mq_context_count, &mq_create->u.request.context,
	case 64:
		bf_set(lpfc_mq_context_count, &mq_create->u.request.context,
	case 128:
		bf_set(lpfc_mq_context_count, &mq_create->u.request.context,
	list_for_each_entry(dmabuf, &mq->page_list, list) {
		mq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_lo =
		mq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_hi =
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *) &mq_create->header.cfg_shdr;
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2502 MQ_CREATE mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	mq->queue_id = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_mq_create_q_id, &mq_create->u.response);
	if (mq->queue_id == 0xFFFF) {
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	mq->type = LPFC_MQ;
	mq->subtype = subtype;
	mq->host_index = 0;
	mq->hba_index = 0;

	/* link the mq onto the parent cq child list */
	list_add_tail(&mq->list, &cq->child_list);
	mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_wq_create - Create a Work Queue on the HBA
 * @phba: HBA structure that indicates port to create a queue on.
 * @wq: The queue structure to use to create the work queue.
 * @cq: The completion queue to bind this work queue to.
 * @subtype: The subtype of the work queue indicating its functionality.
 * This function creates a work queue, as detailed in @wq, on a port, described
 * by @phba by sending a WQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA.
 * The @phba struct is used to send mailbox command to HBA. The @wq struct
 * is used to get the entry count and entry size that are necessary to
 * determine the number of pages to allocate and use for this queue. The @cq
 * is used to indicate which completion queue to bind this work queue to. This
 * function will send the WQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA to setup the
 * work queue. This function is asynchronous and will wait for the mailbox
 * command to finish before continuing.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If unable to allocate enough
 * memory this function will return ENOMEM. If the queue create mailbox command
 * fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_wq_create(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *wq,
	       struct lpfc_queue *cq, uint32_t subtype)
	struct lpfc_mbx_wq_create *wq_create;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_wq_create) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_FCOE,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	wq_create = &mbox->u.mqe.un.wq_create;
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_wq_create_num_pages, &wq_create->u.request,
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_wq_create_cq_id, &wq_create->u.request,
	list_for_each_entry(dmabuf, &wq->page_list, list) {
		wq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_lo =
		wq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_hi =
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *) &wq_create->header.cfg_shdr;
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2503 WQ_CREATE mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	wq->queue_id = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_wq_create_q_id, &wq_create->u.response);
	if (wq->queue_id == 0xFFFF) {
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	wq->type = LPFC_WQ;
	wq->subtype = subtype;
	wq->host_index = 0;
	wq->hba_index = 0;

	/* link the wq onto the parent cq child list */
	list_add_tail(&wq->list, &cq->child_list);
	mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_rq_create - Create a Receive Queue on the HBA
 * @phba: HBA structure that indicates port to create a queue on.
 * @hrq: The queue structure to use to create the header receive queue.
 * @drq: The queue structure to use to create the data receive queue.
 * @cq: The completion queue to bind this work queue to.
 * This function creates a receive buffer queue pair , as detailed in @hrq and
 * @drq, on a port, described by @phba by sending a RQ_CREATE mailbox command
 * to the HBA.
 * The @phba struct is used to send mailbox command to HBA. The @drq and @hrq
 * struct is used to get the entry count that is necessary to determine the
 * number of pages to use for this queue. The @cq is used to indicate which
 * completion queue to bind received buffers that are posted to these queues to.
 * This function will send the RQ_CREATE mailbox command to the HBA to setup the
 * receive queue pair. This function is asynchronous and will wait for the
 * mailbox command to finish before continuing.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If unable to allocate enough
 * memory this function will return ENOMEM. If the queue create mailbox command
 * fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_rq_create(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *hrq,
	       struct lpfc_queue *drq, struct lpfc_queue *cq, uint32_t subtype)
	struct lpfc_mbx_rq_create *rq_create;
	struct lpfc_dmabuf *dmabuf;
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	if (hrq->entry_count != drq->entry_count)
		return -EINVAL;
	mbox = mempool_alloc(phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_rq_create) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_FCOE,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	rq_create = &mbox->u.mqe.un.rq_create;
	switch (hrq->entry_count) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"2535 Unsupported RQ count. (%d)\n",
		if (hrq->entry_count < 512)
			return -EINVAL;
		/* otherwise default to smallest count (drop through) */
	case 512:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	case 1024:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	case 2048:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	case 4096:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_cq_id, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_rq_create_num_pages, &rq_create->u.request,
	bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_buf_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	list_for_each_entry(dmabuf, &hrq->page_list, list) {
		rq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_lo =
		rq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_hi =
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *) &rq_create->header.cfg_shdr;
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2504 RQ_CREATE mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	hrq->queue_id = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rq_create_q_id, &rq_create->u.response);
	if (hrq->queue_id == 0xFFFF) {
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	hrq->type = LPFC_HRQ;
	hrq->subtype = subtype;
	hrq->host_index = 0;
	hrq->hba_index = 0;

	/* now create the data queue */
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_FCOE,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	switch (drq->entry_count) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_SLI,
				"2536 Unsupported RQ count. (%d)\n",
		if (drq->entry_count < 512)
			return -EINVAL;
		/* otherwise default to smallest count (drop through) */
	case 512:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	case 1024:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	case 2048:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	case 4096:
		bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_rq_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_cq_id, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_rq_create_num_pages, &rq_create->u.request,
	bf_set(lpfc_rq_context_buf_size, &rq_create->u.request.context,
	list_for_each_entry(dmabuf, &drq->page_list, list) {
		rq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_lo =
		rq_create->u.request.page[dmabuf->buffer_tag].addr_hi =
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *) &rq_create->header.cfg_shdr;
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	drq->queue_id = bf_get(lpfc_mbx_rq_create_q_id, &rq_create->u.response);
	if (drq->queue_id == 0xFFFF) {
		status = -ENXIO;
		goto out;
	drq->type = LPFC_DRQ;
	drq->subtype = subtype;
	drq->host_index = 0;
	drq->hba_index = 0;

	/* link the header and data RQs onto the parent cq child list */
	list_add_tail(&hrq->list, &cq->child_list);
	list_add_tail(&drq->list, &cq->child_list);

	mempool_free(mbox, phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_eq_destroy - Destroy an event Queue on the HBA
 * @eq: The queue structure associated with the queue to destroy.
 * This function destroys a queue, as detailed in @eq by sending an mailbox
 * command, specific to the type of queue, to the HBA.
 * The @eq struct is used to get the queue ID of the queue to destroy.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If the queue destroy mailbox
 * command fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_eq_destroy(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *eq)
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	if (!eq)
		return -ENODEV;
	mbox = mempool_alloc(eq->phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_eq_destroy) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_eq_destroy_q_id, &mbox->u.mqe.un.eq_destroy.u.request,
	mbox->vport = eq->phba->pport;
	mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;

	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(eq->phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *)
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2505 EQ_DESTROY mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;

	/* Remove eq from any list */
	mempool_free(mbox, eq->phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_cq_destroy - Destroy a Completion Queue on the HBA
 * @cq: The queue structure associated with the queue to destroy.
 * This function destroys a queue, as detailed in @cq by sending an mailbox
 * command, specific to the type of queue, to the HBA.
 * The @cq struct is used to get the queue ID of the queue to destroy.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If the queue destroy mailbox
 * command fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_cq_destroy(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *cq)
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	if (!cq)
		return -ENODEV;
	mbox = mempool_alloc(cq->phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_cq_destroy) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_cq_destroy_q_id, &mbox->u.mqe.un.cq_destroy.u.request,
	mbox->vport = cq->phba->pport;
	mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(cq->phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *)
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2506 CQ_DESTROY mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
	/* Remove cq from any list */
	mempool_free(mbox, cq->phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_mq_destroy - Destroy a Mailbox Queue on the HBA
 * @qm: The queue structure associated with the queue to destroy.
 * This function destroys a queue, as detailed in @mq by sending an mailbox
 * command, specific to the type of queue, to the HBA.
 * The @mq struct is used to get the queue ID of the queue to destroy.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If the queue destroy mailbox
 * command fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_mq_destroy(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *mq)
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	if (!mq)
		return -ENODEV;
	mbox = mempool_alloc(mq->phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_mq_destroy) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_COMMON,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_mq_destroy_q_id, &mbox->u.mqe.un.mq_destroy.u.request,
	mbox->vport = mq->phba->pport;
	mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(mq->phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *)
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2507 MQ_DESTROY mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
	/* Remove mq from any list */
	mempool_free(mbox, mq->phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_wq_destroy - Destroy a Work Queue on the HBA
 * @wq: The queue structure associated with the queue to destroy.
 * This function destroys a queue, as detailed in @wq by sending an mailbox
 * command, specific to the type of queue, to the HBA.
 * The @wq struct is used to get the queue ID of the queue to destroy.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If the queue destroy mailbox
 * command fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_wq_destroy(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *wq)
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	if (!wq)
		return -ENODEV;
	mbox = mempool_alloc(wq->phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_wq_destroy) -
		  sizeof(struct lpfc_sli4_cfg_mhdr));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_FCOE,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_wq_destroy_q_id, &mbox->u.mqe.un.wq_destroy.u.request,
	mbox->vport = wq->phba->pport;
	mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(wq->phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *)
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2508 WQ_DESTROY mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;
	/* Remove wq from any list */
	mempool_free(mbox, wq->phba->mbox_mem_pool);
	return status;

 * lpfc_rq_destroy - Destroy a Receive Queue on the HBA
 * @rq: The queue structure associated with the queue to destroy.
 * This function destroys a queue, as detailed in @rq by sending an mailbox
 * command, specific to the type of queue, to the HBA.
 * The @rq struct is used to get the queue ID of the queue to destroy.
 * On success this function will return a zero. If the queue destroy mailbox
 * command fails this function will return ENXIO.
lpfc_rq_destroy(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_queue *hrq,
		struct lpfc_queue *drq)
	LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mbox;
	int rc, length, status = 0;
	uint32_t shdr_status, shdr_add_status;
	union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *shdr;

	if (!hrq || !drq)
		return -ENODEV;
	mbox = mempool_alloc(hrq->phba->mbox_mem_pool, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!mbox)
		return -ENOMEM;
	length = (sizeof(struct lpfc_mbx_rq_destroy) -
		  sizeof(struct mbox_header));
	lpfc_sli4_config(phba, mbox, LPFC_MBOX_SUBSYSTEM_FCOE,
			 length, LPFC_SLI4_MBX_EMBED);
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_rq_destroy_q_id, &mbox->u.mqe.un.rq_destroy.u.request,
	mbox->vport = hrq->phba->pport;
	mbox->mbox_cmpl = lpfc_sli_def_mbox_cmpl;
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(hrq->phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	/* The IOCTL status is embedded in the mailbox subheader. */
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *)
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2509 RQ_DESTROY mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		if (rc != MBX_TIMEOUT)
			mempool_free(mbox, hrq->phba->mbox_mem_pool);
		return -ENXIO;
	bf_set(lpfc_mbx_rq_destroy_q_id, &mbox->u.mqe.un.rq_destroy.u.request,
	rc = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(drq->phba, mbox, MBX_POLL);
	shdr = (union lpfc_sli4_cfg_shdr *)
	shdr_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_status, &shdr->response);
	shdr_add_status = bf_get(lpfc_mbox_hdr_add_status, &shdr->response);
	if (shdr_status || shdr_add_status || rc) {
		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_INIT,
				"2510 RQ_DESTROY mailbox failed with "
				"status x%x add_status x%x, mbx status x%x\n",
				shdr_status, shdr_add_status, rc);
		status = -ENXIO;