path: root/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenFds/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Source/Python/GenFds/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 674 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenFds/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenFds/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2397e07da..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenFds/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# process FFS generation from INF statement
-# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import Rule
-import os
-import shutil
-from GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable
-import Ffs
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import Section
-import RuleSimpleFile
-import RuleComplexFile
-from CommonDataClass.FdfClass import FfsInfStatementClassObject
-from Common.String import *
-from Common.Misc import PathClass
-from Common.Misc import GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString
-from Common import EdkLogger
-from Common.BuildToolError import *
-from GuidSection import GuidSection
-from FvImageSection import FvImageSection
-from Common.Misc import PeImageClass
-## generate FFS from INF
-class FfsInfStatement(FfsInfStatementClassObject):
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- #
- def __init__(self):
- FfsInfStatementClassObject.__init__(self)
- self.TargetOverrideList = []
- self.ShadowFromInfFile = None
- self.KeepRelocFromRule = None
- self.InDsc = True
- self.OptRomDefs = {}
- self.PiSpecVersion = 0
- ## __InfParse() method
- #
- # Parse inf file to get module information
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Dict dictionary contains macro and value pair
- #
- def __InfParse__(self, Dict = {}):
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( " Begine parsing INf file : %s" %self.InfFileName)
- self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '')
- if self.InfFileName[0] == '\\' or self.InfFileName[0] == '/' :
- self.InfFileName = self.InfFileName[1:]
- if self.InfFileName.find('$') == -1:
- InfPath = NormPath(self.InfFileName)
- if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
- InfPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(InfPath)
- if not os.path.exists(InfPath):
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Non-existant Module %s !" % (self.InfFileName))
- self.CurrentArch = self.GetCurrentArch()
- #
- # Get the InfClass object
- #
- PathClassObj = PathClass(self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
- ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClassObj.Validate(".inf")
- if ErrorCode != 0:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
- if self.CurrentArch != None:
- Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, self.CurrentArch]
- #
- # Set Ffs BaseName, MdouleGuid, ModuleType, Version, OutputPath
- #
- self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
- self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
- self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
- if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
- self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
- if Inf.AutoGenVersion < 0x00010005:
- self.ModuleType = Inf.ComponentType
- self.VersionString = Inf.Version
- self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
- self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
- if self.KeepReloc == None and Inf.Shadow:
- self.ShadowFromInfFile = Inf.Shadow
- else:
- Inf = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[PathClassObj, 'COMMON']
- self.BaseName = Inf.BaseName
- self.ModuleGuid = Inf.Guid
- self.ModuleType = Inf.ModuleType
- if Inf.Specification != None and 'PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION' in Inf.Specification:
- self.PiSpecVersion = Inf.Specification['PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION']
- self.VersionString = Inf.Version
- self.BinFileList = Inf.Binaries
- self.SourceFileList = Inf.Sources
- if self.BinFileList == []:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR,
- "INF %s specified in FDF could not be found in build ARCH %s!" \
- % (self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList))
- if len(self.SourceFileList) != 0 and not self.InDsc:
- EdkLogger.warn("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % (self.InfFileName))
- if self.ModuleType == 'SMM_CORE' and self.PiSpecVersion < 0x0001000A:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "SMM_CORE module type can't be used in the module with PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION less than 0x0001000A", File=self.InfFileName)
- if Inf._Defs != None and len(Inf._Defs) > 0:
- self.OptRomDefs.update(Inf._Defs)
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "BaseName : %s" %self.BaseName)
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleGuid : %s" %self.ModuleGuid)
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("ModuleType : %s" %self.ModuleType)
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("VersionString : %s" %self.VersionString)
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("InfFileName :%s" %self.InfFileName)
- #
- # Set OutputPath = ${WorkSpace}\Build\Fv\Ffs\${ModuleGuid}+ ${MdouleName}\
- #
- self.OutputPath = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir, \
- self.ModuleGuid + self.BaseName)
- if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath) :
- os.makedirs(self.OutputPath)
- self.EfiOutputPath = self.__GetEFIOutPutPath__()
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "ModuelEFIPath: " + self.EfiOutputPath)
- ## GenFfs() method
- #
- # Generate FFS
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Dict dictionary contains macro and value pair
- # @param FvChildAddr Array of the inside FvImage base address
- # @param FvParentAddr Parent Fv base address
- # @retval string Generated FFS file name
- #
- def GenFfs(self, Dict = {}, FvChildAddr = [], FvParentAddr=None):
- #
- # Parse Inf file get Module related information
- #
- self.__InfParse__(Dict)
- #
- # Allow binary type module not specify override rule in FDF file.
- #
- if len(self.BinFileList) >0 and not self.InDsc:
- if self.Rule == None or self.Rule == "":
- self.Rule = "BINARY"
- #
- # Get the rule of how to generate Ffs file
- #
- Rule = self.__GetRule__()
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "Packing binaries from inf file : %s" %self.InfFileName)
- #
- # Convert Fv File Type for PI1.1 SMM driver.
- #
- if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and self.PiSpecVersion >= 0x0001000A:
- if Rule.FvFileType == 'DRIVER':
- Rule.FvFileType = 'SMM'
- #
- # Framework SMM Driver has no SMM FV file type
- #
- if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and self.PiSpecVersion < 0x0001000A:
- if Rule.FvFileType == 'SMM' or Rule.FvFileType == 'SMM_CORE':
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Framework SMM module doesn't support SMM or SMM_CORE FV file type", File=self.InfFileName)
- #
- # For the rule only has simpleFile
- #
- if isinstance (Rule, RuleSimpleFile.RuleSimpleFile) :
- SectionOutputList = self.__GenSimpleFileSection__(Rule)
- FfsOutput = self.__GenSimpleFileFfs__(Rule, SectionOutputList)
- return FfsOutput
- #
- # For Rule has ComplexFile
- #
- elif isinstance(Rule, RuleComplexFile.RuleComplexFile):
- InputSectList, InputSectAlignments = self.__GenComplexFileSection__(Rule, FvChildAddr, FvParentAddr)
- FfsOutput = self.__GenComplexFileFfs__(Rule, InputSectList, InputSectAlignments)
- return FfsOutput
- ## __ExtendMacro__() method
- #
- # Replace macro with its value
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param String The string to be replaced
- # @retval string Macro replaced string
- #
- def __ExtendMacro__ (self, String):
- MacroDict = {
- '$(INF_OUTPUT)' : self.EfiOutputPath,
- '$(MODULE_NAME)' : self.BaseName,
- '$(BUILD_NUMBER)': self.BuildNum,
- '$(INF_VERSION)' : self.VersionString,
- '$(NAMED_GUID)' : self.ModuleGuid
- }
- String = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(String, MacroDict)
- return String
- ## __GetRule__() method
- #
- # Get correct rule for generating FFS for this INF
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval Rule Rule object
- #
- def __GetRule__ (self) :
- CurrentArchList = []
- if self.CurrentArch == None:
- CurrentArchList = ['common']
- else:
- CurrentArchList.append(self.CurrentArch)
- for CurrentArch in CurrentArchList:
- RuleName = 'RULE' + \
- '.' + \
- CurrentArch.upper() + \
- '.' + \
- self.ModuleType.upper()
- if self.Rule != None:
- RuleName = RuleName + \
- '.' + \
- self.Rule.upper()
- Rule = GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.RuleDict.get(RuleName)
- if Rule != None:
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ("Want To Find Rule Name is : " + RuleName)
- return Rule
- RuleName = 'RULE' + \
- '.' + \
- 'COMMON' + \
- '.' + \
- self.ModuleType.upper()
- if self.Rule != None:
- RuleName = RuleName + \
- '.' + \
- self.Rule.upper()
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ('Trying to apply common rule %s for INF %s' % (RuleName, self.InfFileName))
- Rule = GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.RuleDict.get(RuleName)
- if Rule != None:
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ("Want To Find Rule Name is : " + RuleName)
- return Rule
- if Rule == None :
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, 'Don\'t Find common rule %s for INF %s' \
- % (RuleName, self.InfFileName))
- ## __GetPlatformArchList__() method
- #
- # Get Arch list this INF built under
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval list Arch list
- #
- def __GetPlatformArchList__(self):
- InfFileKey = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir, self.InfFileName))
- DscArchList = []
- PlatformDataBase = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, 'IA32']
- if PlatformDataBase != None:
- if InfFileKey in PlatformDataBase.Modules:
- DscArchList.append ('IA32')
- PlatformDataBase = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, 'X64']
- if PlatformDataBase != None:
- if InfFileKey in PlatformDataBase.Modules:
- DscArchList.append ('X64')
- PlatformDataBase = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, 'IPF']
- if PlatformDataBase != None:
- if InfFileKey in (PlatformDataBase.Modules):
- DscArchList.append ('IPF')
- PlatformDataBase = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, 'ARM']
- if PlatformDataBase != None:
- if InfFileKey in (PlatformDataBase.Modules):
- DscArchList.append ('ARM')
- PlatformDataBase = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, 'EBC']
- if PlatformDataBase != None:
- if InfFileKey in (PlatformDataBase.Modules):
- DscArchList.append ('EBC')
- return DscArchList
- ## GetCurrentArch() method
- #
- # Get Arch list of the module from this INF is to be placed into flash
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval list Arch list
- #
- def GetCurrentArch(self) :
- TargetArchList = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList
- PlatformArchList = self.__GetPlatformArchList__()
- CurArchList = TargetArchList
- if PlatformArchList != []:
- CurArchList = list(set (TargetArchList) & set (PlatformArchList))
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger ("Valid target architecture(s) is : " + " ".join(CurArchList))
- ArchList = []
- if self.KeyStringList != []:
- for Key in self.KeyStringList:
- Key = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(Key)
- Target, Tag, Arch = Key.split('_')
- if Arch in CurArchList:
- ArchList.append(Arch)
- if Target not in self.TargetOverrideList:
- self.TargetOverrideList.append(Target)
- else:
- ArchList = CurArchList
- UseArchList = TargetArchList
- if self.UseArch != None:
- UseArchList = []
- UseArchList.append(self.UseArch)
- ArchList = list(set (UseArchList) & set (ArchList))
- self.InfFileName = NormPath(self.InfFileName)
- if len(PlatformArchList) == 0:
- self.InDsc = False
- PathClassObj = PathClass(self.InfFileName, GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
- ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClassObj.Validate(".inf")
- if ErrorCode != 0:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
- if len(ArchList) == 1:
- Arch = ArchList[0]
- return Arch
- elif len(ArchList) > 1:
- if len(PlatformArchList) == 0:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "GenFds command line option has multiple ARCHs %s. Not able to determine which ARCH is valid for Module %s !" % (str(ArchList), self.InfFileName))
- else:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module built under multiple ARCHs %s. Not able to determine which output to put into flash for Module %s !" % (str(ArchList), self.InfFileName))
- else:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "Module %s appears under ARCH %s in platform %s, but current deduced ARCH is %s, so NO build output could be put into flash." \
- % (self.InfFileName, str(PlatformArchList), GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, str(set (UseArchList) & set (TargetArchList))))
- ## __GetEFIOutPutPath__() method
- #
- # Get the output path for generated files
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval string Path that output files from this INF go to
- #
- def __GetEFIOutPutPath__(self):
- Arch = ''
- OutputPath = ''
- (ModulePath, FileName) = os.path.split(self.InfFileName)
- Index = FileName.find('.')
- FileName = FileName[0:Index]
- Arch = "NoneArch"
- if self.CurrentArch != None:
- Arch = self.CurrentArch
- OutputPath = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDirDict[Arch],
- Arch ,
- ModulePath,
- FileName,
- )
- OutputPath = os.path.realpath(OutputPath)
- return OutputPath
- ## __GenSimpleFileSection__() method
- #
- # Generate section by specified file name or a list of files with file extension
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Rule The rule object used to generate section
- # @retval string File name of the generated section file
- #
- def __GenSimpleFileSection__(self, Rule):
- #
- # Prepare the parameter of GenSection
- #
- FileList = []
- OutputFileList = []
- GenSecInputFile = None
- if Rule.FileName != None:
- GenSecInputFile = self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.FileName)
- if os.path.isabs(GenSecInputFile):
- GenSecInputFile = os.path.normpath(GenSecInputFile)
- else:
- GenSecInputFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.EfiOutputPath, GenSecInputFile))
- else:
- FileList, IsSect = Section.Section.GetFileList(self, '', Rule.FileExtension)
- Index = 1
- SectionType = Rule.SectionType
- #
- # Convert Fv Section Type for PI1.1 SMM driver.
- #
- if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and self.PiSpecVersion >= 0x0001000A:
- if SectionType == 'DXE_DEPEX':
- SectionType = 'SMM_DEPEX'
- #
- # Framework SMM Driver has no SMM_DEPEX section type
- #
- if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and self.PiSpecVersion < 0x0001000A:
- if SectionType == 'SMM_DEPEX':
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Framework SMM module doesn't support SMM_DEPEX section type", File=self.InfFileName)
- NoStrip = True
- if self.ModuleType in ('SEC', 'PEI_CORE', 'PEIM'):
- if self.KeepReloc != None:
- NoStrip = self.KeepReloc
- elif Rule.KeepReloc != None:
- NoStrip = Rule.KeepReloc
- elif self.ShadowFromInfFile != None:
- NoStrip = self.ShadowFromInfFile
- if FileList != [] :
- for File in FileList:
- SecNum = '%d' %Index
- GenSecOutputFile= self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.NameGuid) + \
- Ffs.Ffs.SectionSuffix[SectionType] + 'SEC' + SecNum
- Index = Index + 1
- OutputFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, GenSecOutputFile)
- File = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(File, Dict, self.CurrentArch)
- #Get PE Section alignment when align is set to AUTO
- if self.Alignment == 'Auto' and (SectionType == 'PE32' or SectionType == 'TE'):
- ImageObj = PeImageClass (File)
- if ImageObj.SectionAlignment < 0x400:
- self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment)
- else:
- self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment / 0x400) + 'K'
- if not NoStrip:
- FileBeforeStrip = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.reloc')
- if not os.path.exists(FileBeforeStrip) or \
- (os.path.getmtime(File) > os.path.getmtime(FileBeforeStrip)):
- shutil.copyfile(File, FileBeforeStrip)
- StrippedFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.stipped')
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFirmwareImage(
- StrippedFile,
- [File],
- Strip=True
- )
- File = StrippedFile
- if SectionType == 'TE':
- TeFile = os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.ModuleGuid + 'Te.raw')
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFirmwareImage(
- TeFile,
- [File],
- Type='te'
- )
- File = TeFile
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateSection(OutputFile, [File], Section.Section.SectionType[SectionType])
- OutputFileList.append(OutputFile)
- else:
- SecNum = '%d' %Index
- GenSecOutputFile= self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.NameGuid) + \
- Ffs.Ffs.SectionSuffix[SectionType] + 'SEC' + SecNum
- OutputFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, GenSecOutputFile)
- GenSecInputFile = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(GenSecInputFile, Dict, self.CurrentArch)
- #Get PE Section alignment when align is set to AUTO
- if self.Alignment == 'Auto' and (SectionType == 'PE32' or SectionType == 'TE'):
- ImageObj = PeImageClass (GenSecInputFile)
- if ImageObj.SectionAlignment < 0x400:
- self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment)
- else:
- self.Alignment = str (ImageObj.SectionAlignment / 0x400) + 'K'
- if not NoStrip:
- FileBeforeStrip = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.reloc')
- if not os.path.exists(FileBeforeStrip) or \
- (os.path.getmtime(GenSecInputFile) > os.path.getmtime(FileBeforeStrip)):
- shutil.copyfile(GenSecInputFile, FileBeforeStrip)
- StrippedFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, ModuleName + '.stipped')
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFirmwareImage(
- StrippedFile,
- [GenSecInputFile],
- Strip=True
- )
- GenSecInputFile = StrippedFile
- if SectionType == 'TE':
- TeFile = os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.ModuleGuid + 'Te.raw')
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFirmwareImage(
- TeFile,
- [GenSecInputFile],
- Type='te'
- )
- GenSecInputFile = TeFile
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateSection(OutputFile, [GenSecInputFile], Section.Section.SectionType[SectionType])
- OutputFileList.append(OutputFile)
- return OutputFileList
- ## __GenSimpleFileFfs__() method
- #
- # Generate FFS
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Rule The rule object used to generate section
- # @param InputFileList The output file list from GenSection
- # @retval string Generated FFS file name
- #
- def __GenSimpleFileFfs__(self, Rule, InputFileList):
- FfsOutput = self.OutputPath + \
- os.sep + \
- self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.NameGuid) + \
- '.ffs'
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger(self.__ExtendMacro__(Rule.NameGuid))
- InputSection = []
- SectionAlignments = []
- for InputFile in InputFileList:
- InputSection.append(InputFile)
- SectionAlignments.append(Rule.SectAlignment)
- if Rule.NameGuid != None and Rule.NameGuid.startswith('PCD('):
- PcdValue = GenFdsGlobalVariable.GetPcdValue(Rule.NameGuid)
- if len(PcdValue) == 0:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, '%s NOT defined.' \
- % (Rule.NameGuid))
- if PcdValue.startswith('{'):
- PcdValue = GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(PcdValue)
- RegistryGuidStr = PcdValue
- if len(RegistryGuidStr) == 0:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, 'GUID value for %s in wrong format.' \
- % (Rule.NameGuid))
- self.ModuleGuid = RegistryGuidStr
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFfs(FfsOutput, InputSection,
- Ffs.Ffs.FdfFvFileTypeToFileType[Rule.FvFileType],
- self.ModuleGuid, Fixed=Rule.Fixed,
- CheckSum=Rule.CheckSum, Align=Rule.Alignment,
- SectionAlign=SectionAlignments
- )
- return FfsOutput
- ## __GenComplexFileSection__() method
- #
- # Generate section by sections in Rule
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Rule The rule object used to generate section
- # @param FvChildAddr Array of the inside FvImage base address
- # @param FvParentAddr Parent Fv base address
- # @retval string File name of the generated section file
- #
- def __GenComplexFileSection__(self, Rule, FvChildAddr, FvParentAddr):
- if self.ModuleType in ('SEC', 'PEI_CORE', 'PEIM'):
- if Rule.KeepReloc != None:
- self.KeepRelocFromRule = Rule.KeepReloc
- SectFiles = []
- SectAlignments = []
- Index = 1
- for Sect in Rule.SectionList:
- SecIndex = '%d' %Index
- SectList = []
- #
- # Convert Fv Section Type for PI1.1 SMM driver.
- #
- if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and self.PiSpecVersion >= 0x0001000A:
- if Sect.SectionType == 'DXE_DEPEX':
- Sect.SectionType = 'SMM_DEPEX'
- #
- # Framework SMM Driver has no SMM_DEPEX section type
- #
- if self.ModuleType == 'DXE_SMM_DRIVER' and self.PiSpecVersion < 0x0001000A:
- if Sect.SectionType == 'SMM_DEPEX':
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Framework SMM module doesn't support SMM_DEPEX section type", File=self.InfFileName)
- #
- # process the inside FvImage from FvSection or GuidSection
- #
- if FvChildAddr != []:
- if isinstance(Sect, FvImageSection):
- Sect.FvAddr = FvChildAddr.pop(0)
- elif isinstance(Sect, GuidSection):
- Sect.FvAddr = FvChildAddr
- if FvParentAddr != None and isinstance(Sect, GuidSection):
- Sect.FvParentAddr = FvParentAddr
- if Rule.KeyStringList != []:
- SectList, Align = Sect.GenSection(self.OutputPath , self.ModuleGuid, SecIndex, Rule.KeyStringList, self)
- else :
- SectList, Align = Sect.GenSection(self.OutputPath , self.ModuleGuid, SecIndex, self.KeyStringList, self)
- for SecName in SectList :
- SectFiles.append(SecName)
- SectAlignments.append(Align)
- Index = Index + 1
- return SectFiles, SectAlignments
- ## __GenComplexFileFfs__() method
- #
- # Generate FFS
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Rule The rule object used to generate section
- # @param InputFileList The output file list from GenSection
- # @retval string Generated FFS file name
- #
- def __GenComplexFileFfs__(self, Rule, InputFile, Alignments):
- if Rule.NameGuid != None and Rule.NameGuid.startswith('PCD('):
- PcdValue = GenFdsGlobalVariable.GetPcdValue(Rule.NameGuid)
- if len(PcdValue) == 0:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, '%s NOT defined.' \
- % (Rule.NameGuid))
- if PcdValue.startswith('{'):
- PcdValue = GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(PcdValue)
- RegistryGuidStr = PcdValue
- if len(RegistryGuidStr) == 0:
- EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, 'GUID value for %s in wrong format.' \
- % (Rule.NameGuid))
- self.ModuleGuid = RegistryGuidStr
- FfsOutput = os.path.join( self.OutputPath, self.ModuleGuid + '.ffs')
- GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFfs(FfsOutput, InputFile,
- Ffs.Ffs.FdfFvFileTypeToFileType[Rule.FvFileType],
- self.ModuleGuid, Fixed=Rule.Fixed,
- CheckSum=Rule.CheckSum, Align=Rule.Alignment,
- SectionAlign=Alignments
- )
- return FfsOutput
- ## __GetGenFfsCmdParameter__() method
- #
- # Create parameter string for GenFfs
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Rule The rule object used to generate section
- # @retval tuple (FileType, Fixed, CheckSum, Alignment)
- #
- def __GetGenFfsCmdParameter__(self, Rule):
- result = tuple()
- result += ('-t', Ffs.Ffs.FdfFvFileTypeToFileType[Rule.FvFileType])
- if Rule.Fixed != False:
- result += ('-x',)
- if Rule.CheckSum != False:
- result += ('-s',)
- if Rule.Alignment != None and Rule.Alignment != '':
- result += ('-a', Rule.Alignment)
- return result