path: root/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenPatchPcdTable/
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Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Source/Python/GenPatchPcdTable/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenPatchPcdTable/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenPatchPcdTable/
deleted file mode 100644
index 74ad01166c..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenPatchPcdTable/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# Generate PCD table for 'Patchable In Module' type PCD with given .map file.
-# The Patch PCD table like:
-# PCD Name Offset in binary
-# ======== ================
-# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-#====================================== External Libraries ========================================
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import array
-from Common.BuildToolError import *
-import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
-from Common.Misc import PeImageClass
-# Version and Copyright
-__version_number__ = "0.10"
-__version__ = "%prog Version " + __version_number__
-__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved."
-#====================================== Internal Libraries ========================================
-#============================================== Code ===============================================
-secRe = re.compile('^([\da-fA-F]+):([\da-fA-F]+) +([\da-fA-F]+)[Hh]? +([.\w\$]+) +(\w+)', re.UNICODE)
-symRe = re.compile('^([\da-fA-F]+):([\da-fA-F]+) +([\.:\\\\\w\?@\$]+) +([\da-fA-F]+)', re.UNICODE)
-def parsePcdInfoFromMapFile(mapfilepath, efifilepath):
- """ Parse map file to get binary patch pcd information
- @param path Map file absolution path
- @return a list which element hold (PcdName, Offset, SectionName)
- """
- lines = []
- try:
- f = open(mapfilepath, 'r')
- lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- except:
- return None
- if len(lines) == 0: return None
- if lines[0].strip().find("Archive member included because of file (symbol)") != -1:
- return _parseForGCC(lines)
- return _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath)
-def _parseForGCC(lines):
- """ Parse map file generated by GCC linker """
- status = 0
- imageBase = -1
- lastSectionName = None
- pcds = []
- for line in lines:
- line = line.strip()
- # status machine transection
- if status == 0 and line == "Linker script and memory map":
- status = 1
- continue
- elif status == 1 and line == 'START GROUP':
- status = 2
- continue
- # status handler:
- if status == 1:
- m = re.match('^[\da-fA-FxhH]+ +__image_base__ += +([\da-fA-FhxH]+)', line)
- if m != None:
- imageBase = int(m.groups(0)[0], 16)
- if status == 2:
- m = re.match('^([\w_\.]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+)', line)
- if m != None:
- lastSectionName = m.groups(0)[0]
- if status == 2:
- m = re.match("^([\da-fA-Fx]+) +[_]+gPcd_BinaryPatch_([\w_\d]+)", line)
- if m != None:
- assert imageBase != -1, "Fail to get Binary PCD offsest for unknown image base address"
- pcds.append((m.groups(0)[1], int(m.groups(0)[0], 16) - imageBase, lastSectionName))
- return pcds
-def _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath):
- """ For MSFT, ICC, EBC
- @param lines line array for map file
- @return a list which element hold (PcdName, Offset, SectionName)
- """
- status = 0 #0 - beginning of file; 1 - PE section definition; 2 - symbol table
- secs = [] # key = section name
- bPcds = []
- for line in lines:
- line = line.strip()
- if re.match("^Start[' ']+Length[' ']+Name[' ']+Class", line):
- status = 1
- continue
- if re.match("^Address[' ']+Publics by Value[' ']+Rva\+Base", line):
- status = 2
- continue
- if re.match("^entry point at", line):
- status = 3
- continue
- if status == 1 and len(line) != 0:
- m = secRe.match(line)
- assert m != None, "Fail to parse the section in map file , line is %s" % line
- sec_no, sec_start, sec_length, sec_name, sec_class = m.groups(0)
- secs.append([int(sec_no, 16), int(sec_start, 16), int(sec_length, 16), sec_name, sec_class])
- if status == 2 and len(line) != 0:
- m = symRe.match(line)
- assert m != None, "Fail to parse the symbol in map file, line is %s" % line
- sec_no, sym_offset, sym_name, vir_addr = m.groups(0)
- sec_no = int(sec_no, 16)
- sym_offset = int(sym_offset, 16)
- vir_addr = int(vir_addr, 16)
- m2 = re.match('^[_]+gPcd_BinaryPatch_([\w]+)', sym_name)
- if m2 != None:
- # fond a binary pcd entry in map file
- for sec in secs:
- if sec[0] == sec_no and (sym_offset >= sec[1] and sym_offset < sec[1] + sec[2]):
- bPcds.append([m2.groups(0)[0], sec[3], sym_offset, vir_addr, sec_no])
- if len(bPcds) == 0: return None
- # get section information from efi file
- efisecs = PeImageClass(efifilepath).SectionHeaderList
- if efisecs == None or len(efisecs) == 0:
- return None
- pcds = []
- for pcd in bPcds:
- index = 0
- for efisec in efisecs:
- index = index + 1
- if pcd[1].strip() == efisec[0].strip():
- pcds.append([pcd[0], efisec[2] + pcd[2], efisec[0]])
- elif pcd[4] == index:
- pcds.append([pcd[0], efisec[2] + pcd[2], efisec[0]])
- return pcds
-def generatePcdTable(list, pcdpath):
- try:
- f = open(pcdpath, 'w')
- except:
- pass
- f.write('PCD Name Offset Section Name\r\n')
- for pcditem in list:
- f.write('%-30s 0x%-08X %-6s\r\n' % (pcditem[0], pcditem[1], pcditem[2]))
- f.close()
- #print 'Success to generate Binary Patch PCD table at %s!' % pcdpath
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- UsageString = "%prog -m <MapFile> -e <EfiFile> -o <OutFile>"
- AdditionalNotes = "\nPCD table is generated in file name with .BinaryPcdTable.txt postfix"
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=__copyright__, version=__version__, usage=UsageString)
- parser.add_option('-m', '--mapfile', action='store', dest='mapfile',
- help='Absolute path of module map file.')
- parser.add_option('-e', '--efifile', action='store', dest='efifile',
- help='Absolute path of EFI binary file.')
- parser.add_option('-o', '--outputfile', action='store', dest='outfile',
- help='Absolute path of output file to store the got patchable PCD table.')
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if options.mapfile == None or options.efifile == None:
- print parser.get_usage()
- elif os.path.exists(options.mapfile) and os.path.exists(options.efifile):
- list = parsePcdInfoFromMapFile(options.mapfile, options.efifile)
- if list != None:
- if options.outfile != None:
- generatePcdTable(list, options.outfile)
- else:
- generatePcdTable(list, options.mapfile.replace('.map', '.BinaryPcdTable.txt'))
- else:
- print 'Fail to generate Patch PCD Table based on map file and efi file'
- else:
- print 'Fail to generate Patch PCD Table for fail to find map file or efi file!'