diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Source/Python/MigrationMsa2Inf/AutoGenExterns.py')
-rw-r--r-- | BaseTools/Source/Python/MigrationMsa2Inf/AutoGenExterns.py | 369 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 369 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/MigrationMsa2Inf/AutoGenExterns.py b/BaseTools/Source/Python/MigrationMsa2Inf/AutoGenExterns.py deleted file mode 100644 index 37fff885a8..0000000000 --- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/MigrationMsa2Inf/AutoGenExterns.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,369 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
-# Import Modules
-import re, os, glob
-from Common.XmlRoutines import *
-#"ModuleType"=>(PackageGuid, headerFileName) List
-HeaderFiles = {}
-GuidList = []
-GuidMap = {}
-HeaderFileContents = {}
-gTest = {}
-GuidMacro2CName = {}
-GuidAliasList = []
-def collectIncludeFolder(pkgDirName, guidType, pkgName):
- includeFolder = os.path.join(pkgDirName, "Include", guidType)
- if os.path.exists(includeFolder) and os.path.isdir(includeFolder):
- for headerFileName in os.listdir(includeFolder):
- if headerFileName[-2:] == ".h":
- headerFile = open(os.path.join(includeFolder, headerFileName))
- HeaderFileContents[(guidType, headerFileName, pkgName)] = headerFile.read()
- headerFile.close()
-GuidMacroReg = re.compile(r"\b(?!EFI_GUID\b)[A-Z0-9_]+_GUID\b")
-GuidCNameReg = re.compile(r"\bg\w+Guid\b")
-GuidAliasReg = re.compile(r"#define\s+([A-Z0-9_]+_GUID)\s+([A-Z0-9_]+_GUID)\b")
-def collectPackageInfo(spdFileName):
- pkgDirName = os.path.dirname(spdFileName)
- spd = XmlParseFile(spdFileName)
- pkgName = XmlElement(spd, "/PackageSurfaceArea/SpdHeader/PackageName")
- pkgGuid = XmlElement(spd, "/PackageSurfaceArea/SpdHeader/GuidValue")
- for IncludePkgHeader in XmlList(spd, "/PackageSurfaceArea/PackageHeaders/IncludePkgHeader"):
- moduleType = XmlAttribute(IncludePkgHeader, "ModuleType")
- headerFilePath = XmlElementData(IncludePkgHeader)
- headerFilePath = re.sub("Include/", "", headerFilePath, 1)
- headerTuple = HeaderFiles.get(moduleType, [])
- headerTuple.append((pkgGuid, headerFilePath))
- HeaderFiles[moduleType] = headerTuple
- guidTypes = ["Guid", "Protocol", "Ppi"]
- for guidType in guidTypes:
- for guidEntry in XmlList(spd, "/PackageSurfaceArea/" + guidType + "Declarations/Entry"):
- guidCName = XmlElement(guidEntry, "Entry/C_Name")
- GuidList.append(guidCName)
- collectIncludeFolder(pkgDirName, guidType, pkgName)
- for DecFile in glob.glob(os.path.join(pkgDirName, "*.dec")):
- fileContents = open(DecFile).read()
- for GuidCNameMatch in GuidCNameReg.finditer(fileContents):
- GuidCName = GuidCNameMatch.group(0)
- if GuidCName not in GuidList:
- GuidList.append(GuidCName)
-def AddGuidMacro2GuidCName(GuidMacros, GuidCNames):
- for GuidMacro in GuidMacros:
- GuessGuidCName = "g" + GuidMacro.lower().title().replace("_", "")
- if GuessGuidCName in GuidCNames:
- GuidMacro2CName[GuidMacro] = GuessGuidCName
- elif len(GuidCNames) == 1:
- GuidMacro2CName[GuidMacro] = GuidCNames[0]
- else:
- for GuidCName in GuidCNames:
- if GuidCName.lower() == GuessGuidCName.lower():
- GuidMacro2CName[GuidMacro] = GuidCName
- break
- else:
- pass
- #print "No matching GuidMacro %s" % GuidMacro
-def TranslateGuid(GuidMacroMatch):
- GuidMacro = GuidMacroMatch.group(0)
- return GuidMacro2CName.get(GuidMacro, GuidMacro)
-DepexReg = re.compile(r"DEPENDENCY_START(.*?)DEPENDENCY_END", re.DOTALL)
-def TranslateDpxSection(fileContents):
- DepexMatch = DepexReg.search(fileContents)
- if not DepexMatch:
- return "", []
- fileContents = DepexMatch.group(1)
- fileContents = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", fileContents).strip()
- fileContents = GuidMacroReg.sub(TranslateGuid, fileContents)
- return fileContents, GuidMacroReg.findall(fileContents)
-def InitializeAutoGen(workspace, db):
- for spdFile in XmlList(db, "/FrameworkDatabase/PackageList/Filename"):
- spdFileName = XmlElementData(spdFile)
- collectPackageInfo(os.path.join(workspace, spdFileName))
- BlockCommentReg = re.compile(r"/\*.*?\*/", re.DOTALL)
- LineCommentReg = re.compile(r"//.*")
- GuidReg = re.compile(r"\b(" + '|'.join(GuidList) + r")\b")
- for headerFile in HeaderFileContents:
- Contents = HeaderFileContents[headerFile]
- Contents = BlockCommentReg.sub("", Contents)
- Contents = LineCommentReg.sub("", Contents)
- FoundGuids = GuidReg.findall(Contents)
- for FoundGuid in FoundGuids:
- GuidMap[FoundGuid] = "%s/%s" % (headerFile[0], headerFile[1])
- #print "%-40s %s/%s" % (FoundGuid, headerFile[0], headerFile[1])
- GuidMacros = GuidMacroReg.findall(Contents)
- GuidCNames = GuidCNameReg.findall(Contents)
- for GuidAliasMatch in GuidAliasReg.finditer(Contents):
- Name1, Name2 = GuidAliasMatch.group(1), GuidAliasMatch.group(2)
- GuidAliasList.append((Name1, Name2))
- AddGuidMacro2GuidCName(GuidMacros, GuidCNames)
-def AddSystemIncludeStatement(moduleType, PackageList):
- IncludeStatement = "\n"
- headerList = HeaderFiles.get(moduleType, [])
- for pkgGuid in PackageList:
- for pkgTuple in headerList:
- if pkgTuple[0] == pkgGuid:
- IncludeStatement += "#include <%s>\n" % pkgTuple[1]
- return IncludeStatement
-def AddLibraryClassStatement(LibraryClassList):
- IncludeStatement = "\n"
- for LibraryClass in LibraryClassList:
- IncludeStatement += "#include <Library/%s.h>\n" % LibraryClass
- return IncludeStatement
-def AddGuidStatement(GuidList):
- IncludeStatement = "\n"
- GuidIncludeSet = {}
- for Guid in GuidList:
- if Guid in GuidMap:
- GuidIncludeSet[GuidMap[Guid]] = 1
- else:
- print "GUID CName: %s cannot be found in any public header file" % Guid
- for GuidInclude in GuidIncludeSet:
- IncludeStatement += "#include <%s>\n" % GuidInclude
- return IncludeStatement
-DriverBindingMap = {
- "gEfiDriverBindingProtocolGuid" : "EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL",
- "gEfiComponentNameProtocolGuid" : "EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL",
- "gEfiDriverConfigurationProtocolGuid" : "EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL",
- "gEfiDriverDiagnosticProtocolGuid" : "EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL"
- }
-def AddDriverBindingProtocolStatement(AutoGenDriverModel):
- InstallStatement = "\n"
- DBindingHandle = "ImageHandle"
- GlobalDeclaration = "\n"
- for DriverModelItem in AutoGenDriverModel:
- if DriverModelItem[1] == "NULL" and DriverModelItem[2] == "NULL" and DriverModelItem[3] == "NULL":
- InstallStatement += " Status = EfiLibInstallDriverBinding (\n"
- InstallStatement += " ImageHandle,\n"
- InstallStatement += " SystemTable,\n"
- InstallStatement += " %s,\n" % DriverModelItem[0]
- InstallStatement += " %s\n" % DBindingHandle
- InstallStatement += " );\n"
- else:
- InstallStatement += " Status = EfiLibInstallAllDriverProtocols (\n"
- InstallStatement += " ImageHandle,\n"
- InstallStatement += " SystemTable,\n"
- InstallStatement += " %s,\n" % DriverModelItem[0]
- InstallStatement += " %s,\n" % DBindingHandle
- InstallStatement += " %s,\n" % DriverModelItem[1]
- InstallStatement += " %s,\n" % DriverModelItem[2]
- InstallStatement += " %s\n" % DriverModelItem[3]
- InstallStatement += " );\n"
- InstallStatement += " ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\n\n"
- GlobalDeclaration += "extern EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL %s;\n" % DriverModelItem[0][1:]
- if (DriverModelItem[1] != "NULL"):
- GlobalDeclaration += "extern EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL %s;\n" % DriverModelItem[1][1:]
- if (DriverModelItem[2] != "NULL"):
- GlobalDeclaration += "extern EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL %s;\n" % DriverModelItem[2][1:]
- if (DriverModelItem[3] != "NULL"):
- GlobalDeclaration += "extern EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL %s;\n" % DriverModelItem[3][1:]
- DBindingHandle = "NULL"
- return (InstallStatement, "", "", GlobalDeclaration)
-EventDeclarationTemplate = """
-// Declaration for callback Event.
-%s (
- IN VOID *Context
- );
-def AddBootServiceEventStatement(EventList):
- FinalEvent = ""
- if len(EventList) > 1:
- print "Current prototype does not support multi boot service event"
- else:
- FinalEvent = EventList[0]
- CreateStatement = "\n"
- CreateStatement += " Status = gBS->CreateEvent (\n"
- CreateStatement += " EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES,\n"
- CreateStatement += " EFI_TPL_NOTIFY,\n"
- CreateStatement += " " + FinalEvent + ",\n"
- CreateStatement += " NULL,\n"
- CreateStatement += " &mExitBootServicesEvent\n"
- CreateStatement += " );\n"
- CreateStatement += " ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\n"
- GlobalDefinition = "\n"
- GlobalDefinition += "STATIC EFI_EVENT mExitBootServicesEvent = NULL;\n"
- GlobalDeclaration = EventDeclarationTemplate % FinalEvent
- DestroyStatement = "\n"
- DestroyStatement += " Status = gBS->CloseEvent (mExitBootServicesEvent);\n"
- DestroyStatement += " ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\n"
- return (CreateStatement, "", GlobalDefinition, GlobalDeclaration)
-def AddVirtualAddressEventStatement(EventList):
- FinalEvent = ""
- if len(EventList) > 1:
- print "Current prototype does not support multi virtual address change event"
- else:
- FinalEvent = EventList[0]
- CreateStatement = "\n"
- CreateStatement += " Status = gBS->CreateEvent (\n"
- CreateStatement += " TPL_NOTIFY,\n"
- CreateStatement += " " + FinalEvent + ",\n"
- CreateStatement += " NULL,\n"
- CreateStatement += " &mVirtualAddressChangedEvent\n"
- CreateStatement += " );\n"
- CreateStatement += " ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\n"
- GlobalDefinition = "\n"
- GlobalDefinition += "STATIC EFI_EVENT mVirtualAddressChangedEvent = NULL;\n"
- GlobalDeclaration = EventDeclarationTemplate % FinalEvent
- DestroyStatement = "\n"
- DestroyStatement += " Status = gBS->CloseEvent (mVirtualAddressChangedEvent);\n"
- DestroyStatement += " ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);\n"
- return (CreateStatement, "", GlobalDefinition, GlobalDeclaration)
-EntryPointDeclarationTemplate = """
-// Declaration for original Entry Point.
-%s (
- IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
- );
-EntryPointHeader = r"""
- The user Entry Point for module %s. The user code starts with this function.
- @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
- @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
- @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully.
- @retval other Some error occurs when executing this entry point.
-def AddNewEntryPointContentsStatement (moduleName, EntryPoint, InstallStatement = ""):
- if EntryPoint != "Initialize%s" % moduleName:
- NewEntryPoint = "Initialize%s" % moduleName
- else:
- NewEntryPoint = "NewInitialize%s" % moduleName
- EntryPointContents = EntryPointHeader % moduleName
- EntryPointContents += "EFI_STATUS\n"
- EntryPointContents += "EFIAPI\n"
- EntryPointContents += NewEntryPoint + "(\n"
- EntryPointContents += " IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,\n"
- EntryPointContents += " IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable\n"
- EntryPointContents += " )\n"
- EntryPointContents += "{\n"
- EntryPointContents += " EFI_STATUS Status;\n"
- EntryPointContents += InstallStatement + "\n"
- GlobalDeclaration = ""
- if EntryPoint != "":
- EntryPointContents += " //\n // Call the original Entry Point\n //\n"
- EntryPointContents += " Status = %s (ImageHandle, SystemTable);\n\n" % EntryPoint
- GlobalDeclaration += EntryPointDeclarationTemplate % EntryPoint
- EntryPointContents += " return Status;\n"
- EntryPointContents += "}\n"
- return (NewEntryPoint, EntryPointContents, GlobalDeclaration)
-reFileHeader = re.compile(r"^\s*/\*.*?\*/\s*", re.DOTALL)
-reNext = re.compile(r"#ifndef\s*(\w+)\s*#define\s*\1\s*")
-def AddCommonInclusionStatement(fileContents, includeStatement):
- if includeStatement in fileContents:
- return fileContents
- insertPos = 0
- matchFileHeader = reFileHeader.search(fileContents)
- if matchFileHeader:
- insertPos = matchFileHeader.end()
- matchFileHeader = reNext.search(fileContents, insertPos)
- if matchFileHeader:
- insertPos = matchFileHeader.end()
- includeStatement = "\n%s\n\n" % includeStatement
- fileContents = fileContents[0:insertPos] + includeStatement + fileContents[insertPos:]
- return fileContents
-# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
-# script.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- pass