diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/SplitFspBin.py')
-rw-r--r-- | IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/SplitFspBin.py | 363 |
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/SplitFspBin.py b/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/SplitFspBin.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc2b87ecc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/SplitFspBin.py @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +## @ FspTool.py
+# Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
+# the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
+# The full text of the license may be found at
+# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
+import os
+import sys
+import uuid
+import copy
+import struct
+import argparse
+from ctypes import *
+This utility supports some operations for Intel FSP image.
+It supports:
+ - Split a FSP 2.0 compatibale image into individual FSP-T/M/S/C
+ and generate the mapping header file.
+class c_uint24(Structure):
+ """Little-Endian 24-bit Unsigned Integer"""
+ _pack_ = 1
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Data', (c_uint8 * 3))
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, val=0):
+ self.set_value(val)
+ def __str__(self, indent=0):
+ return '0x%.6x' % self.value
+ def get_value(self):
+ return (
+ (self.Data[0] ) +
+ (self.Data[1] << 8) +
+ (self.Data[2] << 16)
+ )
+ def set_value(self, val):
+ self.Data[0] = (val ) & 0xff
+ self.Data[1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff
+ self.Data[2] = (val >> 16) & 0xff
+ value = property(get_value, set_value)
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('ZeroVector', ARRAY(c_uint8, 16)),
+ ('FileSystemGuid', ARRAY(c_char, 16)),
+ ('FvLength', c_uint64),
+ ('Signature', c_uint32),
+ ('Attributes', c_uint32),
+ ('HeaderLength', c_uint16),
+ ('Checksum', c_uint16),
+ ('ExtHeaderOffset', c_uint16),
+ ('Reserved', c_uint8),
+ ('Revision', c_uint8)
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('FvName', ARRAY(c_char, 16)),
+ ('ExtHeaderSize', c_uint32)
+ ]
+class EFI_FFS_INTEGRITY_CHECK(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Header', c_uint8),
+ ('File', c_uint8)
+ ]
+class EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Name', ARRAY(c_char, 16)),
+ ('IntegrityCheck', EFI_FFS_INTEGRITY_CHECK),
+ ('Type', c_uint8),
+ ('Attributes', c_uint8),
+ ('Size', c_uint24),
+ ('State', c_uint8)
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Size', c_uint24),
+ ('Type', c_uint8)
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Signature', c_uint32),
+ ('HeaderLength', c_uint32),
+ ('Reserved1', ARRAY(c_uint8, 3)),
+ ('HeaderRevision', c_uint8),
+ ('ImageRevision', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageId', c_uint64),
+ ('ImageSize', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageBase', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageAttribute', c_uint32),
+ ('CfgRegionOffset', c_uint32),
+ ('CfgRegionSize', c_uint32),
+ ('ApiEntryNum', c_uint32),
+ ('NemInitEntry', c_uint32),
+ ('FspInitEntry', c_uint32),
+ ('NotifyPhaseEntry', c_uint32),
+ ('FspMemoryInitEntry', c_uint32),
+ ('TempRamExitEntry', c_uint32),
+ ('FspSiliconInitEntry', c_uint32)
+ ]
+class FspFv:
+ HeaderFile = """/*
+ *
+ * Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
+ * FSP mapping file
+ *
+ */
+ FspNameDict = {
+ "0" : "-C.Fv",
+ "1" : "-T.Fv",
+ "2" : "-M.Fv",
+ "3" : "-S.Fv",
+ }
+ def __init__(self, FvBin):
+ self.FspFv = {}
+ self.FvList = []
+ self.FspBin = FvBin
+ hfsp = open (self.FspBin, 'r+b')
+ self.FspDat = bytearray(hfsp.read())
+ hfsp.close()
+ def OutputStruct (self, obj, indent = 0):
+ max_key_len = 20
+ pstr = (' ' * indent + '{0:<%d} = {1}\n') % max_key_len
+ if indent:
+ s = ''
+ else:
+ s = (' ' * indent + '<%s>:\n') % obj.__class__.__name__
+ for field in obj._fields_:
+ key = field[0]
+ val = getattr(obj, key)
+ rep = ''
+ if not isinstance(val, c_uint24) and isinstance(val, Structure):
+ s += pstr.format(key, val.__class__.__name__)
+ s += self.OutputStruct (val, indent + 1)
+ else:
+ if type(val) in (int, long):
+ rep = hex(val)
+ elif isinstance(val, str) and (len(val) == 16):
+ rep = str(uuid.UUID(bytes = val))
+ elif isinstance(val, c_uint24):
+ rep = hex(val.get_value())
+ elif 'c_ubyte_Array' in str(type(val)):
+ rep = str(list(bytearray(val)))
+ else:
+ rep = str(val)
+ s += pstr.format(key, rep)
+ return s
+ def PrintFv (self):
+ print ("FV LIST:")
+ idx = 0
+ for (fvh, fvhe, offset) in self.FvList:
+ guid = uuid.UUID(bytes = fvhe.FvName)
+ print ("FV%d FV GUID:%s Offset:0x%08X Length:0x%08X" % (idx, str(guid), offset, fvh.FvLength))
+ idx = idx + 1
+ print ("\nFSP LIST:")
+ for fsp in self.FspFv:
+ print "FSP%s contains FV%s" % (fsp, str(self.FspFv[fsp][1]))
+ print "\nFSP%s Info Header:" % fsp
+ fih = self.FspFv[fsp][0]
+ def AlaignPtr (self, offset, alignment = 8):
+ return (offset + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1)
+ def GetFspInfoHdr (self, fvh, fvhe, fvoffset):
+ if fvhe:
+ offset = fvh.ExtHeaderOffset + fvhe.ExtHeaderSize
+ else:
+ offset = fvh.HeaderLength
+ offset = self.AlaignPtr(offset)
+ # Now it should be 1st FFS
+ ffs = EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FspDat, offset)
+ offset += sizeof(ffs)
+ offset = self.AlaignPtr(offset)
+ # Now it should be 1st Section
+ sec = EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FspDat, offset)
+ offset += sizeof(sec)
+ # Now it should be FSP_INFO_HEADER
+ offset += fvoffset
+ fih = FSP_INFORMATION_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FspDat, offset)
+ if 'FSPH' != bytearray.fromhex('%08X' % fih.Signature)[::-1]:
+ return None
+ return fih
+ def GetFvHdr (self, offset):
+ fvh = EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FspDat, offset)
+ if '_FVH' != bytearray.fromhex('%08X' % fvh.Signature)[::-1]:
+ return None, None
+ if fvh.ExtHeaderOffset > 0:
+ offset += fvh.ExtHeaderOffset
+ fvhe = EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FspDat, offset)
+ else:
+ fvhe = None
+ return fvh, fvhe
+ def GetFvData(self, idx):
+ (fvh, fvhe, offset) = self.FvList[idx]
+ return self.FspDat[offset:offset+fvh.FvLength]
+ def CheckFsp (self):
+ if len(self.FspFv) == 0:
+ return
+ fih = None
+ for fv in self.FspFv:
+ if not fih:
+ fih = self.FspFv[fv][0]
+ else:
+ newfih = self.FspFv[fv][0]
+ if (newfih.ImageId != fih.ImageId) or (newfih.ImageRevision != fih.ImageRevision):
+ raise Exception("Inconsistent FSP ImageId or ImageRevision detected !")
+ return
+ def WriteFsp(self, dir, name):
+ if not name:
+ name = self.FspBin
+ fspname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))
+ for fv in self.FspFv:
+ filename = os.path.join(dir, fspname + fv + ext)
+ hfsp = open(filename, 'w+b')
+ for fvidx in self.FspFv[fv][1]:
+ hfsp.write (self.GetFvData(fvidx))
+ hfsp.close()
+ def WriteMap(self, dir, hfile):
+ if not hfile:
+ hfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.FspBin))[0] + '.h'
+ fspname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hfile))
+ filename = os.path.join(dir, fspname + ext)
+ hfsp = open(filename, 'w')
+ hfsp.write ('%s\n\n' % self.HeaderFile)
+ firstfv = True
+ for fsp in self.FspFv:
+ fih = self.FspFv[fsp][0]
+ fvs = self.FspFv[fsp][1]
+ if firstfv:
+ IdStr = str(bytearray.fromhex('%016X' % fih.ImageId)[::-1])
+ hfsp.write("#define FSP_IMAGE_ID 0x%016X /* '%s' */\n" % (fih.ImageId, IdStr))
+ hfsp.write("#define FSP_IMAGE_REV 0x%08X \n\n" % fih.ImageRevision)
+ firstfv = False
+ hfsp.write ('#define FSP%s_BASE 0x%08X\n' % (fsp, fih.ImageBase))
+ hfsp.write ('#define FSP%s_OFFSET 0x%08X\n' % (fsp, self.FvList[fvs[0]][-1]))
+ hfsp.write ('#define FSP%s_LENGTH 0x%08X\n\n' % (fsp, fih.ImageSize))
+ hfsp.close()
+ def ParseFsp (self):
+ self.FspFv = {}
+ flen = 0
+ for (fvh, fvhe, offset) in self.FvList:
+ fih = self.GetFspInfoHdr (fvh, fvhe, offset)
+ if fih:
+ if flen != 0:
+ raise Exception("Incorrect FV size in image !")
+ ftype = str((fih.ImageAttribute >> 28) & 0xF)
+ if ftype not in self.FspNameDict:
+ raise Exception("Unknown Attribute in image !")
+ fname = self.FspNameDict[str(ftype)]
+ if fname in self.FspFv:
+ raise Exception("Multiple '%s' in image !" % fname)
+ self.FspFv[fname] = (copy.deepcopy(fih), [])
+ flen = fih.ImageSize
+ if flen > 0:
+ flen = flen - fvh.FvLength
+ if flen < 0:
+ raise Exception("Incorrect FV size in image !")
+ self.FspFv[fname][1].append(self.FvList.index((fvh, fvhe, offset)))
+ def AddFv(self, offset):
+ fvh, fvhe = self.GetFvHdr (offset)
+ if fvh is None:
+ raise Exception('FV signature is not valid !')
+ fvitem = (copy.deepcopy(fvh), copy.deepcopy(fvhe), offset)
+ self.FvList.append(fvitem)
+ return fvh.FvLength
+ def ParseFv(self):
+ offset = 0
+ while (offset < len(self.FspDat)):
+ fv_len = self.AddFv (offset)
+ offset += fv_len
+def GenFspHdr (fspfile, outdir, hfile, show):
+ fsp_fv = FspFv(fspfile)
+ fsp_fv.ParseFv()
+ fsp_fv.ParseFsp()
+ fsp_fv.CheckFsp()
+ if show:
+ fsp_fv.PrintFv()
+ fsp_fv.WriteMap(outdir, hfile)
+def SplitFspBin (fspfile, outdir, nametemplate, show):
+ fsp_fv = FspFv(fspfile)
+ fsp_fv.ParseFv()
+ fsp_fv.ParseFsp()
+ if show:
+ fsp_fv.PrintFv()
+ fsp_fv.WriteFsp(outdir, nametemplate)
+def main ():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='commands')
+ parser_split = subparsers.add_parser('split', help='split a FSP into multiple components')
+ parser_split.set_defaults(which='split')
+ parser_split.add_argument('-f', '--fspbin' , dest='FspBinary', type=str, help='FSP binary file path', required = True)
+ parser_split.add_argument('-o', '--outdir' , dest='OutputDir', type=str, help='Output directory path', default = '.')
+ parser_split.add_argument('-n', '--nametpl', dest='NameTemplate', type=str, help='Output name template', default = '')
+ parser_split.add_argument('-p', action='store_true', help='Print FSP FV information', default = False)
+ parser_genhdr = subparsers.add_parser('genhdr', help='generate a header file for FSP binary')
+ parser_genhdr.set_defaults(which='genhdr')
+ parser_genhdr.add_argument('-f', '--fspbin' , dest='FspBinary', type=str, help='FSP binary file path', required = True)
+ parser_genhdr.add_argument('-o', '--outdir' , dest='OutputDir', type=str, help='Output directory path', default = '.')
+ parser_genhdr.add_argument('-n', '--hfile', dest='HFileName', type=str, help='Output header file name', default = '')
+ parser_genhdr.add_argument('-p', action='store_true', help='Print FSP FV information', default = False)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.which in ['split', 'genhdr']:
+ if not os.path.exists(args.FspBinary):
+ raise Exception ("Could not locate FSP binary file '%s' !" % args.FspBinary)
+ if not os.path.exists(args.OutputDir):
+ raise Exception ("Invalid output directory '%s' !" % args.OutputDir)
+ if args.which == 'split':
+ SplitFspBin (args.FspBinary, args.OutputDir, args.NameTemplate, args.p)
+ elif args.which == 'genhdr':
+ GenFspHdr (args.FspBinary, args.OutputDir, args.HFileName, args.p)
+ else:
+ pass
+ print 'Done!'
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())