path: root/src/include/curses.h
diff options
authorDan Lynch <danjlynch@users.sourceforge.net>2006-05-15 09:29:48 +0000
committerDan Lynch <danjlynch@users.sourceforge.net>2006-05-15 09:29:48 +0000
commitdccc6aed3ade93aaac06fa23eff075f8b8ccf0d7 (patch)
tree72c0a83fcf32878dda44667e4fd99003e0e031fe /src/include/curses.h
parent295e11b2b0a6a9b3fd08c7ba13fdf76d3c637d77 (diff)
lightweight xcurses implementation for etherboot (Michael made me do it...)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/include/curses.h')
1 files changed, 871 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/curses.h b/src/include/curses.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cffb542a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/curses.h
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+#ifndef CURSES_H
+#define CURSES_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/** @file
+ *
+ * MuCurses header file
+ *
+ */
+#undef ERR
+#define ERR (1)
+#undef FALSE
+#define FALSE (0)
+#undef OK
+#define OK (0)
+#undef TRUE
+#define TRUE (1)
+typedef uint32_t bool;
+typedef uint32_t chtype;
+typedef chtype attr_t;
+/** Curses SCREEN object */
+typedef struct _curses_screen {
+/** Curses Window struct */
+typedef struct _curses_window {
+ /** screen with which window associates */
+ SCREEN *scr;
+ /** window attributes */
+ attr_t attrs;
+ /** window origin coordinates */
+ unsigned int ori_x, ori_y;
+ /** window cursor position */
+ unsigned int curs_x, curs_y;
+ /** window dimensions */
+ unsigned int width, height;
+extern WINDOW _stdscr;
+#define stdscr ( &_stdscr )
+#define MUCURSES_BITS( mask, shift ) (( mask ) << (( shift ) + MUCURSES_ATTR_SHIFT ))
+#define A_DEFAULT ( 1UL - 1UL )
+#define A_BLINK MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 1 )
+#define A_BOLD MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 2 )
+#define A_DIM MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 3 )
+#define A_INVIS MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 4 )
+#define WA_BOLD A_BOLD
+#define WA_DIM A_DIM
+#define WA_LEFT MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 11 )
+#define WA_RIGHT MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 12 )
+#define WA_LOW MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 13 )
+#define WA_TOP MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 14 )
+#define A_ATTRIBUTES MUCURSES_BITS( ~( 1UL - 1UL ), 0 )
+#define A_CHARTEXT ( MUCURSES_BITS( 1UL, 0 ) - 1UL )
+#define A_COLOR MUCURSES_BITS( ( 1UL << 8 ) - 1UL, 0 )
+#define ACS_ULCORNER '+'
+#define ACS_LLCORNER '+'
+#define ACS_URCORNER '+'
+#define ACS_LRCORNER '+'
+#define ACS_RTEE '+'
+#define ACS_LTEE '+'
+#define ACS_BTEE '+'
+#define ACS_TTEE '+'
+#define ACS_HLINE '-'
+#define ACS_VLINE '|'
+#define ACS_PLUS '+'
+#define ACS_S1 '-'
+#define ACS_S9 '_'
+#define ACS_DIAMOND '+'
+#define ACS_CKBOARD ':'
+#define ACS_DEGREE '\''
+#define ACS_PLMINUS '#'
+#define ACS_BULLET 'o'
+#define ACS_LARROW '<'
+#define ACS_RARROW '>'
+#define ACS_DARROW 'v'
+#define ACS_UARROW '^'
+#define ACS_BOARD '#'
+#define ACS_LANTERN '#'
+#define ACS_BLOCK '#'
+#define COLOUR_BLACK 0
+#define COLOUR_BLUE 1
+#define COLOUR_GREEN 2
+#define COLOUR_CYAN 3
+#define COLOUR_RED 4
+#define COLOUR_YELLOW 6
+#define COLOUR_WHITE 7
+ * KEY code constants
+ */
+#define KEY_BREAK 0401 /**< Break key */
+#define KEY_DOWN 0402 /**< down-arrow key */
+#define KEY_UP 0403 /**< up-arrow key */
+#define KEY_LEFT 0404 /**< left-arrow key */
+#define KEY_RIGHT 0405 /**< right-arrow key */
+#define KEY_HOME 0406 /**< home key */
+#define KEY_BACKSPACE 0407 /**< backspace key */
+#define KEY_F0 0410 /**< Function keys. Space for 64 */
+#define KEY_F(n) (KEY_F0+(n)) /**< Value of function key n */
+#define KEY_DL 0510 /**< delete-line key */
+#define KEY_IL 0511 /**< insert-line key */
+#define KEY_DC 0512 /**< delete-character key */
+#define KEY_IC 0513 /**< insert-character key */
+#define KEY_EIC 0514 /**< sent by rmir or smir in insert mode */
+#define KEY_CLEAR 0515 /**< clear-screen or erase key */
+#define KEY_EOS 0516 /**< clear-to-end-of-screen key */
+#define KEY_EOL 0517 /**< clear-to-end-of-line key */
+#define KEY_SF 0520 /**< scroll-forward key */
+#define KEY_SR 0521 /**< scroll-backward key */
+#define KEY_NPAGE 0522 /**< next-page key */
+#define KEY_PPAGE 0523 /**< previous-page key */
+#define KEY_STAB 0524 /**< set-tab key */
+#define KEY_CTAB 0525 /**< clear-tab key */
+#define KEY_CATAB 0526 /**< clear-all-tabs key */
+#define KEY_ENTER 0527 /**< enter/send key */
+#define KEY_PRINT 0532 /**< print key */
+#define KEY_LL 0533 /**< lower-left key (home down) */
+#define KEY_A1 0534 /**< upper left of keypad */
+#define KEY_A3 0535 /**< upper right of keypad */
+#define KEY_B2 0536 /**< center of keypad */
+#define KEY_C1 0537 /**< lower left of keypad */
+#define KEY_C3 0540 /**< lower right of keypad */
+#define KEY_BTAB 0541 /**< back-tab key */
+#define KEY_BEG 0542 /**< begin key */
+#define KEY_CANCEL 0543 /**< cancel key */
+#define KEY_CLOSE 0544 /**< close key */
+#define KEY_COMMAND 0545 /**< command key */
+#define KEY_COPY 0546 /**< copy key */
+#define KEY_CREATE 0547 /**< create key */
+#define KEY_END 0550 /**< end key */
+#define KEY_EXIT 0551 /**< exit key */
+#define KEY_FIND 0552 /**< find key */
+#define KEY_HELP 0553 /**< help key */
+#define KEY_MARK 0554 /**< mark key */
+#define KEY_MESSAGE 0555 /**< message key */
+#define KEY_MOVE 0556 /**< move key */
+#define KEY_NEXT 0557 /**< next key */
+#define KEY_OPEN 0560 /**< open key */
+#define KEY_OPTIONS 0561 /**< options key */
+#define KEY_PREVIOUS 0562 /**< previous key */
+#define KEY_REDO 0563 /**< redo key */
+#define KEY_REFERENCE 0564 /**< reference key */
+#define KEY_REFRESH 0565 /**< refresh key */
+#define KEY_REPLACE 0566 /**< replace key */
+#define KEY_RESTART 0567 /**< restart key */
+#define KEY_RESUME 0570 /**< resume key */
+#define KEY_SAVE 0571 /**< save key */
+#define KEY_SBEG 0572 /**< shifted begin key */
+#define KEY_SCANCEL 0573 /**< shifted cancel key */
+#define KEY_SCOMMAND 0574 /**< shifted command key */
+#define KEY_SCOPY 0575 /**< shifted copy key */
+#define KEY_SCREATE 0576 /**< shifted create key */
+#define KEY_SDC 0577 /**< shifted delete-character key */
+#define KEY_SDL 0600 /**< shifted delete-line key */
+#define KEY_SELECT 0601 /**< select key */
+#define KEY_SEND 0602 /**< shifted end key */
+#define KEY_SEOL 0603 /**< shifted clear-to-end-of-line key */
+#define KEY_SEXIT 0604 /**< shifted exit key */
+#define KEY_SFIND 0605 /**< shifted find key */
+#define KEY_SHELP 0606 /**< shifted help key */
+#define KEY_SHOME 0607 /**< shifted home key */
+#define KEY_SIC 0610 /**< shifted insert-character key */
+#define KEY_SLEFT 0611 /**< shifted left-arrow key */
+#define KEY_SMESSAGE 0612 /**< shifted message key */
+#define KEY_SMOVE 0613 /**< shifted move key */
+#define KEY_SNEXT 0614 /**< shifted next key */
+#define KEY_SOPTIONS 0615 /**< shifted options key */
+#define KEY_SPREVIOUS 0616 /**< shifted previous key */
+#define KEY_SPRINT 0617 /**< shifted print key */
+#define KEY_SREDO 0620 /**< shifted redo key */
+#define KEY_SREPLACE 0621 /**< shifted replace key */
+#define KEY_SRIGHT 0622 /**< shifted right-arrow key */
+#define KEY_SRSUME 0623 /**< shifted resume key */
+#define KEY_SSAVE 0624 /**< shifted save key */
+#define KEY_SSUSPEND 0625 /**< shifted suspend key */
+#define KEY_SUNDO 0626 /**< shifted undo key */
+#define KEY_SUSPEND 0627 /**< suspend key */
+#define KEY_UNDO 0630 /**< undo key */
+#define KEY_RESIZE 0632 /**< Terminal resize event */
+#define KEY_EVENT 0633 /**< We were interrupted by an event */
+#define KEY_MAX 0777 /* Maximum key value is 0633 */
+/*extern int addch ( const chtype * );*/
+/*extern int addchnstr ( const chtype *, int );*/
+/*extern int addchstr ( const chtype * );*/
+/*extern int addnstr ( const char *, int );*/
+/*extern int addstr ( const char * );*/
+/*extern int attroff ( int );*/
+/*extern int attron ( int );*/
+/*extern int attrset ( int );*/
+extern int attr_get ( attr_t *, short *, void * );
+extern int attr_off ( attr_t, void * );
+extern int attr_on ( attr_t, void * );
+extern int attr_set ( attr_t, short, void * );
+extern int baudrate ( void );
+extern int beep ( void );
+/*extern int bkgd ( chtype );*/
+/*extern void bkgdset ( chtype );*/
+/*extern int border ( chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
+ chtype );*/
+extern int box ( WINDOW *, chtype, chtype );
+extern bool can_change_colour ( void );
+#define can_change_color() can_change_colour()
+extern int cbreak ( void );
+extern int chgat ( int, attr_t, short, const void * );
+extern int clearok ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern int clear ( void );
+extern int clrtobot ( void );
+extern int clrtoeol ( void );
+extern int colour_content ( short, short *, short *, short * );
+#define color_content( col, r, g, b ) colour_content( (col), (r), (g), (b) )
+extern int colour_set ( short, void * );
+#define color_set( cpno, opts ) colour_set( (cpno), (opts) )
+extern int copywin ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW *, int, int, int,
+ int, int, int, int );
+extern int curs_set ( int );
+extern int def_prog_mode ( void );
+extern int def_shell_mode ( void );
+extern int delay_output ( int );
+extern int delch ( void );
+extern int deleteln ( void );
+extern void delscreen ( SCREEN * );
+extern int delwin ( WINDOW * );
+extern WINDOW *derwin ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int );
+extern int doupdate ( void );
+extern WINDOW *dupwin ( WINDOW * );
+extern int echo ( void );
+extern int echochar ( const chtype );
+extern int endwin ( void );
+extern char erasechar ( void );
+extern int erase ( void );
+extern void filter ( void );
+extern int flash ( void );
+extern int flushinp ( void );
+extern chtype getbkgd ( WINDOW * );
+extern int getch ( void );
+extern int getnstr ( char *, int );
+extern int getstr ( char * );
+extern int halfdelay ( int );
+extern bool has_colors ( void );
+extern bool has_ic ( void );
+extern bool has_il ( void );
+extern int hline ( chtype, int );
+extern void idcok ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern int idlok ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern void immedok ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern chtype inch ( void );
+extern int inchnstr ( chtype *, int );
+extern int inchstr ( chtype * );
+extern WINDOW *initscr ( void );
+extern int init_color ( short, short, short, short );
+extern int init_pair ( short, short, short );
+extern int innstr ( char *, int );
+extern int insch ( chtype );
+extern int insdelln ( int );
+extern int insertln ( void );
+extern int insnstr ( const char *, int );
+extern int insstr ( const char * );
+extern int instr ( char * );
+extern int intrflush ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern bool isendwin ( void );
+extern bool is_linetouched ( WINDOW *, int );
+extern bool is_wintouched ( WINDOW * );
+extern char *keyname ( int );
+extern int keypad ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern char killchar ( void );
+extern int leaveok ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern char *longname ( void );
+extern int meta ( WINDOW *, bool );
+/*extern int move ( int, int );*/
+/*extern int mvaddch ( int, int, const chtype );*/
+/*extern int mvaddchnstr ( int, int, const chtype *, int );*/
+/*extern int mvaddchstr ( int, int, const chtype * );*/
+/*extern int mvaddnstr ( int, int, const char *, int );*/
+/*extern int mvaddstr ( int, int, const char * );*/
+extern int mvchgat ( int, int, int, attr_t, short, const void * );
+extern int mvcur ( int, int, int, int );
+extern int mvdelch ( int, int );
+extern int mvderwin ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int mvgetch ( int, int );
+extern int mvgetnstr ( int, int, char *, int );
+extern int mvgetstr ( int, int, char * );
+extern int mvhline ( int, int, chtype, int );
+extern chtype mvinch ( int, int );
+extern int mvinchnstr ( int, int, chtype *, int );
+extern int mvinchstr ( int, int, chtype * );
+extern int mvinnstr ( int, int, char *, int );
+extern int mvinsch ( int, int, chtype );
+extern int mvinsnstr ( int, int, const char *, int );
+extern int mvinsstr ( int, int, const char * );
+extern int mvinstr ( int, int, char * );
+extern int mvprintw ( int, int, char *, ... );
+extern int mvscanw ( int, int, char *, ... );
+extern int mvvline ( int, int, chtype, int );
+/*extern int mvwaddch ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype );*/
+/*extern int mvwaddchnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype *, int );*/
+/*extern int mvwaddchstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype * );*/
+/*extern int mvwaddnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int );*/
+/*extern int mvwaddstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char * );*/
+extern int mvwchgat ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, attr_t, short, const void * );
+extern int mvwdelch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int mvwgetch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int mvwgetnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int );
+extern int mvwgetstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char * );
+extern int mvwhline ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int );
+extern int mvwin ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern chtype mvwinch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int mvwinchnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int );
+extern int mvwinchstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype * );
+extern int mvwinnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int );
+extern int mvwinsch ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype );
+extern int mvwinsnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int );
+extern int mvwinsstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char * );
+extern int mvwinstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char * );
+extern int mvwprintw ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ... );
+extern int mvwscanw ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ... );
+extern int mvwvline ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int );
+extern int napms ( int );
+extern WINDOW *newpad ( int, int );
+extern WINDOW *newwin ( int, int, int, int );
+extern int nl ( void );
+extern int nocbreak ( void );
+extern int nodelay ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern int noecho ( void );
+extern int nonl ( void );
+extern void noqiflush ( void );
+extern int noraw ( void );
+extern int notimeout ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern int overlay ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW * );
+extern int overwrite ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW * );
+extern int pair_content ( short, short *, short * );
+extern int PAIR_NUMBER ( int );
+extern int pechochar ( WINDOW *, chtype );
+extern int pnoutrefresh ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int );
+extern int prefresh ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int );
+extern int printw ( char *, ... );
+extern int putp ( const char * );
+extern void qiflush ( void );
+extern int raw ( void );
+extern int redrawwin ( WINDOW * );
+extern int refresh ( void );
+extern int reset_prog_mode ( void );
+extern int reset_shell_mode ( void );
+extern int resetty ( void );
+extern int ripoffline ( int, int ( *) ( WINDOW *, int) );
+extern int savetty ( void );
+extern int scanw ( char *, ... );
+extern int scr_dump ( const char * );
+extern int scr_init ( const char * );
+extern int scrl ( int );
+extern int scroll ( WINDOW * );
+extern int scrollok ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern int scr_restore ( const char * );
+extern int scr_set ( const char * );
+extern int setscrreg ( int, int );
+extern SCREEN *set_term ( SCREEN * );
+extern int setupterm ( char *, int, int * );
+extern int slk_attr_off ( const attr_t, void * );
+extern int slk_attroff ( const chtype );
+extern int slk_attr_on ( const attr_t, void * );
+extern int slk_attron ( const chtype );
+extern int slk_attr_set ( const attr_t, short, void * );
+extern int slk_attrset ( const chtype );
+extern int slk_clear ( void );
+extern int slk_color ( short );
+extern int slk_init ( int );
+extern char *slk_label ( int );
+extern int slk_noutrefresh ( void );
+extern int slk_refresh ( void );
+extern int slk_restore ( void );
+extern int slk_set ( int, const char *, int );
+extern int slk_touch ( void );
+extern int standend ( void );
+extern int standout ( void );
+extern int start_color ( void );
+extern WINDOW *subpad ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int );
+extern WINDOW *subwin ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int );
+extern int syncok ( WINDOW *, bool );
+extern chtype termattrs ( void );
+extern attr_t term_attrs ( void );
+extern char *termname ( void );
+extern int tigetflag ( char * );
+extern int tigetnum ( char * );
+extern char *tigetstr ( char * );
+extern void timeout ( int );
+extern int touchline ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int touchwin ( WINDOW * );
+extern char *tparm ( char *, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long,
+ long );
+extern int typeahead ( int );
+extern int ungetch ( int );
+extern int untouchwin ( WINDOW * );
+extern void use_env ( bool );
+extern int vid_attr ( attr_t, short, void * );
+extern int vidattr ( chtype );
+extern int vid_puts ( attr_t, short, void *, int ( *) ( int) );
+extern int vidputs ( chtype, int ( *) ( int) );
+extern int vline ( chtype, int );
+extern int vwprintw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list * );
+extern int vw_printw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list * );
+extern int vwscanw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list * );
+extern int vw_scanw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list * );
+extern int waddch ( WINDOW *, const chtype );
+extern int waddchnstr ( WINDOW *, const chtype *, int );
+/*extern int waddchstr ( WINDOW *, const chtype * );*/
+extern int waddnstr ( WINDOW *, const char *, int );
+/*extern int waddstr ( WINDOW *, const char * );*/
+extern int wattroff ( WINDOW *, int );
+extern int wattron ( WINDOW *, int );
+extern int wattrset ( WINDOW *, int );
+extern int wattr_get ( WINDOW *, attr_t *, short *, void * );
+extern int wattr_off ( WINDOW *, attr_t, void * );
+extern int wattr_on ( WINDOW *, attr_t, void * );
+extern int wattr_set ( WINDOW *, attr_t, short, void * );
+extern int wbkgd ( WINDOW *, chtype );
+extern void wbkgdset ( WINDOW *, chtype );
+extern int wborder ( WINDOW *, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
+ chtype, chtype );
+extern int wchgat ( WINDOW *, int, attr_t, short, const void * );
+extern int wclear ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wclrtobot ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wclrtoeol ( WINDOW * );
+extern void wcursyncup ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wcolor_set ( WINDOW *, short, void * );
+extern int wdelch ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wdeleteln ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wechochar ( WINDOW *, const chtype );
+extern int werase ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wgetch ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wgetnstr ( WINDOW *, char *, int );
+extern int wgetstr ( WINDOW *, char * );
+extern int whline ( WINDOW *, chtype, int );
+extern chtype winch ( WINDOW * );
+extern int winchnstr ( WINDOW *, chtype *, int );
+extern int winchstr ( WINDOW *, chtype * );
+extern int winnstr ( WINDOW *, char *, int );
+extern int winsch ( WINDOW *, chtype );
+extern int winsdelln ( WINDOW *, int );
+extern int winsertln ( WINDOW * );
+extern int winsnstr ( WINDOW *, const char *, int );
+extern int winsstr ( WINDOW *, const char * );
+extern int winstr ( WINDOW *, char * );
+extern int wmove ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int wnoutrefresh ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wprintw ( WINDOW *, char *, ... );
+extern int wredrawln ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int wrefresh ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wscanw ( WINDOW *, char *, ... );
+extern int wscrl ( WINDOW *, int );
+extern int wsetscrreg ( WINDOW *, int, int );
+extern int wstandend ( WINDOW * );
+extern int wstandout ( WINDOW * );
+extern void wsyncup ( WINDOW * );
+extern void wsyncdown ( WINDOW * );
+extern void wtimeout ( WINDOW *, int );
+extern int wtouchln ( WINDOW *, int, int, int );
+extern int wvline ( WINDOW *, chtype, int );
+#define COLOUR_PAIR(n) MUCURSES_BITS( (n), -8 )
+ * static inlines
+ */
+ * Add a single-byte character and rendition to stdscr and advance the
+ * cursor
+ *
+ * @v ch character to be added at cursor
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int addch ( const chtype ch ) {
+ return waddch( stdscr, ch );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters and renditions to stdscr
+ *
+ * @v *chstr pointer to first chtype in "string"
+ * @v n number of chars from chstr to render
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int addchnstr ( const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
+ return waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, n );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters and renditions to stdscr
+ *
+ * @v *chstr pointer to first chtype in "string"
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int addchstr ( const chtype *chstr ) {
+ return waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, -1 );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters to stdscr
+ *
+ * @v *str standard c-style string
+ * @v n max number of chars from string to render
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int addnstr ( const char *str, int n ) {
+ return waddnstr ( stdscr, str, n );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters to stdscr
+ *
+ * @v *str standard c-style string
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int addstr ( const char *str ) {
+ return waddnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 );
+ * Turn off attributes
+ *
+ * @v win subject window
+ * @v attrs attributes to enable
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int attroff ( int attrs ) {
+ return wattroff ( stdscr, attrs );
+ * Turn on attributes
+ *
+ * @v win subject window
+ * @v attrs attributes to enable
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int attron ( int attrs ) {
+ return wattron ( stdscr, attrs );
+ * Set attributes
+ *
+ * @v win subject window
+ * @v attrs attributes to enable
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int attrset ( int attrs ) {
+ return wattrset ( stdscr, attrs );
+ * Set background rendition attributes for stdscr and apply to
+ * contents
+ *
+ * @v ch chtype containing rendition attributes
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int bkgd ( chtype ch ) {
+ return wbkgd ( stdscr, ch );
+ * Set background rendition attributes for stdscr
+ */
+static inline void bkgdset ( chtype ch ) {
+ wbkgdset ( stdscr, ch );
+ * Draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions around
+ * stdscr
+ *
+ * @v ls left side
+ * @v rs right side
+ * @v ts top
+ * @v bs bottom
+ * @v tl top left corner
+ * @v tr top right corner
+ * @v bl bottom left corner
+ * @v br bottom right corner
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int border ( chtype ls, chtype rs, chtype ts, chtype bs,
+ chtype tl, chtype tr, chtype bl, chtype br ) {
+ return wborder ( stdscr, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br );
+ * Move stdscr cursor to the specified position
+ *
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int move ( int y, int x ) {
+ return wmove ( stdscr, y, x );
+ * Add a single-byte character and rendition to stdscr at the
+ * specified position and advance the cursor
+ *
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v ch character to be added at cursor
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvaddch ( int y, int x, const chtype ch ) {
+ return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddch( stdscr, ch ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters and renditions to stdscr at
+ * the specified position
+ *
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *chstr pointer to first chtype in "string"
+ * @v n max number of chars from chstr to render
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvaddchnstr ( int y, int x, const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
+ return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, n ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters and renditions to stdscr at
+ * the specified position
+ *
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *chstr pointer to first chtype in "string"
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvaddchstr ( int y, int x, const chtype *chstr ) {
+ return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, -1 ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters to stdscr at the specified
+ * position
+ *
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *str standard c-style string
+ * @v n max number of chars from string to render
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvaddnstr ( int y, int x, const char *str, int n ) {
+ return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddnstr ( stdscr, str, n ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters to stdscr at the specified
+ * position
+ *
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *str standard c-style string
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvaddstr ( int y, int x, const char *str ) {
+ return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 ) );
+ * Add a single-byte character and rendition to a window at the
+ * specified position and advance the cursor
+ *
+ * @v *win subject window
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v ch character to be added at cursor
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvwaddch ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype ch ) {
+ return ( wmove( win, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddch ( win, ch ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window at
+ * the specified position
+ *
+ * @v *win subject window
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *chstr pointer to first chtype in "string"
+ * @v n max number of chars from chstr to render
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvwaddchnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
+ return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddchnstr ( win, chstr, n ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window at
+ * the specified position
+ *
+ * @v *win subject window
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *chstr pointer to first chtype in "string"
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvwaddchstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype *chstr ) {
+ return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddchnstr ( win, chstr, -1 ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters to a window at the specified
+ * position
+ *
+ * @v *win window to be rendered in
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *str standard c-style string
+ * @v n max number of chars from string to render
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvwaddnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str, int n ) {
+ return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddnstr ( win, str, n ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters to a window at the specified
+ * position
+ *
+ * @v *win window to be rendered in
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @v *str standard c-style string
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int mvwaddstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str ) {
+ return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == ERR
+ ? ERR : waddnstr ( win, str, -1 ) );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
+ *
+ * @v *win subject window
+ * @v *chstr pointer to first chtype in "string"
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int waddchstr ( WINDOW *win, const chtype *chstr ) {
+ return waddchnstr ( win, chstr, -1 );
+ * Add string of single-byte characters to a window
+ *
+ * @v *win window to be rendered in
+ * @v *str standard c-style string
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+static inline int waddstr ( WINDOW *win, const char *str ) {
+ return waddnstr ( win, str, -1 );
+ * Primitives
+ */
+ * Move cursor to position specified by x,y coords
+ *
+ * @v *scr screen on which to operate
+ * @v y Y position
+ * @v x X position
+ * @ret rc void function
+ */
+void _movetoyx ( struct _curses_screen *scr, unsigned int y, unsigned int x );
+ * Write character (c) to current cursor position
+ *
+ * @v *scr screen on which to operate
+ * @v c character to be written
+ * @ret rc void function
+ */
+void _putc ( struct _curses_screen *scr, unsigned int c );
+ * Retrieve a character from current cursor position and store
+ * it in c
+ *
+ * @v *scr screen on which to operate
+ * @v *c char ptr where retrieved character is to be stored
+ * @ret rc void function
+ */
+void _getc ( struct _curses_screen *scr, unsigned int *c );
+ * Advance cursor (wrap text)
+ *
+ * @v *win window in which to advance
+ * @ret rc void function
+ */
+void _advcurs_wrap ( struct _curses_window *win );
+ * Advance cursor (no wrap text)
+ *
+ * @v *win window in which to advance
+ * @ret rc void function
+ */
+void _advcurs_nowrap ( struct _curses_window *win );
+ * Store cursor position for later restoration
+ *
+ * @v *win window on which to operate
+ * @ret rc return encoded position
+ */
+unsigned int _store_curs_pos ( WINDOW *win );
+ * Restore cursor position from encoded backup variable
+ *
+ * @v *win window on which to operate
+ * @v pos encoded position
+ * @ret rc return status code
+ */
+int _restore_curs_pos ( WINDOW *win, unsigned int pos );
+#endif /* CURSES_H */