path: root/contrib/eepro100notes
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diff --git a/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-1.txt b/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-1.txt
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index 61579b4c4..000000000
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-Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 15:45:55 +0200 (MEST)
-From: Erik Starback <erik@math.uu.se>
-To: netboot@baghira.han.de
-Subject: Netboot with Intel EEPRO100+ Management
-Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.990518154313.3875A-100000@anarchy.math.uu.se>
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT
-Sender: owner-netboot@baghira.han.de
-Precedence: bulk
-Reply-To: netboot@baghira.han.de
-X-Moderator: netboot-owner@baghira.han.de
-X-UIDL: 6ca8453c19c46d622813e9be8ada9517
-Status: O
-When Intel eepro100+ NIC disappeared from the market, I didn't know
-what to do. I didn't find any information if anyone has used the
-new eepro100+ Management Adapter to netboot linux.
-I thought that the card should netboot with the same configuration as
-the old card when I read Donald Beckers comment:
-> The driver should "just work" with the '559. It's not supposed to be
-> substantially different than the '558. (I don't have a datasheet
-> or sample card to confirm this statement.)
-The problem was now only to put the netboot-program to the built in
-flash memory on the NIC. With the old card I used a flash memory (Intel
-N28F020 [N28010 didn't work])) and the program FUTIL.EXE from Intel to
-flash it. FUTIL did't recognize the memory on the management card
-and did not work therefore.
-I found the intel program FBOOT.EXE that was made to upgrade the built
-in Intel BOOT agent. I did: Boot dos from floppy, Run FBOOT (choose
-adapter), choose (u)pdate, choose Create restore image, rename the
-backup file (in my case 2743BE52.FLS [the eight last hex digits from
-the MAC address]), rename your netboot code (in my case netboot 0.8.1)
-to the backup files original name (in my case 2743BE52.FLS), run
-FBOOT, choose (r)estore.
-A shorter way (if you don't need the backup of the old Intel BOOT
-agent code) is of course: rename netboot file to [the eight last hex
-digits from the MAC address].FLS, run FBOOT, choose restore.
-Caution: I think it is possible to make a NIC unusable if you have
-made the netboot (or etherboot) file with "wrong" parameters. A couple
-of month ago I did a etherboot boot file and put it on an old
-EEPRO100+ card. It worked fine, but it was impossible to boot local
-with it. So I could not boot dos and with FUTIL or FBOOT erase the
-flash memory! To erase the chip I had to take out the memory chip,
-boot dos and then put in the memory chip. This isn't possible when the
-memory chip is build in.
-FUTIL.EXE is a part of LSA1_193.ZIP
-FBOOT.EXE is a part of 100pboot.exe
-/Erik S
-Erik Starbäck, System administrator E-mail address: erik@math.uu.se
-Uppsala University Telephone (o): +46 18 4713277
-Department of Mathematics Cellular phone: +46 70 4250260
-P. O. Box 480 Fax (o): +46 18 4713201
-SE-751 06 UPPSALA
diff --git a/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-2.txt b/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1128c30e1..000000000
--- a/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-2.txt
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-Subject: Look Mom, no PROM burner! (eepro100b flashing instructions) :-)
-Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 01:53:08 -0500
-x-sender: mdc%thinguin.org@cdi.entity.com
-x-mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0v3, January 22, 1998
-From: Marty Connor <mdc@thinguin.org>
-To: "Netboot List" <netboot@baghira.han.de>
-Mime-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
-Message-ID: <1263512144-341319205@entity.com>
-Continuing the Etherboot World Domination theme, I noticed that there was
-a PCI ethernet card on my bookshelf that still contained the original
-vendor's code in its flash memory. The card virtually cried out to be
-flashed with Etherboot 4.4.1. :-)
-After having figured out how to flash the 3C905C last week, and owing to
-the fact that the temperature here in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) has
-dropped well below freezing, I decided to explore the possibility of
-flashing the Intel eepro100b that was sitting on my bookcase.
-After determining that it was unlikely that one could flash the chip in
-user mode under linux like the 3C509C, I turned to other options. (the
-reason is that the flash is memory mapped to a place that causes a core
-dump if accessed. i suppose one could to patch the kernel to flash the
-card, or add a linux device driver, but... :-)
-By the way, If you are ever looking for Linux utilities for Ethernet
-cards, you may want to check out:
- http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/diag/
-which is a treasure trove of tools for manipulating and testing Ethernet
-cards, all with source, courtesy of Donald Becker.
-At this point, I felt it was time to make a virtual trip to the Intel
-site (http://www.intel.com/), and search for utilities that might work
-with the eepro100B. I found two candidates: FUTIL and FBOOT. I
-downloaded, decompressed, and transferred them to a DOS formatted floppy.
-Next I determined (after a few tries) that F8 will let me get to DOS
-instead of booting windows. (I tend to avoid Windows when I can).
-I first tried FUTIL.EXE. No good. It told me it didn't recognize the
-flash on my eepro100B. how unfortunate. and I had such hopes :-)
-Next I tested FBOOT.EXE (available at
-This program did in fact recognize my eepro100b card.
-The thing about FBOOT however, is that it thinks it only can load certain
-files. I of course needed to load an Etherboot image. It appeared to
-have no option for doing that. Things looked grim.
-Then I noticed that FBOOT was kind enough to do the following dialog:
- Select Option (U)pdate or (R)estore: U
-I chose Update and it then offered to back up my flash rom for later
- Create Restore Image (Y)es or (N)o: Y
-I chose "Y" and it proceeded to write a file of my flash memory, which
-contained the Intel code.
- Writing FLASH image to file... 100%
-It then erased the device:
- Erasing FLASH Device... 100%
-and then programmed it with fresh code (stored inside the program, no
- Programming FLASH Device... 100%
-So now I had a backup of the Intel boot code in a file strangely called:
- 2794FC60.FLS
-Hmmmm, interesting name. The MAC address of the card is 09902794FC60.
-They just name the file with the last 4 octets of the MAC address and
-.FLS. The file is exactly 65536 bytes, which would make sense for a 64K
-Flash Memory device.
-Then I got to thinking, I wonder how carefully the "restore" part of
-FBOOT looks at what it is loading? What if I took an Etherboot .rom
-file, padded it with 48K of 0xFFs and named it 2794FC60.FLS. What if I
-then told FBOOT.EXE to "restore" that?
-Well, I guess by now, you know it worked :-)
-The card came up with the delightful Etherboot banner, Did DHCP, tftp,
-and started a kernel.
-The only unfortunate part is that you need to do this under DOS because
-you seem to need to be in real mode to program the card. Oh well,
-sacrifices have to be made :-)
-So, in summary, to prepare Etherboot image for flashing into the Intel
-EEPRO100B card with FBOOT, you need to first make an eepro100.rom file,
-as usual.
-Then, see how large it is, with an "ls -l eepro100.rom". the answer will
-probably be 16,384. You need to pad it with hex FFs to make it 64K for
-FBOOT. I used the following two lines to create the flash image file.
- $ perl -e 'print "\xFF" x 49152' > 48kpad.bin
- $ cat eepro100.rom 48kpad.bin > 2794FC60.FLS
-Next write it to a DOS Floppy:
- $ mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
- $ cp 2794FC60.FLS /mnt/floppy
- $ umount /mnt/floppy
-Now you need to get to DOS. You could actually use a bootable DOS floppy
-with FBOOT.EXE and 2794FC60.FLS on it. I started a Windows box and hit
-F8 right before Windows started, and chose option 5, "Command Prompt
-Only", which gives you DOS. This program can't run in a DOS window under
-Windows or anything like that. You need to be in real DOS.
-Next it's time to run FBOOT. It will detect your ethernet card(s), ask
-you which one you want to program, and let you choose it from a menu.
-now the fun part:
- Select Option (U)pdate or (R)estore: R
- Erasing FLASH Device... 100%
- Writing FLASH image from file... 100%
-Time to reboot and let Etherboot take over.
-So there you go, a way to make Intel EEPRO100Bs play nicely with
-Etherboot. Maybe we should put these instructions in the Etherboot
-contrib directory so people who have eepro100b cards will be able to
-avoid 3C905C envy :-)
-I hope this helps a few people out.
- Name: Martin D. Connor
-US Mail: Entity Cyber, Inc.; P.O. Box 391827; Cambridge, MA 02139; USA
- Voice: (617) 491-6935, Fax: (617) 491-7046
- Email: mdc@thinguin.org
- Web: http://www.thinguin.org/
diff --git a/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-3.txt b/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a865a447..000000000
--- a/contrib/eepro100notes/flash-3.txt
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-Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 09:47:15 +0100 (MET)
-From: Erik Starbäck <erik@math.uu.se>
-To: Netboot List <netboot@baghira.han.de>
-Subject: Re: Look Mom, no PROM burner! (eepro100b flashing instructions) :-)
-In-Reply-To: <1263512144-341319205@entity.com>
-Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.1000123094505.28562A-100000@anarchy.math.uu.se>
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT
-Sender: owner-netboot@baghira.han.de
-Precedence: bulk
-Reply-To: netboot@baghira.han.de
-X-Moderator: netboot-owner@baghira.han.de
-In <http://www.han.de/~gero/netboot/archive/msg01718.html> I wrote what I
-did know about futil and fboot then. It is about the same as Martys
-instructions, but I have a few comments now.
-> Then, see how large it is, with an "ls -l eepro100.rom". the answer will
-> probably be 16,384. You need to pad it with hex FFs to make it 64K for
-> FBOOT. I used the following two lines to create the flash image file.
-> $ perl -e 'print "\xFF" x 49152' > 48kpad.bin
-> $ cat eepro100.rom 48kpad.bin > 2794FC60.FLS
-It worked for me without any padding. When I burned a smaller image
-the program printed 50% instead of 100% and then it
-stopped. Everything worked anyway.
-I also did a brutal way of install etherboot or netboot on a
-EEPRO100+Mng without creating a file of type "2794FC60.FLS" for
-every card. It was necessary for me when I installed 70 clients...
-I chopped the binary file fboot.exe (my version was 99811 bytes, I
-don't remember the version name) in three parts:
-fboot1 30096 bytes
-fboot2 65536 bytes
-fboot3 4179 bytes
-Then you cat put them together again, but with a different part 2 and
-save it as fbootown.exe and execute it. It worked for me anyway. Of
-course you have to use padding to get a 64k part instead of fboot2.
-/Erik S
-Erik Starbäck, System administrator E-mail address: erik@math.uu.se
-Uppsala University Telephone (o): +46 18 4713277
-Department of Mathematics Cellular phone: +46 70 4250260
-P. O. Box 480 Fax (o): +46 18 4713201
-SE-751 06 UPPSALA