path: root/src/util/genkeymap.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/genkeymap.py')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/genkeymap.py b/src/util/genkeymap.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1bb494f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/genkeymap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk>.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+# License, or any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+"""Generate iPXE keymaps"""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+from collections import UserDict
+from collections.abc import Sequence, Mapping, MutableMapping
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Flag, IntEnum
+import re
+import subprocess
+from struct import Struct
+import textwrap
+from typing import ClassVar, Optional
+class KeyType(IntEnum):
+ """Key types"""
+ LATIN = 0
+ FN = 1
+ SPEC = 2
+ PAD = 3
+ DEAD = 4
+ CONS = 5
+ CUR = 6
+ SHIFT = 7
+ META = 8
+ ASCII = 9
+ LOCK = 10
+ LETTER = 11
+ SLOCK = 12
+ DEAD2 = 13
+ BRL = 14
+ UNKNOWN = 0xf0
+class KeyModifiers(Flag):
+ """Key modifiers"""
+ NONE = 0
+ SHIFT = 1
+ ALTGR = 2
+ CTRL = 4
+ ALT = 8
+ SHIFTL = 16
+ SHIFTR = 32
+ CTRLL = 64
+ CTRLR = 128
+ @property
+ def complexity(self) -> int:
+ """Get complexity value of applied modifiers"""
+ if self == self.NONE:
+ return 0
+ if self == self.SHIFT:
+ return 1
+ if self == self.CTRL:
+ return 2
+ return 3 + bin(self.value).count('1')
+class Key:
+ """A single key definition"""
+ keycode: int
+ """Opaque keycode"""
+ keysym: int
+ """Key symbol"""
+ modifiers: KeyModifiers
+ """Applied modifiers"""
+ ASCII_TYPES: ClassVar[set[KeyType]] = {KeyType.LATIN, KeyType.ASCII,
+ KeyType.LETTER}
+ """Key types with direct ASCII values"""
+ @property
+ def keytype(self) -> Optional[KeyType]:
+ """Key type"""
+ try:
+ return KeyType(self.keysym >> 8)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ @property
+ def value(self) -> int:
+ """Key value"""
+ return self.keysym & 0xff
+ @property
+ def ascii(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """ASCII character"""
+ if self.keytype in self.ASCII_TYPES:
+ value = self.value
+ char = chr(value)
+ if value and char.isascii():
+ return char
+ return None
+class KeyMapping(UserDict[KeyModifiers, Sequence[Key]]):
+ """A keyboard mapping"""
+ BKEYMAP_MAGIC: ClassVar[bytes] = b'bkeymap'
+ """Magic signature for output produced by 'loadkeys -b'"""
+ MAX_NR_KEYMAPS: ClassVar[int] = 256
+ """Maximum number of keymaps produced by 'loadkeys -b'"""
+ NR_KEYS: ClassVar[int] = 128
+ """Number of keys in each keymap produced by 'loadkeys -b'"""
+ KEY_BACKSPACE: ClassVar[int] = 14
+ """Key code for backspace
+ Keyboard maps seem to somewhat arbitrarily pick an interpretation
+ for the backspace key and its various modifiers, according to the
+ personal preference of the keyboard map transcriber.
+ """
+ KEY_NON_US: ClassVar[int] = 86
+ """Key code 86
+ Key code 86 is somewhat bizarre. It doesn't physically exist on
+ most US keyboards. The database used by "loadkeys" defines it as
+ "<>", while most other databases either define it as a duplicate
+ "\\|" or omit it entirely.
+ """
+ FIXUPS: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Mapping[KeyModifiers,
+ Sequence[tuple[int, int]]]]] = {
+ 'us': {
+ # Redefine erroneous key 86 as generating "\\|"
+ KeyModifiers.NONE: [(KEY_NON_US, ord('\\'))],
+ KeyModifiers.SHIFT: [(KEY_NON_US, ord('|'))],
+ # Treat Ctrl-Backspace as producing Backspace rather than Ctrl-H
+ KeyModifiers.CTRL: [(KEY_BACKSPACE, 0x7f)],
+ },
+ }
+ """Fixups for erroneous keymappings produced by 'loadkeys -b'"""
+ @property
+ def unshifted(self):
+ """Basic unshifted key mapping"""
+ return self[KeyModifiers.NONE]
+ @property
+ def shifted(self):
+ """Basic shifted key mapping"""
+ return self[KeyModifiers.SHIFT]
+ @classmethod
+ def load(cls, name: str) -> KeyMapping:
+ """Load keymap using 'loadkeys -b'"""
+ bkeymap = subprocess.check_output(["loadkeys", "-u", "-b", name])
+ if not bkeymap.startswith(cls.BKEYMAP_MAGIC):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid bkeymap magic signature")
+ bkeymap = bkeymap[len(cls.BKEYMAP_MAGIC):]
+ included = bkeymap[:cls.MAX_NR_KEYMAPS]
+ if len(included) != cls.MAX_NR_KEYMAPS:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid bkeymap inclusion list")
+ keymaps = bkeymap[cls.MAX_NR_KEYMAPS:]
+ keys = {}
+ for modifiers in map(KeyModifiers, range(cls.MAX_NR_KEYMAPS)):
+ if included[modifiers.value]:
+ fmt = Struct('<%dH' % cls.NR_KEYS)
+ keymap = keymaps[:fmt.size]
+ if len(keymap) != fmt.size:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid bkeymap map %#x" %
+ modifiers.value)
+ keys[modifiers] = [
+ Key(modifiers=modifiers, keycode=keycode, keysym=keysym)
+ for keycode, keysym in enumerate(fmt.unpack(keymap))
+ ]
+ keymaps = keymaps[len(keymap):]
+ if keymaps:
+ raise ValueError("Trailing bkeymap data")
+ for modifiers, fixups in cls.FIXUPS.get(name, {}).items():
+ for keycode, keysym in fixups:
+ keys[modifiers][keycode] = Key(modifiers=modifiers,
+ keycode=keycode, keysym=keysym)
+ return cls(keys)
+ @property
+ def inverse(self) -> MutableMapping[str, Key]:
+ """Construct inverse mapping from ASCII value to key"""
+ return {
+ key.ascii: key
+ # Give priority to simplest modifier for a given ASCII code
+ for modifiers in sorted(self.keys(), reverse=True,
+ key=lambda x: (x.complexity, x.value))
+ # Give priority to lowest keycode for a given ASCII code
+ for key in reversed(self[modifiers])
+ # Ignore keys with no ASCII value
+ if key.ascii
+ }
+class BiosKeyMapping(KeyMapping):
+ """Keyboard mapping as used by the BIOS"""
+ @property
+ def inverse(self) -> MutableMapping[str, Key]:
+ inverse = super().inverse
+ assert len(inverse) == 0x7f
+ assert all(x.modifiers in {KeyModifiers.NONE, KeyModifiers.SHIFT,
+ KeyModifiers.CTRL}
+ for x in inverse.values())
+ return inverse
+class KeyRemapping:
+ """A keyboard remapping"""
+ name: str
+ """Mapping name"""
+ source: KeyMapping
+ """Source keyboard mapping"""
+ target: KeyMapping
+ """Target keyboard mapping"""
+ @property
+ def ascii(self) -> MutableMapping[str, str]:
+ """Remapped ASCII key table"""
+ # Construct raw mapping from source ASCII to target ASCII
+ raw = {source: self.target[key.modifiers][key.keycode].ascii
+ for source, key in self.source.inverse.items()}
+ # Eliminate any null mappings, mappings that attempt to remap
+ # the backspace key, or identity mappings
+ table = {source: target for source, target in raw.items()
+ if target
+ and ord(source) != 0x7f
+ and ord(target) != 0x7f
+ and ord(source) != ord(target)}
+ # Recursively delete any mappings that would produce
+ # unreachable alphanumerics (e.g. the "il" keymap, which maps
+ # away the whole lower-case alphabet)
+ while True:
+ unreachable = set(table.keys()) - set(table.values())
+ delete = {x for x in unreachable if x.isascii() and x.isalnum()}
+ if not delete:
+ break
+ table = {k: v for k, v in table.items() if k not in delete}
+ # Sanity check: ensure that all numerics are reachable using
+ # the same shift state
+ digits = '1234567890'
+ unshifted = ''.join(table.get(x, x) for x in '1234567890')
+ shifted = ''.join(table.get(x, x) for x in '!@#$%^&*()')
+ if digits not in (shifted, unshifted):
+ raise ValueError("Inconsistent numeric remapping %s / %s" %
+ (unshifted, shifted))
+ return dict(sorted(table.items()))
+ @property
+ def cname(self) -> str:
+ """C variable name"""
+ return re.sub(r'\W', '_', self.name) + "_mapping"
+ @staticmethod
+ def ascii_name(char: str) -> str:
+ """ASCII character name"""
+ if char == '\\':
+ name = "'\\\\'"
+ elif char == '\'':
+ name = "'\\\''"
+ elif char.isprintable():
+ name = "'%s'" % char
+ elif ord(char) <= 0x1a:
+ name = "Ctrl-%c" % (ord(char) + 0x40)
+ else:
+ name = "0x%02x" % ord(char)
+ return name
+ @property
+ def code(self) -> str:
+ """Generated source code"""
+ code = textwrap.dedent(f"""
+ /** @file
+ *
+ * "{self.name}" keyboard mapping
+ *
+ * This file is automatically generated; do not edit
+ *
+ */
+ #include <ipxe/keymap.h>
+ /** "{self.name}" keyboard mapping */
+ struct key_mapping {self.cname}[] __keymap = {{
+ """).lstrip() + ''.join(
+ '\t{ 0x%02x, 0x%02x },\t/* %s => %s */\n' % (
+ ord(source), ord(target),
+ self.ascii_name(source), self.ascii_name(target)
+ )
+ for source, target in self.ascii.items()
+ ) + textwrap.dedent("""
+ };
+ """).strip()
+ return code
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Parse command-line arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate iPXE keymaps")
+ parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0,
+ help="Increase verbosity")
+ parser.add_argument('layout', help="Target keyboard layout")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Load source and target keymaps
+ source = BiosKeyMapping.load('us')
+ target = KeyMapping.load(args.layout)
+ # Construct remapping
+ remap = KeyRemapping(name=args.layout, source=source, target=target)
+ # Output generated code
+ print(remap.code)