path: root/scripts/multiconfig.py
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1 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/multiconfig.py b/scripts/multiconfig.py
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+++ b/scripts/multiconfig.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2014, Masahiro Yamada <yamada.m@jp.panasonic.com>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+A wrapper script to adjust Kconfig for U-Boot
+The biggest difference between Linux Kernel and U-Boot in terms of the
+board configuration is that U-Boot has to configure multiple boot images
+per board: Normal, SPL, TPL.
+We need to expand the functions of Kconfig to handle multiple boot
+Instead of touching various parts under the scripts/kconfig/ directory,
+pushing necessary adjustments into this single script would be better
+for code maintainance. All the make targets related to the configuration
+(make %config) should be invoked via this script.
+Let's see what is different from the original Kconfig.
+- config, menuconfig, etc.
+The commands 'make config', 'make menuconfig', etc. are used to create
+or modify the .config file, which stores configs for Normal boot image.
+The location of the one for SPL, TPL image is spl/.config, tpl/.config,
+respectively. Use 'make spl/config', 'make spl/menuconfig', etc.
+to create or modify the spl/.config file, which contains configs
+for SPL image.
+Do likewise for the tpl/.config file.
+The generic syntax for SPL, TPL configuration is
+'make <target_image>/<config_command>'.
+- silentoldconfig
+The command 'make silentoldconfig' updates .config, if necessary, and
+additionally updates include/generated/autoconf.h and files under
+include/configs/ directory. In U-Boot, it should do the same things for
+SPL, TPL images for boards supporting them.
+Depending on whether CONFIG_SPL, CONFIG_TPL is defined or not,
+'make silentoldconfig' iterates three times at most changing the target
+To sum up, 'make silentoldconfig' possibly updates
+ - .config, include/generated/autoconf.h, include/config/*
+ - spl/.config, spl/include/generated/autoconf.h, spl/include/config/*
+ (in case CONFIG_SPL=y)
+ - tpl/.config, tpl/include/generated/autoconf.h, tpl/include/config/*
+ (in case CONFIG_TPL=y)
+- defconfig, <board>_defconfig
+The command 'make <board>_defconfig' creates a new .config based on the
+file configs/<board>_defconfig. The command 'make defconfig' is the same
+but the difference is it uses the file specified with KBUILD_DEFCONFIG
+We need to create .config, spl/.config, tpl/.config for boards where SPL
+and TPL images are supported. One possible solution for that is to have
+multiple defconfig files per board, but it would produce duplication
+among the defconfigs.
+The approach chosen here is to expand the feature and support
+conditional definition in defconfig, that is, each line in defconfig
+files has the form of:
+<condition>:<macro definition>
+The '<condition>:' prefix specifies which image the line is valid for.
+The '<condition>:' is one of:
+ None - the line is valid only for Normal image
+ S: - the line is valid only for SPL image
+ T: - the line is valid only for TPL image
+ ST: - the line is valid for SPL and TPL images
+ +S: - the line is valid for Normal and SPL images
+ +T: - the line is valid for Normal and TPL images
+ +ST: - the line is valid for Normal, SPL and SPL images
+So, if neither CONFIG_SPL nor CONFIG_TPL is defined, the defconfig file
+has no '<condition>:' part and therefore has the same form of that of
+Linux Kernel.
+In U-Boot, for example, a defconfig file can be written like this:
+The defconfig above is parsed by this script and internally divided into
+three temporary defconfig files.
+ - Temporary defconfig for Normal image
+ - Temporary defconfig for SPL image
+ - Temporary defconfig for TPL image
+They are passed to scripts/kconfig/conf, each is used for generating
+.config, spl/.config, tpl/.config, respectively.
+- savedefconfig
+This is the reverse operation of 'make defconfig'.
+If neither CONFIG_SPL nor CONFIG_TPL is defined in the .config file,
+it works as 'make savedefconfig' in Linux Kernel: create the minimal set
+of config based on the .config and save it into 'defconfig' file.
+If CONFIG_SPL or CONFIG_TPL is defined, the common lines among .config,
+spl/.config, tpl/.config are coalesced together and output to the file
+'defconfig' in the form like:
+This can be used as an input of 'make <board>_defconfig' command.
+import errno
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# Constant variables
+SUB_IMAGES = ('spl', 'tpl')
+SYMBOL_MAP = {'': '+', 'spl': 'S', 'tpl': 'T'}
+PATTERN_SYMBOL = re.compile(r'(\+?)(S?)(T?):(.*)')
+# Environment variables (should be defined in the top Makefile)
+# .get('key', 'default_value') method is useful for standalone testing.
+MAKE = os.environ.get('MAKE', 'make')
+srctree = os.environ.get('srctree', '.')
+KCONFIG_CONFIG = os.environ.get('KCONFIG_CONFIG', '.config')
+# Useful shorthand
+build = '%s -f %s/scripts/Makefile.build obj=scripts/kconfig %%s' % (MAKE, srctree)
+autoconf = '%s -f %s/scripts/Makefile.autoconf obj=%%s %%s' % (MAKE, srctree)
+### helper functions ###
+def mkdirs(*dirs):
+ """Make directories ignoring 'File exists' error."""
+ for d in dirs:
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(d)
+ except OSError as exception:
+ # Ignore 'File exists' error
+ if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+def rmfiles(*files):
+ """Remove files ignoring 'No such file or directory' error."""
+ for f in files:
+ try:
+ os.remove(f)
+ except OSError as exception:
+ # Ignore 'No such file or directory' error
+ if exception.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+def rmdirs(*dirs):
+ """Remove directories ignoring 'No such file or directory'
+ and 'Directory not empty' error.
+ """
+ for d in dirs:
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(d)
+ except OSError as exception:
+ # Ignore 'No such file or directory'
+ # and 'Directory not empty' error
+ if exception.errno != errno.ENOENT and \
+ exception.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY:
+ raise
+def error(msg):
+ """Output the given argument to stderr and exit with return code 1."""
+ print >> sys.stderr, msg
+ sys.exit(1)
+def run_command(command, callback_on_error=None):
+ """Run the given command in a sub-shell (and exit if it fails).
+ Arguments:
+ command: A string of the command
+ callback_on_error: Callback handler invoked just before exit
+ when the command fails (Default=None)
+ """
+ retcode = subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
+ if retcode:
+ if callback_on_error:
+ callback_on_error()
+ error("'%s' Failed" % command)
+def run_make_config(cmd, objdir, callback_on_error=None):
+ """Run the make command in a sub-shell (and exit if it fails).
+ Arguments:
+ cmd: Make target such as 'config', 'menuconfig', 'defconfig', etc.
+ objdir: Target directory where the make command is run.
+ Typically '', 'spl', 'tpl' for Normal, SPL, TPL image,
+ respectively.
+ callback_on_error: Callback handler invoked just before exit
+ when the command fails (Default=None)
+ """
+ # Linux expects defconfig files in arch/$(SRCARCH)/configs/ directory,
+ # but U-Boot puts them in configs/ directory.
+ # Give SRCARCH=.. to fake scripts/kconfig/Makefile.
+ options = 'SRCARCH=.. KCONFIG_OBJDIR=%s' % objdir
+ if objdir:
+ options += ' KCONFIG_CONFIG=%s/%s' % (objdir, KCONFIG_CONFIG)
+ mkdirs(objdir)
+ run_command(build % cmd + ' ' + options, callback_on_error)
+def get_enabled_subimages(ignore_error=False):
+ """Parse .config file to detect if CONFIG_SPL, CONFIG_TPL is enabled
+ and return a tuple of enabled subimages.
+ Arguments:
+ ignore_error: Specify the behavior when '.config' is not found;
+ Raise an exception if this flag is False.
+ Return a null tuple if this flag is True.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of enabled subimages as follows:
+ () if neither CONFIG_SPL nor CONFIG_TPL is defined
+ ('spl',) if CONFIG_SPL is defined but CONFIG_TPL is not
+ ('spl', 'tpl') if both CONFIG_SPL and CONFIG_TPL are defined
+ """
+ enabled = ()
+ match_patterns = [ (img, 'CONFIG_' + img.upper() + '=y\n')
+ for img in SUB_IMAGES ]
+ try:
+ f = open(KCONFIG_CONFIG)
+ except IOError as exception:
+ if not ignore_error or exception.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ return enabled
+ with f:
+ for line in f:
+ for img, pattern in match_patterns:
+ if line == pattern:
+ enabled += (img,)
+ return enabled
+def do_silentoldconfig(cmd):
+ """Run 'make silentoldconfig' for all the enabled images.
+ Arguments:
+ cmd: should always be a string 'silentoldconfig'
+ """
+ run_make_config(cmd, '')
+ subimages = get_enabled_subimages()
+ for obj in subimages:
+ mkdirs(os.path.join(obj, 'include', 'config'),
+ os.path.join(obj, 'include', 'generated'))
+ run_make_config(cmd, obj)
+ remove_auto_conf = lambda : rmfiles('include/config/auto.conf')
+ # If the following part failed, include/config/auto.conf should be deleted
+ # so 'make silentoldconfig' will be re-run on the next build.
+ run_command(autoconf %
+ ('include', 'include/autoconf.mk include/autoconf.mk.dep'),
+ remove_auto_conf)
+ # include/config.h has been updated after 'make silentoldconfig'.
+ # We need to touch include/config/auto.conf so it gets newer
+ # than include/config.h.
+ # Otherwise, 'make silentoldconfig' would be invoked twice.
+ os.utime('include/config/auto.conf', None)
+ for obj in subimages:
+ run_command(autoconf % (obj + '/include',
+ obj + '/include/autoconf.mk'),
+ remove_auto_conf)
+def do_tmp_defconfig(output_lines, img):
+ """Helper function for do_board_defconfig().
+ Write the defconfig contents into a file '.tmp_defconfig' and
+ invoke 'make .tmp_defconfig'.
+ Arguments:
+ output_lines: A sequence of defconfig lines of each image
+ img: Target image. Typically '', 'spl', 'tpl' for
+ Normal, SPL, TPL images, respectively.
+ """
+ TMP_DEFCONFIG = '.tmp_defconfig'
+ TMP_DIRS = ('arch', 'configs')
+ defconfig_path = os.path.join('configs', TMP_DEFCONFIG)
+ mkdirs(*TMP_DIRS)
+ with open(defconfig_path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(''.join(output_lines[img]))
+ cleanup = lambda: (rmfiles(defconfig_path), rmdirs(*TMP_DIRS))
+ run_make_config(TMP_DEFCONFIG, img, cleanup)
+ cleanup()
+def do_board_defconfig(cmd):
+ """Run 'make <board>_defconfig'.
+ Arguments:
+ cmd: should be a string '<board>_defconfig'
+ """
+ defconfig_path = os.path.join(srctree, 'configs', cmd)
+ output_lines = dict([ (img, []) for img in IMAGES ])
+ with open(defconfig_path) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ m = PATTERN_SYMBOL.match(line)
+ if m:
+ for idx, img in enumerate(IMAGES):
+ if m.group(idx + 1):
+ output_lines[img].append(m.group(4) + '\n')
+ continue
+ output_lines[''].append(line)
+ do_tmp_defconfig(output_lines, '')
+ for img in get_enabled_subimages():
+ do_tmp_defconfig(output_lines, img)
+def do_defconfig(cmd):
+ """Run 'make defconfig'.
+ Arguments:
+ cmd: should always be a string 'defconfig'
+ """
+ print "*** Default configuration is based on '%s'" % KBUILD_DEFCONFIG
+ do_board_defconfig(KBUILD_DEFCONFIG)
+def do_savedefconfig(cmd):
+ """Run 'make savedefconfig'.
+ Arguments:
+ cmd: should always be a string 'savedefconfig'
+ """
+ DEFCONFIG = 'defconfig'
+ # Continue even if '.config' does not exist
+ subimages = get_enabled_subimages(True)
+ run_make_config(cmd, '')
+ output_lines = []
+ prefix = {}
+ with open(DEFCONFIG) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ output_lines.append(line)
+ prefix[line] = '+'
+ for img in subimages:
+ run_make_config(cmd, img)
+ unmatched_lines = []
+ with open(DEFCONFIG) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line in output_lines:
+ index = output_lines.index(line)
+ output_lines[index:index] = unmatched_lines
+ unmatched_lines = []
+ prefix[line] += SYMBOL_MAP[img]
+ else:
+ ummatched_lines.append(line)
+ prefix[line] = SYMBOL_MAP[img]
+ with open(DEFCONFIG, 'w') as f:
+ for line in output_lines:
+ if prefix[line] == '+':
+ f.write(line)
+ else:
+ f.write(prefix[line] + ':' + line)
+def do_others(cmd):
+ """Run the make command other than 'silentoldconfig', 'defconfig',
+ '<board>_defconfig' and 'savedefconfig'.
+ Arguments:
+ cmd: Make target in the form of '<target_image>/<config_command>'
+ The field '<target_image>/' is typically empty, 'spl/', 'tpl/'
+ for Normal, SPL, TPL images, respectively.
+ The field '<config_command>' is make target such as 'config',
+ 'menuconfig', etc.
+ """
+ objdir, _, cmd = cmd.rpartition('/')
+ run_make_config(cmd, objdir)
+cmd_list = {'silentoldconfig': do_silentoldconfig,
+ 'defconfig': do_defconfig,
+ 'savedefconfig': do_savedefconfig}
+def main():
+ cmd = sys.argv[1]
+ if cmd.endswith('_defconfig'):
+ do_board_defconfig(cmd)
+ else:
+ func = cmd_list.get(cmd, do_others)
+ func(cmd)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()