/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ /* * Copyright 2019 NXP * Copyright 2022 Linaro */ #ifndef __IMX8MP_RSB3720_H #define __IMX8MP_RSB3720_H #include #include #include #include #define CONFIG_SYS_UBOOT_BASE (QSPI0_AMBA_BASE + CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR * 512) /* GUIDs for capsule updatable firmware images */ #define IMX8MP_RSB3720A1_4G_FIT_IMAGE_GUID \ EFI_GUID(0xb1251e89, 0x384a, 0x4635, 0xa8, 0x06, \ 0x3a, 0xa0, 0xb0, 0xe9, 0xf9, 0x65) #define IMX8MP_RSB3720A1_6G_FIT_IMAGE_GUID \ EFI_GUID(0xb5fb6f08, 0xe142, 0x4db1, 0x97, 0xea, \ 0x5f, 0xd3, 0x6b, 0x9b, 0xe5, 0xb9) #ifdef CONFIG_SPL_BUILD #define CONFIG_MALLOC_F_ADDR 0x184000 /* malloc f used before \ * GD_FLG_FULL_MALLOC_INIT \ * set \ */ #if defined(CONFIG_NAND_BOOT) #define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_MXS #endif #endif /* ENET Config */ /* ENET1 */ #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET) #define CONFIG_FEC_MXC_PHYADDR 4 #ifdef CONFIG_DWC_ETH_QOS #define CONFIG_SYS_NONCACHED_MEMORY (1 * SZ_1M) /* 1M */ #endif #define PHY_ANEG_TIMEOUT 20000 #endif #if CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(CMD_MMC) # define BOOT_TARGET_MMC(func) \ func(MMC, mmc, 2) \ func(MMC, mmc, 1) #else # define BOOT_TARGET_MMC(func) #endif #if CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(CMD_PXE) # define BOOT_TARGET_PXE(func) func(PXE, pxe, na) #else # define BOOT_TARGET_PXE(func) #endif #if CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(CMD_DHCP) # define BOOT_TARGET_DHCP(func) func(DHCP, dhcp, na) #else # define BOOT_TARGET_DHCP(func) #endif #define BOOT_TARGET_DEVICES(func) \ BOOT_TARGET_MMC(func) \ BOOT_TARGET_PXE(func) \ BOOT_TARGET_DHCP(func) /* Initial environment variables */ #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ BOOTENV \ "script=boot.scr\0" \ "image=Image\0" \ "splashimage=0x50000000\0" \ "console=ttymxc2,115200 earlycon=ec_imx6q,0x30880000,115200\0" \ "fdt_addr=0x43000000\0" \ "fdt_addr_r=0x43000000\0" \ "boot_fit=no\0" \ "dfu_alt_info=mmc 2=flash-bin raw 0 0x1B00 mmcpart 1\0" \ "fdt_file=" CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE "\0" \ "fdtfile=" CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE "\0" \ "initrd_addr=0x43800000\0" \ "bootm_size=0x10000000\0" \ "mmcdev=" __stringify(CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV) "\0" \ "mmcpart=1\0" \ "mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rootwait rw\0" \ "mmcautodetect=yes\0" \ "mmcargs=setenv bootargs ${jh_clk} console=${console} root=${mmcroot}\0 " \ "loadbootscript=fatload mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${script};\0" \ "bootscript=echo Running bootscript from mmc ...; " \ "source\0" \ "loadimage=fatload mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${image}\0" \ "loadfdt=fatload mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${fdt_addr} ${fdt_file}\0" \ "kernel_addr_r=0x40480000\0" \ "pxefile_addr_r=0x40480000\0" \ "ramdisk_addr_r=0x43800000\0" \ "mmcboot=echo Booting from mmc ...; " \ "run mmcargs; " \ "if test ${boot_fit} = yes || test ${boot_fit} = try; then " \ "bootm ${loadaddr}; " \ "else " \ "if run loadfdt; then " \ "booti ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr}; " \ "else " \ "echo WARN: Cannot load the DT; " \ "fi; " \ "fi;\0" \ "netargs=setenv bootargs ${jh_clk} console=${console} " \ "root=/dev/nfs " \ "ip=dhcp nfsroot=${serverip}:${nfsroot},v3,tcp\0" \ "netboot=echo Booting from net ...; " \ "run netargs; " \ "if test ${ip_dyn} = yes; then " \ "setenv get_cmd dhcp; " \ "else " \ "setenv get_cmd tftp; " \ "fi; " \ "${get_cmd} ${loadaddr} ${image}; " \ "if test ${boot_fit} = yes || test ${boot_fit} = try; then " \ "bootm ${loadaddr}; " \ "else " \ "if ${get_cmd} ${fdt_addr} ${fdt_file}; then " \ "booti ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr}; " \ "else " \ "echo WARN: Cannot load the DT; " \ "fi; " \ "fi;\0" /* Link Definitions */ #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR 0x40000000 #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE 0x80000 /* Totally 6GB or 4G DDR */ #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE 0x40000000 #define PHYS_SDRAM 0x40000000 #if defined(CONFIG_TARGET_IMX8MP_RSB3720A1_6G) #define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE 0xC0000000 /* 3 GB */ #define PHYS_SDRAM_2 0x100000000 #define PHYS_SDRAM_2_SIZE 0xC0000000 /* 3 GB */ #elif defined(CONFIG_TARGET_IMX8MP_RSB3720A1_4G) #define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE 0x80000000 /* 2 GB */ #define PHYS_SDRAM_2 0xC0000000 #define PHYS_SDRAM_2_SIZE 0x80000000 /* 2 GB */ #endif #define CONFIG_MXC_UART_BASE UART3_BASE_ADDR #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USDHC_NUM 2 #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_ESDHC_ADDR 0 #ifdef CONFIG_FSL_FSPI #define FSL_FSPI_FLASH_SIZE SZ_32M #define FSL_FSPI_FLASH_NUM 1 #define FSPI0_BASE_ADDR 0x30bb0000 #define FSPI0_AMBA_BASE 0x0 #define CONFIG_FSPI_QUAD_SUPPORT #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_FSPI_AHB #endif #ifdef CONFIG_NAND_MXS /* NAND stuff */ #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE 0x20000000 #endif /* CONFIG_NAND_MXS */ #endif /* __IMX8MP_RSB3720_H */