What is vconsole ================ This is a virtual machine console, with a strong focus on guests using a serial console. Features a tabbed GUI, one tab for the VM list, then one per guest console. It build on top of libvirt. Using vconsole ============== Just start it. It comes up with a GUI which should be mostly self-explanatory. If you have VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI set it should pick it up automatically. If it comes up empty try passing the libvirt uri using the '-c' switch. Hit 'Enter' on a host line to expland/collapse the guest list. Hit 'Enter' on a guest line to open a guest (text) console tab for it. Guest console tabs stay open until you explicitly close them using the 'close tab' file menu entry. When a guest starts the console will be (re-)connected automatically. Typing into a guest console for a guest not running will start it (this is probably temporary until we have more fancy gui controls for that). Known issues / TODO list ======================== vconsole doesn't handle connection drops (caused by libvirtd restart for example) yet. vconsole lacks a .desktop file and manual page. Most likely there are bugs not listed here.