#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT # include # include # include # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_XENSTORE # include #endif #include "list.h" #include "xs_tools.h" #include "apps.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define BUFSIZE 64 #define PRE_STATE "%16s: " struct dom { int domid; char name[BUFSIZE]; char tty[BUFSIZE]; int connected; int destroyed; struct list_head next; }; static LIST_HEAD(doms); static int domcnt; static char *screen_rc = "/etc/xen/xenscreenrc"; static char *screen_unlink = NULL; static char *screen_session = "xencon"; static char *screen_title = "mon"; static int screen_detached; static int screen_logging; static int screen_shell; static char builtin_screen_rc[] = "multiuser on\n" "\n" "# status line\n" "sorendition =s wb\n" "hardstatus lastline \"%{=b bw} xen |%{-} %-w%{= yb} %50>%n* %t %{-}%+w%<\"\n" "\n" "# logging\n" "logfile /var/log/xen/console.%t\n" "logfile flush 1\n" "logtstamp on\n" "\n" "# disable killing windows\n" "bind k\n" "bind K\n" "bind ^K\n" "\n" "# misc other useful settings\n" "shell /bin/bash\n" "defscrollback 5000\n" "compacthist on\n" "defutf8 on\n" "termcapinfo xterm hs@\n" "\n" ; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct dom *find_dom(int domid) { struct dom *dom; struct list_head *item; list_for_each(item, &doms) { dom = list_entry(item, struct dom, next); if (dom->domid == domid) return dom; } return NULL; } static struct dom *get_dom(int domid) { struct dom *dom; dom = find_dom(domid); if (!dom) { dom = malloc(sizeof(*dom)); memset(dom,0,sizeof(*dom)); dom->domid = domid; list_add_tail(&dom->next, &doms); } return dom; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int termsig; static void catchsig(int sig) { termsig = sig; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int screen_command(char *arg0, ...) { va_list args; char *argv[64]; int i = 0; argv[i++] = "screen"; argv[i++] = "-X"; argv[i++] = "-S"; argv[i++] = screen_session; argv[i++] = arg0; va_start(args, arg0); while (i < array_size(argv)) { argv[i] = va_arg(args, char*); if (NULL == argv[i]) break; i++; } va_end(args); return run_application_va(1, "screen", argv); } static int screen_attach(char *window) { return run_application(1, "screen", "screen", "-S", screen_session, "-r", "-x", "-p", window ? window : "=", NULL); } static void try_attach_domain(struct dom *dom, int boot) { int rc; if (dom->connected) return; if (!strlen(dom->name)) return; if (!strlen(dom->tty)) return; fprintf(stderr, PRE_STATE "%s (%d) @ %s\n", "connecting", dom->name, dom->domid, dom->tty); if (0 != access(dom->tty, R_OK)) { fprintf(stderr, " error: no access to tty %s\n", dom->tty); return; } /* known-racy, but better than nothing ... */ rc = run_application(1, "fuser", "fuser", "-s", dom->tty, NULL); if (0 == rc) { fprintf(stderr," error: tty %s already in use\n", dom->tty); return; } if (screen_logging) rc = screen_command("screen", "-L", "-t", dom->name, dom->tty, NULL); else rc = screen_command("screen", "-t", dom->name, dom->tty, NULL); #if 0 /* * Hmm, not exactly the most elegant way to do this, has * some ugly glitches too. * * Switches back from the new window to the previous one. * Better would be to not switch in the first place, * seems screen can't do that though :-( */ if (!boot) rc = screen_command("other", NULL); #endif dom->connected = 1; domcnt++; } static void try_release_domain(struct dom *dom) { if (!dom->destroyed) return; fprintf(stderr, PRE_STATE "%s (%d)%s\n", "disappeared", dom->name, dom->domid, dom->connected ? " [conn]" : ""); if (dom->connected) domcnt--; list_del(&dom->next); free(dom); } static void builtin_screen_setup(void) { char *rc = strdup("/tmp/xenscreen-XXXXXX"); int fd; fd = mkstemp(rc); if (-1 == fd) { fprintf(stderr,"mkstmp(%s): %s\n", rc, strerror(errno)); return; } write(fd, builtin_screen_rc, sizeof(builtin_screen_rc)); close(fd); fprintf(stderr, "Config file \"%s\" doesn't exist, using builtin config (%s).\n", screen_rc, rc); screen_rc = rc; screen_unlink = rc; return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* libvirt bits */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT static int libvirt_xml_xpath_str(const char *doc, char *xpath, char *dest, int len) { xmlDocPtr xml = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr obj = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt = NULL; int ret = -1; xml = xmlReadDoc((const xmlChar *) doc, "domain.xml", NULL, XML_PARSE_NOENT | XML_PARSE_NONET | XML_PARSE_NOWARNING); if (!xml) goto cleanup; ctxt = xmlXPathNewContext(xml); if (!ctxt) goto cleanup; obj = xmlXPathEval(BAD_CAST xpath, ctxt); if ((obj == NULL) || (obj->type != XPATH_STRING) || (obj->stringval == NULL) || (obj->stringval[0] == 0)) { goto cleanup; } snprintf(dest, len, "%s", obj->stringval); ret = 0; cleanup: if (obj) xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); if (ctxt) xmlXPathFreeContext(ctxt); if (xml) xmlFreeDoc(xml); return ret; } static void libvirt_scan(virConnectPtr conn, int boot) { int i, count, *ids; virDomainPtr vdom; struct dom *dom; const char *name, *xml; struct list_head *item; list_for_each(item, &doms) { dom = list_entry(item, struct dom, next); dom->destroyed = 1; } count = virConnectNumOfDomains(conn) + 4; ids = malloc(count * sizeof(int)); count = virConnectListDomains(conn, ids, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { dom = find_dom(ids[i]); if (dom) { /* have it */ dom->destroyed = 0; continue; } /* new one */ vdom = virDomainLookupByID(conn, ids[i]); name = virDomainGetName(vdom); xml = virDomainGetXMLDesc(vdom, 0); if (!name || !xml) continue; dom = get_dom(ids[i]); snprintf(dom->name, sizeof(dom->name), "%s", name); libvirt_xml_xpath_str(xml, "string(/domain/devices/console/@tty)", dom->tty, sizeof(dom->tty)); fprintf(stderr, "libvirt debug: %s: tty=\"%s\"\n", dom->name, dom->tty); try_attach_domain(dom, boot); } free(ids); list_for_each(item, &doms) { dom = list_entry(item, struct dom, next); if (dom->destroyed) try_release_domain(dom); } } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* xenstore bits */ #ifdef HAVE_XENSTORE static void xenstore_scan(struct xs_handle *xenstore) { xs_transaction_t xst; char **vec = NULL; int domid; unsigned int count, i; char path[BUFSIZE]; struct dom *dom; /* look for running domains */ if (!(xst = xs_transaction_start(xenstore))) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, can't start xenstore transaction\n"); exit(1); } vec = xs_directory(xenstore, xst, "/local/domain", &count); xs_transaction_end(xenstore, xst, 0); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { domid = atoi(vec[i]); dom = get_dom(domid); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/local/domain/%d/name", domid); xenstore_read(xenstore, path, dom->name, sizeof(dom->name)); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/local/domain/%d/console/tty", domid); xenstore_read(xenstore, path, dom->tty, sizeof(dom->tty)); try_attach_domain(dom, 1); } if (vec) free(vec); } static void xenstore_update(struct xs_handle *xenstore) { char **vec = NULL; int domid; unsigned int count, rc; char path[BUFSIZE], value[BUFSIZE]; struct dom *dom; vec = xs_read_watch(xenstore, &count); if (NULL == vec) { fprintf(stderr,"xs_read_watch() failed\n"); exit(1); } if (2 != sscanf(vec[XS_WATCH_PATH], "/local/domain/%d/%64s", &domid, path)) { if (1 != sscanf(vec[XS_WATCH_PATH], "/local/domain/%d", &domid)) goto cleanup; strcpy(path, ""); } dom = get_dom(domid); if (0 == strcmp(path,"")) { rc = xenstore_read(xenstore, vec[XS_WATCH_PATH], value, sizeof(value)); if (0 != rc) dom->destroyed = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp(path, "console/tty")) { rc = xenstore_read(xenstore, vec[XS_WATCH_PATH], value, sizeof(value)); if (0 != rc) goto cleanup; strcpy(dom->tty, value); } else if (0 == strcmp(path, "name")) { rc = xenstore_read(xenstore, vec[XS_WATCH_PATH], value, sizeof(value)); if (0 != rc) goto cleanup; strcpy(dom->name, value); fprintf(stderr, PRE_STATE "%s (%d)\n", "new domain", dom->name, dom->domid); } else { goto cleanup; } try_attach_domain(dom, 0); try_release_domain(dom); cleanup: if (vec) free(vec); } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void usage(FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp, "I'm managing xen consoles using screen.\n" "\n" "usage: xenscreen [options]\n" "options:\n" " -h print this text\n" " -b print default screen config file\n" " -z open a screen window with a shell\n" #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT " -v uri libvirt connect uri\n" #endif "\n" " -L enable console output logging\n" " -c screenrc screen config file [%s]\n" " -S session screen session name [%s]\n" " -p window preselect screen window\n" "\n" "-- \n" "(c) 2006,07 Gerd Hoffmann \n", screen_rc, screen_session); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sigaction act,old; struct utsname uts; int maxfd; fd_set set; char *window = NULL; int nac, c; unsigned int rc, i; time_t last_ctrl_c = 0; char **nav; #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT char *vir_url = getenv("VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI"); virConnectPtr vir_conn = NULL; struct timeval tv; #else void *vir_conn = NULL; #endif #ifdef HAVE_XENSTORE struct xs_handle *xenstore = NULL; #else void *xenstore = NULL; #endif for (;;) { if (-1 == (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hdbLzc:S:u:p:v:"))) break; switch (c) { /* screen-like behaviour */ case 'c': screen_rc = optarg; break; case 'S': screen_session = optarg; break; case 'p': window = optarg; break; case 'L': screen_logging = 1; break; case 'd': screen_detached = 1; break; /* other options */ case 'u': screen_unlink = optarg; break; case 'z': screen_shell = 1; break; case 'b': printf("%s", builtin_screen_rc); exit(0); #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT case 'v': vir_url = optarg; break; #endif case 'h': usage(stdout); exit(0); default: usage(stderr); exit(1); } } if (!have_application("screen")) { fprintf(stderr, "screen not found in $PATH (not installed?), exiting.\n"); exit(1); } memset(&uts, 0, sizeof(uts)); if (0 == uname(&uts)) { char *h; if (NULL != (h = strstr(uts.nodename, "."))) *h = 0; screen_title = malloc(strlen(uts.nodename) +4); sprintf(screen_title, "[%s]", uts.nodename); } if (NULL == getenv("STY") || NULL == strstr(getenv("STY"),screen_session)) { /* not running inside screen */ if (!screen_detached) { /* try to attach */ rc = screen_attach(window); if (0 == rc) exit(0); } else { /* This is a nop: just check if screen is running */ rc = screen_command("select", ".", NULL); if (0 == rc) { fprintf(stderr,"Screen session \"%s\" already active, exiting.\n", screen_session); exit(0); } } /* failing that, start a new screen session ... */ fprintf(stderr,"Starting new screen session \"%s\".\n", screen_session); if (0 != access(screen_rc, R_OK)) builtin_screen_setup(); nav = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (argc + 16)); nac = 0; nav[nac++] = "screen"; nav[nac++] = "-d"; nav[nac++] = "-m"; nav[nac++] = "-S"; nav[nac++] = screen_session; nav[nac++] = "-c"; nav[nac++] = screen_rc; nav[nac++] = "-t"; nav[nac++] = screen_title; for (i = 0; argv[i] != NULL;) nav[nac++] = argv[i++]; if (screen_unlink) { nav[nac++] = "-u"; nav[nac++] = screen_unlink; } nav[nac++] = NULL; rc = run_application_va(1, "screen", nav); /* ... and attach if asked for */ if (0 == rc && !screen_detached) { sleep(1); /* quick & dirty race work around */ rc = screen_attach(window); } exit(rc); } /* setup signal handler */ memset(&act,0,sizeof(act)); sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_handler = catchsig; sigaction(SIGTERM,&act,&old); sigaction(SIGINT,&act,&old); fprintf(stderr, "###\n" "### Managing Xen consoles using screen.\n" "### This is the monitor process, at %s.\n" "###\n" "\n", uts.nodename); if (screen_shell) screen_command("screen", "-t", "[shell]", "/bin/bash", NULL); #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT if (vir_url) { fprintf(stderr, "trying libvirt (%s) ...\n", vir_url); vir_conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly(vir_url); if (vir_conn) fprintf(stderr, "using libvirt\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "libvirt: can't connect\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_XENSTORE if (!vir_conn) { /* connect to xenstore */ fprintf(stderr, "trying xenstore ...\n"); xenstore = xenstore_open(1,1,1,1); if (xenstore) { fprintf(stderr, "using xenstore\n"); xs_watch(xenstore, "/local/domain", "token"); } else fprintf(stderr, "xenstore: can't connect\n"); } #endif if (!vir_conn && !xenstore) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to establish VM management connection.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Exiting in 10 seconds ...\n"); sleep(10); /* give the user the chance to see the error */ exit(1); } fprintf(stderr,"looking for existing domains\n"); #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT if (vir_conn) libvirt_scan(vir_conn, 1); #endif #ifdef HAVE_XENSTORE if (xenstore) xenstore_scan(xenstore); #endif /* main loop */ fprintf(stderr,"ok, watching out for changes now\n"); for (;;) { if (termsig) { if (!domcnt) break; if (time(NULL) - last_ctrl_c < 3) break; fprintf(stderr, "\n" "Got ^C - still %d domain(s) active - not quitting.\n" "\n" "You should better use detach instead (^A d).\n" "Or kill all windows (^A \\) if you don't want\n" "keep screen hanging around.\n" "\n" "Hit ^C within 3 secs again to quit nevertheless.\n" "\n", domcnt); last_ctrl_c = time(NULL); termsig = 0; } FD_ZERO(&set); maxfd = 0; #ifdef HAVE_XENSTORE if (xenstore) { int fd = xs_fileno(xenstore); FD_SET(fd, &set); if (maxfd < fd) maxfd = fd; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT if (vir_conn) { /* FIXME: polling once per second */ tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; } #endif switch (select(maxfd+1, &set, NULL, NULL, tv.tv_sec ? &tv : NULL)) { case -1: if (EINTR == errno) continue; /* termsig check */ perror("select"); break; case 0: #ifdef HAVE_LIBVIRT if (vir_conn) libvirt_scan(vir_conn, 0); #endif break; default: break; } #ifdef HAVE_XENSTORE if (xenstore && FD_ISSET(xs_fileno(xenstore), &set)) xenstore_update(xenstore); #endif } if (screen_unlink) unlink(screen_unlink); return 0; }