path: root/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 30809 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/C.g b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/C.g
deleted file mode 100644
index e344088f36..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/C.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
-/* @file
- This file is used to be the grammar file of ECC tool
- Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
- This program and the accompanying materials
- are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
- which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-grammar C;
-options {
- language=Python;
- backtrack=true;
- memoize=true;
- k=2;
-## @file
-# The file defines the Lexer for C source files.
-# This file is generated by running:
-# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
-# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
-# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
-# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
-# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at:
-@header {
-## @file
-# The file defines the parser for C source files.
-# This file is generated by running:
-# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
-# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
-# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
-# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
-# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at:
-import CodeFragment
-import FileProfile
-@members {
- def printTokenInfo(self, line, offset, tokenText):
- print str(line)+ ',' + str(offset) + ':' + str(tokenText)
- def StorePredicateExpression(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
- PredExp = CodeFragment.PredicateExpression(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList.append(PredExp)
- def StoreEnumerationDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
- EnumDef = CodeFragment.EnumerationDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList.append(EnumDef)
- def StoreStructUnionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
- SUDef = CodeFragment.StructUnionDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList.append(SUDef)
- def StoreTypedefDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FromText, ToText):
- Tdef = CodeFragment.TypedefDefinition(FromText, ToText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList.append(Tdef)
- def StoreFunctionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText, LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset, DeclLine, DeclOffset):
- FuncDef = CodeFragment.FunctionDefinition(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset), (LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset), (DeclLine, DeclOffset))
- FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList.append(FuncDef)
- def StoreVariableDeclaration(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText):
- VarDecl = CodeFragment.VariableDeclaration(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList.append(VarDecl)
- def StoreFunctionCalling(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FuncName, ParamList):
- FuncCall = CodeFragment.FunctionCalling(FuncName, ParamList, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.FunctionCallingList.append(FuncCall)
- : external_declaration*
- ;
- print $function_declaration.text
- : declaration_specifiers IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_list ')' ';'
- ;
-options {k=1;}
- print $external_declaration.text
- : ( declaration_specifiers? declarator declaration* '{' )=> function_definition
- | declaration
- | macro_statement (';')?
- ;
-scope {
- ModifierText;
- DeclText;
- LBLine;
- LBOffset;
- DeclLine;
- DeclOffset;
-@init {
- $function_definition::ModifierText = '';
- $function_definition::DeclText = '';
- $function_definition::LBLine = 0;
- $function_definition::LBOffset = 0;
- $function_definition::DeclLine = 0;
- $function_definition::DeclOffset = 0;
- self.StoreFunctionDefinition($function_definition.start.line, $function_definition.start.charPositionInLine, $function_definition.stop.line, $function_definition.stop.charPositionInLine, $function_definition::ModifierText, $function_definition::DeclText, $function_definition::LBLine, $function_definition::LBOffset, $function_definition::DeclLine, $function_definition::DeclOffset)
- : d=declaration_specifiers? declarator
- ( declaration+ a=compound_statement // K&R style
- | b=compound_statement // ANSI style
- ) {
- if d != None:
- $function_definition::ModifierText = $declaration_specifiers.text
- else:
- $function_definition::ModifierText = ''
- $function_definition::DeclText = $declarator.text
- $function_definition::DeclLine = $declarator.start.line
- $function_definition::DeclOffset = $declarator.start.charPositionInLine
- if a != None:
- $function_definition::LBLine = $a.start.line
- $function_definition::LBOffset = $a.start.charPositionInLine
- else:
- $function_definition::LBLine = $b.start.line
- $function_definition::LBOffset = $b.start.charPositionInLine
- }
- ;
- : a='typedef' b=declaration_specifiers?
- c=init_declarator_list d=';'
- {
- if b != None:
- self.StoreTypedefDefinition($a.line, $a.charPositionInLine, $d.line, $d.charPositionInLine, $b.text, $c.text)
- else:
- self.StoreTypedefDefinition($a.line, $a.charPositionInLine, $d.line, $d.charPositionInLine, '', $c.text)
- }
- | s=declaration_specifiers t=init_declarator_list? e=';'
- {
- if t != None:
- self.StoreVariableDeclaration($s.start.line, $s.start.charPositionInLine, $t.start.line, $t.start.charPositionInLine, $s.text, $t.text)
- }
- ;
- : ( storage_class_specifier
- | type_specifier
- | type_qualifier
- )+
- ;
- : init_declarator (',' init_declarator)*
- ;
- : declarator ('=' initializer)?
- ;
- : 'extern'
- | 'static'
- | 'auto'
- | 'register'
- | 'STATIC'
- ;
- : 'void'
- | 'char'
- | 'short'
- | 'int'
- | 'long'
- | 'float'
- | 'double'
- | 'signed'
- | 'unsigned'
- | s=struct_or_union_specifier
- {
- if s.stop != None:
- self.StoreStructUnionDefinition($s.start.line, $s.start.charPositionInLine, $s.stop.line, $s.stop.charPositionInLine, $s.text)
- }
- | e=enum_specifier
- {
- if e.stop != None:
- self.StoreEnumerationDefinition($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)
- }
- | (IDENTIFIER type_qualifier* declarator)=> type_id
- ;
- //{self.printTokenInfo($a.line, $a.pos, $a.text)}
- ;
-options {k=3;}
- : struct_or_union IDENTIFIER? '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
- | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER
- ;
- : 'struct'
- | 'union'
- ;
- : struct_declaration+
- ;
- : specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
- ;
- : ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+
- ;
- : struct_declarator (',' struct_declarator)*
- ;
- : declarator (':' constant_expression)?
- | ':' constant_expression
- ;
-options {k=3;}
- : 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ','? '}'
- | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ','? '}'
- | 'enum' IDENTIFIER
- ;
- : enumerator (',' enumerator)*
- ;
- : IDENTIFIER ('=' constant_expression)?
- ;
- : 'const'
- | 'volatile'
- | 'IN'
- | 'OUT'
- | 'CONST'
- | 'EFIAPI'
- | 'PACKED'
- ;
- : pointer? ('EFIAPI')? ('EFI_BOOTSERVICE')? ('EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE')? direct_declarator
-// | ('EFIAPI')? ('EFI_BOOTSERVICE')? ('EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE')? pointer? direct_declarator
- | pointer
- ;
- : IDENTIFIER declarator_suffix*
- | '(' ('EFIAPI')? declarator ')' declarator_suffix+
- ;
- : '[' constant_expression ']'
- | '[' ']'
- | '(' parameter_type_list ')'
- | '(' identifier_list ')'
- | '(' ')'
- ;
- : '*' type_qualifier+ pointer?
- | '*' pointer
- | '*'
- ;
- : parameter_list (',' ('OPTIONAL')? '...')?
- ;
- : parameter_declaration (',' ('OPTIONAL')? parameter_declaration)*
- ;
- : declaration_specifiers (declarator|abstract_declarator)* ('OPTIONAL')?
- //accomerdate user-defined type only, no declarator follow.
- | pointer* IDENTIFIER
- ;
- ;
- : specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator?
- | type_id
- ;
- : pointer direct_abstract_declarator?
- | direct_abstract_declarator
- ;
- : ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) abstract_declarator_suffix*
- ;
- : '[' ']'
- | '[' constant_expression ']'
- | '(' ')'
- | '(' parameter_type_list ')'
- ;
- : assignment_expression
- | '{' initializer_list ','? '}'
- ;
- : initializer (',' initializer )*
- ;
-// E x p r e s s i o n s
- : assignment_expression ('OPTIONAL')? (',' assignment_expression ('OPTIONAL')?)*
- ;
- : (multiplicative_expression) ('+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression)*
- ;
- : (cast_expression) ('*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression)*
- ;
- : '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
- | unary_expression
- ;
- : postfix_expression
- | '++' unary_expression
- | '--' unary_expression
- | unary_operator cast_expression
- | 'sizeof' unary_expression
- | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')'
- ;
-scope {
- FuncCallText;
-@init {
- $postfix_expression::FuncCallText = '';
- : p=primary_expression {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText += $p.text}
- ( '[' expression ']'
- | '(' a=')'{self.StoreFunctionCalling($p.start.line, $p.start.charPositionInLine, $a.line, $a.charPositionInLine, $postfix_expression::FuncCallText, '')}
- | '(' c=argument_expression_list b=')' {self.StoreFunctionCalling($p.start.line, $p.start.charPositionInLine, $b.line, $b.charPositionInLine, $postfix_expression::FuncCallText, $c.text)}
- | '(' macro_parameter_list ')'
- | '.' x=IDENTIFIER {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText += '.' + $x.text}
- | '*' y=IDENTIFIER {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText = $y.text}
- | '->' z=IDENTIFIER {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText += '->' + $z.text}
- | '++'
- | '--'
- )*
- ;
- : parameter_declaration (',' parameter_declaration)*
- ;
- : '&'
- | '*'
- | '+'
- | '-'
- | '~'
- | '!'
- ;
- | constant
- | '(' expression ')'
- ;
- ;
- : assignment_expression (',' assignment_expression)*
- ;
- : conditional_expression
- ;
- : lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression
- | conditional_expression
- ;
- : unary_expression
- ;
- : '='
- | '*='
- | '/='
- | '%='
- | '+='
- | '-='
- | '<<='
- | '>>='
- | '&='
- | '^='
- | '|='
- ;
- : e=logical_or_expression ('?' expression ':' conditional_expression {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)})?
- ;
- : logical_and_expression ('||' logical_and_expression)*
- ;
- : inclusive_or_expression ('&&' inclusive_or_expression)*
- ;
- : exclusive_or_expression ('|' exclusive_or_expression)*
- ;
- : and_expression ('^' and_expression)*
- ;
- : equality_expression ('&' equality_expression)*
- ;
- : relational_expression (('=='|'!=') relational_expression )*
- ;
- : shift_expression (('<'|'>'|'<='|'>=') shift_expression)*
- ;
- : additive_expression (('<<'|'>>') additive_expression)*
- ;
-// S t a t e m e n t s
- : labeled_statement
- | compound_statement
- | expression_statement
- | selection_statement
- | iteration_statement
- | jump_statement
- | macro_statement
- | asm2_statement
- | asm1_statement
- | asm_statement
- | declaration
- ;
- : '__asm__'? IDENTIFIER '(' (~(';'))* ')' ';'
- ;
- : '_asm' '{' (~('}'))* '}'
- ;
- : '__asm' '{' (~('}'))* '}'
- ;
- : IDENTIFIER '(' declaration* statement_list? expression? ')'
- ;
- : IDENTIFIER ':' statement
- | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement
- | 'default' ':' statement
- ;
- : '{' declaration* statement_list? '}'
- ;
- : statement+
- ;
- : ';'
- | expression ';'
- ;
- : 'if' '(' e=expression ')' {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)} statement (options {k=1; backtrack=false;}:'else' statement)?
- | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement
- ;
- : 'while' '(' e=expression ')' statement {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)}
- | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e=expression ')' ';' {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)}
- | 'for' '(' expression_statement e=expression_statement expression? ')' statement {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)}
- ;
- : 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';'
- | 'continue' ';'
- | 'break' ';'
- | 'return' ';'
- | 'return' expression ';'
- ;
- : LETTER (LETTER|'0'..'9')*
- ;
- : '$'
- | 'A'..'Z'
- | 'a'..'z'
- | '_'
- ;
- : ('L')? '\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\''|'\\') ) '\''
- ;
- : ('L')? '"' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\\'|'"') )* '"'
- ;
-HEX_LITERAL : '0' ('x'|'X') HexDigit+ IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
-DECIMAL_LITERAL : ('0' | '1'..'9' '0'..'9'*) IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
-OCTAL_LITERAL : '0' ('0'..'7')+ IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
-HexDigit : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ;
- : ('u'|'U')
- | ('l'|'L')
- | ('u'|'U') ('l'|'L')
- | ('u'|'U') ('l'|'L') ('l'|'L')
- ;
- : ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')* Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
- | '.' ('0'..'9')+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
- | ('0'..'9')+ Exponent FloatTypeSuffix?
- | ('0'..'9')+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix
- ;
-Exponent : ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ;
-FloatTypeSuffix : ('f'|'F'|'d'|'D') ;
- : '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\')
- | OctalEscape
- ;
- : '\\' ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')
- | '\\' ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')
- | '\\' ('0'..'7')
- ;
- : '\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
- ;
-WS : (' '|'\r'|'\t'|'\u000C'|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;}
- ;
-// ingore '\' of line concatenation
-BS : ('\\') {$channel=HIDDEN;}
- ;
-// ingore function modifiers
-// ;
- : '\u0003'..'\uFFFE'
- ;
- : '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
- ;
- : '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
- ;
-// ignore #line info for now
- : '#' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
- ;
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
deleted file mode 100644
index a72d4ee3c2..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4947 +0,0 @@
-# $ANTLR 3.0.1 C.g 2010-02-23 09:58:53
-from antlr3 import *
-from antlr3.compat import set, frozenset
-## @file
-# The file defines the Lexer for C source files.
-# This file is generated by running:
-# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
-# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
-# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
-# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at:
-# for convenience in actions
-HIDDEN = BaseRecognizer.HIDDEN
-# token types
-class CLexer(Lexer):
- grammarFileName = "C.g"
- def __init__(self, input=None):
- Lexer.__init__(self, input)
- self.dfa25 = self.DFA25(
- self, 25,
- eot = self.DFA25_eot,
- eof = self.DFA25_eof,
- min = self.DFA25_min,
- max = self.DFA25_max,
- accept = self.DFA25_accept,
- special = self.DFA25_special,
- transition = self.DFA25_transition
- )
- self.dfa35 = self.DFA35(
- self, 35,
- eot = self.DFA35_eot,
- eof = self.DFA35_eof,
- min = self.DFA35_min,
- max = self.DFA35_max,
- accept = self.DFA35_accept,
- special = self.DFA35_special,
- transition = self.DFA35_transition
- )
- # $ANTLR start T25
- def mT25(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T25
- # C.g:27:5: ( ';' )
- # C.g:27:7: ';'
- self.match(u';')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T25
- # $ANTLR start T26
- def mT26(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T26
- # C.g:28:5: ( 'typedef' )
- # C.g:28:7: 'typedef'
- self.match("typedef")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T26
- # $ANTLR start T27
- def mT27(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T27
- # C.g:29:5: ( ',' )
- # C.g:29:7: ','
- self.match(u',')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T27
- # $ANTLR start T28
- def mT28(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T28
- # C.g:30:5: ( '=' )
- # C.g:30:7: '='
- self.match(u'=')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T28
- # $ANTLR start T29
- def mT29(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T29
- # C.g:31:5: ( 'extern' )
- # C.g:31:7: 'extern'
- self.match("extern")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T29
- # $ANTLR start T30
- def mT30(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T30
- # C.g:32:5: ( 'static' )
- # C.g:32:7: 'static'
- self.match("static")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T30
- # $ANTLR start T31
- def mT31(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T31
- # C.g:33:5: ( 'auto' )
- # C.g:33:7: 'auto'
- self.match("auto")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T31
- # $ANTLR start T32
- def mT32(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T32
- # C.g:34:5: ( 'register' )
- # C.g:34:7: 'register'
- self.match("register")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T32
- # $ANTLR start T33
- def mT33(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T33
- # C.g:35:5: ( 'STATIC' )
- # C.g:35:7: 'STATIC'
- self.match("STATIC")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T33
- # $ANTLR start T34
- def mT34(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T34
- # C.g:36:5: ( 'void' )
- # C.g:36:7: 'void'
- self.match("void")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T34
- # $ANTLR start T35
- def mT35(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T35
- # C.g:37:5: ( 'char' )
- # C.g:37:7: 'char'
- self.match("char")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T35
- # $ANTLR start T36
- def mT36(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T36
- # C.g:38:5: ( 'short' )
- # C.g:38:7: 'short'
- self.match("short")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T36
- # $ANTLR start T37
- def mT37(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T37
- # C.g:39:5: ( 'int' )
- # C.g:39:7: 'int'
- self.match("int")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T37
- # $ANTLR start T38
- def mT38(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T38
- # C.g:40:5: ( 'long' )
- # C.g:40:7: 'long'
- self.match("long")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T38
- # $ANTLR start T39
- def mT39(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T39
- # C.g:41:5: ( 'float' )
- # C.g:41:7: 'float'
- self.match("float")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T39
- # $ANTLR start T40
- def mT40(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T40
- # C.g:42:5: ( 'double' )
- # C.g:42:7: 'double'
- self.match("double")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T40
- # $ANTLR start T41
- def mT41(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T41
- # C.g:43:5: ( 'signed' )
- # C.g:43:7: 'signed'
- self.match("signed")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T41
- # $ANTLR start T42
- def mT42(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T42
- # C.g:44:5: ( 'unsigned' )
- # C.g:44:7: 'unsigned'
- self.match("unsigned")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T42
- # $ANTLR start T43
- def mT43(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T43
- # C.g:45:5: ( '{' )
- # C.g:45:7: '{'
- self.match(u'{')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T43
- # $ANTLR start T44
- def mT44(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T44
- # C.g:46:5: ( '}' )
- # C.g:46:7: '}'
- self.match(u'}')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T44
- # $ANTLR start T45
- def mT45(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T45
- # C.g:47:5: ( 'struct' )
- # C.g:47:7: 'struct'
- self.match("struct")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T45
- # $ANTLR start T46
- def mT46(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T46
- # C.g:48:5: ( 'union' )
- # C.g:48:7: 'union'
- self.match("union")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T46
- # $ANTLR start T47
- def mT47(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T47
- # C.g:49:5: ( ':' )
- # C.g:49:7: ':'
- self.match(u':')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T47
- # $ANTLR start T48
- def mT48(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T48
- # C.g:50:5: ( 'enum' )
- # C.g:50:7: 'enum'
- self.match("enum")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T48
- # $ANTLR start T49
- def mT49(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T49
- # C.g:51:5: ( 'const' )
- # C.g:51:7: 'const'
- self.match("const")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T49
- # $ANTLR start T50
- def mT50(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T50
- # C.g:52:5: ( 'volatile' )
- # C.g:52:7: 'volatile'
- self.match("volatile")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T50
- # $ANTLR start T51
- def mT51(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T51
- # C.g:53:5: ( 'IN' )
- # C.g:53:7: 'IN'
- self.match("IN")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T51
- # $ANTLR start T52
- def mT52(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T52
- # C.g:54:5: ( 'OUT' )
- # C.g:54:7: 'OUT'
- self.match("OUT")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T52
- # $ANTLR start T53
- def mT53(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T53
- # C.g:55:5: ( 'OPTIONAL' )
- # C.g:55:7: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match("OPTIONAL")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T53
- # $ANTLR start T54
- def mT54(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T54
- # C.g:56:5: ( 'CONST' )
- # C.g:56:7: 'CONST'
- self.match("CONST")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T54
- # $ANTLR start T55
- def mT55(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T55
- # C.g:57:5: ( 'UNALIGNED' )
- # C.g:57:7: 'UNALIGNED'
- self.match("UNALIGNED")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T55
- # $ANTLR start T56
- def mT56(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T56
- # C.g:58:5: ( 'VOLATILE' )
- # C.g:58:7: 'VOLATILE'
- self.match("VOLATILE")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T56
- # $ANTLR start T57
- def mT57(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T57
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T57
- # $ANTLR start T58
- def mT58(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T58
- # C.g:60:5: ( 'EFIAPI' )
- # C.g:60:7: 'EFIAPI'
- self.match("EFIAPI")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T58
- # $ANTLR start T59
- def mT59(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T59
- # C.g:61:5: ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )
- # C.g:61:7: 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE'
- self.match("EFI_BOOTSERVICE")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T59
- # $ANTLR start T60
- def mT60(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T60
- # C.g:62:5: ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )
- self.match("EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T60
- # $ANTLR start T61
- def mT61(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T61
- # C.g:63:5: ( 'PACKED' )
- # C.g:63:7: 'PACKED'
- self.match("PACKED")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T61
- # $ANTLR start T62
- def mT62(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T62
- # C.g:64:5: ( '(' )
- # C.g:64:7: '('
- self.match(u'(')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T62
- # $ANTLR start T63
- def mT63(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T63
- # C.g:65:5: ( ')' )
- # C.g:65:7: ')'
- self.match(u')')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T63
- # $ANTLR start T64
- def mT64(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T64
- # C.g:66:5: ( '[' )
- # C.g:66:7: '['
- self.match(u'[')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T64
- # $ANTLR start T65
- def mT65(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T65
- # C.g:67:5: ( ']' )
- # C.g:67:7: ']'
- self.match(u']')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T65
- # $ANTLR start T66
- def mT66(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T66
- # C.g:68:5: ( '*' )
- # C.g:68:7: '*'
- self.match(u'*')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T66
- # $ANTLR start T67
- def mT67(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T67
- # C.g:69:5: ( '...' )
- # C.g:69:7: '...'
- self.match("...")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T67
- # $ANTLR start T68
- def mT68(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T68
- # C.g:70:5: ( '+' )
- # C.g:70:7: '+'
- self.match(u'+')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T68
- # $ANTLR start T69
- def mT69(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T69
- # C.g:71:5: ( '-' )
- # C.g:71:7: '-'
- self.match(u'-')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T69
- # $ANTLR start T70
- def mT70(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T70
- # C.g:72:5: ( '/' )
- # C.g:72:7: '/'
- self.match(u'/')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T70
- # $ANTLR start T71
- def mT71(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T71
- # C.g:73:5: ( '%' )
- # C.g:73:7: '%'
- self.match(u'%')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T71
- # $ANTLR start T72
- def mT72(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T72
- # C.g:74:5: ( '++' )
- # C.g:74:7: '++'
- self.match("++")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T72
- # $ANTLR start T73
- def mT73(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T73
- # C.g:75:5: ( '--' )
- # C.g:75:7: '--'
- self.match("--")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T73
- # $ANTLR start T74
- def mT74(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T74
- # C.g:76:5: ( 'sizeof' )
- # C.g:76:7: 'sizeof'
- self.match("sizeof")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T74
- # $ANTLR start T75
- def mT75(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T75
- # C.g:77:5: ( '.' )
- # C.g:77:7: '.'
- self.match(u'.')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T75
- # $ANTLR start T76
- def mT76(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T76
- # C.g:78:5: ( '->' )
- # C.g:78:7: '->'
- self.match("->")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T76
- # $ANTLR start T77
- def mT77(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T77
- # C.g:79:5: ( '&' )
- # C.g:79:7: '&'
- self.match(u'&')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T77
- # $ANTLR start T78
- def mT78(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T78
- # C.g:80:5: ( '~' )
- # C.g:80:7: '~'
- self.match(u'~')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T78
- # $ANTLR start T79
- def mT79(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T79
- # C.g:81:5: ( '!' )
- # C.g:81:7: '!'
- self.match(u'!')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T79
- # $ANTLR start T80
- def mT80(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T80
- # C.g:82:5: ( '*=' )
- # C.g:82:7: '*='
- self.match("*=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T80
- # $ANTLR start T81
- def mT81(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T81
- # C.g:83:5: ( '/=' )
- # C.g:83:7: '/='
- self.match("/=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T81
- # $ANTLR start T82
- def mT82(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T82
- # C.g:84:5: ( '%=' )
- # C.g:84:7: '%='
- self.match("%=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T82
- # $ANTLR start T83
- def mT83(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T83
- # C.g:85:5: ( '+=' )
- # C.g:85:7: '+='
- self.match("+=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T83
- # $ANTLR start T84
- def mT84(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T84
- # C.g:86:5: ( '-=' )
- # C.g:86:7: '-='
- self.match("-=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T84
- # $ANTLR start T85
- def mT85(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T85
- # C.g:87:5: ( '<<=' )
- # C.g:87:7: '<<='
- self.match("<<=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T85
- # $ANTLR start T86
- def mT86(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T86
- # C.g:88:5: ( '>>=' )
- # C.g:88:7: '>>='
- self.match(">>=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T86
- # $ANTLR start T87
- def mT87(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T87
- # C.g:89:5: ( '&=' )
- # C.g:89:7: '&='
- self.match("&=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T87
- # $ANTLR start T88
- def mT88(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T88
- # C.g:90:5: ( '^=' )
- # C.g:90:7: '^='
- self.match("^=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T88
- # $ANTLR start T89
- def mT89(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T89
- # C.g:91:5: ( '|=' )
- # C.g:91:7: '|='
- self.match("|=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T89
- # $ANTLR start T90
- def mT90(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T90
- # C.g:92:5: ( '?' )
- # C.g:92:7: '?'
- self.match(u'?')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T90
- # $ANTLR start T91
- def mT91(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T91
- # C.g:93:5: ( '||' )
- # C.g:93:7: '||'
- self.match("||")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T91
- # $ANTLR start T92
- def mT92(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T92
- # C.g:94:5: ( '&&' )
- # C.g:94:7: '&&'
- self.match("&&")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T92
- # $ANTLR start T93
- def mT93(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T93
- # C.g:95:5: ( '|' )
- # C.g:95:7: '|'
- self.match(u'|')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T93
- # $ANTLR start T94
- def mT94(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T94
- # C.g:96:5: ( '^' )
- # C.g:96:7: '^'
- self.match(u'^')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T94
- # $ANTLR start T95
- def mT95(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T95
- # C.g:97:5: ( '==' )
- # C.g:97:7: '=='
- self.match("==")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T95
- # $ANTLR start T96
- def mT96(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T96
- # C.g:98:5: ( '!=' )
- # C.g:98:7: '!='
- self.match("!=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T96
- # $ANTLR start T97
- def mT97(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T97
- # C.g:99:5: ( '<' )
- # C.g:99:7: '<'
- self.match(u'<')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T97
- # $ANTLR start T98
- def mT98(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T98
- # C.g:100:5: ( '>' )
- # C.g:100:7: '>'
- self.match(u'>')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T98
- # $ANTLR start T99
- def mT99(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T99
- # C.g:101:5: ( '<=' )
- # C.g:101:7: '<='
- self.match("<=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T99
- # $ANTLR start T100
- def mT100(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T100
- # C.g:102:6: ( '>=' )
- # C.g:102:8: '>='
- self.match(">=")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T100
- # $ANTLR start T101
- def mT101(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T101
- # C.g:103:6: ( '<<' )
- # C.g:103:8: '<<'
- self.match("<<")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T101
- # $ANTLR start T102
- def mT102(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T102
- # C.g:104:6: ( '>>' )
- # C.g:104:8: '>>'
- self.match(">>")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T102
- # $ANTLR start T103
- def mT103(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T103
- # C.g:105:6: ( '__asm__' )
- # C.g:105:8: '__asm__'
- self.match("__asm__")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T103
- # $ANTLR start T104
- def mT104(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T104
- # C.g:106:6: ( '_asm' )
- # C.g:106:8: '_asm'
- self.match("_asm")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T104
- # $ANTLR start T105
- def mT105(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T105
- # C.g:107:6: ( '__asm' )
- # C.g:107:8: '__asm'
- self.match("__asm")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T105
- # $ANTLR start T106
- def mT106(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T106
- # C.g:108:6: ( 'case' )
- # C.g:108:8: 'case'
- self.match("case")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T106
- # $ANTLR start T107
- def mT107(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T107
- # C.g:109:6: ( 'default' )
- # C.g:109:8: 'default'
- self.match("default")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T107
- # $ANTLR start T108
- def mT108(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T108
- # C.g:110:6: ( 'if' )
- # C.g:110:8: 'if'
- self.match("if")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T108
- # $ANTLR start T109
- def mT109(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T109
- # C.g:111:6: ( 'else' )
- # C.g:111:8: 'else'
- self.match("else")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T109
- # $ANTLR start T110
- def mT110(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T110
- # C.g:112:6: ( 'switch' )
- # C.g:112:8: 'switch'
- self.match("switch")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T110
- # $ANTLR start T111
- def mT111(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T111
- # C.g:113:6: ( 'while' )
- # C.g:113:8: 'while'
- self.match("while")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T111
- # $ANTLR start T112
- def mT112(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T112
- # C.g:114:6: ( 'do' )
- # C.g:114:8: 'do'
- self.match("do")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T112
- # $ANTLR start T113
- def mT113(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T113
- # C.g:115:6: ( 'for' )
- # C.g:115:8: 'for'
- self.match("for")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T113
- # $ANTLR start T114
- def mT114(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T114
- # C.g:116:6: ( 'goto' )
- # C.g:116:8: 'goto'
- self.match("goto")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T114
- # $ANTLR start T115
- def mT115(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T115
- # C.g:117:6: ( 'continue' )
- # C.g:117:8: 'continue'
- self.match("continue")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T115
- # $ANTLR start T116
- def mT116(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T116
- # C.g:118:6: ( 'break' )
- # C.g:118:8: 'break'
- self.match("break")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T116
- # $ANTLR start T117
- def mT117(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = T117
- # C.g:119:6: ( 'return' )
- # C.g:119:8: 'return'
- self.match("return")
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end T117
- def mIDENTIFIER(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = IDENTIFIER
- # C.g:586:2: ( LETTER ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' )* )
- # C.g:586:4: LETTER ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' )*
- self.mLETTER()
- # C.g:586:11: ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' )*
- while True: #loop1
- alt1 = 2
- LA1_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA1_0 == u'$' or (u'0' <= LA1_0 <= u'9') or (u'A' <= LA1_0 <= u'Z') or LA1_0 == u'_' or (u'a' <= LA1_0 <= u'z')) :
- alt1 = 1
- if alt1 == 1:
- # C.g:
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'$' or (u'0' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'9') or (u'A' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'Z') or self.input.LA(1) == u'_' or (u'a' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'z'):
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- else:
- break #loop1
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR start LETTER
- def mLETTER(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:591:2: ( '$' | 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '_' )
- # C.g:
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'$' or (u'A' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'Z') or self.input.LA(1) == u'_' or (u'a' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'z'):
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- finally:
- pass
- def mCHARACTER_LITERAL(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:598:5: ( ( 'L' )? '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) ) '\\'' )
- # C.g:598:9: ( 'L' )? '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) ) '\\''
- # C.g:598:9: ( 'L' )?
- alt2 = 2
- LA2_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA2_0 == u'L') :
- alt2 = 1
- if alt2 == 1:
- # C.g:598:10: 'L'
- self.match(u'L')
- self.match(u'\'')
- # C.g:598:21: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )
- alt3 = 2
- LA3_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA3_0 == u'\\') :
- alt3 = 1
- elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA3_0 <= u'&') or (u'(' <= LA3_0 <= u'[') or (u']' <= LA3_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- nvae = NoViableAltException("598:21: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )", 3, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt3 == 1:
- # C.g:598:23: EscapeSequence
- self.mEscapeSequence()
- elif alt3 == 2:
- # C.g:598:40: ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' )
- if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'&') or (u'(' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'[') or (u']' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- self.match(u'\'')
- finally:
- pass
- def mSTRING_LITERAL(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = STRING_LITERAL
- # C.g:602:5: ( ( 'L' )? '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' )
- # C.g:602:8: ( 'L' )? '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"'
- # C.g:602:8: ( 'L' )?
- alt4 = 2
- LA4_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA4_0 == u'L') :
- alt4 = 1
- if alt4 == 1:
- # C.g:602:9: 'L'
- self.match(u'L')
- self.match(u'"')
- # C.g:602:19: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )*
- while True: #loop5
- alt5 = 3
- LA5_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA5_0 == u'\\') :
- alt5 = 1
- elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA5_0 <= u'!') or (u'#' <= LA5_0 <= u'[') or (u']' <= LA5_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
- alt5 = 2
- if alt5 == 1:
- # C.g:602:21: EscapeSequence
- self.mEscapeSequence()
- elif alt5 == 2:
- # C.g:602:38: ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' )
- if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'!') or (u'#' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'[') or (u']' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- else:
- break #loop5
- self.match(u'"')
- finally:
- pass
- def mHEX_LITERAL(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = HEX_LITERAL
- # C.g:605:13: ( '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( HexDigit )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )? )
- # C.g:605:15: '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( HexDigit )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
- self.match(u'0')
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'X' or self.input.LA(1) == u'x':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- # C.g:605:29: ( HexDigit )+
- cnt6 = 0
- while True: #loop6
- alt6 = 2
- LA6_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA6_0 <= u'9') or (u'A' <= LA6_0 <= u'F') or (u'a' <= LA6_0 <= u'f')) :
- alt6 = 1
- if alt6 == 1:
- # C.g:605:29: HexDigit
- self.mHexDigit()
- else:
- if cnt6 >= 1:
- break #loop6
- eee = EarlyExitException(6, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt6 += 1
- # C.g:605:39: ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
- alt7 = 2
- LA7_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA7_0 == u'L' or LA7_0 == u'U' or LA7_0 == u'l' or LA7_0 == u'u') :
- alt7 = 1
- if alt7 == 1:
- # C.g:605:39: IntegerTypeSuffix
- self.mIntegerTypeSuffix()
- finally:
- pass
- def mDECIMAL_LITERAL(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = DECIMAL_LITERAL
- # C.g:607:17: ( ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* ) ( IntegerTypeSuffix )? )
- # C.g:607:19: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* ) ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
- # C.g:607:19: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )
- alt9 = 2
- LA9_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA9_0 == u'0') :
- alt9 = 1
- elif ((u'1' <= LA9_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt9 = 2
- else:
- nvae = NoViableAltException("607:19: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )", 9, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt9 == 1:
- # C.g:607:20: '0'
- self.match(u'0')
- elif alt9 == 2:
- # C.g:607:26: '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )*
- self.matchRange(u'1', u'9')
- # C.g:607:35: ( '0' .. '9' )*
- while True: #loop8
- alt8 = 2
- LA8_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA8_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt8 = 1
- if alt8 == 1:
- # C.g:607:35: '0' .. '9'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
- else:
- break #loop8
- # C.g:607:46: ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
- alt10 = 2
- LA10_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA10_0 == u'L' or LA10_0 == u'U' or LA10_0 == u'l' or LA10_0 == u'u') :
- alt10 = 1
- if alt10 == 1:
- # C.g:607:46: IntegerTypeSuffix
- self.mIntegerTypeSuffix()
- finally:
- pass
- def mOCTAL_LITERAL(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = OCTAL_LITERAL
- # C.g:609:15: ( '0' ( '0' .. '7' )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )? )
- # C.g:609:17: '0' ( '0' .. '7' )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
- self.match(u'0')
- # C.g:609:21: ( '0' .. '7' )+
- cnt11 = 0
- while True: #loop11
- alt11 = 2
- LA11_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA11_0 <= u'7')) :
- alt11 = 1
- if alt11 == 1:
- # C.g:609:22: '0' .. '7'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
- else:
- if cnt11 >= 1:
- break #loop11
- eee = EarlyExitException(11, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt11 += 1
- # C.g:609:33: ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
- alt12 = 2
- LA12_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA12_0 == u'L' or LA12_0 == u'U' or LA12_0 == u'l' or LA12_0 == u'u') :
- alt12 = 1
- if alt12 == 1:
- # C.g:609:33: IntegerTypeSuffix
- self.mIntegerTypeSuffix()
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR start HexDigit
- def mHexDigit(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:612:10: ( ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ) )
- # C.g:612:12: ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' )
- if (u'0' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'9') or (u'A' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'F') or (u'a' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'f'):
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end HexDigit
- # $ANTLR start IntegerTypeSuffix
- def mIntegerTypeSuffix(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:616:2: ( ( 'u' | 'U' ) | ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) )
- alt13 = 4
- LA13_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA13_0 == u'U' or LA13_0 == u'u') :
- LA13_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA13_1 == u'L' or LA13_1 == u'l') :
- LA13_3 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (LA13_3 == u'L' or LA13_3 == u'l') :
- alt13 = 4
- else:
- alt13 = 3
- else:
- alt13 = 1
- elif (LA13_0 == u'L' or LA13_0 == u'l') :
- alt13 = 2
- else:
- nvae = NoViableAltException("614:1: fragment IntegerTypeSuffix : ( ( 'u' | 'U' ) | ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) );", 13, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt13 == 1:
- # C.g:616:4: ( 'u' | 'U' )
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'U' or self.input.LA(1) == u'u':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- elif alt13 == 2:
- # C.g:617:4: ( 'l' | 'L' )
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- elif alt13 == 3:
- # C.g:618:4: ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' )
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'U' or self.input.LA(1) == u'u':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- elif alt13 == 4:
- # C.g:619:4: ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) ( 'l' | 'L' )
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'U' or self.input.LA(1) == u'u':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end IntegerTypeSuffix
- try:
- # C.g:623:5: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )? | '.' ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )? | ( '0' .. '9' )+ Exponent ( FloatTypeSuffix )? | ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? FloatTypeSuffix )
- alt25 = 4
- alt25 = self.dfa25.predict(self.input)
- if alt25 == 1:
- # C.g:623:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
- # C.g:623:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- cnt14 = 0
- while True: #loop14
- alt14 = 2
- LA14_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA14_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt14 = 1
- if alt14 == 1:
- # C.g:623:10: '0' .. '9'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
- else:
- if cnt14 >= 1:
- break #loop14
- eee = EarlyExitException(14, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt14 += 1
- self.match(u'.')
- # C.g:623:25: ( '0' .. '9' )*
- while True: #loop15
- alt15 = 2
- LA15_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA15_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt15 = 1
- if alt15 == 1:
- # C.g:623:26: '0' .. '9'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
- else:
- break #loop15
- # C.g:623:37: ( Exponent )?
- alt16 = 2
- LA16_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA16_0 == u'E' or LA16_0 == u'e') :
- alt16 = 1
- if alt16 == 1:
- # C.g:623:37: Exponent
- self.mExponent()
- # C.g:623:47: ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
- alt17 = 2
- LA17_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA17_0 == u'D' or LA17_0 == u'F' or LA17_0 == u'd' or LA17_0 == u'f') :
- alt17 = 1
- if alt17 == 1:
- # C.g:623:47: FloatTypeSuffix
- self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
- elif alt25 == 2:
- # C.g:624:9: '.' ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
- self.match(u'.')
- # C.g:624:13: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- cnt18 = 0
- while True: #loop18
- alt18 = 2
- LA18_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA18_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt18 = 1
- if alt18 == 1:
- # C.g:624:14: '0' .. '9'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
- else:
- if cnt18 >= 1:
- break #loop18
- eee = EarlyExitException(18, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt18 += 1
- # C.g:624:25: ( Exponent )?
- alt19 = 2
- LA19_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA19_0 == u'E' or LA19_0 == u'e') :
- alt19 = 1
- if alt19 == 1:
- # C.g:624:25: Exponent
- self.mExponent()
- # C.g:624:35: ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
- alt20 = 2
- LA20_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA20_0 == u'D' or LA20_0 == u'F' or LA20_0 == u'd' or LA20_0 == u'f') :
- alt20 = 1
- if alt20 == 1:
- # C.g:624:35: FloatTypeSuffix
- self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
- elif alt25 == 3:
- # C.g:625:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ Exponent ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
- # C.g:625:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- cnt21 = 0
- while True: #loop21
- alt21 = 2
- LA21_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA21_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt21 = 1
- if alt21 == 1:
- # C.g:625:10: '0' .. '9'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
- else:
- if cnt21 >= 1:
- break #loop21
- eee = EarlyExitException(21, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt21 += 1
- self.mExponent()
- # C.g:625:30: ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
- alt22 = 2
- LA22_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA22_0 == u'D' or LA22_0 == u'F' or LA22_0 == u'd' or LA22_0 == u'f') :
- alt22 = 1
- if alt22 == 1:
- # C.g:625:30: FloatTypeSuffix
- self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
- elif alt25 == 4:
- # C.g:626:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? FloatTypeSuffix
- # C.g:626:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- cnt23 = 0
- while True: #loop23
- alt23 = 2
- LA23_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA23_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt23 = 1
- if alt23 == 1:
- # C.g:626:10: '0' .. '9'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
- else:
- if cnt23 >= 1:
- break #loop23
- eee = EarlyExitException(23, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt23 += 1
- # C.g:626:21: ( Exponent )?
- alt24 = 2
- LA24_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA24_0 == u'E' or LA24_0 == u'e') :
- alt24 = 1
- if alt24 == 1:
- # C.g:626:21: Exponent
- self.mExponent()
- self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR start Exponent
- def mExponent(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:630:10: ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ )
- # C.g:630:12: ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'E' or self.input.LA(1) == u'e':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- # C.g:630:22: ( '+' | '-' )?
- alt26 = 2
- LA26_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA26_0 == u'+' or LA26_0 == u'-') :
- alt26 = 1
- if alt26 == 1:
- # C.g:
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'+' or self.input.LA(1) == u'-':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- # C.g:630:33: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- cnt27 = 0
- while True: #loop27
- alt27 = 2
- LA27_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'0' <= LA27_0 <= u'9')) :
- alt27 = 1
- if alt27 == 1:
- # C.g:630:34: '0' .. '9'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
- else:
- if cnt27 >= 1:
- break #loop27
- eee = EarlyExitException(27, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt27 += 1
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end Exponent
- # $ANTLR start FloatTypeSuffix
- def mFloatTypeSuffix(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:633:17: ( ( 'f' | 'F' | 'd' | 'D' ) )
- # C.g:633:19: ( 'f' | 'F' | 'd' | 'D' )
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'D' or self.input.LA(1) == u'F' or self.input.LA(1) == u'd' or self.input.LA(1) == u'f':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end FloatTypeSuffix
- # $ANTLR start EscapeSequence
- def mEscapeSequence(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:637:5: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | OctalEscape )
- alt28 = 2
- LA28_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA28_0 == u'\\') :
- LA28_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA28_1 == u'"' or LA28_1 == u'\'' or LA28_1 == u'\\' or LA28_1 == u'b' or LA28_1 == u'f' or LA28_1 == u'n' or LA28_1 == u'r' or LA28_1 == u't') :
- alt28 = 1
- elif ((u'0' <= LA28_1 <= u'7')) :
- alt28 = 2
- else:
- nvae = NoViableAltException("635:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | OctalEscape );", 28, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- nvae = NoViableAltException("635:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | OctalEscape );", 28, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt28 == 1:
- # C.g:637:8: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
- self.match(u'\\')
- if self.input.LA(1) == u'"' or self.input.LA(1) == u'\'' or self.input.LA(1) == u'\\' or self.input.LA(1) == u'b' or self.input.LA(1) == u'f' or self.input.LA(1) == u'n' or self.input.LA(1) == u'r' or self.input.LA(1) == u't':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- elif alt28 == 2:
- # C.g:638:9: OctalEscape
- self.mOctalEscape()
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end EscapeSequence
- # $ANTLR start OctalEscape
- def mOctalEscape(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:643:5: ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) )
- alt29 = 3
- LA29_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA29_0 == u'\\') :
- LA29_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if ((u'0' <= LA29_1 <= u'3')) :
- LA29_2 = self.input.LA(3)
- if ((u'0' <= LA29_2 <= u'7')) :
- LA29_4 = self.input.LA(4)
- if ((u'0' <= LA29_4 <= u'7')) :
- alt29 = 1
- else:
- alt29 = 2
- else:
- alt29 = 3
- elif ((u'4' <= LA29_1 <= u'7')) :
- LA29_3 = self.input.LA(3)
- if ((u'0' <= LA29_3 <= u'7')) :
- alt29 = 2
- else:
- alt29 = 3
- else:
- nvae = NoViableAltException("641:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 29, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- nvae = NoViableAltException("641:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 29, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt29 == 1:
- # C.g:643:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
- self.match(u'\\')
- # C.g:643:14: ( '0' .. '3' )
- # C.g:643:15: '0' .. '3'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'3')
- # C.g:643:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
- # C.g:643:26: '0' .. '7'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
- # C.g:643:36: ( '0' .. '7' )
- # C.g:643:37: '0' .. '7'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
- elif alt29 == 2:
- # C.g:644:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
- self.match(u'\\')
- # C.g:644:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
- # C.g:644:15: '0' .. '7'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
- # C.g:644:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
- # C.g:644:26: '0' .. '7'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
- elif alt29 == 3:
- # C.g:645:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' )
- self.match(u'\\')
- # C.g:645:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
- # C.g:645:15: '0' .. '7'
- self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end OctalEscape
- # $ANTLR start UnicodeEscape
- def mUnicodeEscape(self, ):
- try:
- # C.g:650:5: ( '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit )
- # C.g:650:9: '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
- self.match(u'\\')
- self.match(u'u')
- self.mHexDigit()
- self.mHexDigit()
- self.mHexDigit()
- self.mHexDigit()
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end UnicodeEscape
- # $ANTLR start WS
- def mWS(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = WS
- # C.g:653:5: ( ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' ) )
- # C.g:653:8: ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' )
- if (u'\t' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\n') or (u'\f' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\r') or self.input.LA(1) == u' ':
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- #action start
- #action end
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end WS
- # $ANTLR start BS
- def mBS(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = BS
- # C.g:657:5: ( ( '\\\\' ) )
- # C.g:657:7: ( '\\\\' )
- # C.g:657:7: ( '\\\\' )
- # C.g:657:8: '\\\\'
- self.match(u'\\')
- #action start
- #action end
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end BS
- # $ANTLR start UnicodeVocabulary
- def mUnicodeVocabulary(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = UnicodeVocabulary
- # C.g:665:5: ( '\\u0003' .. '\\uFFFE' )
- # C.g:665:7: '\\u0003' .. '\\uFFFE'
- self.matchRange(u'\u0003', u'\uFFFE')
- finally:
- pass
- # $ANTLR end UnicodeVocabulary
- # $ANTLR start COMMENT
- def mCOMMENT(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = COMMENT
- # C.g:668:5: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
- # C.g:668:9: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
- self.match("/*")
- # C.g:668:14: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
- while True: #loop30
- alt30 = 2
- LA30_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA30_0 == u'*') :
- LA30_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA30_1 == u'/') :
- alt30 = 2
- elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA30_1 <= u'.') or (u'0' <= LA30_1 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
- alt30 = 1
- elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA30_0 <= u')') or (u'+' <= LA30_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
- alt30 = 1
- if alt30 == 1:
- # C.g:668:42: .
- self.matchAny()
- else:
- break #loop30
- self.match("*/")
- #action start
- #action end
- finally:
- pass
- def mLINE_COMMENT(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = LINE_COMMENT
- # C.g:673:5: ( '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )
- # C.g:673:7: '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
- self.match("//")
- # C.g:673:12: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
- while True: #loop31
- alt31 = 2
- LA31_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'\u0000' <= LA31_0 <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= LA31_0 <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= LA31_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
- alt31 = 1
- if alt31 == 1:
- # C.g:673:12: ~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' )
- if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- else:
- break #loop31
- # C.g:673:26: ( '\\r' )?
- alt32 = 2
- LA32_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA32_0 == u'\r') :
- alt32 = 1
- if alt32 == 1:
- # C.g:673:26: '\\r'
- self.match(u'\r')
- self.match(u'\n')
- #action start
- #action end
- finally:
- pass
- def mLINE_COMMAND(self, ):
- try:
- self.type = LINE_COMMAND
- # C.g:678:5: ( '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )
- # C.g:678:7: '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
- self.match(u'#')
- # C.g:678:11: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
- while True: #loop33
- alt33 = 2
- LA33_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((u'\u0000' <= LA33_0 <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= LA33_0 <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= LA33_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
- alt33 = 1
- if alt33 == 1:
- # C.g:678:11: ~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' )
- if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
- self.input.consume();
- else:
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recover(mse)
- raise mse
- else:
- break #loop33
- # C.g:678:25: ( '\\r' )?
- alt34 = 2
- LA34_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA34_0 == u'\r') :
- alt34 = 1
- if alt34 == 1:
- # C.g:678:25: '\\r'
- self.match(u'\r')
- self.match(u'\n')
- #action start
- #action end
- finally:
- pass
- def mTokens(self):
- # C.g:1:8: ( T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | T47 | T48 | T49 | T50 | T51 | T52 | T53 | T54 | T55 | T56 | T57 | T58 | T59 | T60 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | T81 | T82 | T83 | T84 | T85 | T86 | T87 | T88 | T89 | T90 | T91 | T92 | T93 | T94 | T95 | T96 | T97 | T98 | T99 | T100 | T101 | T102 | T103 | T104 | T105 | T106 | T107 | T108 | T109 | T110 | T111 | T112 | T113 | T114 | T115 | T116 | T117 | IDENTIFIER | CHARACTER_LITERAL | STRING_LITERAL | HEX_LITERAL | DECIMAL_LITERAL | OCTAL_LITERAL | FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL | WS | BS | UnicodeVocabulary | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | LINE_COMMAND )
- alt35 = 106
- alt35 = self.dfa35.predict(self.input)
- if alt35 == 1:
- # C.g:1:10: T25
- self.mT25()
- elif alt35 == 2:
- # C.g:1:14: T26
- self.mT26()
- elif alt35 == 3:
- # C.g:1:18: T27
- self.mT27()
- elif alt35 == 4:
- # C.g:1:22: T28
- self.mT28()
- elif alt35 == 5:
- # C.g:1:26: T29
- self.mT29()
- elif alt35 == 6:
- # C.g:1:30: T30
- self.mT30()
- elif alt35 == 7:
- # C.g:1:34: T31
- self.mT31()
- elif alt35 == 8:
- # C.g:1:38: T32
- self.mT32()
- elif alt35 == 9:
- # C.g:1:42: T33
- self.mT33()
- elif alt35 == 10:
- # C.g:1:46: T34
- self.mT34()
- elif alt35 == 11:
- # C.g:1:50: T35
- self.mT35()
- elif alt35 == 12:
- # C.g:1:54: T36
- self.mT36()
- elif alt35 == 13:
- # C.g:1:58: T37
- self.mT37()
- elif alt35 == 14:
- # C.g:1:62: T38
- self.mT38()
- elif alt35 == 15:
- # C.g:1:66: T39
- self.mT39()
- elif alt35 == 16:
- # C.g:1:70: T40
- self.mT40()
- elif alt35 == 17:
- # C.g:1:74: T41
- self.mT41()
- elif alt35 == 18:
- # C.g:1:78: T42
- self.mT42()
- elif alt35 == 19:
- # C.g:1:82: T43
- self.mT43()
- elif alt35 == 20:
- # C.g:1:86: T44
- self.mT44()
- elif alt35 == 21:
- # C.g:1:90: T45
- self.mT45()
- elif alt35 == 22:
- # C.g:1:94: T46
- self.mT46()
- elif alt35 == 23:
- # C.g:1:98: T47
- self.mT47()
- elif alt35 == 24:
- # C.g:1:102: T48
- self.mT48()
- elif alt35 == 25:
- # C.g:1:106: T49
- self.mT49()
- elif alt35 == 26:
- # C.g:1:110: T50
- self.mT50()
- elif alt35 == 27:
- # C.g:1:114: T51
- self.mT51()
- elif alt35 == 28:
- # C.g:1:118: T52
- self.mT52()
- elif alt35 == 29:
- # C.g:1:122: T53
- self.mT53()
- elif alt35 == 30:
- # C.g:1:126: T54
- self.mT54()
- elif alt35 == 31:
- # C.g:1:130: T55
- self.mT55()
- elif alt35 == 32:
- # C.g:1:134: T56
- self.mT56()
- elif alt35 == 33:
- # C.g:1:138: T57
- self.mT57()
- elif alt35 == 34:
- # C.g:1:142: T58
- self.mT58()
- elif alt35 == 35:
- # C.g:1:146: T59
- self.mT59()
- elif alt35 == 36:
- # C.g:1:150: T60
- self.mT60()
- elif alt35 == 37:
- # C.g:1:154: T61
- self.mT61()
- elif alt35 == 38:
- # C.g:1:158: T62
- self.mT62()
- elif alt35 == 39:
- # C.g:1:162: T63
- self.mT63()
- elif alt35 == 40:
- # C.g:1:166: T64
- self.mT64()
- elif alt35 == 41:
- # C.g:1:170: T65
- self.mT65()
- elif alt35 == 42:
- # C.g:1:174: T66
- self.mT66()
- elif alt35 == 43:
- # C.g:1:178: T67
- self.mT67()
- elif alt35 == 44:
- # C.g:1:182: T68
- self.mT68()
- elif alt35 == 45:
- # C.g:1:186: T69
- self.mT69()
- elif alt35 == 46:
- # C.g:1:190: T70
- self.mT70()
- elif alt35 == 47:
- # C.g:1:194: T71
- self.mT71()
- elif alt35 == 48:
- # C.g:1:198: T72
- self.mT72()
- elif alt35 == 49:
- # C.g:1:202: T73
- self.mT73()
- elif alt35 == 50:
- # C.g:1:206: T74
- self.mT74()
- elif alt35 == 51:
- # C.g:1:210: T75
- self.mT75()
- elif alt35 == 52:
- # C.g:1:214: T76
- self.mT76()
- elif alt35 == 53:
- # C.g:1:218: T77
- self.mT77()
- elif alt35 == 54:
- # C.g:1:222: T78
- self.mT78()
- elif alt35 == 55:
- # C.g:1:226: T79
- self.mT79()
- elif alt35 == 56:
- # C.g:1:230: T80
- self.mT80()
- elif alt35 == 57:
- # C.g:1:234: T81
- self.mT81()
- elif alt35 == 58:
- # C.g:1:238: T82
- self.mT82()
- elif alt35 == 59:
- # C.g:1:242: T83
- self.mT83()
- elif alt35 == 60:
- # C.g:1:246: T84
- self.mT84()
- elif alt35 == 61:
- # C.g:1:250: T85
- self.mT85()
- elif alt35 == 62:
- # C.g:1:254: T86
- self.mT86()
- elif alt35 == 63:
- # C.g:1:258: T87
- self.mT87()
- elif alt35 == 64:
- # C.g:1:262: T88
- self.mT88()
- elif alt35 == 65:
- # C.g:1:266: T89
- self.mT89()
- elif alt35 == 66:
- # C.g:1:270: T90
- self.mT90()
- elif alt35 == 67:
- # C.g:1:274: T91
- self.mT91()
- elif alt35 == 68:
- # C.g:1:278: T92
- self.mT92()
- elif alt35 == 69:
- # C.g:1:282: T93
- self.mT93()
- elif alt35 == 70:
- # C.g:1:286: T94
- self.mT94()
- elif alt35 == 71:
- # C.g:1:290: T95
- self.mT95()
- elif alt35 == 72:
- # C.g:1:294: T96
- self.mT96()
- elif alt35 == 73:
- # C.g:1:298: T97
- self.mT97()
- elif alt35 == 74:
- # C.g:1:302: T98
- self.mT98()
- elif alt35 == 75:
- # C.g:1:306: T99
- self.mT99()
- elif alt35 == 76:
- # C.g:1:310: T100
- self.mT100()
- elif alt35 == 77:
- # C.g:1:315: T101
- self.mT101()
- elif alt35 == 78:
- # C.g:1:320: T102
- self.mT102()
- elif alt35 == 79:
- # C.g:1:325: T103
- self.mT103()
- elif alt35 == 80:
- # C.g:1:330: T104
- self.mT104()
- elif alt35 == 81:
- # C.g:1:335: T105
- self.mT105()
- elif alt35 == 82:
- # C.g:1:340: T106
- self.mT106()
- elif alt35 == 83:
- # C.g:1:345: T107
- self.mT107()
- elif alt35 == 84:
- # C.g:1:350: T108
- self.mT108()
- elif alt35 == 85:
- # C.g:1:355: T109
- self.mT109()
- elif alt35 == 86:
- # C.g:1:360: T110
- self.mT110()
- elif alt35 == 87:
- # C.g:1:365: T111
- self.mT111()
- elif alt35 == 88:
- # C.g:1:370: T112
- self.mT112()
- elif alt35 == 89:
- # C.g:1:375: T113
- self.mT113()
- elif alt35 == 90:
- # C.g:1:380: T114
- self.mT114()
- elif alt35 == 91:
- # C.g:1:385: T115
- self.mT115()
- elif alt35 == 92:
- # C.g:1:390: T116
- self.mT116()
- elif alt35 == 93:
- # C.g:1:395: T117
- self.mT117()
- elif alt35 == 94:
- # C.g:1:400: IDENTIFIER
- self.mIDENTIFIER()
- elif alt35 == 95:
- elif alt35 == 96:
- # C.g:1:429: STRING_LITERAL
- elif alt35 == 97:
- # C.g:1:444: HEX_LITERAL
- self.mHEX_LITERAL()
- elif alt35 == 98:
- # C.g:1:456: DECIMAL_LITERAL
- elif alt35 == 99:
- # C.g:1:472: OCTAL_LITERAL
- elif alt35 == 100:
- elif alt35 == 101:
- # C.g:1:509: WS
- self.mWS()
- elif alt35 == 102:
- # C.g:1:512: BS
- self.mBS()
- elif alt35 == 103:
- # C.g:1:515: UnicodeVocabulary
- self.mUnicodeVocabulary()
- elif alt35 == 104:
- # C.g:1:533: COMMENT
- self.mCOMMENT()
- elif alt35 == 105:
- # C.g:1:541: LINE_COMMENT
- self.mLINE_COMMENT()
- elif alt35 == 106:
- # C.g:1:554: LINE_COMMAND
- self.mLINE_COMMAND()
- # lookup tables for DFA #25
- DFA25_eot = DFA.unpack(
- u"\7\uffff\1\10\2\uffff"
- )
- DFA25_eof = DFA.unpack(
- u"\12\uffff"
- )
- DFA25_min = DFA.unpack(
- u"\2\56\2\uffff\1\53\1\uffff\2\60\2\uffff"
- )
- DFA25_max = DFA.unpack(
- u"\1\71\1\146\2\uffff\1\71\1\uffff\1\71\1\146\2\uffff"
- )
- DFA25_accept = DFA.unpack(
- u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff\1\4\2\uffff\2\3"
- )
- DFA25_special = DFA.unpack(
- u"\12\uffff"
- )
- DFA25_transition = [
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\2\1\uffff\12\1"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\3\1\uffff\12\1\12\uffff\1\5\1\4\1\5\35\uffff\1\5"
- u"\1\4\1\5"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\6\1\uffff\1\6\2\uffff\12\7"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\12\7"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\12\7\12\uffff\1\11\1\uffff\1\11\35\uffff\1\11\1\uffff"
- u"\1\11"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"")
- ]
- # class definition for DFA #25
- DFA25 = DFA
- # lookup tables for DFA #35
- DFA35_eot = DFA.unpack(
- u"\2\uffff\1\76\1\uffff\1\101\14\76\3\uffff\10\76\4\uffff\1\151\1"
- u"\153\1\157\1\163\1\167\1\171\1\174\1\uffff\1\177\1\u0082\1\u0085"
- u"\1\u0087\1\u008a\1\uffff\5\76\1\uffff\2\73\2\u0095\2\uffff\1\73"
- u"\2\uffff\1\76\4\uffff\16\76\1\u00ad\5\76\1\u00b4\1\76\3\uffff\1"
- u"\u00b7\10\76\34\uffff\1\u00c1\2\uffff\1\u00c3\10\uffff\5\76\3\uffff"
- u"\1\u00c9\1\uffff\1\u0095\3\uffff\23\76\1\uffff\1\u00de\1\76\1\u00e0"
- u"\3\76\1\uffff\2\76\1\uffff\1\76\1\u00e7\6\76\4\uffff\5\76\1\uffff"
- u"\1\76\1\u00f5\1\76\1\u00f7\6\76\1\u00fe\4\76\1\u0103\1\u0104\2"
- u"\76\1\u0107\1\uffff\1\u0108\1\uffff\6\76\1\uffff\10\76\1\u0118"
- u"\1\76\1\u011a\2\76\1\uffff\1\76\1\uffff\5\76\1\u0123\1\uffff\4"
- u"\76\2\uffff\1\76\1\u0129\2\uffff\1\u012a\3\76\1\u012e\1\76\1\u0130"
- u"\7\76\1\u0139\1\uffff\1\u013a\1\uffff\1\u013b\1\76\1\u013d\1\u013e"
- u"\1\u013f\1\u0140\1\u0141\1\u0142\1\uffff\1\76\1\u0144\1\u0145\2"
- u"\76\2\uffff\1\76\1\u0149\1\76\1\uffff\1\76\1\uffff\5\76\1\u0151"
- u"\1\u0152\1\76\3\uffff\1\u0154\6\uffff\1\76\2\uffff\2\76\1\u0158"
- u"\1\uffff\7\76\2\uffff\1\u0160\1\uffff\1\u0161\1\u0162\1\u0163\1"
- u"\uffff\1\u0164\1\u0165\1\76\1\u0167\3\76\6\uffff\1\u016b\1\uffff"
- u"\3\76\1\uffff\21\76\1\u0180\2\76\1\uffff\3\76\1\u0186\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\11\76\1\u0191\1\uffff"
- )
- DFA35_eof = DFA.unpack(
- u"\u0192\uffff"
- )
- DFA35_min = DFA.unpack(
- u"\1\3\1\uffff\1\171\1\uffff\1\75\1\154\1\150\1\165\1\145\1\124\1"
- u"\157\1\141\1\146\1\157\1\154\1\145\1\156\3\uffff\1\116\1\120\1"
- u"\117\1\116\1\117\1\114\1\106\1\101\4\uffff\1\75\1\56\1\53\1\55"
- u"\1\52\1\75\1\46\1\uffff\1\75\1\74\3\75\1\uffff\1\137\1\150\1\157"
- u"\1\162\1\42\1\uffff\2\0\2\56\2\uffff\1\0\2\uffff\1\160\4\uffff"
- u"\1\163\1\164\1\165\1\151\1\141\1\147\1\157\1\164\1\147\1\101\1"
- u"\151\1\163\1\156\1\141\1\44\1\164\1\156\1\162\1\157\1\146\1\44"
- u"\1\151\3\uffff\1\44\2\124\1\116\1\101\1\114\1\117\1\111\1\103\34"
- u"\uffff\1\75\2\uffff\1\75\10\uffff\1\141\1\163\1\151\1\164\1\145"
- u"\3\uffff\1\56\1\uffff\1\56\3\uffff\3\145\1\155\2\164\1\165\1\145"
- u"\1\156\1\162\1\157\1\151\1\165\1\124\1\141\1\144\1\145\1\163\1"
- u"\162\1\uffff\1\44\1\147\1\44\2\141\1\142\1\uffff\1\151\1\157\1"
- u"\uffff\1\111\1\44\1\123\1\114\1\101\1\102\1\101\1\113\4\uffff\1"
- u"\163\1\155\1\154\1\157\1\141\1\uffff\1\144\1\44\1\162\1\44\1\143"
- u"\1\151\1\143\1\157\1\145\1\164\1\44\1\163\1\162\1\111\1\164\2\44"
- u"\1\151\1\164\1\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\1\164\1\165\1\154\1\147"
- u"\1\156\1\117\1\uffff\1\124\1\111\1\124\1\101\1\102\1\120\1\105"
- u"\1\155\1\44\1\145\1\44\1\153\1\145\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff\1\150"
- u"\1\143\1\164\1\146\1\144\1\44\1\uffff\1\164\1\156\1\103\1\151\2"
- u"\uffff\1\156\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\1\154\1\145\1\156\1\44\1\116\1\44"
- u"\1\107\1\111\1\114\1\125\1\117\1\111\1\104\1\44\1\uffff\1\44\1"
- u"\uffff\1\44\1\146\6\44\1\uffff\1\145\2\44\1\154\1\165\2\uffff\1"
- u"\164\1\44\1\145\1\uffff\1\101\1\uffff\1\116\1\114\1\137\1\116\1"
- u"\117\2\44\1\137\3\uffff\1\44\6\uffff\1\162\2\uffff\2\145\1\44\1"
- u"\uffff\1\144\1\114\2\105\1\122\2\124\2\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44"
- u"\1\uffff\2\44\1\104\1\44\1\105\1\111\1\123\6\uffff\1\44\1\uffff"
- u"\2\115\1\105\1\uffff\1\117\1\105\1\122\1\126\1\123\1\126\2\105"
- u"\1\111\1\137\1\122\1\103\1\111\1\126\1\105\1\106\1\111\1\44\1\137"
- u"\1\103\1\uffff\1\125\1\105\1\116\1\44\1\122\1\uffff\1\105\1\106"
- u"\1\105\1\122\1\105\1\116\1\103\1\105\1\104\1\44\1\uffff"
- )
- DFA35_max = DFA.unpack(
- u"\1\ufffe\1\uffff\1\171\1\uffff\1\75\1\170\1\167\1\165\1\145\1\124"
- u"\2\157\1\156\3\157\1\156\3\uffff\1\116\1\125\1\117\1\116\1\117"
- u"\1\114\1\106\1\101\4\uffff\1\75\1\71\1\75\1\76\3\75\1\uffff\2\75"
- u"\1\76\1\75\1\174\1\uffff\1\141\1\150\1\157\1\162\1\47\1\uffff\2"
- u"\ufffe\1\170\1\146\2\uffff\1\ufffe\2\uffff\1\160\4\uffff\1\163"
- u"\1\164\1\165\1\151\1\162\1\172\1\157\2\164\1\101\1\154\1\163\1"
- u"\156\1\141\1\172\1\164\1\156\1\162\1\157\1\146\1\172\1\163\3\uffff"
- u"\1\172\2\124\1\116\1\101\1\114\1\117\1\111\1\103\34\uffff\1\75"
- u"\2\uffff\1\75\10\uffff\1\141\1\163\1\151\1\164\1\145\3\uffff\1"
- u"\146\1\uffff\1\146\3\uffff\3\145\1\155\2\164\1\165\1\145\1\156"
- u"\1\162\1\157\1\151\1\165\1\124\1\141\1\144\1\145\1\164\1\162\1"
- u"\uffff\1\172\1\147\1\172\2\141\1\142\1\uffff\1\151\1\157\1\uffff"
- u"\1\111\1\172\1\123\1\114\1\101\1\102\1\137\1\113\4\uffff\1\163"
- u"\1\155\1\154\1\157\1\141\1\uffff\1\144\1\172\1\162\1\172\1\143"
- u"\1\151\1\143\1\157\1\145\1\164\1\172\1\163\1\162\1\111\1\164\2"
- u"\172\1\151\1\164\1\172\1\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\1\164\1\165\1\154"
- u"\1\147\1\156\1\117\1\uffff\1\124\1\111\1\124\1\101\1\122\1\120"
- u"\1\105\1\155\1\172\1\145\1\172\1\153\1\145\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff"
- u"\1\150\1\143\1\164\1\146\1\144\1\172\1\uffff\1\164\1\156\1\103"
- u"\1\151\2\uffff\1\156\1\172\2\uffff\1\172\1\154\1\145\1\156\1\172"
- u"\1\116\1\172\1\107\1\111\1\114\1\125\1\117\1\111\1\104\1\172\1"
- u"\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\1\172\1\146\6\172\1\uffff\1\145\2\172\1\154"
- u"\1\165\2\uffff\1\164\1\172\1\145\1\uffff\1\101\1\uffff\1\116\1"
- u"\114\1\137\1\116\1\117\2\172\1\137\3\uffff\1\172\6\uffff\1\162"
- u"\2\uffff\2\145\1\172\1\uffff\1\144\1\114\2\105\1\122\2\124\2\uffff"
- u"\1\172\1\uffff\3\172\1\uffff\2\172\1\104\1\172\1\105\1\111\1\123"
- u"\6\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\2\115\1\105\1\uffff\1\117\1\105\1\122\1"
- u"\126\1\123\1\126\2\105\1\111\1\137\1\122\1\103\1\111\1\126\1\105"
- u"\1\106\1\111\1\172\1\137\1\103\1\uffff\1\125\1\105\1\116\1\172"
- u"\1\122\1\uffff\1\105\1\106\1\105\1\122\1\105\1\116\1\103\1\105"
- u"\1\104\1\172\1\uffff"
- )
- DFA35_accept = DFA.unpack(
- u"\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\3\15\uffff\1\23\1\24\1\27\10\uffff\1\46"
- u"\1\47\1\50\1\51\7\uffff\1\66\5\uffff\1\102\5\uffff\1\136\4\uffff"
- u"\1\145\1\146\1\uffff\1\147\1\1\1\uffff\1\136\1\3\1\107\1\4\26\uffff"
- u"\1\23\1\24\1\27\11\uffff\1\46\1\47\1\50\1\51\1\70\1\52\1\53\1\63"
- u"\1\144\1\73\1\60\1\54\1\74\1\64\1\61\1\55\1\150\1\151\1\71\1\56"
- u"\1\72\1\57\1\77\1\104\1\65\1\66\1\110\1\67\1\uffff\1\113\1\111"
- u"\1\uffff\1\114\1\112\1\100\1\106\1\103\1\101\1\105\1\102\5\uffff"
- u"\1\140\1\137\1\141\1\uffff\1\142\1\uffff\1\145\1\146\1\152\23\uffff"
- u"\1\124\6\uffff\1\130\2\uffff\1\33\10\uffff\1\75\1\115\1\76\1\116"
- u"\5\uffff\1\143\24\uffff\1\15\1\uffff\1\131\6\uffff\1\34\15\uffff"
- u"\1\125\1\uffff\1\30\6\uffff\1\7\4\uffff\1\12\1\122\2\uffff\1\13"
- u"\1\16\17\uffff\1\120\1\uffff\1\132\10\uffff\1\14\5\uffff\1\31\1"
- u"\17\3\uffff\1\26\1\uffff\1\36\10\uffff\1\121\1\127\1\134\1\uffff"
- u"\1\5\1\126\1\6\1\25\1\62\1\21\1\uffff\1\135\1\11\3\uffff\1\20\7"
- u"\uffff\1\42\1\45\1\uffff\1\2\3\uffff\1\123\7\uffff\1\117\1\10\1"
- u"\32\1\133\1\22\1\35\1\uffff\1\40\3\uffff\1\37\24\uffff\1\43\5\uffff"
- u"\1\44\12\uffff\1\41"
- )
- DFA35_special = DFA.unpack(
- u"\u0192\uffff"
- )
- DFA35_transition = [
- DFA.unpack(u"\6\73\2\70\1\73\2\70\22\73\1\70\1\50\1\65\1\72\1\63"
- u"\1\45\1\46\1\64\1\34\1\35\1\40\1\42\1\3\1\43\1\41\1\44\1\66\11"
- u"\67\1\23\1\1\1\51\1\4\1\52\1\55\1\73\2\63\1\26\1\63\1\32\1\63\1"
- u"\31\1\63\1\24\2\63\1\62\2\63\1\25\1\33\2\63\1\11\1\63\1\27\1\30"
- u"\4\63\1\36\1\71\1\37\1\53\1\56\1\73\1\7\1\61\1\13\1\17\1\5\1\16"
- u"\1\60\1\63\1\14\2\63\1\15\5\63\1\10\1\6\1\2\1\20\1\12\1\57\3\63"
- u"\1\21\1\54\1\22\1\47\uff80\73"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\75"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\100"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\102\1\uffff\1\104\11\uffff\1\103"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\110\1\107\12\uffff\1\106\2\uffff\1\105"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\111"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\112"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\113"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\114"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\115\6\uffff\1\117\6\uffff\1\116"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\120\7\uffff\1\121"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\122"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\124\2\uffff\1\123"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\125\11\uffff\1\126"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\127"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\133"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\134\4\uffff\1\135"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\136"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\137"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\140"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\141"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\142"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\143"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\150"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\152\1\uffff\12\154"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\156\21\uffff\1\155"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\162\17\uffff\1\160\1\161"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\164\4\uffff\1\165\15\uffff\1\166"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\170"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\173\26\uffff\1\172"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\176"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0080\1\u0081"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0084\1\u0083"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0086"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0089\76\uffff\1\u0088"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008c\1\uffff\1\u008d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008e"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0090"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0091\4\uffff\1\u0092"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\47\u0092\1\uffff\uffd7\u0092"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\uffff\u0091"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\10\u0094\2\154\12\uffff\3\154\21\uffff"
- u"\1\u0093\13\uffff\3\154\21\uffff\1\u0093"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\12\u0096\12\uffff\3\154\35\uffff\3\154"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\uffff\u0099"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009a"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009b"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009e"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009f\20\uffff\1\u00a0"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a2\22\uffff\1\u00a1"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a3"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a4"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a5\14\uffff\1\u00a6"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a7"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a9\2\uffff\1\u00a8"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00aa"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ab"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ac"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ae"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00af"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b0"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b1"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b2"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\24\76\1\u00b3\5\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b6\11\uffff\1\u00b5"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b8"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b9"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ba"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bb"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bc"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bd"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00be"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bf"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c0"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c2"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c4"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c5"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c6"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c7"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c8"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\10\u0094\2\154\12\uffff\3\154\35\uffff"
- u"\3\154"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\12\u0096\12\uffff\3\154\35\uffff\3\154"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ca"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cb"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cc"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cd"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ce"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cf"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d0"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d1"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d2"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d3"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d4"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d5"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d6"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d7"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d8"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d9"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00da"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00dc\1\u00db"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00dd"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00df"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e1"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e2"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e3"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e4"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e5"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e6"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e8"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e9"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ea"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00eb"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ed\35\uffff\1\u00ec"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ee"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ef"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f0"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f1"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f2"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f3"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f4"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f6"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f8"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f9"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fa"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fb"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fc"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fd"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ff"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0100"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0101"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0102"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0105"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0106"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0109"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010a"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010b"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010e"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0110"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0111"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0112"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0114\17\uffff\1\u0113"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0115"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0116"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0117"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0119"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011b"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011c"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011d"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011e"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0120"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0121"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0122"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0124"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0125"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0126"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0127"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0128"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012b"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0131"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0132"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0133"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0134"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0135"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0136"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0137"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\u0138\1"
- u"\uffff\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u013c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0143"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0146"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0147"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0148"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014a"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014b"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014e"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0150"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0153"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0155"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0156"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0157"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0159"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015a"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015b"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015e"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015f"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0166"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0168"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0169"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016a"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016e"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0170"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0171"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0172"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0173"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0174"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0175"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0176"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0177"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0178"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0179"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017a"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017b"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017e"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0181"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0182"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0183"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0184"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0185"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0187"),
- DFA.unpack(u""),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0188"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0189"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018a"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018b"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018c"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018d"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018e"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018f"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0190"),
- DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
- u"\32\76"),
- DFA.unpack(u"")
- ]
- # class definition for DFA #35
- DFA35 = DFA
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 511d429f26..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18844 +0,0 @@
-# $ANTLR 3.0.1 C.g 2010-02-23 09:58:53
-from antlr3 import *
-from antlr3.compat import set, frozenset
-## @file
-# The file defines the parser for C source files.
-# This file is generated by running:
-# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
-# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
-# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
-# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at:
-import CodeFragment
-import FileProfile
-# for convenience in actions
-HIDDEN = BaseRecognizer.HIDDEN
-# token types
-# token names
-tokenNames = [
- "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>",
- "HexDigit", "IntegerTypeSuffix", "Exponent", "FloatTypeSuffix", "OctalEscape",
- "UnicodeEscape", "WS", "BS", "UnicodeVocabulary", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT",
- "LINE_COMMAND", "';'", "'typedef'", "','", "'='", "'extern'", "'static'",
- "'auto'", "'register'", "'STATIC'", "'void'", "'char'", "'short'", "'int'",
- "'long'", "'float'", "'double'", "'signed'", "'unsigned'", "'{'", "'}'",
- "'struct'", "'union'", "':'", "'enum'", "'const'", "'volatile'", "'IN'",
- "'('", "')'", "'['", "']'", "'*'", "'...'", "'+'", "'-'", "'/'", "'%'",
- "'++'", "'--'", "'sizeof'", "'.'", "'->'", "'&'", "'~'", "'!'", "'*='",
- "'/='", "'%='", "'+='", "'-='", "'<<='", "'>>='", "'&='", "'^='", "'|='",
- "'?'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'|'", "'^'", "'=='", "'!='", "'<'", "'>'", "'<='",
- "'>='", "'<<'", "'>>'", "'__asm__'", "'_asm'", "'__asm'", "'case'",
- "'default'", "'if'", "'else'", "'switch'", "'while'", "'do'", "'for'",
- "'goto'", "'continue'", "'break'", "'return'"
-class function_definition_scope(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.ModifierText = None
- self.DeclText = None
- self.LBLine = None
- self.LBOffset = None
- self.DeclLine = None
- self.DeclOffset = None
-class postfix_expression_scope(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.FuncCallText = None
-class CParser(Parser):
- grammarFileName = "C.g"
- tokenNames = tokenNames
- def __init__(self, input):
- Parser.__init__(self, input)
- self.ruleMemo = {}
- self.function_definition_stack = []
- self.postfix_expression_stack = []
- def printTokenInfo(self, line, offset, tokenText):
- print str(line)+ ',' + str(offset) + ':' + str(tokenText)
- def StorePredicateExpression(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
- PredExp = CodeFragment.PredicateExpression(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList.append(PredExp)
- def StoreEnumerationDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
- EnumDef = CodeFragment.EnumerationDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList.append(EnumDef)
- def StoreStructUnionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
- SUDef = CodeFragment.StructUnionDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList.append(SUDef)
- def StoreTypedefDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FromText, ToText):
- Tdef = CodeFragment.TypedefDefinition(FromText, ToText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList.append(Tdef)
- def StoreFunctionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText, LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset, DeclLine, DeclOffset):
- FuncDef = CodeFragment.FunctionDefinition(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset), (LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset), (DeclLine, DeclOffset))
- FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList.append(FuncDef)
- def StoreVariableDeclaration(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText):
- VarDecl = CodeFragment.VariableDeclaration(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList.append(VarDecl)
- def StoreFunctionCalling(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FuncName, ParamList):
- FuncCall = CodeFragment.FunctionCalling(FuncName, ParamList, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
- FileProfile.FunctionCallingList.append(FuncCall)
- # $ANTLR start translation_unit
- # C.g:102:1: translation_unit : ( external_declaration )* ;
- def translation_unit(self, ):
- translation_unit_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 1):
- return
- # C.g:103:2: ( ( external_declaration )* )
- # C.g:103:4: ( external_declaration )*
- # C.g:103:4: ( external_declaration )*
- while True: #loop1
- alt1 = 2
- LA1_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA1_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA1_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA1_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA1_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA1_0 <= 62) or LA1_0 == 66) :
- alt1 = 1
- if alt1 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: external_declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_external_declaration_in_translation_unit74)
- self.external_declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop1
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 1, translation_unit_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end translation_unit
- # $ANTLR start external_declaration
- # C.g:114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );
- def external_declaration(self, ):
- external_declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 2):
- return
- # C.g:119:2: ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? )
- alt3 = 3
- LA3_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((29 <= LA3_0 <= 33)) :
- LA3_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 34) :
- LA3_2 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 2, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 35) :
- LA3_3 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 3, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 36) :
- LA3_4 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 4, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 37) :
- LA3_5 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 5, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 38) :
- LA3_6 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 6, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 39) :
- LA3_7 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 7, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 40) :
- LA3_8 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 8, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 41) :
- LA3_9 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 9, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 42) :
- LA3_10 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 10, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif ((45 <= LA3_0 <= 46)) :
- LA3_11 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 11, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 48) :
- LA3_12 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 12, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA3_13 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- elif (True) :
- alt3 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 13, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 58) :
- LA3_14 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 14, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 66) and (self.synpred4()):
- alt3 = 1
- elif (LA3_0 == 59) :
- LA3_16 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 16, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 60) :
- LA3_17 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 17, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif ((49 <= LA3_0 <= 57) or LA3_0 == 61) :
- LA3_18 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred4()) :
- alt3 = 1
- elif (self.synpred5()) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 18, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA3_0 == 62) and (self.synpred4()):
- alt3 = 1
- elif (LA3_0 == 26) :
- alt3 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt3 == 1:
- # C.g:119:4: ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_function_definition_in_external_declaration113)
- self.function_definition()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt3 == 2:
- # C.g:120:4: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_external_declaration118)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt3 == 3:
- # C.g:121:4: macro_statement ( ';' )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_external_declaration123)
- self.macro_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:121:20: ( ';' )?
- alt2 = 2
- LA2_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA2_0 == 25) :
- alt2 = 1
- if alt2 == 1:
- # C.g:121:21: ';'
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_external_declaration126)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 2, external_declaration_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end external_declaration
- class function_definition_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start function_definition
- # C.g:126:1: function_definition : (d= declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement ) ;
- def function_definition(self, ):
- self.function_definition_stack.append(function_definition_scope())
- retval = self.function_definition_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- function_definition_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- d = None
- a = None
- b = None
- declarator1 = None
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText = ''
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclText = ''
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine = 0
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset = 0
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclLine = 0
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclOffset = 0
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 3):
- return retval
- # C.g:146:2: ( (d= declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement ) )
- # C.g:146:4: (d= declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement )
- # C.g:146:5: (d= declaration_specifiers )?
- alt4 = 2
- LA4 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA4 == 29 or LA4 == 30 or LA4 == 31 or LA4 == 32 or LA4 == 33 or LA4 == 34 or LA4 == 35 or LA4 == 36 or LA4 == 37 or LA4 == 38 or LA4 == 39 or LA4 == 40 or LA4 == 41 or LA4 == 42 or LA4 == 45 or LA4 == 46 or LA4 == 48 or LA4 == 49 or LA4 == 50 or LA4 == 51 or LA4 == 52 or LA4 == 53 or LA4 == 54 or LA4 == 55 or LA4 == 56 or LA4 == 57 or LA4 == 61:
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA4 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA4 == 66:
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 58:
- LA4_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 59:
- LA4_22 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 60:
- LA4_23 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA4_24 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 62:
- LA4_25 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 29 or LA4 == 30 or LA4 == 31 or LA4 == 32 or LA4 == 33:
- LA4_26 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 34:
- LA4_27 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 35:
- LA4_28 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 36:
- LA4_29 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 37:
- LA4_30 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 38:
- LA4_31 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 39:
- LA4_32 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 40:
- LA4_33 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 41:
- LA4_34 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 42:
- LA4_35 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 45 or LA4 == 46:
- LA4_36 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 48:
- LA4_37 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 49 or LA4 == 50 or LA4 == 51 or LA4 == 52 or LA4 == 53 or LA4 == 54 or LA4 == 55 or LA4 == 56 or LA4 == 57 or LA4 == 61:
- LA4_38 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 58:
- LA4_14 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 59:
- LA4_16 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- elif LA4 == 60:
- LA4_17 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred7()) :
- alt4 = 1
- if alt4 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: d= declaration_specifiers
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_function_definition157)
- d = self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_function_definition160)
- declarator1 = self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:147:3: ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement )
- alt6 = 2
- LA6_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA6_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA6_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA6_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA6_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA6_0 <= 61)) :
- alt6 = 1
- elif (LA6_0 == 43) :
- alt6 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("147:3: ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement )", 6, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt6 == 1:
- # C.g:147:5: ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement
- # C.g:147:5: ( declaration )+
- cnt5 = 0
- while True: #loop5
- alt5 = 2
- LA5_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA5_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA5_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA5_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA5_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA5_0 <= 61)) :
- alt5 = 1
- if alt5 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_function_definition166)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- else:
- if cnt5 >= 1:
- break #loop5
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- eee = EarlyExitException(5, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt5 += 1
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition171)
- a = self.compound_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt6 == 2:
- # C.g:148:5: b= compound_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition180)
- b = self.compound_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- if d != None:
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText = self.input.toString(d.start,d.stop)
- else:
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText = ''
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclText = self.input.toString(declarator1.start,declarator1.stop)
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclLine = declarator1.start.line
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclOffset = declarator1.start.charPositionInLine
- if a != None:
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine = a.start.line
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset = a.start.charPositionInLine
- else:
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine = b.start.line
- self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset = b.start.charPositionInLine
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StoreFunctionDefinition(retval.start.line, retval.start.charPositionInLine, retval.stop.line, retval.stop.charPositionInLine, self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText, self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclText, self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine, self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset, self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclLine, self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclOffset)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 3, function_definition_StartIndex)
- self.function_definition_stack.pop()
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end function_definition
- # $ANTLR start declaration
- # C.g:166:1: declaration : (a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';' | s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';' );
- def declaration(self, ):
- declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- a = None
- d = None
- e = None
- b = None
- c = None
- s = None
- t = None
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 4):
- return
- # C.g:167:2: (a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';' | s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';' )
- alt9 = 2
- LA9_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA9_0 == 26) :
- alt9 = 1
- elif (LA9_0 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA9_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA9_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA9_0 <= 61)) :
- alt9 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("166:1: declaration : (a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';' | s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';' );", 9, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt9 == 1:
- # C.g:167:4: a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';'
- a = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, 26, self.FOLLOW_26_in_declaration203)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:167:17: (b= declaration_specifiers )?
- alt7 = 2
- LA7 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA7 == 29 or LA7 == 30 or LA7 == 31 or LA7 == 32 or LA7 == 33 or LA7 == 34 or LA7 == 35 or LA7 == 36 or LA7 == 37 or LA7 == 38 or LA7 == 39 or LA7 == 40 or LA7 == 41 or LA7 == 42 or LA7 == 45 or LA7 == 46 or LA7 == 48 or LA7 == 49 or LA7 == 50 or LA7 == 51 or LA7 == 52 or LA7 == 53 or LA7 == 54 or LA7 == 55 or LA7 == 56 or LA7 == 57 or LA7 == 61:
- alt7 = 1
- elif LA7 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA7_13 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA7_13 == 62) :
- LA7_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred10()) :
- alt7 = 1
- elif (LA7_13 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA7_13 <= 42) or (45 <= LA7_13 <= 46) or (48 <= LA7_13 <= 61) or LA7_13 == 66) :
- alt7 = 1
- elif LA7 == 58:
- LA7_14 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred10()) :
- alt7 = 1
- elif LA7 == 59:
- LA7_16 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred10()) :
- alt7 = 1
- elif LA7 == 60:
- LA7_17 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred10()) :
- alt7 = 1
- if alt7 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: b= declaration_specifiers
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration207)
- b = self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration216)
- c = self.init_declarator_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- d = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_declaration220)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- if b != None:
- self.StoreTypedefDefinition(a.line, a.charPositionInLine, d.line, d.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(b.start,b.stop), self.input.toString(c.start,c.stop))
- else:
- self.StoreTypedefDefinition(a.line, a.charPositionInLine, d.line, d.charPositionInLine, '', self.input.toString(c.start,c.stop))
- elif alt9 == 2:
- # C.g:175:4: s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';'
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration234)
- s = self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:175:30: (t= init_declarator_list )?
- alt8 = 2
- LA8_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA8_0 == IDENTIFIER or (58 <= LA8_0 <= 60) or LA8_0 == 62 or LA8_0 == 66) :
- alt8 = 1
- if alt8 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: t= init_declarator_list
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration238)
- t = self.init_declarator_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- e = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_declaration243)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- if t != None:
- self.StoreVariableDeclaration(s.start.line, s.start.charPositionInLine, t.start.line, t.start.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(s.start,s.stop), self.input.toString(t.start,t.stop))
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 4, declaration_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end declaration
- class declaration_specifiers_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start declaration_specifiers
- # C.g:182:1: declaration_specifiers : ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+ ;
- def declaration_specifiers(self, ):
- retval = self.declaration_specifiers_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- declaration_specifiers_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 5):
- return retval
- # C.g:183:2: ( ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+ )
- # C.g:183:6: ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+
- # C.g:183:6: ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+
- cnt10 = 0
- while True: #loop10
- alt10 = 4
- LA10 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA10 == 58:
- LA10_2 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred15()) :
- alt10 = 3
- elif LA10 == 59:
- LA10_3 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred15()) :
- alt10 = 3
- elif LA10 == 60:
- LA10_4 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred15()) :
- alt10 = 3
- elif LA10 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA10_5 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred14()) :
- alt10 = 2
- elif LA10 == 53:
- LA10_9 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred15()) :
- alt10 = 3
- elif LA10 == 29 or LA10 == 30 or LA10 == 31 or LA10 == 32 or LA10 == 33:
- alt10 = 1
- elif LA10 == 34 or LA10 == 35 or LA10 == 36 or LA10 == 37 or LA10 == 38 or LA10 == 39 or LA10 == 40 or LA10 == 41 or LA10 == 42 or LA10 == 45 or LA10 == 46 or LA10 == 48:
- alt10 = 2
- elif LA10 == 49 or LA10 == 50 or LA10 == 51 or LA10 == 52 or LA10 == 54 or LA10 == 55 or LA10 == 56 or LA10 == 57 or LA10 == 61:
- alt10 = 3
- if alt10 == 1:
- # C.g:183:10: storage_class_specifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_storage_class_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers264)
- self.storage_class_specifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt10 == 2:
- # C.g:184:7: type_specifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers272)
- self.type_specifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt10 == 3:
- # C.g:185:13: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_declaration_specifiers286)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- else:
- if cnt10 >= 1:
- break #loop10
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- eee = EarlyExitException(10, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt10 += 1
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 5, declaration_specifiers_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end declaration_specifiers
- class init_declarator_list_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start init_declarator_list
- # C.g:189:1: init_declarator_list : init_declarator ( ',' init_declarator )* ;
- def init_declarator_list(self, ):
- retval = self.init_declarator_list_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- init_declarator_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 6):
- return retval
- # C.g:190:2: ( init_declarator ( ',' init_declarator )* )
- # C.g:190:4: init_declarator ( ',' init_declarator )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list308)
- self.init_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:190:20: ( ',' init_declarator )*
- while True: #loop11
- alt11 = 2
- LA11_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA11_0 == 27) :
- alt11 = 1
- if alt11 == 1:
- # C.g:190:21: ',' init_declarator
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_init_declarator_list311)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list313)
- self.init_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- else:
- break #loop11
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 6, init_declarator_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end init_declarator_list
- # $ANTLR start init_declarator
- # C.g:193:1: init_declarator : declarator ( '=' initializer )? ;
- def init_declarator(self, ):
- init_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 7):
- return
- # C.g:194:2: ( declarator ( '=' initializer )? )
- # C.g:194:4: declarator ( '=' initializer )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_init_declarator326)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:194:15: ( '=' initializer )?
- alt12 = 2
- LA12_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA12_0 == 28) :
- alt12 = 1
- if alt12 == 1:
- # C.g:194:16: '=' initializer
- self.match(self.input, 28, self.FOLLOW_28_in_init_declarator329)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_in_init_declarator331)
- self.initializer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 7, init_declarator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end init_declarator
- # $ANTLR start storage_class_specifier
- # C.g:197:1: storage_class_specifier : ( 'extern' | 'static' | 'auto' | 'register' | 'STATIC' );
- def storage_class_specifier(self, ):
- storage_class_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 8):
- return
- # C.g:198:2: ( 'extern' | 'static' | 'auto' | 'register' | 'STATIC' )
- # C.g:
- if (29 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 33):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_storage_class_specifier0
- )
- raise mse
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 8, storage_class_specifier_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end storage_class_specifier
- # $ANTLR start type_specifier
- # C.g:205:1: type_specifier : ( 'void' | 'char' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'double' | 'signed' | 'unsigned' | s= struct_or_union_specifier | e= enum_specifier | ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id );
- def type_specifier(self, ):
- type_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- s = None
- e = None
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 9):
- return
- # C.g:206:2: ( 'void' | 'char' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'double' | 'signed' | 'unsigned' | s= struct_or_union_specifier | e= enum_specifier | ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id )
- alt13 = 12
- LA13_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA13_0 == 34) :
- alt13 = 1
- elif (LA13_0 == 35) :
- alt13 = 2
- elif (LA13_0 == 36) :
- alt13 = 3
- elif (LA13_0 == 37) :
- alt13 = 4
- elif (LA13_0 == 38) :
- alt13 = 5
- elif (LA13_0 == 39) :
- alt13 = 6
- elif (LA13_0 == 40) :
- alt13 = 7
- elif (LA13_0 == 41) :
- alt13 = 8
- elif (LA13_0 == 42) :
- alt13 = 9
- elif ((45 <= LA13_0 <= 46)) :
- alt13 = 10
- elif (LA13_0 == 48) :
- alt13 = 11
- elif (LA13_0 == IDENTIFIER) and (self.synpred34()):
- alt13 = 12
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("205:1: type_specifier : ( 'void' | 'char' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'double' | 'signed' | 'unsigned' | s= struct_or_union_specifier | e= enum_specifier | ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id );", 13, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt13 == 1:
- # C.g:206:4: 'void'
- self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_type_specifier376)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 2:
- # C.g:207:4: 'char'
- self.match(self.input, 35, self.FOLLOW_35_in_type_specifier381)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 3:
- # C.g:208:4: 'short'
- self.match(self.input, 36, self.FOLLOW_36_in_type_specifier386)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 4:
- # C.g:209:4: 'int'
- self.match(self.input, 37, self.FOLLOW_37_in_type_specifier391)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 5:
- # C.g:210:4: 'long'
- self.match(self.input, 38, self.FOLLOW_38_in_type_specifier396)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 6:
- # C.g:211:4: 'float'
- self.match(self.input, 39, self.FOLLOW_39_in_type_specifier401)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 7:
- # C.g:212:4: 'double'
- self.match(self.input, 40, self.FOLLOW_40_in_type_specifier406)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 8:
- # C.g:213:4: 'signed'
- self.match(self.input, 41, self.FOLLOW_41_in_type_specifier411)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 9:
- # C.g:214:4: 'unsigned'
- self.match(self.input, 42, self.FOLLOW_42_in_type_specifier416)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt13 == 10:
- # C.g:215:4: s= struct_or_union_specifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_or_union_specifier_in_type_specifier423)
- s = self.struct_or_union_specifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- if s.stop != None:
- self.StoreStructUnionDefinition(s.start.line, s.start.charPositionInLine, s.stop.line, s.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(s.start,s.stop))
- elif alt13 == 11:
- # C.g:220:4: e= enum_specifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enum_specifier_in_type_specifier433)
- e = self.enum_specifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- if e.stop != None:
- self.StoreEnumerationDefinition(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start,e.stop))
- elif alt13 == 12:
- # C.g:225:4: ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_specifier451)
- self.type_id()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 9, type_specifier_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end type_specifier
- # $ANTLR start type_id
- # C.g:228:1: type_id : IDENTIFIER ;
- def type_id(self, ):
- type_id_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 10):
- return
- # C.g:229:5: ( IDENTIFIER )
- # C.g:229:9: IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_type_id467)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 10, type_id_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end type_id
- class struct_or_union_specifier_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start struct_or_union_specifier
- # C.g:233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );
- def struct_or_union_specifier(self, ):
- retval = self.struct_or_union_specifier_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- struct_or_union_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 11):
- return retval
- # C.g:235:2: ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER )
- alt15 = 2
- LA15_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((45 <= LA15_0 <= 46)) :
- LA15_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA15_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA15_2 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (LA15_2 == 43) :
- alt15 = 1
- elif (LA15_2 == EOF or LA15_2 == IDENTIFIER or LA15_2 == 25 or LA15_2 == 27 or (29 <= LA15_2 <= 42) or (45 <= LA15_2 <= 64) or LA15_2 == 66) :
- alt15 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );", 15, 2, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA15_1 == 43) :
- alt15 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );", 15, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );", 15, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt15 == 1:
- # C.g:235:4: struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier494)
- self.struct_or_union()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:235:20: ( IDENTIFIER )?
- alt14 = 2
- LA14_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA14_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- alt14 = 1
- if alt14 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier496)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_struct_or_union_specifier499)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declaration_list_in_struct_or_union_specifier501)
- self.struct_declaration_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_struct_or_union_specifier503)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt15 == 2:
- # C.g:236:4: struct_or_union IDENTIFIER
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier508)
- self.struct_or_union()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier510)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 11, struct_or_union_specifier_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end struct_or_union_specifier
- # $ANTLR start struct_or_union
- # C.g:239:1: struct_or_union : ( 'struct' | 'union' );
- def struct_or_union(self, ):
- struct_or_union_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 12):
- return
- # C.g:240:2: ( 'struct' | 'union' )
- # C.g:
- if (45 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 46):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_struct_or_union0
- )
- raise mse
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 12, struct_or_union_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end struct_or_union
- # $ANTLR start struct_declaration_list
- # C.g:244:1: struct_declaration_list : ( struct_declaration )+ ;
- def struct_declaration_list(self, ):
- struct_declaration_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 13):
- return
- # C.g:245:2: ( ( struct_declaration )+ )
- # C.g:245:4: ( struct_declaration )+
- # C.g:245:4: ( struct_declaration )+
- cnt16 = 0
- while True: #loop16
- alt16 = 2
- LA16_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA16_0 == IDENTIFIER or (34 <= LA16_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA16_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA16_0 <= 61)) :
- alt16 = 1
- if alt16 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: struct_declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declaration_in_struct_declaration_list537)
- self.struct_declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt16 >= 1:
- break #loop16
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(16, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt16 += 1
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 13, struct_declaration_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end struct_declaration_list
- # $ANTLR start struct_declaration
- # C.g:248:1: struct_declaration : specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';' ;
- def struct_declaration(self, ):
- struct_declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 14):
- return
- # C.g:249:2: ( specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';' )
- # C.g:249:4: specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_struct_declaration549)
- self.specifier_qualifier_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declarator_list_in_struct_declaration551)
- self.struct_declarator_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_struct_declaration553)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 14, struct_declaration_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end struct_declaration
- # $ANTLR start specifier_qualifier_list
- # C.g:252:1: specifier_qualifier_list : ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+ ;
- def specifier_qualifier_list(self, ):
- specifier_qualifier_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 15):
- return
- # C.g:253:2: ( ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+ )
- # C.g:253:4: ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+
- # C.g:253:4: ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+
- cnt17 = 0
- while True: #loop17
- alt17 = 3
- LA17 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA17 == 58:
- LA17_2 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred39()) :
- alt17 = 1
- elif LA17 == 59:
- LA17_3 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred39()) :
- alt17 = 1
- elif LA17 == 60:
- LA17_4 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred39()) :
- alt17 = 1
- elif LA17 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA17 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA17 == EOF or LA17 == IDENTIFIER or LA17 == 34 or LA17 == 35 or LA17 == 36 or LA17 == 37 or LA17 == 38 or LA17 == 39 or LA17 == 40 or LA17 == 41 or LA17 == 42 or LA17 == 45 or LA17 == 46 or LA17 == 48 or LA17 == 49 or LA17 == 50 or LA17 == 51 or LA17 == 52 or LA17 == 53 or LA17 == 54 or LA17 == 55 or LA17 == 56 or LA17 == 57 or LA17 == 58 or LA17 == 59 or LA17 == 60 or LA17 == 61 or LA17 == 63 or LA17 == 66:
- alt17 = 2
- elif LA17 == 62:
- LA17_94 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred40()) :
- alt17 = 2
- elif LA17 == 47:
- LA17_95 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred40()) :
- alt17 = 2
- elif LA17 == 64:
- LA17_96 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred40()) :
- alt17 = 2
- elif LA17 == 49 or LA17 == 50 or LA17 == 51 or LA17 == 52 or LA17 == 53 or LA17 == 54 or LA17 == 55 or LA17 == 56 or LA17 == 57 or LA17 == 61:
- alt17 = 1
- elif LA17 == 34 or LA17 == 35 or LA17 == 36 or LA17 == 37 or LA17 == 38 or LA17 == 39 or LA17 == 40 or LA17 == 41 or LA17 == 42 or LA17 == 45 or LA17 == 46 or LA17 == 48:
- alt17 = 2
- if alt17 == 1:
- # C.g:253:6: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list566)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt17 == 2:
- # C.g:253:23: type_specifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list570)
- self.type_specifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt17 >= 1:
- break #loop17
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(17, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt17 += 1
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 15, specifier_qualifier_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end specifier_qualifier_list
- # $ANTLR start struct_declarator_list
- # C.g:256:1: struct_declarator_list : struct_declarator ( ',' struct_declarator )* ;
- def struct_declarator_list(self, ):
- struct_declarator_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 16):
- return
- # C.g:257:2: ( struct_declarator ( ',' struct_declarator )* )
- # C.g:257:4: struct_declarator ( ',' struct_declarator )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list584)
- self.struct_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:257:22: ( ',' struct_declarator )*
- while True: #loop18
- alt18 = 2
- LA18_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA18_0 == 27) :
- alt18 = 1
- if alt18 == 1:
- # C.g:257:23: ',' struct_declarator
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_struct_declarator_list587)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list589)
- self.struct_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop18
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 16, struct_declarator_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end struct_declarator_list
- # $ANTLR start struct_declarator
- # C.g:260:1: struct_declarator : ( declarator ( ':' constant_expression )? | ':' constant_expression );
- def struct_declarator(self, ):
- struct_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 17):
- return
- # C.g:261:2: ( declarator ( ':' constant_expression )? | ':' constant_expression )
- alt20 = 2
- LA20_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA20_0 == IDENTIFIER or (58 <= LA20_0 <= 60) or LA20_0 == 62 or LA20_0 == 66) :
- alt20 = 1
- elif (LA20_0 == 47) :
- alt20 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("260:1: struct_declarator : ( declarator ( ':' constant_expression )? | ':' constant_expression );", 20, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt20 == 1:
- # C.g:261:4: declarator ( ':' constant_expression )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_struct_declarator602)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:261:15: ( ':' constant_expression )?
- alt19 = 2
- LA19_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA19_0 == 47) :
- alt19 = 1
- if alt19 == 1:
- # C.g:261:16: ':' constant_expression
- self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator605)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator607)
- self.constant_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt20 == 2:
- # C.g:262:4: ':' constant_expression
- self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator614)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator616)
- self.constant_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 17, struct_declarator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end struct_declarator
- class enum_specifier_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start enum_specifier
- # C.g:265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );
- def enum_specifier(self, ):
- retval = self.enum_specifier_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- enum_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 18):
- return retval
- # C.g:267:2: ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER )
- alt23 = 3
- LA23_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA23_0 == 48) :
- LA23_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA23_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA23_2 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (LA23_2 == 43) :
- alt23 = 2
- elif (LA23_2 == EOF or LA23_2 == IDENTIFIER or LA23_2 == 25 or LA23_2 == 27 or (29 <= LA23_2 <= 42) or (45 <= LA23_2 <= 64) or LA23_2 == 66) :
- alt23 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );", 23, 2, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA23_1 == 43) :
- alt23 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );", 23, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );", 23, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt23 == 1:
- # C.g:267:4: 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}'
- self.match(self.input, 48, self.FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier634)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier636)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier638)
- self.enumerator_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:267:31: ( ',' )?
- alt21 = 2
- LA21_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA21_0 == 27) :
- alt21 = 1
- if alt21 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: ','
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier640)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier643)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt23 == 2:
- # C.g:268:4: 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}'
- self.match(self.input, 48, self.FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier648)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier650)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier652)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier654)
- self.enumerator_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:268:42: ( ',' )?
- alt22 = 2
- LA22_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA22_0 == 27) :
- alt22 = 1
- if alt22 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: ','
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier656)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier659)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt23 == 3:
- # C.g:269:4: 'enum' IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, 48, self.FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier664)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier666)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 18, enum_specifier_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end enum_specifier
- # $ANTLR start enumerator_list
- # C.g:272:1: enumerator_list : enumerator ( ',' enumerator )* ;
- def enumerator_list(self, ):
- enumerator_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 19):
- return
- # C.g:273:2: ( enumerator ( ',' enumerator )* )
- # C.g:273:4: enumerator ( ',' enumerator )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list677)
- self.enumerator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:273:15: ( ',' enumerator )*
- while True: #loop24
- alt24 = 2
- LA24_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA24_0 == 27) :
- LA24_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA24_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
- alt24 = 1
- if alt24 == 1:
- # C.g:273:16: ',' enumerator
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_enumerator_list680)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list682)
- self.enumerator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop24
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 19, enumerator_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end enumerator_list
- # $ANTLR start enumerator
- # C.g:276:1: enumerator : IDENTIFIER ( '=' constant_expression )? ;
- def enumerator(self, ):
- enumerator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 20):
- return
- # C.g:277:2: ( IDENTIFIER ( '=' constant_expression )? )
- # C.g:277:4: IDENTIFIER ( '=' constant_expression )?
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enumerator695)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:277:15: ( '=' constant_expression )?
- alt25 = 2
- LA25_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA25_0 == 28) :
- alt25 = 1
- if alt25 == 1:
- # C.g:277:16: '=' constant_expression
- self.match(self.input, 28, self.FOLLOW_28_in_enumerator698)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_enumerator700)
- self.constant_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 20, enumerator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end enumerator
- # $ANTLR start type_qualifier
- # C.g:280:1: type_qualifier : ( 'const' | 'volatile' | 'IN' | 'OUT' | 'OPTIONAL' | 'CONST' | 'UNALIGNED' | 'VOLATILE' | 'GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED' | 'EFIAPI' | 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' | 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' | 'PACKED' );
- def type_qualifier(self, ):
- type_qualifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 21):
- return
- # C.g:
- if (49 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 61):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_type_qualifier0
- )
- raise mse
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 21, type_qualifier_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end type_qualifier
- class declarator_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start declarator
- # C.g:296:1: declarator : ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer );
- def declarator(self, ):
- retval = self.declarator_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 22):
- return retval
- # C.g:297:2: ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer )
- alt30 = 2
- LA30_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA30_0 == 66) :
- LA30_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred66()) :
- alt30 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt30 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("296:1: declarator : ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer );", 30, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA30_0 == IDENTIFIER or (58 <= LA30_0 <= 60) or LA30_0 == 62) :
- alt30 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("296:1: declarator : ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer );", 30, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt30 == 1:
- # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator
- # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )?
- alt26 = 2
- LA26_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA26_0 == 66) :
- alt26 = 1
- if alt26 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: pointer
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator784)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:297:13: ( 'EFIAPI' )?
- alt27 = 2
- LA27_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA27_0 == 58) :
- alt27 = 1
- if alt27 == 1:
- # C.g:297:14: 'EFIAPI'
- self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_declarator788)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:297:25: ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )?
- alt28 = 2
- LA28_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA28_0 == 59) :
- alt28 = 1
- if alt28 == 1:
- # C.g:297:26: 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE'
- self.match(self.input, 59, self.FOLLOW_59_in_declarator793)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:297:46: ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )?
- alt29 = 2
- LA29_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA29_0 == 60) :
- alt29 = 1
- if alt29 == 1:
- # C.g:297:47: 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE'
- self.match(self.input, 60, self.FOLLOW_60_in_declarator798)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_declarator802)
- self.direct_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt30 == 2:
- # C.g:299:4: pointer
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator808)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 22, declarator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end declarator
- # $ANTLR start direct_declarator
- # C.g:302:1: direct_declarator : ( IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )* | '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+ );
- def direct_declarator(self, ):
- direct_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 23):
- return
- # C.g:303:2: ( IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )* | '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+ )
- alt34 = 2
- LA34_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA34_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- alt34 = 1
- elif (LA34_0 == 62) :
- alt34 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("302:1: direct_declarator : ( IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )* | '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+ );", 34, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt34 == 1:
- # C.g:303:4: IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )*
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_direct_declarator819)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:303:15: ( declarator_suffix )*
- while True: #loop31
- alt31 = 2
- LA31_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA31_0 == 62) :
- LA31 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA31 == 63:
- LA31_30 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 58:
- LA31_31 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 66:
- LA31_32 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 59:
- LA31_33 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 60:
- LA31_34 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA31_35 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 29 or LA31 == 30 or LA31 == 31 or LA31 == 32 or LA31 == 33:
- LA31_37 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 34:
- LA31_38 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 35:
- LA31_39 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 36:
- LA31_40 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 37:
- LA31_41 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 38:
- LA31_42 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 39:
- LA31_43 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 40:
- LA31_44 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 41:
- LA31_45 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 42:
- LA31_46 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 45 or LA31 == 46:
- LA31_47 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 48:
- LA31_48 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 49 or LA31 == 50 or LA31 == 51 or LA31 == 52 or LA31 == 53 or LA31 == 54 or LA31 == 55 or LA31 == 56 or LA31 == 57 or LA31 == 61:
- LA31_49 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif (LA31_0 == 64) :
- LA31 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA31 == 65:
- LA31_51 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 62:
- LA31_52 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA31_53 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA31_54 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA31_55 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- LA31_56 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- LA31_57 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA31_58 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- LA31_59 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 72:
- LA31_60 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 73:
- LA31_61 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 66 or LA31 == 68 or LA31 == 69 or LA31 == 77 or LA31 == 78 or LA31 == 79:
- LA31_62 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- elif LA31 == 74:
- LA31_63 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred67()) :
- alt31 = 1
- if alt31 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: declarator_suffix
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator821)
- self.declarator_suffix()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop31
- elif alt34 == 2:
- # C.g:304:4: '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_direct_declarator827)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:304:8: ( 'EFIAPI' )?
- alt32 = 2
- LA32_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA32_0 == 58) :
- LA32_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred69()) :
- alt32 = 1
- if alt32 == 1:
- # C.g:304:9: 'EFIAPI'
- self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_direct_declarator830)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_direct_declarator834)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_direct_declarator836)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:304:35: ( declarator_suffix )+
- cnt33 = 0
- while True: #loop33
- alt33 = 2
- LA33_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA33_0 == 62) :
- LA33 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA33 == 63:
- LA33_30 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 58:
- LA33_31 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 66:
- LA33_32 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 59:
- LA33_33 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 60:
- LA33_34 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA33_35 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 29 or LA33 == 30 or LA33 == 31 or LA33 == 32 or LA33 == 33:
- LA33_37 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 34:
- LA33_38 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 35:
- LA33_39 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 36:
- LA33_40 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 37:
- LA33_41 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 38:
- LA33_42 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 39:
- LA33_43 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 40:
- LA33_44 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 41:
- LA33_45 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 42:
- LA33_46 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 45 or LA33 == 46:
- LA33_47 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 48:
- LA33_48 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 49 or LA33 == 50 or LA33 == 51 or LA33 == 52 or LA33 == 53 or LA33 == 54 or LA33 == 55 or LA33 == 56 or LA33 == 57 or LA33 == 61:
- LA33_49 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif (LA33_0 == 64) :
- LA33 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA33 == 65:
- LA33_51 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 62:
- LA33_52 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA33_53 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA33_54 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA33_55 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- LA33_56 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- LA33_57 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA33_58 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- LA33_59 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 72:
- LA33_60 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 73:
- LA33_61 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 66 or LA33 == 68 or LA33 == 69 or LA33 == 77 or LA33 == 78 or LA33 == 79:
- LA33_62 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- elif LA33 == 74:
- LA33_63 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred70()) :
- alt33 = 1
- if alt33 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: declarator_suffix
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator838)
- self.declarator_suffix()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt33 >= 1:
- break #loop33
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(33, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt33 += 1
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 23, direct_declarator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end direct_declarator
- # $ANTLR start declarator_suffix
- # C.g:307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );
- def declarator_suffix(self, ):
- declarator_suffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 24):
- return
- # C.g:308:2: ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' )
- alt35 = 5
- LA35_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA35_0 == 64) :
- LA35_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA35_1 == 65) :
- alt35 = 2
- elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA35_1 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA35_1 == 62 or LA35_1 == 66 or (68 <= LA35_1 <= 69) or (72 <= LA35_1 <= 74) or (77 <= LA35_1 <= 79)) :
- alt35 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA35_0 == 62) :
- LA35 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA35 == 63:
- alt35 = 5
- elif LA35 == 29 or LA35 == 30 or LA35 == 31 or LA35 == 32 or LA35 == 33 or LA35 == 34 or LA35 == 35 or LA35 == 36 or LA35 == 37 or LA35 == 38 or LA35 == 39 or LA35 == 40 or LA35 == 41 or LA35 == 42 or LA35 == 45 or LA35 == 46 or LA35 == 48 or LA35 == 49 or LA35 == 50 or LA35 == 51 or LA35 == 52 or LA35 == 53 or LA35 == 54 or LA35 == 55 or LA35 == 56 or LA35 == 57 or LA35 == 58 or LA35 == 59 or LA35 == 60 or LA35 == 61 or LA35 == 66:
- alt35 = 3
- elif LA35 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA35_29 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred73()) :
- alt35 = 3
- elif (self.synpred74()) :
- alt35 = 4
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 29, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 2, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt35 == 1:
- # C.g:308:6: '[' constant_expression ']'
- self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix852)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_declarator_suffix854)
- self.constant_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix856)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt35 == 2:
- # C.g:309:9: '[' ']'
- self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix866)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix868)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt35 == 3:
- # C.g:310:9: '(' parameter_type_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix878)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_declarator_suffix880)
- self.parameter_type_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix882)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt35 == 4:
- # C.g:311:9: '(' identifier_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix892)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_declarator_suffix894)
- self.identifier_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix896)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt35 == 5:
- # C.g:312:9: '(' ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix906)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix908)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 24, declarator_suffix_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end declarator_suffix
- # $ANTLR start pointer
- # C.g:315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );
- def pointer(self, ):
- pointer_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 25):
- return
- # C.g:316:2: ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' )
- alt38 = 3
- LA38_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA38_0 == 66) :
- LA38 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA38 == 66:
- LA38_2 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred78()) :
- alt38 = 2
- elif (True) :
- alt38 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 2, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA38 == 58:
- LA38_3 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred77()) :
- alt38 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt38 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 3, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA38 == 59:
- LA38_4 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred77()) :
- alt38 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt38 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 4, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA38 == 60:
- LA38_5 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred77()) :
- alt38 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt38 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 5, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA38 == EOF or LA38 == IDENTIFIER or LA38 == 25 or LA38 == 26 or LA38 == 27 or LA38 == 28 or LA38 == 29 or LA38 == 30 or LA38 == 31 or LA38 == 32 or LA38 == 33 or LA38 == 34 or LA38 == 35 or LA38 == 36 or LA38 == 37 or LA38 == 38 or LA38 == 39 or LA38 == 40 or LA38 == 41 or LA38 == 42 or LA38 == 43 or LA38 == 45 or LA38 == 46 or LA38 == 47 or LA38 == 48 or LA38 == 62 or LA38 == 63 or LA38 == 64:
- alt38 = 3
- elif LA38 == 53:
- LA38_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred77()) :
- alt38 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt38 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 21, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA38 == 49 or LA38 == 50 or LA38 == 51 or LA38 == 52 or LA38 == 54 or LA38 == 55 or LA38 == 56 or LA38 == 57 or LA38 == 61:
- LA38_29 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred77()) :
- alt38 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt38 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 29, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt38 == 1:
- # C.g:316:4: '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )?
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_pointer919)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:316:8: ( type_qualifier )+
- cnt36 = 0
- while True: #loop36
- alt36 = 2
- LA36 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA36 == 58:
- LA36_2 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred75()) :
- alt36 = 1
- elif LA36 == 59:
- LA36_3 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred75()) :
- alt36 = 1
- elif LA36 == 60:
- LA36_4 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred75()) :
- alt36 = 1
- elif LA36 == 53:
- LA36_20 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred75()) :
- alt36 = 1
- elif LA36 == 49 or LA36 == 50 or LA36 == 51 or LA36 == 52 or LA36 == 54 or LA36 == 55 or LA36 == 56 or LA36 == 57 or LA36 == 61:
- LA36_28 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred75()) :
- alt36 = 1
- if alt36 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_pointer921)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt36 >= 1:
- break #loop36
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(36, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt36 += 1
- # C.g:316:24: ( pointer )?
- alt37 = 2
- LA37_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA37_0 == 66) :
- LA37_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred76()) :
- alt37 = 1
- if alt37 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: pointer
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer924)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt38 == 2:
- # C.g:317:4: '*' pointer
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_pointer930)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer932)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt38 == 3:
- # C.g:318:4: '*'
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_pointer937)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 25, pointer_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end pointer
- # $ANTLR start parameter_type_list
- # C.g:321:1: parameter_type_list : parameter_list ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )? ;
- def parameter_type_list(self, ):
- parameter_type_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 26):
- return
- # C.g:322:2: ( parameter_list ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )? )
- # C.g:322:4: parameter_list ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_list_in_parameter_type_list948)
- self.parameter_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:322:19: ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )?
- alt40 = 2
- LA40_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA40_0 == 27) :
- alt40 = 1
- if alt40 == 1:
- # C.g:322:20: ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...'
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_type_list951)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:322:24: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- alt39 = 2
- LA39_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA39_0 == 53) :
- alt39 = 1
- if alt39 == 1:
- # C.g:322:25: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_type_list954)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 67, self.FOLLOW_67_in_parameter_type_list958)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 26, parameter_type_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end parameter_type_list
- # $ANTLR start parameter_list
- # C.g:325:1: parameter_list : parameter_declaration ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )* ;
- def parameter_list(self, ):
- parameter_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 27):
- return
- # C.g:326:2: ( parameter_declaration ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )* )
- # C.g:326:4: parameter_declaration ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list971)
- self.parameter_declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:326:26: ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )*
- while True: #loop42
- alt42 = 2
- LA42_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA42_0 == 27) :
- LA42_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA42_1 == 53) :
- LA42_3 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred82()) :
- alt42 = 1
- elif (LA42_1 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA42_1 <= 42) or (45 <= LA42_1 <= 46) or (48 <= LA42_1 <= 52) or (54 <= LA42_1 <= 61) or LA42_1 == 66) :
- alt42 = 1
- if alt42 == 1:
- # C.g:326:27: ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_list974)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:326:31: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- alt41 = 2
- LA41_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA41_0 == 53) :
- LA41_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred81()) :
- alt41 = 1
- if alt41 == 1:
- # C.g:326:32: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_list977)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list981)
- self.parameter_declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop42
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 27, parameter_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end parameter_list
- # $ANTLR start parameter_declaration
- # C.g:329:1: parameter_declaration : ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER );
- def parameter_declaration(self, ):
- parameter_declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 28):
- return
- # C.g:330:2: ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER )
- alt46 = 2
- LA46 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA46 == 29 or LA46 == 30 or LA46 == 31 or LA46 == 32 or LA46 == 33 or LA46 == 34 or LA46 == 35 or LA46 == 36 or LA46 == 37 or LA46 == 38 or LA46 == 39 or LA46 == 40 or LA46 == 41 or LA46 == 42 or LA46 == 45 or LA46 == 46 or LA46 == 48 or LA46 == 49 or LA46 == 50 or LA46 == 51 or LA46 == 52 or LA46 == 53 or LA46 == 54 or LA46 == 55 or LA46 == 56 or LA46 == 57 or LA46 == 58 or LA46 == 59 or LA46 == 60 or LA46 == 61:
- alt46 = 1
- elif LA46 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA46_13 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred86()) :
- alt46 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt46 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("329:1: parameter_declaration : ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER );", 46, 13, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA46 == 66:
- alt46 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("329:1: parameter_declaration : ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER );", 46, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt46 == 1:
- # C.g:330:4: declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_parameter_declaration994)
- self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:330:27: ( declarator | abstract_declarator )*
- while True: #loop43
- alt43 = 3
- LA43 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA43 == 66:
- LA43_5 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt43 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == IDENTIFIER or LA43 == 58 or LA43 == 59 or LA43 == 60:
- alt43 = 1
- elif LA43 == 62:
- LA43 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA43 == 29 or LA43 == 30 or LA43 == 31 or LA43 == 32 or LA43 == 33 or LA43 == 34 or LA43 == 35 or LA43 == 36 or LA43 == 37 or LA43 == 38 or LA43 == 39 or LA43 == 40 or LA43 == 41 or LA43 == 42 or LA43 == 45 or LA43 == 46 or LA43 == 48 or LA43 == 49 or LA43 == 50 or LA43 == 51 or LA43 == 52 or LA43 == 53 or LA43 == 54 or LA43 == 55 or LA43 == 56 or LA43 == 57 or LA43 == 61 or LA43 == 63 or LA43 == 64:
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA43_37 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt43 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == 58:
- LA43_38 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt43 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == 66:
- LA43_39 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt43 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == 59:
- LA43_40 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt43 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == 60:
- LA43_41 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt43 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == 62:
- LA43_43 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt43 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt43 = 2
- elif LA43 == 64:
- alt43 = 2
- if alt43 == 1:
- # C.g:330:28: declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_parameter_declaration997)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt43 == 2:
- # C.g:330:39: abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_parameter_declaration999)
- self.abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop43
- # C.g:330:61: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- alt44 = 2
- LA44_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA44_0 == 53) :
- alt44 = 1
- if alt44 == 1:
- # C.g:330:62: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_declaration1004)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt46 == 2:
- # C.g:332:4: ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER
- # C.g:332:4: ( pointer )*
- while True: #loop45
- alt45 = 2
- LA45_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA45_0 == 66) :
- alt45 = 1
- if alt45 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: pointer
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_parameter_declaration1013)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop45
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_parameter_declaration1016)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 28, parameter_declaration_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end parameter_declaration
- # $ANTLR start identifier_list
- # C.g:335:1: identifier_list : IDENTIFIER ( ',' IDENTIFIER )* ;
- def identifier_list(self, ):
- identifier_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 29):
- return
- # C.g:336:2: ( IDENTIFIER ( ',' IDENTIFIER )* )
- # C.g:336:4: IDENTIFIER ( ',' IDENTIFIER )*
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1027)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:337:2: ( ',' IDENTIFIER )*
- while True: #loop47
- alt47 = 2
- LA47_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA47_0 == 27) :
- alt47 = 1
- if alt47 == 1:
- # C.g:337:3: ',' IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_identifier_list1031)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1033)
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop47
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 29, identifier_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end identifier_list
- # $ANTLR start type_name
- # C.g:340:1: type_name : ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id );
- def type_name(self, ):
- type_name_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 30):
- return
- # C.g:341:2: ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id )
- alt49 = 2
- LA49_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((34 <= LA49_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA49_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA49_0 <= 61)) :
- alt49 = 1
- elif (LA49_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA49_13 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred90()) :
- alt49 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt49 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("340:1: type_name : ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id );", 49, 13, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("340:1: type_name : ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id );", 49, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt49 == 1:
- # C.g:341:4: specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_type_name1046)
- self.specifier_qualifier_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:341:29: ( abstract_declarator )?
- alt48 = 2
- LA48_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA48_0 == 62 or LA48_0 == 64 or LA48_0 == 66) :
- alt48 = 1
- if alt48 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_type_name1048)
- self.abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt49 == 2:
- # C.g:342:4: type_id
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_name1054)
- self.type_id()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 30, type_name_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end type_name
- # $ANTLR start abstract_declarator
- # C.g:345:1: abstract_declarator : ( pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )? | direct_abstract_declarator );
- def abstract_declarator(self, ):
- abstract_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 31):
- return
- # C.g:346:2: ( pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )? | direct_abstract_declarator )
- alt51 = 2
- LA51_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA51_0 == 66) :
- alt51 = 1
- elif (LA51_0 == 62 or LA51_0 == 64) :
- alt51 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("345:1: abstract_declarator : ( pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )? | direct_abstract_declarator );", 51, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt51 == 1:
- # C.g:346:4: pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_abstract_declarator1065)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:346:12: ( direct_abstract_declarator )?
- alt50 = 2
- LA50_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA50_0 == 62) :
- LA50 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA50 == 63:
- LA50_12 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 58:
- LA50_13 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 66:
- LA50_14 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 59:
- LA50_15 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 60:
- LA50_16 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA50_17 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 62:
- LA50_18 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 64:
- LA50_19 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 29 or LA50 == 30 or LA50 == 31 or LA50 == 32 or LA50 == 33:
- LA50_20 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 34:
- LA50_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 35:
- LA50_22 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 36:
- LA50_23 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 37:
- LA50_24 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 38:
- LA50_25 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 39:
- LA50_26 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 40:
- LA50_27 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 41:
- LA50_28 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 42:
- LA50_29 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 45 or LA50 == 46:
- LA50_30 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 48:
- LA50_31 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 49 or LA50 == 50 or LA50 == 51 or LA50 == 52 or LA50 == 53 or LA50 == 54 or LA50 == 55 or LA50 == 56 or LA50 == 57 or LA50 == 61:
- LA50_32 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif (LA50_0 == 64) :
- LA50 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA50 == 65:
- LA50_33 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 62:
- LA50_34 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA50_35 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA50_36 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA50_37 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- LA50_38 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- LA50_39 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA50_40 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- LA50_41 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 72:
- LA50_42 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 73:
- LA50_43 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 66 or LA50 == 68 or LA50 == 69 or LA50 == 77 or LA50 == 78 or LA50 == 79:
- LA50_44 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- elif LA50 == 74:
- LA50_45 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred91()) :
- alt50 = 1
- if alt50 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: direct_abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1067)
- self.direct_abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt51 == 2:
- # C.g:347:4: direct_abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1073)
- self.direct_abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 31, abstract_declarator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end abstract_declarator
- # $ANTLR start direct_abstract_declarator
- # C.g:350:1: direct_abstract_declarator : ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) ( abstract_declarator_suffix )* ;
- def direct_abstract_declarator(self, ):
- direct_abstract_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 32):
- return
- # C.g:351:2: ( ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) ( abstract_declarator_suffix )* )
- # C.g:351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) ( abstract_declarator_suffix )*
- # C.g:351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )
- alt52 = 2
- LA52_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA52_0 == 62) :
- LA52 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA52 == IDENTIFIER or LA52 == 29 or LA52 == 30 or LA52 == 31 or LA52 == 32 or LA52 == 33 or LA52 == 34 or LA52 == 35 or LA52 == 36 or LA52 == 37 or LA52 == 38 or LA52 == 39 or LA52 == 40 or LA52 == 41 or LA52 == 42 or LA52 == 45 or LA52 == 46 or LA52 == 48 or LA52 == 49 or LA52 == 50 or LA52 == 51 or LA52 == 52 or LA52 == 53 or LA52 == 54 or LA52 == 55 or LA52 == 56 or LA52 == 57 or LA52 == 58 or LA52 == 59 or LA52 == 60 or LA52 == 61 or LA52 == 63:
- alt52 = 2
- elif LA52 == 66:
- LA52_18 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred93()) :
- alt52 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt52 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )", 52, 18, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA52 == 62 or LA52 == 64:
- alt52 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )", 52, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA52_0 == 64) :
- alt52 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )", 52, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt52 == 1:
- # C.g:351:6: '(' abstract_declarator ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_direct_abstract_declarator1086)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_direct_abstract_declarator1088)
- self.abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_direct_abstract_declarator1090)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt52 == 2:
- # C.g:351:36: abstract_declarator_suffix
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1094)
- self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:351:65: ( abstract_declarator_suffix )*
- while True: #loop53
- alt53 = 2
- LA53_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA53_0 == 62) :
- LA53 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA53 == 63:
- LA53_12 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 58:
- LA53_13 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 66:
- LA53_14 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 59:
- LA53_15 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 60:
- LA53_16 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA53_17 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 29 or LA53 == 30 or LA53 == 31 or LA53 == 32 or LA53 == 33:
- LA53_19 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 34:
- LA53_20 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 35:
- LA53_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 36:
- LA53_22 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 37:
- LA53_23 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 38:
- LA53_24 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 39:
- LA53_25 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 40:
- LA53_26 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 41:
- LA53_27 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 42:
- LA53_28 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 45 or LA53 == 46:
- LA53_29 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 48:
- LA53_30 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 49 or LA53 == 50 or LA53 == 51 or LA53 == 52 or LA53 == 53 or LA53 == 54 or LA53 == 55 or LA53 == 56 or LA53 == 57 or LA53 == 61:
- LA53_31 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif (LA53_0 == 64) :
- LA53 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA53 == 65:
- LA53_33 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 62:
- LA53_34 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA53_35 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA53_36 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA53_37 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- LA53_38 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- LA53_39 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA53_40 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- LA53_41 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 72:
- LA53_42 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 73:
- LA53_43 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 66 or LA53 == 68 or LA53 == 69 or LA53 == 77 or LA53 == 78 or LA53 == 79:
- LA53_44 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- elif LA53 == 74:
- LA53_45 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred94()) :
- alt53 = 1
- if alt53 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: abstract_declarator_suffix
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1098)
- self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop53
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 32, direct_abstract_declarator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end direct_abstract_declarator
- # $ANTLR start abstract_declarator_suffix
- # C.g:354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );
- def abstract_declarator_suffix(self, ):
- abstract_declarator_suffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 33):
- return
- # C.g:355:2: ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' )
- alt54 = 4
- LA54_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA54_0 == 64) :
- LA54_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA54_1 == 65) :
- alt54 = 1
- elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA54_1 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA54_1 == 62 or LA54_1 == 66 or (68 <= LA54_1 <= 69) or (72 <= LA54_1 <= 74) or (77 <= LA54_1 <= 79)) :
- alt54 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );", 54, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif (LA54_0 == 62) :
- LA54_2 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA54_2 == 63) :
- alt54 = 3
- elif (LA54_2 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA54_2 <= 42) or (45 <= LA54_2 <= 46) or (48 <= LA54_2 <= 61) or LA54_2 == 66) :
- alt54 = 4
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );", 54, 2, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );", 54, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt54 == 1:
- # C.g:355:4: '[' ']'
- self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1110)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1112)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt54 == 2:
- # C.g:356:4: '[' constant_expression ']'
- self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1117)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1119)
- self.constant_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1121)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt54 == 3:
- # C.g:357:4: '(' ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1126)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1128)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt54 == 4:
- # C.g:358:4: '(' parameter_type_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1133)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1135)
- self.parameter_type_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1137)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 33, abstract_declarator_suffix_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end abstract_declarator_suffix
- # $ANTLR start initializer
- # C.g:361:1: initializer : ( assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}' );
- def initializer(self, ):
- initializer_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 34):
- return
- # C.g:363:2: ( assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}' )
- alt56 = 2
- LA56_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA56_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA56_0 == 62 or LA56_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA56_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA56_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA56_0 <= 79)) :
- alt56 = 1
- elif (LA56_0 == 43) :
- alt56 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("361:1: initializer : ( assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}' );", 56, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt56 == 1:
- # C.g:363:4: assignment_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_initializer1150)
- self.assignment_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt56 == 2:
- # C.g:364:4: '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}'
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_initializer1155)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_list_in_initializer1157)
- self.initializer_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:364:25: ( ',' )?
- alt55 = 2
- LA55_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA55_0 == 27) :
- alt55 = 1
- if alt55 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: ','
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_initializer1159)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_initializer1162)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 34, initializer_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end initializer
- # $ANTLR start initializer_list
- # C.g:367:1: initializer_list : initializer ( ',' initializer )* ;
- def initializer_list(self, ):
- initializer_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 35):
- return
- # C.g:368:2: ( initializer ( ',' initializer )* )
- # C.g:368:4: initializer ( ',' initializer )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1173)
- self.initializer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:368:16: ( ',' initializer )*
- while True: #loop57
- alt57 = 2
- LA57_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA57_0 == 27) :
- LA57_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA57_1 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA57_1 == 43 or LA57_1 == 62 or LA57_1 == 66 or (68 <= LA57_1 <= 69) or (72 <= LA57_1 <= 74) or (77 <= LA57_1 <= 79)) :
- alt57 = 1
- if alt57 == 1:
- # C.g:368:17: ',' initializer
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_initializer_list1176)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1178)
- self.initializer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop57
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 35, initializer_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end initializer_list
- class argument_expression_list_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start argument_expression_list
- # C.g:373:1: argument_expression_list : assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )* ;
- def argument_expression_list(self, ):
- retval = self.argument_expression_list_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- argument_expression_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 36):
- return retval
- # C.g:374:2: ( assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )* )
- # C.g:374:6: assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_argument_expression_list1196)
- self.assignment_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:374:28: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- alt58 = 2
- LA58_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA58_0 == 53) :
- alt58 = 1
- if alt58 == 1:
- # C.g:374:29: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_argument_expression_list1199)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:374:42: ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )*
- while True: #loop60
- alt60 = 2
- LA60_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA60_0 == 27) :
- alt60 = 1
- if alt60 == 1:
- # C.g:374:43: ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_argument_expression_list1204)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_argument_expression_list1206)
- self.assignment_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:374:69: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- alt59 = 2
- LA59_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA59_0 == 53) :
- alt59 = 1
- if alt59 == 1:
- # C.g:374:70: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_argument_expression_list1209)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- else:
- break #loop60
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 36, argument_expression_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end argument_expression_list
- # $ANTLR start additive_expression
- # C.g:377:1: additive_expression : ( multiplicative_expression ) ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )* ;
- def additive_expression(self, ):
- additive_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 37):
- return
- # C.g:378:2: ( ( multiplicative_expression ) ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )* )
- # C.g:378:4: ( multiplicative_expression ) ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )*
- # C.g:378:4: ( multiplicative_expression )
- # C.g:378:5: multiplicative_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1225)
- self.multiplicative_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:378:32: ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )*
- while True: #loop61
- alt61 = 3
- LA61_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA61_0 == 68) :
- alt61 = 1
- elif (LA61_0 == 69) :
- alt61 = 2
- if alt61 == 1:
- # C.g:378:33: '+' multiplicative_expression
- self.match(self.input, 68, self.FOLLOW_68_in_additive_expression1229)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1231)
- self.multiplicative_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt61 == 2:
- # C.g:378:65: '-' multiplicative_expression
- self.match(self.input, 69, self.FOLLOW_69_in_additive_expression1235)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1237)
- self.multiplicative_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop61
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 37, additive_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end additive_expression
- # $ANTLR start multiplicative_expression
- # C.g:381:1: multiplicative_expression : ( cast_expression ) ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )* ;
- def multiplicative_expression(self, ):
- multiplicative_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 38):
- return
- # C.g:382:2: ( ( cast_expression ) ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )* )
- # C.g:382:4: ( cast_expression ) ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )*
- # C.g:382:4: ( cast_expression )
- # C.g:382:5: cast_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1251)
- self.cast_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:382:22: ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )*
- while True: #loop62
- alt62 = 4
- LA62 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA62 == 66:
- alt62 = 1
- elif LA62 == 70:
- alt62 = 2
- elif LA62 == 71:
- alt62 = 3
- if alt62 == 1:
- # C.g:382:23: '*' cast_expression
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_multiplicative_expression1255)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1257)
- self.cast_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt62 == 2:
- # C.g:382:45: '/' cast_expression
- self.match(self.input, 70, self.FOLLOW_70_in_multiplicative_expression1261)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1263)
- self.cast_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt62 == 3:
- # C.g:382:67: '%' cast_expression
- self.match(self.input, 71, self.FOLLOW_71_in_multiplicative_expression1267)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1269)
- self.cast_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop62
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 38, multiplicative_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end multiplicative_expression
- # $ANTLR start cast_expression
- # C.g:385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );
- def cast_expression(self, ):
- cast_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 39):
- return
- # C.g:386:2: ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression )
- alt63 = 2
- LA63_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA63_0 == 62) :
- LA63 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA63 == 34 or LA63 == 35 or LA63 == 36 or LA63 == 37 or LA63 == 38 or LA63 == 39 or LA63 == 40 or LA63 == 41 or LA63 == 42 or LA63 == 45 or LA63 == 46 or LA63 == 48 or LA63 == 49 or LA63 == 50 or LA63 == 51 or LA63 == 52 or LA63 == 53 or LA63 == 54 or LA63 == 55 or LA63 == 56 or LA63 == 57 or LA63 == 58 or LA63 == 59 or LA63 == 60 or LA63 == 61:
- alt63 = 1
- elif LA63 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA63_25 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred109()) :
- alt63 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt63 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );", 63, 25, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA63 == HEX_LITERAL or LA63 == OCTAL_LITERAL or LA63 == DECIMAL_LITERAL or LA63 == CHARACTER_LITERAL or LA63 == STRING_LITERAL or LA63 == FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL or LA63 == 62 or LA63 == 66 or LA63 == 68 or LA63 == 69 or LA63 == 72 or LA63 == 73 or LA63 == 74 or LA63 == 77 or LA63 == 78 or LA63 == 79:
- alt63 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );", 63, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA63_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA63_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA63_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA63_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA63_0 <= 79)) :
- alt63 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );", 63, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt63 == 1:
- # C.g:386:4: '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_cast_expression1282)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_name_in_cast_expression1284)
- self.type_name()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_cast_expression1286)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_cast_expression1288)
- self.cast_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt63 == 2:
- # C.g:387:4: unary_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_cast_expression1293)
- self.unary_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 39, cast_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end cast_expression
- # $ANTLR start unary_expression
- # C.g:390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );
- def unary_expression(self, ):
- unary_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 40):
- return
- # C.g:391:2: ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' )
- alt64 = 6
- LA64 = self.input.LA(1)
- alt64 = 1
- elif LA64 == 72:
- alt64 = 2
- elif LA64 == 73:
- alt64 = 3
- elif LA64 == 66 or LA64 == 68 or LA64 == 69 or LA64 == 77 or LA64 == 78 or LA64 == 79:
- alt64 = 4
- elif LA64 == 74:
- LA64_12 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA64_12 == 62) :
- LA64_13 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred114()) :
- alt64 = 5
- elif (True) :
- alt64 = 6
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );", 64, 13, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA64_12 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA64_12 == 66 or (68 <= LA64_12 <= 69) or (72 <= LA64_12 <= 74) or (77 <= LA64_12 <= 79)) :
- alt64 = 5
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );", 64, 12, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );", 64, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt64 == 1:
- # C.g:391:4: postfix_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_postfix_expression_in_unary_expression1304)
- self.postfix_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt64 == 2:
- # C.g:392:4: '++' unary_expression
- self.match(self.input, 72, self.FOLLOW_72_in_unary_expression1309)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1311)
- self.unary_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt64 == 3:
- # C.g:393:4: '--' unary_expression
- self.match(self.input, 73, self.FOLLOW_73_in_unary_expression1316)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1318)
- self.unary_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt64 == 4:
- # C.g:394:4: unary_operator cast_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_operator_in_unary_expression1323)
- self.unary_operator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_unary_expression1325)
- self.cast_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt64 == 5:
- # C.g:395:4: 'sizeof' unary_expression
- self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_unary_expression1330)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1332)
- self.unary_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt64 == 6:
- # C.g:396:4: 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')'
- self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_unary_expression1337)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_unary_expression1339)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_name_in_unary_expression1341)
- self.type_name()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_unary_expression1343)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 40, unary_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end unary_expression
- # $ANTLR start postfix_expression
- # C.g:399:1: postfix_expression : p= primary_expression ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )* ;
- def postfix_expression(self, ):
- self.postfix_expression_stack.append(postfix_expression_scope())
- postfix_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- a = None
- b = None
- x = None
- y = None
- z = None
- p = None
- c = None
- self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText = ''
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 41):
- return
- # C.g:406:2: (p= primary_expression ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )* )
- # C.g:406:6: p= primary_expression ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_primary_expression_in_postfix_expression1367)
- p = self.primary_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText += self.input.toString(p.start,p.stop)
- # C.g:407:9: ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )*
- while True: #loop65
- alt65 = 10
- LA65 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA65 == 66:
- LA65_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA65_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA65_30 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred120()) :
- alt65 = 6
- elif LA65 == 64:
- alt65 = 1
- elif LA65 == 62:
- LA65 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA65 == 63:
- alt65 = 2
- elif LA65 == 29 or LA65 == 30 or LA65 == 31 or LA65 == 32 or LA65 == 33 or LA65 == 34 or LA65 == 35 or LA65 == 36 or LA65 == 37 or LA65 == 38 or LA65 == 39 or LA65 == 40 or LA65 == 41 or LA65 == 42 or LA65 == 45 or LA65 == 46 or LA65 == 48 or LA65 == 49 or LA65 == 50 or LA65 == 51 or LA65 == 52 or LA65 == 53 or LA65 == 54 or LA65 == 55 or LA65 == 56 or LA65 == 57 or LA65 == 58 or LA65 == 59 or LA65 == 60 or LA65 == 61:
- alt65 = 4
- elif LA65 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA65_55 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred117()) :
- alt65 = 3
- elif (self.synpred118()) :
- alt65 = 4
- elif LA65 == 66:
- LA65_57 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred117()) :
- alt65 = 3
- elif (self.synpred118()) :
- alt65 = 4
- elif LA65 == HEX_LITERAL or LA65 == OCTAL_LITERAL or LA65 == DECIMAL_LITERAL or LA65 == CHARACTER_LITERAL or LA65 == STRING_LITERAL or LA65 == FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL or LA65 == 62 or LA65 == 68 or LA65 == 69 or LA65 == 72 or LA65 == 73 or LA65 == 74 or LA65 == 77 or LA65 == 78 or LA65 == 79:
- alt65 = 3
- elif LA65 == 75:
- alt65 = 5
- elif LA65 == 76:
- alt65 = 7
- elif LA65 == 72:
- alt65 = 8
- elif LA65 == 73:
- alt65 = 9
- if alt65 == 1:
- # C.g:407:13: '[' expression ']'
- self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_postfix_expression1383)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_postfix_expression1385)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_postfix_expression1387)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt65 == 2:
- # C.g:408:13: '(' a= ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1401)
- if self.failed:
- return
- a = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1405)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StoreFunctionCalling(p.start.line, p.start.charPositionInLine, a.line, a.charPositionInLine, self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText, '')
- elif alt65 == 3:
- # C.g:409:13: '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1420)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_postfix_expression1424)
- c = self.argument_expression_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- b = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1428)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StoreFunctionCalling(p.start.line, p.start.charPositionInLine, b.line, b.charPositionInLine, self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText, self.input.toString(c.start,c.stop))
- elif alt65 == 4:
- # C.g:410:13: '(' macro_parameter_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1444)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_postfix_expression1446)
- self.macro_parameter_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1448)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt65 == 5:
- # C.g:411:13: '.' x= IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, 75, self.FOLLOW_75_in_postfix_expression1462)
- if self.failed:
- return
- x = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1466)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText += '.' + x.text
- elif alt65 == 6:
- # C.g:412:13: '*' y= IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_postfix_expression1482)
- if self.failed:
- return
- y = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1486)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText = y.text
- elif alt65 == 7:
- # C.g:413:13: '->' z= IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, 76, self.FOLLOW_76_in_postfix_expression1502)
- if self.failed:
- return
- z = self.input.LT(1)
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1506)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText += '->' + z.text
- elif alt65 == 8:
- # C.g:414:13: '++'
- self.match(self.input, 72, self.FOLLOW_72_in_postfix_expression1522)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt65 == 9:
- # C.g:415:13: '--'
- self.match(self.input, 73, self.FOLLOW_73_in_postfix_expression1536)
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop65
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 41, postfix_expression_StartIndex)
- self.postfix_expression_stack.pop()
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end postfix_expression
- # $ANTLR start macro_parameter_list
- # C.g:419:1: macro_parameter_list : parameter_declaration ( ',' parameter_declaration )* ;
- def macro_parameter_list(self, ):
- macro_parameter_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 42):
- return
- # C.g:420:2: ( parameter_declaration ( ',' parameter_declaration )* )
- # C.g:420:4: parameter_declaration ( ',' parameter_declaration )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1559)
- self.parameter_declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:420:26: ( ',' parameter_declaration )*
- while True: #loop66
- alt66 = 2
- LA66_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA66_0 == 27) :
- alt66 = 1
- if alt66 == 1:
- # C.g:420:27: ',' parameter_declaration
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_macro_parameter_list1562)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1564)
- self.parameter_declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop66
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 42, macro_parameter_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end macro_parameter_list
- # $ANTLR start unary_operator
- # C.g:423:1: unary_operator : ( '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' );
- def unary_operator(self, ):
- unary_operator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 43):
- return
- # C.g:424:2: ( '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' )
- # C.g:
- if self.input.LA(1) == 66 or (68 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 69) or (77 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 79):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_unary_operator0
- )
- raise mse
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 43, unary_operator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end unary_operator
- class primary_expression_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start primary_expression
- # C.g:432:1: primary_expression : ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' );
- def primary_expression(self, ):
- retval = self.primary_expression_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- primary_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 44):
- return retval
- # C.g:433:2: ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' )
- alt67 = 3
- LA67 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA67 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA67_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA67_1 == EOF or LA67_1 == 25 or (27 <= LA67_1 <= 28) or LA67_1 == 44 or LA67_1 == 47 or LA67_1 == 53 or (62 <= LA67_1 <= 66) or (68 <= LA67_1 <= 73) or (75 <= LA67_1 <= 77) or (80 <= LA67_1 <= 102)) :
- alt67 = 1
- elif (LA67_1 == IDENTIFIER or LA67_1 == STRING_LITERAL) :
- alt67 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("432:1: primary_expression : ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' );", 67, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- alt67 = 2
- elif LA67 == 62:
- alt67 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("432:1: primary_expression : ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' );", 67, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt67 == 1:
- # C.g:433:4: IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_primary_expression1613)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt67 == 2:
- # C.g:434:4: constant
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_in_primary_expression1618)
- self.constant()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt67 == 3:
- # C.g:435:4: '(' expression ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_primary_expression1623)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_primary_expression1625)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_primary_expression1627)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 44, primary_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end primary_expression
- # $ANTLR start constant
- def constant(self, ):
- constant_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 45):
- return
- alt72 = 6
- LA72 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA72 == HEX_LITERAL:
- alt72 = 1
- elif LA72 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- alt72 = 2
- alt72 = 3
- alt72 = 4
- alt72 = 5
- alt72 = 6
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("438:1: constant : ( HEX_LITERAL | OCTAL_LITERAL | DECIMAL_LITERAL | CHARACTER_LITERAL | ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )+ ( IDENTIFIER )* | FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL );", 72, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt72 == 1:
- # C.g:439:9: HEX_LITERAL
- self.match(self.input, HEX_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_HEX_LITERAL_in_constant1643)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt72 == 2:
- # C.g:440:9: OCTAL_LITERAL
- self.match(self.input, OCTAL_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_OCTAL_LITERAL_in_constant1653)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt72 == 3:
- # C.g:441:9: DECIMAL_LITERAL
- self.match(self.input, DECIMAL_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_DECIMAL_LITERAL_in_constant1663)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt72 == 4:
- self.match(self.input, CHARACTER_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_CHARACTER_LITERAL_in_constant1671)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt72 == 5:
- # C.g:443:7: ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )+ ( IDENTIFIER )*
- # C.g:443:7: ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )+
- cnt70 = 0
- while True: #loop70
- alt70 = 2
- LA70_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA70_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA70_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA70_1 == STRING_LITERAL) :
- alt70 = 1
- elif (LA70_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA70_33 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred138()) :
- alt70 = 1
- elif (LA70_0 == STRING_LITERAL) :
- alt70 = 1
- if alt70 == 1:
- # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+
- # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )*
- while True: #loop68
- alt68 = 2
- LA68_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA68_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- alt68 = 1
- if alt68 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_constant1680)
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop68
- # C.g:443:20: ( STRING_LITERAL )+
- cnt69 = 0
- while True: #loop69
- alt69 = 2
- LA69_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA69_0 == STRING_LITERAL) :
- LA69_31 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred137()) :
- alt69 = 1
- if alt69 == 1:
- self.match(self.input, STRING_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_constant1683)
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt69 >= 1:
- break #loop69
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(69, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt69 += 1
- else:
- if cnt70 >= 1:
- break #loop70
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(70, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt70 += 1
- # C.g:443:38: ( IDENTIFIER )*
- while True: #loop71
- alt71 = 2
- LA71_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA71_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- alt71 = 1
- if alt71 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_constant1688)
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop71
- elif alt72 == 6:
- self.match(self.input, FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constant1699)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 45, constant_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end constant
- class expression_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start expression
- # C.g:449:1: expression : assignment_expression ( ',' assignment_expression )* ;
- def expression(self, ):
- retval = self.expression_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 46):
- return retval
- # C.g:450:2: ( assignment_expression ( ',' assignment_expression )* )
- # C.g:450:4: assignment_expression ( ',' assignment_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_expression1715)
- self.assignment_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:450:26: ( ',' assignment_expression )*
- while True: #loop73
- alt73 = 2
- LA73_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA73_0 == 27) :
- alt73 = 1
- if alt73 == 1:
- # C.g:450:27: ',' assignment_expression
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_expression1718)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_expression1720)
- self.assignment_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- else:
- break #loop73
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 46, expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end expression
- # $ANTLR start constant_expression
- # C.g:453:1: constant_expression : conditional_expression ;
- def constant_expression(self, ):
- constant_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 47):
- return
- # C.g:454:2: ( conditional_expression )
- # C.g:454:4: conditional_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_constant_expression1733)
- self.conditional_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 47, constant_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end constant_expression
- # $ANTLR start assignment_expression
- # C.g:457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );
- def assignment_expression(self, ):
- assignment_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 48):
- return
- # C.g:458:2: ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression )
- alt74 = 2
- LA74 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 64:
- LA74_13 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 13, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_14 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 14, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 75:
- LA74_15 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 15, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66:
- LA74_16 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 16, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 76:
- LA74_17 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 17, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_18 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 18, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_19 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 19, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
- alt74 = 1
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 21, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74_22 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 22, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 64:
- LA74_44 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 44, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_45 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 45, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 75:
- LA74_46 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 46, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66:
- LA74_47 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 47, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 76:
- LA74_48 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 48, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_49 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 49, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_50 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 50, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
- alt74 = 2
- elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
- alt74 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 2, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 64:
- LA74_73 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 73, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_74 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 74, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 75:
- LA74_75 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 75, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66:
- LA74_76 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 76, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 76:
- LA74_77 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 77, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_78 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 78, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_79 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 79, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
- alt74 = 1
- elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 3, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 64:
- LA74_102 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 102, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_103 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 103, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 75:
- LA74_104 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 104, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66:
- LA74_105 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 105, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 76:
- LA74_106 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 106, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_107 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 107, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_108 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 108, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
- alt74 = 2
- elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
- alt74 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 4, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 64:
- LA74_131 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 131, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_132 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 132, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 75:
- LA74_133 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 133, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66:
- LA74_134 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 134, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 76:
- LA74_135 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 135, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_136 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 136, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_137 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 137, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
- alt74 = 2
- elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
- alt74 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 5, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74_160 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 160, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 64:
- LA74_161 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 161, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_162 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 162, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 75:
- LA74_163 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 163, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66:
- LA74_164 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 164, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 76:
- LA74_165 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 165, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_166 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 166, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_167 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 167, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
- alt74 = 2
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74_189 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 189, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
- alt74 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 6, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 64:
- LA74_191 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 191, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_192 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 192, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 75:
- LA74_193 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 193, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66:
- LA74_194 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 194, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 76:
- LA74_195 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 195, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_196 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 196, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_197 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 197, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
- alt74 = 2
- elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
- alt74 = 1
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 7, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74_220 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 220, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA74_221 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 221, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA74_222 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 222, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_223 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 223, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_224 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 224, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74_225 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 225, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_226 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 226, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_227 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 227, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_228 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 228, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_229 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 229, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
- LA74_230 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 230, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 74:
- LA74_231 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 231, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 34 or LA74 == 35 or LA74 == 36 or LA74 == 37 or LA74 == 38 or LA74 == 39 or LA74 == 40 or LA74 == 41 or LA74 == 42 or LA74 == 45 or LA74 == 46 or LA74 == 48 or LA74 == 49 or LA74 == 50 or LA74 == 51 or LA74 == 52 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 54 or LA74 == 55 or LA74 == 56 or LA74 == 57 or LA74 == 58 or LA74 == 59 or LA74 == 60 or LA74 == 61:
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 8, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74_244 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 244, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA74_245 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 245, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA74_246 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 246, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_247 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 247, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_248 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 248, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74_249 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 249, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_250 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 250, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_251 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 251, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_252 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 252, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_253 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 253, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
- LA74_254 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 254, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 74:
- LA74_255 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 255, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 9, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74_256 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 256, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA74_257 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 257, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA74_258 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 258, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_259 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 259, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_260 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 260, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74_261 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 261, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_262 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 262, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 62:
- LA74_263 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 263, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_264 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 264, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_265 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 265, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
- LA74_266 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 266, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 74:
- LA74_267 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 267, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 10, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 62:
- LA74_268 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 268, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74_269 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 269, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA74_270 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 270, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA74_271 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 271, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_272 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 272, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_273 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 273, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74_274 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 274, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_275 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 275, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_276 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 276, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_277 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 277, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
- LA74_278 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 278, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 74:
- LA74_279 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 279, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 11, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 74:
- LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA74 == 62:
- LA74_280 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 280, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA74_281 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 281, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA74_282 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 282, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA74_283 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 283, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_284 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 284, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_285 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 285, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA74_286 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 286, self.input)
- raise nvae
- LA74_287 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 287, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 72:
- LA74_288 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 288, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 73:
- LA74_289 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 289, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
- LA74_290 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 290, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA74 == 74:
- LA74_291 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred142()) :
- alt74 = 1
- elif (True) :
- alt74 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 291, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 12, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt74 == 1:
- # C.g:458:4: lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_lvalue_in_assignment_expression1744)
- self.lvalue()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_operator_in_assignment_expression1746)
- self.assignment_operator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_assignment_expression1748)
- self.assignment_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt74 == 2:
- # C.g:459:4: conditional_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_assignment_expression1753)
- self.conditional_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 48, assignment_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end assignment_expression
- # $ANTLR start lvalue
- # C.g:462:1: lvalue : unary_expression ;
- def lvalue(self, ):
- lvalue_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 49):
- return
- # C.g:463:2: ( unary_expression )
- # C.g:463:4: unary_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_lvalue1765)
- self.unary_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 49, lvalue_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end lvalue
- # $ANTLR start assignment_operator
- # C.g:466:1: assignment_operator : ( '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' );
- def assignment_operator(self, ):
- assignment_operator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 50):
- return
- # C.g:467:2: ( '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' )
- # C.g:
- if self.input.LA(1) == 28 or (80 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 89):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_assignment_operator0
- )
- raise mse
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 50, assignment_operator_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end assignment_operator
- # $ANTLR start conditional_expression
- # C.g:480:1: conditional_expression : e= logical_or_expression ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )? ;
- def conditional_expression(self, ):
- conditional_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- e = None
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 51):
- return
- # C.g:481:2: (e= logical_or_expression ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )? )
- # C.g:481:4: e= logical_or_expression ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logical_or_expression_in_conditional_expression1839)
- e = self.logical_or_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:481:28: ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )?
- alt75 = 2
- LA75_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA75_0 == 90) :
- alt75 = 1
- if alt75 == 1:
- # C.g:481:29: '?' expression ':' conditional_expression
- self.match(self.input, 90, self.FOLLOW_90_in_conditional_expression1842)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_conditional_expression1844)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_conditional_expression1846)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_conditional_expression1848)
- self.conditional_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start,e.stop))
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 51, conditional_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end conditional_expression
- class logical_or_expression_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start logical_or_expression
- # C.g:484:1: logical_or_expression : logical_and_expression ( '||' logical_and_expression )* ;
- def logical_or_expression(self, ):
- retval = self.logical_or_expression_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- logical_or_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 52):
- return retval
- # C.g:485:2: ( logical_and_expression ( '||' logical_and_expression )* )
- # C.g:485:4: logical_and_expression ( '||' logical_and_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logical_and_expression_in_logical_or_expression1863)
- self.logical_and_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:485:27: ( '||' logical_and_expression )*
- while True: #loop76
- alt76 = 2
- LA76_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA76_0 == 91) :
- alt76 = 1
- if alt76 == 1:
- # C.g:485:28: '||' logical_and_expression
- self.match(self.input, 91, self.FOLLOW_91_in_logical_or_expression1866)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logical_and_expression_in_logical_or_expression1868)
- self.logical_and_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- else:
- break #loop76
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 52, logical_or_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end logical_or_expression
- # $ANTLR start logical_and_expression
- # C.g:488:1: logical_and_expression : inclusive_or_expression ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )* ;
- def logical_and_expression(self, ):
- logical_and_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 53):
- return
- # C.g:489:2: ( inclusive_or_expression ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )* )
- # C.g:489:4: inclusive_or_expression ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_inclusive_or_expression_in_logical_and_expression1881)
- self.inclusive_or_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:489:28: ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )*
- while True: #loop77
- alt77 = 2
- LA77_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA77_0 == 92) :
- alt77 = 1
- if alt77 == 1:
- # C.g:489:29: '&&' inclusive_or_expression
- self.match(self.input, 92, self.FOLLOW_92_in_logical_and_expression1884)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_inclusive_or_expression_in_logical_and_expression1886)
- self.inclusive_or_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop77
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 53, logical_and_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end logical_and_expression
- # $ANTLR start inclusive_or_expression
- # C.g:492:1: inclusive_or_expression : exclusive_or_expression ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )* ;
- def inclusive_or_expression(self, ):
- inclusive_or_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 54):
- return
- # C.g:493:2: ( exclusive_or_expression ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )* )
- # C.g:493:4: exclusive_or_expression ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_exclusive_or_expression_in_inclusive_or_expression1899)
- self.exclusive_or_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:493:28: ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )*
- while True: #loop78
- alt78 = 2
- LA78_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA78_0 == 93) :
- alt78 = 1
- if alt78 == 1:
- # C.g:493:29: '|' exclusive_or_expression
- self.match(self.input, 93, self.FOLLOW_93_in_inclusive_or_expression1902)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_exclusive_or_expression_in_inclusive_or_expression1904)
- self.exclusive_or_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop78
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 54, inclusive_or_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end inclusive_or_expression
- # $ANTLR start exclusive_or_expression
- # C.g:496:1: exclusive_or_expression : and_expression ( '^' and_expression )* ;
- def exclusive_or_expression(self, ):
- exclusive_or_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 55):
- return
- # C.g:497:2: ( and_expression ( '^' and_expression )* )
- # C.g:497:4: and_expression ( '^' and_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_and_expression_in_exclusive_or_expression1917)
- self.and_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:497:19: ( '^' and_expression )*
- while True: #loop79
- alt79 = 2
- LA79_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA79_0 == 94) :
- alt79 = 1
- if alt79 == 1:
- # C.g:497:20: '^' and_expression
- self.match(self.input, 94, self.FOLLOW_94_in_exclusive_or_expression1920)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_and_expression_in_exclusive_or_expression1922)
- self.and_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop79
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 55, exclusive_or_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end exclusive_or_expression
- # $ANTLR start and_expression
- # C.g:500:1: and_expression : equality_expression ( '&' equality_expression )* ;
- def and_expression(self, ):
- and_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 56):
- return
- # C.g:501:2: ( equality_expression ( '&' equality_expression )* )
- # C.g:501:4: equality_expression ( '&' equality_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equality_expression_in_and_expression1935)
- self.equality_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:501:24: ( '&' equality_expression )*
- while True: #loop80
- alt80 = 2
- LA80_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA80_0 == 77) :
- alt80 = 1
- if alt80 == 1:
- # C.g:501:25: '&' equality_expression
- self.match(self.input, 77, self.FOLLOW_77_in_and_expression1938)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equality_expression_in_and_expression1940)
- self.equality_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop80
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 56, and_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end and_expression
- # $ANTLR start equality_expression
- # C.g:503:1: equality_expression : relational_expression ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )* ;
- def equality_expression(self, ):
- equality_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 57):
- return
- # C.g:504:2: ( relational_expression ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )* )
- # C.g:504:4: relational_expression ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relational_expression_in_equality_expression1952)
- self.relational_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:504:26: ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )*
- while True: #loop81
- alt81 = 2
- LA81_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((95 <= LA81_0 <= 96)) :
- alt81 = 1
- if alt81 == 1:
- # C.g:504:27: ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression
- if (95 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 96):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_equality_expression1955
- )
- raise mse
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relational_expression_in_equality_expression1961)
- self.relational_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop81
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 57, equality_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end equality_expression
- # $ANTLR start relational_expression
- # C.g:507:1: relational_expression : shift_expression ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )* ;
- def relational_expression(self, ):
- relational_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 58):
- return
- # C.g:508:2: ( shift_expression ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )* )
- # C.g:508:4: shift_expression ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shift_expression_in_relational_expression1975)
- self.shift_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:508:21: ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )*
- while True: #loop82
- alt82 = 2
- LA82_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((97 <= LA82_0 <= 100)) :
- alt82 = 1
- if alt82 == 1:
- # C.g:508:22: ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression
- if (97 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 100):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_relational_expression1978
- )
- raise mse
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shift_expression_in_relational_expression1988)
- self.shift_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop82
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 58, relational_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end relational_expression
- # $ANTLR start shift_expression
- # C.g:511:1: shift_expression : additive_expression ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )* ;
- def shift_expression(self, ):
- shift_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 59):
- return
- # C.g:512:2: ( additive_expression ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )* )
- # C.g:512:4: additive_expression ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )*
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_additive_expression_in_shift_expression2001)
- self.additive_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:512:24: ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )*
- while True: #loop83
- alt83 = 2
- LA83_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((101 <= LA83_0 <= 102)) :
- alt83 = 1
- if alt83 == 1:
- # C.g:512:25: ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression
- if (101 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 102):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_shift_expression2004
- )
- raise mse
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_additive_expression_in_shift_expression2010)
- self.additive_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop83
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 59, shift_expression_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end shift_expression
- # $ANTLR start statement
- # C.g:517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );
- def statement(self, ):
- statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 60):
- return
- # C.g:518:2: ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration )
- alt84 = 11
- LA84 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA84 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA84 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA84 == 62:
- LA84_43 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred169()) :
- alt84 = 3
- elif (self.synpred173()) :
- alt84 = 7
- elif (self.synpred174()) :
- alt84 = 8
- elif (True) :
- alt84 = 11
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 43, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA84 == 47:
- alt84 = 1
- elif LA84 == STRING_LITERAL or LA84 == 27 or LA84 == 28 or LA84 == 64 or LA84 == 68 or LA84 == 69 or LA84 == 70 or LA84 == 71 or LA84 == 72 or LA84 == 73 or LA84 == 75 or LA84 == 76 or LA84 == 77 or LA84 == 80 or LA84 == 81 or LA84 == 82 or LA84 == 83 or LA84 == 84 or LA84 == 85 or LA84 == 86 or LA84 == 87 or LA84 == 88 or LA84 == 89 or LA84 == 90 or LA84 == 91 or LA84 == 92 or LA84 == 93 or LA84 == 94 or LA84 == 95 or LA84 == 96 or LA84 == 97 or LA84 == 98 or LA84 == 99 or LA84 == 100 or LA84 == 101 or LA84 == 102:
- alt84 = 3
- elif LA84 == 66:
- LA84_47 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred169()) :
- alt84 = 3
- elif (True) :
- alt84 = 11
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 47, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA84 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA84_53 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred169()) :
- alt84 = 3
- elif (True) :
- alt84 = 11
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 53, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA84 == 25:
- LA84_68 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred169()) :
- alt84 = 3
- elif (True) :
- alt84 = 11
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 68, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA84 == 29 or LA84 == 30 or LA84 == 31 or LA84 == 32 or LA84 == 33 or LA84 == 34 or LA84 == 35 or LA84 == 36 or LA84 == 37 or LA84 == 38 or LA84 == 39 or LA84 == 40 or LA84 == 41 or LA84 == 42 or LA84 == 45 or LA84 == 46 or LA84 == 48 or LA84 == 49 or LA84 == 50 or LA84 == 51 or LA84 == 52 or LA84 == 53 or LA84 == 54 or LA84 == 55 or LA84 == 56 or LA84 == 57 or LA84 == 58 or LA84 == 59 or LA84 == 60 or LA84 == 61:
- alt84 = 11
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 1, self.input)
- raise nvae
- elif LA84 == 106 or LA84 == 107:
- alt84 = 1
- elif LA84 == 43:
- alt84 = 2
- elif LA84 == HEX_LITERAL or LA84 == OCTAL_LITERAL or LA84 == DECIMAL_LITERAL or LA84 == CHARACTER_LITERAL or LA84 == STRING_LITERAL or LA84 == FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL or LA84 == 25 or LA84 == 62 or LA84 == 66 or LA84 == 68 or LA84 == 69 or LA84 == 72 or LA84 == 73 or LA84 == 74 or LA84 == 77 or LA84 == 78 or LA84 == 79:
- alt84 = 3
- elif LA84 == 108 or LA84 == 110:
- alt84 = 4
- elif LA84 == 111 or LA84 == 112 or LA84 == 113:
- alt84 = 5
- elif LA84 == 114 or LA84 == 115 or LA84 == 116 or LA84 == 117:
- alt84 = 6
- elif LA84 == 103:
- alt84 = 8
- elif LA84 == 104:
- alt84 = 9
- elif LA84 == 105:
- alt84 = 10
- elif LA84 == 26 or LA84 == 29 or LA84 == 30 or LA84 == 31 or LA84 == 32 or LA84 == 33 or LA84 == 34 or LA84 == 35 or LA84 == 36 or LA84 == 37 or LA84 == 38 or LA84 == 39 or LA84 == 40 or LA84 == 41 or LA84 == 42 or LA84 == 45 or LA84 == 46 or LA84 == 48 or LA84 == 49 or LA84 == 50 or LA84 == 51 or LA84 == 52 or LA84 == 53 or LA84 == 54 or LA84 == 55 or LA84 == 56 or LA84 == 57 or LA84 == 58 or LA84 == 59 or LA84 == 60 or LA84 == 61:
- alt84 = 11
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt84 == 1:
- # C.g:518:4: labeled_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_labeled_statement_in_statement2025)
- self.labeled_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 2:
- # C.g:519:4: compound_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_statement2030)
- self.compound_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 3:
- # C.g:520:4: expression_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_statement2035)
- self.expression_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 4:
- # C.g:521:4: selection_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_selection_statement_in_statement2040)
- self.selection_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 5:
- # C.g:522:4: iteration_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_iteration_statement_in_statement2045)
- self.iteration_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 6:
- # C.g:523:4: jump_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_jump_statement_in_statement2050)
- self.jump_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 7:
- # C.g:524:4: macro_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_statement2055)
- self.macro_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 8:
- # C.g:525:4: asm2_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_statement2060)
- self.asm2_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 9:
- # C.g:526:4: asm1_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm1_statement_in_statement2065)
- self.asm1_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 10:
- # C.g:527:4: asm_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm_statement_in_statement2070)
- self.asm_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt84 == 11:
- # C.g:528:4: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_statement2075)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 60, statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end statement
- # $ANTLR start asm2_statement
- # C.g:531:1: asm2_statement : ( '__asm__' )? IDENTIFIER '(' (~ ( ';' ) )* ')' ';' ;
- def asm2_statement(self, ):
- asm2_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 61):
- return
- # C.g:532:2: ( ( '__asm__' )? IDENTIFIER '(' (~ ( ';' ) )* ')' ';' )
- # C.g:532:4: ( '__asm__' )? IDENTIFIER '(' (~ ( ';' ) )* ')' ';'
- # C.g:532:4: ( '__asm__' )?
- alt85 = 2
- LA85_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA85_0 == 103) :
- alt85 = 1
- if alt85 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: '__asm__'
- self.match(self.input, 103, self.FOLLOW_103_in_asm2_statement2086)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_asm2_statement2089)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_asm2_statement2091)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:532:30: (~ ( ';' ) )*
- while True: #loop86
- alt86 = 2
- LA86_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA86_0 == 63) :
- LA86_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA86_1 <= LINE_COMMAND) or (26 <= LA86_1 <= 117)) :
- alt86 = 1
- elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA86_0 <= LINE_COMMAND) or (26 <= LA86_0 <= 62) or (64 <= LA86_0 <= 117)) :
- alt86 = 1
- if alt86 == 1:
- # C.g:532:31: ~ ( ';' )
- if (IDENTIFIER <= self.input.LA(1) <= LINE_COMMAND) or (26 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 117):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_asm2_statement2094
- )
- raise mse
- else:
- break #loop86
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_asm2_statement2101)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_asm2_statement2103)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 61, asm2_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end asm2_statement
- # $ANTLR start asm1_statement
- # C.g:535:1: asm1_statement : '_asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' ;
- def asm1_statement(self, ):
- asm1_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 62):
- return
- # C.g:536:2: ( '_asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' )
- # C.g:536:4: '_asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}'
- self.match(self.input, 104, self.FOLLOW_104_in_asm1_statement2115)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_asm1_statement2117)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:536:15: (~ ( '}' ) )*
- while True: #loop87
- alt87 = 2
- LA87_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA87_0 <= 43) or (45 <= LA87_0 <= 117)) :
- alt87 = 1
- if alt87 == 1:
- # C.g:536:16: ~ ( '}' )
- if (IDENTIFIER <= self.input.LA(1) <= 43) or (45 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 117):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_asm1_statement2120
- )
- raise mse
- else:
- break #loop87
- self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_asm1_statement2127)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 62, asm1_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end asm1_statement
- # $ANTLR start asm_statement
- # C.g:539:1: asm_statement : '__asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' ;
- def asm_statement(self, ):
- asm_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 63):
- return
- # C.g:540:2: ( '__asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' )
- # C.g:540:4: '__asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}'
- self.match(self.input, 105, self.FOLLOW_105_in_asm_statement2138)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_asm_statement2140)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:540:16: (~ ( '}' ) )*
- while True: #loop88
- alt88 = 2
- LA88_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA88_0 <= 43) or (45 <= LA88_0 <= 117)) :
- alt88 = 1
- if alt88 == 1:
- # C.g:540:17: ~ ( '}' )
- if (IDENTIFIER <= self.input.LA(1) <= 43) or (45 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 117):
- self.input.consume();
- self.errorRecovery = False
- self.failed = False
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
- self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
- self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_asm_statement2143
- )
- raise mse
- else:
- break #loop88
- self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_asm_statement2150)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 63, asm_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end asm_statement
- # $ANTLR start macro_statement
- # C.g:543:1: macro_statement : IDENTIFIER '(' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? ( expression )? ')' ;
- def macro_statement(self, ):
- macro_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 64):
- return
- # C.g:544:2: ( IDENTIFIER '(' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? ( expression )? ')' )
- # C.g:544:4: IDENTIFIER '(' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? ( expression )? ')'
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_macro_statement2162)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_macro_statement2164)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:544:19: ( declaration )*
- while True: #loop89
- alt89 = 2
- LA89 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 62:
- LA89_45 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_47 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 66:
- LA89_50 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_68 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_71 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_72 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_73 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_74 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_75 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_76 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_77 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_78 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_79 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_80 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_81 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_82 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_83 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_84 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_85 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_86 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 26:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_87 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_88 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_89 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_90 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_91 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_92 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_93 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_94 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_95 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_96 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_97 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_98 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_99 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_100 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 66:
- LA89_101 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_102 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_103 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_104 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_105 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_106 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_107 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_108 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_109 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_110 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_111 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_112 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_113 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_114 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_115 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_116 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_117 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_118 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_119 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_120 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_121 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_122 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_123 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_124 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_125 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_126 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_127 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_128 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_129 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_130 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_131 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_132 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_133 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_134 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_135 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_136 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_137 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_138 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_139 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_140 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_141 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_142 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_143 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_144 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_145 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_146 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_147 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_148 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_149 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_150 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_151 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_152 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_153 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_154 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_155 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_156 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_157 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_158 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_159 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_160 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_161 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_162 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_163 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_164 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_165 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_166 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_167 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_168 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_169 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_170 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_171 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_172 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_173 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_174 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_175 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_176 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_177 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_178 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_179 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_180 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_181 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_182 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_183 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_184 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_185 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_186 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_187 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_188 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_189 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_190 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_191 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_192 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_193 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_194 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_195 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_196 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_197 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_198 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_199 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_200 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_201 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_202 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_203 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_204 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_205 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_206 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_207 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_208 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_209 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_210 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_211 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_212 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_213 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_214 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_215 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_216 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_217 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_218 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_219 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_220 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_221 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_222 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_223 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_224 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_225 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_226 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_227 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_228 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_229 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_230 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_231 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_232 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_233 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_234 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_235 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_236 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_237 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_238 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_239 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_240 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_241 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_242 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_243 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_244 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_245 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_246 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_247 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_248 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_249 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_250 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_251 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_252 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_253 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_254 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_255 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_256 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_257 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_258 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_259 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_260 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_261 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_262 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_263 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_264 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_265 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_266 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_267 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_268 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_269 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_270 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_271 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_272 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_273 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_274 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_275 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_276 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_277 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_278 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_279 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_280 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_281 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_282 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_283 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_284 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_285 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_286 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_287 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_288 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_289 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_290 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_291 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_292 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_293 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_294 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_295 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_296 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_297 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_298 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_299 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_300 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_301 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_302 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_303 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_304 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_305 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_40 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA89_40 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA89_306 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif (LA89_40 == 43) :
- LA89_307 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_41 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA89_41 == 43) :
- LA89_308 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif (LA89_41 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA89_309 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 58 or LA89 == 59 or LA89 == 60 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA89 == 66:
- LA89_310 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 58:
- LA89_311 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 59:
- LA89_312 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 60:
- LA89_313 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA89_314 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 62:
- LA89_315 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 25:
- LA89_316 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
- LA89_317 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 34:
- LA89_318 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 35:
- LA89_319 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 36:
- LA89_320 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 37:
- LA89_321 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 38:
- LA89_322 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 39:
- LA89_323 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 40:
- LA89_324 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 41:
- LA89_325 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 42:
- LA89_326 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
- LA89_327 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 48:
- LA89_328 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
- LA89_329 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred181()) :
- alt89 = 1
- if alt89 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_macro_statement2166)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop89
- # C.g:544:33: ( statement_list )?
- alt90 = 2
- LA90 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 25 or LA90 == 29 or LA90 == 30 or LA90 == 31 or LA90 == 32 or LA90 == 33 or LA90 == 34 or LA90 == 35 or LA90 == 36 or LA90 == 37 or LA90 == 38 or LA90 == 39 or LA90 == 40 or LA90 == 41 or LA90 == 42 or LA90 == 45 or LA90 == 46 or LA90 == 47 or LA90 == 48 or LA90 == 49 or LA90 == 50 or LA90 == 51 or LA90 == 52 or LA90 == 53 or LA90 == 54 or LA90 == 55 or LA90 == 56 or LA90 == 57 or LA90 == 58 or LA90 == 59 or LA90 == 60 or LA90 == 61:
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_45 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90_46 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90_47 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 64:
- LA90_48 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 75:
- LA90_49 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66:
- LA90_50 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 76:
- LA90_51 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_52 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_53 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 70:
- LA90_54 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 71:
- LA90_55 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 68:
- LA90_56 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 69:
- LA90_57 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
- LA90_58 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
- LA90_59 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
- LA90_60 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 77:
- LA90_61 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 94:
- LA90_62 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 93:
- LA90_63 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 92:
- LA90_64 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 91:
- LA90_65 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 90:
- LA90_66 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 27:
- LA90_67 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
- LA90_70 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 25 or LA90 == 26 or LA90 == 29 or LA90 == 30 or LA90 == 31 or LA90 == 32 or LA90 == 33 or LA90 == 34 or LA90 == 35 or LA90 == 36 or LA90 == 37 or LA90 == 38 or LA90 == 39 or LA90 == 40 or LA90 == 41 or LA90 == 42 or LA90 == 43 or LA90 == 45 or LA90 == 46 or LA90 == 48 or LA90 == 49 or LA90 == 50 or LA90 == 51 or LA90 == 52 or LA90 == 53 or LA90 == 54 or LA90 == 55 or LA90 == 56 or LA90 == 57 or LA90 == 58 or LA90 == 59 or LA90 == 60 or LA90 == 61 or LA90 == 103 or LA90 == 104 or LA90 == 105 or LA90 == 106 or LA90 == 107 or LA90 == 108 or LA90 == 110 or LA90 == 111 or LA90 == 112 or LA90 == 113 or LA90 == 114 or LA90 == 115 or LA90 == 116 or LA90 == 117:
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 64:
- LA90_87 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_88 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 75:
- LA90_89 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66:
- LA90_90 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 76:
- LA90_91 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_92 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_93 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
- LA90_94 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 70:
- LA90_95 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 71:
- LA90_96 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 68:
- LA90_97 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 69:
- LA90_98 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
- LA90_99 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
- LA90_100 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
- LA90_101 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 77:
- LA90_102 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 94:
- LA90_103 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 93:
- LA90_104 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 92:
- LA90_105 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 91:
- LA90_106 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 90:
- LA90_107 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 27:
- LA90_108 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 25:
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 64:
- LA90_111 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_112 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 75:
- LA90_113 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66:
- LA90_114 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 76:
- LA90_115 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_116 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_117 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 70:
- LA90_118 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 71:
- LA90_119 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 68:
- LA90_120 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 69:
- LA90_121 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
- LA90_122 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
- LA90_123 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
- LA90_124 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 77:
- LA90_125 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 94:
- LA90_126 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 93:
- LA90_127 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 92:
- LA90_128 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 91:
- LA90_129 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 90:
- LA90_130 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 27:
- LA90_131 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 25:
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
- LA90_134 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 64:
- LA90_135 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_136 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 75:
- LA90_137 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66:
- LA90_138 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 76:
- LA90_139 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_140 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_141 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
- LA90_142 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 70:
- LA90_143 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 71:
- LA90_144 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 68:
- LA90_145 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 69:
- LA90_146 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
- LA90_147 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
- LA90_148 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
- LA90_149 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 77:
- LA90_150 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 94:
- LA90_151 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 93:
- LA90_152 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 92:
- LA90_153 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 91:
- LA90_154 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 90:
- LA90_155 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 27:
- LA90_156 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 25:
- alt90 = 1
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 64:
- LA90_159 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_160 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 75:
- LA90_161 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66:
- LA90_162 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 76:
- LA90_163 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_164 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_165 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 70:
- LA90_166 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 71:
- LA90_167 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 68:
- LA90_168 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 69:
- LA90_169 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
- LA90_170 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
- LA90_171 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
- LA90_172 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 77:
- LA90_173 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 94:
- LA90_174 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 93:
- LA90_175 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 92:
- LA90_176 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 91:
- LA90_177 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 90:
- LA90_178 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 27:
- LA90_179 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 25:
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
- LA90_181 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90_183 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 64:
- LA90_184 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_185 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 75:
- LA90_186 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66:
- LA90_187 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 76:
- LA90_188 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_189 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_190 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
- LA90_191 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90_192 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 70:
- LA90_193 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 71:
- LA90_194 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 68:
- LA90_195 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 69:
- LA90_196 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
- LA90_197 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
- LA90_198 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
- LA90_199 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 77:
- LA90_200 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 94:
- LA90_201 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 93:
- LA90_202 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 92:
- LA90_203 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 91:
- LA90_204 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 90:
- LA90_205 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 27:
- LA90_206 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 25:
- alt90 = 1
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 64:
- LA90_209 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_210 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 75:
- LA90_211 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66:
- LA90_212 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 76:
- LA90_213 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_214 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_215 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
- LA90_216 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 70:
- LA90_217 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 71:
- LA90_218 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 68:
- LA90_219 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 69:
- LA90_220 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
- LA90_221 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
- LA90_222 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
- LA90_223 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 77:
- LA90_224 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 94:
- LA90_225 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 93:
- LA90_226 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 92:
- LA90_227 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 91:
- LA90_228 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 90:
- LA90_229 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 27:
- LA90_230 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 25:
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90_233 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA90_234 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA90_235 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_236 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_237 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90_238 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_239 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_240 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_241 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_242 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
- LA90_243 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 74:
- LA90_244 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 49 or LA90 == 50 or LA90 == 51 or LA90 == 52 or LA90 == 53 or LA90 == 54 or LA90 == 55 or LA90 == 56 or LA90 == 57 or LA90 == 58 or LA90 == 59 or LA90 == 60 or LA90 == 61:
- LA90_245 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 34:
- LA90_246 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 35:
- LA90_247 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 36:
- LA90_248 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 37:
- LA90_249 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 38:
- LA90_250 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 39:
- LA90_251 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 40:
- LA90_252 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 41:
- LA90_253 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 42:
- LA90_254 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 45 or LA90 == 46:
- LA90_255 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 48:
- LA90_256 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90_257 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA90_258 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA90_259 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_260 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_261 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90_262 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_263 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_264 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_265 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_266 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
- LA90_267 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 74:
- LA90_268 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90_269 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA90_270 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA90_271 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_272 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_273 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90_274 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_275 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 62:
- LA90_276 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_277 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_278 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
- LA90_279 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 74:
- LA90_280 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 62:
- LA90_281 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90_282 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA90_283 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA90_284 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_285 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_286 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90_287 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_288 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_289 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_290 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
- LA90_291 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 74:
- LA90_292 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 74:
- LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA90 == 62:
- LA90_293 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA90_294 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA90_295 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA90_296 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_297 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_298 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA90_299 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- LA90_300 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 72:
- LA90_301 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 73:
- LA90_302 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
- LA90_303 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- elif LA90 == 74:
- LA90_304 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred182()) :
- alt90 = 1
- if alt90 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: statement_list
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_list_in_macro_statement2170)
- self.statement_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:544:49: ( expression )?
- alt91 = 2
- LA91_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA91_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA91_0 == 62 or LA91_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA91_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA91_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA91_0 <= 79)) :
- alt91 = 1
- if alt91 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_macro_statement2173)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_macro_statement2176)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 64, macro_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end macro_statement
- # $ANTLR start labeled_statement
- # C.g:547:1: labeled_statement : ( IDENTIFIER ':' statement | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement | 'default' ':' statement );
- def labeled_statement(self, ):
- labeled_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 65):
- return
- # C.g:548:2: ( IDENTIFIER ':' statement | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement | 'default' ':' statement )
- alt92 = 3
- LA92 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA92 == IDENTIFIER:
- alt92 = 1
- elif LA92 == 106:
- alt92 = 2
- elif LA92 == 107:
- alt92 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("547:1: labeled_statement : ( IDENTIFIER ':' statement | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement | 'default' ':' statement );", 92, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt92 == 1:
- # C.g:548:4: IDENTIFIER ':' statement
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_labeled_statement2188)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2190)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2192)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt92 == 2:
- # C.g:549:4: 'case' constant_expression ':' statement
- self.match(self.input, 106, self.FOLLOW_106_in_labeled_statement2197)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_labeled_statement2199)
- self.constant_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2201)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2203)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt92 == 3:
- # C.g:550:4: 'default' ':' statement
- self.match(self.input, 107, self.FOLLOW_107_in_labeled_statement2208)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2210)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2212)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 65, labeled_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end labeled_statement
- class compound_statement_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start compound_statement
- # C.g:553:1: compound_statement : '{' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? '}' ;
- def compound_statement(self, ):
- retval = self.compound_statement_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- compound_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 66):
- return retval
- # C.g:554:2: ( '{' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? '}' )
- # C.g:554:4: '{' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? '}'
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_compound_statement2223)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- # C.g:554:8: ( declaration )*
- while True: #loop93
- alt93 = 2
- LA93 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 62:
- LA93_44 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_47 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 66:
- LA93_48 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_49 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_50 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_51 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_52 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_53 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_54 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_55 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_56 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_57 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_58 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_59 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_60 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_61 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_62 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_63 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_64 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_65 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 26:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_86 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_87 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_88 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_89 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_90 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_91 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_92 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_93 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_94 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_95 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_96 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_97 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_98 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_99 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 66:
- LA93_100 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_101 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_102 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_103 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_104 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_105 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_106 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_107 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_108 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_109 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_110 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_111 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_112 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_113 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_114 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_115 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_116 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_117 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_118 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_119 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_120 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_121 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_122 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_123 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_124 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_125 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_126 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_127 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_128 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_129 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_130 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_131 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_132 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_133 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_134 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_135 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_136 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_137 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_138 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_139 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_140 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_141 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_142 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_143 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_144 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_145 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_146 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_147 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_148 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_149 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_150 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_151 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_152 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_153 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_154 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_155 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_156 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_157 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_158 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_159 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_160 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_161 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_162 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_163 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_164 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_165 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_166 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_167 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_168 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_169 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_170 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_171 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_172 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_173 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_174 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_175 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_176 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_177 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_178 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_179 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_180 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_181 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_182 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_183 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_184 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_185 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_186 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_187 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_188 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_189 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_190 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_191 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_192 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_193 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_194 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_195 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_196 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_197 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_198 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_199 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_200 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_201 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_202 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_203 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_204 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_205 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_206 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_207 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_208 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_209 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_210 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_211 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_212 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_213 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_214 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_215 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_216 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_217 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_218 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_219 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_220 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_221 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_222 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_223 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_224 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_225 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_226 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_227 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_228 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_229 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_230 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_231 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_232 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_233 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_234 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_235 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_236 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_237 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_238 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_239 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_240 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_241 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_242 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_243 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_244 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_245 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_246 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_247 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_248 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_249 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_250 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_251 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_252 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_253 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_254 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_255 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_256 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_257 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_258 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_259 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_260 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_261 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_262 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_263 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_264 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_265 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_266 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_267 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_268 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_269 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_270 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_271 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_272 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_273 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_274 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_275 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_276 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_277 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_278 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_279 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_280 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_281 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_282 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_283 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_284 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_285 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_286 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_287 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_288 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_289 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_290 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_291 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_292 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_293 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_294 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_295 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_296 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_297 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_298 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_299 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_300 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_301 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_302 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_303 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_304 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_40 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA93_40 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA93_305 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif (LA93_40 == 43) :
- LA93_306 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_41 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA93_41 == 43) :
- LA93_307 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif (LA93_41 == IDENTIFIER) :
- LA93_308 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 58 or LA93 == 59 or LA93 == 60 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA93 == 66:
- LA93_309 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 58:
- LA93_310 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 59:
- LA93_311 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 60:
- LA93_312 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA93_313 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 62:
- LA93_314 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 25:
- LA93_315 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
- LA93_316 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 34:
- LA93_317 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 35:
- LA93_318 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 36:
- LA93_319 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 37:
- LA93_320 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 38:
- LA93_321 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 39:
- LA93_322 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 40:
- LA93_323 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 41:
- LA93_324 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 42:
- LA93_325 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
- LA93_326 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 48:
- LA93_327 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
- LA93_328 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred186()) :
- alt93 = 1
- if alt93 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_compound_statement2225)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- else:
- break #loop93
- # C.g:554:21: ( statement_list )?
- alt94 = 2
- LA94_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA94_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or (25 <= LA94_0 <= 26) or (29 <= LA94_0 <= 43) or (45 <= LA94_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA94_0 <= 62) or LA94_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA94_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA94_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA94_0 <= 79) or (103 <= LA94_0 <= 108) or (110 <= LA94_0 <= 117)) :
- alt94 = 1
- if alt94 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: statement_list
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_list_in_compound_statement2228)
- self.statement_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_compound_statement2231)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 66, compound_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end compound_statement
- # $ANTLR start statement_list
- # C.g:557:1: statement_list : ( statement )+ ;
- def statement_list(self, ):
- statement_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 67):
- return
- # C.g:558:2: ( ( statement )+ )
- # C.g:558:4: ( statement )+
- # C.g:558:4: ( statement )+
- cnt95 = 0
- while True: #loop95
- alt95 = 2
- LA95 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 62:
- LA95_46 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25 or LA95 == 29 or LA95 == 30 or LA95 == 31 or LA95 == 32 or LA95 == 33 or LA95 == 34 or LA95 == 35 or LA95 == 36 or LA95 == 37 or LA95 == 38 or LA95 == 39 or LA95 == 40 or LA95 == 41 or LA95 == 42 or LA95 == 45 or LA95 == 46 or LA95 == 47 or LA95 == 48 or LA95 == 49 or LA95 == 50 or LA95 == 51 or LA95 == 52 or LA95 == 53 or LA95 == 54 or LA95 == 55 or LA95 == 56 or LA95 == 57 or LA95 == 58 or LA95 == 59 or LA95 == 60 or LA95 == 61:
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95_48 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95_49 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 64:
- LA95_50 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 75:
- LA95_51 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66:
- LA95_52 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 76:
- LA95_53 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_54 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_55 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 70:
- LA95_56 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 71:
- LA95_57 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 68:
- LA95_58 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 69:
- LA95_59 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
- LA95_60 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
- LA95_61 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
- LA95_62 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 77:
- LA95_63 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 94:
- LA95_64 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 93:
- LA95_65 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 92:
- LA95_66 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 91:
- LA95_67 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 90:
- LA95_68 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 27:
- LA95_69 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
- LA95_88 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 64:
- LA95_89 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_90 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 75:
- LA95_91 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66:
- LA95_92 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 76:
- LA95_93 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_94 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_95 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
- LA95_96 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 70:
- LA95_97 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 71:
- LA95_98 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 68:
- LA95_99 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 69:
- LA95_100 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
- LA95_101 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
- LA95_102 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
- LA95_103 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 77:
- LA95_104 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 94:
- LA95_105 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 93:
- LA95_106 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 92:
- LA95_107 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 91:
- LA95_108 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 90:
- LA95_109 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 27:
- LA95_110 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25:
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 64:
- LA95_113 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_114 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 75:
- LA95_115 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66:
- LA95_116 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 76:
- LA95_117 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_118 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_119 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 70:
- LA95_120 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 71:
- LA95_121 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 68:
- LA95_122 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 69:
- LA95_123 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
- LA95_124 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
- LA95_125 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
- LA95_126 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 77:
- LA95_127 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 94:
- LA95_128 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 93:
- LA95_129 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 92:
- LA95_130 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 91:
- LA95_131 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 90:
- LA95_132 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 27:
- LA95_133 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
- LA95_135 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25:
- alt95 = 1
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 64:
- LA95_137 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_138 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 75:
- LA95_139 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66:
- LA95_140 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 76:
- LA95_141 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_142 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_143 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
- LA95_144 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 70:
- LA95_145 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 71:
- LA95_146 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 68:
- LA95_147 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 69:
- LA95_148 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
- LA95_149 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
- LA95_150 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
- LA95_151 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 77:
- LA95_152 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 94:
- LA95_153 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 93:
- LA95_154 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 92:
- LA95_155 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 91:
- LA95_156 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 90:
- LA95_157 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 27:
- LA95_158 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25:
- alt95 = 1
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 64:
- LA95_161 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_162 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 75:
- LA95_163 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66:
- LA95_164 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 76:
- LA95_165 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_166 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_167 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
- LA95_168 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 70:
- LA95_169 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 71:
- LA95_170 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 68:
- LA95_171 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 69:
- LA95_172 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
- LA95_173 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
- LA95_174 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
- LA95_175 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 77:
- LA95_176 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 94:
- LA95_177 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 93:
- LA95_178 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 92:
- LA95_179 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 91:
- LA95_180 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 90:
- LA95_181 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 27:
- LA95_182 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25:
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95_185 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 64:
- LA95_186 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_187 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 75:
- LA95_188 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66:
- LA95_189 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 76:
- LA95_190 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_191 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_192 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 70:
- LA95_193 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 71:
- LA95_194 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 68:
- LA95_195 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 69:
- LA95_196 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
- LA95_197 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
- LA95_198 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
- LA95_199 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 77:
- LA95_200 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 94:
- LA95_201 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 93:
- LA95_202 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 92:
- LA95_203 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 91:
- LA95_204 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 90:
- LA95_205 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 27:
- LA95_206 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25:
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95_208 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
- LA95_209 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 64:
- LA95_211 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_212 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 75:
- LA95_213 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66:
- LA95_214 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 76:
- LA95_215 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_216 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_217 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 70:
- LA95_218 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 71:
- LA95_219 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 68:
- LA95_220 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 69:
- LA95_221 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
- LA95_222 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
- LA95_223 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
- LA95_224 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 77:
- LA95_225 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 94:
- LA95_226 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 93:
- LA95_227 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 92:
- LA95_228 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 91:
- LA95_229 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 90:
- LA95_230 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 27:
- LA95_231 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25:
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
- LA95_234 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95_235 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA95_236 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA95_237 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_238 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_239 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95_240 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_241 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_242 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_243 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_244 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
- LA95_245 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 74:
- LA95_246 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 49 or LA95 == 50 or LA95 == 51 or LA95 == 52 or LA95 == 53 or LA95 == 54 or LA95 == 55 or LA95 == 56 or LA95 == 57 or LA95 == 58 or LA95 == 59 or LA95 == 60 or LA95 == 61:
- LA95_247 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 34:
- LA95_248 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 35:
- LA95_249 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 36:
- LA95_250 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 37:
- LA95_251 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 38:
- LA95_252 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 39:
- LA95_253 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 40:
- LA95_254 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 41:
- LA95_255 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 42:
- LA95_256 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 45 or LA95 == 46:
- LA95_257 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 48:
- LA95_258 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95_259 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA95_260 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA95_261 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_262 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_263 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95_264 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_265 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_266 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_267 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_268 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
- LA95_269 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 74:
- LA95_270 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95_271 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA95_272 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA95_273 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_274 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_275 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95_276 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_277 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 62:
- LA95_278 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_279 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_280 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
- LA95_281 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 74:
- LA95_282 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 62:
- LA95_283 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95_284 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA95_285 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA95_286 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_287 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_288 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95_289 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_290 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_291 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_292 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
- LA95_293 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 74:
- LA95_294 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 74:
- LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA95 == 62:
- LA95_295 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA95_296 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
- LA95_297 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
- LA95_298 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_299 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_300 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
- LA95_301 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- LA95_302 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 72:
- LA95_303 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 73:
- LA95_304 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
- LA95_305 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 74:
- LA95_306 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred188()) :
- alt95 = 1
- elif LA95 == 25 or LA95 == 26 or LA95 == 29 or LA95 == 30 or LA95 == 31 or LA95 == 32 or LA95 == 33 or LA95 == 34 or LA95 == 35 or LA95 == 36 or LA95 == 37 or LA95 == 38 or LA95 == 39 or LA95 == 40 or LA95 == 41 or LA95 == 42 or LA95 == 43 or LA95 == 45 or LA95 == 46 or LA95 == 48 or LA95 == 49 or LA95 == 50 or LA95 == 51 or LA95 == 52 or LA95 == 53 or LA95 == 54 or LA95 == 55 or LA95 == 56 or LA95 == 57 or LA95 == 58 or LA95 == 59 or LA95 == 60 or LA95 == 61 or LA95 == 103 or LA95 == 104 or LA95 == 105 or LA95 == 106 or LA95 == 107 or LA95 == 108 or LA95 == 110 or LA95 == 111 or LA95 == 112 or LA95 == 113 or LA95 == 114 or LA95 == 115 or LA95 == 116 or LA95 == 117:
- alt95 = 1
- if alt95 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_statement_list2242)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt95 >= 1:
- break #loop95
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(95, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt95 += 1
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 67, statement_list_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end statement_list
- class expression_statement_return(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.start = None
- self.stop = None
- # $ANTLR start expression_statement
- # C.g:561:1: expression_statement : ( ';' | expression ';' );
- def expression_statement(self, ):
- retval = self.expression_statement_return()
- retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
- expression_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 68):
- return retval
- # C.g:562:2: ( ';' | expression ';' )
- alt96 = 2
- LA96_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA96_0 == 25) :
- alt96 = 1
- elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA96_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA96_0 == 62 or LA96_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA96_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA96_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA96_0 <= 79)) :
- alt96 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return retval
- nvae = NoViableAltException("561:1: expression_statement : ( ';' | expression ';' );", 96, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt96 == 1:
- # C.g:562:4: ';'
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2254)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- elif alt96 == 2:
- # C.g:563:4: expression ';'
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_expression_statement2259)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2261)
- if self.failed:
- return retval
- retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 68, expression_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return retval
- # $ANTLR end expression_statement
- # $ANTLR start selection_statement
- # C.g:566:1: selection_statement : ( 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )? | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement );
- def selection_statement(self, ):
- selection_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- e = None
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 69):
- return
- # C.g:567:2: ( 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )? | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement )
- alt98 = 2
- LA98_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA98_0 == 108) :
- alt98 = 1
- elif (LA98_0 == 110) :
- alt98 = 2
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("566:1: selection_statement : ( 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )? | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement );", 98, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt98 == 1:
- # C.g:567:4: 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )?
- self.match(self.input, 108, self.FOLLOW_108_in_selection_statement2272)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2274)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2278)
- e = self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2280)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start,e.stop))
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2284)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:567:167: ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )?
- alt97 = 2
- LA97_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA97_0 == 109) :
- alt97 = 1
- if alt97 == 1:
- # C.g:567:200: 'else' statement
- self.match(self.input, 109, self.FOLLOW_109_in_selection_statement2299)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2301)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt98 == 2:
- # C.g:568:4: 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement
- self.match(self.input, 110, self.FOLLOW_110_in_selection_statement2308)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2310)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2312)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2314)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2316)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 69, selection_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end selection_statement
- # $ANTLR start iteration_statement
- # C.g:571:1: iteration_statement : ( 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';' | 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement );
- def iteration_statement(self, ):
- iteration_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- e = None
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 70):
- return
- # C.g:572:2: ( 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';' | 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement )
- alt100 = 3
- LA100 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA100 == 111:
- alt100 = 1
- elif LA100 == 112:
- alt100 = 2
- elif LA100 == 113:
- alt100 = 3
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("571:1: iteration_statement : ( 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';' | 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement );", 100, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt100 == 1:
- # C.g:572:4: 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement
- self.match(self.input, 111, self.FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2327)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2329)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2333)
- e = self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2335)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2337)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start,e.stop))
- elif alt100 == 2:
- # C.g:573:4: 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';'
- self.match(self.input, 112, self.FOLLOW_112_in_iteration_statement2344)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2346)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 111, self.FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2348)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2350)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2354)
- e = self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2356)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_iteration_statement2358)
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start,e.stop))
- elif alt100 == 3:
- # C.g:574:4: 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement
- self.match(self.input, 113, self.FOLLOW_113_in_iteration_statement2365)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2367)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2369)
- self.expression_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2373)
- e = self.expression_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:574:58: ( expression )?
- alt99 = 2
- LA99_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA99_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA99_0 == 62 or LA99_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA99_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA99_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA99_0 <= 79)) :
- alt99 = 1
- if alt99 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2375)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2378)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2380)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- if self.backtracking == 0:
- self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start,e.stop))
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 70, iteration_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end iteration_statement
- # $ANTLR start jump_statement
- # C.g:577:1: jump_statement : ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' );
- def jump_statement(self, ):
- jump_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
- try:
- try:
- if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 71):
- return
- # C.g:578:2: ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' )
- alt101 = 5
- LA101 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA101 == 114:
- alt101 = 1
- elif LA101 == 115:
- alt101 = 2
- elif LA101 == 116:
- alt101 = 3
- elif LA101 == 117:
- LA101_4 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (LA101_4 == 25) :
- alt101 = 4
- elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA101_4 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA101_4 == 62 or LA101_4 == 66 or (68 <= LA101_4 <= 69) or (72 <= LA101_4 <= 74) or (77 <= LA101_4 <= 79)) :
- alt101 = 5
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("577:1: jump_statement : ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' );", 101, 4, self.input)
- raise nvae
- else:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- nvae = NoViableAltException("577:1: jump_statement : ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' );", 101, 0, self.input)
- raise nvae
- if alt101 == 1:
- # C.g:578:4: 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';'
- self.match(self.input, 114, self.FOLLOW_114_in_jump_statement2393)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_jump_statement2395)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2397)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt101 == 2:
- # C.g:579:4: 'continue' ';'
- self.match(self.input, 115, self.FOLLOW_115_in_jump_statement2402)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2404)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt101 == 3:
- # C.g:580:4: 'break' ';'
- self.match(self.input, 116, self.FOLLOW_116_in_jump_statement2409)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2411)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt101 == 4:
- # C.g:581:4: 'return' ';'
- self.match(self.input, 117, self.FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2416)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2418)
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt101 == 5:
- # C.g:582:4: 'return' expression ';'
- self.match(self.input, 117, self.FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2423)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_jump_statement2425)
- self.expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2427)
- if self.failed:
- return
- except RecognitionException, re:
- self.reportError(re)
- self.recover(self.input, re)
- finally:
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.memoize(self.input, 71, jump_statement_StartIndex)
- pass
- return
- # $ANTLR end jump_statement
- # $ANTLR start synpred2
- def synpred2_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:119:6: ( declaration_specifiers )
- # C.g:119:6: declaration_specifiers
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred2100)
- self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred2
- # $ANTLR start synpred4
- def synpred4_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:119:4: ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )
- # C.g:119:6: ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{'
- # C.g:119:6: ( declaration_specifiers )?
- alt102 = 2
- LA102 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA102 == 29 or LA102 == 30 or LA102 == 31 or LA102 == 32 or LA102 == 33 or LA102 == 34 or LA102 == 35 or LA102 == 36 or LA102 == 37 or LA102 == 38 or LA102 == 39 or LA102 == 40 or LA102 == 41 or LA102 == 42 or LA102 == 45 or LA102 == 46 or LA102 == 48 or LA102 == 49 or LA102 == 50 or LA102 == 51 or LA102 == 52 or LA102 == 53 or LA102 == 54 or LA102 == 55 or LA102 == 56 or LA102 == 57 or LA102 == 61:
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA102 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA102 == 62:
- LA102_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 29 or LA102 == 30 or LA102 == 31 or LA102 == 32 or LA102 == 33:
- LA102_23 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 34:
- LA102_24 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 35:
- LA102_25 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 36:
- LA102_26 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 37:
- LA102_27 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 38:
- LA102_28 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 39:
- LA102_29 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 40:
- LA102_30 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 41:
- LA102_31 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 42:
- LA102_32 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 45 or LA102 == 46:
- LA102_33 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 48:
- LA102_34 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA102_35 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 58:
- LA102_36 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 66:
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 59:
- LA102_39 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 60:
- LA102_40 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 49 or LA102 == 50 or LA102 == 51 or LA102 == 52 or LA102 == 53 or LA102 == 54 or LA102 == 55 or LA102 == 56 or LA102 == 57 or LA102 == 61:
- LA102_41 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 58:
- LA102_14 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 59:
- LA102_16 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- elif LA102 == 60:
- LA102_17 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred2()) :
- alt102 = 1
- if alt102 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: declaration_specifiers
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred4100)
- self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred4103)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:119:41: ( declaration )*
- while True: #loop103
- alt103 = 2
- LA103_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA103_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA103_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA103_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA103_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA103_0 <= 61)) :
- alt103 = 1
- if alt103 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred4105)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop103
- self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_synpred4108)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred4
- # $ANTLR start synpred5
- def synpred5_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:120:4: ( declaration )
- # C.g:120:4: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred5118)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred5
- # $ANTLR start synpred7
- def synpred7_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:146:6: ( declaration_specifiers )
- # C.g:146:6: declaration_specifiers
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred7157)
- self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred7
- # $ANTLR start synpred10
- def synpred10_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:167:18: ( declaration_specifiers )
- # C.g:167:18: declaration_specifiers
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred10207)
- self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred10
- # $ANTLR start synpred14
- def synpred14_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:184:7: ( type_specifier )
- # C.g:184:7: type_specifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred14272)
- self.type_specifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred14
- # $ANTLR start synpred15
- def synpred15_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:185:13: ( type_qualifier )
- # C.g:185:13: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred15286)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred15
- # $ANTLR start synpred33
- def synpred33_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:225:16: ( type_qualifier )
- # C.g:225:16: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred33444)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred33
- # $ANTLR start synpred34
- def synpred34_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:225:4: ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )
- # C.g:225:5: IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred34442)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:225:16: ( type_qualifier )*
- while True: #loop106
- alt106 = 2
- LA106 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA106 == 58:
- LA106_2 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred33()) :
- alt106 = 1
- elif LA106 == 59:
- LA106_3 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred33()) :
- alt106 = 1
- elif LA106 == 60:
- LA106_4 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred33()) :
- alt106 = 1
- elif LA106 == 49 or LA106 == 50 or LA106 == 51 or LA106 == 52 or LA106 == 53 or LA106 == 54 or LA106 == 55 or LA106 == 56 or LA106 == 57 or LA106 == 61:
- alt106 = 1
- if alt106 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred34444)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop106
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred34447)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred34
- # $ANTLR start synpred39
- def synpred39_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:253:6: ( type_qualifier )
- # C.g:253:6: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred39566)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred39
- # $ANTLR start synpred40
- def synpred40_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:253:23: ( type_specifier )
- # C.g:253:23: type_specifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred40570)
- self.type_specifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred40
- # $ANTLR start synpred66
- def synpred66_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:297:4: ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator )
- # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator
- # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )?
- alt111 = 2
- LA111_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA111_0 == 66) :
- alt111 = 1
- if alt111 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: pointer
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred66784)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:297:13: ( 'EFIAPI' )?
- alt112 = 2
- LA112_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA112_0 == 58) :
- alt112 = 1
- if alt112 == 1:
- # C.g:297:14: 'EFIAPI'
- self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_synpred66788)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:297:25: ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )?
- alt113 = 2
- LA113_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA113_0 == 59) :
- alt113 = 1
- if alt113 == 1:
- # C.g:297:26: 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE'
- self.match(self.input, 59, self.FOLLOW_59_in_synpred66793)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:297:46: ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )?
- alt114 = 2
- LA114_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA114_0 == 60) :
- alt114 = 1
- if alt114 == 1:
- # C.g:297:47: 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE'
- self.match(self.input, 60, self.FOLLOW_60_in_synpred66798)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_synpred66802)
- self.direct_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred66
- # $ANTLR start synpred67
- def synpred67_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:303:15: ( declarator_suffix )
- # C.g:303:15: declarator_suffix
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred67821)
- self.declarator_suffix()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred67
- # $ANTLR start synpred69
- def synpred69_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:304:9: ( 'EFIAPI' )
- # C.g:304:9: 'EFIAPI'
- self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_synpred69830)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred69
- # $ANTLR start synpred70
- def synpred70_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:304:35: ( declarator_suffix )
- # C.g:304:35: declarator_suffix
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred70838)
- self.declarator_suffix()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred70
- # $ANTLR start synpred73
- def synpred73_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:310:9: ( '(' parameter_type_list ')' )
- # C.g:310:9: '(' parameter_type_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred73878)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_synpred73880)
- self.parameter_type_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred73882)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred73
- # $ANTLR start synpred74
- def synpred74_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:311:9: ( '(' identifier_list ')' )
- # C.g:311:9: '(' identifier_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred74892)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_synpred74894)
- self.identifier_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred74896)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred74
- # $ANTLR start synpred75
- def synpred75_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:316:8: ( type_qualifier )
- # C.g:316:8: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred75921)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred75
- # $ANTLR start synpred76
- def synpred76_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:316:24: ( pointer )
- # C.g:316:24: pointer
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred76924)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred76
- # $ANTLR start synpred77
- def synpred77_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:316:4: ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? )
- # C.g:316:4: '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )?
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_synpred77919)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:316:8: ( type_qualifier )+
- cnt116 = 0
- while True: #loop116
- alt116 = 2
- LA116_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if ((49 <= LA116_0 <= 61)) :
- alt116 = 1
- if alt116 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: type_qualifier
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred77921)
- self.type_qualifier()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt116 >= 1:
- break #loop116
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(116, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt116 += 1
- # C.g:316:24: ( pointer )?
- alt117 = 2
- LA117_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA117_0 == 66) :
- alt117 = 1
- if alt117 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: pointer
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred77924)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred77
- # $ANTLR start synpred78
- def synpred78_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:317:4: ( '*' pointer )
- # C.g:317:4: '*' pointer
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_synpred78930)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred78932)
- self.pointer()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred78
- # $ANTLR start synpred81
- def synpred81_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:326:32: ( 'OPTIONAL' )
- # C.g:326:32: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_synpred81977)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred81
- # $ANTLR start synpred82
- def synpred82_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:326:27: ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )
- # C.g:326:27: ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration
- self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_synpred82974)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:326:31: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- alt119 = 2
- LA119_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA119_0 == 53) :
- LA119_1 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred81()) :
- alt119 = 1
- if alt119 == 1:
- # C.g:326:32: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_synpred82977)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_synpred82981)
- self.parameter_declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred82
- # $ANTLR start synpred83
- def synpred83_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:330:28: ( declarator )
- # C.g:330:28: declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred83997)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred83
- # $ANTLR start synpred84
- def synpred84_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:330:39: ( abstract_declarator )
- # C.g:330:39: abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred84999)
- self.abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred84
- # $ANTLR start synpred86
- def synpred86_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:330:4: ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )
- # C.g:330:4: declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred86994)
- self.declaration_specifiers()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:330:27: ( declarator | abstract_declarator )*
- while True: #loop120
- alt120 = 3
- LA120 = self.input.LA(1)
- if LA120 == 66:
- LA120_3 = self.input.LA(2)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt120 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == IDENTIFIER or LA120 == 58 or LA120 == 59 or LA120 == 60:
- alt120 = 1
- elif LA120 == 62:
- LA120 = self.input.LA(2)
- if LA120 == 29 or LA120 == 30 or LA120 == 31 or LA120 == 32 or LA120 == 33 or LA120 == 34 or LA120 == 35 or LA120 == 36 or LA120 == 37 or LA120 == 38 or LA120 == 39 or LA120 == 40 or LA120 == 41 or LA120 == 42 or LA120 == 45 or LA120 == 46 or LA120 == 48 or LA120 == 49 or LA120 == 50 or LA120 == 51 or LA120 == 52 or LA120 == 53 or LA120 == 54 or LA120 == 55 or LA120 == 56 or LA120 == 57 or LA120 == 61 or LA120 == 63 or LA120 == 64:
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == 58:
- LA120_21 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt120 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == 66:
- LA120_22 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt120 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == 59:
- LA120_23 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt120 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == 60:
- LA120_24 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt120 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == IDENTIFIER:
- LA120_25 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt120 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == 62:
- LA120_26 = self.input.LA(3)
- if (self.synpred83()) :
- alt120 = 1
- elif (self.synpred84()) :
- alt120 = 2
- elif LA120 == 64:
- alt120 = 2
- if alt120 == 1:
- # C.g:330:28: declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred86997)
- self.declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- elif alt120 == 2:
- # C.g:330:39: abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred86999)
- self.abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop120
- # C.g:330:61: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
- alt121 = 2
- LA121_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA121_0 == 53) :
- alt121 = 1
- if alt121 == 1:
- # C.g:330:62: 'OPTIONAL'
- self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_synpred861004)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred86
- # $ANTLR start synpred90
- def synpred90_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:341:4: ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? )
- # C.g:341:4: specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )?
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_synpred901046)
- self.specifier_qualifier_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # C.g:341:29: ( abstract_declarator )?
- alt122 = 2
- LA122_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA122_0 == 62 or LA122_0 == 64 or LA122_0 == 66) :
- alt122 = 1
- if alt122 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred901048)
- self.abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred90
- # $ANTLR start synpred91
- def synpred91_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:346:12: ( direct_abstract_declarator )
- # C.g:346:12: direct_abstract_declarator
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_synpred911067)
- self.direct_abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred91
- # $ANTLR start synpred93
- def synpred93_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:351:6: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' )
- # C.g:351:6: '(' abstract_declarator ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred931086)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred931088)
- self.abstract_declarator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred931090)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred93
- # $ANTLR start synpred94
- def synpred94_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:351:65: ( abstract_declarator_suffix )
- # C.g:351:65: abstract_declarator_suffix
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_synpred941098)
- self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred94
- # $ANTLR start synpred109
- def synpred109_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:386:4: ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression )
- # C.g:386:4: '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1091282)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_name_in_synpred1091284)
- self.type_name()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1091286)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_synpred1091288)
- self.cast_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred109
- # $ANTLR start synpred114
- def synpred114_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:395:4: ( 'sizeof' unary_expression )
- # C.g:395:4: 'sizeof' unary_expression
- self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_synpred1141330)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_synpred1141332)
- self.unary_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred114
- # $ANTLR start synpred117
- def synpred117_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:409:13: ( '(' argument_expression_list ')' )
- # C.g:409:13: '(' argument_expression_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1171420)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_synpred1171424)
- self.argument_expression_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1171428)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred117
- # $ANTLR start synpred118
- def synpred118_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:410:13: ( '(' macro_parameter_list ')' )
- # C.g:410:13: '(' macro_parameter_list ')'
- self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1181444)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_synpred1181446)
- self.macro_parameter_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1181448)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred118
- # $ANTLR start synpred120
- def synpred120_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:412:13: ( '*' IDENTIFIER )
- # C.g:412:13: '*' IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_synpred1201482)
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1201486)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred120
- # $ANTLR start synpred137
- def synpred137_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:443:20: ( STRING_LITERAL )
- # C.g:443:20: STRING_LITERAL
- self.match(self.input, STRING_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1371683)
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred137
- # $ANTLR start synpred138
- def synpred138_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:443:8: ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )
- # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+
- # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )*
- while True: #loop125
- alt125 = 2
- LA125_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA125_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
- alt125 = 1
- if alt125 == 1:
- # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
- self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1381680)
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- break #loop125
- # C.g:443:20: ( STRING_LITERAL )+
- cnt126 = 0
- while True: #loop126
- alt126 = 2
- LA126_0 = self.input.LA(1)
- if (LA126_0 == STRING_LITERAL) :
- alt126 = 1
- if alt126 == 1:
- self.match(self.input, STRING_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1381683)
- if self.failed:
- return
- else:
- if cnt126 >= 1:
- break #loop126
- if self.backtracking > 0:
- self.failed = True
- return
- eee = EarlyExitException(126, self.input)
- raise eee
- cnt126 += 1
- # $ANTLR end synpred138
- # $ANTLR start synpred142
- def synpred142_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:458:4: ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression )
- # C.g:458:4: lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_lvalue_in_synpred1421744)
- self.lvalue()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_operator_in_synpred1421746)
- self.assignment_operator()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_synpred1421748)
- self.assignment_expression()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred142
- # $ANTLR start synpred169
- def synpred169_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:520:4: ( expression_statement )
- # C.g:520:4: expression_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_synpred1692035)
- self.expression_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred169
- # $ANTLR start synpred173
- def synpred173_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:524:4: ( macro_statement )
- # C.g:524:4: macro_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_synpred1732055)
- self.macro_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred173
- # $ANTLR start synpred174
- def synpred174_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:525:4: ( asm2_statement )
- # C.g:525:4: asm2_statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_synpred1742060)
- self.asm2_statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred174
- # $ANTLR start synpred181
- def synpred181_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:544:19: ( declaration )
- # C.g:544:19: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1812166)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred181
- # $ANTLR start synpred182
- def synpred182_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:544:33: ( statement_list )
- # C.g:544:33: statement_list
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_list_in_synpred1822170)
- self.statement_list()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred182
- # $ANTLR start synpred186
- def synpred186_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:554:8: ( declaration )
- # C.g:554:8: declaration
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1862225)
- self.declaration()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred186
- # $ANTLR start synpred188
- def synpred188_fragment(self, ):
- # C.g:558:4: ( statement )
- # C.g:558:4: statement
- self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred1882242)
- self.statement()
- self.following.pop()
- if self.failed:
- return
- # $ANTLR end synpred188
- def synpred69(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred69_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred81(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred81_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred82(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred82_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred66(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred66_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred83(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred83_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred84(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred84_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred67(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred67_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred86(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred86_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred120(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred120_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred40(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred40_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred142(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred142_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred182(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred182_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred109(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred109_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred181(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred181_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred186(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred186_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred188(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred188_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred169(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred169_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred117(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred117_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred70(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred70_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred118(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred118_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred34(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred34_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred33(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred33_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred94(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred94_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred39(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred39_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred74(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred74_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred114(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred114_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred93(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred93_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred75(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred75_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred137(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred137_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred90(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred90_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred138(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred138_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred91(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred91_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred73(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred73_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred5(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred5_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred78(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred78_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred7(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred7_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred76(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred76_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred77(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred77_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred2(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred2_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred4(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred4_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred174(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred174_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred173(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred173_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred14(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred14_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred15(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred15_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- def synpred10(self):
- self.backtracking += 1
- start = self.input.mark()
- self.synpred10_fragment()
- success = not self.failed
- self.input.rewind(start)
- self.backtracking -= 1
- self.failed = False
- return success
- FOLLOW_external_declaration_in_translation_unit74 = frozenset([1, 4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_function_definition_in_external_declaration113 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_external_declaration118 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_external_declaration123 = frozenset([1, 25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_external_declaration126 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_function_definition157 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_function_definition160 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_function_definition166 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition171 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition180 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_26_in_declaration203 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration207 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration216 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_declaration220 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration234 = frozenset([4, 25, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration238 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_declaration243 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_storage_class_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers264 = frozenset([1, 4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers272 = frozenset([1, 4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_declaration_specifiers286 = frozenset([1, 4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list308 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_init_declarator_list311 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list313 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_init_declarator326 = frozenset([1, 28])
- FOLLOW_28_in_init_declarator329 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 43, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_initializer_in_init_declarator331 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_set_in_storage_class_specifier0 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_34_in_type_specifier376 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_35_in_type_specifier381 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_36_in_type_specifier386 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_37_in_type_specifier391 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_38_in_type_specifier396 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_39_in_type_specifier401 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_40_in_type_specifier406 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_41_in_type_specifier411 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_42_in_type_specifier416 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_struct_or_union_specifier_in_type_specifier423 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_enum_specifier_in_type_specifier433 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_specifier451 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_type_id467 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier494 = frozenset([4, 43])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier496 = frozenset([43])
- FOLLOW_43_in_struct_or_union_specifier499 = frozenset([4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_struct_declaration_list_in_struct_or_union_specifier501 = frozenset([44])
- FOLLOW_44_in_struct_or_union_specifier503 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier508 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier510 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_set_in_struct_or_union0 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_struct_declaration_in_struct_declaration_list537 = frozenset([1, 4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_struct_declaration549 = frozenset([4, 47, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_struct_declarator_list_in_struct_declaration551 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_struct_declaration553 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list566 = frozenset([1, 4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list570 = frozenset([1, 4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list584 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_struct_declarator_list587 = frozenset([4, 47, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list589 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_struct_declarator602 = frozenset([1, 47])
- FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator605 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator607 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator614 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator616 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier634 = frozenset([43])
- FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier636 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier638 = frozenset([27, 44])
- FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier640 = frozenset([44])
- FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier643 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier648 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier650 = frozenset([43])
- FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier652 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier654 = frozenset([27, 44])
- FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier656 = frozenset([44])
- FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier659 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier664 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier666 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list677 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_enumerator_list680 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list682 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enumerator695 = frozenset([1, 28])
- FOLLOW_28_in_enumerator698 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_enumerator700 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_set_in_type_qualifier0 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator784 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62])
- FOLLOW_58_in_declarator788 = frozenset([4, 59, 60, 62])
- FOLLOW_59_in_declarator793 = frozenset([4, 60, 62])
- FOLLOW_60_in_declarator798 = frozenset([4, 62])
- FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_declarator802 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator808 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_direct_declarator819 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
- FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator821 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
- FOLLOW_62_in_direct_declarator827 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_58_in_direct_declarator830 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_direct_declarator834 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_direct_declarator836 = frozenset([62, 64])
- FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator838 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
- FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix852 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_declarator_suffix854 = frozenset([65])
- FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix856 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix866 = frozenset([65])
- FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix868 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix878 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_declarator_suffix880 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix882 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix892 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_declarator_suffix894 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix896 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix906 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix908 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_66_in_pointer919 = frozenset([49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_pointer921 = frozenset([1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer924 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_66_in_pointer930 = frozenset([66])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer932 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_66_in_pointer937 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_parameter_list_in_parameter_type_list948 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_type_list951 = frozenset([53, 67])
- FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_type_list954 = frozenset([67])
- FOLLOW_67_in_parameter_type_list958 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list971 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_list974 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_list977 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list981 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_parameter_declaration994 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_parameter_declaration997 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_parameter_declaration999 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_declaration1004 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_parameter_declaration1013 = frozenset([4, 66])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_parameter_declaration1016 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1027 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_identifier_list1031 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1033 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_type_name1046 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_type_name1048 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_name1054 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_abstract_declarator1065 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
- FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1067 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1073 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_direct_abstract_declarator1086 = frozenset([62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_direct_abstract_declarator1088 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_direct_abstract_declarator1090 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1094 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1098 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
- FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1110 = frozenset([65])
- FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1112 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1117 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1119 = frozenset([65])
- FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1121 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1126 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1128 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1133 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1135 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1137 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_initializer1150 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_27_in_initializer1159 = frozenset([44])
- FOLLOW_44_in_initializer1162 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1173 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_initializer_list1176 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 43, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1178 = frozenset([1, 27])
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- FOLLOW_53_in_argument_expression_list1209 = frozenset([1, 27])
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- FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1231 = frozenset([1, 68, 69])
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- FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1237 = frozenset([1, 68, 69])
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- FOLLOW_66_in_multiplicative_expression1255 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
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- FOLLOW_71_in_multiplicative_expression1267 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
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- FOLLOW_63_in_cast_expression1286 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_cast_expression1288 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_cast_expression1293 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_postfix_expression_in_unary_expression1304 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1311 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1318 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_unary_operator_in_unary_expression1323 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_unary_expression1325 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1332 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_62_in_unary_expression1339 = frozenset([4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_type_name_in_unary_expression1341 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_unary_expression1343 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_64_in_postfix_expression1383 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
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- FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1401 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1405 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1420 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_postfix_expression1424 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1428 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1444 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_postfix_expression1446 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1448 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_75_in_postfix_expression1462 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1466 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_66_in_postfix_expression1482 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1486 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_76_in_postfix_expression1502 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1506 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_72_in_postfix_expression1522 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_73_in_postfix_expression1536 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
- FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1559 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_27_in_macro_parameter_list1562 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1564 = frozenset([1, 27])
- FOLLOW_set_in_unary_operator0 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_primary_expression1613 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_expression_in_primary_expression1625 = frozenset([63])
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- FOLLOW_CHARACTER_LITERAL_in_constant1671 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_constant1683 = frozenset([1, 4, 9])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_constant1688 = frozenset([1, 4])
- FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constant1699 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_lvalue1765 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_equality_expression_in_and_expression1940 = frozenset([1, 77])
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- FOLLOW_relational_expression_in_equality_expression1961 = frozenset([1, 95, 96])
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- FOLLOW_set_in_relational_expression1978 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_shift_expression_in_relational_expression1988 = frozenset([1, 97, 98, 99, 100])
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- FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_statement2030 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_statement2035 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_selection_statement_in_statement2040 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_iteration_statement_in_statement2045 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_jump_statement_in_statement2050 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_statement2055 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_statement2060 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_asm1_statement_in_statement2065 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_asm_statement_in_statement2070 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_statement2075 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_asm2_statement2089 = frozenset([62])
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- FOLLOW_set_in_asm2_statement2094 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_63_in_asm2_statement2101 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_asm2_statement2103 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_set_in_asm1_statement2120 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_44_in_asm1_statement2127 = frozenset([1])
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- FOLLOW_43_in_asm_statement2140 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_set_in_asm_statement2143 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_44_in_asm_statement2150 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_macro_statement2162 = frozenset([62])
- FOLLOW_62_in_macro_statement2164 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_macro_statement2166 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_list_in_macro_statement2170 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_macro_statement2173 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_macro_statement2176 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_labeled_statement2188 = frozenset([47])
- FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2190 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2192 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_106_in_labeled_statement2197 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_labeled_statement2199 = frozenset([47])
- FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2201 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2203 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_107_in_labeled_statement2208 = frozenset([47])
- FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2210 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2212 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_43_in_compound_statement2223 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_compound_statement2225 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_list_in_compound_statement2228 = frozenset([44])
- FOLLOW_44_in_compound_statement2231 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_statement_list2242 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2254 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_expression_statement2259 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2261 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_108_in_selection_statement2272 = frozenset([62])
- FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2274 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2278 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2280 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2284 = frozenset([1, 109])
- FOLLOW_109_in_selection_statement2299 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2301 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_110_in_selection_statement2308 = frozenset([62])
- FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2310 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2312 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2314 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2316 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2327 = frozenset([62])
- FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2329 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2333 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2335 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2337 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_112_in_iteration_statement2344 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2346 = frozenset([111])
- FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2348 = frozenset([62])
- FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2350 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2354 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2356 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_iteration_statement2358 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_113_in_iteration_statement2365 = frozenset([62])
- FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2367 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2369 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2373 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2375 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2378 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2380 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_114_in_jump_statement2393 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_jump_statement2395 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2397 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_115_in_jump_statement2402 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2404 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_116_in_jump_statement2409 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2411 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2416 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2418 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2423 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_expression_in_jump_statement2425 = frozenset([25])
- FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2427 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred2100 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred4100 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred4103 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred4105 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_43_in_synpred4108 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred5118 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred7157 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred10207 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred14272 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred15286 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred33444 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred34442 = frozenset([4, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred34444 = frozenset([4, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred34447 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred39566 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred40570 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred66784 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62])
- FOLLOW_58_in_synpred66788 = frozenset([4, 59, 60, 62])
- FOLLOW_59_in_synpred66793 = frozenset([4, 60, 62])
- FOLLOW_60_in_synpred66798 = frozenset([4, 62])
- FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_synpred66802 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred67821 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_58_in_synpred69830 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred70838 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_synpred73878 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_synpred73880 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_synpred73882 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_synpred74892 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_synpred74894 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_synpred74896 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred75921 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred76924 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_66_in_synpred77919 = frozenset([49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred77921 = frozenset([1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred77924 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_66_in_synpred78930 = frozenset([66])
- FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred78932 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_53_in_synpred81977 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_27_in_synpred82974 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_53_in_synpred82977 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_synpred82981 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred83997 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred84999 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred86994 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred86997 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred86999 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_53_in_synpred861004 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_synpred901046 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred901048 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_synpred911067 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_synpred931086 = frozenset([62, 64, 66])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred931088 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_synpred931090 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_synpred941098 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1091282 = frozenset([4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
- FOLLOW_type_name_in_synpred1091284 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1091286 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_synpred1091288 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_74_in_synpred1141330 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_synpred1141332 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1171420 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_synpred1171424 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1171428 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1181444 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
- FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_synpred1181446 = frozenset([63])
- FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1181448 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_66_in_synpred1201482 = frozenset([4])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1201486 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1371683 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1381680 = frozenset([4, 9])
- FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1381683 = frozenset([1, 9])
- FOLLOW_lvalue_in_synpred1421744 = frozenset([28, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89])
- FOLLOW_assignment_operator_in_synpred1421746 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
- FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_synpred1421748 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_synpred1692035 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_synpred1732055 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_synpred1742060 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1812166 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_statement_list_in_synpred1822170 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1862225 = frozenset([1])
- FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred1882242 = frozenset([1])
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9ce34f8b..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,999 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# This file is used to define checkpoints used by ECC tool
-# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-import os
-import re
-from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
-from EccToolError import *
-import EccGlobalData
-import c
-## Check
-# This class is to define checkpoints used by ECC tool
-# @param object: Inherited from object class
-class Check(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- # Check all required checkpoints
- def Check(self):
- self.GeneralCheck()
- self.MetaDataFileCheck()
- self.DoxygenCheck()
- self.IncludeFileCheck()
- self.PredicateExpressionCheck()
- self.DeclAndDataTypeCheck()
- self.FunctionLayoutCheck()
- self.NamingConventionCheck()
- # General Checking
- def GeneralCheck(self):
- self.GeneralCheckNonAcsii()
- # Check whether file has non ACSII char
- def GeneralCheckNonAcsii(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckNonAcsii == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Non-ACSII char in file ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath, ExtName from File"""
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if Record[2].upper() not in EccGlobalData.gConfig.BinaryExtList:
- op = open(Record[1]).readlines()
- IndexOfLine = 0
- for Line in op:
- IndexOfLine += 1
- IndexOfChar = 0
- for Char in Line:
- IndexOfChar += 1
- if ord(Char) > 126:
- OtherMsg = "File %s has Non-ASCII char at line %s column %s" %(Record[1], IndexOfLine, IndexOfChar)
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NON_ACSII, OtherMsg = OtherMsg, BelongsToTable = 'File', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # C Function Layout Checking
- def FunctionLayoutCheck(self):
- self.FunctionLayoutCheckReturnType()
- self.FunctionLayoutCheckModifier()
- self.FunctionLayoutCheckName()
- self.FunctionLayoutCheckPrototype()
- self.FunctionLayoutCheckBody()
- self.FunctionLayoutCheckLocalVariable()
- def WalkTree(self):
- IgnoredPattern = c.GetIgnoredDirListPattern()
- for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in os.walk(EccGlobalData.gTarget):
- for Dir in Dirnames:
- Dirname = os.path.join(Dirpath, Dir)
- if os.path.islink(Dirname):
- Dirname = os.path.realpath(Dirname)
- if os.path.isdir(Dirname):
- # symlinks to directories are treated as directories
- Dirnames.remove(Dir)
- Dirnames.append(Dirname)
- if IgnoredPattern.match(Dirpath.upper()):
- continue
- yield (Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames)
- # Check whether return type exists and in the first line
- def FunctionLayoutCheckReturnType(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout return type ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c', '.h'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# c.CheckFuncLayoutReturnType(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- c.CheckFuncLayoutReturnType(FullName)
- # Check whether any optional functional modifiers exist and next to the return type
- def FunctionLayoutCheckModifier(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout modifier ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c', '.h'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# c.CheckFuncLayoutModifier(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- c.CheckFuncLayoutModifier(FullName)
- # Check whether the next line contains the function name, left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list
- # Check whether the closing parenthesis is on its own line and also indented two spaces
- def FunctionLayoutCheckName(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout function name ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c', '.h'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# c.CheckFuncLayoutName(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- c.CheckFuncLayoutName(FullName)
- # Check whether the function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions
- def FunctionLayoutCheckPrototype(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout function prototype ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# EdkLogger.quiet("[PROTOTYPE]" + FullName)
-# c.CheckFuncLayoutPrototype(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
- EdkLogger.quiet("[PROTOTYPE]" + FullName)
- c.CheckFuncLayoutPrototype(FullName)
- # Check whether the body of a function is contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column
- def FunctionLayoutCheckBody(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout function body ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# c.CheckFuncLayoutBody(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
- c.CheckFuncLayoutBody(FullName)
- # Check whether the data declarations is the first code in a module.
- # self.CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration = 1
- # Check whether no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration
- def FunctionLayoutCheckLocalVariable(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout local variables ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# c.CheckFuncLayoutLocalVariable(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
- c.CheckFuncLayoutLocalVariable(FullName)
- # Check whether no use of STATIC for functions
- # self.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic = 1
- # Declarations and Data Types Checking
- def DeclAndDataTypeCheck(self):
- self.DeclCheckNoUseCType()
- self.DeclCheckInOutModifier()
- self.DeclCheckEFIAPIModifier()
- self.DeclCheckEnumeratedType()
- self.DeclCheckStructureDeclaration()
- self.DeclCheckSameStructure()
- self.DeclCheckUnionType()
- # Check whether no use of int, unsigned, char, void, static, long in any .c, .h or .asl files.
- def DeclCheckNoUseCType(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration No use C type ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# c.CheckDeclNoUseCType(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- c.CheckDeclNoUseCType(FullName)
- # Check whether the modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED are used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration
- def DeclCheckInOutModifier(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration argument modifier ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# c.CheckDeclArgModifier(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- c.CheckDeclArgModifier(FullName)
- # Check whether the EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols
- def DeclCheckEFIAPIModifier(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- pass
- # Check whether Enumerated Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
- def DeclCheckEnumeratedType(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration enum typedef ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# EdkLogger.quiet("[ENUM]" + FullName)
-# c.CheckDeclEnumTypedef(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- EdkLogger.quiet("[ENUM]" + FullName)
- c.CheckDeclEnumTypedef(FullName)
- # Check whether Structure Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
- def DeclCheckStructureDeclaration(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration struct typedef ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# EdkLogger.quiet("[STRUCT]" + FullName)
-# c.CheckDeclStructTypedef(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- EdkLogger.quiet("[STRUCT]" + FullName)
- c.CheckDeclStructTypedef(FullName)
- # Check whether having same Structure
- def DeclCheckSameStructure(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking same struct ...")
- AllStructure = {}
- for IdentifierTable in EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Name, BelongsToFile from %s where Model = %s""" %(IdentifierTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_STRUCTURE)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if Record[1] != '':
- if Record[1] not in AllStructure.keys():
- AllStructure[Record[1]] = Record[2]
- else:
- ID = AllStructure[Record[1]]
- SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where ID = %s """ % ID
- NewRecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- OtherMsg = "The structure name '%s' is duplicate" % Record[1]
- if NewRecordSet != []:
- OtherMsg = "The structure name [%s] is duplicate with the one defined in %s, maybe struct NOT typedefed or the typedef new type NOT used to qualify variables" % (Record[1], NewRecordSet[0][0])
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_SAME_STRUCTURE, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_SAME_STRUCTURE, OtherMsg = OtherMsg, BelongsToTable = IdentifierTable, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether Union Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
- def DeclCheckUnionType(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration union typedef ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# EdkLogger.quiet("[UNION]" + FullName)
-# c.CheckDeclUnionTypedef(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- EdkLogger.quiet("[UNION]" + FullName)
- c.CheckDeclUnionTypedef(FullName)
- # Predicate Expression Checking
- def PredicateExpressionCheck(self):
- self.PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue()
- self.PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator()
- self.PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType()
- # Check whether Boolean values, variable type BOOLEAN not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE
- def PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking predicate expression Boolean value ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# EdkLogger.quiet("[BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
-# c.CheckBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
- EdkLogger.quiet("[BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
- c.CheckBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
- # Check whether Non-Boolean comparisons use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=).
- def PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking predicate expression Non-Boolean variable...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# EdkLogger.quiet("[NON-BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
-# c.CheckNonBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
- EdkLogger.quiet("[NON-BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
- c.CheckNonBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
- # Check whether a comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type
- def PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking predicate expression NULL pointer ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# EdkLogger.quiet("[POINTER]" + FullName)
-# c.CheckPointerNullComparison(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
- EdkLogger.quiet("[POINTER]" + FullName)
- c.CheckPointerNullComparison(FullName)
- # Include file checking
- def IncludeFileCheck(self):
- self.IncludeFileCheckIfndef()
- self.IncludeFileCheckData()
- self.IncludeFileCheckSameName()
- # Check whether having include files with same name
- def IncludeFileCheckSameName(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckSameName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking same header file name ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath from File
- where Model = 1002 order by Name """
- RecordDict = {}
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- List = Record[1].replace('/', '\\').split('\\')
- if len(List) >= 2:
- Key = List[-2] + '\\' + List[-1]
- else:
- Key = List[0]
- if Key not in RecordDict:
- RecordDict[Key] = [Record]
- else:
- RecordDict[Key].append(Record)
- for Key in RecordDict:
- if len(RecordDict[Key]) > 1:
- for Item in RecordDict[Key]:
- Path = Item[1].replace(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, '')
- if Path.startswith('\\') or Path.startswith('/'):
- Path = Path[1:]
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_NAME, Path):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_NAME, OtherMsg = "The file name for [%s] is duplicate" % Path, BelongsToTable = 'File', BelongsToItem = Item[0])
- # Check whether all include file contents is guarded by a #ifndef statement.
- def IncludeFileCheckIfndef(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking header file ifndef ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileIfndef(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileIfndef(FullName)
- # Check whether include files NOT contain code or define data variables
- def IncludeFileCheckData(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckData == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking header file data ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileData(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileData(FullName)
- # Doxygen document checking
- def DoxygenCheck(self):
- self.DoxygenCheckFileHeader()
- self.DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader()
- self.DoxygenCheckCommentDescription()
- self.DoxygenCheckCommentFormat()
- self.DoxygenCheckCommand()
- # Check whether the file headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
- def DoxygenCheckFileHeader(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckFileHeader == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen file header ...")
- for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
- for F in Filenames:
- Ext = os.path.splitext(F)[1]
- if Ext in ('.h', '.c'):
- FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
- MsgList = c.CheckFileHeaderDoxygenComments(FullName)
- elif Ext in ('.inf', '.dec', '.dsc', '.fdf'):
- FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
- op = open(FullName).readlines()
- if not op[0].startswith('## @file') and op[6].startswith('## @file') and op[7].startswith('## @file'):
- SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FullName
- ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- Msg = 'INF/DEC/DSC/FDF file header comment should begin with ""## @file""'
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
- # Check whether the function headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
- def DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen function header ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# MsgList = c.CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- MsgList = c.CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments(FullName)
- # Check whether the first line of text in a comment block is a brief description of the element being documented.
- # The brief description must end with a period.
- def DoxygenCheckCommentDescription(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckCommentDescription == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- pass
- # Check whether comment lines with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section.
- def DoxygenCheckCommentFormat(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckCommentFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen comment ///< ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenTripleForwardSlash(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenTripleForwardSlash(FullName)
- # Check whether only Doxygen commands allowed to mark the code are @bug and @todo.
- def DoxygenCheckCommand(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckCommand == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen command ...")
-# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
-# for F in Filenames:
-# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
-# MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenCommand(FullName)
- for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
- MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenCommand(FullName)
- # Meta-Data File Processing Checking
- def MetaDataFileCheck(self):
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPathName()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdType()
- self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication()
- # Check whether each file defined in meta-data exists
- def MetaDataFileCheckPathName(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPathName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- # This item is covered when parsing Inf/Dec/Dsc files
- pass
- # Generate a list for all files defined in meta-data files
- def MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- # This item is covered when parsing Inf/Dec/Dsc files
- pass
- # Check whether all Library Instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) match the module's type.
- # Each Library Instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its Inf file,
- # and any module specifying the library instance must be one of the supported types.
- def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for library instance type issue ...")
- SqlCommand = """select A.ID, A.Value2, B.Value2 from Inf as A left join Inf as B
- where A.Value1 = 'LIBRARY_CLASS' and A.Model = %s
- and B.Value1 = 'MODULE_TYPE' and B.Model = %s and A.BelongsToFile = B.BelongsToFile
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- LibraryClasses = {}
- for Record in RecordSet:
- List = Record[1].split('|', 1)
- SupModType = []
- if len(List) == 1:
- elif len(List) == 2:
- SupModType = List[1].split()
- if List[0] not in LibraryClasses:
- LibraryClasses[List[0]] = SupModType
- else:
- for Item in SupModType:
- if Item not in LibraryClasses[List[0]]:
- LibraryClasses[List[0]].append(Item)
- if Record[2] != 'BASE' and Record[2] not in SupModType:
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_2, OtherMsg = "The Library Class '%s' does not specify its supported module types" % (List[0]), BelongsToTable = 'Inf', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- SqlCommand = """select A.ID, A.Value1, B.Value2 from Inf as A left join Inf as B
- where A.Model = %s and B.Value1 = '%s' and B.Model = %s
- and B.BelongsToFile = A.BelongsToFile""" \
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- # Merge all LibraryClasses' supmodlist
- RecordDict = {}
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if Record[1] not in RecordDict:
- RecordDict[Record[1]] = [str(Record[2])]
- else:
- if Record[2] not in RecordDict[Record[1]]:
- RecordDict[Record[1]].append(Record[2])
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if Record[1] in LibraryClasses:
- if Record[2] not in LibraryClasses[Record[1]] and 'BASE' not in RecordDict[Record[1]]:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, OtherMsg = "The type of Library Class [%s] defined in Inf file does not match the type of the module" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Inf', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- else:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, OtherMsg = "The type of Library Class [%s] defined in Inf file does not match the type of the module" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Inf', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether a Library Instance has been defined for all dependent library classes
- def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for library instance dependent issue ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Value1, Value2 from Dsc where Model = %s""" % MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS
- LibraryClasses = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for LibraryClass in LibraryClasses:
- if LibraryClass[1].upper() != 'NULL':
- LibraryIns = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, LibraryClass[2]))
- SqlCommand = """select Value2 from Inf where BelongsToFile =
- (select ID from File where lower(FullPath) = lower('%s'))
- and Value1 = '%s'""" % (LibraryIns, 'LIBRARY_CLASS')
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- IsFound = False
- for Record in RecordSet:
- LibName = Record[0].split('|', 1)[0]
- if LibraryClass[1] == LibName:
- IsFound = True
- if not IsFound:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_DEPENDENT, LibraryClass[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_DEPENDENT, OtherMsg = "The Library Class [%s] is not specified in '%s'" % (LibraryClass[1], LibraryClass[2]), BelongsToTable = 'Dsc', BelongsToItem = LibraryClass[0])
- # Check whether the Library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections are listed in order of dependencies
- def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- # This checkpoint is not necessary for Ecc check
- pass
- # Check whether the unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the Inf file
- def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for library instance not used ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Value1 from Inf as A where A.Model = %s and A.Value1 not in (select B.Value1 from Dsc as B where Model = %s)""" % (MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NO_USE, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NO_USE, OtherMsg = "The Library Class [%s] is not used in any platform" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Inf', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether an Inf file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the Dsc file, then the Inf file must be for a Binary module only
- def MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for non-binary modules defined in FDF files ...")
- SqlCommand = """select A.ID, A.Value1 from Fdf as A
- where A.Model = %s
- and A.Enabled > -1
- and A.Value1 not in
- (select B.Value1 from Dsc as B
- where B.Model = %s
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFdf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- FdfID = Record[0]
- FilePath = Record[1]
- FilePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, FilePath))
- SqlCommand = """select ID from Inf where Model = %s and BelongsToFile = (select ID from File where FullPath like '%s')
- """ % (MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, FilePath)
- NewRecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- if NewRecordSet!= []:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_BINARY_INF_IN_FDF, FilePath):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_BINARY_INF_IN_FDF, OtherMsg = "File [%s] defined in FDF file and not in DSC file must be a binary module" % (FilePath), BelongsToTable = 'Fdf', BelongsToItem = FdfID)
- # Check whether a PCD is set in a Dsc file or the FDF file, but not in both.
- def MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for duplicate PCDs defined in both DSC and FDF files ...")
- SqlCommand = """
- select A.ID, A.Value2, A.BelongsToFile, B.ID, B.Value2, B.BelongsToFile from Dsc as A, Fdf as B
- where A.Model >= %s and A.Model < %s
- and B.Model >= %s and B.Model < %s
- and A.Value2 = B.Value2
- and A.Enabled > -1
- and B.Enabled > -1
- group by A.ID
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- SqlCommand1 = """select Name from File where ID = %s""" %Record[2]
- SqlCommand2 = """select Name from File where ID = %s""" %Record[5]
- DscFileName = os.path.splitext(EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand1)[0][0])[0]
- FdfFileName = os.path.splitext(EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand2)[0][0])[0]
- if DscFileName != FdfFileName:
- continue
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, OtherMsg = "The PCD [%s] is defined in both FDF file and DSC file" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Dsc', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, Record[3]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, OtherMsg = "The PCD [%s] is defined in both FDF file and DSC file" % (Record[4]), BelongsToTable = 'Fdf', BelongsToItem = Record[3])
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for duplicate PCDs defined in DEC files ...")
- SqlCommand = """
- select A.ID, A.Value2 from Dec as A, Dec as B
- where A.Model >= %s and A.Model < %s
- and B.Model >= %s and B.Model < %s
- and A.Value2 = B.Value2
- and ((A.Arch = B.Arch) and (A.Arch != 'COMMON' or B.Arch != 'COMMON'))
- and A.ID != B.ID
- and A.Enabled > -1
- and B.Enabled > -1
- and A.BelongsToFile = B.BelongsToFile
- group by A.ID
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, OtherMsg = "The PCD [%s] is defined duplicated in DEC file" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Dec', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether PCD settings in the FDF file can only be related to flash.
- def MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking only Flash related PCDs are used in FDF ...")
- SqlCommand = """
- select ID, Value2, BelongsToFile from Fdf as A
- where A.Model >= %s and Model < %s
- and A.Enabled > -1
- and A.Value2 not like '%%Flash%%'
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFdf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_FLASH, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_FLASH, OtherMsg = "The PCD [%s] defined in FDF file is not related to Flash" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Fdf', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether PCDs used in Inf files but not specified in Dsc or FDF files
- def MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for non-specified PCDs ...")
- SqlCommand = """
- select ID, Value2, BelongsToFile from Inf as A
- where A.Model >= %s and Model < %s
- and A.Enabled > -1
- and A.Value2 not in
- (select Value2 from Dsc as B
- where B.Model >= %s and B.Model < %s
- and B.Enabled > -1)
- and A.Value2 not in
- (select Value2 from Fdf as C
- where C.Model >= %s and C.Model < %s
- and C.Enabled > -1)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_NO_USE, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_NO_USE, OtherMsg = "The PCD [%s] defined in INF file is not specified in either DSC or FDF files" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Inf', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether having duplicate guids defined for Guid/Protocol/Ppi
- def MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for duplicate GUID/PPI/PROTOCOL ...")
- # Check Guid
- # Check protocol
- # Check ppi
- self.CheckGuidProtocolPpi(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_DUPLICATE_PPI, MODEL_EFI_PPI, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDec)
- self.CheckGuidProtocolPpi(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_DUPLICATE_PPI, MODEL_EFI_PPI, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc)
- # Check whether all files under module directory are described in INF files
- def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for no used module files ...")
- SqlCommand = """
- select upper(Path) from File where ID in (select BelongsToFile from INF where BelongsToFile != -1)
- """
- InfPathSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- InfPathList = []
- for Item in InfPathSet:
- if Item[0] not in InfPathList:
- InfPathList.append(Item[0])
- SqlCommand = """
- select ID, Path, FullPath from File where upper(FullPath) not in
- (select upper(A.Path) || '\\' || upper(B.Value1) from File as A, INF as B
- where A.ID in (select BelongsToFile from INF where Model = %s group by BelongsToFile) and
- B.BelongsToFile = A.ID and B.Model = %s)
- and (Model = %s or Model = %s)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- Path = Record[1]
- Path = Path.upper().replace('\X64', '').replace('\IA32', '').replace('\EBC', '').replace('\IPF', '').replace('\ARM', '')
- if Path in InfPathList:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_NO_USE, Record[2]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_NO_USE, OtherMsg = "The source file [%s] is existing in module directory but it is not described in INF file." % (Record[2]), BelongsToTable = 'File', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether the PCD is correctly used in C function via its type
- def MetaDataFileCheckPcdType(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for pcd type in c code function usage ...")
- SqlCommand = """
- select ID, Model, Value1, BelongsToFile from INF where Model > %s and Model < %s
- PcdSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Pcd in PcdSet:
- Model = Pcd[1]
- PcdName = Pcd[2]
- if len(Pcd[2].split(".")) > 1:
- PcdName = Pcd[2].split(".")[1]
- BelongsToFile = Pcd[3]
- SqlCommand = """
- select ID from File where FullPath in
- (select B.Path || '\\' || A.Value1 from INF as A, File as B where A.Model = %s and A.BelongsToFile = %s
- and B.ID = %s and (B.Model = %s or B.Model = %s))
- """ %(MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, BelongsToFile, BelongsToFile, MODEL_FILE_C, MODEL_FILE_H)
- TableSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Tbl in TableSet:
- TblName = 'Identifier' + str(Tbl[0])
- SqlCommand = """
- select Name, ID from %s where value like '%s' and Model = %s
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
- TblNumber = TblName.replace('Identifier', '')
- for Record in RecordSet:
- FunName = Record[0]
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, FunName):
- if Model in [MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD] and not FunName.startswith('FixedPcdGet'):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, OtherMsg = "The pcd '%s' is defined as a FixPcd but now it is called by c function [%s]" % (PcdName, FunName), BelongsToTable = TblName, BelongsToItem = Record[1])
- if Model in [MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG] and (not FunName.startswith('FeaturePcdGet') and not FunName.startswith('FeaturePcdSet')):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, OtherMsg = "The pcd '%s' is defined as a FeaturePcd but now it is called by c function [%s]" % (PcdName, FunName), BelongsToTable = TblName, BelongsToItem = Record[1])
- if Model in [MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE] and (not FunName.startswith('PatchablePcdGet') and not FunName.startswith('PatchablePcdSet')):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, OtherMsg = "The pcd '%s' is defined as a PatchablePcd but now it is called by c function [%s]" % (PcdName, FunName), BelongsToTable = TblName, BelongsToItem = Record[1])
- pass
- # Internal worker function to get the INF workspace relative path from FileID
- def GetInfFilePathFromID(self, FileID):
- Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile
- SqlCommand = """select A.FullPath from %s as A where A.ID = %s""" % (Table.Table, FileID)
- RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
- Path = ""
- for Record in RecordSet:
- Path = Record[0].replace(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, '')
- if Path.startswith('\\') or Path.startswith('/'):
- Path = Path[1:]
- return Path
- # Check whether two module INFs under one workspace has the same FILE_GUID value
- def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for pcd type in c code function usage ...")
- Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf
- SqlCommand = """
- select A.ID, A.Value2, A.BelongsToFile, B.BelongsToFile from %s as A, %s as B
- where A.Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and B.Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and
- A.Value2 = B.Value2 and A.ID <> B.ID group by A.ID
- """ % (Table.Table, Table.Table)
- RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- InfPath1 = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[2])
- InfPath2 = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[3])
- if InfPath1 and InfPath2:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_GUID_DUPLICATION, InfPath1):
- Msg = "The FILE_GUID of INF file [%s] is duplicated with that of %s" % (InfPath1, InfPath2)
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_GUID_DUPLICATION, OtherMsg = Msg, BelongsToTable = Table.Table, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether these is duplicate Guid/Ppi/Protocol name
- def CheckGuidProtocolPpi(self, ErrorID, Model, Table):
- Name = ''
- if Model == MODEL_EFI_GUID:
- Name = 'guid'
- Name = 'protocol'
- if Model == MODEL_EFI_PPI:
- Name = 'ppi'
- SqlCommand = """
- select A.ID, A.Value1 from %s as A, %s as B
- where A.Model = %s and B.Model = %s
- and A.Value1 = B.Value1 and A.ID <> B.ID
- and A.Enabled > -1
- and B.Enabled > -1
- group by A.ID
- """ % (Table.Table, Table.Table, Model, Model)
- RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ErrorID, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ErrorID, OtherMsg = "The %s name [%s] is defined more than one time" % (Name.upper(), Record[1]), BelongsToTable = Table.Table, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether these is duplicate Guid/Ppi/Protocol value
- def CheckGuidProtocolPpiValue(self, ErrorID, Model):
- Name = ''
- Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDec
- if Model == MODEL_EFI_GUID:
- Name = 'guid'
- Name = 'protocol'
- if Model == MODEL_EFI_PPI:
- Name = 'ppi'
- SqlCommand = """
- select A.ID, A.Value2 from %s as A, %s as B
- where A.Model = %s and B.Model = %s
- and A.Value2 = B.Value2 and A.ID <> B.ID
- group by A.ID
- """ % (Table.Table, Table.Table, Model, Model)
- RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ErrorID, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ErrorID, OtherMsg = "The %s value [%s] is used more than one time" % (Name.upper(), Record[1]), BelongsToTable = Table.Table, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Naming Convention Check
- def NamingConventionCheck(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement == '1' \
- or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement == '1' \
- or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement == '1' \
- or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckVariableName == '1' \
- or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable == '1' \
- or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1'\
- or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
- for F in Filenames:
- if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
- FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
- Id = c.GetTableID(FullName)
- if Id < 0:
- continue
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(Id)
- self.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement(FileTable)
- self.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement(FileTable)
- self.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement(FileTable)
- self.NamingConventionCheckVariableName(FileTable)
- self.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable(FileTable)
- self.NamingConventionCheckPathName()
- self.NamingConventionCheckFunctionName()
- # Check whether only capital letters are used for #define declarations
- def NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement(self, FileTable):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming covention of #define statement ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Value from %s where Model = %s""" %(FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_DEFINE)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- Name = Record[1].strip().split()[1]
- if Name.find('(') != -1:
- Name = Name[0:Name.find('(')]
- if Name.upper() != Name:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_DEFINE_STATEMENT, Name):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_DEFINE_STATEMENT, OtherMsg = "The #define name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Name), BelongsToTable = FileTable, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether only capital letters are used for typedef declarations
- def NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement(self, FileTable):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming covention of #typedef statement ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from %s where Model = %s""" %(FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- Name = Record[1].strip()
- if Name != '' and Name != None:
- if Name[0] == '(':
- Name = Name[1:Name.find(')')]
- if Name.find('(') > -1:
- Name = Name[Name.find('(') + 1 : Name.find(')')]
- Name = Name.replace('WINAPI', '')
- Name = Name.replace('*', '').strip()
- if Name.upper() != Name:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_TYPEDEF_STATEMENT, Name):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_TYPEDEF_STATEMENT, OtherMsg = "The #typedef name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Name), BelongsToTable = FileTable, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether the #ifndef at the start of an include file uses both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'.
- def NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement(self, FileTable):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming covention of #ifndef statement ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Value from %s where Model = %s""" %(FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_IFNDEF)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- Name = Record[1].replace('#ifndef', '').strip()
- if Name[0] != '_' or Name[-1] != '_':
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT, Name):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT, OtherMsg = "The #ifndef name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Name), BelongsToTable = FileTable, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
- # 1. First character should be upper case
- # 2. Existing lower case in a word
- # 3. No space existence
- # Check whether the path name followed the rule
- def NamingConventionCheckPathName(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckPathName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming covention of file path name ...")
- Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from File"""
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not Pattern.match(Record[1]):
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_PATH_NAME, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_PATH_NAME, OtherMsg = "The file path [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'File', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
- # 1. First character should be upper case
- # 2. Existing lower case in a word
- # 3. No space existence
- # 4. Global variable name must start with a 'g'
- # Check whether the variable name followed the rule
- def NamingConventionCheckVariableName(self, FileTable):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckVariableName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming covention of variable name ...")
- Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Zgm]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from %s where Model = %s""" %(FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not Pattern.match(Record[1]):
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, OtherMsg = "The variable name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = FileTable, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
- # 1. First character should be upper case
- # 2. Existing lower case in a word
- # 3. No space existence
- # Check whether the function name followed the rule
- def NamingConventionCheckFunctionName(self):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckFunctionName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming covention of function name ...")
- Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from Function"""
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- if not Pattern.match(Record[1]):
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, OtherMsg = "The function name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = 'Function', BelongsToItem = Record[0])
- # Check whether NO use short variable name with single character
- def NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable(self, FileTable):
- if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming covention of single character variable name ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from %s where Model = %s""" %(FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
- RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- Variable = Record[1].replace('*', '')
- if len(Variable) == 1:
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_SINGLE_CHARACTER_VARIABLE, Record[1]):
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_SINGLE_CHARACTER_VARIABLE, OtherMsg = "The variable name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable = FileTable, BelongsToItem = Record[0])
-# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
-# script.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- Check = Check()
- Check.Check()
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bf1c45150..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# fragments of source file
-# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-## The description of comment contents and start & end position
-class Comment :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- # @param CommentType The type of comment (T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH or T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR).
- #
- def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End, CommentType):
- self.Content = Str
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
- self.Type = CommentType
-## The description of preprocess directives and start & end position
-class PP_Directive :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
- self.Content = Str
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
-## The description of predicate expression and start & end position
-class PredicateExpression :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
- self.Content = Str
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
-## The description of function definition and start & end position
-class FunctionDefinition :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- # @param LBPos The left brace position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, ModifierStr, DeclStr, Begin, End, LBPos, NamePos):
- self.Modifier = ModifierStr
- self.Declarator = DeclStr
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
- self.LeftBracePos = LBPos
- self.NamePos = NamePos
-## The description of variable declaration and start & end position
-class VariableDeclaration :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param NamePos The name position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, ModifierStr, DeclStr, Begin, NamePos):
- self.Modifier = ModifierStr
- self.Declarator = DeclStr
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.NameStartPos = NamePos
-## The description of enum definition and start & end position
-class EnumerationDefinition :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
- self.Content = Str
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
-## The description of struct/union definition and start & end position
-class StructUnionDefinition :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
- self.Content = Str
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
-## The description of 'Typedef' definition and start & end position
-class TypedefDefinition :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, FromStr, ToStr, Begin, End):
- self.FromType = FromStr
- self.ToType = ToStr
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
-class FunctionCalling:
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param Begin The start position tuple.
- # @param End The end position tuple.
- #
- def __init__(self, Name, Param, Begin, End):
- self.FuncName = Name
- self.ParamList = Param
- self.StartPos = Begin
- self.EndPos = End
- \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 134b15f81e..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# preprocess source file
-# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-import antlr3
-from CLexer import CLexer
-from CParser import CParser
-import FileProfile
-from CodeFragment import Comment
-from CodeFragment import PP_Directive
-from ParserWarning import Warning
-##define T_CHAR_SPACE ' '
-##define T_CHAR_NULL '\0'
-##define T_CHAR_CR '\r'
-##define T_CHAR_TAB '\t'
-##define T_CHAR_LF '\n'
-##define T_CHAR_SLASH '/'
-##define T_CHAR_BACKSLASH '\\'
-##define T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE '\"'
-##define T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE '\''
-##define T_CHAR_STAR '*'
-##define T_CHAR_HASH '#'
-(' ', '\0', '\r', '\t', '\n', '/', '\\', '\"', '\'', '*', '#')
-SEPERATOR_TUPLE = ('=', '|', ',', '{', '}')
-## The collector for source code fragments.
-# PreprocessFile method should be called prior to ParseFile
-# GetNext*** procedures mean these procedures will get next token first, then make judgement.
-# Get*** procedures mean these procedures will make judgement on current token only.
-class CodeFragmentCollector:
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param FileName The file that to be parsed
- #
- def __init__(self, FileName):
- self.Profile = FileProfile.FileProfile(FileName)
- self.Profile.FileLinesList.append(T_CHAR_LF)
- self.FileName = FileName
- self.CurrentLineNumber = 1
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
- self.__Token = ""
- self.__SkippedChars = ""
- ## __IsWhiteSpace() method
- #
- # Whether char at current FileBufferPos is whitespace
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Char The char to test
- # @retval True The char is a kind of white space
- # @retval False The char is NOT a kind of white space
- #
- def __IsWhiteSpace(self, Char):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- ## __SkipWhiteSpace() method
- #
- # Skip white spaces from current char, return number of chars skipped
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval Count The number of chars skipped
- #
- def __SkipWhiteSpace(self):
- Count = 0
- while not self.__EndOfFile():
- Count += 1
- if self.__CurrentChar() in (T_CHAR_NULL, T_CHAR_CR, T_CHAR_LF, T_CHAR_SPACE, T_CHAR_TAB):
- self.__SkippedChars += str(self.__CurrentChar())
- self.__GetOneChar()
- else:
- Count = Count - 1
- return Count
- ## __EndOfFile() method
- #
- # Judge current buffer pos is at file end
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval True Current File buffer position is at file end
- # @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at file end
- #
- def __EndOfFile(self):
- NumberOfLines = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList)
- SizeOfLastLine = NumberOfLines
- if NumberOfLines > 0:
- SizeOfLastLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[-1])
- if self.CurrentLineNumber == NumberOfLines and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfLastLine - 1:
- return True
- elif self.CurrentLineNumber > NumberOfLines:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- ## __EndOfLine() method
- #
- # Judge current buffer pos is at line end
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval True Current File buffer position is at line end
- # @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at line end
- #
- def __EndOfLine(self):
- SizeOfCurrentLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1])
- if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfCurrentLine - 1:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- ## Rewind() method
- #
- # Reset file data buffer to the initial state
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- #
- def Rewind(self):
- self.CurrentLineNumber = 1
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
- ## __UndoOneChar() method
- #
- # Go back one char in the file buffer
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval True Successfully go back one char
- # @retval False Not able to go back one char as file beginning reached
- #
- def __UndoOneChar(self):
- if self.CurrentLineNumber == 1 and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:
- return False
- elif self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:
- self.CurrentLineNumber -= 1
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = len(self.__CurrentLine()) - 1
- else:
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine -= 1
- return True
- ## __GetOneChar() method
- #
- # Move forward one char in the file buffer
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- #
- def __GetOneChar(self):
- if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:
- self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
- else:
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += 1
- ## __CurrentChar() method
- #
- # Get the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval Char Current char
- #
- def __CurrentChar(self):
- CurrentChar = self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]
-# if CurrentChar > 255:
-# raise Warning("Non-Ascii char found At Line %d, offset %d" % (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
- return CurrentChar
- ## __NextChar() method
- #
- # Get the one char pass the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval Char Next char
- #
- def __NextChar(self):
- if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:
- return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber][0]
- else:
- return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine + 1]
- ## __SetCurrentCharValue() method
- #
- # Modify the value of current char
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Value The new value of current char
- #
- def __SetCurrentCharValue(self, Value):
- self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine] = Value
- ## __SetCharValue() method
- #
- # Modify the value of current char
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Value The new value of current char
- #
- def __SetCharValue(self, Line, Offset, Value):
- self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1][Offset] = Value
- ## __CurrentLine() method
- #
- # Get the list that contains current line contents
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval List current line contents
- #
- def __CurrentLine(self):
- return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]
- ## __InsertComma() method
- #
- # Insert ',' to replace PP
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @retval List current line contents
- #
- def __InsertComma(self, Line):
- if self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1][0] != T_CHAR_HASH:
- BeforeHashPart = str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1]).split(T_CHAR_HASH)[0]
- if BeforeHashPart.rstrip().endswith(T_CHAR_COMMA) or BeforeHashPart.rstrip().endswith(';'):
- return
- if Line - 2 >= 0 and str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 2]).rstrip().endswith(','):
- return
- if Line - 2 >= 0 and str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 2]).rstrip().endswith(';'):
- return
- if str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line]).lstrip().startswith(',') or str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line]).lstrip().startswith(';'):
- return
- self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1].insert(self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine, ',')
- ## PreprocessFile() method
- #
- # Preprocess file contents, replace comments with spaces.
- # In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
- # BUGBUG: No !include statement processing contained in this procedure
- # !include statement should be expanded at the same FileLinesList[CurrentLineNumber - 1]
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- #
- def PreprocessFile(self):
- self.Rewind()
- InComment = False
- DoubleSlashComment = False
- HashComment = False
- PPExtend = False
- CommentObj = None
- PPDirectiveObj = None
- # HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.
- InString = False
- InCharLiteral = False
- self.Profile.FileLinesList = [list(s) for s in self.Profile.FileLinesListFromFile]
- while not self.__EndOfFile():
- if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:
- InString = not InString
- if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:
- InCharLiteral = not InCharLiteral
- # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'
- if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_LF:
- if HashComment and PPDirectiveObj != None:
- if PPDirectiveObj.Content.rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
- PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- PPExtend = True
- else:
- PPExtend = False
- EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
- if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
- InComment = False
- DoubleSlashComment = False
- CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
- CommentObj = None
- if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
- InComment = False
- HashComment = False
- PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
- PPDirectiveObj = None
- if InString or InCharLiteral:
- CurrentLine = "".join(self.__CurrentLine())
- if CurrentLine.rstrip(T_CHAR_LF).rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
- SlashIndex = CurrentLine.rindex(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH)
- self.__SetCharValue(self.CurrentLineNumber, SlashIndex, T_CHAR_SPACE)
- if InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment:
- CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
- # check for */ comment end
- elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_STAR and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
-# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
-# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- CommentObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
- FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
- CommentObj = None
- self.__GetOneChar()
- InComment = False
- # set comments to spaces
- elif InComment:
- if HashComment:
- # // follows hash PP directive
- if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
- InComment = False
- HashComment = False
- PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)
- FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
- PPDirectiveObj = None
- continue
- else:
- PPDirectiveObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
- if PPExtend:
- self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- else:
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
-# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- # check for // comment
- elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
- InComment = True
- DoubleSlashComment = True
- CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH)
- # check for '#' comment
- elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_HASH and not InString and not InCharLiteral:
- InComment = True
- HashComment = True
- PPDirectiveObj = PP_Directive('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None)
- # check for /* comment start
- elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_STAR:
- CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR)
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
-# self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
-# self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- InComment = True
- else:
- self.__GetOneChar()
- EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
- if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
- CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
- if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
- PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
- self.Rewind()
- def PreprocessFileWithClear(self):
- self.Rewind()
- InComment = False
- DoubleSlashComment = False
- HashComment = False
- PPExtend = False
- CommentObj = None
- PPDirectiveObj = None
- # HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.
- InString = False
- InCharLiteral = False
- self.Profile.FileLinesList = [list(s) for s in self.Profile.FileLinesListFromFile]
- while not self.__EndOfFile():
- if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:
- InString = not InString
- if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:
- InCharLiteral = not InCharLiteral
- # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'
- if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_LF:
- if HashComment and PPDirectiveObj != None:
- if PPDirectiveObj.Content.rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
- PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- PPExtend = True
- else:
- PPExtend = False
- EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
- if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
- InComment = False
- DoubleSlashComment = False
- CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
- CommentObj = None
- if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
- InComment = False
- HashComment = False
- PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
- PPDirectiveObj = None
- if InString or InCharLiteral:
- CurrentLine = "".join(self.__CurrentLine())
- if CurrentLine.rstrip(T_CHAR_LF).rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
- SlashIndex = CurrentLine.rindex(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH)
- self.__SetCharValue(self.CurrentLineNumber, SlashIndex, T_CHAR_SPACE)
- if InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment:
- CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
- self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
- self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
- # check for */ comment end
- elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_STAR and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
- self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
- self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- CommentObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
- FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
- CommentObj = None
- self.__GetOneChar()
- InComment = False
- # set comments to spaces
- elif InComment:
- if HashComment:
- # // follows hash PP directive
- if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
- InComment = False
- HashComment = False
- PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)
- FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
- PPDirectiveObj = None
- continue
- else:
- PPDirectiveObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
-# if PPExtend:
-# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- else:
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
- self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- # check for // comment
- elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
- InComment = True
- DoubleSlashComment = True
- CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH)
- # check for '#' comment
- elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_HASH and not InString and not InCharLiteral:
- InComment = True
- HashComment = True
- PPDirectiveObj = PP_Directive('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None)
- # check for /* comment start
- elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_STAR:
- CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR)
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
- self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
- self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
- self.__GetOneChar()
- InComment = True
- else:
- self.__GetOneChar()
- EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
- if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
- CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
- if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
- PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
- FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
- self.Rewind()
- ## ParseFile() method
- #
- # Parse the file profile buffer to extract fd, fv ... information
- # Exception will be raised if syntax error found
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- #
- def ParseFile(self):
- self.PreprocessFile()
- # restore from ListOfList to ListOfString
- self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]
- FileStringContents = ''
- for fileLine in self.Profile.FileLinesList:
- FileStringContents += fileLine
- cStream = antlr3.StringStream(FileStringContents)
- lexer = CLexer(cStream)
- tStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
- parser = CParser(tStream)
- parser.translation_unit()
- def ParseFileWithClearedPPDirective(self):
- self.PreprocessFileWithClear()
- # restore from ListOfList to ListOfString
- self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]
- FileStringContents = ''
- for fileLine in self.Profile.FileLinesList:
- FileStringContents += fileLine
- cStream = antlr3.StringStream(FileStringContents)
- lexer = CLexer(cStream)
- tStream = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
- parser = CParser(tStream)
- parser.translation_unit()
- def CleanFileProfileBuffer(self):
- FileProfile.CommentList = []
- FileProfile.PPDirectiveList = []
- FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList = []
- FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList = []
- FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList = []
- FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList = []
- FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList = []
- FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList = []
- FileProfile.FunctionCallingList = []
- def PrintFragments(self):
- print '################# ' + self.FileName + '#####################'
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/*************** COMMENTS ***************/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for comment in FileProfile.CommentList:
- print str(comment.StartPos) + comment.Content
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/********* PREPROCESS DIRECTIVES ********/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for pp in FileProfile.PPDirectiveList:
- print str(pp.StartPos) + pp.Content
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/********* VARIABLE DECLARATIONS ********/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for var in FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList:
- print str(var.StartPos) + var.Modifier + ' '+ var.Declarator
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/********* FUNCTION DEFINITIONS *********/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for func in FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList:
- print str(func.StartPos) + func.Modifier + ' '+ func.Declarator + ' ' + str(func.NamePos)
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/************ ENUMERATIONS **************/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for enum in FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList:
- print str(enum.StartPos) + enum.Content
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/*********** STRUCTS/UNIONS *************/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for su in FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList:
- print str(su.StartPos) + su.Content
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/********* PREDICATE EXPRESSIONS ********/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for predexp in FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList:
- print str(predexp.StartPos) + predexp.Content
- print '/****************************************/'
- print '/************** TYPEDEFS ****************/'
- print '/****************************************/'
- for typedef in FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList:
- print str(typedef.StartPos) + typedef.ToType
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- collector = CodeFragmentCollector(sys.argv[1])
- collector.PreprocessFile()
- print "For Test."
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1478ee6351..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# This file is used to define class Configuration
-# Copyright (c) 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import os
-import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
-from Common.DataType import *
-from Common.String import *
-## Configuration
-# This class is used to define all items in configuration file
-# @param Filename: The name of configuration file, the default is config.ini
-class Configuration(object):
- def __init__(self, Filename):
- self.Filename = Filename
- self.Version = 0.1
- ## Identify to if check all items
- # 1 - Check all items and ignore all other detailed items
- # 0 - Not check all items, the tool will go through all other detailed items to decide to check or not
- #
- self.CheckAll = 0
- ## Identify to if automatically correct mistakes
- # 1 - Automatically correct
- # 0 - Not automatically correct
- # Only the following check points can be automatically corrected, others not listed below are not supported even it is 1
- #
- # GeneralCheckTab
- # GeneralCheckIndentation
- # GeneralCheckLine
- # GeneralCheckCarriageReturn
- # SpaceCheckAll
- #
- self.AutoCorrect = 0
- # List customized Modifer here, split with ','
- # Defaultly use the definition in class DataType
- self.ModifierList = MODIFIER_LIST
- ## General Checking
- self.GeneralCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether NO Tab is used, replaced with spaces
- self.GeneralCheckNoTab = 1
- # The width of Tab
- self.GeneralCheckTabWidth = 2
- # Check whether the indentation is followed coding style
- self.GeneralCheckIndentation = 1
- # The width of indentation
- self.GeneralCheckIndentationWidth = 2
- # Check whether no line is exceeding defined widty
- self.GeneralCheckLine = 1
- # The width of a line
- self.GeneralCheckLineWidth = 120
- # Check whether no use of _asm in the source file
- self.GeneralCheckNo_Asm = 1
- # Check whether no use of "#progma" in source file except "#pragma pack(#)".
- self.GeneralCheckNoProgma = 1
- # Check whether there is a carriage return at the end of the file
- self.GeneralCheckCarriageReturn = 1
- # Check whether the file exists
- self.GeneralCheckFileExistence = 1
- # Check whether file has non ACSII char
- self.GeneralCheckNonAcsii = 1
- ## Space Checking
- self.SpaceCheckAll = 1
- ## Predicate Expression Checking
- self.PredicateExpressionCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether Boolean values, variable type BOOLEAN not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE
- self.PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue = 1
- # Check whether Non-Boolean comparisons use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=).
- self.PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator = 1
- # Check whether a comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type
- self.PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType = 1
- ## Headers Checking
- self.HeaderCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether File header exists
- self.HeaderCheckFile = 1
- # Check whether Function header exists
- self.HeaderCheckFunction = 1
- ## C Function Layout Checking
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether return type exists and in the first line
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType = 1
- # Check whether any optional functional modifiers exist and next to the return type
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier = 1
- # Check whether the next line contains the function name, left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list
- # Check whether the closing parenthesis is on its own line and also indented two spaces
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName = 1
- # Check whether the function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype = 1
- # Check whether the body of a function is contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody = 1
- # Check whether the data declarations is the first code in a module.
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration = 1
- # Check whether no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable = 1
- # Check whether no use of STATIC for functions
- self.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic = 1
- ## Include Files Checking
- self.IncludeFileCheckAll = 0
- #Check whether having include files with same name
- self.IncludeFileCheckSameName = 1
- # Check whether all include file contents is guarded by a #ifndef statement.
- # the #ifndef must be the first line of code following the file header comment
- # the #endif must appear on the last line in the file
- self.IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement = 1
- # Check whether include files contain only public or only private data
- # Check whether include files NOT contain code or define data variables
- self.IncludeFileCheckData = 1
- ## Declarations and Data Types Checking
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether no use of int, unsigned, char, void, static, long in any .c, .h or .asl files.
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType = 1
- # Check whether the modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED are used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier = 1
- # Check whether the EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier = 1
- # Check whether Enumerated Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType = 1
- # Check whether Structure Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration = 1
- # Check whether having same Structure
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure = 1
- # Check whether Union Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
- self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType = 1
- ## Naming Conventions Checking
- self.NamingConventionCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether only capital letters are used for #define declarations
- self.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement = 1
- # Check whether only capital letters are used for typedef declarations
- self.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement = 1
- # Check whether the #ifndef at the start of an include file uses both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'.
- self.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement = 1
- # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
- # 1. First character should be upper case
- # 2. Existing lower case in a word
- # 3. No space existence
- # Check whether the path name followed the rule
- self.NamingConventionCheckPathName = 1
- # Check whether the variable name followed the rule
- self.NamingConventionCheckVariableName = 1
- # Check whether the function name followed the rule
- self.NamingConventionCheckFunctionName = 1
- # Check whether NO use short variable name with single character
- self.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable = 1
- ## Doxygen Checking
- self.DoxygenCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether the file headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
- self.DoxygenCheckFileHeader = 1
- # Check whether the function headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
- self.DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader = 1
- # Check whether the first line of text in a comment block is a brief description of the element being documented.
- # The brief description must end with a period.
- self.DoxygenCheckCommentDescription = 1
- # Check whether comment lines with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section.
- self.DoxygenCheckCommentFormat = 1
- # Check whether only Doxygen commands allowed to mark the code are @bug and @todo.
- self.DoxygenCheckCommand = 1
- ## Meta-Data File Processing Checking
- self.MetaDataFileCheckAll = 0
- # Check whether each file defined in meta-data exists
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPathName = 1
- # Generate a list for all files defined in meta-data files
- self.MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList = 1
- # The path of log file
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList = 'File.log'
- # Check whether all Library Instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) match the module's type.
- # Each Library Instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its INF file,
- # and any module specifying the library instance must be one of the supported types.
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance = 1
- # Check whether a Library Instance has been defined for all dependent library classes
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent = 1
- # Check whether the Library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections are listed in order of dependencies
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder = 1
- # Check whether the unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the INF file
- self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse = 1
- # Check whether an INF file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the DSC file, then the INF file must be for a Binary module only
- self.MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf = 1
- # Not to report error and warning related OS include file such as "windows.h" and "stdio.h"
- # Check whether a PCD is set in a DSC file or the FDF file, but not in both.
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate = 1
- # Check whether PCD settings in the FDF file can only be related to flash.
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash = 1
- # Check whether PCDs used in INF files but not specified in DSC or FDF files
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse = 1
- # Check whether having duplicate guids defined for Guid/Protocol/Ppi
- self.MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate = 1
- # Check whether all files under module directory are described in INF files
- self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse = 1
- # Check whether the PCD is correctly used in C function via its type
- self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdType = 1
- # Check whether there are FILE_GUID duplication among different INF files
- self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication = 1
- #
- # The check points in this section are reserved
- #
- # GotoStatementCheckAll = 0
- #
- self.SpellingCheckAll = 0
- # The directory listed here will not be parsed, split with ','
- self.SkipDirList = []
- # A list for binary file ext name
- self.BinaryExtList = []
- self.ParseConfig()
- def ParseConfig(self):
- Filepath = os.path.normpath(self.Filename)
- if not os.path.isfile(Filepath):
- ErrorMsg = "Can't find configuration file '%s'" % Filepath
- EdkLogger.error("Ecc", EdkLogger.ECC_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File = Filepath)
- LineNo = 0
- for Line in open(Filepath, 'r'):
- LineNo = LineNo + 1
- Line = CleanString(Line)
- if Line != '':
- List = GetSplitValueList(Line, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT)
- if List[0] not in self.__dict__:
- ErrorMsg = "Invalid configuration option '%s' was found" % List[0]
- EdkLogger.error("Ecc", EdkLogger.ECC_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File = Filepath, Line = LineNo)
- if List[0] == 'ModifierList':
- List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
- if List[0] == 'MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList' and List[1] == "":
- continue
- if List[0] == 'SkipDirList':
- List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
- if List[0] == 'BinaryExtList':
- List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
- self.__dict__[List[0]] = List[1]
- def ShowMe(self):
- print self.Filename
- for Key in self.__dict__.keys():
- print Key, '=', self.__dict__[Key]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4b79cb708f..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# This file is used to create a database used by ECC tool
-# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import sqlite3
-import os, time
-import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
-import CommonDataClass.DataClass as DataClass
-from Table.TableDataModel import TableDataModel
-from Table.TableFile import TableFile
-from Table.TableFunction import TableFunction
-from Table.TablePcd import TablePcd
-from Table.TableIdentifier import TableIdentifier
-from Table.TableReport import TableReport
-from Table.TableInf import TableInf
-from Table.TableDec import TableDec
-from Table.TableDsc import TableDsc
-from Table.TableFdf import TableFdf
-# Static definitions
-## Database
-# This class defined the ECC databse
-# During the phase of initialization, the database will create all tables and
-# insert all records of table DataModel
-# @param object: Inherited from object class
-# @param DbPath: A string for the path of the ECC database
-# @var Conn: Connection of the ECC database
-# @var Cur: Cursor of the connection
-# @var TblDataModel: Local instance for TableDataModel
-class Database(object):
- def __init__(self, DbPath):
- self.DbPath = DbPath
- self.Conn = None
- self.Cur = None
- self.TblDataModel = None
- self.TblFile = None
- self.TblFunction = None
- self.TblIdentifier = None
- self.TblPcd = None
- self.TblReport = None
- self.TblInf = None
- self.TblDec = None
- self.TblDsc = None
- self.TblFdf = None
- ## Initialize ECC database
- #
- # 1. Delete all old existing tables
- # 2. Create new tables
- # 3. Initialize table DataModel
- #
- def InitDatabase(self, NewDatabase = True):
- EdkLogger.verbose("\nInitialize ECC database started ...")
- #
- # Drop all old existing tables
- #
- if NewDatabase:
- if os.path.exists(self.DbPath):
- os.remove(self.DbPath)
- self.Conn = sqlite3.connect(self.DbPath, isolation_level = 'DEFERRED')
- self.Conn.execute("PRAGMA page_size=4096")
- self.Conn.execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF")
- # to avoid non-ascii charater conversion error
- self.Conn.text_factory = str
- self.Cur = self.Conn.cursor()
- self.TblDataModel = TableDataModel(self.Cur)
- self.TblFile = TableFile(self.Cur)
- self.TblFunction = TableFunction(self.Cur)
- self.TblIdentifier = TableIdentifier(self.Cur)
- self.TblPcd = TablePcd(self.Cur)
- self.TblReport = TableReport(self.Cur)
- self.TblInf = TableInf(self.Cur)
- self.TblDec = TableDec(self.Cur)
- self.TblDsc = TableDsc(self.Cur)
- self.TblFdf = TableFdf(self.Cur)
- #
- # Create new tables
- #
- if NewDatabase:
- self.TblDataModel.Create()
- self.TblFile.Create()
- self.TblFunction.Create()
- self.TblPcd.Create()
- self.TblReport.Create()
- self.TblInf.Create()
- self.TblDec.Create()
- self.TblDsc.Create()
- self.TblFdf.Create()
- #
- # Init each table's ID
- #
- self.TblDataModel.InitID()
- self.TblFile.InitID()
- self.TblFunction.InitID()
- self.TblPcd.InitID()
- self.TblReport.InitID()
- self.TblInf.InitID()
- self.TblDec.InitID()
- self.TblDsc.InitID()
- self.TblFdf.InitID()
- #
- # Initialize table DataModel
- #
- if NewDatabase:
- self.TblDataModel.InitTable()
- EdkLogger.verbose("Initialize ECC database ... DONE!")
- ## Query a table
- #
- # @param Table: The instance of the table to be queried
- #
- def QueryTable(self, Table):
- Table.Query()
- ## Close entire database
- #
- # Commit all first
- # Close the connection and cursor
- #
- def Close(self):
- #
- # Commit to file
- #
- self.Conn.commit()
- #
- # Close connection and cursor
- #
- self.Cur.close()
- self.Conn.close()
- ## Insert one file information
- #
- # Insert one file's information to the database
- # 1. Create a record in TableFile
- # 2. Create functions one by one
- # 2.1 Create variables of function one by one
- # 2.2 Create pcds of function one by one
- # 3. Create variables one by one
- # 4. Create pcds one by one
- #
- def InsertOneFile(self, File):
- #
- # Insert a record for file
- #
- FileID = self.TblFile.Insert(File.Name, File.ExtName, File.Path, File.FullPath, Model = File.Model, TimeStamp = File.TimeStamp)
- if File.Model == DataClass.MODEL_FILE_C or File.Model == DataClass.MODEL_FILE_H:
- IdTable = TableIdentifier(self.Cur)
- IdTable.Table = "Identifier%s" % FileID
- IdTable.Create()
- #
- # Insert function of file
- #
- for Function in File.FunctionList:
- FunctionID = self.TblFunction.Insert(Function.Header, Function.Modifier, Function.Name, Function.ReturnStatement, \
- Function.StartLine, Function.StartColumn, Function.EndLine, Function.EndColumn, \
- Function.BodyStartLine, Function.BodyStartColumn, FileID, \
- Function.FunNameStartLine, Function.FunNameStartColumn)
- #
- # Insert Identifier of function
- #
- for Identifier in Function.IdentifierList:
- IdentifierID = IdTable.Insert(Identifier.Modifier, Identifier.Type, Identifier.Name, Identifier.Value, Identifier.Model, \
- FileID, FunctionID, Identifier.StartLine, Identifier.StartColumn, Identifier.EndLine, Identifier.EndColumn)
- #
- # Insert Pcd of function
- #
- for Pcd in Function.PcdList:
- PcdID = self.TblPcd.Insert(Pcd.CName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Token, Pcd.DatumType, Pcd.Model, \
- FileID, FunctionID, Pcd.StartLine, Pcd.StartColumn, Pcd.EndLine, Pcd.EndColumn)
- #
- # Insert Identifier of file
- #
- for Identifier in File.IdentifierList:
- IdentifierID = IdTable.Insert(Identifier.Modifier, Identifier.Type, Identifier.Name, Identifier.Value, Identifier.Model, \
- FileID, -1, Identifier.StartLine, Identifier.StartColumn, Identifier.EndLine, Identifier.EndColumn)
- #
- # Insert Pcd of file
- #
- for Pcd in File.PcdList:
- PcdID = self.TblPcd.Insert(Pcd.CName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Token, Pcd.DatumType, Pcd.Model, \
- FileID, -1, Pcd.StartLine, Pcd.StartColumn, Pcd.EndLine, Pcd.EndColumn)
- EdkLogger.verbose("Insert information from file %s ... DONE!" % File.FullPath)
- ## UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction
- #
- # Update the field "BelongsToFunction" for each Indentifier
- #
- #
- def UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction_disabled(self):
- EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers started ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine, Model from Identifier"""
- EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
- self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
- Records = self.Cur.fetchall()
- for Record in Records:
- IdentifierID = Record[0]
- BelongsToFile = Record[1]
- StartLine = Record[2]
- EndLine = Record[3]
- Model = Record[4]
- #
- # Check whether an identifier belongs to a function
- #
- EdkLogger.debug(4, "For common identifiers ... ")
- SqlCommand = """select ID from Function
- where StartLine < %s and EndLine > %s
- and BelongsToFile = %s""" % (StartLine, EndLine, BelongsToFile)
- EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
- self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
- IDs = self.Cur.fetchall()
- for ID in IDs:
- SqlCommand = """Update Identifier set BelongsToFunction = %s where ID = %s""" % (ID[0], IdentifierID)
- EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
- self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
- #
- # Check whether the identifier is a function header
- #
- EdkLogger.debug(4, "For function headers ... ")
- SqlCommand = """select ID from Function
- where StartLine = %s + 1
- and BelongsToFile = %s""" % (EndLine, BelongsToFile)
- EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
- self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
- IDs = self.Cur.fetchall()
- for ID in IDs:
- SqlCommand = """Update Identifier set BelongsToFunction = %s, Model = %s where ID = %s""" % (ID[0], DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_HEADER, IdentifierID)
- EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
- self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
- EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers ... DONE")
- ## UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction
- #
- # Update the field "BelongsToFunction" for each Indentifier
- #
- #
- def UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction(self):
- EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers started ...")
- SqlCommand = """select ID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from Function"""
- Records = self.TblFunction.Exec(SqlCommand)
- Data1 = []
- Data2 = []
- for Record in Records:
- FunctionID = Record[0]
- BelongsToFile = Record[1]
- StartLine = Record[2]
- EndLine = Record[3]
- #Data1.append(("'file%s'" % BelongsToFile, FunctionID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine))
- #Data2.append(("'file%s'" % BelongsToFile, FunctionID, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_HEADER, BelongsToFile, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, StartLine - 1))
- SqlCommand = """Update Identifier%s set BelongsToFunction = %s where BelongsToFile = %s and StartLine > %s and EndLine < %s""" % \
- (BelongsToFile, FunctionID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine)
- self.TblIdentifier.Exec(SqlCommand)
- SqlCommand = """Update Identifier%s set BelongsToFunction = %s, Model = %s where BelongsToFile = %s and Model = %s and EndLine = %s""" % \
- (BelongsToFile, FunctionID, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_HEADER, BelongsToFile, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, StartLine - 1)
- self.TblIdentifier.Exec(SqlCommand)
-# #
-# # Check whether an identifier belongs to a function
-# #
-# print Data1
-# SqlCommand = """Update ? set BelongsToFunction = ? where BelongsToFile = ? and StartLine > ? and EndLine < ?"""
-# print SqlCommand
-# EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
-# self.Cur.executemany(SqlCommand, Data1)
-# #
-# # Check whether the identifier is a function header
-# #
-# EdkLogger.debug(4, "For function headers ... ")
-# SqlCommand = """Update ? set BelongsToFunction = ?, Model = ? where BelongsToFile = ? and Model = ? and EndLine = ?"""
-# EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
-# self.Cur.executemany(SqlCommand, Data2)
-# EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers ... DONE")
-# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
-# script.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- EdkLogger.Initialize()
- #EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.VERBOSE)
- EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.DEBUG_0)
- EdkLogger.verbose("Start at " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()))
- Db = Database(DATABASE_PATH)
- Db.InitDatabase()
- Db.QueryTable(Db.TblDataModel)
- identifier1 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', "i''1", 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 32, 43, 54, 43)
- identifier2 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', 'i1', 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 15, 43, 20, 43)
- identifier3 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', 'i1', 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 55, 43, 58, 43)
- identifier4 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', "i1'", 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 77, 43, 88, 43)
- fun1 = DataClass.FunctionClass(-1, '', '', 'fun1', '', 21, 2, 60, 45, 1, 23, 0, [], [])
- file = DataClass.FileClass(-1, 'F1', 'c', 'C:\\', 'C:\\F1.exe', DataClass.MODEL_FILE_C, '2007-12-28', [fun1], [identifier1, identifier2, identifier3, identifier4], [])
- Db.InsertOneFile(file)
- Db.UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction()
- Db.QueryTable(Db.TblFile)
- Db.QueryTable(Db.TblFunction)
- Db.QueryTable(Db.TblPcd)
- Db.QueryTable(Db.TblIdentifier)
- Db.Close()
- EdkLogger.verbose("End at " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()))
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9a1c2a890..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# This file is used to be the main entrance of ECC tool
-# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import os, time, glob, sys
-import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
-import Database
-import EccGlobalData
-from MetaDataParser import *
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from Configuration import Configuration
-from Check import Check
-from Common.InfClassObject import Inf
-from Common.DecClassObject import Dec
-from Common.DscClassObject import Dsc
-from Common.FdfClassObject import Fdf
-from Common.String import NormPath
-from Common import BuildToolError
-import c
-import re, string
-from Exception import *
-## Ecc
-# This class is used to define Ecc main entrance
-# @param object: Inherited from object class
-class Ecc(object):
- def __init__(self):
- # Version and Copyright
- self.VersionNumber = "0.01"
- self.Version = "%prog Version " + self.VersionNumber
- self.Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved."
- self.InitDefaultConfigIni()
- self.OutputFile = 'output.txt'
- self.ReportFile = 'Report.csv'
- self.ExceptionFile = 'exception.xml'
- self.IsInit = True
- self.ScanSourceCode = True
- self.ScanMetaData = True
- # Parse the options and args
- self.ParseOption()
- # Generate checkpoints list
- EccGlobalData.gConfig = Configuration(self.ConfigFile)
- # Generate exception list
- EccGlobalData.gException = ExceptionCheck(self.ExceptionFile)
- # Init Ecc database
- EccGlobalData.gDb = Database.Database(Database.DATABASE_PATH)
- EccGlobalData.gDb.InitDatabase(self.IsInit)
- # Build ECC database
- self.BuildDatabase()
- # Start to check
- self.Check()
- # Show report
- self.GenReport()
- # Close Database
- EccGlobalData.gDb.Close()
- def InitDefaultConfigIni(self):
- paths = map(lambda p: os.path.join(p, 'Ecc', 'config.ini'), sys.path)
- paths = (os.path.realpath('config.ini'),) + tuple(paths)
- for path in paths:
- if os.path.exists(path):
- self.ConfigFile = path
- return
- self.ConfigFile = 'config.ini'
- ## BuildDatabase
- #
- # Build the database for target
- #
- def BuildDatabase(self):
- # Clean report table
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Drop()
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Create()
- # Build database
- if self.IsInit:
- if self.ScanSourceCode:
- EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for source code ...")
- c.CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(EccGlobalData.gTarget)
- if self.ScanMetaData:
- EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for source code done!")
- self.BuildMetaDataFileDatabase()
- EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList = GetTableList((MODEL_FILE_C, MODEL_FILE_H), 'Identifier', EccGlobalData.gDb)
- EccGlobalData.gCFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_C, EccGlobalData.gDb)
- EccGlobalData.gHFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_H, EccGlobalData.gDb)
- ## BuildMetaDataFileDatabase
- #
- # Build the database for meta data files
- #
- def BuildMetaDataFileDatabase(self):
- EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files ...")
- Op = open(EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList, 'w+')
- #SkipDirs = Read from config file
- SkipDirs = EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipDirList
- SkipDirString = string.join(SkipDirs, '|')
- p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s)[\\/]?.*' % SkipDirString)
- for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(EccGlobalData.gTarget):
- if p.match(Root.upper()):
- continue
- for Dir in Dirs:
- Dirname = os.path.join(Root, Dir)
- if os.path.islink(Dirname):
- Dirname = os.path.realpath(Dirname)
- if os.path.isdir(Dirname):
- # symlinks to directories are treated as directories
- Dirs.remove(Dir)
- Dirs.append(Dirname)
- for File in Files:
- if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".DEC":
- Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
- EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
- Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
- Dec(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
- continue
- if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".DSC":
- Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
- EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
- Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
- Dsc(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
- continue
- if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".INF":
- Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
- EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
- Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
- Inf(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
- continue
- if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".FDF":
- Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
- EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
- Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
- Fdf(Filename, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
- continue
- Op.close()
- # Commit to database
- EccGlobalData.gDb.Conn.commit()
- EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files done!")
- ##
- #
- # Check each checkpoint
- #
- def Check(self):
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking ...")
- EccCheck = Check()
- EccCheck.Check()
- EdkLogger.quiet("Checking done!")
- ##
- #
- # Generate the scan report
- #
- def GenReport(self):
- EdkLogger.quiet("Generating report ...")
- EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.ToCSV(self.ReportFile)
- EdkLogger.quiet("Generating report done!")
- def GetRealPathCase(self, path):
- TmpPath = path.rstrip(os.sep)
- PathParts = TmpPath.split(os.sep)
- if len(PathParts) == 0:
- return path
- if len(PathParts) == 1:
- if PathParts[0].strip().endswith(':'):
- return PathParts[0].upper()
- # Relative dir, list . current dir
- Dirs = os.listdir('.')
- for Dir in Dirs:
- if Dir.upper() == PathParts[0].upper():
- return Dir
- if PathParts[0].strip().endswith(':'):
- PathParts[0] = PathParts[0].upper()
- ParentDir = PathParts[0]
- RealPath = ParentDir
- if PathParts[0] == '':
- RealPath = os.sep
- ParentDir = os.sep
- PathParts.remove(PathParts[0]) # need to remove the parent
- for Part in PathParts:
- Dirs = os.listdir(ParentDir + os.sep)
- for Dir in Dirs:
- if Dir.upper() == Part.upper():
- RealPath += os.sep
- RealPath += Dir
- break
- ParentDir += os.sep
- ParentDir += Dir
- return RealPath
- ## ParseOption
- #
- # Parse options
- #
- def ParseOption(self):
- EdkLogger.quiet("Loading ECC configuration ... done")
- (Options, Target) = self.EccOptionParser()
- if Options.Workspace:
- os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = Options.Workspace
- # Check workspace envirnoment
- if "WORKSPACE" not in os.environ:
- EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
- ExtraData="WORKSPACE")
- else:
- EccGlobalData.gWorkspace = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"))
- if not os.path.exists(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace):
- EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData="WORKSPACE = %s" % EccGlobalData.gWorkspace)
- os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = EccGlobalData.gWorkspace
- # Set log level
- self.SetLogLevel(Options)
- # Set other options
- if Options.ConfigFile != None:
- self.ConfigFile = Options.ConfigFile
- if Options.OutputFile != None:
- self.OutputFile = Options.OutputFile
- if Options.ReportFile != None:
- self.ReportFile = Options.ReportFile
- if Options.ExceptionFile != None:
- self.ExceptionFile = Options.ExceptionFile
- if Options.Target != None:
- if not os.path.isdir(Options.Target):
- EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Target [%s] does NOT exist" % Options.Target)
- else:
- EccGlobalData.gTarget = self.GetRealPathCase(os.path.normpath(Options.Target))
- else:
- EdkLogger.warn("Ecc", EdkLogger.ECC_ERROR, "The target source tree was not specified, using current WORKSPACE instead!")
- EccGlobalData.gTarget = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"))
- if Options.keepdatabase != None:
- self.IsInit = False
- if Options.metadata != None and Options.sourcecode != None:
- EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_CONFLICT, ExtraData="-m and -s can't be specified at one time")
- if Options.metadata != None:
- self.ScanSourceCode = False
- if Options.sourcecode != None:
- self.ScanMetaData = False
- ## SetLogLevel
- #
- # Set current log level of the tool based on args
- #
- # @param Option: The option list including log level setting
- #
- def SetLogLevel(self, Option):
- if Option.verbose != None:
- EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.VERBOSE)
- elif Option.quiet != None:
- EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET)
- elif Option.debug != None:
- EdkLogger.SetLevel(Option.debug + 1)
- else:
- EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.INFO)
- ## Parse command line options
- #
- # Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this tool.
- #
- # @retval Opt A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options
- # @retval Args Target of build command
- #
- def EccOptionParser(self):
- Parser = OptionParser(description = self.Copyright, version = self.Version, prog = "Ecc.exe", usage = "%prog [options]")
- Parser.add_option("-t", "--target sourcepath", action="store", type="string", dest='Target',
- help="Check all files under the target workspace.")
- Parser.add_option("-c", "--config filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ConfigFile",
- help="Specify a configuration file. Defaultly use config.ini under ECC tool directory.")
- Parser.add_option("-o", "--outfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="OutputFile",
- help="Specify the name of an output file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
- Parser.add_option("-r", "--reportfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ReportFile",
- help="Specify the name of an report file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
- Parser.add_option("-e", "--exceptionfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ExceptionFile",
- help="Specify the name of an exception file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
- Parser.add_option("-m", "--metadata", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scan meta-data files information if this option is specified.")
- Parser.add_option("-s", "--sourcecode", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scan source code files information if this option is specified.")
- Parser.add_option("-k", "--keepdatabase", action="store_true", type=None, help="The existing Ecc database will not be cleaned except report information if this option is specified.")
- Parser.add_option("-l", "--log filename", action="store", dest="LogFile", help="""If specified, the tool should emit the changes that
- were made by the tool after printing the result message.
- If filename, the emit to the file, otherwise emit to
- standard output. If no modifications were made, then do not
- create a log file, or output a log message.""")
- Parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", type=None, help="Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.")
- Parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", type=None, help="Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, "\
- "including library instances selected, final dependency expression, "\
- "and warning messages, etc.")
- Parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store", type="int", help="Enable debug messages at specified level.")
- Parser.add_option("-w", "--workspace", action="store", type="string", dest='Workspace', help="Specify workspace.")
- (Opt, Args)=Parser.parse_args()
- return (Opt, Args)
-# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
-# script.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Initialize log system
- EdkLogger.Initialize()
- EdkLogger.IsRaiseError = False
- EdkLogger.quiet(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y ", time.localtime()) + "[00:00]" + "\n")
- StartTime = time.clock()
- Ecc = Ecc()
- FinishTime = time.clock()
- BuildDuration = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(round(FinishTime - StartTime))))
- EdkLogger.quiet("\n%s [%s]" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y", time.localtime()), BuildDuration))
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-## @file
-# This file is used to save global datas used by ECC tool
-# Copyright (c) 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import os
-gWorkspace = ''
-gTarget = ''
-gConfig = None
-gDb = None
-gIdentifierTableList = []
-gCFileList = []
-gHFileList = []
-gException = None \ No newline at end of file
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-## @file
-# Standardized Error Hanlding infrastructures.
-# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-gEccErrorMessage = {
- ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NO_TAB : "'TAB' character is not allowed in source code, please replace each 'TAB' with two spaces",
- ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_INDENTATION : "Indentation does not follow coding style",
- ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_LINE : "The width of each line does not follow coding style",
- ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NO_ASM : "There should be no use of _asm in the source file",
- ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NO_PROGMA : """There should be no use of "#progma" in source file except "#pragma pack(#)\"""",
- ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_CARRIAGE_RETURN : "There should be a carriage return at the end of the file",
- ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NON_ACSII : "File has invalid Non-ACSII char",
- ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_BOOLEAN_VALUE : "Boolean values and variable type BOOLEAN should not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE",
- ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_NO_BOOLEAN_OPERATOR : "Non-Boolean comparisons should use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=)",
- ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_COMPARISON_NULL_TYPE : "A comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type",
- ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE : "File header doesn't exist",
- ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION : "Function header doesn't exist",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE : "Return type of a function should exist and in the first line",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONAL_MODIFIER : "Any optional functional modifiers should exist and next to the return type",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME : """Function name should be left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list, with the closing parenthesis on its own line, indented two spaces""",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE : "Function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2 : "Function prototypes in include files have different parameter number with function definitions",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3 : "Function prototypes in include files have different parameter modifier with function definitions",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_BODY : "The body of a function should be contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_DATA_DECLARATION : "The data declarations should be the first code in a module",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_NO_INIT_OF_VARIABLE : "There should be no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration",
- ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_NO_STATIC : "There should be no use of STATIC for functions",
- ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT_1 : "All include file contents should be guarded by a #ifndef statement.",
- ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT_2 : "The #ifndef must be the first line of code following the file header comment",
- ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT_3 : "The #endif must appear on the last line in the file",
- ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_DATA : "Include files should contain only public or only private data and cannot contain code or define data variables",
- ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_NAME : "No permission for the inlcude file with same names",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE : "There should be no use of int, unsigned, char, void, static, long in any .c, .h or .asl files",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER : """The modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED should be used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration""",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_EFI_API_MODIFIER : "The EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_ENUMERATED_TYPE : "Enumerated Type should have a 'typedef' and the name must be in capital letters",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_STRUCTURE_DECLARATION : "Structure Type should have a 'typedef' and the name must be in capital letters",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_SAME_STRUCTURE : "No permission for the structure with same names",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_UNION_TYPE : "Union Type should have a 'typedef' and the name must be in capital letters",
- ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE : "Complex types should be typedef-ed",
- ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_DEFINE_STATEMENT : "Only capital letters are allowed to be used for #define declarations",
- ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_TYPEDEF_STATEMENT : "Only capital letters are allowed to be used for typedef declarations",
- ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT : "The #ifndef at the start of an include file should use both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'",
- ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_PATH_NAME : """Path name does not follow the rules: 1. First character should be upper case 2. Must contain lower case characters 3. No white space characters""",
- ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME : """Variable name does not follow the rules: 1. First character should be upper case 2. Must contain lower case characters 3. No white space characters 4. Global variable name must start with a 'g'""",
- ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME : """Function name does not follow the rules: 1. First character should be upper case 2. Must contain lower case characters 3. No white space characters""",
- ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_SINGLE_CHARACTER_VARIABLE : "There should be no use of short (single character) variable names",
- ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER : "The file headers should follow Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5",
- ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER : "The function headers should follow Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5",
- ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION : """The first line of text in a comment block should be a brief description of the element being documented and the brief description must end with a period.""",
- ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_FORMAT : "For comment line with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section",
- ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND : "Only Doxygen commands '@bug', '@todo', '@example', '@file', '@attention', '@param', '@post', '@pre', '@retval', '@return', '@sa', '@since', '@test', '@note', '@par' are allowed to mark the code",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PATH_NAME : "The file defined in meta-data does not exist",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1 : "A library instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) doesn't match the module's type.",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_2 : "A library instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its INF file",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_DEPENDENT : "A library instance must be defined for all dependent library classes",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_ORDER : "The library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections should be listed in order of dependencies",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NO_USE : "There should be no unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the INF file",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_BINARY_INF_IN_FDF : "An INF file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the DSC file, therefore the INF file must be for a Binary module only",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_FLASH : "PCD settings in the FDF file should only be related to flash",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_NO_USE : "There should be no PCDs declared in INF files that are not specified in in either a DSC or FDF file",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_NO_USE : "No used module files found",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE : "Wrong C code function used for this kind of PCD",
- ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_GUID_DUPLICATION : "Module file has FILE_GUID collision with other module file",
- }
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-## @file
-# This file is used to parse exception items found by ECC tool
-# Copyright (c) 2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-from Common.XmlRoutines import *
-import os.path
-# ExceptionXml to parse Exception Node of XML file
-class ExceptionXml(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.KeyWord = ''
- self.ErrorID = ''
- self.FilePath = ''
- def FromXml(self, Item, Key):
- self.KeyWord = XmlElement(Item, '%s/KeyWord' % Key)
- self.ErrorID = XmlElement(Item, '%s/ErrorID' % Key)
- self.FilePath = os.path.normpath(XmlElement(Item, '%s/FilePath' % Key))
- def __str__(self):
- return 'ErrorID = %s KeyWord = %s FilePath = %s' %(self.ErrorID, self.KeyWord, self.FilePath)
-# ExceptionListXml to parse Exception Node List of XML file
-class ExceptionListXml(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.List = []
- def FromXmlFile(self, FilePath):
- XmlContent = XmlParseFile(FilePath)
- for Item in XmlList(XmlContent, '/ExceptionList/Exception'):
- Exp = ExceptionXml()
- Exp.FromXml(Item, 'Exception')
- self.List.append(Exp)
- def ToList(self):
- RtnList = []
- for Item in self.List:
- #RtnList.append((Item.ErrorID, Item.KeyWord, Item.FilePath))
- RtnList.append((Item.ErrorID, Item.KeyWord))
- return RtnList
- def __str__(self):
- RtnStr = ''
- if self.List:
- for Item in self.List:
- RtnStr = RtnStr + str(Item) + '\n'
- return RtnStr
-# A class to check exception
-class ExceptionCheck(object):
- def __init__(self, FilePath = None):
- self.ExceptionList = []
- self.ExceptionListXml = ExceptionListXml()
- self.LoadExceptionListXml(FilePath)
- def LoadExceptionListXml(self, FilePath):
- if FilePath and os.path.isfile(FilePath):
- self.ExceptionListXml.FromXmlFile(FilePath)
- self.ExceptionList = self.ExceptionListXml.ToList()
- def IsException(self, ErrorID, KeyWord, FileID=-1):
- if (str(ErrorID), KeyWord) in self.ExceptionList:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
-# script.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- El = ExceptionCheck('C:\\Hess\\Project\\BuildTool\\src\\Ecc\\exception.xml')
- print El.ExceptionList
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-## @file
-# fragments of source file
-# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import re
-import os
-from ParserWarning import Warning
-CommentList = []
-PPDirectiveList = []
-PredicateExpressionList = []
-FunctionDefinitionList = []
-VariableDeclarationList = []
-EnumerationDefinitionList = []
-StructUnionDefinitionList = []
-TypedefDefinitionList = []
-FunctionCallingList = []
-## record file data when parsing source
-# May raise Exception when opening file.
-class FileProfile :
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param FileName The file that to be parsed
- #
- def __init__(self, FileName):
- self.FileLinesList = []
- self.FileLinesListFromFile = []
- try:
- fsock = open(FileName, "rb", 0)
- try:
- self.FileLinesListFromFile = fsock.readlines()
- finally:
- fsock.close()
- except IOError:
- raise Warning("Error when opening file %s" % FileName)
- \ No newline at end of file
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-## @file
-# This file is used to define common parser functions for meta-data
-# Copyright (c) 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-import os
-from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
-## Get the inlcude path list for a source file
-# 1. Find the source file belongs to which inf file
-# 2. Find the inf's package
-# 3. Return the include path list of the package
-def GetIncludeListOfFile(WorkSpace, Filepath, Db):
- IncludeList = []
- Filepath = os.path.normpath(Filepath)
- SqlCommand = """
- select Value1, FullPath from Inf, File where Inf.Model = %s and Inf.BelongsToFile in(
- select distinct B.BelongsToFile from File as A left join Inf as B
- where A.ID = B.BelongsToFile and B.Model = %s and (A.Path || '%s' || B.Value1) = '%s')
- and Inf.BelongsToFile = File.ID""" \
- RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- DecFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkSpace, Record[0]))
- InfFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkSpace, Record[1]))
- (DecPath, DecName) = os.path.split(DecFullPath)
- (InfPath, InfName) = os.path.split(InfFullPath)
- SqlCommand = """select Value1 from Dec where BelongsToFile =
- (select ID from File where FullPath = '%s') and Model = %s""" \
- % (DecFullPath, MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE)
- NewRecordSet = Db.TblDec.Exec(SqlCommand)
- if InfPath not in IncludeList:
- IncludeList.append(InfPath)
- for NewRecord in NewRecordSet:
- IncludePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DecPath, NewRecord[0]))
- if IncludePath not in IncludeList:
- IncludeList.append(IncludePath)
- return IncludeList
-## Get the file list
-# Search table file and find all specific type files
-def GetFileList(FileModel, Db):
- FileList = []
- SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where Model = %s""" % str(FileModel)
- RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- FileList.append(Record[0])
- return FileList
-## Get the table list
-# Search table file and find all small tables
-def GetTableList(FileModelList, Table, Db):
- TableList = []
- SqlCommand = """select ID from File where Model in %s""" % str(FileModelList)
- RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
- for Record in RecordSet:
- TableName = Table + str(Record[0])
- TableList.append(TableName)
- return TableList
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-## @file
-# This file is used to be the warning class of ECC tool
-# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-## The exception class that used to report error messages when preprocessing
-# Currently the "ToolName" is set to be "ECC PP".
-class Warning (Exception):
- ## The constructor
- #
- # @param self The object pointer
- # @param Str The message to record
- # @param File The FDF name
- # @param Line The Line number that error occurs
- #
- def __init__(self, Str, File = None, Line = None):
- self.message = Str
- self.FileName = File
- self.LineNumber = Line
- self.ToolName = 'ECC PP' \ No newline at end of file
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-## @file
-# Python 'Ecc' package initialization file.
-# This file is required to make Python interpreter treat the directory
-# as containing package.
-# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
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-## @file
-# This file is used to be the c coding style checking of ECC tool
-# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import string
-import CodeFragmentCollector
-import FileProfile
-from CommonDataClass import DataClass
-import Database
-from Common import EdkLogger
-from EccToolError import *
-import EccGlobalData
-import MetaDataParser
-IncludeFileListDict = {}
-AllIncludeFileListDict = {}
-IncludePathListDict = {}
-ComplexTypeDict = {}
-SUDict = {}
-IgnoredKeywordList = ['EFI_ERROR']
-def GetIgnoredDirListPattern():
- skipList = list(EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipDirList) + ['.svn']
- DirString = string.join(skipList, '|')
- p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s)[\\/]?.*' % DirString)
- return p
-def GetFuncDeclPattern():
- p = re.compile(r'(?:EFIAPI|EFI_BOOT_SERVICE|EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICE)?\s*[_\w]+\s*\(.*\)$', re.DOTALL)
- return p
-def GetArrayPattern():
- p = re.compile(r'[_\w]*\s*[\[.*\]]+')
- return p
-def GetTypedefFuncPointerPattern():
- p = re.compile('[_\w\s]*\([\w\s]*\*+\s*[_\w]+\s*\)\s*\(.*\)', re.DOTALL)
- return p
-def GetDB():
- return EccGlobalData.gDb
-def GetConfig():
- return EccGlobalData.gConfig
-def PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, Msg, TableName, ItemId):
- Msg = Msg.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
- MsgPartList = Msg.split()
- Msg = ''
- for Part in MsgPartList:
- Msg += Part
- Msg += ' '
- GetDB().TblReport.Insert(ErrorType, OtherMsg = Msg, BelongsToTable = TableName, BelongsToItem = ItemId)
-def GetIdType(Str):
- Type = DataClass.MODEL_UNKNOWN
- Str = Str.replace('#', '# ')
- List = Str.split()
- if List[1] == 'include':
- elif List[1] == 'define':
- elif List[1] == 'ifdef':
- elif List[1] == 'ifndef':
- elif List[1] == 'endif':
- elif List[1] == 'pragma':
- else:
- Type = DataClass.MODEL_UNKNOWN
- return Type
-def SuOccurInTypedef (Su, TdList):
- for Td in TdList:
- if Su.StartPos[0] == Td.StartPos[0] and Su.EndPos[0] == Td.EndPos[0]:
- return True
- return False
-def GetIdentifierList():
- IdList = []
- for comment in FileProfile.CommentList:
- IdComment = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', '', comment.Content, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, -1, -1, comment.StartPos[0],comment.StartPos[1],comment.EndPos[0],comment.EndPos[1])
- IdList.append(IdComment)
- for pp in FileProfile.PPDirectiveList:
- Type = GetIdType(pp.Content)
- IdPP = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', '', pp.Content, Type, -1, -1, pp.StartPos[0],pp.StartPos[1],pp.EndPos[0],pp.EndPos[1])
- IdList.append(IdPP)
- for pe in FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList:
- IdPE = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', '', pe.Content, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION, -1, -1, pe.StartPos[0],pe.StartPos[1],pe.EndPos[0],pe.EndPos[1])
- IdList.append(IdPE)
- FuncDeclPattern = GetFuncDeclPattern()
- ArrayPattern = GetArrayPattern()
- for var in FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList:
- DeclText = var.Declarator.lstrip()
- FuncPointerPattern = GetTypedefFuncPointerPattern()
- if FuncPointerPattern.match(DeclText):
- continue
- VarNameStartLine = var.NameStartPos[0]
- VarNameStartColumn = var.NameStartPos[1]
- FirstChar = DeclText[0]
- while not FirstChar.isalpha() and FirstChar != '_':
- if FirstChar == '*':
- var.Modifier += '*'
- VarNameStartColumn += 1
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('*')
- elif FirstChar == '\r':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\r\n').lstrip('\r')
- VarNameStartLine += 1
- VarNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == '\n':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\n')
- VarNameStartLine += 1
- VarNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == ' ':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip(' ')
- VarNameStartColumn += 1
- elif FirstChar == '\t':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\t')
- VarNameStartColumn += 8
- else:
- DeclText = DeclText[1:]
- VarNameStartColumn += 1
- FirstChar = DeclText[0]
- var.Declarator = DeclText
- if FuncDeclPattern.match(var.Declarator):
- DeclSplitList = var.Declarator.split('(')
- FuncName = DeclSplitList[0].strip()
- FuncNamePartList = FuncName.split()
- if len(FuncNamePartList) > 1:
- FuncName = FuncNamePartList[-1].strip()
- NameStart = DeclSplitList[0].rfind(FuncName)
- var.Declarator = var.Declarator[NameStart:]
- if NameStart > 0:
- var.Modifier += ' ' + DeclSplitList[0][0:NameStart]
- Index = 0
- PreChar = ''
- while Index < NameStart:
- FirstChar = DeclSplitList[0][Index]
- if DeclSplitList[0][Index:].startswith('EFIAPI'):
- Index += 6
- VarNameStartColumn += 6
- PreChar = ''
- continue
- elif FirstChar == '\r':
- Index += 1
- VarNameStartLine += 1
- VarNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == '\n':
- Index += 1
- if PreChar != '\r':
- VarNameStartLine += 1
- VarNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == ' ':
- Index += 1
- VarNameStartColumn += 1
- elif FirstChar == '\t':
- Index += 1
- VarNameStartColumn += 8
- else:
- Index += 1
- VarNameStartColumn += 1
- PreChar = FirstChar
- IdVar = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, var.Modifier, '', var.Declarator, FuncName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION, -1, -1, var.StartPos[0], var.StartPos[1], VarNameStartLine, VarNameStartColumn)
- IdList.append(IdVar)
- continue
- if var.Declarator.find('{') == -1:
- for decl in var.Declarator.split(','):
- DeclList = decl.split('=')
- Name = DeclList[0].strip()
- if ArrayPattern.match(Name):
- LSBPos = var.Declarator.find('[')
- var.Modifier += ' ' + Name[LSBPos:]
- Name = Name[0:LSBPos]
- IdVar = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, var.Modifier, '', Name, (len(DeclList) > 1 and [DeclList[1]]or [''])[0], DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, -1, -1, var.StartPos[0],var.StartPos[1], VarNameStartLine, VarNameStartColumn)
- IdList.append(IdVar)
- else:
- DeclList = var.Declarator.split('=')
- Name = DeclList[0].strip()
- if ArrayPattern.match(Name):
- LSBPos = var.Declarator.find('[')
- var.Modifier += ' ' + Name[LSBPos:]
- Name = Name[0:LSBPos]
- IdVar = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, var.Modifier, '', Name, (len(DeclList) > 1 and [DeclList[1]]or [''])[0], DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, -1, -1, var.StartPos[0],var.StartPos[1], VarNameStartLine, VarNameStartColumn)
- IdList.append(IdVar)
- for enum in FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList:
- LBPos = enum.Content.find('{')
- RBPos = enum.Content.find('}')
- Name = enum.Content[4:LBPos].strip()
- Value = enum.Content[LBPos+1:RBPos]
- IdEnum = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', Name, Value, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_ENUMERATE, -1, -1, enum.StartPos[0],enum.StartPos[1],enum.EndPos[0],enum.EndPos[1])
- IdList.append(IdEnum)
- for su in FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList:
- if SuOccurInTypedef(su, FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList):
- continue
- SkipLen = 6
- if su.Content.startswith('union'):
- SkipLen = 5
- LBPos = su.Content.find('{')
- RBPos = su.Content.find('}')
- if LBPos == -1 or RBPos == -1:
- Name = su.Content[SkipLen:].strip()
- Value = ''
- else:
- Name = su.Content[SkipLen:LBPos].strip()
- Value = su.Content[LBPos:RBPos+1]
- IdPE = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', Name, Value, Type, -1, -1, su.StartPos[0],su.StartPos[1],su.EndPos[0],su.EndPos[1])
- IdList.append(IdPE)
- TdFuncPointerPattern = GetTypedefFuncPointerPattern()
- for td in FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList:
- Modifier = ''
- Name = td.ToType
- Value = td.FromType
- if TdFuncPointerPattern.match(td.ToType):
- Modifier = td.FromType
- LBPos = td.ToType.find('(')
- TmpStr = td.ToType[LBPos+1:].strip()
- StarPos = TmpStr.find('*')
- if StarPos != -1:
- Modifier += ' ' + TmpStr[0:StarPos]
- while TmpStr[StarPos] == '*':
-# Modifier += ' ' + '*'
- StarPos += 1
- TmpStr = TmpStr[StarPos:].strip()
- RBPos = TmpStr.find(')')
- Name = TmpStr[0:RBPos]
- Value = 'FP' + TmpStr[RBPos + 1:]
- else:
- while Name.startswith('*'):
- Value += ' ' + '*'
- Name = Name.lstrip('*').strip()
- if Name.find('[') != -1:
- LBPos = Name.find('[')
- RBPos = Name.rfind(']')
- Value += Name[LBPos : RBPos + 1]
- Name = Name[0 : LBPos]
- IdTd = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, Modifier, '', Name, Value, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF, -1, -1, td.StartPos[0],td.StartPos[1],td.EndPos[0],td.EndPos[1])
- IdList.append(IdTd)
- for funcCall in FileProfile.FunctionCallingList:
- IdFC = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', funcCall.FuncName, funcCall.ParamList, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING, -1, -1, funcCall.StartPos[0],funcCall.StartPos[1],funcCall.EndPos[0],funcCall.EndPos[1])
- IdList.append(IdFC)
- return IdList
-def StripNonAlnumChars(Str):
- StrippedStr = ''
- for Char in Str:
- if Char.isalnum():
- StrippedStr += Char
- return StrippedStr
-def GetParamList(FuncDeclarator, FuncNameLine = 0, FuncNameOffset = 0):
- FuncDeclarator = StripComments(FuncDeclarator)
- ParamIdList = []
- #DeclSplitList = FuncDeclarator.split('(')
- LBPos = FuncDeclarator.find('(')
- #if len(DeclSplitList) < 2:
- if LBPos == -1:
- return ParamIdList
- #FuncName = DeclSplitList[0]
- FuncName = FuncDeclarator[0:LBPos]
- #ParamStr = DeclSplitList[1].rstrip(')')
- ParamStr = FuncDeclarator[LBPos + 1:].rstrip(')')
- LineSkipped = 0
- OffsetSkipped = 0
- TailChar = FuncName[-1]
- while not TailChar.isalpha() and TailChar != '_':
- if TailChar == '\n':
- FuncName = FuncName.rstrip('\r\n').rstrip('\n')
- LineSkipped += 1
- OffsetSkipped = 0
- elif TailChar == '\r':
- FuncName = FuncName.rstrip('\r')
- LineSkipped += 1
- OffsetSkipped = 0
- elif TailChar == ' ':
- FuncName = FuncName.rstrip(' ')
- OffsetSkipped += 1
- elif TailChar == '\t':
- FuncName = FuncName.rstrip('\t')
- OffsetSkipped += 8
- else:
- FuncName = FuncName[:-1]
- TailChar = FuncName[-1]
- OffsetSkipped += 1 #skip '('
- for p in ParamStr.split(','):
- ListP = p.split()
- if len(ListP) == 0:
- continue
- ParamName = ListP[-1]
- DeclText = ParamName.strip()
- RightSpacePos = p.rfind(ParamName)
- ParamModifier = p[0:RightSpacePos]
- if ParamName == 'OPTIONAL':
- if ParamModifier == '':
- ParamModifier += ' ' + 'OPTIONAL'
- DeclText = ''
- else:
- ParamName = ListP[-2]
- DeclText = ParamName.strip()
- RightSpacePos = p.rfind(ParamName)
- ParamModifier = p[0:RightSpacePos]
- ParamModifier += 'OPTIONAL'
- while DeclText.startswith('*'):
- ParamModifier += ' ' + '*'
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('*').strip()
- ParamName = DeclText
- # ignore array length if exists.
- LBIndex = ParamName.find('[')
- if LBIndex != -1:
- ParamName = ParamName[0:LBIndex]
- Start = RightSpacePos
- Index = 0
- PreChar = ''
- while Index < Start:
- FirstChar = p[Index]
- if FirstChar == '\r':
- Index += 1
- LineSkipped += 1
- OffsetSkipped = 0
- elif FirstChar == '\n':
- Index += 1
- if PreChar != '\r':
- LineSkipped += 1
- OffsetSkipped = 0
- elif FirstChar == ' ':
- Index += 1
- OffsetSkipped += 1
- elif FirstChar == '\t':
- Index += 1
- OffsetSkipped += 8
- else:
- Index += 1
- OffsetSkipped += 1
- PreChar = FirstChar
- ParamBeginLine = FuncNameLine + LineSkipped
- ParamBeginOffset = FuncNameOffset + OffsetSkipped
- Index = Start + len(ParamName)
- PreChar = ''
- while Index < len(p):
- FirstChar = p[Index]
- if FirstChar == '\r':
- Index += 1
- LineSkipped += 1
- OffsetSkipped = 0
- elif FirstChar == '\n':
- Index += 1
- if PreChar != '\r':
- LineSkipped += 1
- OffsetSkipped = 0
- elif FirstChar == ' ':
- Index += 1
- OffsetSkipped += 1
- elif FirstChar == '\t':
- Index += 1
- OffsetSkipped += 8
- else:
- Index += 1
- OffsetSkipped += 1
- PreChar = FirstChar
- ParamEndLine = FuncNameLine + LineSkipped
- ParamEndOffset = FuncNameOffset + OffsetSkipped
- if ParamName != '...':
- ParamName = StripNonAlnumChars(ParamName)
- IdParam = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, ParamModifier, '', ParamName, '', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_PARAMETER, -1, -1, ParamBeginLine, ParamBeginOffset, ParamEndLine, ParamEndOffset)
- ParamIdList.append(IdParam)
- OffsetSkipped += 1 #skip ','
- return ParamIdList
-def GetFunctionList():
- FuncObjList = []
- for FuncDef in FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList:
- ParamIdList = []
- DeclText = FuncDef.Declarator.lstrip()
- FuncNameStartLine = FuncDef.NamePos[0]
- FuncNameStartColumn = FuncDef.NamePos[1]
- FirstChar = DeclText[0]
- while not FirstChar.isalpha() and FirstChar != '_':
- if FirstChar == '*':
- FuncDef.Modifier += '*'
- FuncNameStartColumn += 1
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('*')
- elif FirstChar == '\r':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\r\n').lstrip('\r')
- FuncNameStartLine += 1
- FuncNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == '\n':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\n')
- FuncNameStartLine += 1
- FuncNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == ' ':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip(' ')
- FuncNameStartColumn += 1
- elif FirstChar == '\t':
- DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\t')
- FuncNameStartColumn += 8
- else:
- DeclText = DeclText[1:]
- FuncNameStartColumn += 1
- FirstChar = DeclText[0]
- FuncDef.Declarator = DeclText
- DeclSplitList = FuncDef.Declarator.split('(')
- if len(DeclSplitList) < 2:
- continue
- FuncName = DeclSplitList[0]
- FuncNamePartList = FuncName.split()
- if len(FuncNamePartList) > 1:
- FuncName = FuncNamePartList[-1]
- NameStart = DeclSplitList[0].rfind(FuncName)
- if NameStart > 0:
- FuncDef.Modifier += ' ' + DeclSplitList[0][0:NameStart]
- Index = 0
- PreChar = ''
- while Index < NameStart:
- FirstChar = DeclSplitList[0][Index]
- if DeclSplitList[0][Index:].startswith('EFIAPI'):
- Index += 6
- FuncNameStartColumn += 6
- PreChar = ''
- continue
- elif FirstChar == '\r':
- Index += 1
- FuncNameStartLine += 1
- FuncNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == '\n':
- Index += 1
- if PreChar != '\r':
- FuncNameStartLine += 1
- FuncNameStartColumn = 0
- elif FirstChar == ' ':
- Index += 1
- FuncNameStartColumn += 1
- elif FirstChar == '\t':
- Index += 1
- FuncNameStartColumn += 8
- else:
- Index += 1
- FuncNameStartColumn += 1
- PreChar = FirstChar
- FuncObj = DataClass.FunctionClass(-1, FuncDef.Declarator, FuncDef.Modifier, FuncName.strip(), '', FuncDef.StartPos[0],FuncDef.StartPos[1],FuncDef.EndPos[0],FuncDef.EndPos[1], FuncDef.LeftBracePos[0], FuncDef.LeftBracePos[1], -1, ParamIdList, [], FuncNameStartLine, FuncNameStartColumn)
- FuncObjList.append(FuncObj)
- return FuncObjList
-def GetFileModificationTimeFromDB(FullFileName):
- TimeValue = 0.0
- Db = GetDB()
- SqlStatement = """ select TimeStamp
- from File
- where FullPath = \'%s\'
- """ % (FullFileName)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- TimeValue = Result[0]
- return TimeValue
-def CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(RootDir):
- FileObjList = []
- tuple = os.walk(RootDir)
- IgnoredPattern = GetIgnoredDirListPattern()
- ParseErrorFileList = []
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in tuple:
- if IgnoredPattern.match(dirpath.upper()):
- continue
- for Dir in dirnames:
- Dirname = os.path.join(dirpath, Dir)
- if os.path.islink(Dirname):
- Dirname = os.path.realpath(Dirname)
- if os.path.isdir(Dirname):
- # symlinks to directories are treated as directories
- dirnames.remove(Dir)
- dirnames.append(Dirname)
- for f in filenames:
- collector = None
- FullName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))
- model = DataClass.MODEL_FILE_OTHERS
- if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
-"Parsing " + FullName)
- model = f.endswith('c') and DataClass.MODEL_FILE_C or DataClass.MODEL_FILE_H
- collector = CodeFragmentCollector.CodeFragmentCollector(FullName)
- try:
- collector.ParseFile()
- except UnicodeError:
- ParseErrorFileList.append(FullName)
- collector.CleanFileProfileBuffer()
- collector.ParseFileWithClearedPPDirective()
-# collector.PrintFragments()
- BaseName = os.path.basename(f)
- DirName = os.path.dirname(FullName)
- Ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1].lstrip('.')
- ModifiedTime = os.path.getmtime(FullName)
- FileObj = DataClass.FileClass(-1, BaseName, Ext, DirName, FullName, model, ModifiedTime, GetFunctionList(), GetIdentifierList(), [])
- FileObjList.append(FileObj)
- if collector:
- collector.CleanFileProfileBuffer()
- if len(ParseErrorFileList) > 0:
-"Found unrecoverable error during parsing:\n\t%s\n" % "\n\t".join(ParseErrorFileList))
- Db = GetDB()
- for file in FileObjList:
- if file.ExtName.upper() not in ['INF', 'DEC', 'DSC', 'FDF']:
- Db.InsertOneFile(file)
- Db.UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction()
-def GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList = None):
- if ErrorMsgList == None:
- ErrorMsgList = []
- Db = GetDB()
- SqlStatement = """ select ID
- from File
- where FullPath like '%s'
- """ % FullFileName
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- FileID = -1
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if FileID != -1:
- ErrorMsgList.append('Duplicate file ID found in DB for file %s' % FullFileName)
- return -2
- FileID = Result[0]
- if FileID == -1:
- ErrorMsgList.append('NO file ID found in DB for file %s' % FullFileName)
- return -1
- return FileID
-def GetIncludeFileList(FullFileName):
- if os.path.splitext(FullFileName)[1].upper() not in ('.H'):
- return []
- IFList = IncludeFileListDict.get(FullFileName)
- if IFList != None:
- return IFList
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
- if FileID < 0:
- return []
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_INCLUDE)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- IncludeFileListDict[FullFileName] = ResultSet
- return ResultSet
-def GetFullPathOfIncludeFile(Str, IncludePathList):
- for IncludePath in IncludePathList:
- FullPath = os.path.join(IncludePath, Str)
- FullPath = os.path.normpath(FullPath)
- if os.path.exists(FullPath):
- return FullPath
- return None
-def GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName):
- if AllIncludeFileListDict.get(FullFileName) != None:
- return AllIncludeFileListDict.get(FullFileName)
- FileDirName = os.path.dirname(FullFileName)
- IncludePathList = IncludePathListDict.get(FileDirName)
- if IncludePathList == None:
- IncludePathList = MetaDataParser.GetIncludeListOfFile(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, FullFileName, GetDB())
- if FileDirName not in IncludePathList:
- IncludePathList.insert(0, FileDirName)
- IncludePathListDict[FileDirName] = IncludePathList
- IncludeFileQueue = []
- for IncludeFile in GetIncludeFileList(FullFileName):
- FileName = IncludeFile[0].lstrip('#').strip()
- FileName = FileName.lstrip('include').strip()
- FileName = FileName.strip('\"')
- FileName = FileName.lstrip('<').rstrip('>').strip()
- FullPath = GetFullPathOfIncludeFile(FileName, IncludePathList)
- if FullPath != None:
- IncludeFileQueue.append(FullPath)
- i = 0
- while i < len(IncludeFileQueue):
- for IncludeFile in GetIncludeFileList(IncludeFileQueue[i]):
- FileName = IncludeFile[0].lstrip('#').strip()
- FileName = FileName.lstrip('include').strip()
- FileName = FileName.strip('\"')
- FileName = FileName.lstrip('<').rstrip('>').strip()
- FullPath = GetFullPathOfIncludeFile(FileName, IncludePathList)
- if FullPath != None and FullPath not in IncludeFileQueue:
- IncludeFileQueue.insert(i + 1, FullPath)
- i += 1
- AllIncludeFileListDict[FullFileName] = IncludeFileQueue
- return IncludeFileQueue
-def GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(PES):
- PredicateList = []
- i = 0
- PredicateBegin = 0
- #PredicateEnd = 0
- LogicOpPos = -1
- p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
- while i < len(PES) - 1:
- if (PES[i].isalnum() or PES[i] == '_' or PES[i] == '*') and LogicOpPos > PredicateBegin:
- PredicateBegin = i
- if (PES[i] == '&' and PES[i+1] == '&') or (PES[i] == '|' and PES[i+1] == '|'):
- LogicOpPos = i
- Exp = PES[PredicateBegin:i].strip()
- # Exp may contain '.' or '->'
- TmpExp = Exp.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
- if p.match(TmpExp):
- PredicateList.append(Exp)
- else:
- PredicateList.append(Exp.rstrip(';').rstrip(')').strip())
- i += 1
- if PredicateBegin > LogicOpPos:
- while PredicateBegin < len(PES):
- if PES[PredicateBegin].isalnum() or PES[PredicateBegin] == '_' or PES[PredicateBegin] == '*':
- break
- PredicateBegin += 1
- Exp = PES[PredicateBegin:len(PES)].strip()
- # Exp may contain '.' or '->'
- TmpExp = Exp.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
- if p.match(TmpExp):
- PredicateList.append(Exp)
- else:
- PredicateList.append(Exp.rstrip(';').rstrip(')').strip())
- return PredicateList
-def GetCNameList(Lvalue, StarList = []):
- Lvalue += ' '
- i = 0
- SearchBegin = 0
- VarStart = -1
- VarEnd = -1
- VarList = []
- while SearchBegin < len(Lvalue):
- while i < len(Lvalue):
- if Lvalue[i].isalnum() or Lvalue[i] == '_':
- if VarStart == -1:
- VarStart = i
- VarEnd = i
- i += 1
- elif VarEnd != -1:
- VarList.append(Lvalue[VarStart:VarEnd+1])
- i += 1
- break
- else:
- if VarStart == -1 and Lvalue[i] == '*':
- StarList.append('*')
- i += 1
- if VarEnd == -1:
- break
- DotIndex = Lvalue[VarEnd:].find('.')
- ArrowIndex = Lvalue[VarEnd:].find('->')
- if DotIndex == -1 and ArrowIndex == -1:
- break
- elif DotIndex == -1 and ArrowIndex != -1:
- SearchBegin = VarEnd + ArrowIndex
- elif ArrowIndex == -1 and DotIndex != -1:
- SearchBegin = VarEnd + DotIndex
- else:
- SearchBegin = VarEnd + ((DotIndex < ArrowIndex) and DotIndex or ArrowIndex)
- i = SearchBegin
- VarStart = -1
- VarEnd = -1
- return VarList
-def SplitPredicateByOp(Str, Op, IsFuncCalling = False):
- Name = Str.strip()
- Value = None
- if IsFuncCalling:
- Index = 0
- LBFound = False
- UnmatchedLBCount = 0
- while Index < len(Str):
- while not LBFound and Str[Index] != '_' and not Str[Index].isalnum():
- Index += 1
- while not LBFound and (Str[Index].isalnum() or Str[Index] == '_'):
- Index += 1
- # maybe type-cast at the begining, skip it.
- RemainingStr = Str[Index:].lstrip()
- if RemainingStr.startswith(')') and not LBFound:
- Index += 1
- continue
- if RemainingStr.startswith('(') and not LBFound:
- LBFound = True
- if Str[Index] == '(':
- UnmatchedLBCount += 1
- Index += 1
- continue
- if Str[Index] == ')':
- UnmatchedLBCount -= 1
- Index += 1
- if UnmatchedLBCount == 0:
- break
- continue
- Index += 1
- if UnmatchedLBCount > 0:
- return [Name]
- IndexInRemainingStr = Str[Index:].find(Op)
- if IndexInRemainingStr == -1:
- return [Name]
- Name = Str[0:Index + IndexInRemainingStr].strip()
- Value = Str[Index+IndexInRemainingStr+len(Op):].strip().strip(')')
- return [Name, Value]
- TmpStr = Str.rstrip(';').rstrip(')')
- while True:
- Index = TmpStr.rfind(Op)
- if Index == -1:
- return [Name]
- if Str[Index - 1].isalnum() or Str[Index - 1].isspace() or Str[Index - 1] == ')':
- Name = Str[0:Index].strip()
- Value = Str[Index + len(Op):].strip()
- return [Name, Value]
- TmpStr = Str[0:Index - 1]
-def SplitPredicateStr(Str):
- Str = Str.lstrip('(')
- IsFuncCalling = False
- p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
- TmpStr = Str.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
- if p.match(TmpStr):
- IsFuncCalling = True
- PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '==', IsFuncCalling)
- if len(PredPartList) > 1:
- return [PredPartList, '==']
- PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '!=', IsFuncCalling)
- if len(PredPartList) > 1:
- return [PredPartList, '!=']
- PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '>=', IsFuncCalling)
- if len(PredPartList) > 1:
- return [PredPartList, '>=']
- PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '<=', IsFuncCalling)
- if len(PredPartList) > 1:
- return [PredPartList, '<=']
- PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '>', IsFuncCalling)
- if len(PredPartList) > 1:
- return [PredPartList, '>']
- PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '<', IsFuncCalling)
- if len(PredPartList) > 1:
- return [PredPartList, '<']
- return [[Str, None], None]
-def GetFuncContainsPE(ExpLine, ResultSet):
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if Result[0] < ExpLine and Result[1] > ExpLine:
- return Result
- return None
-def PatternInModifier(Modifier, SubStr):
- PartList = Modifier.split()
- for Part in PartList:
- if Part == SubStr:
- return True
- return False
-def GetDataTypeFromModifier(ModifierStr):
- MList = ModifierStr.split()
- for M in MList:
- if M in EccGlobalData.gConfig.ModifierList:
- MList.remove(M)
- # remove array sufix
- if M.startswith('['):
- MList.remove(M)
- ReturnType = ''
- for M in MList:
- ReturnType += M + ' '
- ReturnType = ReturnType.strip()
- if len(ReturnType) == 0:
- ReturnType = 'VOID'
- return ReturnType
-def DiffModifier(Str1, Str2):
- PartList1 = Str1.split()
- PartList2 = Str2.split()
- if PartList1 == PartList2:
- return False
- else:
- return True
-def GetTypedefDict(FullFileName):
- Dict = ComplexTypeDict.get(FullFileName)
- if Dict != None:
- return Dict
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- Db = GetDB()
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- Dict = {}
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if len(Result[0]) == 0:
- Dict[Result[1]] = Result[2]
- IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
- for F in IncludeFileList:
- FileID = GetTableID(F)
- if FileID < 0:
- continue
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if not Result[2].startswith('FP ('):
- Dict[Result[1]] = Result[2]
- else:
- if len(Result[0]) == 0:
- Dict[Result[1]] = 'VOID'
- else:
- Dict[Result[1]] = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
- ComplexTypeDict[FullFileName] = Dict
- return Dict
-def GetSUDict(FullFileName):
- Dict = SUDict.get(FullFileName)
- if Dict != None:
- return Dict
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- Db = GetDB()
- SqlStatement = """ select Name, Value, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d or Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- Dict = {}
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if len(Result[1]) > 0:
- Dict[Result[0]] = Result[1]
- IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
- for F in IncludeFileList:
- FileID = GetTableID(F)
- if FileID < 0:
- continue
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Name, Value, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d or Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if len(Result[1]) > 0:
- Dict[Result[0]] = Result[1]
- SUDict[FullFileName] = Dict
- return Dict
-def StripComments(Str):
- Str += ' '
- ListFromStr = list(Str)
- InComment = False
- DoubleSlashComment = False
- Index = 0
- while Index < len(ListFromStr):
- # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for //
- if ListFromStr[Index] == '\n':
- if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
- InComment = False
- DoubleSlashComment = False
- Index += 1
- # check for */ comment end
- elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and ListFromStr[Index] == '*' and ListFromStr[Index+1] == '/':
- ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
- Index += 1
- ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
- Index += 1
- InComment = False
- # set comments to spaces
- elif InComment:
- ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
- Index += 1
- # check for // comment
- elif ListFromStr[Index] == '/' and ListFromStr[Index+1] == '/' and ListFromStr[Index+2] != '\n':
- InComment = True
- DoubleSlashComment = True
- # check for /* comment start
- elif ListFromStr[Index] == '/' and ListFromStr[Index+1] == '*':
- ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
- Index += 1
- ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
- Index += 1
- InComment = True
- else:
- Index += 1
- # restore from List to String
- Str = "".join(ListFromStr)
- Str = Str.rstrip(' ')
- return Str
-def GetFinalTypeValue(Type, FieldName, TypedefDict, SUDict):
- Value = TypedefDict.get(Type)
- if Value == None:
- Value = SUDict.get(Type)
- if Value == None:
- return None
- LBPos = Value.find('{')
- while LBPos == -1:
- FTList = Value.split()
- for FT in FTList:
- if FT not in ('struct', 'union'):
- Value = TypedefDict.get(FT)
- if Value == None:
- Value = SUDict.get(FT)
- break
- if Value == None:
- return None
- LBPos = Value.find('{')
-# RBPos = Value.find('}')
- Fields = Value[LBPos + 1:]
- Fields = StripComments(Fields)
- FieldsList = Fields.split(';')
- for Field in FieldsList:
- Field = Field.strip()
- Index = Field.rfind(FieldName)
- if Index < 1:
- continue
- if not Field[Index - 1].isalnum():
- if Index + len(FieldName) == len(Field):
- Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Field[0:Index])
- return Type.strip()
- else:
- # For the condition that the field in struct is an array with [] sufixes...
- if not Field[Index + len(FieldName)].isalnum():
- Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Field[0:Index])
- return Type.strip()
- return None
-def GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType = None):
- if TargetType != None and Type == TargetType:
- return Type
- while TypedefDict.get(Type):
- Type = TypedefDict.get(Type)
- if TargetType != None and Type == TargetType:
- return Type
- return Type
-def GetTypeInfo(RefList, Modifier, FullFileName, TargetType = None):
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- SUDict = GetSUDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Modifier).replace('*', '').strip()
- Type = Type.split()[-1]
- Index = 0
- while Index < len(RefList):
- FieldName = RefList[Index]
- FromType = GetFinalTypeValue(Type, FieldName, TypedefDict, SUDict)
- if FromType == None:
- return None
- # we want to determine the exact type.
- if TargetType != None:
- Type = FromType.split()[0]
- # we only want to check if it is a pointer
- else:
- Type = FromType
- if Type.find('*') != -1 and Index == len(RefList)-1:
- return Type
- Type = FromType.split()[0]
- Index += 1
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
-def GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall = False, TargetType = None, StarList = None):
- PredVar = PredVarList[0]
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- # search variable in include files
- # it is a function call, search function declarations and definitions
- if IsFuncCall:
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d and Value = \'%s\'
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
- IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
- for F in IncludeFileList:
- FileID = GetTableID(F)
- if FileID < 0:
- continue
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d and Value = \'%s\'
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d and Name = \'%s\'
- """ % (FileID, PredVar)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
- for F in IncludeFileList:
- FileID = GetTableID(F)
- if FileID < 0:
- continue
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d and Name = \'%s\'
- """ % (FileID, PredVar)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
- return None
- # really variable, search local variable first
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d and Name = \'%s\' and StartLine >= %d and StartLine <= %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, PredVar, FuncRecord[0], FuncRecord[1])
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- VarFound = False
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if len(PredVarList) > 1:
- Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Result[0], FullFileName, TargetType)
- return Type
- else:
-# Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
- TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()
- Type = TypeList[-1]
- if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList != None:
- for Star in StarList:
- Type = Type.strip()
- Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
- # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
- if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
- Type = TypeList[-2]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
- # search function parameters second
- ParamList = GetParamList(FuncRecord[2])
- for Param in ParamList:
- if Param.Name.strip() == PredVar:
- if len(PredVarList) > 1:
- Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Param.Modifier, FullFileName, TargetType)
- return Type
- else:
- TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Param.Modifier).split()
- Type = TypeList[-1]
- if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList != None:
- for Star in StarList:
- Type = Type.strip()
- Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
- # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
- if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
- Type = TypeList[-2]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
- # search global variable next
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d and Name = \'%s\' and BelongsToFunction = -1
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, PredVar)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if len(PredVarList) > 1:
- Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Result[0], FullFileName, TargetType)
- return Type
- else:
- TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()
- Type = TypeList[-1]
- if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList != None:
- for Star in StarList:
- Type = Type.strip()
- Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
- # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
- if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
- Type = TypeList[-2]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
- IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
- for F in IncludeFileList:
- FileID = GetTableID(F)
- if FileID < 0:
- continue
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d and BelongsToFunction = -1 and Name = \'%s\'
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, PredVar)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if len(PredVarList) > 1:
- Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Result[0], FullFileName, TargetType)
- return Type
- else:
- TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()
- Type = TypeList[-1]
- if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList != None:
- for Star in StarList:
- Type = Type.strip()
- Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
- # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
- if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
- Type = TypeList[-2]
- TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
- Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
- return Type
-def GetTypeFromArray(Type, Var):
- Count = Var.count('[')
- while Count > 0:
- Type = Type.strip()
- Type = Type.rstrip('*')
- Count = Count - 1
- return Type
-def CheckFuncLayoutReturnType(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, Value
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
- TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
- FuncName = Result[5]
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, FuncName):
- continue
- Index = Result[0].find(TypeStart)
- if Index != 0 or Result[3] != 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, '[%s] Return Type should appear at the start of line' % FuncName, FileTable, Result[1])
- if Result[2] == Result[4]:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, '[%s] Return Type should appear on its own line' % FuncName, FileTable, Result[1])
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID, StartLine, StartColumn, FunNameStartLine, Name
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
- TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
- FuncName = Result[5]
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, FuncName):
- continue
- Index = Result[0].find(ReturnType)
- if Index != 0 or Result[3] != 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, '[%s] Return Type should appear at the start of line' % FuncName, 'Function', Result[1])
- if Result[2] == Result[4]:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, '[%s] Return Type should appear on its own line' % FuncName, 'Function', Result[1])
-def CheckFuncLayoutModifier(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
- TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
-# if len(ReturnType) == 0:
-# continue
- Index = Result[0].find(TypeStart)
- if Index != 0:
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
- TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
-# if len(ReturnType) == 0:
-# continue
- Index = Result[0].find(TypeStart)
- if Index != 0:
-def CheckFuncLayoutName(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- # Parameter variable format pattern.
- Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
- ParamIgnoreList = ('VOID', '...')
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Name, ID, EndColumn, Value
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncName = Result[3]
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, FuncName):
- continue
- if Result[2] != 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Function name [%s] should appear at the start of a line' % FuncName, FileTable, Result[1])
- ParamList = GetParamList(Result[0])
- if len(ParamList) == 0:
- continue
- StartLine = 0
- for Param in ParamList:
- if Param.StartLine <= StartLine:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Parameter %s should be in its own line.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
- if Param.StartLine - StartLine > 1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Empty line appears before Parameter %s.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
- if not Pattern.match(Param.Name) and not Param.Name in ParamIgnoreList and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Param.Name):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Parameter [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
- StartLine = Param.StartLine
- if not Result[0].endswith('\n )') and not Result[0].endswith('\r )'):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, '\')\' should be on a new line and indented two spaces', FileTable, Result[1])
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID, FunNameStartColumn, Name
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncName = Result[3]
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, FuncName):
- continue
- if Result[2] != 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Function name [%s] should appear at the start of a line' % FuncName, 'Function', Result[1])
- ParamList = GetParamList(Result[0])
- if len(ParamList) == 0:
- continue
- StartLine = 0
- for Param in ParamList:
- if Param.StartLine <= StartLine:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Parameter %s should be in its own line.' % Param.Name, 'Function', Result[1])
- if Param.StartLine - StartLine > 1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Empty line appears before Parameter %s.' % Param.Name, 'Function', Result[1])
- if not Pattern.match(Param.Name) and not Param.Name in ParamIgnoreList and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Param.Name):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Parameter [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
- StartLine = Param.StartLine
- if not Result[0].endswith('\n )') and not Result[0].endswith('\r )'):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, '\')\' should be on a new line and indented two spaces', 'Function', Result[1])
-def CheckFuncLayoutPrototype(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- Db = GetDB()
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, Name, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- FuncDefList = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncDefList.append(Result)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- FuncDeclList = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncDeclList.append(Result)
- UndeclFuncList = []
- for FuncDef in FuncDefList:
- FuncName = FuncDef[2].strip()
- FuncModifier = FuncDef[0]
- FuncDefHeader = FuncDef[1]
- for FuncDecl in FuncDeclList:
- LBPos = FuncDecl[1].find('(')
- DeclName = FuncDecl[1][0:LBPos].strip()
- DeclModifier = FuncDecl[0]
- if DeclName == FuncName:
- if DiffModifier(FuncModifier, DeclModifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, FuncName):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, 'Function [%s] modifier different with prototype.' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
- ParamListOfDef = GetParamList(FuncDefHeader)
- ParamListOfDecl = GetParamList(FuncDecl[1])
- if len(ParamListOfDef) != len(ParamListOfDecl) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, FuncName):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, 'Parameter number different in function [%s].' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
- break
- Index = 0
- while Index < len(ParamListOfDef):
- if DiffModifier(ParamListOfDef[Index].Modifier, ParamListOfDecl[Index].Modifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, FuncName):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, 'Parameter %s has different modifier with prototype in function [%s].' % (ParamListOfDef[Index].Name, FuncName), 'Function', FuncDef[3])
- Index += 1
- break
- else:
- UndeclFuncList.append(FuncDef)
- IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
- FuncDeclList = []
- for F in IncludeFileList:
- FileID = GetTableID(F, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- continue
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncDeclList.append(Result)
- for FuncDef in UndeclFuncList:
- FuncName = FuncDef[2].strip()
- FuncModifier = FuncDef[0]
- FuncDefHeader = FuncDef[1]
- for FuncDecl in FuncDeclList:
- LBPos = FuncDecl[1].find('(')
- DeclName = FuncDecl[1][0:LBPos].strip()
- DeclModifier = FuncDecl[0]
- if DeclName == FuncName:
- if DiffModifier(FuncModifier, DeclModifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, FuncName):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, 'Function [%s] modifier different with prototype.' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
- ParamListOfDef = GetParamList(FuncDefHeader)
- ParamListOfDecl = GetParamList(FuncDecl[1])
- if len(ParamListOfDef) != len(ParamListOfDecl) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, FuncName):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, 'Parameter number different in function [%s].' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
- break
- Index = 0
- while Index < len(ParamListOfDef):
- if DiffModifier(ParamListOfDef[Index].Modifier, ParamListOfDecl[Index].Modifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, FuncName):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, 'Parameter %s has different modifier with prototype in function [%s].' % (ParamListOfDef[Index].Name, FuncName), 'Function', FuncDef[3])
- Index += 1
- break
-def CheckFuncLayoutBody(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- Db = GetDB()
- SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartColumn, EndColumn, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if Result[0] != 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_BODY, 'open brace should be at the very beginning of a line.', 'Function', Result[2])
- if Result[1] != 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_BODY, 'close brace should be at the very beginning of a line.', 'Function', Result[2])
-def CheckFuncLayoutLocalVariable(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- FL = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FL.append(Result)
- for F in FL:
- SqlStatement = """ select Name, Value, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d and BelongsToFunction = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, F[0])
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- continue
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if len(Result[1]) > 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_NO_INIT_OF_VARIABLE, 'Variable Name: %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
-def CheckMemberVariableFormat(Name, Value, FileTable, TdId, ModelId):
- ErrMsgList = []
- # Member variable format pattern.
- Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
- LBPos = Value.find('{')
- RBPos = Value.rfind('}')
- if LBPos == -1 or RBPos == -1:
- return ErrMsgList
- Fields = Value[LBPos + 1 : RBPos]
- Fields = StripComments(Fields).strip()
- NestPos = Fields.find ('struct')
- if NestPos != -1 and (NestPos + len('struct') < len(Fields)):
- if not Fields[NestPos + len('struct') + 1].isalnum():
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, Name):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, 'Nested struct in [%s].' % (Name), FileTable, TdId)
- return ErrMsgList
- NestPos = Fields.find ('union')
- if NestPos != -1 and (NestPos + len('union') < len(Fields)):
- if not Fields[NestPos + len('union') + 1].isalnum():
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, Name):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, 'Nested union in [%s].' % (Name), FileTable, TdId)
- return ErrMsgList
- NestPos = Fields.find ('enum')
- if NestPos != -1 and (NestPos + len('enum') < len(Fields)):
- if not Fields[NestPos + len('enum') + 1].isalnum():
- if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, Name):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, 'Nested enum in [%s].' % (Name), FileTable, TdId)
- return ErrMsgList
- FieldsList = Fields.split(',')
- # deal with enum is pre-assigned a value by function call ( , , , ...)
- QuoteCount = 0
- Index = 0
- RemoveCurrentElement = False
- while Index < len(FieldsList):
- Field = FieldsList[Index]
- if Field.find('(') != -1:
- QuoteCount += 1
- RemoveCurrentElement = True
- Index += 1
- continue
- if Field.find(')') != -1 and QuoteCount > 0:
- QuoteCount -= 1
- if RemoveCurrentElement:
- FieldsList.remove(Field)
- if QuoteCount == 0:
- RemoveCurrentElement = False
- continue
- if QuoteCount == 0:
- RemoveCurrentElement = False
- Index += 1
- else:
- FieldsList = Fields.split(';')
- for Field in FieldsList:
- Field = Field.strip()
- if Field == '':
- continue
- # For the condition that the field in struct is an array with [] sufixes...
- if Field[-1] == ']':
- LBPos = Field.find('[')
- Field = Field[0:LBPos]
- # For the condition that bit field ": Number"
- if Field.find(':') != -1:
- ColonPos = Field.find(':')
- Field = Field[0:ColonPos]
- Field = Field.strip()
- if Field == '':
- continue
- # Enum could directly assign value to variable
- Field = Field.split('=')[0].strip()
- TokenList = Field.split()
- # Remove pointers before variable
- if not Pattern.match(TokenList[-1].lstrip('*')):
- ErrMsgList.append(TokenList[-1].lstrip('*'))
- return ErrMsgList
-def CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, ModelId):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Name, StartLine, EndLine, ID, Value
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, ModelId)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- ResultList = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- ResultList.append(Result)
- elif ModelId == DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_UNION:
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
- TdSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- TdList = []
- for Td in TdSet:
- TdList.append(Td)
- # Check member variable name format that from typedefs of ONLY this file.
- for Td in TdList:
- Name = Td[1].strip()
- Value = Td[2].strip()
- if Value.startswith('enum'):
- elif Value.startswith('struct'):
- elif Value.startswith('union'):
- else:
- continue
- if ValueModelId != ModelId:
- continue
- # Check member variable format.
- ErrMsgList = CheckMemberVariableFormat(Name, Value, FileTable, Td[5], ModelId)
- for ErrMsg in ErrMsgList:
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Name+'.'+ErrMsg):
- continue
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Member variable [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % (Name+'.'+ErrMsg), FileTable, Td[5])
- # First check in current file to see whether struct/union/enum is typedef-ed.
- UntypedefedList = []
- for Result in ResultList:
- # Check member variable format.
- Name = Result[0].strip()
- Value = Result[4].strip()
- if Value.startswith('enum'):
- elif Value.startswith('struct'):
- elif Value.startswith('union'):
- else:
- continue
- if ValueModelId != ModelId:
- continue
- ErrMsgList = CheckMemberVariableFormat(Name, Value, FileTable, Result[3], ModelId)
- for ErrMsg in ErrMsgList:
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Result[0]+'.'+ErrMsg):
- continue
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Member variable [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % (Result[0]+'.'+ErrMsg), FileTable, Result[3])
- # Check whether it is typedefed.
- Found = False
- for Td in TdList:
- # skip function pointer
- if len(Td[0]) > 0:
- continue
- if Result[1] >= Td[3] and Td[4] >= Result[2]:
- Found = True
- if not Td[1].isupper():
- PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
- if Result[0] in Td[2].split():
- Found = True
- if not Td[1].isupper():
- PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
- if Found:
- break
- if not Found:
- UntypedefedList.append(Result)
- continue
- if len(UntypedefedList) == 0:
- return
- IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
- TdList = []
- for F in IncludeFileList:
- FileID = GetTableID(F, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- continue
- IncludeFileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (IncludeFileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- TdList.extend(ResultSet)
- for Result in UntypedefedList:
- # Check whether it is typedefed.
- Found = False
- for Td in TdList:
- if len(Td[0]) > 0:
- continue
- if Result[1] >= Td[3] and Td[4] >= Result[2]:
- Found = True
- if not Td[1].isupper():
- PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
- if Result[0] in Td[2].split():
- Found = True
- if not Td[1].isupper():
- PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
- if Found:
- break
- if not Found:
- PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'No Typedef for %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[3])
- continue
-def CheckDeclStructTypedef(FullFileName):
- CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_STRUCTURE)
-def CheckDeclEnumTypedef(FullFileName):
- CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_ENUMERATE)
-def CheckDeclUnionTypedef(FullFileName):
- CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_UNION)
-def CheckDeclArgModifier(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- ModifierTuple = ('IN', 'OUT', 'OPTIONAL', 'UNALIGNED')
- for Result in ResultSet:
- for Modifier in ModifierTuple:
- if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Modifier) and len(Result[0]) < MAX_MODIFIER_LENGTH:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER, 'Variable Modifier %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
- break
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- for Modifier in ModifierTuple:
- if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Modifier):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER, 'Return Type Modifier %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
- break
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- for Modifier in ModifierTuple:
- if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Modifier):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER, 'Return Type Modifier %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
- break
-def CheckDeclNoUseCType(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- CTypeTuple = ('int', 'unsigned', 'char', 'void', 'static', 'long')
- for Result in ResultSet:
- for Type in CTypeTuple:
- if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Type):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, 'Variable type %s' % Type, FileTable, Result[2])
- break
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID, Value
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- ParamList = GetParamList(Result[1])
- FuncName = Result[3]
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, FuncName):
- continue
- for Type in CTypeTuple:
- if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Type):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, '%s Return type %s' % (FuncName, Result[0]), FileTable, Result[2])
- for Param in ParamList:
- if PatternInModifier(Param.Modifier, Type):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, 'Parameter %s' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[2])
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, ID, Name
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- ParamList = GetParamList(Result[1])
- FuncName = Result[3]
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, FuncName):
- continue
- for Type in CTypeTuple:
- if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Type):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, '[%s] Return type %s' % (FuncName, Result[0]), FileTable, Result[2])
- for Param in ParamList:
- if PatternInModifier(Param.Modifier, Type):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, 'Parameter %s' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[2])
-def CheckPointerNullComparison(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- # cache the found function return type to accelerate later checking in this file.
- FuncReturnTypeDict = {}
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return
- PSL = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- PSL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2]])
- SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartLine, EndLine, Header, Modifier, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- FL = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], Result[3], Result[4]])
- p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
- for Str in PSL:
- FuncRecord = GetFuncContainsPE(Str[1], FL)
- if FuncRecord == None:
- continue
- for Exp in GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(Str[0]):
- PredInfo = SplitPredicateStr(Exp)
- if PredInfo[1] == None:
- PredVarStr = PredInfo[0][0].strip()
- IsFuncCall = False
- SearchInCache = False
- # PredVarStr may contain '.' or '->'
- TmpStr = PredVarStr.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
- if p.match(TmpStr):
- PredVarStr = PredVarStr[0:PredVarStr.find('(')]
- SearchInCache = True
- # Only direct function call using IsFuncCall branch. Multi-level ref. function call is considered a variable.
- if TmpStr.startswith(PredVarStr):
- IsFuncCall = True
- if PredVarStr.strip() in IgnoredKeywordList:
- continue
- StarList = []
- PredVarList = GetCNameList(PredVarStr, StarList)
- # No variable found, maybe value first? like (0 == VarName)
- if len(PredVarList) == 0:
- continue
- if SearchInCache:
- Type = FuncReturnTypeDict.get(PredVarStr)
- if Type != None:
- if Type.find('*') != -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_COMPARISON_NULL_TYPE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
- continue
- if PredVarStr in FuncReturnTypeDict:
- continue
- Type = GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall, None, StarList)
- if SearchInCache:
- FuncReturnTypeDict[PredVarStr] = Type
- if Type == None:
- continue
- Type = GetTypeFromArray(Type, PredVarStr)
- if Type.find('*') != -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_COMPARISON_NULL_TYPE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
-def CheckNonBooleanValueComparison(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- # cache the found function return type to accelerate later checking in this file.
- FuncReturnTypeDict = {}
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return
- PSL = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- PSL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2]])
- SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartLine, EndLine, Header, Modifier, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- FL = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], Result[3], Result[4]])
- p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
- for Str in PSL:
- FuncRecord = GetFuncContainsPE(Str[1], FL)
- if FuncRecord == None:
- continue
- for Exp in GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(Str[0]):
-# if p.match(Exp):
-# continue
- PredInfo = SplitPredicateStr(Exp)
- if PredInfo[1] == None:
- PredVarStr = PredInfo[0][0].strip()
- IsFuncCall = False
- SearchInCache = False
- # PredVarStr may contain '.' or '->'
- TmpStr = PredVarStr.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
- if p.match(TmpStr):
- PredVarStr = PredVarStr[0:PredVarStr.find('(')]
- SearchInCache = True
- # Only direct function call using IsFuncCall branch. Multi-level ref. function call is considered a variable.
- if TmpStr.startswith(PredVarStr):
- IsFuncCall = True
- if PredVarStr.strip() in IgnoredKeywordList:
- continue
- StarList = []
- PredVarList = GetCNameList(PredVarStr, StarList)
- # No variable found, maybe value first? like (0 == VarName)
- if len(PredVarList) == 0:
- continue
- if SearchInCache:
- Type = FuncReturnTypeDict.get(PredVarStr)
- if Type != None:
- if Type.find('BOOLEAN') == -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_NO_BOOLEAN_OPERATOR, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
- continue
- if PredVarStr in FuncReturnTypeDict:
- continue
- Type = GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall, 'BOOLEAN', StarList)
- if SearchInCache:
- FuncReturnTypeDict[PredVarStr] = Type
- if Type == None:
- continue
- if Type.find('BOOLEAN') == -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_NO_BOOLEAN_OPERATOR, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
-def CheckBooleanValueComparison(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- # cache the found function return type to accelerate later checking in this file.
- FuncReturnTypeDict = {}
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return
- PSL = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- PSL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2]])
- SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartLine, EndLine, Header, Modifier, ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- FL = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], Result[3], Result[4]])
- p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
- for Str in PSL:
- FuncRecord = GetFuncContainsPE(Str[1], FL)
- if FuncRecord == None:
- continue
- for Exp in GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(Str[0]):
- PredInfo = SplitPredicateStr(Exp)
- if PredInfo[1] in ('==', '!=') and PredInfo[0][1] in ('TRUE', 'FALSE'):
- PredVarStr = PredInfo[0][0].strip()
- IsFuncCall = False
- SearchInCache = False
- # PredVarStr may contain '.' or '->'
- TmpStr = PredVarStr.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
- if p.match(TmpStr):
- PredVarStr = PredVarStr[0:PredVarStr.find('(')]
- SearchInCache = True
- # Only direct function call using IsFuncCall branch. Multi-level ref. function call is considered a variable.
- if TmpStr.startswith(PredVarStr):
- IsFuncCall = True
- if PredVarStr.strip() in IgnoredKeywordList:
- continue
- StarList = []
- PredVarList = GetCNameList(PredVarStr, StarList)
- # No variable found, maybe value first? like (0 == VarName)
- if len(PredVarList) == 0:
- continue
- if SearchInCache:
- Type = FuncReturnTypeDict.get(PredVarStr)
- if Type != None:
- if Type.find('BOOLEAN') != -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_BOOLEAN_VALUE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
- continue
- if PredVarStr in FuncReturnTypeDict:
- continue
- Type = GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall, 'BOOLEAN', StarList)
- if SearchInCache:
- FuncReturnTypeDict[PredVarStr] = Type
- if Type == None:
- continue
- if Type.find('BOOLEAN') != -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_BOOLEAN_VALUE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
-def CheckHeaderFileData(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select ID, Modifier
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if not Result[1].startswith('extern'):
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_DATA, 'Variable definition appears in header file', FileTable, Result[0])
- SqlStatement = """ select ID
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % FileID
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_DATA, 'Function definition appears in header file', 'Function', Result[0])
- return ErrorMsgList
-def CheckHeaderFileIfndef(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine
- from %s
- where Model = %d order by StartLine
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_IFNDEF)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- for Result in ResultSet:
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, EndLine
- from %s
- where EndLine < %d
- """ % (FileTable, Result[1])
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if not Result[0].startswith('/*') and not Result[0].startswith('//'):
- break
- SqlStatement = """ select Value
- from %s
- where StartLine > (select max(EndLine) from %s where Model = %d)
- """ % (FileTable, FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_ENDIF)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- if not Result[0].startswith('/*') and not Result[0].startswith('//'):
- return ErrorMsgList
-def CheckDoxygenCommand(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d or Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- DoxygenCommandList = ['bug', 'todo', 'example', 'file', 'attention', 'param', 'post', 'pre', 'retval', 'return', 'sa', 'since', 'test', 'note', 'par']
- for Result in ResultSet:
- CommentStr = Result[0]
- CommentPartList = CommentStr.split()
- for Part in CommentPartList:
- if Part.upper() == 'BUGBUG':
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Bug should be marked with doxygen tag @bug', FileTable, Result[1])
- if Part.upper() == 'TODO':
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'ToDo should be marked with doxygen tag @todo', FileTable, Result[1])
- if Part.startswith('@'):
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, Part):
- continue
- if Part.lstrip('@').isalpha():
- if Part.lstrip('@') not in DoxygenCommandList:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Unknown doxygen command %s' % Part, FileTable, Result[1])
- else:
- Index = Part.find('[')
- if Index == -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Unknown doxygen command %s' % Part, FileTable, Result[1])
- RealCmd = Part[1:Index]
- if RealCmd not in DoxygenCommandList:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Unknown doxygen command %s' % Part, FileTable, Result[1])
-def CheckDoxygenTripleForwardSlash(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- SqlStatement = """ select ID, BodyStartLine, BodyStartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- return
- FuncDefSet = []
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncDefSet.append(Result)
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, ID, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- CommentSet = []
- try:
- for Result in ResultSet:
- CommentSet.append(Result)
- except:
- print 'Unrecognized chars in comment of file %s', FullFileName
- for Result in CommentSet:
- CommentStr = Result[0]
- StartLine = Result[2]
- StartColumn = Result[3]
- EndLine = Result[4]
- EndColumn = Result[5]
- if not CommentStr.startswith('///<'):
- continue
- Found = False
- for FuncDef in FuncDefSet:
- if StartLine == FuncDef[1] and StartColumn > FuncDef[2] and EndLine == FuncDef[3] and EndColumn < FuncDef[4]:
- Found = True
- break
- if StartLine > FuncDef[1] and EndLine < FuncDef[3]:
- Found = True
- break
- if StartLine == FuncDef[1] and StartColumn > FuncDef[2] and EndLine < FuncDef[3]:
- Found = True
- break
- if StartLine > FuncDef[1] and EndLine == FuncDef[3] and EndColumn < FuncDef[4]:
- Found = True
- break
- if Found:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_FORMAT, '', FileTable, Result[1])
-def CheckFileHeaderDoxygenComments(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d and (StartLine = 1 or StartLine = 7 or StartLine = 8) and StartColumn = 0
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- if len(ResultSet) == 0:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'No Comment appear at the very beginning of file.', 'File', FileID)
- return ErrorMsgList
- IsFoundError1 = True
- IsFoundError2 = True
- IsFoundError3 = True
- for Result in ResultSet:
- CommentStr = Result[0].strip()
- ID = Result[1]
- if CommentStr.startswith('/** @file'):
- IsFoundError1 = False
- if CommentStr.endswith('**/'):
- IsFoundError2 = False
- if CommentStr.find('.') != -1:
- IsFoundError3 = False
- if IsFoundError1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, 'File header comment should begin with ""/** @file""', FileTable, ID)
- if IsFoundError2:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'File header comment should end with ""**/""', FileTable, ID)
- if IsFoundError3:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION, 'Comment description should end with period "".""', FileTable, ID)
-def CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments(FullFileName):
- ErrorMsgList = []
- FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
- if FileID < 0:
- return ErrorMsgList
- Db = GetDB()
- FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- CommentSet = []
- try:
- for Result in ResultSet:
- CommentSet.append(Result)
- except:
- print 'Unrecognized chars in comment of file %s', FullFileName
- # Func Decl check
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, StartLine, ID, Value
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncName = Result[4]
- FunctionHeaderComment = CheckCommentImmediatelyPrecedeFunctionHeader(Result[1], Result[2], CommentSet)
- if FunctionHeaderComment:
- CheckFunctionHeaderConsistentWithDoxygenComment(Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], FunctionHeaderComment[0], FunctionHeaderComment[1], ErrorMsgList, FunctionHeaderComment[3], FileTable)
- else:
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, FuncName):
- continue
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d :Function %s has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (Result[2], Result[1]))
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, 'Function [%s] has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (FuncName), FileTable, Result[3])
- # Func Def check
- SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
- from %s
- where Model = %d
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- CommentSet = []
- try:
- for Result in ResultSet:
- CommentSet.append(Result)
- except:
- print 'Unrecognized chars in comment of file %s', FullFileName
- SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, StartLine, ID, Name
- from Function
- where BelongsToFile = %d
- """ % (FileID)
- ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
- for Result in ResultSet:
- FuncName = Result[4]
- FunctionHeaderComment = CheckCommentImmediatelyPrecedeFunctionHeader(Result[1], Result[2], CommentSet)
- if FunctionHeaderComment:
- CheckFunctionHeaderConsistentWithDoxygenComment(Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], FunctionHeaderComment[0], FunctionHeaderComment[1], ErrorMsgList, FunctionHeaderComment[3], FileTable)
- else:
- if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, FuncName):
- continue
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d :Function [%s] has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (Result[2], Result[1]))
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, 'Function [%s] has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (FuncName), 'Function', Result[3])
- return ErrorMsgList
-def CheckCommentImmediatelyPrecedeFunctionHeader(FuncName, FuncStartLine, CommentSet):
- for Comment in CommentSet:
- if Comment[2] == FuncStartLine - 1:
- return Comment
- return None
-def GetDoxygenStrFromComment(Str):
- DoxygenStrList = []
- ParamTagList = Str.split('@param')
- if len(ParamTagList) > 1:
- i = 1
- while i < len(ParamTagList):
- DoxygenStrList.append('@param' + ParamTagList[i])
- i += 1
- Str = ParamTagList[0]
- RetvalTagList = ParamTagList[-1].split('@retval')
- if len(RetvalTagList) > 1:
- if len(ParamTagList) > 1:
- DoxygenStrList[-1] = '@param' + RetvalTagList[0]
- i = 1
- while i < len(RetvalTagList):
- DoxygenStrList.append('@retval' + RetvalTagList[i])
- i += 1
- ReturnTagList = RetvalTagList[-1].split('@return')
- if len(ReturnTagList) > 1:
- if len(RetvalTagList) > 1:
- DoxygenStrList[-1] = '@retval' + ReturnTagList[0]
- elif len(ParamTagList) > 1:
- DoxygenStrList[-1] = '@param' + ReturnTagList[0]
- i = 1
- while i < len(ReturnTagList):
- DoxygenStrList.append('@return' + ReturnTagList[i])
- i += 1
- if len(DoxygenStrList) > 0:
- DoxygenStrList[-1] = DoxygenStrList[-1].rstrip('--*/')
- return DoxygenStrList
-def CheckGeneralDoxygenCommentLayout(Str, StartLine, ErrorMsgList, CommentId = -1, TableName = ''):
- #/** --*/ @retval after @param
- if not Str.startswith('/**'):
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Comment does NOT have prefix /** ' % StartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Comment does NOT have prefix /** ', TableName, CommentId)
- if not Str.endswith('**/'):
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Comment does NOT have tail **/ ' % StartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Comment does NOT have tail **/ ', TableName, CommentId)
- FirstRetvalIndex = Str.find('@retval')
- LastParamIndex = Str.rfind('@param')
- if (FirstRetvalIndex > 0) and (LastParamIndex > 0) and (FirstRetvalIndex < LastParamIndex):
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : @retval appear before @param ' % StartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, @retval appear before @param ', TableName, CommentId)
-def CheckFunctionHeaderConsistentWithDoxygenComment(FuncModifier, FuncHeader, FuncStartLine, CommentStr, CommentStartLine, ErrorMsgList, CommentId = -1, TableName = ''):
- ParamList = GetParamList(FuncHeader)
- CheckGeneralDoxygenCommentLayout(CommentStr, CommentStartLine, ErrorMsgList, CommentId, TableName)
- DescriptionStr = CommentStr
- DoxygenStrList = GetDoxygenStrFromComment(DescriptionStr)
- if DescriptionStr.find('.') == -1:
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION, 'Comment description should end with period \'.\'', TableName, CommentId)
- DoxygenTagNumber = len(DoxygenStrList)
- ParamNumber = len(ParamList)
- for Param in ParamList:
- if Param.Name.upper() == 'VOID' and ParamNumber == 1:
- ParamNumber -= 1
- Index = 0
- if ParamNumber > 0 and DoxygenTagNumber > 0:
- while Index < ParamNumber and Index < DoxygenTagNumber:
- ParamModifier = ParamList[Index].Modifier
- ParamName = ParamList[Index].Name.strip()
- Tag = DoxygenStrList[Index].strip(' ')
- if (not Tag[-1] == ('\n')) and (not Tag[-1] == ('\r')):
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT end with new line ' % (CommentStartLine, Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')))
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, 'in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT end with new line ' % (Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')), TableName, CommentId)
- TagPartList = Tag.split()
- if len(TagPartList) < 2:
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT contain doxygen contents ' % (CommentStartLine, Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')))
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT contain doxygen contents ' % (Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')), TableName, CommentId)
- Index += 1
- continue
- LBPos = Tag.find('[')
- RBPos = Tag.find(']')
- ParamToLBContent = Tag[len('@param'):LBPos].strip()
- if LBPos > 0 and len(ParamToLBContent)==0 and RBPos > LBPos:
- InOutStr = ''
- ModifierPartList = ParamModifier.split()
- for Part in ModifierPartList:
- if Part.strip() == 'IN':
- InOutStr += 'in'
- if Part.strip() == 'OUT':
- if InOutStr != '':
- InOutStr += ', out'
- else:
- InOutStr = 'out'
- if InOutStr != '':
- if Tag.find('['+InOutStr+']') == -1:
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT have %s ' % (CommentStartLine, (TagPartList[0] + ' ' +TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), '['+InOutStr+']'))
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT have %s ' % ((TagPartList[0] + ' ' +TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), '['+InOutStr+']'), TableName, CommentId)
- if Tag.find(ParamName) == -1 and ParamName != 'VOID' and ParamName != 'void':
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT consistent with parameter name %s ' % (CommentStartLine, (TagPartList[0] + ' ' +TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), ParamName))
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, \"%s\" does NOT consistent with parameter name %s ' % ((TagPartList[0] + ' ' +TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), ParamName), TableName, CommentId)
- Index += 1
- if Index < ParamNumber:
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Number of doxygen tags in comment less than number of function parameters' % CommentStartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Number of doxygen tags in comment less than number of function parameters ', TableName, CommentId)
- # VOID return type, NOT VOID*. VOID* should be matched with a doxygen tag.
- if (FuncModifier.find('VOID') != -1 or FuncModifier.find('void') != -1) and FuncModifier.find('*') == -1:
- # assume we allow a return description tag for void func. return. that's why 'DoxygenTagNumber - 1' is used instead of 'DoxygenTagNumber'
- if Index < DoxygenTagNumber - 1 or (Index < DoxygenTagNumber and DoxygenStrList[Index].startswith('@retval')):
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : VOID return type need NO doxygen tags in comment' % CommentStartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'VOID return type need no doxygen tags in comment ', TableName, CommentId)
- else:
- if Index < DoxygenTagNumber and not DoxygenStrList[Index].startswith('@retval') and not DoxygenStrList[Index].startswith('@return'):
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Number of @param doxygen tags in comment does NOT match number of function parameters' % CommentStartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Number of @param doxygen tags in comment does NOT match number of function parameters ', TableName, CommentId)
- else:
- if ParamNumber == 0 and DoxygenTagNumber != 0 and ((FuncModifier.find('VOID') != -1 or FuncModifier.find('void') != -1) and FuncModifier.find('*') == -1):
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : VOID return type need NO doxygen tags in comment' % CommentStartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'VOID return type need NO doxygen tags in comment ', TableName, CommentId)
- if ParamNumber != 0 and DoxygenTagNumber == 0:
- ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : No doxygen tags in comment' % CommentStartLine)
- PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'No doxygen tags in comment ', TableName, CommentId)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-# EdkLogger.Initialize()
-# EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET)
-# CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(sys.argv[1])
- MsgList = CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments('C:\\Combo\\R9\\LakeportX64Dev\\FlashDevicePkg\\Library\\SpiFlashChipM25P64\\SpiFlashChipM25P64.c')
- for Msg in MsgList:
- print Msg
- print 'Done!'
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/config.ini b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/config.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 357c52ced0..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/config.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# This file is used to set configuration of ECC tool
-# For the items listed below, 1 means valid, 0 means invalid
-# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Identify the version of current configuration
-Version = 0.1
-# Identify to if check all items
-# 1 - Check all items and ignore all other detailed items
-# 0 - Not check all items, the tool will go through all other detailed items to decide to check or not
-CheckAll = 0
-# Identify to if automatically correct mistakes
-# 1 - Automatically correct
-# 0 - Not automatically correct
-# Only the following check points can be automatically corrected, others not listed below are not supported even it is 1
-# GeneralCheckTab
-# GeneralCheckIndentation
-# GeneralCheckLine
-# GeneralCheckCarriageReturn
-# SpaceCheckAll
-AutoCorrect = 1
-# List customized Modifer here, split with ','
-# General Checking
-GeneralCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether NO Tab is used, replaced with spaces
-GeneralCheckNoTab = 1
-# The width of Tab
-GeneralCheckTabWidth = 2
-# Check whether the indentation is followed coding style
-GeneralCheckIndentation = 1
-# The width of indentation
-GeneralCheckIndentationWidth = 2
-# Check whether no line is exceeding defined widty
-GeneralCheckLine = 1
-# The width of a line
-GeneralCheckLineWidth = 120
-# Check whether no use of _asm in the source file
-GeneralCheckNo_Asm = 1
-# Check whether no use of "#progma" in source file except "#pragma pack(#)".
-GeneralCheckNoProgma = 1
-# Check whether there is a carriage return at the end of the file
-GeneralCheckCarriageReturn = 1
-# Check whether the file exists
-GeneralCheckFileExistence = 1
-# Check whether file has non ACSII char
-GeneralCheckNonAcsii = 1
-# Space Checking
-SpaceCheckAll = 1
-# Predicate Expression Checking
-PredicateExpressionCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether Boolean values, variable type BOOLEAN not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE
-PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue = 1
-# Check whether Non-Boolean comparisons use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=).
-PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator = 1
-# Check whether a comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type
-PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType = 1
-# Headers Checking
-HeaderCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether File header exists
-HeaderCheckFile = 1
-# Check whether Function header exists
-HeaderCheckFunction = 1
-# C Function Layout Checking
-CFunctionLayoutCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether return type exists and in the first line
-CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType = 1
-# Check whether any optional functional modifiers exist and next to the return type
-CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier = 1
-# Check whether the next line contains the function name, left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list
-# Check whether the closing parenthesis is on its own line and also indented two spaces
-CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName = 1
-# Check whether the function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions
-CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype = 1
-# Check whether the body of a function is contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column
-CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody = 1
-# Check whether the data declarations is the first code in a module.
-CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration = 1
-# Check whether no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration
-CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable = 1
-# Check whether no use of STATIC for functions
-CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic = 1
-# Include Files Checking
-IncludeFileCheckAll = 0
-#Check whether having include files with same name
-IncludeFileCheckSameName = 1
-# Check whether all include file contents is guarded by a #ifndef statement.
-# the #ifndef must be the first line of code following the file header comment
-# the #endif must appear on the last line in the file
-IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement = 1
-# Check whether include files contain only public or only private data
-# Check whether include files NOT contain code or define data variables
-IncludeFileCheckData = 1
-# Declarations and Data Types Checking
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether no use of int, unsigned, char, void, static, long in any .c, .h or .asl files.
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType = 1
-# Check whether the modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED are used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier = 1
-# Check whether the EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier = 1
-# Check whether Enumerated Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType = 1
-# Check whether Structure Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration = 1
-# Check whether having same Structure
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure = 1
-# Check whether Union Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
-DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType = 1
-# Naming Conventions Checking
-NamingConventionCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether only capital letters are used for #define declarations
-NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement = 1
-# Check whether only capital letters are used for typedef declarations
-NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement = 1
-# Check whether the #ifndef at the start of an include file uses both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'.
-NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement = 1
-# Rule for path name, variable name and function name
-# 1. First character should be upper case
-# 2. Existing lower case in a word
-# 3. No space existence
-# 4. Global variable name must start by a 'g'
-# Check whether the path name followed the rule
-NamingConventionCheckPathName = 1
-# Check whether the variable name followed the rule
-NamingConventionCheckVariableName = 1
-# Check whether the function name followed the rule
-NamingConventionCheckFunctionName = 1
-# Check whether NO use short variable name with single character
-NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable = 1
-# Doxygen Checking
-DoxygenCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether the file headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
-DoxygenCheckFileHeader = 1
-# Check whether the function headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
-DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader = 1
-# Check whether the first line of text in a comment block is a brief description of the element being documented.
-# The brief description must end with a period.
-DoxygenCheckCommentDescription = 1
-# Check whether comment lines with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section.
-DoxygenCheckCommentFormat = 1
-# Check whether only Doxygen commands allowed to mark the code are @bug and @todo.
-DoxygenCheckCommand = 1
-# Meta-Data File Processing Checking
-MetaDataFileCheckAll = 0
-# Check whether each file defined in meta-data exists
-MetaDataFileCheckPathName = 1
-# Generate a list for all files defined in meta-data files
-MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList = 1
-# The path of log file
-MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList = File.log
-# Check whether all Library Instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) match the module's type.
-# Each Library Instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its INF file,
-# and any module specifying the library instance must be one of the supported types.
-MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance = 1
-# Check whether a Library Instance has been defined for all dependent library classes
-MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent = 1
-# Check whether the Library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections are listed in order of dependencies
-MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder = 1
-# Check whether the unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the INF file
-MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse = 1
-# Check whether an INF file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the DSC file, then the INF file must be for a Binary module only
-MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf = 1
-# Not to report error and warning related OS include file such as "windows.h" and "stdio.h".
-# Check whether a PCD is set in a DSC file or the FDF file, but not in both.
-MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate = 1
-# Check whether PCD settings in the FDF file can only be related to flash.
-MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash = 1
-# Check whether PCDs used in INF files but not specified in DSC or FDF files
-MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse = 1
-# Check whether having duplicate guids defined for Guid/Protocol/Ppi
-MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate = 1
-# Check whether all files under module directory are described in INF files
-MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse = 1
-# Check whether the PCD is correctly used in C function via its type
-MetaDataFileCheckPcdType = 1
-# Check whether there are FILE_GUID duplication among different INF files
-MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication = 1
-# The check points in this section are reserved
-# GotoStatementCheckAll = 0
-# SpellingCheckAll = 0
-# A list for binary file ext name
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/exception.xml b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/exception.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9102de6fef..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/exception.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ExceptionList xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http:/">
- <Copyright>Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.</Copyright>
- <License>
- This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
- under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution.
- The full text of the license may be found at
- </License>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_break</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>InternalX86DisablePaging32</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>InternalX86EnablePaging32</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>InternalLongJump</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>SetJump</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>IoRead8</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>IoWrite8</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>IoRead16</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>IoWrite16</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>IoRead32</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>IoWrite32</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>@</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>@R1</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>@R2</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>@Rx</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>@R2.</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>_DriverUnloadHandler</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>8006</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <KeyWord>ASSERT</KeyWord>
- <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
- <Exception>
- <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
- </Exception>
-</ExceptionList> \ No newline at end of file