path: root/contrib/hdload/petr.msg
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/hdload/petr.msg b/contrib/hdload/petr.msg
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index a3134d04c..000000000
--- a/contrib/hdload/petr.msg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-From netboot-owner@baghira.han.de Thu Sep 16 12:08:44 1999
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-Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:10:28 +0200 (CEST)
-From: Petr Olivka <Petr.Olivka@vsb.cz>
-To: netboot@baghira.han.de
-Subject: netboot image on hard disk - it is easy
-In-Reply-To: <37DF4BD4.E8FFF8FC@gsmbox.com>
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-It is good joke, at this moment I have only simple version of MBR to load
-image from HD, but only from track 0. HD have to have enough sectors per
-track for rom image.
-And small program in turbo-pascal to download image to HD.
-below is assembler code for MBR. Is writen for tasm and tlink.
-If you have 512 bytes binary file with MBR code, then concat it with
-rom-image and download to hda. BUT NOT DIRECTLY !!!! You have to copy
-partition table ( and NT signature ) to MBR and then download. BUT ONLY tO
-Everything in your own risk.
-If I will have some free time, I will write some code directly to netboot.
-.model large, pascal
- public mbrasm, mbrend
-ROMLOAD equ 5000h
- org 600h
-mbrasm proc
- cli
- xor ax, ax
- mov ss, ax
- mov sp, 7C00h
- mov si, sp
- mov es, ax
- mov ds, ax
- sti
- cld
- mov di, 600h
- mov cx, 100h
- rep movsw
- db 0EAh
- dw offset @@jump
- dw 0
- mov si, offset Hlaska
- call @@print
- ; rozmery prvniho HD
- mov ah, 8
- mov dl, 80h
- int 13h
- jc @@chyba
- ; dh - H, cx - CS
- ; prvi stopa obsahuje bootrom, tak ji natahneme do RAM
- mov ah, 2
- mov al, cl
- and al, 3Fh
- dec al
- mov dx, 80h
- mov cx, 2
- mov bx, ROMLOAD
- mov es, bx
- xor bx, bx
- int 13h
- jc @@chyba
- ; hromada kodu podle zdrojaku netboot
- xor di, di
- mov es, di
- mov di, 380h
- push di
- mov cx, 10
- cld
- rep stosw
- pop di
- mov word ptr [ di ], 5a5ah
- mov byte ptr [ di + 2 ], 50h
- mov word ptr [ di + 10h ], 0FFFFh
- mov word ptr [ di + 12h ], 0FFFFh
- ; navratova adresa, kdyby nezabrala ROM
- mov OfsErr, offset RomErr
- push cs
- push offset @@chyba
- mov ax, ROMLOAD
- mov es, ax
- push es
- ; kouzelny jump....
- mov si, es:[ 1ah ]
- push word ptr es:[ si + 1ah ] ; ...do bootrom v RAM
- retf
- mov si, OfsErr
- call @@print
- mov si, offset CRLF
- call @@print
- jmp @@chyba
- lodsb
- cmp al,0
- je @@navrat
- push si
- mov bx,7
- mov ah,0Eh
- int 10h
- pop si
- jmp @@print
- retn
-Hlaska db 13, 10, 'HD Net Loader v1.0 (c) poli 1999', 13, 10, 0
-CRLF db 13, 10, 0
-OfsErr dw offset Error
-Error db 'Error load from HD !', 0
-RomErr db 'ROM Error !', 0
-mbrasm endp
-mbrend proc
- ret
-mbrend endp
- org 800h - 2
- dw 0AA55h
-This Mail was sent to netboot mailing list by:
-Petr Olivka <Petr.Olivka@vsb.cz>
-To get help about this list, send a mail with 'help' as the only string in
-it's body to majordomo@baghira.han.de. If you have problems with this list,
-send a mail to netboot-owner@baghira.han.de.