path: root/src
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4 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/ipxe/efi/Protocol/ServiceBinding.h b/src/include/ipxe/efi/Protocol/ServiceBinding.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6baf73aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/ipxe/efi/Protocol/ServiceBinding.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/** @file
+ UEFI Service Binding Protocol is defined in UEFI specification.
+ The file defines the generic Service Binding Protocol functions.
+ It provides services that are required to create and destroy child
+ handles that support a given set of protocols.
+ Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+/// Forward reference for pure ANSI compatability
+ Creates a child handle and installs a protocol.
+ The CreateChild() function installs a protocol on ChildHandle.
+ If ChildHandle is a pointer to NULL, then a new handle is created and returned in ChildHandle.
+ If ChildHandle is not a pointer to NULL, then the protocol installs on the existing ChildHandle.
+ @param This Pointer to the EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param ChildHandle Pointer to the handle of the child to create. If it is NULL,
+ then a new handle is created. If it is a pointer to an existing UEFI handle,
+ then the protocol is added to the existing UEFI handle.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCES The protocol was added to ChildHandle.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ChildHandle is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to create
+ the child
+ @retval other The child handle was not created
+ IN OUT EFI_HANDLE *ChildHandle
+ );
+ Destroys a child handle with a protocol installed on it.
+ The DestroyChild() function does the opposite of CreateChild(). It removes a protocol
+ that was installed by CreateChild() from ChildHandle. If the removed protocol is the
+ last protocol on ChildHandle, then ChildHandle is destroyed.
+ @param This Pointer to the EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param ChildHandle Handle of the child to destroy
+ @retval EFI_SUCCES The protocol was removed from ChildHandle.
+ @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED ChildHandle does not support the protocol that is being removed.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Child handle is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The protocol could not be removed from the ChildHandle
+ because its services are being used.
+ @retval other The child handle was not destroyed
+ IN EFI_HANDLE ChildHandle
+ );
+/// The EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL provides member functions to create and destroy
+/// child handles. A driver is responsible for adding protocols to the child handle
+/// in CreateChild() and removing protocols in DestroyChild(). It is also required
+/// that the CreateChild() function opens the parent protocol BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER
+/// to establish the parent-child relationship, and closes the protocol in DestroyChild().
+/// The pseudo code for CreateChild() and DestroyChild() is provided to specify the
+/// required behavior, not to specify the required implementation. Each consumer of
+/// a software protocol is responsible for calling CreateChild() when it requires the
+/// protocol and calling DestroyChild() when it is finished with that protocol.
diff --git a/src/include/ipxe/efi/efi_service.h b/src/include/ipxe/efi/efi_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca4c7b2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/ipxe/efi/efi_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/** @file
+ *
+ * EFI service binding
+ *
+ */
+#include <ipxe/efi/efi.h>
+extern int efi_service_add ( EFI_HANDLE service, EFI_GUID *binding,
+ EFI_HANDLE *handle );
+extern int efi_service_del ( EFI_HANDLE service, EFI_GUID *binding,
+ EFI_HANDLE handle );
+#endif /* _IPXE_EFI_SERVICE_H */
diff --git a/src/include/ipxe/errfile.h b/src/include/ipxe/errfile.h
index c673b9a40..083c77e1f 100644
--- a/src/include/ipxe/errfile.h
+++ b/src/include/ipxe/errfile.h
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ FILE_LICENCE ( GPL2_OR_LATER_OR_UBDL );
#define ERRFILE_uuid ( ERRFILE_CORE | 0x002a0000 )
#define ERRFILE_efi_path ( ERRFILE_CORE | 0x002b0000 )
#define ERRFILE_efi_mp ( ERRFILE_CORE | 0x002c0000 )
+#define ERRFILE_efi_service ( ERRFILE_CORE | 0x002d0000 )
#define ERRFILE_eisa ( ERRFILE_DRIVER | 0x00000000 )
#define ERRFILE_isa ( ERRFILE_DRIVER | 0x00010000 )
diff --git a/src/interface/efi/efi_service.c b/src/interface/efi/efi_service.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4129c0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/efi/efi_service.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk>.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * You can also choose to distribute this program under the terms of
+ * the Unmodified Binary Distribution Licence (as given in the file
+ * COPYING.UBDL), provided that you have satisfied its requirements.
+ */
+/** @file
+ *
+ * EFI service binding
+ *
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ipxe/efi/efi.h>
+#include <ipxe/efi/efi_service.h>
+#include <ipxe/efi/Protocol/ServiceBinding.h>
+ * Add service to child handle
+ *
+ * @v service Service binding handle
+ * @v binding Service binding protocol GUID
+ * @v handle Handle on which to install child
+ * @ret rc Return status code
+ */
+int efi_service_add ( EFI_HANDLE service, EFI_GUID *binding,
+ EFI_HANDLE *handle ) {
+ EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *bs = efi_systab->BootServices;
+ union {
+ void *interface;
+ } u;
+ EFI_STATUS efirc;
+ int rc;
+ /* Open service binding protocol */
+ if ( ( efirc = bs->OpenProtocol ( service, binding, &u.interface,
+ efi_image_handle, service,
+ rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
+ DBGC ( service, "EFISVC %s cannot open %s binding: %s\n",
+ efi_handle_name ( service ), efi_guid_ntoa ( binding ),
+ strerror ( rc ) );
+ goto err_open;
+ }
+ /* Create child handle */
+ if ( ( efirc = u.sb->CreateChild ( u.sb, handle ) ) != 0 ) {
+ rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
+ DBGC ( service, "EFISVC %s could not create %s child: %s\n",
+ efi_handle_name ( service ), efi_guid_ntoa ( binding ),
+ strerror ( rc ) );
+ goto err_create;
+ }
+ /* Success */
+ rc = 0;
+ DBGC ( service, "EFISVC %s created %s child ",
+ efi_handle_name ( service ), efi_guid_ntoa ( binding ) );
+ DBGC ( service, "%s\n", efi_handle_name ( *handle ) );
+ err_create:
+ bs->CloseProtocol ( service, binding, efi_image_handle, service );
+ err_open:
+ return rc;
+ * Remove service from child handle
+ *
+ * @v service Service binding handle
+ * @v binding Service binding protocol GUID
+ * @v handle Child handle
+ * @ret rc Return status code
+ */
+int efi_service_del ( EFI_HANDLE service, EFI_GUID *binding,
+ EFI_HANDLE handle ) {
+ EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *bs = efi_systab->BootServices;
+ union {
+ void *interface;
+ } u;
+ EFI_STATUS efirc;
+ int rc;
+ DBGC ( service, "EFISVC %s removing %s child ",
+ efi_handle_name ( service ), efi_guid_ntoa ( binding ) );
+ DBGC ( service, "%s\n", efi_handle_name ( handle ) );
+ /* Open service binding protocol */
+ if ( ( efirc = bs->OpenProtocol ( service, binding, &u.interface,
+ efi_image_handle, service,
+ rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
+ DBGC ( service, "EFISVC %s cannot open %s binding: %s\n",
+ efi_handle_name ( service ), efi_guid_ntoa ( binding ),
+ strerror ( rc ) );
+ goto err_open;
+ }
+ /* Destroy child handle */
+ if ( ( efirc = u.sb->DestroyChild ( u.sb, handle ) ) != 0 ) {
+ rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
+ DBGC ( service, "EFISVC %s could not destroy %s child ",
+ efi_handle_name ( service ), efi_guid_ntoa ( binding ) );
+ DBGC ( service, "%s: %s\n",
+ efi_handle_name ( handle ), strerror ( rc ) );
+ goto err_destroy;
+ }
+ /* Success */
+ rc = 0;
+ err_destroy:
+ bs->CloseProtocol ( service, binding, efi_image_handle, service );
+ err_open:
+ return rc;